• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 4,679 Views, 1 Comments

Orbit: The Future Of Equestria - Ace26

This Fan Fiction revolves around two infantry stallions in the military. When they are tranfored to a new job they soon discover a long kept secret of their governemnt.

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Chapter Nine: The Waking

Sights and Charger quickly took cover. They hadn't expected this many guards on the inside. They expected most of the security to remain outside.

" Where did they all come from?" asked Sights peaking out from behind a couch. Charger gave him a shrug.

" we're going to ave to improvise." Charger said. He peaked out from behind a table. He noticed that these guards were randomly walking the hall and rooms. The were armed with stun guns and they also had flash lights, the element of darkness was not eliminated.

" Alright, there's plenty of cover, we move from furniture to furniture. Make sure you stay out of their lights." Charger ordered. Sights nodded and took out his new stun gun. Charger raised his and pointed to the elevator.

" rally point is the elevator, I'll see you in three." Charger said. Sights smiled and galloped off to a table. Charger looked out at the room. He noticed there was a reception desk he could easily make it too. He waited for a guard to turn and then he bolted for it. He ran quick and quietly skidding behind the desk.

He peaked out from the desk trying to find Sight. He looked around until he found him peaking out from behind another table. He was already half way across the room.

" Freaking snipers, they're so damn quite." Charger mumbled to himself. He then turned back towards the elevator.

He saw a line of couches and tables set up along the room. He could use those to make it to the elevator. He just had to make it there first. There was a flower pot not to far away from the first table. He could easily make it.

he looked at the guards who where facing the other way. he looked back at the pot AND BOLTED for it. he ran as quickly as he could without making noise. He passed a couch and then ducked to get low behind the pot. He then felt his hoof slip out from under him. he looked down and noticed the ground was wet. He felt himself leaning back. he was going to hit the flower pot and land on his back. He looked over to the guards, by one of their hooves layer a water bottle that was emptied.

" That explains, this shit." Charger thought. He would hit the ground any second now. He braced himself, and he did hit. he hit hard. A muffled thump echoed throughout the room.

he was still sliding when he fell. He slid past the flower pot, and then behind the first table. He came to a rough stop and crouched behind the table nervously. He knew that the guards had heard that.

He heard them shouting to each other. They were all running throughout the room now. They had their weapons out and they were looking around and under all of the furniture. Charger took a quick glance over to the elevator. he saw Sights ducked behind a pot waving for him to come over. Charger shook his head. He couldn't move with the guards all around!

He looked back towards the doors as well, a guard was making his way outside! Charger knew that if the outside was alerted, then the rest of the building would. They would go into lock down and Charger would be caught along with Sights. The mares would probably be moved to a different location, and there goes the rescue mission! Charger had to do something.

he looked over at Sights, he was raising his stun gun at the stallion headed for the door. Charger knew he would take the shot, so he pulled out his weapon.

" Shit's about to go down." Charger thought to himself. He came expecting a fight, and he was going to get it. He took in a deep breath. He heard a the blast of the stun gun. He saw the jet of green light fly across the dark room. He then heard the scream of the guard who was now on his belly with his legs twitching. The rest of ponies turned around and saw Sights. They were all aiming at him with their stun guns.

Charger then popped out. He pulled the trigger on his weapon and he hit a guard dead in the chest. He went barreling over and slamming into the ground. The other guards now all turned towards him and fired short bursts of green lasers. Charger dove and rolled away from his position and took up a kneeling firing stance behind a table. He started firing and stunning anything that moved in his direction.

More green shots flew by. Flower pots exploded. lights and cameras were shot out. Tables were being flipped for cover and more and more guard ponies kept moving in!

" We need to move!" shouted Sights still firing. Charger ducked down to reload.

" I'll run to you!" Charger replied peaking out from behind the table. Sights was still shooting. There were now piles of stunned guards around him. Charger knew they would be over run if he didn't move soon.

He looked around and found a path he could take to Sights. He realized there wasn't much cover on the path, but it was best he could do. he took in a deep breath, and then ran.

As soon as he came out from behind the table green beams of light shot by his face and body. They would hit the ground near him and send sparks flying. He was blinded by how bright they were and he felt them burn his coat as they fell on him. He kept running through all the fire and small spark explosions. Sights was firing from his position, trying to keep the guards focussed on him.

Sights was firing at random now, he was trying to keep the guards behind cover. Charger was still running. He noticed that there weren't as many shots flying by when he slid behind Sights table.

" You're holding things down pretty good over here!" joked Charger. They were both up now firing at the guards who were brave enough to get up out of cover.

