• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 4,677 Views, 1 Comments

Orbit: The Future Of Equestria - Ace26

This Fan Fiction revolves around two infantry stallions in the military. When they are tranfored to a new job they soon discover a long kept secret of their governemnt.

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Chapter Five: Orientation

" Those bastards!" yelled Gold Wings kicking Charger bed.

" They can't just pull soldiers out to accompany others!" Gold Wings kicked the desk this time. Charger had just told him he was being sent home to accompany Sights, however that wash't the entire truth.

" Will you stop kicking things before you hurt yourself?" Charger scolded while packing a large trunk.

" I really don't real like paying for broken furniture!" With this remark Gold Wings calmed down and faced Charger. Charger knew what he was going to say next.

" Don't you start with him, he had nothing to do with it!" yelled Charger.

" I know, but he still got you kicked out!" screamed Gold Wings.

" I told you already, I'm not getting kicked out, it's just another "assignment" said Charger trying to defend Sights.

" Assignment my ASS, you know good and well that Sights got you ejected!" continued Gold Wings. He then proceeded to kick the bed from again. Charger wasn't going to get in the way of Gold Wings anger, he didn't want to piss him off even more. He started to walk towards his closet to get his clothes and rifle, but then Sights entered through the door.

" OH CRAP." thought Charger, he knew exactly what was about to happen.

Sights looked at GOld Wings who didn't notice him, and then he looked at Charger.

" Hey Charger, we have ten minutes to be out on the flight deck." informed Sights. Charger nodded and Gold Wings glared at him. He then quickly galloped towards him and got up in his face.

" You sorry piece of shit, why'ed you drag Charger into this!?" he bellowed. Charger heard this and quickly galloped over to the pair.

" I didn't mean to drag my partner into this!" retorted Sights.

" Things just happen this here way!" He screamed. Charger was closer to them now and was able to separate them with his rifle.

" Hey, stop this shit! You're both acting like fillies!" he scolded at them. Gold Wings dropped his head and started mumbling as he walked away. Sights just stood in the doorway waiting for his companion to finish packing.

" You fucker." Gold Wings said turning back to Sights. Sights simple motioned his hoof upwards, this was the equivalent of the middle finger. Charger couldn't help but give a small chuckle to that and he got a cold stare from Gold Wings.

" Are we taking sides now!?" screamed Gold Wings.

" Don't think of it like that man, it was kind of funny." said Charger soothingly. He tried to put his hoof around Gold Wings but he backed off. Gold Wings gave him another stare. They all stared at each other. Sights from the doorway, Charger from his bed, and Gold Wings standing as tall as possible in the middle of the room.

" Finish your packing and take off." said Gold Wings coldly.

" Gold, I'm sorry…" Charger began.

" No, just leave, I'll see you when you get back." said Gold Wings even colder. He then picked up Charger wattle bag and dropped it on the ground in front of him. Charger looked back up at Gold Wings, he seemed almost emotionless. He then picked up the back and put it on his back.

" See you when I get back then." Charger said in a now serious voice. He slung his rifle over his bag and then left for the hanger with Sights.

Gold Wings was left alone. His friend had gone with the injured unicorn and he was now in abate room. Gold Wings didn't feel anger anymore but resent. He had lost his cool, he wasn't proud of it. He simply walked over to the window and sat there. He put his head down and just thought, not crying but thinking.

Charger and Sights entered their ship and they started to hover out of the hanger into space. He looked out the trailers window at the hanger, the control tower, and all of his fellow soldiers galloping about the hanger bay. The ship finally was completely out side of the ship and the hanger doors closed. He then looked at his window, number 260 about 300 floors up. It was right below a heavy gun. He peered closer into his window, he aware that he saw a figure sitting there, he then realized it was Gold Wings. He tried waving, even though Gold probably couldn't see him. Little did he know, Gold Wings was waving back.

The ship then turned from the cruiser and faced the dark realm of space ahead. it started to gain speed and then he heard a large boom from the trailers back up thrusters. The ship lurched forward and they entered hyper speed, the large mass of ship behind them disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Stars shot by as if meteors, there was a steady rumbling from the motors of the trailer. They Charger and Sights sat quietly in the back as the Pegasus up front steered the trailer around planets. The planets actually looked like blobs of color flying by because they were going so fast. Charger didn't like this feeling of complete silence, especially around Sights. He knew it wouldn't last long though, in a few minutes they would be parked right in front of the largest orbiting city in the universe. He tried his best to focus on the window and and the stars. This usually is what he did before a fight, it helped him calm down some. It sort of worked, sort of. Then, the ship slowed and lurched forward, Charger wasn't ready for this and he had to grab onto a rail real quick. The ship then returned to normal speed and the captain came on on the intercom.

