> Orbit: The Future Of Equestria > by Ace26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Kill Box > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dark realm of space was quiet. Everything was still, nothing moved. Everything was where it should have been. The stars twinkled and the cold blast of space blowed with no wind. Everything was in a calm state. Suddenly a massive black blob appeared. It's outline was gauge and rough, but as it got closer it was easily recognizable. A missive ship appeared, it lights glittered and danced like the stars surrounding it. It large hulking metal body crushed and destroyed the small debree floating around it. It's thruters were a magnificent yellow and orange, the flames shot out about a hundred feet from the ship and then stopped. The ships guns scans the surrounding sky for possible attackers and the helm protruded from the front. It was like a magnificent glass sphere with lights dazzling from within. These lights were the monitors and screens that surveyed the planets and stars below. This was no ordinary cruiser. It was a class F (F for fighter) star ship of the equestrian fleet. The fleet had grown in size from its original five F class star ships and now had almost two hundred Carrier, Support, Medical, and yes, Fighter ships. This ship was launched as the "Eternal Flame". The ship was comemorated to Solestia after her untimely death in the revolution years before. It was said that she had died defending her subjects at the nalimo. I large final stand in Canterlot before it was retaken by the union a year later. This ship was the mightiest and grandest of all in the fleet, just like how the princess it represents was the mightiest of her kind. This ship had been all over the galaxy from star to star, planet to planet. It had undergone countless combat tours and and hundreds or missions. This ship had never been defeated before, and all the while it kept a watchful eye out for it's stallions on the ground below. "Open up the shields!" yelled a stallion on the flight deck! with this command the large metal doors slowly grinder open revealing the endless realm of space. A line of pegisie rushed out onto the flight deck and formed a "V" shape. On each of their backs were tow medium sized thrusters. These were used to shoot them through the long distance of space separating the ship from the planet below. Each of them whore a small oxygen tank on the belly and a small tube lead from that, to there black aviation masks. Two chain guns were strapped to their sides, just incase of any "rough flying" "Shadow Squadron, burn your thrusters," commanded the black stallion in the front of the formation. He branded a cutie mark, or just a "mark" as the military ponies called it, of two gold wings. "Thrusters burning!" the other stallions shouted back. All six of the flight team lit up there thrusters and started to hover off the ground. "Wings, Engage!" yelled the black stallion over the hum of his thrusters. All of the other Pegasus started to flap their wings and the lurched forward slowly. The large loud speaker started to blare as the remaining ponies cleared the flight deck. With this there was a large blast from the squads thrusters and the whooshed out the flight doors. They were now on the way to the planet G5 below. The town of Winglton was in ruins. The small buildings of the village were set ablaze by earlier combat, or smoldering from more resent attacks. Giant holes littered its smoky streets from artillery fire. Hundreds lay dead in there fox holes, both union, rebellion, and civilian ponies. You could not see the distant engagements but your could here the crack of guns and the low booms of shells. The once peaceful town, once a rebellion strong hold, now laid as dark and gloomy as the Everfree Forest in the old Equestria. Out of the smokey fog a shape appeared. It was the outline of a stallion, an earth pony. His light orange fur was ruffled and he had dark smudges or dirt and ash on his cheeks and body. his mark was a stallion charging into an unseen battle. His Assault rifle was slung around his side as his green pack took up his back area. His brown eyes were red and irrupted from the smoke in the air and his war paint was starting to trickle down his from legs from sweat. "I can't believe it!" yelled the stallion. "I'm in the biggest compony in the whole damn battalion and I can't find one of my own ponies!" This stallion had been separated from his comrades in an earlier engagement. The fire fight forced him to take refuge in a small wooden shack that still stood after the bombs dropped. He remembered how the shack was cramped but quite a nice firing hide. He was able to nock off of few of the attackers before he realized, his compony was retreating. " The fucking cowards," he thought to himself with a grin " Out of all twenty five men, I'm the only one that proceeded to the objective area…" " …Or at least I think I'm in the right area." The stallion got down behind a half blown up wall and tried to pull out a map, just before he could do this a loud static sound erupted from his ear. "Gaaaaa! Damn it COMS!" He yelled out in frustration. He hit his ear and jiggled his ear piece for a second. The static slowly went away and he could here his COMS pony correctly. " Yo, Charger! Where the heck are you at?" asked the COMS pony " I don't know, I think I'm near the objective!" Charger yelled back. " There is no way your where we are, bro!" Charger was speechless, his compony wasn't retreating before, they were advancing to the damn objective! " You are joking…" Charger started. Just then, a shot rang out. Charger saw the dust fly up from where the bullet hit, it wasn't that far from him. "Sniper, Shit, I'll call you back COMS!" with this he turned off his ear piece and took out his assault rifle. Another shot rang out and he dove behind another wall, the key to finding a sniper is to keep moving. Charger wasn't sure whether this sniper meant business, or if it was a first time rookie. He checked the lower areas and obvious places, he found nothing. More shots rang out and he ducked under a pile of rubble. " Crap!" He thought to himself. " If he isn't in an obvious spot, he's no rookie!" A shot threw some dust up on the pile Charger was behind. It fell down on to his face causing him to sneeze. He realized that he was in no condition to launch a counter attack, so he did the next best thing. He bolted out from behind the pile and randomly fired at what he guessed was the snipers positioned. He held his assault rifle with his two front legs and he stood on his two back legs and shuffled backwards. This was a unique quality of an earth pony soldier, they didn't have magic to hold their weapons. as he shuffled backwards he would bump into things and then he started slipping. He stumbled for a second and then slipped again and again until finally, he fell. He tumbled and rolled down a huge hole cause by an earlier explosion. It took him about a whole five seconds to get to the bottom. On his way down some of his grenades were stripped off of him. When he finally reached the bottom he was in a slight daze. He realized that his rifle was no longer in his hooves but about twenty feet away. He motioned to get up and walk to it but one of his grenades hit him on the head on the way down. The grenade rolled down his brown mane and landed on the ground in front of him. " ow, why can't these things be made out of phone," He said while rubbing his head. Just then, he heard another shot ring out! He dove for his gun, and scanned the buildings ready to fire. He then heard a light thump behind him. He turned around slowly, reading to mow down the enemy or throw back a grenade. What he found on the ground was actually the enemy sniper. He had been shot in the front of his head and was now lying motionless as the gravel turned red. His sniper rifle was only a few feet away. His black main was starting to turn red now from the exit wound in the back or the snippers head. " Wow, he's not getting up from that," Said charger. Even though the sniper was now dead Charger still didn't feel safe. He was wondering about how the sniper died. " Did another sniper shoot him instead or me, or did a union pony get him?" HE though this quietly to himself as he walked along the dust and smoke filled road. He was tense as he walked, he wondered how many more rebells were in the area, he now realized he was alone. He got to about the middle of the street before he heard more shots ring out. He instinctively got down and took up a firing potion. However, it did not seem as if the shots were directed at him. They were definitely close, but not meant for him. He started to think optimistic thoughts " Maybe my companies coming to get me!" He though " Maybe they're pounding the crap out of enemy potations!" As his thoughts kept getting brighter and brighter, some dust was kicked up next to him and he was forced to drop back down "Shit! The bastards are gunning for me!" He thoughts. He couldn't see the enemy, but he could see their mussel flashes. he didn't know if they were firing senselessly from behind war or if they were firing from the waste, so he shot at random. He wasn't much for "spraying and praying" but it was all he could do at the time. As he galloped along shooting at random he jumped into a small hole and waited. He still heard shots, but they were not kicking anything up near him. He saw the shots wis by about a block down the street. Then, he saw a figure run out onto the street. He was definitely a Union pony. HE had on his green uniform and a slightly jared helmet, He was a light red color and he seemed to be running along, dodging the bullets. some of the projectiles wizzed through his brown mane, exiting near his head. The stallions horn, yes he was a unicorn, glowed a maroon color as his sniper rifle floated a little ahead of him. Charger released that the rebels were going to kill his fellow union pony, if he didn't do something. While he thought this the red stallion dove behind a wall and opened fire on the approaching enemy. He fired once, then twice, and then a third time. He hit two ponies in the gut and one dead in the temple. All three of them dropped, however more took their places. Charger watched the stallion fire and drop enemy ponies until he noticed a small group of three unicorns creeping behind the red stallion. One of them was caring a sniper rifle, and the other two carried assault rifles. Charger took up his weapon and fired three controlled bursts of fire at them. HE hit the sniper, and one of the other stallions. The third pony realized what was happening and took cover. " Damn it!" Charger said. The red stallion heard the shots and looked over to where the two stallions layer dead. He then looked over at Charger and stared. Charger stared back, he looked directly at the stallions rump and noticed his mark was a target sign. " No way, it can't be…" started Charger. All of a sudden the enemy had found him, they started to shoot at both him and the other stallion. " YO! Get in here!" Charger yelled motioning towards the hole he was in. The stallion then charged through a block of open rode, using anything as cover. He galloped as small clouds of dust started spurting up near his back hooves, but he kept running. He started to fire random shots with his rifle and CHarger provided covering fire fro his fox hole. Within a minute they were both safely in the hole, or at least as safe as you can get on a battlefield. The enemy started to close in and both stallions were now back to back. Charger fired in a spraying motion, he took little time to aim because the enemy was so closely gathered. The red stallion took one shot at a time. He would levitate his rifle and aim for about a second and then BOOM, the pony he shot at was no more. This fight went on for about a few minutes, both Charger and his new companion were running dangerously low on ammunition! " Make all ya shots count!" Yelled the red stallion in a texas accent. " Believe me, I'm trying!" Charger screamed back. Just as the two of the stallions were on their last bullets a screeching sound came from above. Both stallions looked up and then looked back at the enemy, they were retreating. They were galloping as fast as they could into holes, buildings, and anything they could get behind. Both stallions looked at each other and laughed " Yah, look at um run!" taunter the red stallion. " What a bunch of wooses!" Charger second. With this the screeching sound got louder, deafly loud. The ground started to rumble and the enemy stallions dove even deeper behind cover. " Wow, they can't handle some Pegasus's fly over can they.. OH SHIT!" bellowed The red stallion. A small "V" of Pegasus flew over in their black aviation gear. They dropped small blinked red lights. Both charger and the other stallion watched these lights. They seemed to float in the air for awhile, until BOOOOOOOM! There was a large flash of white light followed by a flower looking blossom of oranges and reds. The fire swept over buildings and through them, gutting them of all enemy units! Dust and ash went everywhere. A gigantic shock wave was sent out from the explosion. It was like a white line traveling at the speed of light across the ground! When it reached the two soldiers they were throne back down into their whole, both on the packs! The screams of burning or retreating enemy ponies was heard from out of the hole. A large cloud of dust seemed to create a dome over the whole, blocking the view of the terrible sight above the stallions. Buildings crumbled as more lights reached the ground. The area was leveled, even after the explosions stopped the rumbling continued. Then as Charger felt he would throw up, the rumbling gradually disapeared. > Chapter Two: Old Freind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Charger realized the bomb run was over he quickly flipped onto his belly. He stared at the red stallion, he wondered if he had made it. " I don't see any blood." Charger thought to himself " However, that doesn't keen he wasn't killed by the concussion of the blast." He moved himself a tad bit closer to the stallion, he picked up his rifle and started to poke the stallion. Before he could go in for a second poke the stallion jumped up and nocked the rifle away. " What the hell are ya doin!?" Asked the slightly pissed off stallion. " I'm checkin to make sure those bombs didn't "fry off your mark!" Charger answered. Charger remembered how the stallions mark was a target sign. He then realized he wasn't talking to any random pony. " Holly shit, Sights?" Charger asked in a daze. " Sights hoofdwond, yes." Answered the stallion. " How do you know my name?" Charger slapped himself on the head was his hoof. " Holly crap, you crazy flank, you don't remember me?" Charger asked smiling " Remember the academy, the pony who threw up on the first day of PT?" Charger said still smiling. The red stallion thought that over for a second. His face was scrunched up, not to mentioned black with ash. Then, his eyes popped wide open! " Charger, Holly crap brotha!" Exclaimed the Stallion. " What the hey ya doin out here?" Asked Sights. Charger never thought he would run into his long time buddy again. They had been best friends at the military academy. They pulled all the best pranks and they knew what made every TAC Officer "tick". Charger remembered the time they accidentally raised the flag upside-down. " I never thought you'd go for infantry!" Laughed Sights. " Well, after you transferred, I supposed I wasn't going to have a copilot!" laughed Charger back. Just recently the Equestrian Air Guard had developed a new technology, it was a ship that earth ponies and unicorns could fly in. They called the machines, Pods and gun ships. The hover carriage had been used for decades before, but nothing like that had ever been used in the military. Charger did plan on trying out to be a pilot, but Sights transferred, and he wouldn't fly without his wingman. As Charger remembered this he heard a static from his ear. He hit it once and the message was clear. " Oh My Celestia!" screamed the COMS pony over the radio. " Are you alright?" Sights looked at Charger with confused face. " It's our COMS pony" Charger answered. Sights face gave him a look of approval and then they listened back to to pony on the radio. " Yah, we're good, but what the HELL was that!" He screamed into his ear piece. " I'm sorry charger I was going to call you before and tell you that…" The COMS pony started. "TELL ME WHAT!?" Interrupted Charger. " Well, I tracked your last transmission and well, you were in the middle of a kill box." A kill box was a selected piece of the battlefield where air strikes would occur. Every friendly soldier was supposed to stay out of that area, but sometimes thy wondered in. It was actually a miracle both Sights and Charger survived the air raid. It was at this time that they both relized that. They both looked around. Everything that was already destroyed was gone, completely. What ever was not destroyed in earlier battles was now black, crumbling, and charred. Surprisingly, there were no bodies of the enemy soldiers. They had either been blown away from the shock wave, or vaporized by the heat of the explosion. Charger the heard more static on his radio. He switched over to another channel and heard a familiar voice. " That better have not been you!" said a deep voice on the other end of the radio. " Yah, it was Gold Wings." answered Charger. Gold Wings was the black Pegasus in charge of Shadow Squad, yes he's the same one as mentioned in the beginning of this story. " Man, that's the second time I've almost blown your ass up!" yelled Gold Wings laughing. " Actually, I believe that was the first time." stated Charger " Think back body, The Phenix Island conflicts, you called in close air support." started Gold Wings. " Hey, that was CLOSE air support, it was supposed to almost blow me up!" Charger exclaimed. " Well, that was definitely my first time almost being blown up." said Sights over the radio. There was a slight pause in the conversation. " Um, Charger, who the hey is that?" asked Gold Wings. " Oh, thats Sights, we go way back, when I was in the academy, figures we run into each other on the field." " What's he look like, actually never mind I'm coming in for a pass." More screeching sounds were heard approaching. Then, a "V" of dots appeared on the horizon and were approaching fast. They were soon flying over Charger and Sights. Gold Wings flipped upside down and gave a hooves up the two stallions on the ground. Within second the pass over was completed and the squad of Pegasus were out of sight. " Wow, you guys look like crap." laughed Gold Wings into the radio. " I find it funny how that's coming from some pony with two giants tanks strapped to there back Goldy Locks." taunted Sights. " What did you just call me?" asked Gold Wings in a quivering voice. " G O L D Y L O C K S" stated Sights. With this there was radio silence. Another rumbling sound was heard, only this was no bomb. The sound was followed by voices and clanks of guns on soldiers backs, they could here clops of ponies as well. A huge metal carriage with a cabin in front and a platform with a turret in the back came over a hill. Its large black wheels crushed and squashed all the degree in front of the car. " Well, looks like the calvary arrived." said Charger. The troops and cars stopped, the same stallion with the gold sun on his helmet walked out in front of the group. " Charger, why the Hell are you in a kill box?" asked the Captain. " I was separated from the unit, sir." Answered Charger, putting his rifle around his back. The captain took a quick look around the area and noted all of the destruction. " Well, this place went to shit." plainly stated the Captain. " Yah, we had a pretty fun time over on this end, sir." answered Sights. The captain had hardly noticed Sights until he had spoken. " Who are you soldier?" asked the captain. " I am PFC Sights sir, I'm a sniper in the one hundred and fifth infantry, sir." " I suppose you got separated too, sights?" asked the captain. " Actually no sir, I was scouting ahead for enemy potations, let's just say I found one." explained Sights. " I'd say you did, look down soldier." instructed the captain. Sights looked down at his hoof, a small piece of metal was poking out of it and it was covered in blood. " Holly Shit, sir" Sights said. The captain called out for one of his medical staff, a white mare came running over. " It appears the confusion has sent your horse shoe into your hoof." explained the medic. " That's bad r-right?" asked Sights with a scared tone. " Well, you be able to walk, I suppose you could levitate with your horn though." said the mare " However, it's not a fatal injury." Sights wiped the sweat off his head, with his good hoof of course. " What are we going to do about his hoof, sir?" asked Charger. " We'll take him aboard and then get him back to his ship." said the Captain. " What is your ship, son?" asked the captain. " We were assigned to the Democracy." answered Sights. The landing trailers came down slowly, hovering over the ground. These were large metal boxes with turrets on top. they were latched like a sled to a team of four Pegasus. They could also have a front triangular cabin, were earth ponies and unicorns could fly as well. CHarger and Sights ship came down almost exactly first, this was because Sights was wounded. They hauled sights into a stretcher and then into the trailer. The rest of them piled in and took there seats along the walls. Some ponies told up and held onto the grips hanging from the ceiling. " Ready to launch?" asked the pilot over the radio. " Let's go." answered the nearest pony. With this command the cabin slowly lifted and the pegasus started to burn their thrusters. When they were high enough a loud roar was heard from the front as the pegasus thrusters fully engaged, the ship lurched forward and they were off out into space. > Chapter Three: Home Sweat Ship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the ship arrived the docking bay was busy as ever, Flight crews galloped back and forth trying to put equipment back, or trying to put equipment back on the waiting fighters. Lights blinked everywhere and small carts drove by with ammunition, thrusters, even food. The control tower was swamped with signals and messages, and there were five coffee makers working at once. The ship approached the hanger doors and slowly stared to ease its way into the massive ship. The landing pad was cleared and the ship gradually came down to steady touch down. The Pegasus were immediately unhooked from the trailer and taken to fly another one. Medical staff rushed Sights as the doors opened. " Hey, easy y'all, that's my shooting hoof!" said Sights pulling it away. " I thought you pulled the trigger with your horn?" asked Charger. " Yah, but the magic messes with the scope and then I miss, and then the enemy knows where I am and…" Sights continued. Charger always remembered him as being a chatter box. As the medics hauled Sights back off to the infirmary Gold Wings started to walk up to Charger. " It's a darn shame that shrapnel got to him before I could." said Gold Wings laughing. " Gold, if you got to him first, he would be dead." responded Charger. Both of the stallions reported to the mess hall for some after battle snacks and refreshments. Tasting all the ash and smoke doesn't really help your taste buds. The medical ponies wheeled Sights into the operation room. He was laying out on the stretcher, the doctor was holding him down as he tried to look at his hoof. The rest of the ponies galloped either along side of behind the self moving bed. Sights noticed how all of the medical staff were acting tense. They seemed to think a small wound was going to kill him. He then realized everything else they had gone through. The battle he had just witnessed was no small conflict. They had probably witnessed twenty soldiers die before he was even struck in the fight. With this thought Sights eased up a little bit, but there was still that small thought in the back of his mind, "What if I can really die?" The operation room was a blinding white area, the table ( which was more of a box) was white. The smooth tile walls and floor were white. Every damned cabinet and shelf was white. A large light hung down over the operation table. One of the medics pushed a small button on the side of the table and a tray with operation tools popped out the side. " Let him down easily." ordered the doctor. Six of the mare nurses picked up Sights and slowly lowered him down onto the table. They propped up his hoof so that the light was right on it. The light was so close he could feel the heat and then the sweat running into his wound. " Gee, thanks a lot dock!" he thought to himself sarcastically. The doctor pulled out a small pair of glasses. These were no ordinary glasses. attached to them was a small laser pointer which you could direct at any point of the wound. The lenses would then multiple your vision, almost to a microscopic level on the lasers spot. This allowed you to examine ever small detail of the injury. When the laser hit Sights felt a slight burn, then it subsided after a few seconds. The doctor was now holding his hoof as if it was a glass doll and constantly repositioning the laser and lenses. " What, is he looking at? Just take the damn thing out?" thought Sights. The doctor still examined his wound. he then put his hoof down and called over a nurse. He spoke very softly into her ear and then walked over to another doctor. He spoke to this doctor with a serious expression and then looked back at Sights for a second. The second doctor nodded and they both walked back over to Sights. " OH SHIT, it is worst then they thought!" thought Sights to himself. When the doctors reached Sights table they both smiled. It was a cheap "Yah somethings wrong" smile. SIghts recognized this and gulped. " PFC Sights…" began the first doctor. " Your leg is not a fatal injury." said the second doctor. This doctor was a larger more bulky stallion, he was light grey with a grayer mane and green eyes. He also happened to be a unicorn " So, can you take it out?" asked Sights motioning towards his hoof. " Oh, yes we can take it out, there's no problem there." explained the first doctor. " The problem is, the ash and conditions of the battle infected the hoof." Explained the second doctor. " Infected, that's impossible I've only had the wound for twenty minutes!" exclaimed Sights. " Actually, you've had it for three hours." explained the second doctor. " I've had a hunk of metal stuck in my hoof for THREE HOURS, and I didn't feel it!" screamed Sights. He was frustrated now, he knew that an infected hoof would take him out of combat, why hadn't no one noticed this piece of metal before Charger? " A solider's adrenaline levels increase in a battle, they increase so mush they might not even feel their legs get blown off." explained the first doctor. " I wasn't that pumped, I mean maybe I did almost crash our jeep, but I felt the impact." explained Sights. " Well, it's the only logical reason we can find, son." said the second doctor. " Now, how about we quick talking and get that hunk of junk out." Gold Wings and