As they were firing they noticed a vehicle pull up outside. It was a box shaped carriage that was all navy blue. Latched to it was a large rectangle trailer that had "SECURITY" written on it in big yellow letters.

" We've got rolling patrols!" yelled Sights over his blaster. Charger saw the vehicle as well and they both slowly started backing up towards the elevator shaft. They were still firing as they backed up.

Shots started to fly by from outside. Ponies were pouring out of the truck that had pulled up. They were all equipped with heavy stun canons and smaller stun rifles. They started to come in from the doors and from every angle. Sights leaned back and pressed the elevator button. The elevator door opened and the too stallions ducked inside.

" Please select a floor." said the elevator voice. Charger quickly hammered the second floor button with his hoof. The door didn't close.

" What's going on, close the door!" yelled Sights. Charger was frantically pushing the door close button.

" I'm trying!" Charger yelled back. Shots were now flying into the elevator and scorching the inside wall paper. Finally the door slowly started to close. Charger looked out at the destroyed lobby. As he looked at the door he swore he saw a navy blue earth pony walk in before the elevator doors closed.

" Well, we're in deep shit now." said Charger putting his stun rifle over his shoulder.

" Why's that?" asked Sights.

" Agent Boston just showed up, you know Star Dust." said Charger looking at Sights. Sights gave Charger an angered look, Charger knew Sights hated Boston ever scenes he told him what he was really doing.

The elevator stopped on Sights work floor. The door slowly opened, and out flew a flash bang. The grenade exploded and the room was filled with a white light. Slowly the light subsided and the two stallions slowly walked out of the elevator. Charger came out first, and Sights came out second after he shot up the elevators control panel.

" They are getting anywhere with this thing." Sights said smiling.

The two stallions walked through the cubicles checking every corner for possible enemies and shooting out every camera they saw. They walked through these cubicles until they found a small office.

" That's the one?" asked Charger eyeing Sights curiously."

" That's the one." Sights replied. Charger walked forward and burst through the door. He had expected to be met with another pony with a rifle, but none was there.

" You are obsoletely sure this was the right one!" Charger asked again. Sights just casually walked by and kicked the desk in the office aside. Behind the desk was a cowering unicorn.

" There he is." Said Sights. he them pointer his sniper rifle at the unicorn.

The unicorn had tears running down his face. He slowly took his hooves away from his face and simpered at them.

" Y-Your the ones making all that racket." he said still crying. Sights kept a hard face and kept punting the sniper rifle at his boss.

" You are high clearance, is that correct." asked Sights as if he didn't know his boss. The stallion looked at him confused an then he slowly nodded.

" I've done my research, every high clearance worker here had codes for an off limits room upstairs, is that correct?" asked Charger. He was checking the room for cameras and bugs. The unicorn just kept nodding.

" What do you need the codes for, I'll do anything you ask." simpered the unicorn. Sights kept his rifle fixed on him.

" What do you know of the secret room?" asked Sights. He now had threatening face on. The unicorn covered his face and started balling.

" I don't know anything, I swear!" he cried. Charger was getting tired of this. IT hurt him to see a stallion at such a high level acting like a little baby.

" You don't need to know anything, all we want is the codes. Follow us." said Charger point in out of the door." The three stallions slowly moved out of the office.

" Are you taking me hostage?" asked the unicorn still whimpering. Sights gave him an annoyed look.

" We're not interested in hostages." said Sights, however he was still pointing his gun at the unicorn.

They soon reached an electrical room on the other side of the floor. Charger walked over to the door and grabbed hold of its handle. He looked over at Sights who nodded.

" You might want to plug your ears and close your eyes." said Sights pulling out a flash bang.

" What's…." started the unicorn, but Sights had already thrown the grenade and it was too late for him to close his eyes. The bomb exploded once again filling the room with white light. The unicorn covered his ears as they rang from the blast. Sights and Charger were already stunning the guards within the electrical room.

" How are you able to shoot!" asked the unicorn in amazement, still rubbing his ears. Sights and Charger didn't answer they grabbed hold of the unicorn and forced his hoof up against a fuze box. The box read "Private Controls, Off Limits to Civilian Workers."

There was a blue light that surrounded the unicorns hand. It then flashed off and there was welcoming beep. The fuze box unlocked and Charger flung it open.

" Alright, here we go." said Charger.

" Can, I go now?" asked the Unicorn his eyes starting to tear up again. Sights gave hims hard serious look, and then he looked at Charger.

" Let him go." Charger said motioning towards another office. Sights pushed away his boss and the unicorn ran down the hall.