" Soldiers, welcome to civilization." This made both Sights and Charger chuckle a little. Charger enjoyed that about pilots, they always seemed to be the funnier of soldiers.

Sights raised towards the window in amazement, he looked at every building and every ship that zoomed by, most of them honked at them welcoming them home and back from war. The ship[ slowly lowered into the doing of buildings, they had soon entered the rings gravity and atmosphere. they then heard the bustling of hover craft and they were able to listen to civilian music. They were now joyful to be back in the world, all of the worries and memories of Sights fight with Gold were gone.

The ship finally touched down on a pad and the doors opened. This wasn't a planned landing so no one was there to greet them, it didm't make much of a difference though. Towers or grey and blue shot up around them. Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasus, Zebras, and even griffons walked the streets and drove hovering carriages. The city noise was even powder then one of Chargers drill sergeants, but it was a good noise. The two stallions grabbed their great and proceeded to walk away from the ship towards a carriage waiting. They waving off the pilots as their ship slowly rose back up again and flew away. They turned towards the carriage and got in. Social Services workers held open the doors for them and offered to put their weapons and bags in the back.

" Sir, do you know how to handle a sniper rifle?" asked Sights jokingly. They both held on to their guns as the workers closed the doors and hooked up to the Carriage. It then started to hover as the pullers remained on the ground. They then set off into the road ahead.

It wasn't long till they hit a traffic jam. The road was filled with other floating carriages. Some ponies waving a hollered for others to move, some honked and tried bumping others. Charger realized they weren't going to get anywhere quick and they were supposed to report to Sights offices in three hours.

" I think we're just going to walk." said Charger to the drivers. He got out with Sights and handed the two workers some bits. The two of them then proceeded out of the road and onto the side walks.

They felt awkward walking around in uniform and rifles. They also felt very big and impressive. Once our twice they passed a group of mares who would eye them and wave. Sights enjoyed those times. It was about six blocks more until there they reached their destination. Most ponies would rent sidewalk legal hover pads to sit on, however Sight and Charger were used to marching long distances.

As they walked the there moods brightened. They began a conversation.

" Sights, how do you feel about the city?" asked Charger smiling.

" Where's the wheat?" Sights smiled back. This caused Charger to chuckle.

" Honestly, I'm a lot more comfortable here then I thought I would." said Sights looking around.

" I'm used to the cows making a lot of noise in the morning kind of like this place." stated Sights.

" What about the smell?" asked Charger finally noticing the smell of gasoline. Sights took a sniff of the air and then made a wrinkled face.

" Well, nothings like the clean pure country air." said Sights. The two stallions continued walking until they had reached their assignment location.

This place was huge. It was a large cylinder sky scraper that was all glass! It was tinted so it had a blue color to it. There was a large glass sphere mounted on top of the cylinder, it had a ring of metal going around its middle. In front of the bronze colored entrance was a vast walk way with gardens surrounding it. The gate witch stood before the entire complex was thick black and there was a small guard house with one stallion posted out front. Charger couldn't see him, but if this was a military complex they were bound to have at least three sniper or foot soldier up on that roof. Charger looked up while thinking this.

" How may I help you?" asked the guard out front. Charger snapped back to attention. He looked at the guard. he was a brown earth pony with a navy blue vest on. He also had a black tie on with red and black striped shoulder boards. His blue name tag read, Khan.

" Yes, um Khan, we are here under direct orders from the captain Thunder." Said Charger trying to make it sound important.

" I'm sorry captain who?" asked the guard. Both Charger and Sights were annoyed at this fact. Captain Thunder is usually known around the military community, except if someones new. This meant that they were dealing with a brand new, green as ever, private.

" Never mind." said Sights annoyed, just let us in. The guard looked at them oddly and then smiled.

" Your joking, right?" he asked.

" NO, were not, let us in." demanded Charger. The guard just shook his head.

" Sorry, I can't let anyone in, no one is allowed in accept if under strict orders." Charger face hoover.

" We, ARE UNDER ORDERS!" yelled Sights.

" Didn't you here me say under Captain Thunders orders?" asked Charger. The guard than faced hoover himself.

" Sorry, I didn't remember that." he said.