Charger were in the mess hall chowing down on tarts. These were apple tarts shipped straight from the orchards of G5. " Man, those weaklings can sure cook!" Charger joyfully exclaimed. He then took another large bight out of his tart. " Weaklings, is an understatement." Gold Wings responded. " What do you mean." asked Charger with his mouth half full. " I mean, they don't even know how to fight anymore, don't you watch the news anymore?" asked Gold Wings. Charger put down his tart and looked at Gold Wings confused. Gold Wings gave him an annoyed expression and then carried on. " They've demilitarized the planet man, They don't have an army anymore. Hell, we can't even get in their atmosphere without being ordered back!" complained Gold Wings. Charger couldn't believe this. How could a whole planet just drop all of its weapons in a time like this. The universe seamed to be at war as Union planets were fighting rebels within them. Most of these rebels were fighting for religious, or government beliefs. Other rebels, mostly their leaders, were using the war to gain power. They wanted as many planets under their command as possible , surely the ponies of G5 would know they were going to be attacked. The rebels wouldn't let a planet like that just stay free. " So, they have absolutely no weapons?" asked Charger still not believing Gold Wings. " I'm telling you the straight up truth man." Gold Wings responded. Charger was still in shock, but he decided that if it wasn't his planet, it wasn't his problem. So, the two soldiers went back to eating their tarts casually and started talking about other subjects. Back down in the medical wing Sights was going through an operation. They had managed to pull out the metal, but they didn't tell Sights they were going to do something else. Sights probably would have nocked them both on their flanks if they had told him. The two doctors were trying there best to remove some of the infected tissue. This meant that the recovery of Sights would be longer, but they thought it would be worth it. The carefully cut away the red and inflamed tissue, putting it in research containers. They then sowed up the cut away areas and swabbed the remaining parts with disinfectant. They sowed up the hoof. " Ok Nurse, we're going to apply the nerve blockers, then you can wake him up." said one of the doctors. The white mare just simply nodded and started to slowly lower the dose of Anesthetics in Sights. The doctor injected Sights with a large needle that let out nerve blockers into his blood stream. Nerve blockers allowed patients to be woken up faster, even after they were just sowed up. The nerve blockers would numb the area were the operation took place. The area would then stay numb for about three days, by then the medicine would ware off and the patient wouldn't feel a thing. " Alright, let's wake him up." ordered the doctor. The mare lowered Sights levels completely and slowly his eyes started to open. It took him awhile, but he finally released his whole hoof was numb. " Holly CRAP dock! You didn't cut it off did you?" Screamed Sights horrified. He took a quick look down at his hoof and realized it was still there " OH thank Celestia!" he said. The doctor chuckled at his remark. " NO Sights we didn't cut off your hoof, we still need you for the fight." said the doctor. " So, that's a good thing, I'm going to get back into the fight?" asked Sights nervously. The doctors and nurses stared at each other for a second. " Well, you still need time to recover, maybe more than a normal patient." said one of the doctors sadly " GAAAA! I KNEW THERE WAS A CATCH!" exclaimed Sights. He sat there for a second wondering how long it would take him to get better. " So, how long am I going to have to wait?" asked Sights sighing. The doctors looked at each other again, this time for almost a whole minute. Finally, one of them spoke up. "Sights, your hoof is completely fine, from the out side. But, it still needs to heal on the inside." explained the doctor. " Why would it have to heal on the inside?" Sights asked. He then thought about this. If his hoof was cut open and the metal was removed than no tissue would be gone. The tissue would have to have been taken out. That's when he got the idea. " YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" he screamed! He lashed out at the doctor who quickly galloped to the other side of the room " Calm down PFC!" the nurse screamed. " I can't calm down, they took out my infected parts, NOW I have to wait longer to get back in!" exclaimed Sights. " Well, it might not be that long?" said a doctor poking out from behind a chair. " HOW LONG dock!?" Sight said, slowly calming down. " Long is a matter of…" The doctor began. " HOW LONG?" asked Sights, his voice raising again. The doctor took a long pause and then sighed heavily. " Sights, you probably won't see combat for awhile." He said. " Like, almost half a year awhile." He finished. Sights slowly straightened his face. He was trying to process what he just heard. He then got up and slowly started to walk towards the door. When he was almost there he turned to a table and put his head down. He stayed in that potation for a second. Every pony carefully inched closer to see if he was OK. He then exploded! he grabbed the table and flipped it! The equipment went everywhere and every pony ran back to their hiding spots. Sights slowly limped out of the door, a small tear running down his cheek. Charger and Gold Wings had finished their tarts and where now in Chargers room. It wasn't a big room, it had a white tile floor, with Chargers green throw rug on it. The beds were bunks attached to the walls, there was a small latter other the back side. Charger really didn't have a roommate, but Gold Wings was in there pretty often. There were two desks on the left side of the room, one was empty and the other was cluttered and full of Chargers stuff. The same went for the cabinets and closets. Charger was sitting on his bunk and Gold Wings was fiddling with his aviation shades at the empty desk. " These damn things keep fogging up when I fly, you know I almost ran the squad into another cruiser!" complained Gold Wings. " Maybe you should stop spitting in them to clean them." answered Charger while laughing. Gold Wings gave him one of his "shut up" looks and Charger zipped his lips. He knew better than to mess with Gold Wings. They both sat there for a second, Charger fitted with his mane, and Gold Wings kept spitting in his glasses. Finally Charger started a conversation. " What do you think the docks are doing the Sights right now?" asked Charger. " They're probably probing him and researching his "areas"." joked Gold Wings smiling. " Man, you know that was disgusting!" laughed Charger " But, seriously, what would they being doing to him?" continued Charger. " I have no idea, I"m not a medic, I'm a fighter and a flyer!" responded Gold Wings. He then looked up from his glasses and at Charger. " So, you seriously ran into him on the battlefield?" asked Gold Wings. " Yah, it was probably the worst way for us to find each other, but the fact that we even did run into each other is amazing!" explained Charger. " Yah, well I guess the military is a lot smaller than we thought." chuckled Gold Wings. He then looked back down at his glasses satisfied with Chargers answer. Just then the radio buzzed. " PFC's SIghts and Charger, please report to Captain Thunders Office." Charger looked at GOld Wings and he just shrugged. > Chapter Four: Reassigned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charger made his way through the ship and towards the helm. The helm was the center of command for the whole ship, everything was controlled from the tower. The Captains chair and office were both there, at the very top. Luckily there was an elevator. Charger pressed the button and waiter for the elevator to come down all 120 levels. This usually took about a minute. As he was waiting he heard walking behind him. He turned around and expected it to be Gold Wings but it was in fact Sights. Sights didn't look to happy, he was limping and he seamed to have a flushed face. It wasn't normal for sights to cry, only if something was really wrong. CHarger had known they would take him off the battlefield, but he didn't expect him to cry about it. Charger actually expected Sights to just be really pissed not sad. " What happened to you?" asked Charger cautiously. Sights looked at him with a hard stare and then look back down at the floor. " NOTHING'S wrong." said Sights is a cold chilling voice. He wasn't in the mood for talking so Charger just left him alone. While they were waiting for the elevator Charger wondered why the Captain had called them to his office. Normally you would just report to your barracks manager or CO. If you were called to the Captains Office, it meant something big was happening. Charger didn't worry about this, even if the captain did intend on punishing him for something he didn't expect it to be too bad. Charger and the captain went way back. Charger's first and only ship he was ever assigned to was the Eternal Flame, he's seen plenty of ponies cycle through, but he never left. The captain enjoyed being able to count on Charger not to leave or be reassigned, he soon became his favorite private. The captain even was there the personally promote Charger to a PFC. A loud "Ding" was heard and the elevator light switched green. The metallic doors open and the two stallions stepped inside. Charger and Sights usually competed and tried to press the button first, just like back in the academy. Sights didn't seem in the mood for a "friendly competition" so Charger just pressed the button. The elevator ascended at a quick rate and Charger could feel his ears popping as the elevator got higher and higher. The floor was vibrating and the windows on level doors zoomed by as if stars during a space jump ( a space jump is like hyper speed). The elevator voice came on and said in an eerie female tone. " Approaching Helm, this is the last stop gents." The elevator stopped suddenly and Sights was almost through to the floor. He was usually ready for sudden things. "Something must really be distracting him." Charger thought to himself. The elevator doors opened and they both walked out into the clean white glowing hallway. The helm was the cleanest place on the ship. It would normally have been hard for someone to pick out the right door, but Charger knew exactly where the captains office was. As Charger started off towards the captains office Sights stared around for a second, he then realized he was being left behind and he quickly galloped after his friend. He didn't have to wait long to catch up with him. Charger was standing outside of the captains office waiting to be let in. They then heard a scruffy voice from inside. " Come in gents." said the captain. The two stallions entered the room at attention. The captain was a large dark blue Pegasus. He was muscular and built as well, the ideal ship commander. He wore a navy blue vest displaying all of his metals, or attest all of the ones he could fit. His mane was a lighter blue with a small streak of white running down it. His wings were hidden under his vest and his eyes were a dark brown. he also had a small beard, it was white and well groomed. " Please, take a seat soldiers." said the captain motioning towards the two chairs in front of his desk. His desk was a wood table cluttered with a large computer on each side, and random assortment of pictures and models of ships in the middle. His office was painted like the sky, a baby blue with clouds. Other medals and flags were hung up either in Cases on the wall or hanging on the wall. The air forces emblem was mounted on the wall behind his desk. Once the two stallions had taken their seats the captain put his hooves together and towards them. " So, Sights, are you enjoying your stay on the Eternal Flame?" he asked in his normal old voice. " I was, sir." answered Sights without emotion. The captain nodded to this and looked at sights foot. " I understand what it's like to be taken out of combat soldier." explained the captain. " It cuts you up on the inside, knowing you could be doing your job, but you can't." Sights looked down and then up again. The captain knows how soldiers think and work, he was certainly getting to Sights. " Sir, you're right, it does cut me on the inside." answered Sights smirking. " I'm guessing you're referring to your operation, I like how you lighten the mood with humor." chuckled the captain. Sights hen gave a weak smile. This impressed Charger, " The captain works fast." he thought. " Sights, I don't want you out of service completely, you're a great soldier and I believe we can still use you while you heal." Said the captain. This remark lit Sights face up like a christmas tree. " You can, sir!?" he exclaimed bursting with joy. The captain smiled. " Yes, we can use you back on Melisium." said the captain still smiling. Sights smile faded. " Melisium sir, that giant ring floating off of Equestria?" asked Sights. Melisium was an artificial city built in space, it was in the shape of a ring to create gravity. THis was built do to large population boosts and overpopulation, that was before the revolution. now the planet below is filled with only a few cities, however Melisium is still there. It was at this time Charger decided to speak up. " Sir, with all do respect, Sights isn't really a city pony. Now, if you had a job for him down in the departments in Equestria he would do just fine." explained Charger. The captain looked at Charger. Then he looked at Sights. He seemed to be thinking something, something important. Both Sights and Charger wondered what he was going to do. They waited as he thought. He then looked up at both of them again. " Charger, this might just work out for Sights." said the captain smiling. " How's that, sir?" asked Charger. " Well, you are one of Sights closest friends, correct?" asked the captain. He was still smiling and looking back in forth between Sights and Charger. " Yes, sir we've known each other since the academy." said Charger carefully. " What is he thinking?" though Charger. " You also mentioned he was uncomfortable around the city?" asked the captain. " Yes, sir I'm not that good with city folk." answered Sights. The captain looked at both of the stallions again. " Then it's settled." he finally said. " Sights, you will report to this given address in the city of Melisium, and Charger, you shall accompany him." ordered the captain. Both of the stallions eyes popped wide open. They didn't know what to say. Charger respected his friend and he wanted to help him but, he didn't want to be pulled out of combat. Sights thought the captain would try to put him back on the battlefield, not drag Charger out too! " Sir, I don't need a guide." began Sights. The captain held up his hoof to silence him. " These are orders stallions." he said now serious. " You can follow them or be punished for treason." Both Charger and Sights were surprised by this remark. They looked at each other and then back at the captain who sat back in his chair. " You, are dismissed Sights." he said. Sights slowly got up, and hesitated to salute the captain. The captain saluted back and Sights left the room. The captain now turned to Charger directly. " Charger, this isn't a punishment, it's actually an order, from above me." whispers the captain. This left Charger even more stunned, he was being ordered out of action! " Sir, who ordered this?" Charger asked. The captain shook his head. " I can't tell you who it is Charger, orders from Luna herself." said the captain. Charger couldn't believe any of this, The princess had actually ordered him out, or at least someone as high up as her. " Sir, why are they ordering me out?" asked Charger more seriously. " The director of the project said he needed you soldiers for security reasons." explained the captain. " Don't ask for anymore information?" ordered the captain " You are dismissed, also don't tell sights anything, he is to only be working in an office, you are the one with the actual assignment." said the captain. Charger nodded and saluted the captain the captain saluted back and Charger left. " Why, do they want me? What's so special about me? Why are they so secretive about everything?" wondered Charger as he walked out of the office. When he reached the door Sights was waiting down the hall, looking concerned. When Charger left the office he started to feel anger arising in him. He didn't know whether he was mad at Sights or at the captain or the chain of command. All he knew was that he didn't deserve to be pulled out. Sights started to gallop towards him. " What did he say?" asked Sights with his eyes wide open. Charger thought what to say, he didn't know whether to tell Sights to mind his own business or tell the truth. Finally Charger said, " The captain was just prepping me for our assignment." answered Charger trying to show a convincing smile. " You know, just last minute details." Sights looked at Charger for a long time. They both just stood there in the hallway facing each other. Charger couldn't smile for much longer, he wished Sights would just say something, thankfully he did. " You're mad at me aren't you?" Sights asked. Charger honestly didn't expect this. " No, I'm not mad." he answered unsure of himself. " Oh crap, you are mad, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you pulled off the battlefield." Sights pleaded. Charger had never heard Sights apologize like this before, frankly he didn't like it. " Um, it's ok Sights, don't beat yourself up about it." answered Charger with an even weaker smile. He could tell Sights still wasn't convinced. He wasn't either. The two stallions walked to the elevator, there was a fence mood in the air. Charger still didn't know whether to be mad or relieved he was being taken out of combat. He also had a feeling he wasn't out of the clear entirely yet. He still had a job to do, and that job started like any of his jobs, shipping out. > Chapter Five: Orientation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Those bastards!" yelled Gold Wings kicking Charger bed. " They can't just pull soldiers out to accompany others!" Gold Wings kicked the desk this time. Charger had just told him he was being sent home to accompany Sights, however that wash't the entire truth. " Will you stop kicking things before you hurt yourself?" Charger scolded while packing a large trunk. " I really don't real like paying for broken furniture!" With this remark Gold Wings calmed down and faced Charger. Charger knew what he was going to say next. " Don't you start with him, he had nothing to do with it!" yelled Charger. " I know, but he still got you kicked out!" screamed Gold Wings. " I told you already, I'm not getting kicked out, it's just another "assignment" said Charger trying to defend Sights. " Assignment my ASS, you know good and well that Sights got you ejected!" continued Gold Wings. He then proceeded to kick the bed from again. Charger wasn't going to get in the way of Gold Wings anger, he didn't want to piss him off even more. He started to walk towards his closet to get his clothes and rifle, but then Sights entered through the door. " OH CRAP." thought Charger, he knew exactly what was about to happen. Sights looked at GOld Wings who didn't notice him, and then he looked at Charger. " Hey Charger, we have ten minutes to be out on the flight deck." informed Sights. Charger nodded and Gold Wings glared at him. He then quickly galloped towards him and got up in his face. " You sorry piece of shit, why'ed you drag Charger into this!?" he bellowed. Charger heard this and quickly galloped over to the pair. " I didn't mean to drag my partner into this!" retorted Sights. " Things just happen this here way!" He screamed. Charger was closer to them now and was able to separate them with his rifle. " Hey, stop this shit! You're both acting like fillies!" he scolded at them. Gold Wings dropped his head and started mumbling as he walked away. Sights just stood in the doorway waiting for his companion to finish packing. " You fucker." Gold Wings said turning back to Sights. Sights simple motioned his hoof upwards, this was the equivalent of the middle finger. Charger couldn't help but give a small chuckle to that and he got a cold stare from Gold Wings. " Are we taking sides now!?" screamed Gold Wings. " Don't think of it like that man, it was kind of funny." said Charger soothingly. He tried to put his hoof around Gold Wings but he backed off. Gold Wings gave him another stare. They all stared at each other. Sights from the doorway, Charger from his bed, and Gold Wings standing as tall as possible in the middle of the room. " Finish your packing and take off." said Gold Wings coldly. " Gold, I'm sorry…" Charger began. " No, just leave, I'll see you when you get back." said Gold Wings even colder. He then picked up Charger wattle bag and dropped it on the ground in front of him. Charger looked back up at Gold Wings, he seemed almost emotionless. He then picked up the back and put it on his back. " See you when I get back then." Charger said in a now serious voice. He slung his rifle over his bag and then left for the hanger with Sights. Gold Wings was left alone. His friend had gone with the injured unicorn and he was now in abate room. Gold Wings didn't feel anger anymore but resent. He had lost his cool, he wasn't proud of it. He simply walked over to the window and sat there. He put his head down and just thought, not crying but thinking. Charger and Sights entered their ship and they started to hover out of the hanger into space. He looked out the trailers window at the hanger, the control tower, and all of his fellow soldiers galloping about the hanger bay. The ship finally was completely out side of the ship and the hanger doors closed. He then looked at his window, number 260 about 300 floors up. It was right below a heavy gun. He peered closer into his window, he aware that he saw a figure sitting there, he then realized it was Gold Wings. He tried waving, even though Gold probably couldn't see him. Little did he know, Gold Wings was waving back. The ship then turned from the cruiser and faced the dark realm of space ahead. it started to gain speed and then he heard a large boom from the trailers back up thrusters. The ship lurched forward and they entered hyper speed, the large mass of ship behind them disappeared in the blink of an eye. Stars shot by as if meteors, there was a steady rumbling from the motors of the trailer. They Charger and Sights sat quietly in the back as the Pegasus up front steered the trailer around planets. The planets actually looked like blobs of color flying by because they were going so fast. Charger didn't like this feeling of complete silence, especially around Sights. He knew it wouldn't last long though, in a few minutes they would be parked right in front of the largest orbiting city in the universe. He tried his best to focus on the window and and the stars. This usually is what he did before a fight, it helped him calm down some. It sort of worked, sort of. Then, the ship slowed and lurched forward, Charger wasn't ready for this and he had to grab onto a rail real quick. The ship then returned to normal speed and the captain came on on the intercom. " Soldiers, welcome to civilization." This made both Sights and Charger chuckle a little. Charger enjoyed that about pilots, they always seemed to be the funnier of soldiers. Sights raised towards the window in amazement, he looked at every building and every ship that zoomed by, most of them honked at them welcoming them home and back from war. The ship[ slowly lowered into the doing of buildings, they had soon entered the rings gravity and atmosphere. they then heard the bustling of hover craft and they were able to listen to civilian music. They were now joyful to be back in the world, all of the worries and memories of Sights fight with Gold were gone. The ship finally touched down on a pad and the doors opened. This wasn't a planned landing so no one was there to greet them, it didm't make much of a difference though. Towers or grey and blue shot up around them. Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasus, Zebras, and even griffons walked the streets and drove hovering carriages. The city noise was even powder then one of Chargers drill sergeants, but it was a good noise. The two stallions grabbed their great and proceeded to walk away from the ship towards a carriage waiting. They waving off the pilots as their ship slowly rose back up again and flew away. They turned towards the carriage and got in. Social Services workers held open the doors for them and offered to put their weapons and bags in the back. " Sir, do you know how to handle a sniper rifle?" asked Sights jokingly. They both held on to their guns as the workers closed the doors and hooked up to the Carriage. It then started to hover as the pullers remained on the ground. They then set off into the road ahead. It wasn't long till they hit a traffic jam. The road was filled with other floating carriages. Some ponies waving a hollered for others to move, some honked and tried bumping others. Charger realized they weren't going to get anywhere quick and they were supposed to report to Sights offices in three hours. " I think we're just going to walk." said Charger to the drivers. He got out with Sights and handed the two workers some bits. The two of them then proceeded out of the road and onto the side walks. They felt awkward walking around in uniform and rifles. They also felt very big and impressive. Once our twice they passed a group of mares who would eye them and wave. Sights enjoyed those times. It was about six blocks more until there they reached their destination. Most ponies would rent sidewalk legal hover pads to sit on, however Sight and Charger were used to marching long distances. As they walked the there moods brightened. They began a conversation. " Sights, how do you feel about the city?" asked Charger smiling. " Where's the wheat?" Sights smiled back. This caused Charger to chuckle. " Honestly, I'm a lot more comfortable here then I thought I would." said Sights looking around. " I'm used to the cows making a lot of noise in the morning kind of like this place." stated Sights. " What about the smell?" asked Charger finally noticing the smell of gasoline. Sights took a sniff of the air and then made a wrinkled face. " Well, nothings like the clean pure country air." said Sights. The two stallions continued walking until they had reached their assignment location. This place was huge. It was a large cylinder sky scraper that was all glass! It was tinted so it had a blue color to it. There was a large glass sphere mounted on top of the cylinder, it had a ring of metal going around its middle. In front of the bronze colored entrance was a vast walk way with gardens surrounding it. The gate witch stood before the entire complex was thick black and there was a small guard house with one stallion posted out front. Charger couldn't see him, but if this was a military complex they were bound to have at least three sniper or foot soldier up on that roof. Charger looked up while thinking this. " How may I help you?" asked the guard out front. Charger snapped back to attention. He looked at the guard. he was a brown earth pony with a navy blue vest on. He also had a black tie on with red and black striped shoulder boards. His blue name tag read, Khan. " Yes, um Khan, we are here under direct orders from the captain Thunder." Said Charger trying to make it sound important. " I'm sorry captain who?" asked the guard. Both Charger and Sights were annoyed at this fact. Captain Thunder is usually known around the military community, except if someones new. This meant that they were dealing with a brand new, green as ever, private. " Never mind." said Sights annoyed, just let us in. The guard looked at them oddly and then smiled. " Your joking, right?" he asked. " NO, were not, let us in." demanded Charger. The guard just shook his head. " Sorry, I can't let anyone in, no one is allowed in accept if under strict orders." Charger face hoover. " We, ARE UNDER ORDERS!" yelled Sights. " Didn't you here me say under Captain Thunders orders?" asked Charger. The guard than faced hoover himself. " Sorry, I didn't remember that." he said. " HOW did you not remember that?" asked Sights glaring at Khan. " Yah, I suffer from a memory loss problem and well…" started Khan. " Look, I don't want to here about your medical history, just let us in." Said Charger. With this the guard lifted the gate and the two stallions walked in. They walked through the gardens that were filled with both staff, and security guards. They were quite beautiful gardens. However they had a job to do, Charger having the actual real job. They walked into the entrance. It was a large bronze arch. When they entered the lobby there were three large bronze planets hanging from the ceiling. There were couches and desks against the walls and hundreds of ponies walked or flew around. They were carrying papers, pencils, computers, even ink cartridges. Yep, this was typical office. The two of them made there way to the elevator. " OK, so it's floor 56." read Charger. He pressed the down button on the elevator and the doors slid open. This elevator had gold lights covering its top and it had a tiled floor. It was also wood all on the inside. It was a large improvement from the ships bare metal elevator. Both of the stallions got in and the elevator rocketed to the 56th floor, they were there in amateur of seconds. ONce the elevator doors opened they were met with a swarm of ponies trying to get in. THey were pushed and shoved out and they were stepped on as well. Papers littered the floor as the mob rushed the elevator. Yah definitely a typical office. When the mob had cleared and the elevator was now on its way back down, the two stallions faced front again. In front of them was desks, lamps, and cubicles. However there was also a completely navy blue earth pony standing by the window. He seemed to be looking out at nothing, he was just staring. Both Charger and Sights recognized this behavior. Officers on their ships did this while they were waiting for there appointments. " Do all of you officers do that?" asked Sights approaching the stallion. He turned to face them, his eyes were dark blue and his main was also the same color. He had on a gold badge that looked even brighter do to his coat color. " You are vigilant." he said in a city voice. He then approached them and held out his hoof. " Hello, my name is Star Dust, I'm the manager of this establishment and also the CO of this building." Both of the stallions took his hoof and greeted him. " I am PFC Charger and this is PFC Sights, sir." said Charger. Star Dust nodded and motioned towards Sights. "You are going to be our new employee, correct?" asked Star Dust. " Yes I am, sir." said Sights. " Hmmm, Sights tell me about yourself, how do you usually work." Sight looked confused. He didn't know what to say. Would this affect his job? He thought about it while Charger and Star Dust looked at him. Then he finally decided to stick with the truth. " Sir, I have no idea what and office job is like. I hardly even know what the city is like. I'm used to open fields, either in my country or out on some battlefield. I was put here because of an injury, sir, but I will try my best." said Sights seriously. Both Star Dust and Charger were blond away by this speech. Charger couldn't help but to clap a little. Star Dust then smiled and gave Sights a look of approval. " I enjoy working with soldiers who are honest." stated Star Dust. He then approached Sights and gave him a pat on the back. " You'll fit in fine here PFC." he said smiling. He then motioned to one of the ponies standing near them and she came rushing over. he told her to take Sights and bring him to the interviewing room. This way they could discuss money and what would happen during Sights job here. The worker nodded and told Sights to follow her. Before going Sights took a quick look at Charger. He gave him a smile and motioned for him to follow, Sights did as instructed. As the two of them walked away it was silent. Star Dust just smiled and stared until they were completely out of sight and earshot. He then turned to Charger. His face was like stone and it seemed serious. He spoke to Charger in a strait solid voice, " Are you The soldier Captain Thunder sent?" asked Star Dust. Charger was shocked by how quickly his attitude changed. he then realized what was happening and he became serious as well. He spoke back in a voice just as icey," I am, sir." Star Dust nodded and looked at him for a second. Charger knew he was matching him with a description. Captains will usually describe their soldiers before sending them to different commanders. When Star Dust was done with his look over he nodded at Charger. " You, follow me, every pass word and panel I enter or touch, you close your eyes, unless I say otherwise." instructed Star Dust. Charger gave him another nod and the two stallions galloped off. Charger had no idea where they were going. The opened a side door an ran up a stare case. Charger looked up, the stares went forever! They just kept spiraling up and up and up! They kept galloping past door after door. They went past every landing! Charger could PT pretty well, but this was murder. He didn't ask for a break though. he wasn't about to look weak in front of his new boss. The two of them just kept galloping on and up for almost a whole ten minutes, finally they reached the top landing. " this is the entrance to our operation center." said Star Dust. pointing towards the door. " You can see, this passcode, you'll need it incase of a security breach." Star Dust then typed in the numbers 13579 on the key pad next to the door. It the opened and an electronic voice said, " Welcome Agent Boston." Charger looked at Star Dust confused. Star Dust looked back. " Star Dust is a cover up name, it's not real. You will know me as Agent Boston. Is that understood?" asked Agent Boston. " Understood, sir." answered Charger. The two stallions entered the doorway and came out into a sphere curved room. The wall on the left was straight, but the wall on the right was curving upwards and it was all glass. It was then advise to Charger that they were in the giant metal sphere on top of the building. " So, that's why you have tinted windows." said Charger. " You guys are hiding stuff up here." he said. Agent Boston looked at Charger with an annoyed look. " It's not really hiding, it's just keeping something safe." he said. Charger looked puzzled, wasn't keeping something safe a form of hiding? The two of them walked through more curved rooms. All of the rooms were filled with monitors and large white metal machines. there were also more cubicles and wooden desks in the rooms. Ponies in lab coats walked back and forth with clip boards or different machine parts. Some of them typed away on the computers and machines as well. They seemed to be monitoring something. Something important. Charger looked up and say that there were multiple cat walks and landings towards the top of the sphere. On these walks were armed guards and Chargers suspected snipers. They were all looking down into a room that seemed to be in the middle of the sphere. The rest of them looked out over the city. As they walked Charger wondered was being hidden up here. It couldn't be weapons. Weapon texs don't where lab coats. They usually where heavy black and green bomb protective suits. He saw goggles and coats hanging up or laying down on tables. he even saw some medical equipment. " what is going on up here?" he wondered. Suddenly Agent Boston stopped at a large metal double door. It had reenforced steal around it and the doors looked to be about five inches thick! A small key pad was on the wall. " You can not look at this pass code." stated Boston. " I understand sir." Charger answered. Charger started to close his eyes but instead he turned around and looked at the room. There were metal machines and everything else I had just described, but Charger couldn't believe all of this had been hiding up here!. They were in a city and he was surprised that no one had seen any of the equipment being moved in or out for repairs. He was mostly surprised no one wondered why there were way more workers then the building could handle walking in everyday. Charger thought about this and then heard Boston fiddling with a piece of paper. he turned around to see what it was. The piece of paper Boston was holding had numbers all over it. It was a code sheet filled with codes for different rooms and programs! Boston seamed to have a lot of clearance, there were almost a hundred codes on the piece of paper! Boston finally found the code he was looking for and placed it into the key pad. Charger remembered his orders and tried to turn around, but it was too late. The code was 32600, and Charger now knew it. He was hoping Boston hadn't noticed him looking. The door slid open and Boston turned to face Charger. " What you see in here is spoken to no one, not even your captain of any of your most trusted friends. This stuff is for high ranked eyes only." commanded Boston. Charger gave him a nod. he began to enter but Boston pout his hoof out to stop him. " Touch nothing! This is a delicate operation." He said. " I understand." Charger responded. Boston then turned and entered the room. Charger followed. It was a large cylinder room with six monitors set up. There were only three ponies in the room. The seamed to be doctors, but they also knew how to operate the machines. Charger saw how highly skilled they were and was impressed. He looked over to the walls. They had screens displaying the condition of six tanks. They listed how the systems were holding up, and also Vital signs! This stunned Charger, were they in some kind of advanced hospital unit? Charger looked over the the wall in the back of the room. There were six holding tanks filled with a clear liquid. The glass on the tanks was frosty and fogged by ice. The holdings tanks had five small lights on its top. They were all green. Charger remembered these tanks from somewhere. He started to think of everything he'd seen on the Eternal Flame. The life boat bay came to mind. Among all of the escape pods there were these tanks in the last hall. They seemed to be exactly like the ones he was looking at now. He looked back at the tanks and read a small sign next to them. " Warning, do not tamper with criosleep tank while subject is inside." read the sign. Charger immediately remembered the tanks now. They were on his ship for slip space jumps. They were for pure emergency only. Why were the tanks being used here then? Charger waited for Boston to start talking to a doctor and he slowly approached the tank. The lights were green so something was inside, it was just hard to make out with the glass being so foggy. He walked up close to the tank and rubbed away the fog. He was met with a pare of large eyes! he jumped back in horror. He wiped away the rest of the fog to see a mare hooked up to a breathing mask and strapped into the back of the tank! She was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane! She had her tail curled behind her and here wings were straight and strapped against the back of the tank as well! Charger looked back at Boston and went to the other six tanks. One held a purple unicorn. One held a blue pegasus with a rainbow main. One held an orange earth pony. One held a pink earth pony and the last one held a white unicorn with a purple main! " Holy SHIT!" Charger said under his breath. It wasn't quiet enough though Boston still heard him. He wearied around and looked at Charger. " I told you not to touch anything!" said Boston. He glared at Charger. Charger stared in shock back. " Why the literal Fuck are there six mares in criosleep up here?" Screamed Charger. He was still in complete shock. This couldn't be some kind of experiment. The pony rights association wouldn't allow it. Neither would the government! Charger looked at Boston who was walking up to the tanks. He was looking at the mares as if they were just statues on display. His expression didn't change. He then looked at Charger. " I suppose you should attest know what you'll be guarding." said Boston. He then mover to each tank and pointed out there names. " This is Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow dash, and Fluttershy." said Boston. His expression still didn't change. "These six mares were supposed to have died thousands of years ago, way back in the early ages of Equestria. these mares were unique to society and to the world at some points. The world would be much darker and crueler without them." Said Boston walking up and down the line of tanks. " You may remember an old fillies tale. The Elements of Harmony. They were a special energy that was separated into six mane beings. When it was united it was said to be the purest thing on earth. It was almost like a godly power." Explained Boston. Charger was confused. What did these mares have to do with an old story? " you look puzzled, what don't you understand?" asked Boston smiling. " What exactly do they have to do with a starry?" asked Charger. He was more curious then shocked now. Why were these mares here. Wy had no one told him he was guarding them and not some other technology. " Sir, I've heard this wtory before. I know the in and outs of the tale. The names were lost over time though. Are you falling me the Mane Six are in the tanks before me?" asked Charger sounding surprised. Boston gave him a smile. " Yes, that is exactly what I'm falling you!" he exclaimed happily. " they are not dead. Do you remember anything in the story that said what happened to these mares?" asked Boston still smiling. " Yes, they disappeared and were lost from the world forever." answered Charger. " PFC, you are dead wrong. They never disappeared or died. Long after the revolution we released the only way to make sure that didn't repeat was to harness the power of the Elements. These chambers are the first biosleep chambers invented in history. It was a long kept secret until the government decided to make these tanks public." said Boston. He walked up to Flutershy's tank and knocked on it. "They have been asleep for thousands of years. They've never aged or died, we've made sure of that. They sleep here waiting to be awakened, for an event witch we would need them for." said Boston. he continued to tap the glass on her tank. charger didn't understand why, but this angered him a little bit. He decided to bring up a point. " isn't this against the convention and the bill of rights?" asked Charger defensively. He now released that keeping six mares basically prisoner in ciosleep was illegal. Boston turned and looked at Charger. He gave him a quick and simple answer. " the convention knows nothing about this, it's better that they don't, as for the bill of rights it states that we should do anything in a time of war to protect ourselves." resoned Boston. Charger now felt that he had to do something about this. " What about the times we weren't at war?" he asked. " We had a long time of piece after the revolution!" Charger pointed out angrily. Boston seemed surprised by his tone of voice. " Watch what you say to your superiors." said Boston seriously. Charger was now extremely mad. How could he think of rank and superiority while there were six mares frozen in fornt of them? " I'm not insulting you sir, I just don't see how this is legal at all!" explained Charger. Boston stepped up to Charger and was now in his face. " We, have to do what we must to ensure our future!" exclaimed Boston. " We, can't just imprison the innocent for our needs!" retorted Charger. Charger had no idea how he was going to guard these tanks while they weren't even saposed to be there. He was trying to think of going public with the information. He would obviously be imprisoned for treason. The military would cover everything up as well. He then got an idea. " You said I was going to guard these tanks?" asked Charger. " YES you will guard these tanks as your duty to our country, or you'll be fired from the military and you will be constantly monitored so you will not spread rumors!" said Boston angrily. " Damnit, there goes my quoting idea." though Charger to himself. Charger couldn't believe what was happening. He was being forced to support something illegal and against everything he stood for! He started to wish that he never got the assignment. The thoughts of Gold Wings started to float back into his mind. The world seemed turned upside down. He didn't feel like he was honorable anymore. " how, could this be happening to me?" asked Charger in his head. " Why, am I the one to be faced with these decisions?" > Chapter Six: First Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charger was reluctant to leave the building. He swore to himself and atone who was allowed to listen that he was right, those six mares should be living their lives. They shouldn't be being used as weapons. Charger was fuming with anger. It was bad enough hat he couldn't squeal about it, but what was worst was that he either agreed with what they were doing or be kicked out f the military! " This is now blackmail and illegal!" Charger mumbled to himself. He walked out of the building at spat back at the door. HE walked towards the gate and out, the gardens had seemed to loose their charm. As he walked he spotted Sights sitting on a bench waiting for him. He saw Charger and jumped up galloping over to him. " How did it go?" he asked. His smile then turned to a concerned look. He realized Charger didn't look to happy. Charger saw that Sights had recognized his expression. He quickly thought of an excuse. " I'm just, not happy with the pay." lied Charger. Sights then made the same serious face as Charger. " I don't like the pay either man. It's to low, They paid us more out on the battlefield." said Sights. He then looked around at the gardens and building. " I guess they can't gave away to much money, this place is pretty well maintained." declared Sights still looking around. Charger wasn't feeling in the mood for a chat. He just wanted to sleep so he could wake up and have a better day. " Let's get going, the sky's getting dark." Charger stated. The two stallions walked out of the gate and waved good by to Khan as the artificial sunlight for the city slowly flickered out. The two stallions were walking to a military VA home not to far from their new work place. They were only meant to be staying there for a little bit. They walked along the lit streets. Most of the cities population was at home or in bed. Some times a few carriages would float by or maybe someone would walk by. Besides these rare occurrences they were completely alone on the side walk. This brought Charger back to the battlefields and wars. He remembered how silent it had been during night ops. It had been darker and usually colder, there was no atmosphere climate control on G7. He remembered how the mosquitos had bit at him, just like now in the dark city. He looked over at Sights who's seemed to be enjoying the walk. Charger suddenly felt a sense of rage. Sights has absolutely no worries in the world. All he had to worry about was his office job. Charger had to guard six, what the military considered weapons, and not tell a word about it even if he knew what he was doing was wrong! He felt jealous towards Sights and he quickly walked ahead of him. Sights was noticing Chargers behavior. He seemed grouchy and angered by something. He didn't know what though. He wanted to help his friend but he knew Charger would not tell him the truth. He wondered if he was just being stupid or if his suspicion was right. he decided that he shouldn't think about it though. He had his first day of work tomorrow and he didn't near to be distracted. After about twenty minutes of walking they had reached the VA home. The main building was all metal accept for a large strip of windows near the door. The lawn was obviously fake, and there was a statue of a pony saluting out in front. It was a silver color and it glimmered in the street light far away on the road. The two wings coming out of the building looked the same as the main building. However, they were mostly dark. All of the veterans had gone to bed by now. Charger and Sights walked in to the lobby. There was a green mare at the front desk. They told her they were ordered to stay there and she gladly took them to their rooms. The rooms were carpeted with a bright red. The beds were not bunks, but they were two queen sized beds on each side of the room. There was a table with two lamps in the middle of these beds against the wall. A TV stood on a cabinet at the front of the room and the bathroom was at the far side of the room. " It's like my cousins motel." said Sights looking at the bright yellow walls. There was a picture of the Royal Guards emblem on the wall. Charger stared at the room for a second and then walked over to his bed and thanked the mare. He unpacked his trunk and belongings and poor them in cabinets and at the foot of his bed. He looked over at Sights, he was in the bath room continually flushing the toilets. He couldn't blame Sights, he'd been in the military for most of his life. These bathrooms were like something out of heaven to him. he felt a sudden rage towards Sights flare up in him again. He was still burnt about Sights getting an easier job. Sights walked out of the bathroom and looked at Charger happily. " Man, those things work bette then a well oiled tractor!" chuckled Sights. " Yah, they're supposed to." said Charger looking away from Sights. Sights noticed his friend was acting strange again. " What's wrong with ya man." asked Sights. " You're usually the one to bring up toilet talk." Sights said losing his happy attitude. Charger just felt annoyed now. Did this stallion ever shut up. Everything he said suddenly felt stupid t Charger. " nothings wrong with me, just go to sleep." said Charger getting into bed. He knew he was in for a long night. " Seriously, you can tell me, what's wrong?" asked Sights again. This made Charger explode. He couldn't tell Sights shit! He was being forced to keep his mouth shut and Sights wasn't helping. " Shut your trap and go to sleep!" demanded Charger. Sights didn't like his tone. " Don't tell me to shut my trap, we're both PFC's Charger!" Sights screamed back. " JUST GO TO SLEEP!" yelled Charger back. He forcefully turned out the light and almost pulled the lamp down to the floor. Sights threw the sheets over himself and did the same. " See, ya in the morning prick." Sights whispered to Charger. " Go, back to school and learn what a prick is." said Charger. Sights now layer there not angry, but hurt. Charger knew he wasn't the smartest of soldiers, but he'd never brought it up, not even in their worst of fights. Sights had no come back for this, just silence. He layer down in his bed and drifted off into a hurt sleep. Charger drifted off as well, only he wasn't focussed on his friend. What was he going to do tomorrow? The night was long and quiet after their fight. The city went silent completely. The VA hospital closed for the night and every pony was asleep. The mood was silent. Charger kept thinking about the six tanks. He looked out his window and up into the city area. He saw the same high-rise he had visited today. He kept thinking about what the Mane Six were doing way up there in that room. The sun lights turned on early for the city. The VA hospital was awoken by the morning wake up calls and the radios of older ponies. Sights and Charger both woke up at the same time. They took a glance at each other and looked away quickly. They both were silent that morning. They didn't speak to each other at all during the morning meal. They made sure that they walked far away from each other on the way to work. They didn't want to be associated with each other anymore. When they had reached work Sights went off to the office wing and Charger went off to the top floor. They didn't say " good luck" or " have a good day" to each other. They just separated and went on with their own private matters. Charger walked up to the stares and opened the door. He knew the elevator didn't lead to the top floor, they didn't want to risk people accidentally finding out about the tanks. Charger looked up the stairs wishing there was an elevator, but he just took a deep breath and made his way up. He continually looked up to see how much further he had to go. He also looked down some times, it was definitely and unnerving experience. He walked for ten minutes, as he did this he wondered what was in store for him. Were they going to give him a surprise test. Were they going to inspect his uniform. Were they going to tie him some kind of form to fill out. Charger early hoped he didn't have to fill out a form, he hated paper work. When he finally reached the top landing he was completely out of breath. He punched in the code for the door and the electronic voice welcomed him. He still thought that the Eternal Flames voice was creepier. He reported to a desk in the middle of one of the electronics rooms. It was kind of funny seeing a neat tidy office desk sitting in the middle of a room filled to the brim with Machine parts. There was a dusty looking Stallion at the desk. He uniform was covered in grease, Charger was guessing that he doubled as a mechanic. " Hello, my name is Charger, I was assigned as the guard for this floor." Said Charger walking up to the desk. The Stallion was tinkering with a light bulb or lever of some sort. Charger waited politely for the Stallion at the desk to put down his project. He then finally looked up at Charger. " Ok, so your our new guard, Charger you said right?" asked the worker at the desk. Charger was extremely surprised that he had forgotten his name but he gave him a simple nod. The stallion then started looking through a sloppy pile of papers on his desk. He picked one up and eyed it carefully. " Ok, so you are to report to me first, and then you are to receive your weapon down stares." said the stallion looking back up at Charger. " By down stairs, do you mean the floor below us?" asked Charger hoping he was right. The worker just shook his head and looked back at Charger. " By down stares we mean the basement." said the worker. Charger was emotionless. He wasn't mad but at the same time not happy. He was in a state of