• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 4,677 Views, 1 Comments

Orbit: The Future Of Equestria - Ace26

This Fan Fiction revolves around two infantry stallions in the military. When they are tranfored to a new job they soon discover a long kept secret of their governemnt.

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Chapter Ten: The Get Away

" Where are the rest of you?" asked Charger trying to calm Twilight down. She sobbed and tried to cough up the smoke in her lungs. She didn't know where she was or what she was doing. She just remembered cold and then shutting her eyes.

" How long ago was that?" she thought to herself.

" How long were we asleep, are we going back to sleep?" she wondered. PLenty of questions filled her mind. She wanted to ask them all, but Charger snapped her back to reality.

Twilight, where are the others?" he asked. They were still behind the rubble and Charger was trying his best not to loose his cool. Twilight took in a deep breath, and then let it out.

' We don't know." she answered. Applejack looked a little worried with her remark.

" Have you see any of em?" she asked sounding worried. Charger shook his head.

" We, will find them, but you two need to run, now!" he said. He pointed over to the window where the ship was still blasting the room.

" THat thing will not hurt you, it's on our side. I need you to run to it as fast as possible." Charger ordered. The two mares eyed him questioning his order.

" I'll make sure nothing happens to you two, now you have to hurry!" he yelled. The two mares understood the urgency of the situation and took off running through the fire fight. Charger stood behind the rubble and began firing at the guards who tried to stun Twilight and Applejack. He dropped four or five before they made it to the ship.

When the two mares got to the ship, they looked back for Charger.

" Your not coming!" Applejack screamed back at him. Charger shook his head.

" Not yet, your friends are around here somewhere!" He replied. He then ran off into the fight again. Twilight and Applejack stared at the side of the ship for a little bitt. They had to cover their ears because the ships guns were so loud. Twilight nocked on the door and creed out

" Let us in! We need to get in!" she screamed. The door remained closed and the firing continued. Twilight and Applejack were about to turn away when they heard the door open.

" Holly Shit, they weren't kidding, you really are the Six!" yelled the black Pegasus from in the door. Twilight and Applejack were taken back by his language. Gold Wings realized this.

" Sorry, I tend to curse when in a battle situation." he sheepishly smiled. He stood aside and motioned the two mares in.

" Hurry!" he yelled

" I don't know how long those guns will fire on autopilot!" he said. The door then closed and Twilight and Applejack where now safely inside the ship.

Charger and Sights were still running around searching for the others. They looked under everything, they fired as they galloped. Sights was over on the complete opposite side of the tanks. He was fringe from a prone position when he noticed there were sounds of galloping behind him. He didn't know if the guard behind him had a gun on him or what. He quickly turned over onto his back and fired off a shot behind him. The bullet hit nothing but it blew out a computer screen behind him.

" Wow, not even a week out of the fight, and I'm loosing my cool!" said Sights to himself. He started to turn back towards a group of guards, however he heard some scurrying behind him. He flipped around again with his gun pointed towards a pile of rubble. he fired a single shot which kicked up a lot of dust. Immediately after his shot there was a small

" Yeep!" from behind the rubble.

" That does not sound like a stallion!" he thought. He quickly dove forward and started to dig at and move the rubble. He heard more scurrying and yelps from behind. He knew that at least one of the elements was back there. He kept digging, finally he made it to the other side of the pile.

Behind the pile, covered in dust and dirt was a innocent looking group of mares. One was a white unicorn with a purple mane. One was a pink earth pony, her mane was a darker pink and her hair was very poofy and curly. The third mare was a blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. She was trying to puff out her chest and look tuff. They all had tears in there eyes. The unicorn and pink earth pony were holding each other. Sights realized he still had his gun pointed at them.

" Sorry, about that." he said lowering his gun.

" I thought you were, someone else." said Sights blushing. The three mares didn't answer they just shivered and looked at him in shock.

" I'm Sights, I'm a sniper with an infantry unit, I don't want to hurt you." Sights said slowly putting out his hoof so they could shake it. The unicorn and earth pony didn't move, however the Pegasus slowly started to inch forward. She was as far from him as she possibly could be when she put out her hoof. Sights took it and shook it lightly.

" N-nice t-to meet you S-sights." the pegasus managed to squeak.

" Nice to meat you, um, uh…" stuttered Sights.

" My name is Rainbow Dash." she said managing to regain some composer.

" These are my friends pinky Pie and Rarity." she pointed at the two shaking mares behind her. They were slowly inching towards Sights. Then a shoot kicked up dirt near Rainbow Dashes hooves.

" Shit, Cover!" Sights yelled pulling rainbow dash to the ground. Pinky and Rarity dove behind a pile of wood and metal. More shot flew by and Sights returned fire. He was still firing when he yelled at Rainbow Dash.