" It's funny, he was so confident before, now he's just a scared little coward." Sights said, still staring down the hallway even after his boss had turned the corner.

Charger was flipping switches in side the fuze box. With every switch he turned lights and machinery on the top floor turned off. He finally came to the bio tank's switch. This controlled the freezing and life support. If he turned that off, they would have three minutes to reach the top of the building, other wise the mares would die from being awake in such cold water.

" Set your watch." Charger said. He hesitated and then pulled the switch.

" Alright, our three minutes starts now!" Charger instructed. They both bolted towards another elevator. They knew it was only a hallway away. They also knew the guards had probably used it to follow them upstairs.

When they turned the corner to the elevator entrance. They were completely right. There were guards everywhere. They had the elevator circled and they had plenty walking the hall.

" So, um you were caring the gas masks right." The original plan was to set off a smoke grenade and sneak onto the elevator. Chargers eyes burst open.

" YOU don't have the masks?" asked Charger is alarm. Sights looked around and then back at Sights.

" I thought you had them!" he whispered. Charger face hoover, there goes the plan.

Charger knew that they had to improvise. The elevator was obviously out of the question now. They could pull off an assault or ambush. There had to be another way. Just then the elevator opened. Out walked a few more guards, and then Boston.

Charger felt a rush of anger. That crap head had shown up just for the soul fact of keep the six imprisoned. Boston causally stepped out of the elevator and looked around. he called over one of the guard captains.

" You checked everything, correct." asked Boston. The captain nodded

" Yes sir, every room on every floor." said the Captain. Boston gave him a questioning look.

" Every floor?" asked Boston. The guard once again nodded. Boston looked around once again. He seemed to be feeling out where they were hiding.

" A new guy who punches me, and now this." said Boston.

" I don't get paid enough." He said. Boston once again looked around he started walking from guard to guard asking them questions.

Charger had to accept that he was here, he also had to accept that this would make the rescue plenty harder. He looked up at the ceiling.

" No air vents." he said to himself. He looked back out at Boston. He seemed to be done with his question sweep. He returned to the captain.

" Captain, gather some men, we're going to check the top floor again." Boston ordered.

" Why sir, if you don't mind me asking." questioned the guard. Boston gave him a puzzled look.

" They wouldn't be here for printing ink." he said. Boston and some other guards left towards the stairs.

" Send a few more up when you get the chance." ordered Boston to the Captain. The captain nodded and returned to his duties.

It was at this time, Sights got an idea.

" Hold on, just a second." Sights said as he ran off. Charger motioned for him to come back, but Sights was already down another hall. Charger couldn't imagine what had gotten into him. He was wondering what he was about to do when he heard to distinct thumps. Sights came back around the corner dragging two guards. Charger was interested now.

" What exactly are you doing?" asked Charger as Sights handed him a guard helmet.

" We're gong to get up to the top floor, by using the enemy to our advantage." said Sights putting on a guards uniform. Charger now understood what he was planning and did the same, within seconds they looked like military guards.

They both walked out from behind the corner and merged with the crowd. It took them some time, but they finally found the captain.

" Sir, are we able to assist the rest of the men up on the top floor?" asked Charger, trying to sound as normal as possible. The captain was busy telling some pony else what to do, so he just waved them away and nodded his head.

" Terrible leadership." said Charger as they walked into the stair well. Sights looked up with his mouth gaping wide open.

"We have to make it up these!" he exclaimed. Charger gave him a smile,

"it gets pretty easy after some practice." he said. Sights just gave him a annoyed look and they both started up the stairs to catch up with the group.

Boston and the other guards where now on the top floor searching the area. They were puzzled why all of the systems where turned off.

" This has to be the intruders work." said Boston. He ordered some ponies to boot up the manual systems for the life support on the tanks. The tanks once again lit up and the mares were stable.

As the guards circled the area, Boston decided he would keep a close eye on the tanks. he walked up to them. He eyed each and every mare inside. He just kept staring at them. He then finally came to Fluttershy's tank.

" You gave us some problems yesterday." he said to her.

" Yah, you gave the medics a run for their money." he said chuckling a little. He started to wonder if her waking yesterday had anything to do with the events tonight. He started to think logically and decided there was probably no connection. The systems hadn't been tampered with after they checked them yesterday. She must had woken up on her own, or it was the mixture they put in her tank that day.

Charger and Sights had now reached the top floor. They opened the door and found that the lights and monitors were all on.