shock, more shock then when he saw the six tanks. He nodded to the stallion did an about face and walked out of the room with a straight face. The stallion strained heard ears and then heard what he was looking for, Charger screamed and then he heard a loud kick coming from down the hall. Sights day was going just the same. He had reported to his office and set everything up. He was ready for an easy first day, but the second he personalized his cubical report after report poured down on him like artillery. He found himself talking to ponies on the phone and writing down letters to his boss at the same time! " HOLLY CRAP, when does it end!" yelled Sights. The rest of the workers around him heard his cry and they all pointed to the coffee machine. Sights understood what they wanted him to do. He slowly got up and rubbed his butt, it was completely numb from sitting for so long. He walked over to the coffee machine and poorer himself a cup. He was preparing himself for a terrible taste, something extremely bitter. He took a cautious first sip, it wasn't actually that bad. It was sweet but tangy at the same time. It wasn't that hot either. He took another small sip and then another. Soon he had downed three cups of the coffee. While he was doing this the other workers tarred in disbelief. Sights finally sat back down to do his work. He brought some coffee with him of course, but he drank it in about three seconds. He tried to type up a report on his computer but his hooves where to wobbly. He then tried to pick up and file some papers, but they kept being shaker out of his hooves from the caffeine. Sights forgot about how coffee made you really jumpy. He found himself not being able to sit still. He didn't get any work done for almost a whole two hours. he just kept spinning in his chair or moving papers around. After another hour or two Sights finally got a weird feeling in his gut. It was like a rushing feeling and then a feeling of pressure. Sights knew exactly what was happening. " Oh no, to much coffee…" Sights began. He got up from his chair and zoomed out of the cubical. His papers flew off the table by the sheer quickness of his bolt. He raced down the hallway trying to find his way out of the maze of cubicles. He galloped down one one path, that lead to a wall. He then turned and galloped down another, this lead to an office. He turned around again and slammed into the mail cart knocking over the pony pushing it. " Sorry!" he yelled as papers and boxes fell to the floor. He kept running for almost an eternity. He finally found the correct path out of the cubicles and took it down to the elevator. He pressed the button and the elevator seemed to come up to his floor as slow as possible. He was holding himself now and standing in front of the elevator shaft. He tried to look normal, but the sweat on his head and they way he was standing gave everything away. The elevator finally showed up and leaped in. He quickly pressed the close door button and he was on his way down. When the elevator opened on the bottom floor Sights burst through the crowd of office works and rushed towards the bathroom. As he made his way across the lobby he saw another worker move towards the latrine door. Sights eyes widened, this bathroom was meant for one user at a time! " Nooooooooooo!" Sights yelled as he dove to the door, just making it through before the other employee could. He smashed through the door on to the floor. He quickly recovered and zoomed over to the toilet. He had finally made it. He sat there in relief. A few minutes later Sights came prancing out of the bathroom. " Thank you Queen above." said Sights happily. He then looked out in front of him. The ponies in front of the elevator had all fallen over from his exit. The worker near the bathroom glared at him as he held himself in a weird potation. Sight released he might have been to dramatic about his dash for the head. He quickly remembered the mail cart as well. He knew he would have to help clean up when he got back up there. His day was starting out pretty crapy. Down in the basement Charger was being issued his weapon. " Now, these are just stun rounds." said a stallion holding up green cylinders. " They don't actually shoot bullets, they break open and fire a smell EMP blast that paralyses the target." said the stallion. he loaded Charger knew pistol with these rounds and put it on safe. He then gave the rest the Charger. " Make sure, you keep those away from others. If more then one of them go off at a time, they can disable entire computers, they might even be able to kill some pony." said the stallion. Charger understood the dangers of the ammo and thanked the weapons master. He then asked him where he should go next. " Your next stop, is going to be your post." said the weapons master. " Where, exactly would y post be?" asked Charger. The stallion looked at a list on his counter and looked back at Charger. " The first place you're guarding is the tank room." he said. Chargers eyes widened. He was really hoping he didn't have to step foot in that room again. He hated seeing those tanks and the mares inside. Why did that have to be the first place? Charger thanked the stallion again and turned to leave. He now had to report to the worst place in the entire building. It took Charger less time tog et up the stairs. He was really getting fused to them now. When he go to the top floor he stood still. he didn't want to report anywhere. He actually started thinking about ditching his duty, or purposely hurting himself to go home. He released Boston would realize what he did in a second, he would have to do this even if he had a broken leg. He took in a deep breath and reported to the tank room. He looked up into the sky outside. " Colestia forgive me." he then looked forward again and made his way to the tank room cat walks. Once he was up on the cat walks he looked down into the room. All he could do was watch, he was too high to really look into the cases. He noted how old the tanks were. They were made out of steel instead of alloy. The hissed and screeched as the pressure in the tanks was adjusted. They also were freezing over in the back. " These things don't even have circuit heaters, now that's old." said Charger to himself. He looked at the tanks a little more and then he looked out the glass walls. The city was busy and noisy as usual. He now found it funny how something so illegal was happening in such a crowded place. he started to wonder who original started this project and who had built the tanks. They must to have been extremely smart. Charger kept wondering and then snapping back to focus on his job. He couldn't take it seriously. He also still didn't know what to do. He was in a perfect firing potation above the scientists, he could easily stun them and then unfreeze the mares. He could also stay up there and not do anything. he could jus suck it up and then goon with his normal military life. " Damn, this sucks." thought Charger to himself. he started to space out agin when he heard a familiar voice. " Hey, Newby!" yelled Boston from a cat walk. Charger half heartedly waved back over to the agent who quickly made his way over. " How are you doing soldier?" he asked. Charger gave him a smile and a nod, but Boston could tell it was fake. " I know what your thinking, why don't I be the hero and stun the bad ponies." said Boston looking down at the lab below. " I thought the same exact thing on my first guard job, this does take time to get used to." Continued Boston. Charger didn't pay attention Boston, he was focussed on the tanks. bops ton continued anyways. " I started to think about what would happen to us without to power of the elements though." said Boston. " I realized that our world would be a lot worst, if this power din't exist today." Boston said motioning to the tanks down below. he took a slight pause and looked at Charger. " You know, when you actually think how they've been frozen for thousands of years, it seems kind of cool." This pissed Charger off. This shit wasn't cool, it was illegal, inhuman, and cruel. He turned and glared at Boston. He then threw hoof up right into Boston's jaw. there was a loud smack as his hoof collided with Boston's chin bone. The agent stood there wobbling back and forth as the smack echoed through the room. he then toppled over and fell flat on his face. The stallion layer there motionless. Charger resisted kicking him while he was on the floor, he was no barbarian. All of a sudden the door to the cat walks swung open and Charger felt a sharp stinging in his chest, he heard the stun round being fired a not even a second later. He felt his limbs sspaz as the EMP buzzed through him. He then buckled and fell to his knees and joined Boston on the ground. > Chapter Seven: The Planning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took Charger a while to wake up. when he did there was a flash light in his eye and three medics standing over him. " He's up!" shouted one of them. They kept shining the light in Charger eyes, he tried to push it away but they pushed his hoof back down. " Relax, you've been hit by a stun round, something about your gun going off in your holster." said one of the medics. It took Charger a minute to remember what had happened. he remembered dropping Boston and then being tazed. he assumed that he had blacked out after that. he quickly took a glance around the room he was in. It was an all white medical room, just like the one on the Eternal Flame. " Where am I?" asked Charger. He slurred his words, he didn't feel his bottom lip, probably because of the EMP blast. " You are in the VA hospital." said the nurse. Charger was relieved to here he was still in the city. He wasn't being fired or discharged, at least he didn't think so. " Where's Sights, the other stallion staying here with me?" he asked. he was actually able to make the words out this time. " He's still at work, he hasn't returned to his room." said a doctor. You were sent back here after the incident. Charger remembered how the doctor had mentioned that he stun gun had gone off. He didn't bother saying that wasn't true. He knew Boston and the others had come up with that story. They din't want anything linking to the discovery of the tanks. Charger slowly sat up. The nurses told him not to, but he said he needed a walk. The doctor tried to block his way out of the room, Charger threatened to drop him if he didn't move. He wasn't in the mood for playing games. He just wanted to be alone. He walked out onto the fake grass. it was like plastic, but it did also feel real. He paced out in the front lawn for a while. he looked at the flowers and studied the large monument out front of the VA home. He then sat down in the grass, even though there was a bench not two feet away. He kept thinking about the Mane Six. He kept thinking about the tanks. For some reason he kept thinking of that yellow mare too. He remembered how she looked. It wasn't right to strap her into a tank like that. It wasn't right for any of them to be in there. He tried to remember her name. Boston had said it while tapping on her tank. " What was it, Flutter Pie, Flutter Tie, Flutter… Flutter?" he thought to himself. The more he thought about her the more his anger rose. She looked so innocent and harmless, why was she being imprisoned like this? According to the old stories she had given enough to the world already, why was she still expected to help us. He then thought a terrible thought. If they we're to be woken up, and they refused to use their powers, what would happen to them. Would the government refreeze them, would they be killed for treason, or would they be tortured and forced to use there powers. he remembered how there were tons of wires and pipes coming out of the back of the machines. " Were they using them already?" though Charger to himself. He then came to his senses. Maybe he was right about some things, but he highly downed they were being used to power the city or something. He remained sitting in the grass for a long time. He then saw a faint outline of a pony making his way towards the VA home. He was glad to see Sights coming home, he wanted to talk to him. He wanted to share his problems with him. His approached Sights in a friendly manner. Sights looked back at him, then he shook his head and gave him a bitter look. He walked on into the VA home without another look at Charger. Charger was confused at first, then he remembered what happened. His bad mood has gotten the better of him. He was sorry that he'd pissed Sights off, but how cold he make up for it. He didn't show it, but he now wanted his friend back. He dropped his head low and while he sulked he walked in to the VA home. The mare at the desk greeted him, but he just kept walking on. He did this as he walked down the hallway and into his room. He pushed open the door slowly and heard Sights in the shower. This was good for him, he wanted some time alone. He walked over to his bed and sat down. Staring out the window he found himself again wondering why his life was so unfair. Why he had to do something illegal. He wondered why he had to piss off Sights. He also wondered about the Six Mares, for some reason that yellow one more than the others. Her life must be really unfair, she doesn't know it but it is. Ha sat there on his bed. he started to drift towards the thoughts of how they were frozen. were the mares put into biosleep voluntarily? Did they go with a fight or struggle? Charger found himself imagining what might have happened to them, he started thinking what he could do about it. He couldn't go public with the information. he couldn't go the press or news. He started thinking of countless scenarios, they all ended with him being killed or fired. He thought about this long and hard, until he got a crazy idea. He was already doing something illegal. Why didn't he just solve the problem with something else illegal. he could hide his identity the whole time, he could make it seem like he had nothing to do with it. " But, what exactly will IT be?" asked Charger out loud. He thought some more. His sadness was completely gone, he was focussed on only the mares. Could he actually manage to break them out? Could he honestly set them free? he knew all of the codes. He saw how brittle the pipes and circuits were from the freezing temperatures, they could easily be broken and shut down. He understood he would probably not get away with it, but if there was a slight chance, he might be able to take it. The water turned off in the bathroom, Sights would be out soon. Charger started to then think about him. If he was going to pull anything he would nee help. Lots of help. Sights and him had been companions forever. The only problem was, Sights now hated Charger. You had to trust your team mate before you did anything. Sights came walking out of the bathroom with a towel around him. He saw Charger siting on the bed. " What the Hell are you thinking about?" he asked. Charger stared back at Sights, he knew he would start a conversation. Charger new this was his chance to clear things up and possibly start a rescue plan with Sights, he just had to say the right things. " I was thinking about last night." said Charger looking sad. " I was a complete duché to you, for no reason." explained Charger. He could tell Sights was wondering if he was being serious. " Is this a serious apology, or is this a heap of crap?" asked Sights curiously. Charger didn't know what to say, he was being sincere, but he was also milling it. " I guess you could say it was both." answered Charger. " I am sorry for what I did man, But I need your help too." Charger explained. Sights just stood there silent for awhile. " How can I trust you again?" he finally asked. Charger thought about this, what would make Sights be able to trust him. What could he tell him, the answer came immediately. Charger motioned for Sights to come in close. He looked out the window and around the room, he didn't need bugs or a spy listening to him. he then leaned in extremely close to Sights. " You know where I work?" asked Charger. " Of course I do, your in the office floor above mine." Charger shook his head with a smile. " You are completely wrong." he said, still smiling. Sights was interested now, if Charger was in an office job, what was he doing the whole day. " There is a top floor, it sits inside the big glass ball on top of the building." Charger continued whispering. " There is something going on up there. There are these machines and government staff, even though the government knows nothing about the operation." said Charger. " What's the operation?" Sights asked, his eyes were huge with anticipation. Charger looked around the room, one more time for listening devices. he then looked back at Sights. " there are six tanks, each hold a mare." said Charger, Sights now gave him a puzzled look. " Mares?" he asked. Charger gave him a nod. " Do, you remember an old story, one that talked about the Elements of Harmony, and how they were purest thing on earth?" asked Charger. " heck yah I do, that was my favorite bed time story as a filly." Sights answered with certainty " remember how the six mares in the story disappeared after the revolution, they were lost, never to be seen again?" asked Charger. Charger was now completely whispering, Sight had to strain to here him. " Yah, I remember?" said Sight, he was now eyeing Charger as if he were crazy. " they're not dead buddy. They are alive and there in holding tanks up there, they've been in biosleep for thousands of years!" exclaimed Charger. Sights was looking at him. His face showed a mixture of concern and confusion. " You're alright buddy, right?" asked Sights. he put his hoof on Chargers head. Charger quickly brushed it off " Since when where you a medic?" asked Charger. Sights just gave him a shrug. " Sights, it sounds crazy but it's the complete truth, they are up there and the governments been using them as weapons!" said Charger. He was trying his best to get Sights to believe him. Sights still didn't look convinced. He started to move towards the phone to call a nurse, but then he heard Charger. " Trust me Sights." pleaded Charger. Sights turned around to look at him. He was stading extremely still, looking directly into Sights eyes. " You, need to trust me, I need your help." Charger explained seriously. Sights slowly turned away from the phone and walked over to Charger. " This is the complete truth?" he asked. Charger nodded. " Your not going to tell me you were joking ten seconds from now, are you?" asked Sights. " I swear on Captain Thunders medals, this is the complete truth." said Charger confidently. " The military is holding those mares captive, and we need to do doe thing about it." said Charger. This perked Sights up. He eyed Charger curiously. " When you say, we need to do something, what exactly do you mean?" asked Sights. Charger thought about this, he knew he would have top think of an answer. he decided he would have to go with what he had, it was completely crazy but he would have to do it. " Sights, we're soldiers." Charger began. " We are under oath to protect the citizens of our country and to uphold the rights of all. This include ponies from thousand of years ago as well. The military has seemed to have forgotten that. We need to break them out buddy, we need to set them free. They've done enough for this country, they should be able to live in peace." stated Charger. Sight was paying full attention to Chargers speech, seeing this Charger continued. " WE have to do this. WE have to be the ones to recognize the wrongs and make them right! WE have to do this, because no pony else will! We're getting them out Sights. We breaking them out." finished Charger. Sights stood in place. He was stunned by Charger speech. He had never felt so motivated he never felt so proud. He never though Charger could talk like that. Sights understood what they had to do, and so did Charger. Sights didn't seem hesitant at all to accept this idea. This encouraged Charger. " Where do we start? asked Sights. Charger smiled at this remark and pulled out some spar stun round from his guard uniform. meanwhile back in the Biosleep room, every pony had gone home. there was no one left except for night guards, and they weren't allowed on the ground floor with the tanks, they were only supposed to walk above on the catwalks. The guards paced about, some looked out at the city other kept their eyes fixed on the tanks. Little did they know the scientists had put to little of the sleeping drugs into Fluttershy's tank during their last shift. The levels of sleep drug displayed on the screen slowly lowered and turned red. Fluttershy started to move a small bit. She twitted her legs and tried to move her front legs, but hey seemed to be strapped to something. She tried as hard as she could to open her eyes, but they wouldn't budge. She moved her legs more, then she moved her wings, they were strapped in too! She tried harder to open her eyes, but they still wouldn't open! She tried to cry for help, but there was some kind of bass mask on her muzzle! " where am I?" she thought. " Why am I in here?" She started to thrash in her tank now trying to free herself from the restraints. She wanted to scream for help, but she couldn't. She kept trying to open her eyes she tried forging them open. She was now in a full panic mode. The motion sensors had picked up her movements and were alerting the scie ntisist in the next room! They came running in shouting at the guards. The guards filed down from the cat walks above and scientists turned on machines and powered up generators. " her heart beat has increased by double!" yelled one of the scientists. They starting pumping sleeping fluids into the machine pipes. " Get those drugs in there!" yelled a scientist. Fluttershy continued to thrash trying to free herself. She was able to open her eyes a small crack now. She saw the scientists rushing around. She saw the lights of machines in front of her. She released she was completely submerged under water and she thrashed harder. The scientists continued to raise the drug levels. Fluttershy was opening her eyes wider and wider, she saw the mask on her muzzle and she saw how the glass was fogged. She should almost open her eyes all the way! Suddenly, she felt sleepy. her eyes started to close even though she tried to fight it. She stopped thrashing and became still again. The last thing she saw before her eyes were completely closed was a navy blue stallion walk into the room. Charger and Sights had spent hours last night trying to figure out a plan. They had gotten the basics down. Get in, release mares, and get out. They could get through every door, Charger knew the codes. They could easily shut down the tanks and get the mares out. However, how were all eight of them going to get out of a building, completely covered with guards. They had to think about that. " Ok, so we can't go down the stares, they might being coming up that way." said Charger thinking hard. It was about three in the morning, they had five hours till work started and they needed a plan, FAST. " We' can't just jump out of the building though. Parachutes cost to much and we probably won't be able to teach the mares how to use them before the guards are on to us." stated Sights. They were both thinking incredibly hard. There had to be some possible way. There was always a way. " could we sneak them out one at a time?" maybe we could hide them somewhere and and keep going back every night?" suggested Sights. " No, by the time the first one was reported missing they would have moved the tanks." explained Charger. " They would probably conduct some kind of city wide search too." finished Charger. Sights and Charger both frowned. They had the ability to get in, the only problem was getting out. " What if we use a ship?" asked Sights. " You know how to fly!" Sights said excitedly. Charger started to think about his idea. The could bring some sort of transport ship close to the top floor, but they needed more than just one per on to gat into the building. If Charger piloted the ship Sights would be left completely alone and you never leave a team mate alone. " It's going to take both of us to get in that building." satiated Charger. " Your a better shot than I am, but I know all of the codes to get through doors. we would near another member of the team for the ship idea." Said Charger. " Then call someone!" demanded Sights. Charger laughed at this idea. " Where am I going to find a pilot at three in the morning?" asked Charger. " Just call some of the taxi ponies! We have some of their numbers right?" asked Sights. He seemed desperate for an idea now. " If I did manage to get a hold of a taxi, how would I convince the driver to help us with something completely illegal?" exclaimed Charger. " we'll pay him a lot!" reasoned Sights. Charger was now completely annoyed with Sights. " we don't have thousands or even hundreds of bits lying around, do we?" asked Charger. Sights just folded his arms and leaned against the wall. " Well, I think we're going to need a get away vehicle, a ship can get in and out fast, we don't even have to travel back down the building!" pointed out Sights. " Think of everyone we know, that knows how to fly." Suggested Sights. Both of the stallions thought about this. They didn't know many pilots, they were part of the infantry. However, there was one pony that came to mind. They both thought of him at the same time. They looked at each other. Sights was smiling and Charger was frowning. " You know he's not going to do it right?" asked Charger. " Come on, he's probably over us leaving by now!" reasoned Sights. Charger didn't want to call him, but Sights was right, he was the only pony they knew he new how to fly. " Where's he going to get a transport attachment at this time?" asked Charger. " He's on a war ship. There's probably one around." Sights said. Charger reached for the phone and hesitated for a second. He then dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. The stallion on the other end answered. " Um, hi, is this Gold Wings?" asked Charger. > Chapter Eight: Break In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charger walked up to the front gate as casually as he could. He pulled out his check in card and gave it to the guard. The guard checked the card and allowed Charger to enter. Today Charger wouldn't mind walking through the ground gardens before work, however he had showed up early for a reason. He walked over to e bench at the side of the building. there were no cameras pointed towards him, this is exactly what he needed. He pulled out a pair of optical binoculars and scanned the grounds. There were three cameras directly over the entrance. he saw a hidden camera near the gate entrance. He noticed some trees had green cameras untangled in their branches. He also noticed the guards. He saw two guards posted at the entrance, and one at the gate. there also seemed to be five foot patrols walking the grounds. None of them carried lethal ammo or weapons. every pistol was modified and every round he saw on them was a stun round. The guards out front were meant to stun, not to kill. " The guards up top are a different story." Charger reminded himself. He packed away the binoculars