" HOW did you not remember that?" asked Sights glaring at Khan.

" Yah, I suffer from a memory loss problem and well…" started Khan.

" Look, I don't want to here about your medical history, just let us in." Said Charger. With this the guard lifted the gate and the two stallions walked in.

They walked through the gardens that were filled with both staff, and security guards. They were quite beautiful gardens. However they had a job to do, Charger having the actual real job. They walked into the entrance. It was a large bronze arch. When they entered the lobby there were three large bronze planets hanging from the ceiling. There were couches and desks against the walls and hundreds of ponies walked or flew around. They were carrying papers, pencils, computers, even ink cartridges. Yep, this was typical office.

The two of them made there way to the elevator.

" OK, so it's floor 56." read Charger. He pressed the down button on the elevator and the doors slid open. This elevator had gold lights covering its top and it had a tiled floor. It was also wood all on the inside. It was a large improvement from the ships bare metal elevator.

Both of the stallions got in and the elevator rocketed to the 56th floor, they were there in amateur of seconds. ONce the elevator doors opened they were met with a swarm of ponies trying to get in. THey were pushed and shoved out and they were stepped on as well. Papers littered the floor as the mob rushed the elevator. Yah definitely a typical office.

When the mob had cleared and the elevator was now on its way back down, the two stallions faced front again. In front of them was desks, lamps, and cubicles. However there was also a completely navy blue earth pony standing by the window. He seemed to be looking out at nothing, he was just staring. Both Charger and Sights recognized this behavior. Officers on their ships did this while they were waiting for there appointments.

" Do all of you officers do that?" asked Sights approaching the stallion. He turned to face them, his eyes were dark blue and his main was also the same color. He had on a gold badge that looked even brighter do to his coat color.

" You are vigilant." he said in a city voice. He then approached them and held out his hoof.

" Hello, my name is Star Dust, I'm the manager of this establishment and also the CO of this building." Both of the stallions took his hoof and greeted him.
" I am PFC Charger and this is PFC Sights, sir." said Charger. Star Dust nodded and motioned towards Sights.

"You are going to be our new employee, correct?" asked Star Dust.

" Yes I am, sir." said Sights.

" Hmmm, Sights tell me about yourself, how do you usually work." Sight looked confused. He didn't know what to say. Would this affect his job? He thought about it while Charger and Star Dust looked at him. Then he finally decided to stick with the truth.

" Sir, I have no idea what and office job is like. I hardly even know what the city is like. I'm used to open fields, either in my country or out on some battlefield. I was put here because of an injury, sir, but I will try my best." said Sights seriously.

Both Star Dust and Charger were blond away by this speech. Charger couldn't help but to clap a little. Star Dust then smiled and gave Sights a look of approval.

" I enjoy working with soldiers who are honest." stated Star Dust. He then approached Sights and gave him a pat on the back.

" You'll fit in fine here PFC." he said smiling. He then motioned to one of the ponies standing near them and she came rushing over. he told her to take Sights and bring him to the interviewing room. This way they could discuss money and what would happen during Sights job here. The worker nodded and told Sights to follow her. Before going Sights took a quick look at Charger. He gave him a smile and motioned for him to follow, Sights did as instructed.

As the two of them walked away it was silent. Star Dust just smiled and stared until they were completely out of sight and earshot. He then turned to Charger. His face was like stone and it seemed serious.

He spoke to Charger in a strait solid voice, " Are you The soldier Captain Thunder sent?" asked Star Dust. Charger was shocked by how quickly his attitude changed. he then realized what was happening and he became serious as well.

He spoke back in a voice just as icey," I am, sir." Star Dust nodded and looked at him for a second. Charger knew he was matching him with a description. Captains will usually describe their soldiers before sending them to different commanders.

When Star Dust was done with his look over he nodded at Charger.

" You, follow me, every pass word and panel I enter or touch, you close your eyes, unless I say otherwise." instructed Star Dust. Charger gave him another nod and the two stallions galloped off. Charger had no idea where they were going. The opened a side door an ran up a stare case. Charger looked up, the stares went forever! They just kept spiraling up and up and up! They kept galloping past door after door. They went past every landing! Charger could PT pretty well, but this was murder. He didn't ask for a break though. he wasn't about to look weak in front of his new boss.

The two of them just kept galloping on and up for almost a whole ten minutes, finally they reached the top landing.

" this is the entrance to our operation center." said Star Dust. pointing towards the door.

" You can see, this passcode, you'll need it incase of a security breach."