" Those lights over there, do you see them?" yelled Sights as he pointed towards the ship. The three mares only managed a nod, they now released they were being shot at and they were in a fight.

" It is only shooting the guards, it will not fire on you. I need you to run towards it! Can you do that?" Asked Sights. Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest.

" I'll try." Rainbow Dash said. Pinky was only able to manage another small nod, her eyes were still filled with tears.

" W-what ever y-you say dear." Rarity whimpered. Sights could tell that they would need some help crossing.

" I'll lay down covering fire. They'll be focusses on me not you!" Sights yelled.

" Run as fast as you can towards those lights. Three….two…..one…MOVE MOVE!" Sights screamed.

The three mares bolted out from behind the rubble. Immediately the guards pointed stun pistols at them.

" No You DON"T!" Sights yelled. He started to fire shot after continuous shot from his sniper rifle. He hit every guard he intended too. The mares were not at the ship yet. More ponies streamed in through the door, they had removed the rubble and were able to fead a healthy supply of troops back into the room. Sights made sure he kept those ponies under fire. He didn't care where he hit them, as long as they went back down or staid down. The mares were almost to the ship. The door was open and gold wings was motioning them to bored. He fired a small hand held pistol from the door to keep the guards focussed on him. The mares one by one entered the ship the door started to close behind them and before Sights knew it, they were all in.

Sights pulled out a small radio from his vest pocket.

" Charger, I got three more on!" he said. There was some static and gun fire, but sights soon answered.

" We can't leave yet, there still one more!" Charger called over his radio. He was in the middle of shooting and digging through a pile of rubble. He had seen he three mares make it on to the ship, however they weren't the yellow one.

" Damn it! Where are you Fluttershy?" thought Charger as he frantically pulled away planks of wood and mangled metal. He pulled out his radio again,

" Sights, I can't find her!" Charger screamed.

" Where are you?" asked Sights looking around the large room. He couldn't see very well past the ship. It was to smokey.

" I'm probably on the opposite side of you!" said Charger.

" Did you see a yellow mare over on your end!?" asked Charger. He was now ducked behind a computer that had fallen off the wall. The monitor was pretty big and it gave a lot of cover.

" I've only seen those three!" Sights answered over the radio. Charger slammed his radio on the ground. He promised they would all make it out. He promised that the six would be saved and set free to go about their new lives! He felt frustration and anger towards the enemy. The six ponies had done nothing wrong, however these guards seemed so intent on keeping them here! Charger couldn't help it. He had been trying to aim for the legs this whole fight, but if they were going to try to kill him, then he was surely going to kill them! He pulled a small grenade out of the guard vest he was wearing.

" You want a fight, then you'll get your fight!' he yelled. He pulled the pin on the grenade and blindly chucked it over the monitor he was hidden behind. He heard a satisfying explosion, and then the wails of guards. He reached for another grenade.

Fluttershy was trying her best to cover her face. She was crying her eyes out as bullets flew over her and beams of lights illuminated her field of vision. She couldn't stand the loud pops and explosions. The sparks from the machines scared her and sent her racing to a new hiding spot. She just kept crying and screaming, she screamed so loud. Her wails were muted by the guns and explosions though.

She was covered in dust and she was in a ball on the floor. She knew she was in some kind of strange battle. She never wanted to witness any kind of war or violence. She was completely frozen by shock. She thought she would be hit or killed any minute. Then she heard a series of explosions. She saw stallions fly back and up. Clouds of red mist, their blood flew up when the explosions were near to them. She closed her eyes more. She didn't want to witness more death. An explosion want off close to her and she hit her last nerve. She screamed so loud it hurt. She creed and screamed, she just wanted to go home.

" Where's home!"

" Where's my bunny!"

" Angel, Angle help me, save me!"

" Some pony save me!" she cried. She could't stop the tears or the screams, she was in full survival mode. Her adrenaline was long gone. She was going to die. She didn't want to die.

Charger was throwing grenades until they were gone. He took out his machine gun and emptied two whole mags. He pumped shots into stallions until they were unrecognizable or completely dead. He was in a rage. He hated every single one of them. he was going to kill them all! he then heard a scream from in front of him. Directly in front of him. THis snapped Charger bad to his seances.

" Stallions can't scream like that!" he yelled. He jumped over the computer and galloped through a maze of fire and sparks. The room was completely collapsed now. There was no roof left and smoke and fire were everywhere. He squinted his eyes trying to find a shape of a mare, or maybe long pink hair. He ran into a guard and nocked him flat onto his face. he gave him an extra kick to make sure he would stay down on the ground.

" Please STOP!" He heard. The small squeaky voice came from a few feet away. He squinted his eyes and saw exactly what he wanted to see. There was a yellow pegasus with pink hair backed up against a wall. She had fresh tears in her eyes and seamed to be staring in shock at something. Charger followed her gaze and found what she saw. There was a navy blue earth pony pointing a stun rifle at her. he was bruised and bloody. He looked like he had been kicked in the face.