and walked out from behind the bench. No one had noticed Charger, so he walked in to the building as if he were checking into work. He walked past the guards who seemed to be eyeing him. he knew that the word had spread though out the building. Every worker and office pony probably knew about him tazzing Boston. They all looked at him as if he were dangerous. he didn't really mind them, he was going to be long gone before tomorrow. he would never see any of these ponies again. He would be in deep space, far away from any military or police service. Charger approached the door to the stairs. Charger stopped at the door and eyed it carefully, he saw a small monitor hooked to the key pad. " A detector, if I punch in a code, they'll know the door was being opened." Charger had half expected something like this. When you half expect something in the military, you act as if it's certain. Charger pulled out a small blinking device. It was a glass circle with a suction cup and two wires poking out. this thing was the size of a marble. Charger hit a small button on the top of the ball and then set it under the key pad. he opened up the pads circuits and looked around, he finally found them. there were two large red wires stuck into a port within the key pad. He quickly undid one and hooked the wires of the ball to it. He then closed the key pad back up. " First jammer in place." he said to himself. he opened the door and proceeded up the stair case to the top floor. As, Charger was doing this Sights entered the building. He had a mission of his own as well. He wasn't setting anything up or filming anything. All he had to do was mess as many things up as possible. He proceeded to his work place as quickly as possible. When he arrived on the office floor he didn't go to his cubicle. Instead he headed over to his bosses office. He opened the door and closed it behind him. His boss wasn't here yet, this meant he had time. He quickly galloped over to his desk and pulled a drawer open. he proceeded to look for anything hat had been touched. He found a small pile of files. he picked them up, released that his boss had bookmarked things in them and they were obviously important. " These are the first things to go." Sights said. He opened his bosses window and chucked them out, they fell to the street a hundred feet below. He saw them finally drop into a trash been in an alley. " GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAL!" Sights thought to himself. He looked around for more papers and chucked them out the window. He looked at his watch, his boss would show up any second. He then closed the window. closed all of the office drawers and simply walked out of the room. He made sure to close and lock the door behind him. Just has he was walking away from the office his boss was walking up to it. He opened the door and walked in. Sights waited for a few seconds. He wanted to see how well he had done his job. He waited for a minute and then, he heard it. " Crap, where are those papers?" Sights heard from in the office. Apparently, he had done well. He happily walked over to his cubical and pulled out his work. He didn't do very good on any of his reports, he would be long gone before tomarow. Now that I think of it, he really didn't work at all that day. Charger was now down in the weapons room. he was getting his rifle for today when the weapons manger stopped him. " Hold on a second, your to be given a club today, they don't want you tazing any pony." said the manager. This partially annoyed Charger, he had hit a stallion for something he was doing wrong. Sure, maybe he did nock him out, but he didn't mean to. Actually he completely meant to, he was just trying to justify his actions. " Are you sure I can't get a smaller gun?" asked Charger. The manager looked at him funny. " Why would you want a smaller gun?" he asked curiously. Charger was trying to think go an answer. Most guards didn't care if they were issued a club or a gun, they didn't really have to use their weapons much. " Um, I just think a club is annoying to carry." Charger lied. The manager did not budge. " Well, you should have thought about that before you hammered Boston in the face, he's out fr medical leave because of you." Stated the stallion. Charger hesitated and then took gave the manager his card. He then gave him a key and he proceeded to the weapons rack. Charger opened up the cabinet and pulled out a club. He then quickly grabbed a smaller club and shoved it in his vest pocket. He needed a weapon for Sights. he casually thanked the manager and reported to the tank room. When Charger arrived on the top floor, every guard, scientists, and worker looked at him. He could tell some of them were impressed which what he did. He also saw that others hated him for his actions. Either way, he ignored the glances and whispers about him. He was leaving tonight, and he would never see this building again, unless the break out made it onto the news. Charger knocked on the tank room door and a scientist opened the door for him. Charger then proceeded to the cat walks, as soon as he set foot on the first platform he heard every guards weapon click, they turned their safeties off. Charger decided it was better to be down on the tank room floor, he didn't want to be stunned by Boston's companies above him. He walked around in a large circle a few times. He was trying his best not to show his excitement. He wanted to break all six of the mares out right now, but he couldn't. He would have to wait till night fell. He started to think of the six again. he looked over at their tanks, the yellow one seamed different. She didn't seem in as a relaxed potation as the day before. She had adjusted her lags, and her head was tilted back. he examined her wings. She had one bent down, and the other up. He looked closer towards the straps around them. They had moved up one wing and down the other. She had obviously moved! Charger was shocked by this, no pony could move during criosleep, that was what made it so dangerous and unique to other forms of rest! She also had bruises and marks on her wings. She has tried to escape! Charger could feel it, he just knew that she had tried to free herself, judging by her position and bruises she had wanted to get out pretty bad. This angered Charger. He felt his hoof grab for his club, but he stopped himself. He would do no good for the mares if he was stunned or shot for killing a worker. He wished he could just pull out an automatic and sweep the room with it. He wished he could shoot up every fucker holding the mares in their glass metal prisons! " Wait till tonight." he told himself, trying to calm down. He started taking deep breaths and then he looked at the tanks. he stared directly into the shut eyes of the Fluttershy. " I'm getting you out, even if I have to kill." said Charger to her under his breath. He knew she couldn't here him, but it was all he could do for now. The bell for evening check outs called six hours later. Charger was ecstatic to get out of the place. He knew he would be coming back a a few hours, but he so eagerly wanted to leave right now. he checked in his weapon, not the one for Sights and galloped out the front door before the manager could interrogate him. he knew that that stallion had dots about him. Every one of them did after his clash with Boston. Some thoughts towards him were of hatred. Other thoughts were or respect and impressment for his deeds. He didn't care what they thought. All of them were doing something wrong, and they all knew it. He would teach them tonight. He would show them the right thing. he would show them that he wasn't going to stup down and do a bad stallions bidding. He had no respect for any of them. He was going to win tonight, he was going to get them out. Charger thought this all the way back to the VA home. He arrived and charged into his room, he was transforming into his old self now. he was changing from a worker to a warrior. He pumped himself up he punched at the air. he was ready for a fight. He rage from today would fuel him. Sights was depending on him. Gold Wings would depend on him. The Mane Six would depend on him. He was ready. Sights walked in a few minutes later and pulled out a piece of paper. " I found this building lay out in my bosses office." said Sights placing it on a table. Charger opened up his vest pocket and tossed the small club to Sights. Sights caught it and looked at Charger confused. " It was all I could get a hold of. We'll have to steal some weapons fro this run." stated Charger. Sights gave him a smile and nodded. " Then it's a good thing my boss is still looking for those papers." Said Sight smirking. " You are absolutely sure he is still there." asked Charger. Sight gave him a nod. " Alright then, we move in thirty minutes, get your gear together." ordered Charger. Sights tuned to a table piled with gear they had been collecting and stealing. Sight started packing as much as he could into his pockets. Charger noticed this. " Let me carry something." Charger said. Sights looked at him, he looked almost fat with all the stuff in his vest pockets. " You will break everything that isn't a gun." Sights stated. Charger knew he was right, hw didn't have the delicate handling and hoof work that a sniper had, he always broke or dropped equipment. The two stallions walked out the back door of the VA home. They both had black ski masks on and navy blue bullet proof vests. Charger had a crow bar he found behind the VA home and Sight carried the small club. They both carried smoke and flash bangs that Charger smuggled out of the weapons room. The were both ready for a fight. They had their game faces on and they had a warriors mentality. Fight and succeed, nothing else. They started walking towards their work place. The complex was one of the brightest buildings in the sky, so they had no trouble finding it. They kept to the shadows as much as possible. They didn't want to be seen be any civilians or guards. The snuck up to the gate of the building and paused. They were making sure no pony had seen them or knew they were there. Charger pulled out his binoculars again. He started to scan the front yard for a threats. he spotted a guard in the gate booth, a pair of guards by the doors, and one guard walking the gardens. Charger knew they couldn't enter from the front. He also knew that they couldn't get in a fire fight outside of the building. The goal of this mission was stealth. " Sights, do you see any points of entree?" asked Charger scanning the fence line. Sights pulled out a pair of binoculars as well and looked towards an ally. There was only one building close enough to the wall that they could use to jump over, and there just so happened to be a dumpster near it. He tapped Charger on the back. " We can use that building to jump the fence, the dumpster should give us an easy leg up there." Sight said punting in the buildings direction. Charger looked at the building with his binoculars and didn't see any guards around it. " Point of entry established." Charger thought to himself. The only problem now was getting in. He scanned the guards movements a little longer. He realized that they usually came around in two minute cycles. This gave them a two minute time window to get in. Charger had known where the cameras were and he realized there weren't any pointed towards the path they needed to take. He turned around and nodded at Sights they then waited of the guard to walk by. " Our two minutes starts now." Charger whispered to Sights. The two stallions then dashed to the other side of the wall. The took cover and remained still, making sure no one had seen them cross the entrance. They then looked forward and and ran into the alley next to the building. They found the dumpster and hopped up on top. When they were on top of the dumpster Sights took up a firing position. He eased into a prone firing position as if he had just done it yesterday. Charger was a little impressed by this. It showed how Sights remembered his true duty, even though he wasn't doing it. Charger focussed back on the mission and pulled himself on to the building. He was now on the roof. He could see the gardens and yard of the target building below. He was waiting for the guards to seed him. thankfully they were focussed on what was in front of them, not above them. Charger scanned the gardens more. He was looking for other guards or cameras he had missed, he didn't see any. He motioned to Sights to come up. Sights came out of his firing position and started to haul himself up onto the roof. Charger took out his binoculars and looked up at the glass ball onto of the office building. He tried looking through the tinted glass, but he couldn't get a glimpse of any machinery or tanks. When Sights was on the roof they looked for a jumping area. They found a nice clear area that was close enough to some bushes so they could hide. Charger went first. he walked to the middle of the roof and turned towards the wall. He started to gallop at full speed as fast as he could. He saw himself getting closer to the edge. He then jumped as high and far as he could. he felt his hooves leave the building and he was in a super man like position in the air. He then started dropping. He started to shift his wait towards his head and he did a front flip. he landed on the ground half way through the flip and broke the fall using a roll. He then took up a kneeling position and scanned the area with his rifle sights. He Waved up at Sights who jumped down too. " Entry point in sight, about half a quarter of a click out." said Sights looking at the door through his sniper scope. The two stallions slowly moved forward. " I take the guard on the left, you on the right." said Charger. The stallions then brought out there small clubs, well Sight brought his out. They couldn't use their guns, only if they needed to. The two stallions were crouched in a bush right behind the guards. Charger counted to three under his breath. When he hit one they sprung out and grabbed the guards by the neck area. Sights quickly pulled the guard into the bush and sacked him with the club. Charger hit the guards neck and nocked him out. He then quickly grabbed some stun rounds and a stun pistol. Sights did the same. They wanted to free the mares, not kill there own team. They backed back up into the bush. They knew they had just avoided the camera. Charger had made sure to know every angle and blind spot. Since the stun guns fired a small burst of electricity Sights took aim and fired at the camera. The green laser hit the camera and there were many blue sparks. The camera then slowly fell and faced the ground. " Alright, entry is dark." said Sights. The two stallions came out of the bush and rushed into the building. They found themselves in the main lobby. Charger noted how there was plenty of cover, he also noticed plenty of guards. > Chapter Nine: The Waking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sights and Charger quickly took cover. They hadn't expected this many guards on the inside. They expected most of the security to remain outside. " Where did they all come from?" asked Sights peaking out from behind a couch. Charger gave him a shrug. " we're going to ave to improvise." Charger said. He peaked out from behind a table. He noticed that these guards were randomly walking the hall and rooms. The were armed with stun guns and they also had flash lights, the element of darkness was not eliminated. " Alright, there's plenty of cover, we move from furniture to furniture. Make sure you stay out of their lights." Charger ordered. Sights nodded and took out his new stun gun. Charger raised his and pointed to the elevator. " rally point is the elevator, I'll see you in three." Charger said. Sights smiled and galloped off to a table. Charger looked out at the room. He noticed there was a reception desk he could easily make it too. He waited for a guard to turn and then he bolted for it. He ran quick and quietly skidding behind the desk. He peaked out from the desk trying to find Sight. He looked around until he found him peaking out from behind another table. He was already half way across the room. " Freaking snipers, they're so damn quite." Charger mumbled to himself. He then turned back towards the elevator. He saw a line of couches and tables set up along the room. He could use those to make it to the elevator. He just had to make it there first. There was a flower pot not to far away from the first table. He could easily make it. he looked at the guards who where facing the other way. he looked back at the pot AND BOLTED for it. he ran as quickly as he could without making noise. He passed a couch and then ducked to get low behind the pot. He then felt his hoof slip out from under him. he looked down and noticed the ground was wet. He felt himself leaning back. he was going to hit the flower pot and land on his back. He looked over to the guards, by one of their hooves layer a water bottle that was emptied. " That explains, this shit." Charger thought. He would hit the ground any second now. He braced himself, and he did hit. he hit hard. A muffled thump echoed throughout the room. he was still sliding when he fell. He slid past the flower pot, and then behind the first table. He came to a rough stop and crouched behind the table nervously. He knew that the guards had heard that. He heard them shouting to each other. They were all running throughout the room now. They had their weapons out and they were looking around and under all of the furniture. Charger took a quick glance over to the elevator. he saw Sights ducked behind a pot waving for him to come over. Charger shook his head. He couldn't move with the guards all around! He looked back towards the doors as well, a guard was making his way outside! Charger knew that if the outside was alerted, then the rest of the building would. They would go into lock down and Charger would be caught along with Sights. The mares would probably be moved to a different location, and there goes the rescue mission! Charger had to do something. he looked over at Sights, he was raising his stun gun at the stallion headed for the door. Charger knew he would take the shot, so he pulled out his weapon. " Shit's about to go down." Charger thought to himself. He came expecting a fight, and he was going to get it. He took in a deep breath. He heard a the blast of the stun gun. He saw the jet of green light fly across the dark room. He then heard the scream of the guard who was now on his belly with his legs twitching. The rest of ponies turned around and saw Sights. They were all aiming at him with their stun guns. Charger then popped out. He pulled the trigger on his weapon and he hit a guard dead in the chest. He went barreling over and slamming into the ground. The other guards now all turned towards him and fired short bursts of green lasers. Charger dove and rolled away from his position and took up a kneeling firing stance behind a table. He started firing and stunning anything that moved in his direction. More green shots flew by. Flower pots exploded. lights and cameras were shot out. Tables were being flipped for cover and more and more guard ponies kept moving in! " We need to move!" shouted Sights still firing. Charger ducked down to reload. " I'll run to you!" Charger replied peaking out from behind the table. Sights was still shooting. There were now piles of stunned guards around him. Charger knew they would be over run if he didn't move soon. He looked around and found a path he could take to Sights. He realized there wasn't much cover on the path, but it was best he could do. he took in a deep breath, and then ran. As soon as he came out from behind the table green beams of light shot by his face and body. They would hit the ground near him and send sparks flying. He was blinded by how bright they were and he felt them burn his coat as they fell on him. He kept running through all the fire and small spark explosions. Sights was firing from his position, trying to keep the guards focussed on him. Sights was firing at random now, he was trying to keep the guards behind cover. Charger was still running. He noticed that there weren't as many shots flying by when he slid behind Sights table. " You're holding things down pretty good over here!" joked Charger. They were both up now firing at the guards who were brave enough to get up out of cover. As they were firing they noticed a vehicle pull up outside. It was a box shaped carriage that was all navy blue. Latched to it was a large rectangle trailer that had "SECURITY" written on it in big yellow letters. " We've got rolling patrols!" yelled Sights over his blaster. Charger saw the vehicle as well and they both slowly started backing up towards the elevator shaft. They were still firing as they backed up. Shots started to fly by from outside. Ponies were pouring out of the truck that had pulled up. They were all equipped with heavy stun canons and smaller stun rifles. They started to come in from the doors and from every angle. Sights leaned back and pressed the elevator button. The elevator door opened and the too stallions ducked inside. " Please select a floor." said the elevator voice. Charger quickly hammered the second floor button with his hoof. The door didn't close. " What's going on, close the door!" yelled Sights. Charger was frantically pushing the door close button. " I'm trying!" Charger yelled back. Shots were now flying into the elevator and scorching the inside wall paper. Finally the door slowly started to close. Charger looked out at the destroyed lobby. As he looked at the door he swore he saw a navy blue earth pony walk in before the elevator doors closed. " Well, we're in deep shit now." said Charger putting his stun rifle over his shoulder. " Why's that?" asked Sights. " Agent Boston just showed up, you know Star Dust." said Charger looking at Sights. Sights gave Charger an angered look, Charger knew Sights hated Boston ever scenes he told him what he was really doing. The elevator stopped on Sights work floor. The door slowly opened, and out flew a flash bang. The grenade exploded and the room was filled with a white light. Slowly the light subsided and the two stallions slowly walked out of the elevator. Charger came out first, and Sights came out second after he shot up the elevators control panel. " They are getting anywhere with this thing." Sights said smiling. The two stallions walked through the cubicles checking every corner for possible enemies and shooting out every camera they saw. They walked through these cubicles until they found a small office. " That's the one?" asked Charger eyeing Sights curiously." " That's the one." Sights replied. Charger walked forward and burst through the door. He had expected to be met with another pony with a rifle, but none was there. " You are obsoletely sure this was the right one!" Charger asked again. Sights just casually walked by and kicked the desk in the office aside. Behind the desk was a cowering unicorn. " There he is." Said Sights. he them pointer his sniper rifle at the unicorn. The unicorn had tears running down his face. He slowly took his hooves away from his face and simpered at them. " Y-Your the ones making all that racket." he said still crying. Sights kept a hard face and kept punting the sniper rifle at his boss. " You are high clearance, is that correct." asked Sights as if he didn't know his boss. The stallion looked at him confused an then he slowly nodded. " I've done my research, every high clearance worker here had codes for an off limits room upstairs, is that correct?" asked Charger. He was checking the room for cameras and bugs. The unicorn just kept nodding. " What do you need the codes for, I'll do anything you ask." simpered the unicorn. Sights kept his rifle fixed on him. " What do you know of the secret room?" asked Sights. He now had threatening face on. The unicorn covered his face and started balling. " I don't know anything, I swear!" he cried. Charger was getting tired of this. IT hurt him to see a stallion at such a high level acting like a little baby. " You don't need to know anything, all we want is the codes. Follow us." said Charger point in out of the door." The three stallions slowly moved out of the office. " Are you taking me hostage?" asked the unicorn still whimpering. Sights gave him an annoyed look. " We're not interested in hostages." said Sights, however he was still pointing his gun at the unicorn. They soon reached an electrical room on the other side of the floor. Charger walked over to the door and grabbed hold of its handle. He looked over at Sights who nodded. " You might want to plug your ears and close your eyes." said Sights pulling out a flash bang. " What's…." started the unicorn, but Sights had already thrown the grenade and it was too late for him to close his eyes. The bomb exploded once again filling the room with white light. The unicorn covered his ears as they rang from the blast. Sights and Charger were already stunning the guards within the electrical room. " How are you able to shoot!" asked the unicorn in amazement, still rubbing his ears. Sights and Charger didn't answer they grabbed hold of the unicorn and forced his hoof up against a fuze box. The box read "Private Controls, Off Limits to Civilian Workers." There was a blue light that surrounded the unicorns hand. It then flashed off and there was welcoming beep. The fuze box unlocked and Charger flung it open. " Alright, here we go." said Charger. " Can, I go now?" asked the Unicorn his eyes starting to tear up again. Sights gave hims hard serious look, and then he looked at Charger. " Let him go." Charger said motioning towards another office. Sights pushed away his boss and the unicorn ran down the hall. " It's funny, he was so confident before, now he's just a scared little coward." Sights said, still staring down the hallway even after his boss had turned the corner. Charger was flipping switches in side the fuze box. With every switch he turned lights and machinery on the top floor turned off. He finally came to the bio tank's switch. This controlled the freezing and life support. If he turned that off, they would have three minutes to reach the top of the building, other wise the mares would die from being awake in such cold water. " Set your watch." Charger said. He hesitated and then pulled the switch. " Alright, our three minutes starts now!" Charger instructed. They both bolted towards another elevator. They knew it was only a hallway away. They also knew the guards had probably used it to follow them upstairs. When they turned the corner to the elevator entrance. They were completely right. There were guards everywhere. They had the elevator circled and they had plenty walking the hall. " So, um you were caring the gas masks right." The original plan was to set off a smoke grenade and sneak onto the elevator. Chargers eyes burst open. " YOU don't have the masks?" asked Charger is alarm. Sights looked around and then back at Sights. " I thought you had them!" he whispered. Charger face hoover, there goes the plan. Charger knew that they had to improvise. The elevator was obviously out of the question now. They could pull off an assault or ambush. There had to be another way. Just then the elevator