" Crap, they turned the systems back on!" said Sights. Charger felt the same way, they had to hide their disappointment though, for all the guards knew, they were one of them. Charger and Sights started walking through the rooms. It was hard for Sights not to show his amazement. he kept looking over at all of lights and blinking messages.

Charger was not focussed on the equipment. It didn't seem special anymore, it was just newer stuff. His eyes were set on a door in front of them. This door led to the tank room, where their objective was waiting. Charger suddenly felt nervous. He hadn't counted on this many guards being in one spot. He also didn't think Boston would be here. They had managed to stay under the radar of regular guards, but Boston was an agent. He was trained to see through fake faces.

Sights stopped next to Charger who was staring down the door.

" I take it, that's the room we're looking for." said Sights. Charger just silently nodded. This was going to take a lot of courage. He felt he was ready though. He had to do this, he promised himself and Fluttershy that he would. he took in a final deep breath.

" Let's do this." he said stepping forward. Sights smirked and followed close behind, he rested his hoof over his stun gun.

Charger slowly put his hooves on the door. He was going to push it open and probably pull off the most difficult operation in his whole life. He closed his eyes, and then pushed the door open. He was surprised to open them and find a navy blue stallion eyeing the tanks. Charger knew exactly who it was. He waited for the doors to close, and then pulled out his stun gun, he wasn't going to let this agent get in the way.

" How's it going?" asked Charger in his real voice. The stallions ears perked up and then he slowly turned to face them.

" How did I know you would end up here?" asked Boston smiling at the two stallions. Sights had now aimed his gun at Boston as well.

" Maybe it was just a lucky guess." Charger stated. He smiled when he saw Boston's black eye and bruised face.

" Don't get cocky over my appearance." said Boston.

" I'm still the same agent." he said smiling. Charger kept his stun gun on the agents head.

" Please step away." Ordered Charger. Boston gave a him a little laugh.

" You are ordering me to move?" he asked still smirking. He was slowly moving his hoof back towards his concealed pistol. This was not a stun gun. It was a real pistol that shot actual bullets.

" Yah, seeing how I'm the one with the gun to your head, I think I'm eligible to order you around." said Charger. He didn't loosen his grip, or move his gun away. He knew Boston was planning something. He was just waiting for him to make the first move.

Boston was still groping for his weapon. He was going to shoot this stallion right between the eyes. His friend would be next.

" What do you think Sights?" asked Boston looking over to him.

" Does this impress you at all." he asked. Sights gave him a cold stare.

" It would be impressing, if it wasn't for the wrong reasons." Sights said, giving Boston a smirk.

The three stallion were in a complete stand off. Boston had his hoof on his concealed weapon and Charger and Sights were ready to fire. Boston knew they weren't stupid enough to make the first move.

" Well then, it seems we are at a stand still. Allow me to be the brave one." said Boston. In the blink of an eye he pulled out his pistol and began firing at the two stallions. They ducked in cover right before the bullets flew by. They noticed that there was no green streak flying through the air.

" LIVE ROUNDS!" Charger shouted. The two stallions brought out their real guns and returned fire. Charger sprayed the area with fire. Sparks flew everywhere! Screens where shot out and Boston dove behind a counter. Sights realized the guards had probably heard Chargers machine gun.

He quickly took his stun gun and shover it through the door handles. As he diode so there was a loud banging from the other side of the door. The guards where hitting and shoving, trying to open the door.

Charger kept firing and moving from copper to cover. He was trying to work a circle around Boston. Every time he showed his ugly face, Charger would pop off a few rounds in his direction.

" That fucker is not moving!" he though to himself. He worked his way over to the tanks. He hated Boston, but he had to remember the mission as well.

He began working with the wires and cords behind the tanks. They all seemed to connect to three large cords coming our from the monitors. Charger had been able to do enough research to figure out how to jam cameras, but he hadn't really had time to work out this part. He knew that he could kill all six of them he didn't cut the right wires. He also he'd to remember to shoot at Boston whenever he popped up.

Sights was over at the door, he was taking anything he could find and shoving it in front of the door. He heard more nags and he swear he heard more voices than before. He had to make sure they didn't make it through the door, otherwise the whole mission would be pointless! They would fail, and the six would till be sleeping! He heard the stun rifle break and the two separate pieces of it fall to the floor.

" Good thing there's more than that on the door." Sights mumbled. He pushed a shelf in front of the door. He was grabbing for another item when a hoof collided with his head. He fell back and stumbled. he looked up and saw that Boston had made his way over to him. He was bring his front legs down to crush him but he quickly rolled out of the way. He jumped back up onto his hooves and grabbed a tray. He slammed the tray across Boston's face. The agent then punched Sights in the gut. Sights was used to these kinds of punches. he did not stumble or fall he just started to pouch left and right across Boston's chest. Boston was inching backwards with every blow. He then came back around and ducked under one of his pouches. He was now behind Sights and he put him in a hold.