Star Dust then typed in the numbers 13579 on the key pad next to the door. It the opened and an electronic voice said,

" Welcome Agent Boston."

Charger looked at Star Dust confused. Star Dust looked back.

" Star Dust is a cover up name, it's not real. You will know me as Agent Boston. Is that understood?" asked Agent Boston.

" Understood, sir." answered Charger. The two stallions entered the doorway and came out into a sphere curved room. The wall on the left was straight, but the wall on the right was curving upwards and it was all glass. It was then advise to Charger that they were in the giant metal sphere on top of the building.

" So, that's why you have tinted windows." said Charger.

" You guys are hiding stuff up here." he said. Agent Boston looked at Charger with an annoyed look.

" It's not really hiding, it's just keeping something safe." he said. Charger looked puzzled, wasn't keeping something safe a form of hiding?

The two of them walked through more curved rooms. All of the rooms were filled with monitors and large white metal machines. there were also more cubicles and wooden desks in the rooms. Ponies in lab coats walked back and forth with clip boards or different machine parts. Some of them typed away on the computers and machines as well. They seemed to be monitoring something. Something important. Charger looked up and say that there were multiple cat walks and landings towards the top of the sphere. On these walks were armed guards and Chargers suspected snipers. They were all looking down into a room that seemed to be in the middle of the sphere. The rest of them looked out over the city.

As they walked Charger wondered was being hidden up here. It couldn't be weapons. Weapon texs don't where lab coats. They usually where heavy black and green bomb protective suits. He saw goggles and coats hanging up or laying down on tables. he even saw some medical equipment.

" what is going on up here?" he wondered. Suddenly Agent Boston stopped at a large metal double door. It had reenforced steal around it and the doors looked to be about five inches thick!
A small key pad was on the wall.

" You can not look at this pass code." stated Boston.

" I understand sir." Charger answered. Charger started to close his eyes but instead he turned around and looked at the room. There were metal machines and everything else I had just described, but Charger couldn't believe all of this had been hiding up here!. They were in a city and he was surprised that no one had seen any of the equipment being moved in or out for repairs. He was mostly surprised no one wondered why there were way more workers then the building could handle walking in everyday. Charger thought about this and then heard Boston fiddling with a piece of paper. he turned around to see what it was.

The piece of paper Boston was holding had numbers all over it. It was a code sheet filled with codes for different rooms and programs! Boston seamed to have a lot of clearance, there were almost a hundred codes on the piece of paper! Boston finally found the code he was looking for and placed it into the key pad. Charger remembered his orders and tried to turn around, but it was too late. The code was 32600, and Charger now knew it. He was hoping Boston hadn't noticed him looking.

The door slid open and Boston turned to face Charger.

" What you see in here is spoken to no one, not even your captain of any of your most trusted friends. This stuff is for high ranked eyes only." commanded Boston. Charger gave him a nod. he began to enter but Boston pout his hoof out to stop him.

" Touch nothing! This is a delicate operation." He said.

" I understand." Charger responded. Boston then turned and entered the room. Charger followed.

It was a large cylinder room with six monitors set up. There were only three ponies in the room. The seamed to be doctors, but they also knew how to operate the machines. Charger saw how highly skilled they were and was impressed. He looked over to the walls. They had screens displaying the condition of six tanks. They listed how the systems were holding up, and also Vital signs! This stunned Charger, were they in some kind of advanced hospital unit? Charger looked over the the wall in the back of the room. There were six holding tanks filled with a clear liquid. The glass on the tanks was frosty and fogged by ice. The holdings tanks had five small lights on its top. They were all green. Charger remembered these tanks from somewhere.

He started to think of everything he'd seen on the Eternal Flame. The life boat bay came to mind. Among all of the escape pods there were these tanks in the last hall. They seemed to be exactly like the ones he was looking at now. He looked back at the tanks and read a small sign next to them.

" Warning, do not tamper with criosleep tank while subject is inside." read the sign. Charger immediately remembered the tanks now. They were on his ship for slip space jumps. They were for pure emergency only. Why were the tanks being used here then? Charger waited for Boston to start talking to a doctor and he slowly approached the tank. The lights were green so something was inside, it was just hard to make out with the glass being so foggy. He walked up close to the tank and rubbed away the fog.