opened. Out walked a few more guards, and then Boston. Charger felt a rush of anger. That crap head had shown up just for the soul fact of keep the six imprisoned. Boston causally stepped out of the elevator and looked around. he called over one of the guard captains. " You checked everything, correct." asked Boston. The captain nodded " Yes sir, every room on every floor." said the Captain. Boston gave him a questioning look. " Every floor?" asked Boston. The guard once again nodded. Boston looked around once again. He seemed to be feeling out where they were hiding. " A new guy who punches me, and now this." said Boston. " I don't get paid enough." He said. Boston once again looked around he started walking from guard to guard asking them questions. Charger had to accept that he was here, he also had to accept that this would make the rescue plenty harder. He looked up at the ceiling. " No air vents." he said to himself. He looked back out at Boston. He seemed to be done with his question sweep. He returned to the captain. " Captain, gather some men, we're going to check the top floor again." Boston ordered. " Why sir, if you don't mind me asking." questioned the guard. Boston gave him a puzzled look. " They wouldn't be here for printing ink." he said. Boston and some other guards left towards the stairs. " Send a few more up when you get the chance." ordered Boston to the Captain. The captain nodded and returned to his duties. It was at this time, Sights got an idea. " Hold on, just a second." Sights said as he ran off. Charger motioned for him to come back, but Sights was already down another hall. Charger couldn't imagine what had gotten into him. He was wondering what he was about to do when he heard to distinct thumps. Sights came back around the corner dragging two guards. Charger was interested now. " What exactly are you doing?" asked Charger as Sights handed him a guard helmet. " We're gong to get up to the top floor, by using the enemy to our advantage." said Sights putting on a guards uniform. Charger now understood what he was planning and did the same, within seconds they looked like military guards. They both walked out from behind the corner and merged with the crowd. It took them some time, but they finally found the captain. " Sir, are we able to assist the rest of the men up on the top floor?" asked Charger, trying to sound as normal as possible. The captain was busy telling some pony else what to do, so he just waved them away and nodded his head. " Terrible leadership." said Charger as they walked into the stair well. Sights looked up with his mouth gaping wide open. "We have to make it up these!" he exclaimed. Charger gave him a smile, "it gets pretty easy after some practice." he said. Sights just gave him a annoyed look and they both started up the stairs to catch up with the group. Boston and the other guards where now on the top floor searching the area. They were puzzled why all of the systems where turned off. " This has to be the intruders work." said Boston. He ordered some ponies to boot up the manual systems for the life support on the tanks. The tanks once again lit up and the mares were stable. As the guards circled the area, Boston decided he would keep a close eye on the tanks. he walked up to them. He eyed each and every mare inside. He just kept staring at them. He then finally came to Fluttershy's tank. " You gave us some problems yesterday." he said to her. " Yah, you gave the medics a run for their money." he said chuckling a little. He started to wonder if her waking yesterday had anything to do with the events tonight. He started to think logically and decided there was probably no connection. The systems hadn't been tampered with after they checked them yesterday. She must had woken up on her own, or it was the mixture they put in her tank that day. Charger and Sights had now reached the top floor. They opened the door and found that the lights and monitors were all on. " Crap, they turned the systems back on!" said Sights. Charger felt the same way, they had to hide their disappointment though, for all the guards knew, they were one of them. Charger and Sights started walking through the rooms. It was hard for Sights not to show his amazement. he kept looking over at all of lights and blinking messages. Charger was not focussed on the equipment. It didn't seem special anymore, it was just newer stuff. His eyes were set on a door in front of them. This door led to the tank room, where their objective was waiting. Charger suddenly felt nervous. He hadn't counted on this many guards being in one spot. He also didn't think Boston would be here. They had managed to stay under the radar of regular guards, but Boston was an agent. He was trained to see through fake faces. Sights stopped next to Charger who was staring down the door. " I take it, that's the room we're looking for." said Sights. Charger just silently nodded. This was going to take a lot of courage. He felt he was ready though. He had to do this, he promised himself and Fluttershy that he would. he took in a final deep breath. " Let's do this." he said stepping forward. Sights smirked and followed close behind, he rested his hoof over his stun gun. Charger slowly put his hooves on the door. He was going to push it open and probably pull off the most difficult operation in his whole life. He closed his eyes, and then pushed the door open. He was surprised to open them and find a navy blue stallion eyeing the tanks. Charger knew exactly who it was. He waited for the doors to close, and then pulled out his stun gun, he wasn't going to let this agent get in the way. " How's it going?" asked Charger in his real voice. The stallions ears perked up and then he slowly turned to face them. " How did I know you would end up here?" asked Boston smiling at the two stallions. Sights had now aimed his gun at Boston as well. " Maybe it was just a lucky guess." Charger stated. He smiled when he saw Boston's black eye and bruised face. " Don't get cocky over my appearance." said Boston. " I'm still the same agent." he said smiling. Charger kept his stun gun on the agents head. " Please step away." Ordered Charger. Boston gave a him a little laugh. " You are ordering me to move?" he asked still smirking. He was slowly moving his hoof back towards his concealed pistol. This was not a stun gun. It was a real pistol that shot actual bullets. " Yah, seeing how I'm the one with the gun to your head, I think I'm eligible to order you around." said Charger. He didn't loosen his grip, or move his gun away. He knew Boston was planning something. He was just waiting for him to make the first move. Boston was still groping for his weapon. He was going to shoot this stallion right between the eyes. His friend would be next. " What do you think Sights?" asked Boston looking over to him. " Does this impress you at all." he asked. Sights gave him a cold stare. " It would be impressing, if it wasn't for the wrong reasons." Sights said, giving Boston a smirk. The three stallion were in a complete stand off. Boston had his hoof on his concealed weapon and Charger and Sights were ready to fire. Boston knew they weren't stupid enough to make the first move. " Well then, it seems we are at a stand still. Allow me to be the brave one." said Boston. In the blink of an eye he pulled out his pistol and began firing at the two stallions. They ducked in cover right before the bullets flew by. They noticed that there was no green streak flying through the air. " LIVE ROUNDS!" Charger shouted. The two stallions brought out their real guns and returned fire. Charger sprayed the area with fire. Sparks flew everywhere! Screens where shot out and Boston dove behind a counter. Sights realized the guards had probably heard Chargers machine gun. He quickly took his stun gun and shover it through the door handles. As he diode so there was a loud banging from the other side of the door. The guards where hitting and shoving, trying to open the door. Charger kept firing and moving from copper to cover. He was trying to work a circle around Boston. Every time he showed his ugly face, Charger would pop off a few rounds in his direction. " That fucker is not moving!" he though to himself. He worked his way over to the tanks. He hated Boston, but he had to remember the mission as well. He began working with the wires and cords behind the tanks. They all seemed to connect to three large cords coming our from the monitors. Charger had been able to do enough research to figure out how to jam cameras, but he hadn't really had time to work out this part. He knew that he could kill all six of them he didn't cut the right wires. He also he'd to remember to shoot at Boston whenever he popped up. Sights was over at the door, he was taking anything he could find and shoving it in front of the door. He heard more nags and he swear he heard more voices than before. He had to make sure they didn't make it through the door, otherwise the whole mission would be pointless! They would fail, and the six would till be sleeping! He heard the stun rifle break and the two separate pieces of it fall to the floor. " Good thing there's more than that on the door." Sights mumbled. He pushed a shelf in front of the door. He was grabbing for another item when a hoof collided with his head. He fell back and stumbled. he looked up and saw that Boston had made his way over to him. He was bring his front legs down to crush him but he quickly rolled out of the way. He jumped back up onto his hooves and grabbed a tray. He slammed the tray across Boston's face. The agent then punched Sights in the gut. Sights was used to these kinds of punches. he did not stumble or fall he just started to pouch left and right across Boston's chest. Boston was inching backwards with every blow. He then came back around and ducked under one of his pouches. He was now behind Sights and he put him in a hold. Sights struggled to free himself, understanding he couldn't make it out of Boston's grip by pure strength, he resorted to cheap shots. He bucked Boston dead in the balls with his back hooves. He used him as a launch pad and sent himself flying forward towards his gun. Boston toppled to the ground holding his lower area. His face was twisted with pain. Meanwhile Charger had narrowed down three wires, to two. One controlled life support, the other was probably the sleep conditions. Figures, one could kill them if cut, the other would save them completely. Charger looked back and forth between the wires. Gaaa! They're both red!" he said as he tried to think of which one to cut. He was fiddling with a small knife in his hands. he came close to cutting one, but them backed away at the last second. Sights was once again trying to keep the door closed. He was now shoving himself up against the door. " Hurry up!" he said as he pushed the doors closed. Charger understood that the guards would make there way in, he had to cut something NOW. Sweat poorer down his muzzle as he started cutting away at one of thick red wires. " PLease be right." he begged inside his head. He was almost done cutting when there was a hissing sound from the door. Sights and Charger both looked at each other. Sights then pressed his head against the door. His eyes burst wide open. " FUSE!" he yelled throwing himself away from the door. as he did this the door was engulfed in an inferno. Flames reached out to the middle of the room. Computers and tables were thrown clean out of the windows and the glass ball around them shattered in some places. Both Charger and Sights were thrown to the floor. Boston was lost in the explosion. Charger didn't really care about him right now. His ears rang from the blast. He slowly pulled himself along the ground as the guards raced in. He saw Sights being pulled to his feet and cuffed by guards. He seemed knocked out. Boston was also being lifted up, only he was being carried out of the room. They hadn't found Charger yet. He crawled over to the wire. He saw it sparking. He pulled out his knife and began slowly cutting away at it. Everything seemed in slow motion. The room was still filling with guards and there was fire and sparks everywhere. He kept cutting and cutting. He felt his knife severing the last small strand. He was so close. Guards were rushing over to him. He kicked at them and forced them away, he needed to cut. He felt the knife slowly sinking through, and then he heard a noise. A deep humming. and also flapping. He knew exactly what was coming and pushed himself to the ground. Two giant lights appeared out side of the glass windows. There was a high pitched sound and then red beams of light came crashing through the windows. They hit everything. Guards were thrown across the room. Everything was exploding and sparking again. The guards dropped Sights who crawled away. Ponies were being shot and dropped like flies. The guards tried retreating out of the door, but the blasts had completely caved it in. Smoke now filled the entire room, and then the wire snapped. he heard beeping noises from the tanks. This gave him a sense of bravery. He knew that the ship firing outside was on his side. He was getting out of here, and so was Sights and the mares. He galloped through the explosions and fire. He retrieved his rifle and hit a guard in the face with it. he went down in a second. He rushed over to the tanks and found every piece of glass broken. The mares where not in the tanks either! " What The Fuck!" he yelled. He saw some guards coming up from behind, he shot them all down. He shot anyone in his path. He was searching through rubble and casting degree aside. " Where are you!" he galled over the battle. The ship was still unloading all of its ammo into the room. Sights was now up and driving the guards back to a corner. He was firing from the waste and moving like a fantom! Charger was still searching. he threw a piece of wall metal to the side. Instead of herring a thump when it hit the ground, he heard a small squeal. He knew that wasn't anyone fighting. Stallions didn't sound like that! he rushed over behind a pile of rubble and he found her. She was purple with a pinkish streak in her mane. She was a unicorn and she was trying to levitate a piece of melt off of her orange yellow maimed friend. The purple one had a mark of a pink star on her rump. The orange one had apples on hers. " Oh my Celestia!" Charger mumbled. The unicorn looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She pointed her horn a him and started to charge it up. Charger flung his hooves up. " No! Wait, I'm on your side!" he yelled. He quickly put his hooves under the piece of metal and heaved it of the orange earth pony. She quickly got up and ran to stand beside her friend. They just stared at each other for a moment. They didn't know what to say. Finally Charger spoke up. " Twilight Sparkle?" he asked pointing at the purple unicorn. She slowly nodded, her tears going away. " W-Who are y-you?" she asked in an unsteady voice. Charger looked at her for a while and then replied. " My name is Charger, and I'm getting you all out of here." > Chapter Ten: The Get Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Where are the rest of you?" asked Charger trying to calm Twilight down. She sobbed and tried to cough up the smoke in her lungs. She didn't know where she was or what she was doing. She just remembered cold and then shutting her eyes. " How long ago was that?" she thought to herself. " How long were we asleep, are we going back to sleep?" she wondered. PLenty of questions filled her mind. She wanted to ask them all, but Charger snapped her back to reality. Twilight, where are the others?" he asked. They were still behind the rubble and Charger was trying his best not to loose his cool. Twilight took in a deep breath, and then let it out. ' We don't know." she answered. Applejack looked a little worried with her remark. " Have you see any of em?" she asked sounding worried. Charger shook his head. " We, will find them, but you two need to run, now!" he said. He pointed over to the window where the ship was still blasting the room. " THat thing will not hurt you, it's on our side. I need you to run to it as fast as possible." Charger ordered. The two mares eyed him questioning his order. " I'll make sure nothing happens to you two, now you have to hurry!" he yelled. The two mares understood the urgency of the situation and took off running through the fire fight. Charger stood behind the rubble and began firing at the guards who tried to stun Twilight and Applejack. He dropped four or five before they made it to the ship. When the two mares got to the ship, they looked back for Charger. " Your not coming!" Applejack screamed back at him. Charger shook his head. " Not yet, your friends are around here somewhere!" He replied. He then ran off into the fight again. Twilight and Applejack stared at the side of the ship for a little bitt. They had to cover their ears because the ships guns were so loud. Twilight nocked on the door and creed out " Let us in! We need to get in!" she screamed. The door remained closed and the firing continued. Twilight and Applejack were about to turn away when they heard the door open. " Holly Shit, they weren't kidding, you really are the Six!" yelled the black Pegasus from in the door. Twilight and Applejack were taken back by his language. Gold Wings realized this. " Sorry, I tend to curse when in a battle situation." he sheepishly smiled. He stood aside and motioned the two mares in. " Hurry!" he yelled " I don't know how long those guns will fire on autopilot!" he said. The door then closed and Twilight and Applejack where now safely inside the ship. Charger and Sights were still running around searching for the others. They looked under everything, they fired as they galloped. Sights was over on the complete opposite side of the tanks. He was fringe from a prone position when he noticed there were sounds of galloping behind him. He didn't know if the guard behind him had a gun on him or what. He quickly turned over onto his back and fired off a shot behind him. The bullet hit nothing but it blew out a computer screen behind him. " Wow, not even a week out of the fight, and I'm loosing my cool!" said Sights to himself. He started to turn back towards a group of guards, however he heard some scurrying behind him. He flipped around again with his gun pointed towards a pile of rubble. he fired a single shot which kicked up a lot of dust. Immediately after his shot there was a small " Yeep!" from behind the rubble. " That does not sound like a stallion!" he thought. He quickly dove forward and started to dig at and move the rubble. He heard more scurrying and yelps from behind. He knew that at least one of the elements was back there. He kept digging, finally he made it to the other side of the pile. Behind the pile, covered in dust and dirt was a innocent looking group of mares. One was a white unicorn with a purple mane. One was a pink earth pony, her mane was a darker pink and her hair was very poofy and curly. The third mare was a blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. She was trying to puff out her chest and look tuff. They all had tears in there eyes. The unicorn and pink earth pony were holding each other. Sights realized he still had his gun pointed at them. " Sorry, about that." he said lowering his gun. " I thought you were, someone else." said Sights blushing. The three mares didn't answer they just shivered and looked at him in shock. " I'm Sights, I'm a sniper with an infantry unit, I don't want to hurt you." Sights said slowly putting out his hoof so they could shake it. The unicorn and earth pony didn't move, however the Pegasus slowly started to inch forward. She was as far from him as she possibly could be when she put out her hoof. Sights took it and shook it lightly. " N-nice t-to meet you S-sights." the pegasus managed to squeak. " Nice to meat you, um, uh…" stuttered Sights. " My name is Rainbow Dash." she said managing to regain some composer. " These are my friends pinky Pie and Rarity." she pointed at the two shaking mares behind her. They were slowly inching towards Sights. Then a shoot kicked up dirt near Rainbow Dashes hooves. " Shit, Cover!" Sights yelled pulling rainbow dash to the ground. Pinky and Rarity dove behind a pile of wood and metal. More shot flew by and Sights returned fire. He was still firing when he yelled at Rainbow Dash. " Those lights over there, do you see them?" yelled Sights as he pointed towards the ship. The three mares only managed a nod, they now released they were being shot at and they were in a fight. " It is only shooting the guards, it will not fire on you. I need you to run towards it! Can you do that?" Asked Sights. Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest. " I'll try." Rainbow Dash said. Pinky was only able to manage another small nod, her eyes were still filled with tears. " W-what ever y-you say dear." Rarity whimpered. Sights could tell that they would need some help crossing. " I'll lay down covering fire. They'll be focusses on me not you!" Sights yelled. " Run as fast as you can towards those lights. Three….two…..one…MOVE MOVE!" Sights screamed. The three mares bolted out from behind the rubble. Immediately the guards pointed stun pistols at them. " No You DON"T!" Sights yelled. He started to fire shot after continuous shot from his sniper rifle. He hit every guard he intended too. The mares were not at the ship yet. More ponies streamed in through the door, they had removed the rubble and were able to fead a healthy supply of troops back into the room. Sights made sure he kept those ponies under fire. He didn't care where he hit them, as long as they went back down or staid down. The mares were almost to the ship. The door was open and gold wings was motioning them to bored. He fired a small hand held pistol from the door to keep the guards focussed on him. The mares one by one entered the ship the door started to close behind them and before Sights knew it, they were all in. Sights pulled out a small radio from his vest pocket. " Charger, I got three more on!" he said. There was some static and gun fire, but sights soon answered. " We can't leave yet, there still one more!" Charger called over his radio. He was in the middle of shooting and digging through a pile of rubble. He had seen he three mares make it on to the ship, however they weren't the yellow one. " Damn it! Where are you Fluttershy?" thought Charger as he frantically pulled away planks of wood and mangled metal. He pulled out his radio again, " Sights, I can't find her!" Charger screamed. " Where are you?" asked Sights looking around the large room. He couldn't see very well past the ship. It was to smokey. " I'm probably on the opposite side of you!" said Charger. " Did you see a yellow mare over on your end!?" asked Charger. He was now ducked behind a computer that had fallen off the wall. The monitor was pretty big and it gave a lot of cover. " I've only seen those three!" Sights answered over the radio. Charger slammed his radio on the ground. He promised they would all make it out. He promised that the six would be saved and set free to go about their new lives! He felt frustration and anger towards the enemy. The six ponies had done nothing wrong, however these guards seemed so intent on keeping them here! Charger couldn't help it. He had been trying to aim for the legs this whole fight, but if they were going to try to kill him, then he was surely going to kill them! He pulled a small grenade out of the guard vest he was wearing. " You want a fight, then you'll get your fight!' he yelled. He pulled the pin on the grenade and blindly chucked it over the monitor he was hidden behind. He heard a satisfying explosion, and then the wails of guards. He reached for another grenade. Fluttershy was trying her best to cover her face. She was crying her eyes out as bullets flew over her and beams of lights illuminated her field of vision. She couldn't stand the loud pops and explosions. The sparks from the machines scared her and sent her racing to a new hiding spot. She just kept crying and screaming, she screamed so loud. Her wails were muted by the guns and explosions though. She was covered in dust and she was in a ball on the floor. She knew she was in some kind of strange battle. She never wanted to witness any kind of war or violence. She was completely frozen by shock. She thought she would be hit or killed any minute. Then she heard a series of explosions. She saw stallions fly back and up. Clouds of red mist, their blood flew up when the explosions were near to them. She closed her eyes more. She didn't want to witness more death. An explosion want off close to her and she hit her last nerve. She screamed so loud it hurt. She creed and screamed, she just wanted to go home. " Where's home!" " Where's my bunny!" " Angel, Angle help me, save me!" " Some pony save me!" she cried. She could't stop the tears or the screams, she was in full survival mode. Her adrenaline was long gone. She was going to die. She didn't want to die. Charger was throwing grenades until they were gone. He took out his machine gun and emptied two whole mags. He pumped shots into stallions until they were unrecognizable or completely dead. He was in a rage. He hated every single one of them. he was going to kill them all! he then heard a scream from in front of him. Directly in front of him. THis snapped Charger bad to his seances. " Stallions can't scream like that!" he yelled. He jumped over the computer and galloped through a maze of fire and sparks. The room was completely collapsed now. There was no roof left and smoke and fire were everywhere. He squinted his eyes trying to find a shape of a mare, or maybe long pink hair. He ran into a guard and nocked him flat onto his face. he gave him an extra kick to make sure he would stay down on the ground. " Please STOP!" He heard. The small squeaky voice came from a few feet away. He squinted his eyes and saw exactly what he wanted to see. There was a yellow pegasus with pink hair backed up against a wall. She had fresh tears in her eyes and seamed to be staring in shock at something. Charger followed her gaze and found what she saw. There was a navy blue earth pony pointing a stun rifle at her. he was bruised and bloody. He looked like he had been kicked in the face. Charger knew exactly who this was. Old Boston couldn't stay out of the fight, even if he was hurt. He couldn't let an element get away either though. Boston stared angrily at the pegasus and was about to pull the trigger. Charger lunged at him and kicked the gun upwards. The shot hit the ceiling above them. Boston immediately came around and smacked Charger in the jaw. Charger toppled back onto some rubble. Boston then threw his first at Charger who rolled away at the last second. he recovered and got into a flighting stance on his two hind legs. Fluttershy watched in amazement as this stallion drove his hoof into the navy blue ones face. The navy blue one responded with a quick gut kick and another small push. Fluttershy didn't know which one to trust until the orange one looked at her. " Run, to the lights!" Charger yelled he then blocked one of Boston's hits and pushed him down to the ground. Fluttershy did not hesitate, all she wanted was to get out of here. She wanted to be somewhere safe and secure. She wanted to go home. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She jumped over piles of random things and through gantlets of gun fire. She tried her best to focus on the lights in front of her only. When the ship was finally in her view she stopped and gasped at the giant floating box. She was amazed at what she was seeing. There was no magic levitating the abject. It was being pushed off the ground by small flames on the bottom of it! Fluttershy heard a door on the ship open and a black pegasus step out. " Get in, hurry up!" yelled the pegasus. Fluttershy ran towards the ship and hopped on a step under the door. She then stepped up onto the wing and looked back. The room the ship was in was on fire completely and there were bodies laying everywhere. Fluttershy scanned the room for her savior and found the two stallions still fighting in a cloud of fire and smoke. She stared at them and then felt a hoof grab her front leg. Gold Wings was pulling her into the ship. " Come on, get in here, it's not safe out there!" he said trying to pull her in. Sights galloped up to the ship. He looked up at Fluttershy and Gold Wings. " Is Charger back yet!" he yelled up to them. Fluttershy pointed towards where Boston and Charger were fighting. Neither fighter seemed to be winning or loosing. Sights looked at them with a angry expression on his face. " BOSTON, I thought I dropped that fucker!" he yelled. Fluttershy and Gold Wings were both confused, but they could tell Boston wasn't a good guy. Charger and Boston were now in a hold. Charger was pushing Boston's hooves back while Boston did the same to Charger. They both twisted their faces with concentration. They were not going to allow the other to beat them. " Give in Charger, I've been trained to withstand long periods of stress." said Boston pushing on Charger. Charger stood his ground and answered Boston. " I'm in the infantry, do you really thing I'm just going to let you beat me up!" said Charger smirking. Boston continued to push harder. Charger started to slip back a little bit. " See, you are slipping, in a few seconds you'll be on your back on the ground!" said Boston laughing. Charger knew he was right. He was worried, but he kept a stern expression on his face. He tried to push against Boston, but he was to strong. He then got another one of his ideas. " Give in Charger, I'll at least send you to court before I kill you." Boston taunted. He pushed harder on Charger, this was his chance. Charger simply let go of Boston's hooves and stepped to the side. Boston was sent crashing to the ground right onto his face. " Sweat dreams, Sir!" Yelled Charger. The ship was backing out of the room through the whole in the wall. Charger could see Fluttershy on the wing. Sights was also sticking head out of the door popping off any guards who tried to shoot Charger as he ran for the ship. He jumped over holes in the floor. He threw himself over rubble and bodies. The ship kept backing out. He could see how tense Fluttershy was. He was trying his best to reach the steps. Soon the ship was out of the building and in mid air. IT stopped backing up and Sights started to lay down serious covering fore. He seemed to be firing at hundreds of guards behind Charger. Charger did not dare look back, he and to get back onto that ship. He knew he'd have to jump. He started galloping as fast as he could. Dust was kicked up behind him as guards fired and missed Charger! He was now at full speed ready to leap. He waited till he was at the very edge of the building and then he jumped. He threw himself forward with all his might. he felt like he was a pegasus flying. He had his front and back legs fully extended. he saw the silver wing of the shuttle his hooves were almost touching it. He felt the heat of bullets flying by and he saw them hit the ship and send up small sparks. Fluttershy had a frightful expression on her face. Then Charger felt what he wanted. His hooves smacked against the wing of the ship as he grabbed on and angled on the wing. His chest was on and his back legs were hanging off. He pulled himself onto the wing as the ship slowly started to turn and back away from the burning floor of the building. There we're plenty of sirens and blinking light below them. Charger was able to pull himself onto the wing and help Fluttershy into the cabin of the shuttle. He entered last and pulled the door shut and locked it. They had made it. They had all made it out. > Chapter Eleven: The Ugly Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ship was well into the smaller areas of the city now. The beautiful high rises and the sparkling lights were now all left behind the distance. The could see that they were almost to the undeveloped areas of Celestium. The whole ring wasn't inhabited yet or biult up. They past construction crews that were heading in or out from building the another city on the ring. The areas ahead were dark except for the lights of small apartments and stores. " I we sure we want to hide them way out here?" asked Gold Wings. Sights and him were in the cockpit of the shuttle. " The government won't come lookin for them out here. It's to far outta their way." Sights said examining the small town around them. Gold Wings did have a point. The only thing out here that seemed orderly and safe was the military ship grounds. They weren't going to get to close to those though. They were all wanted criminals by now. Little did Sights know they were exactly correct. The police and military had spread throughout the more populated part of the city. They were asking every pony if they had seen Sights, Gold Wings, Charger, or the Mane Six. Charger and Sights had been every careful though. The ship they were flying had no normal marks on it. They had made sure to stay out of sight of even civilians to eliminate the possibility of leads. In the back of the ship, most of the Mane Six were asleep. They had become tired after the hellish ordeal in the building. Most of theme were blackened by the ash and soot during the fire. THe only one that wasn't asleep, was Fluttershy. She wondered who that brave stallion was who rescued her. She also remembered how after everything, he had managed to jump onto the ship and pull himself inside. She was impressed by how un effected he was by the events. He didn't seem alarmed that he had juts been in a fight like the ret of the six. Now that she thought about out, all three of the stallions didn't seem to mind the battle at all, even though they all came close to death. She looked over at Charger. He was standing up holding on to a strap hanging from the ceiling of the ship. He was looking at the wall and not at her. He had his rifle in one hoof and he kept swinging it back and forth. Fluttershy was curious to what that thing, the rifle, he was holding was, and what it did. " Um, excuse me, if you don't mind me asking, um… what is that?" she pointed at the rifle. Charger was snapped out of his thoughts by the question. He looked down at the rifle and answered her question. " This is an assault rifle. Every time I pull this trigger it fires little pointed metallic objects at ponies." said the stallion putting his gun over his shoulder. " What do the objects do, if that's ok to ask?" Fluttershy said weakly. Charger looked down at the gun. He knew that Fluttershy would not like the answer he was going to give her. He couldn't just say it killed ponies. " Um, well, they um… they repel them, yah they repeal ponies." said Charger giving her a fake smile. Fluttershy just nodded her head and looked back down at the floor. Charger knew she hadn't bought his answer, and he knew she had an idea of what the gun actually did. Charger couldn't help to feel sorry for her. She was thrust into a knew, and violent world. She hardly knew what advanced technology was, and she had almost been killed about ten times. He had to see if she was holding up. Charger sat down in the seat next to Fluttershy and tried to start a conversation. " Um, are you ok?" asked Charger. Fluttershy looked up at him and blushed a little, she quickly looked back down. " Um, yes, I'm fun." she mumbled. She some how felt that she knew this stallion. She had heard or seen him somewhere before. " You know, you're a lot prettier when your not behind glass." Charger said giving her a smile. He was trying as best as he could to make her feel welcomed and better. " Thank you…" said Fluttershy blushing heavily. She was starting to like this knew stallion. He was brave, kind, and everything she looked for. She was going to say something kind to him when she released there was red liquid running down his head. " OH MY GOODNESS!" she yelled. Charger was taken aback. " What, What is it?" he asked lifting his rifle. Fluttershy pointed towards his head. " You're hurt!" she said. She quickly brushed away some of his mane and found a large scratch on his forehead. " Oh my gosh, does it hurt?" she asked trying to stop the bleeding. Charger juts gently brushed her away. " I"m fine, when your a soldier you're used to cuts and bruises." Charger said calming her down. Fluttershy couldn't believe what she had just heard. He was a soldier!? Not only was he kind and brave but he was also a soldier. She really liked this knew stallion now. " You're a soldier!" she asked excitedly. " I sure am, or well was." Charger said frowning. He now fully understood he could never fight for his country again. If he returned to the military he would be shot on sight for treason. HE shut his eyes and a small tear trickled out. " What's wrong?" FLuttershy asked in a soothing voice. Charger wiped the tear away and looked back up at her. " What I just did was illegal. I just shot guards serving my own country. I can't go back to the military. They'll arrest me. I can't be a soldier any more." Charger stated. he then turned away and looked back down. He was blinded by his rage and he never had thought about his future before the attack. He knew what they had done was right, but he didn't know it would cost him his dream. Fluttershy was silent. She and no idea that he gave up his dream to save her. She wanted to give him his life back. She wanted to somehow turn herself back in to help her new friend. But, she knew she couldn't, something also told her the Charger wouldn't allow it. The ship finally reached an older apartment building. It was made of brick instead of the sleek bluish metal of the sky scrapers. It was surrounded but other red worn out brick apartment buildings and smaller houses. They were in the older part of Celestium. Further in the distance you could see the lights of construction and the sounds of heavy ships transporting boiling materials. THe mane city was no longer in sight. IT was mother more but a faint glow in the distance. The ship came down on the roof of the building. It touched down kicking up dust and pieces of trash thrown out of windows. The door open and every pony walked out onto the roof. The mane six had refocused themselves. They were now full of questions instead of fear, and Pinky now had her energy back, all of it. She bounced around on the roof. " Oh boy we'er here we're here!" she yelped. She smiled her large giant happy smile as she pranced and laughed. The girls took comfort in seeing her like this again. " Um, where exactly is Here?" asked Twilight looking at the buildings surrounding them. Gold Wings stepped out of the shuttle and answered Twilight's question. " This is Old Celestium. It was the first part of the ring to be made and your knew home." Gold Wings smiled and said. The Mane Six gaped. " What about Ponyville?" asked Rarity. "I have to get back to the shop and continue my designing." Sights butted in to the conversation. " We don't have enough fuel to get back to Ponyville, it's on earth way out there in space. To far for us to get to." Sights said casually. The Mane Six all gaped again. " WE ARE NOT ON EARTH?" They all shrieked. The three stallions looked at each other, they hadn't thought about how the six didn't know anything about the future. " Well, um, you're on Celestium. It's an artificial planet." said Sights trying to sound smart. " Artificial?" Asked Apple Jack. The Three stallions knew this was going to take a while to explain. " Ok look, you are not on earth, and you are not in your old time period. Right now all I can say is that you've been asleep for more than two thousand years. Before you ask me any more questions we need to get you inside, we're not safe in the open." said Charger rather quickly. The Mane Six were still confused, and worried however they timidly followed the three stallions inside the building. " How could we be asleep for over two thousand years?" asked Rainbow Dash to Twilight. Twilight gave Rainbow a worried look. " I don't know, but we shouldn't even be alive right now. These stallions seem to know what happened." Twilight said. " I don't trust them, they're acting pretty funny." Rainbow Dash eyed the group suspiciously. Dash! They pulled us out of whatever kind of prison we were in and saved our very lives, the are probably on our side!" Twilight lectured Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash walked ahead of her and Twilight went to talking to Pinky Pie. Once the mane six had gotten a room in the small hotel and they had made sure that all of their doors were locked. Charger went over to the window and pulled the currents down. The room became very dark. There was a holographic projector hanging from the ceiling. There was blank wall with cabinets on each side so the projector could show images. There was a kitchen tucked away in the corner with a small bar with stools. The whole floor was covered in a white carpet, and there was a couch in the middle of the room. Down the hallway there were to bedrooms. " Sights, put that lamp on." said Charger. Sights turned a lamp on. the room was then lit by the yellow glow. " Alright, now let's get down to business. Like I said before, you are not in the old world, you are in the future. Six thousand years to be exact." Charger was serious as he turned towards the six mares. They all stood tensely listening to Charger. " The government had been holding you for a long time. You've been harvested for your power, you need to stay low at all costs. We were able to rent this room for you, but sooner or later you are going to have to get on with your lives and…" Charger was interrupted by Pinky putting hr hoof in the air. " Yes Pinky Pie." said Charger. " How far are we into the future, is it really far, or not to far? Or is it really really really far? Also, do you like parties, because I used to throw parties every time I met a new pony, and there are three of you and I've never met any of you before? I wonder if I can throw three parties in one, that would be awesome we could call it a triple party!" Pinky finally finished. The three stallion just stood with there mouths wide open. There ears rang after her final shout and they didn't really know how to react to all of that worthless chatter. " Um…Well…" Sights tried to speak. Twilight saw that they didn't really register any of what Pinky said, so she tried to fill them in. " I think what pinky means is that, this is happening to fast, I think the best thing to do now is find Princess Celestia. She should know what to do about this." Twilight finished. " Princess Celestia?" asked Gold Wings. " I"m sorry to tell you this but she's de.." Gold Wings was suddenly cut short by Sights hoof over his mouth. He quickly brushed it off. " What the hell man!" he scolded Sights. Sights gave him a hard look and them pointed to Twilight. " Have you even read up on the Elements of Harmony? The Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle, she was Celestia's student, Celestia was like a mother to her. Do you really think she's going take her death well?" Whispered Sights. GOld Wings got very tense, he hadn't known that Twilight was Celestia's student. He couldn't just tell her that she was dead. He would have to put it down lightly, if there ever was a way to do that. Gold Wings sucked in a deep breath. He felt his voice leave him as he looked back to his two friends. They nodded to him and he knew he had to say it. " Is something wrong?" asked Twilight. Gold Wings just looked at her and then lowered his head. He closed his eyes shut and began to explain to Twilight. "Twilight, Celestia is gone. She died defending her subjects in Canterlot. This was almost a hundred years ago, during the rebellion and the revolution. I can assure you she died honorably. I'm sorry." GOld Wings trailed off. He looked up to see a stunned twilight. Tears were welling up in her eyes. She stuttered, try to say something. She couldn't though, her voice slowly was returning to her and all she could whisper was.. " No…No… S-she" Twilight trailed off. Her mind was spinning, Celestia was supposed to be a goddess an immortal goddess that was loving and merciful to her subjects. She couldn't just be killed in war. Twilight, I"m sorry I really am." GOld Wings tried to comfort her. " NO NO NO, Y-YOUR L-Lying!" she screamed the rest of the mane six slowly dropped they're head behind her. They were quietly sobbing as Twilight flushed and anger and confusion. " Twilight, it's the truth." Charger said. Twilight did not calm down. This was fact, her princess could not die. She had made it through to much to die. " YOU'RE LYING YOU'RE!" She screamed and cried. She threw herself down onto the couch and shoved her face into a pillow. She cried and cried. She felt a soft touch on her shoulder and turned to look up. She saw Rarity trying to comfort her. She threw herself onto rarity and gave her a huge hug. Rarity hugged her back as tears poured down her own face. The three stallions watched as the ret of the six tried to comfort Twilight, they were in a group hug, still sobbing. Charger, Sights, and Gold Wings just looked at each other. They had all learned a valuable lesson on this day. The truth was harsh and ugly. > Chapter Twelve: Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the city high officials were gathering for a conference. The subject, what happened at the office building and why. Of course, Luna was there as well as some of the more higher nobles and rulers of other equestrian countries. The conference hall was a big white five story building. IT had a large concrete white dome in the center and it had giant marble steps front of it. The three large double doors that acted as the entrance were lined with marbles. There were lights and lamps lighting the hall inside the building. There was a checkered floor of black and white. There were many doors leading into large carpeted conference rooms all down the mane hall. Every door had the name of the renters above it. Most doors read company names, however on read "I.E.A" This was short for "Intergalactic Equestrian Alliance". These were all of the countries that were allied together with Equestria. It was very rare that they met. Every pony gathered into the room. They took seat in the stand or at a large table on a stage below the stands. Luna was at the head chair surrounded by guards on each side. There was plenty of security. There were also plenty of news ponies trying to get a good story. There was mumbling and then the smack of a hammer. Luna had used her magic to do this. " I call this meeting to order." Luna stated. The whole room went quite and the cameras started rolling. " The recent events in downtown have been most unfortunate." Luna began. " However, we can not let this tragedy stall us from delivering swift and fare justice to the doers of this crime!" The room exploded in agreement and there were shouts approving her statement. Lune quickly hushed the crowd with a wave of her hoof. " We have been most fortunate to have witnesses of this event be attending this conference today, we shall here their stories and then come to a final conclusion as what we are to do." Luna finished and nodded to a pony caring a scroll. He opened it and read the names of the witnesses out loud. " The first witness to heard from is, Star Dust Twinkle." announced the stallion in an official voice. From the door on the stage emerged Boston, he was bruised and his face was once again alike swollen from the previous fight. He walked out onto the stage and took the most direct rough to the speaking podium. He stood up on his hind legs and put his hooves down over the podium, he then spoke in a loud formal voice. My Majesties and highest rulers!" He bellowed out into the crowd. " I agree that these events were unnecessary and unfortunate! I witnessed the fire and guns first hand." " You will be surprised to here that this was in fact a terrorist attack targeting the info structure and important document held within the building." Boston had no intentions on telling the leaders or even Luna about the mane six and the tanks. The government operation was started long ago by a group of concerned power holders in the government. It was a small group of officials who knew about the project. They were not to tell the princesses about it either. IT was considered an act of treason, however they assured Boston many years ago it was for the good of his country. " The attackers were caught trying to destroy these documents and fled to the roof!" Boston kept explaining. Luna and the other government representatives listened intently to Boston, little did they know all they were hearing was a cover up story. " Even more amazing is the fact that I know these attackers, personally." Boston said with a slight pause for effect. The crowd gasped and there was fit of whispers. Luna used her magic and levitated the hammer again. She brought it down creating a loud thump hushing the crowd. " We must let our witness finish." Luna informed the crowd. Everyone nodded and quieted down. Boston looked over to the princess who nodded to him. He continued his speech. " These attackers are from within the military of our own country. They are Privates First Class Charger and Sights!" Yelled the stallion. There were more gasps and another drop of the hammer. " I know this is alarming to many of you, but I assure you Sights was just the henchman, the real master mind behind the attack was Charger." Boston decided he could use a bad image of Charger to his advantage. It would eliminate people who trusted him, it would make it harder for him and the six to hide. " I noticed that he had been suffering from post dramatic stress disorder since he arrived at the office. He disagreed with certain government decisions such as law and military operations. He took it into his own hands to cripple the government using our data base. We hold many government files, and he sought to delete them!" Boston yelled. He was ready to deliver his final words, the words that would brand Charger as the ultimate threat. " Charger, sadly, had become a lunatic and can not be trusted." He finished. He stepped down from the stand and walked off the stage. There was a loud racket of clapping. He enjoyed being recognized as a hero, but he also couldn't help but realize how stupid these representatives could be. He took the back way out of the hall. The alley in the back was what you would expect. It was narrow small, and there was a few green dumpsters here and there. A sleek black carriage was waiting for him. It hovered off the ground and the two pullers were in suits and sunglasses. " Did the conference go well, sir?" asked one of the pullers. " I think it went pretty well." said Boston as he climbed into the carriage. They pulled out of the alley and sped away from the hall. They didn't have time to answer the questions of all the news reporters gathered out front. ONE WEEK LATER The news of the conference hadn't been released until the next week. The news of the tower burning, and it supposedly being attacked by a terrorist group, was all over. There were now signs and banners saying "Remember" and "Justice Will Be Done". It sickened Charger. Here he was trying to do the right thing. He was trying to expose and free the Mane Six. He knew the government had probably covered up the operation and denied everything. He also knew that they were probably feeding lies to ponies. They would tell them about it was a pointless terror attack and not some kind of rescue mission. Charger let out a deep sigh. He layer back on the couch in the Mane Six's apartment. They had been getting used to the future life. They had figured out how to use the hologram and they started becoming more comfortable going out in public, they always went with Charger, Sights, or Gold Wings though. They wouldn't risk being caught and sent back to there small glass prisons. Even though every mare was doing fine, Twilight hadn't seemed to have completely recovered from that night. Many times Charger would come to check on the six from his new apartment and he would find her on the balcony. She would be sitting out there, either leaning on the railing or staring out at the city far far away. Charger couldn't help be feel bad for her. He knew what she was thinking about, and him and his two friends had been the ones to tell her the horrible news. This made Charger feel worst. " Great, I'm not only a terrorist, but now I'm the cause of depression." Charger mumbled to himself. He looked back at the hologram. Pictures of the attack were being shown on the wall and there was a news cast explaining what had happened that day. " It has been exactly one week since the brutal attacks on the tower…" The mare began. Charger couldn't take it anymore. He slammed the holographic machine off and he stomped out of the room. " They don't no anything!" He thought to himself. " They no nothing of the lies they have been given!" He angrily continued to think. He knew Boston probably was one of the many officials spreading lies about the attacks. He kicked over a trash can and stomped his hoof on the ground. He wanted so bad to just run out into the street and start screaming the truth. He knew he would be arrested though, they would arrest him or shoot him, that was the facts. He wish he could trade places with some pony. He wished that he could be Gold Wings right now. He was back on the Eternal Flame, no one had gotten a look at his face, he wasn't wanted. Charger and Sights were now as fortunate as he was. Charger wanted to kick something again. He pushed a lamp over and he began to fume. His breaths became heavy and he was slowly speeding up. It was then that he felt a gentle hoof on his shoulder. It was the hoof of a calming mare, a friend. He turned around and found Fluttershy giving him a warm smile. " I know your mad Charger." She said. Charger felt as if she took away all of his anger. He took hold of her hoof and took it off his shoulder. " Hi Fluttershy." Charger said, a little embarrassed. Fluttershy just gave him a smile. " It's ok to be mad Charger, I probably would be frustrated too." Fluttershy comforted. Charger couldn't help but smile. " IF it helps, I'm very thankful for what you did, and I don't think you or your friend deserve to be branded criminals for your acts." Fluttershy said. Her squeaky voice rose just a tad bit, I guess that's what happens when she got a little mad. " Thanks Fluttershy, I appreciate it, a lot." Charger