Sights struggled to free himself, understanding he couldn't make it out of Boston's grip by pure strength, he resorted to cheap shots. He bucked Boston dead in the balls with his back hooves. He used him as a launch pad and sent himself flying forward towards his gun. Boston toppled to the ground holding his lower area. His face was twisted with pain.

Meanwhile Charger had narrowed down three wires, to two. One controlled life support, the other was probably the sleep conditions. Figures, one could kill them if cut, the other would save them completely. Charger looked back and forth between the wires.

Gaaa! They're both red!" he said as he tried to think of which one to cut.

He was fiddling with a small knife in his hands. he came close to cutting one, but them backed away at the last second. Sights was once again trying to keep the door closed. He was now shoving himself up against the door.

" Hurry up!" he said as he pushed the doors closed. Charger understood that the guards would make there way in, he had to cut something NOW.

Sweat poorer down his muzzle as he started cutting away at one of thick red wires.

" PLease be right." he begged inside his head. He was almost done cutting when there was a hissing sound from the door. Sights and Charger both looked at each other. Sights then pressed his head against the door. His eyes burst wide open.

" FUSE!" he yelled throwing himself away from the door. as he did this the door was engulfed in an inferno. Flames reached out to the middle of the room. Computers and tables were thrown clean out of the windows and the glass ball around them shattered in some places. Both Charger and Sights were thrown to the floor. Boston was lost in the explosion. Charger didn't really care about him right now.

His ears rang from the blast. He slowly pulled himself along the ground as the guards raced in. He saw Sights being pulled to his feet and cuffed by guards. He seemed knocked out. Boston was also being lifted up, only he was being carried out of the room. They hadn't found Charger yet. He crawled over to the wire. He saw it sparking. He pulled out his knife and began slowly cutting away at it. Everything seemed in slow motion. The room was still filling with guards and there was fire and sparks everywhere. He kept cutting and cutting. He felt his knife severing the last small strand. He was so close. Guards were rushing over to him. He kicked at them and forced them away, he needed to cut. He felt the knife slowly sinking through, and then he heard a noise. A deep humming. and also flapping.

He knew exactly what was coming and pushed himself to the ground. Two giant lights appeared out side of the glass windows. There was a high pitched sound and then red beams of light came crashing through the windows. They hit everything. Guards were thrown across the room. Everything was exploding and sparking again. The guards dropped Sights who crawled away. Ponies were being shot and dropped like flies. The guards tried retreating out of the door, but the blasts had completely caved it in. Smoke now filled the entire room, and then the wire snapped. he heard beeping noises from the tanks. This gave him a sense of bravery. He knew that the ship firing outside was on his side. He was getting out of here, and so was Sights and the mares. He galloped through the explosions and fire. He retrieved his rifle and hit a guard in the face with it. he went down in a second. He rushed over to the tanks and found every piece of glass broken. The mares where not in the tanks either!

" What The Fuck!" he yelled. He saw some guards coming up from behind, he shot them all down. He shot anyone in his path. He was searching through rubble and casting degree aside.

" Where are you!" he galled over the battle. The ship was still unloading all of its ammo into the room. Sights was now up and driving the guards back to a corner. He was firing from the waste and moving like a fantom!

Charger was still searching. he threw a piece of wall metal to the side. Instead of herring a thump when it hit the ground, he heard a small squeal. He knew that wasn't anyone fighting. Stallions didn't sound like that! he rushed over behind a pile of rubble and he found her.

She was purple with a pinkish streak in her mane. She was a unicorn and she was trying to levitate a piece of melt off of her orange yellow maimed friend. The purple one had a mark of a pink star on her rump. The orange one had apples on hers.

" Oh my Celestia!" Charger mumbled. The unicorn looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She pointed her horn a him and started to charge it up. Charger flung his hooves up.

" No! Wait, I'm on your side!" he yelled. He quickly put his hooves under the piece of metal and heaved it of the orange earth pony. She quickly got up and ran to stand beside her friend. They just stared at each other for a moment. They didn't know what to say. Finally Charger spoke up.

" Twilight Sparkle?" he asked pointing at the purple unicorn. She slowly nodded, her tears going away.

" W-Who are y-you?" she asked in an unsteady voice. Charger looked at her for a while and then replied.

" My name is Charger, and I'm getting you all out of here."