He was met with a pare of large eyes! he jumped back in horror. He wiped away the rest of the fog to see a mare hooked up to a breathing mask and strapped into the back of the tank! She was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane! She had her tail curled behind her and here wings were straight and strapped against the back of the tank as well! Charger looked back at Boston and went to the other six tanks. One held a purple unicorn. One held a blue pegasus with a rainbow main. One held an orange earth pony. One held a pink earth pony and the last one held a white unicorn with a purple main!

" Holy SHIT!" Charger said under his breath. It wasn't quiet enough though Boston still heard him. He wearied around and looked at Charger.

" I told you not to touch anything!" said Boston. He glared at Charger. Charger stared in shock back.

" Why the literal Fuck are there six mares in criosleep up here?" Screamed Charger. He was still in complete shock. This couldn't be some kind of experiment. The pony rights association wouldn't allow it. Neither would the government!

Charger looked at Boston who was walking up to the tanks. He was looking at the mares as if they were just statues on display. His expression didn't change. He then looked at Charger.

" I suppose you should attest know what you'll be guarding." said Boston. He then mover to each tank and pointed out there names.

" This is Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow dash, and Fluttershy." said Boston. His expression still didn't change.

"These six mares were supposed to have died thousands of years ago, way back in the early ages of Equestria. these mares were unique to society and to the world at some points. The world would be much darker and crueler without them." Said Boston walking up and down the line of tanks.

" You may remember an old fillies tale. The Elements of Harmony. They were a special energy that was separated into six mane beings. When it was united it was said to be the purest thing on earth. It was almost like a godly power." Explained Boston. Charger was confused. What did these mares have to do with an old story?

" you look puzzled, what don't you understand?" asked Boston smiling.

" What exactly do they have to do with a starry?" asked Charger. He was more curious then shocked now. Why were these mares here. Wy had no one told him he was guarding them and not some other technology.

" Sir, I've heard this wtory before. I know the in and outs of the tale. The names were lost over time though. Are you falling me the Mane Six are in the tanks before me?" asked Charger sounding surprised.

Boston gave him a smile.

" Yes, that is exactly what I'm falling you!" he exclaimed happily.

" they are not dead. Do you remember anything in the story that said what happened to these mares?" asked Boston still smiling.

" Yes, they disappeared and were lost from the world forever." answered Charger.

" PFC, you are dead wrong. They never disappeared or died. Long after the revolution we released the only way to make sure that didn't repeat was to harness the power of the Elements. These chambers are the first biosleep chambers invented in history. It was a long kept secret until the government decided to make these tanks public." said Boston.

He walked up to Flutershy's tank and knocked on it.
"They have been asleep for thousands of years. They've never aged or died, we've made sure of that. They sleep here waiting to be awakened, for an event witch we would need them for." said Boston. he continued to tap the glass on her tank. charger didn't understand why, but this angered him a little bit. He decided to bring up a point.

" isn't this against the convention and the bill of rights?" asked Charger defensively. He now released that keeping six mares basically prisoner in ciosleep was illegal.

Boston turned and looked at Charger. He gave him a quick and simple answer.

" the convention knows nothing about this, it's better that they don't, as for the bill of rights it states that we should do anything in a time of war to protect ourselves." resoned Boston. Charger now felt that he had to do something about this.

" What about the times we weren't at war?" he asked.

" We had a long time of piece after the revolution!" Charger pointed out angrily.

Boston seemed surprised by his tone of voice.

" Watch what you say to your superiors." said Boston seriously. Charger was now extremely mad. How could he think of rank and superiority while there were six mares frozen in fornt of them?

" I'm not insulting you sir, I just don't see how this is legal at all!" explained Charger. Boston stepped up to Charger and was now in his face.

" We, have to do what we must to ensure our future!" exclaimed Boston.

" We, can't just imprison the innocent for our needs!" retorted Charger.

Charger had no idea how he was going to guard these tanks while they weren't even saposed to be there. He was trying to think of going public with the information. He would obviously be imprisoned for treason. The military would cover everything up as well. He then got an idea.

" You said I was going to guard these tanks?" asked Charger.

" YES you will guard these tanks as your duty to our country, or you'll be fired from the military and you will be constantly monitored so you will not spread rumors!" said Boston angrily.

" Damnit, there goes my quoting idea." though Charger to himself. Charger couldn't believe what was happening. He was being forced to support something illegal and against everything he stood for! He started to wish that he never got the assignment. The thoughts of Gold Wings started to float back into his mind. The world seemed turned upside down. He didn't feel like he was honorable anymore.

" how, could this be happening to me?" asked Charger in his head.

" Why, am I the one to be faced with these decisions?"