Charger knew exactly who this was. Old Boston couldn't stay out of the fight, even if he was hurt. He couldn't let an element get away either though. Boston stared angrily at the pegasus and was about to pull the trigger. Charger lunged at him and kicked the gun upwards. The shot hit the ceiling above them.

Boston immediately came around and smacked Charger in the jaw. Charger toppled back onto some rubble. Boston then threw his first at Charger who rolled away at the last second. he recovered and got into a flighting stance on his two hind legs. Fluttershy watched in amazement as this stallion drove his hoof into the navy blue ones face. The navy blue one responded with a quick gut kick and another small push.

Fluttershy didn't know which one to trust until the orange one looked at her.

" Run, to the lights!" Charger yelled he then blocked one of Boston's hits and pushed him down to the ground.

Fluttershy did not hesitate, all she wanted was to get out of here. She wanted to be somewhere safe and secure. She wanted to go home. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She jumped over piles of random things and through gantlets of gun fire. She tried her best to focus on the lights in front of her only. When the ship was finally in her view she stopped and gasped at the giant floating box. She was amazed at what she was seeing. There was no magic levitating the abject. It was being pushed off the ground by small flames on the bottom of it!

Fluttershy heard a door on the ship open and a black pegasus step out.

" Get in, hurry up!" yelled the pegasus. Fluttershy ran towards the ship and hopped on a step under the door. She then stepped up onto the wing and looked back. The room the ship was in was on fire completely and there were bodies laying everywhere. Fluttershy scanned the room for her savior and found the two stallions still fighting in a cloud of fire and smoke.

She stared at them and then felt a hoof grab her front leg. Gold Wings was pulling her into the ship.

" Come on, get in here, it's not safe out there!" he said trying to pull her in.

Sights galloped up to the ship. He looked up at Fluttershy and Gold Wings.

" Is Charger back yet!" he yelled up to them. Fluttershy pointed towards where Boston and Charger were fighting. Neither fighter seemed to be winning or loosing. Sights looked at them with a angry expression on his face.

" BOSTON, I thought I dropped that fucker!" he yelled. Fluttershy and Gold Wings were both confused, but they could tell Boston wasn't a good guy.

Charger and Boston were now in a hold. Charger was pushing Boston's hooves back while Boston did the same to Charger. They both twisted their faces with concentration. They were not going to allow the other to beat them.

" Give in Charger, I've been trained to withstand long periods of stress." said Boston pushing on Charger. Charger stood his ground and answered Boston.

" I'm in the infantry, do you really thing I'm just going to let you beat me up!" said Charger smirking. Boston continued to push harder. Charger started to slip back a little bit.

" See, you are slipping, in a few seconds you'll be on your back on the ground!" said Boston laughing. Charger knew he was right. He was worried, but he kept a stern expression on his face. He tried to push against Boston, but he was to strong. He then got another one of his ideas.

" Give in Charger, I'll at least send you to court before I kill you." Boston taunted. He pushed harder on Charger, this was his chance. Charger simply let go of Boston's hooves and stepped to the side. Boston was sent crashing to the ground right onto his face.

" Sweat dreams, Sir!" Yelled Charger. The ship was backing out of the room through the whole in the wall. Charger could see Fluttershy on the wing. Sights was also sticking head out of the door popping off any guards who tried to shoot Charger as he ran for the ship. He jumped over holes in the floor. He threw himself over rubble and bodies. The ship kept backing out. He could see how tense Fluttershy was. He was trying his best to reach the steps. Soon the ship was out of the building and in mid air. IT stopped backing up and Sights started to lay down serious covering fore. He seemed to be firing at hundreds of guards behind Charger. Charger did not dare look back, he and to get back onto that ship. He knew he'd have to jump.

He started galloping as fast as he could. Dust was kicked up behind him as guards fired and missed Charger! He was now at full speed ready to leap. He waited till he was at the very edge of the building and then he jumped. He threw himself forward with all his might. he felt like he was a pegasus flying. He had his front and back legs fully extended. he saw the silver wing of the shuttle his hooves were almost touching it. He felt the heat of bullets flying by and he saw them hit the ship and send up small sparks. Fluttershy had a frightful expression on her face. Then Charger felt what he wanted. His hooves smacked against the wing of the ship as he grabbed on and angled on the wing. His chest was on and his back legs were hanging off. He pulled himself onto the wing as the ship slowly started to turn and back away from the burning floor of the building. There we're plenty of sirens and blinking light below them. Charger was able to pull himself onto the wing and help Fluttershy into the cabin of the shuttle. He entered last and pulled the door shut and locked it. They had made it. They had all made it out.