said. They both looked at each other for a long time. Charger felt so calm and at piece around this mare. Fluttershy just blushed and smiled brushing hair out of her face. Charger didn't know why but they were getting closer to each other. He was bracing himself for what was about tot happen. Then a lout bell rang throughout the apartment. " Dinners ready ya'll!" They heard Apple Jack yell from the kitchen. Charger and Fluttershy shared one last look before they both galloped out of the room and into the kitchen. Sights had gotten up from the chair and began to walk towards the kitchen. He counted the mares. " One, Two, Three, Four, Five…" He stopped wondering where Twilight could be. He looked out onto the balcony and found her. She was laying on the railing staring out at the lights of the city. She was silent as she did this. She let her mane blow in the wind, and she let her eyes tear up as she kept looking straight forward. Sights walked out onto the balcony. he walked up beside her and leaned on the railing. " You know, you should try eating with the group sometimes." Sights began. Twilight looked over and wiped her eyes. " Yah, I guess that would help, wouldn't it." Twilight said trying to sound cheerful. Sights just nodded and looked out over the city. It was sunset and the sky was a yellow orange. The city in the distance glittered and sparkled as the sun reflected off the glass buildings. " It's a nice night Twilight." Sights started. Twilight just nodded and kept looking forward. " I know it's hard Twilight, I've lost loved ones, but you didn't even go to any of their funerals, you didn't even know they were dead. I know that must hurt Twilight, but sitting out here alone isn't going to help." Sights reasoned with her. Twilight put her head down and started to sob lightly. " It has been hard Sights. I don't know what to do or how to react. I thankful for the friends I have left, but what about the others. MY old assistant Spike, my friend Lyra, the rest of the Apple Family, and the Princess? I never got to say good by to any of them." Twilight trembled as she cried harder. Sights just looked down on her. " Twilight, you need help, support, healing. You can't keep thinking about the past. Always remember your comrades, but know they would want you to move forward." Twilight began to look up at Sights as he rested some kind of speech. " You will go through life with many, and you come out with all. For those who have been passed dedicate you life to them. Move forward for them, like they would have if they were alive. Keep in mind that they are with you in spirit. That they share in your losses and success." Sights was now speaking off of memory. He had remembered this peach before he went into his first combat mission. Twilight was listening intently now. With each word she became more determined to carry on, to stop sulking and live her life. " Always remember, but never grieve." Sights finished as he too was now looking out over the City. Twilight stared at him. She walked up to him and hugged him. Sights was surprised by this, however he returned the hug. " Thanks, Sights, for ever thing." Twilight said hugging him. They released from the hug and they both walked inside. Twilight was now happy and upbeat. She knew she had to carry on for her friends. She wasn't going to let emotions get in the way. She had to do carry on, she had to live. Sights was smiling too as they sat down at the table. He had been just as gloomy as Twilight and Charger. he knew his life would never be the same again. He also knew that this wasn't the end to his troubles. He couldn't help but smile though. Even though he had been trough hell so far, and there was more to come, he had just made a true new friend, and he had made some pony happy at the same time. Once they were all seated they started grabbing at food and stuffing it onto their plates. The mane six had been extremely hungry because of the after effects of crio sleep. Charger and Sights were just hungry > Chapter Thirteen: Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The security office was empty, almost. Most of the workers had checked out two to three hours earlier. Their cubicles were dark and abandoned. The computer screens and monitors were blank. The reck room was no longer alive and bustling, it was just dark and quiet. However not the whole building was empty. No there was still some pony there, and they didn't plan on leaving soon. There was a dark green pegasus sitting in a small room filled with monitors. They covered the whole wall in front of him, leaving a the other three walls completely blank. There was a small desk with recording equipment and cameras in front of his small office chair. Most of the workers would have gotten board watching all of these screens. They might have started spinning in the chair, or playing some sort of mind game with themselves, however this stallion's eyes never wavered away. They stared intently at each screen, remembering every pony he saw, and what they did day by day. What this stallion was watching was the recordings from street cameras, cell phone cameras, and anything else that could film around the entire ring of Celestium! A number of workers and staff had been doing this for a few weeks. They would take turns every night, trying to spot the criminals they were after. Charger and Sights, the two "KNOWN" terrorists who conducted the attack on the building down town. The government knew they were hiding somewhere, every ship leaving Celestium was being searched, so they couldn't have gotten of the ring. As the stallion starred at the TV screens his eyes darted towards one particular screen. This was camera footage from a security camera outside of a grocery store in a bad area outside of the city. He had the pleasure of seeing a few exciting robberies, however those didn't really grab his attention. What did grab his attention was one particular hooded stallion walking in once a week on the same day. He also always seemed to buy the same things. The stallion watching the TV's knew he was probably just a commoner buying groceries, but he just seemed so interesting, but in a bad way. He decided he was going to solve the mystery of the hooded stallion tonight! He zoomed in with a small joy stick and paused the footage. The hood was clearly covering his face, however he had a nice look at his fur that stuck out above his hooves. The fur was red. THis set an alarm off in the stallions head, red fur matched the description of Sights, one of the terrorists! He zoomed in to the hood more. He had to see this stallions face! He hit a filter key on the a key board in front of him. The screen went blue and the words "Loading Filter Please Wait…" appeared in the middle of the screen. When the filter finally loaded the stallion was in shock, he could now clearly see the red stallions face! He quickly pressed the intercom button on the desk in front of him. " Sir, you might want to see this!" Back on the Spirit of Fire, things were getting pretty boring. Gold Wings hadn't been assigned a combat mission in weeks, all of the other flyers were getting Ace Crosses and stars for excellence in combat, not that he cared for such selfish awards, but he did miss the adrenaline rush. There was nothing like flying through the sky with your guns blazing. He decided he would take a little walk over to the mess hall. He wasn't really hungry, but his he wanted to do something! He opened his barrack door and casually walked down the hall to the mess hall. He enjoyed being on the same floor as the mess hall. He didn't have to go far for a meal, and he could get back to his room quickly when he was done eating. He defiantly enjoyed where he was in the ship. When he walked into the mess hall there seemed to be a large group of soldiers standing around the TV. Gold Wings didn't watch a lot of TV. he mainly stuck to his computer and watched Itube. The soldiers had very serious expressions on their faces, and they didn't want to seem to look away from the program. Gold Wings decided there was nothing else better to do and he walked over to the TV. As soon as he reached the monitor that served as their TV he jumped back in surprise. On the screen were sketches of Sights and Charger. They also had a message scrolling through screen at the bottom of the sketches. It read " Terrorists found on Celestium Ring" Gold Wing's mouth opened in terror. He thought they had gotten past that already. They got away and made it off scott free, right? " Well, apparently I was wrong." mumbled Gold Wings to himself. He quickly galloped out of the room and back to his room! He had to get to Celestium, not one of his friends knew how to fly, or at least fly well. He had to get them off the ring! The problem was, the cruiser he was on, was not stopping there again for another few months. By the time he got back, they would be captured or killed, either way it wasn't a good situation. " Maybe I can request leave!" Gold Wings thought to himself. " No, that won't be quick enough! I'll have to book some kind of flight, and it's holiday season!" He said throwing that idea out. He kept galloping down the hall thinking of ways to get back to Celestium. He finally reached his room when he realized, there was no other option. " If I wont off if this ship, I'm going to have to steal a ship!" He thought. He didn't want to do anything illegal again. He barely got away unrecognized during his last little "mission", he would very much enjoy having a good reputation and staying out of jail! He knew he couldn't leave his friends though. He had to help them, he knew that mattered more then anything. He thought his options over in his head one more time. Then he sighed. " They're going to ow me for this." On Celestium The Mane Six, Charger, and Sights were bumming around. The six still couldn't believe they were in the future, but they were getting used to it. Stealth was still a major concern. Charger and Sights agreed to let the mares leave on their own turns, as long as their identities were concealed in some way. It had been almost a whole month since the tower. Every pony seemed to be calmer now, not as alarmed by cameras. They had a routine now. It allowed them the freedoms they fought for, but it also kept the six safe and unrecognized. Charger was finding his new amount of free time enjoyable. He worked at a local bar now. It was a small place with no Holograms, and it was out of the way. Even if someone there did manage to even find out about the tower event, they wouldn't recognize him. He had completely changed his look. His short cut mane was now long. He grew his tail out so that he could not recognized from behind. The biggest change, was his mark. He had put a clear sticker over it. It was almost like a fake tattoo. Using this he had changed his mark from a charging stallion, to a rag and bottle. This made him look more like a born bar tender, then a military trained fugitive on the run. Sights had changed his look as well. He grew all of his hair out and even darkened his coat with some dye. He had changed his mark to pool ball with a pool stick. He had always been good at pool, so even though it wasn't his true talent, people wouldn't get suspicious when he played the game. It was a cool night. The apartment was nice and all, but knowing Pinky, she had another plan for her night. While the other ponies were watching the hologram, sleeping, or just eating a snack she snuck over to Twilight. " Hi Twilight." she said in a cheerful whisper. " Um, hi Pink…" Twilight started, but Pinky put a hoof over her mouth. " Shhh!" She whispered. Twilight brushed her hoof away. " What?" Twilight whispered. Pinky gave a nervous glance over to Charger and Sights. " They might hear us." Pinky whispered. Twilight gave her a funny look. " What don't you want them hearing?" Twilight asked a little puzzled and annoyed. Pinky smiled and pulled a giant cake from out behind her. Twilight was noir surprised. " Let me guess, you want to through a surprise party for Charger and Sights at the bar Charger works at. The whole reason your doing this is to get out of the apartment and to thank them for freeing us. Is that right?" Twilight asked calmly. Pinky Pie just looked at Twilight looked cross. " Twilight, only I'm allowed to do THAT!" She hissed at her. Twilight smiled, she never knew using Pinky Sense was so easy. " But, you are right Twilight, I think they deserve it." Pinky smiled. Twilight couldn't help but agree with her, she also desperately wanted to see what Pinky would do with all the futuristic party equipment. " Fine, how are we going to get them down to he bar though?" asked Twilight. Pinky just smiled even bigger at her question. " You have a plan, don't you?" Twilight asked. " Oh boy do I!" Pinky exclaimed. She the trotted off to the door and hid the cake in the fridge. Meanwhile Charger and Sights were watching the Hologram. There was a lot of crap on, a lot of it. All the shows were drama's or really bad comedies. " Gaaa, does this ring have anything good to watch?" asked Sights. He was spread out on the couch. The pony on the Hologram had just made a really bad joke about broccoli. " Just give me the bullet NOW!" Charger weeped. he quickly changed the channel to a boring news program, it was talking about the economy and all that stuff. " Well, fuck it. I'm out." Sights said getting up. He walked into the next room and jumped in a bed. Charger couldn't help but feel sleepy himself. " Maybe I should get some shut eye." Charger thought about this, but then the phone rang. He went over to a button on the table. " Hello?" Charger asked, sounding very tired. He had found out that if it was the bar calling, and he sounded tired, they wouldn't make him work that day. Just incase it was work, he answered as if he were half asleep. " Yah hey Charger, can you come in and maybe work the night shift?" asked the operator. " Damnit!" Charger thought. He wasn't going to say no because he could use the money, but it was still an inconvenience to go to work. " Yah, I can come in." " Thanks man." Then the operator hung up. Charger got up and called to Sights. " Hey Sights, want to go to the bar, I got to work the night!" He yelled into the next room. He didn't here anything from the next room. he new Sights would miss something if he didn't go with him, so he shook him awake and told him he was going to the bar with him. Sights seemed to tired to protest, or even know what Charger said, so he just went along with it. They both loaded into the hover carriage outside and flipped the ignition switch. The car started and they cruised down to the bar. It wasn't very far, seeing how they lived in a smaller town o Celestium, so they were there within a minute. They opened the door and walked in. Charger punched in and got to work. Sights went over to the pool table. There was like, no pony in the bar and Charger was starting to wonder why he was called in to work late. Usually "Misty Taff Bar" only called in employees when they were absolutely needed, the owner was cheap. Charger was even more bored at the bar than in the apartment. He looked over to Sights who was just shooting random shots during pool. " If any one saw him playing like that, he'd be screwed." Charger thought to himself. He kept watching Sights shoot until jhe was finally bored of it. " Hey Sights, want a drink?" he asked. Sights turned to look at him. " Are you even allowed to give free drinks?" asked Sights looking at him funny. Charger looked around and made sure no other employees were there. " Well, I'm the only employee here, and seeing how the first in is the manager for the day I guess I'm the manger." Charger reasoned. he pulled out two glasses. " What'll it be?" he asked looking at the wall of drinks behind the bar. Sights walked over from the pool table. " Make it a Cider." Sights said. " Sights, we're in a bar, cider is for fillies." Charger joked. Sights just sat down at the bar. " No, we've got six mares to go home to after this, if we show up drunk, we'll never hear the end of it. Especially from Twilight." Sights said. Charger poorer to glasses of cider and put them down on the bar. " I heard you two became pretty good friends." Charger said as he took a sip. " Come on, you and Fluttershy are pretty close, closer than Twilight and I." Sights said. Charger thought about Fluttershy, they were pretty close. He didn't know why but they just got along so well. He felt so good and elated around her. He wondered hat made him feel that way. Before he could finish his thought though, though door swung open, hard. Charger and Sights both ducked behind the bar, expecting government agents to unleash a hail of bullets upon them, no bullets came. Instead they heard a loud " Surprise!" from a group of ponies. They both peaked out from be hid the bar looking confused. " What are you doing behind there sillies." Pinky Pie asked giggling. " Oh Celestia, do not scare me like that!" Sight exclaimed. " Come on don't be such a scaredy cat, Stop Light!" joked a random pin in the group. Charger looked over at Sights. " Really, out of all of the names you could have used to hide yourself, you chose Stop Light?" whispered Charger. " Well, Sun Rise, wasn't a very good choice either." sights whispered back. The group of ponies walked in. Most of them were regular customers that heard a party was being thrown for the bar tender. They showed up for the beer, but also for Charger too. The Mane Six where there, no doubt Pinky was the one throwing the party. Almost every pony who knew anything about the bar was there. They even had a DJ who volunteered to play music for the party. Her name was CD Scratch or something like that. Any ways the party was great. Ponies danced back and forth. The bar became full of life in less than ten seconds flat. Sights and Charger were enjoying themselves. They hadn't really attended a party in a long time. They had always missed the birthdays and celebrations because of their job, seeing how that job was now eliminated they could enjoy something like this for the first time! Charger tried dancing, but all he ended up doing were weird facing movements. Sights played pool until he could no longer stand or lift his front hooves. The Mane Six were enjoying themselves too. Pinky was being a fanatic as usual. Rainbow and Applejack were having some kind of dance composition. Twilight was trying to dance as well, she was still terrible at it, even in the future. Rarity was chatting with some of the stallions at the bar. She would throw in a flutter of her eyes so they would buy her a free drink. Fluttershy was enjoying herself to, in her own little way. She was never one for dancing or making a impression, but she did enjoy some of the bars mice in the corner. She chatted with them and made conversation like she had done in the past. Charger noticed this. " That's odd, I didn't know Fluttershy had such a talent for dealing with animals." Charger thought. He broke away from the conversation he was having and walked over to Fluttershy. " How are you doing?" Charger asked casually. Fluttershy looked up from the mice. " I'm enjoying myself a lot, even in the future you have nice animals." Fluttershy said cheerfully. Charger just couldn't help but feel she was left out, even if she was having a good time. " Why don't you come over and hang with the rest of us." Charger asked. Fluttershy got tense at that thought. " Um… well… I'm not good with strangers." She answered in a small quite voice. " Come on Fluttershy, I'm sort of still a stranger, I mean you met me during a fire fight." Charger joked. Fluttershy smiled a little bit at his remark, that was good. " So, are you going to came over." asked Charger. Fluttershy looked over at the party. It did seem like the ponies were having a good time. She was still a little hesitant to walk over. Charger knew this was a long shot, it was going to be hard to get her to join them. Maybe though, maybe he still had a chance. " Wait here." Charger said. he walked over to the DJ and whispered in her ear. The DJ smiled and knotted. She flipped through a screen in front of her and found the song Charger suggested. Charger then walked back over to Fluttershy. " Care to dance?" he asked. Fluttershy immediately blushed and her eyes went wide. " Wh… wh?" she started. Charger couldn't help but giggle a small bit. " Would you care to dance?" he asked again. Fluttershy gulped. " But, I… I don't know how." she said weakly. Charger laughed again. " I don't either." Charger answered. Fluttershy still didn't move. The song started playing and ponies were pairing up. it was a slow song. It was also smooth and not very choppy. The music flowed instead of the modern day dub step, where it just dropped off and random parts. Charger took hold of Fluttershy's hoof. They kind of just stared like this for a second. Then Charger spoke. " Come on, it'll be fun." They both walked out onto the dance floor. Sights immediately tapped Twilight on the shoulder when he noticed them. " Check this out." he said. Twilight looked and smiled wide. " Awwww." she said watching the two of them. The song started slow with some electric sounds. It was a good beginning. Neither Fluttershy nor Charger knew how to dance, so they tried there best to just copy those around them. They went to left, and then to the right. Then the would turn and do the same. It went on like this for a while, but then the music quickened. The moves became more complicated and snappy. Charger was having a hard time recognizing if ponies were free styling or actually dancing. Fluttershy was thinking the same. Fluttershy had gone cold as soon as they walked out onto the stage. She didn't want to mess up and be laughed at. At the same time she wanted to dance though. She felt calm and relaxed around Charger. She felt that even if they did mess up, it would look right when they did it. She couldn't explain it, but as the music quickened she felt braver. She just kept looking at Charger. They were in perfect rhythm with each other, even though they were doing any move right. The music got quicker and they moved quicker. They went to the left memorizing the steps to the dance. They moved to the right with the same smooth hoof work. Soon, the dance was easy. They were actually enjoying themselves. Charger and Fluttershy smiled at each other. They did some spins and turns. They looked magnificent together, like they were meant to be. Sights and Twilight just smiled and laughed from the side of the dance floor. They enjoyed seeing their friends have fun. Charger and Fluttershy were doing the same thing on the dance floor. They laughed and smiled. They had both forgotten about the tower, the fight, and the fact that they were wanted. They just focussed on that moment in time. That happy moment that they wished would never end. They felt themselves getting close as the danced. They looked into each other eyes. They starred as if in a trance at each other. Both blushed. Twilight and Sights both watched and each time they got closer, their smiles widened. > Chapter Fourteen: Bar Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back on the Eternal Flame Gold Wings was in the hanger bay. He watched and studied the night guards movements. They moved from position to position at thirty minute intervals. Gold Wings watched them. he made note of which ones moved quicker and which ones didn't. He made sure he also knew which ones were armed. If he was going to steal a ship from his own team, he was going to make sure he didn't get shot in the process. It was about ten at night. The guards would be going in for a break. They would still watch from the window of their reck room. They would be to caught up in their conversations to notice Gold Wings though. He slung the bag he had over his back as the guards moved into their break room. He knew he wouldn't be able to return to the ship if this went right, but his friends were more important. When the last guard entered the room. He galloped out from behind a shuttle. He scanned the mine of jets and ships. he went from cover to cover. He kept glancing at the guard booth. They weren't even paying attention to the ships. " When this is over, they are all getting fired." Gold Wings said to himself. He dove behind some barrels. Looking over at the second hanger bay he knew he would need something fast. he was going to need something that could hold every pony too. " The ship would have to be armed too, no doubt, if we get into trouble I don't want to be shot down." He said to himself. He scanned the second line of ships as he did the first. Then he found it. It was an arrow shaped black ship. It had a small canon mounted on the front. Missiles were already attached to the wings. There were to large guns on the wings. Yes, this was the ship. He looked at the name of the ship, it read "The thunderbird". " what a beautiful name for such a beautiful piece of technology!" Gold Wings thought to himself. He looked around for a latter and found one laying by a work bench. He tip toed over to it. and grabbed it. He picked it up off the ground and began to walk back towards the ship. Little did he know that half of the ladder was under the work bench. he lifter the ladder and it hit the work bench. I wrench hi the floor making a loud "CLANK" that echoed through the hanger. Gold Wings tried to duck behind the ships, but it was too late. The guards had stepped out of the room and spotted him. They starred at each other for a moment. The guards had blank faces on and so did Gold Wings. He dropped the latter and still stood there. " Um… Hey guys." Gold Wings said. " Nice night aint it?" he added. The guards just looked at him. Then one of them spoke " Open Fire!" he yelled. The guards pulled out their stun pistols and began firing at Gold Wings. " Holly CRAP!" he yelled. he picked up the ladder and galloped for the ship. Red lasers kept flying by. They hit cans and threw them over. Some hit tool benches and sent metal and tools flying into the air. Gold Wings ducked behind equipment, vehicles, and once another guard. As he was stunned and fell Gold Wings looked down at him. " Thanks." he said. Then he kept running. He galloped until he got to the ship. He shoved the latter up against it and climbed as fast as he could. One guard tried to climb the ladder. Gold Wings pushed it over while he was on it. " AHHHH… CRASH!" Gold Wings threw the cockpit open and jumped in. Red beams of light bounced off the ship as he drove it out towards the launching door. He used the cannon on the front to shoot out the blast shield controls. They hanger door opened he could see space. " Pilot, you are not cleared for launch, I repeat you are not clear!" Yelled the control tower operators. Gold Wings shut the radio off and proceeded to hover off of the ground. The ship then lurched forward and he rocketed out into space. He saw some red beams fly towards the ship, but they gave up firing after he left the hanger. He knew they would try to shoot him down so he immediately went into hyperspace. he pulled back a lever on the control board. Everything around then flashed by. The starts were now lines of white light flying by his cockpit. He no longer had contact with the Eternal Flame. he was now speeding his way towards Celestium. " I better make it to my friends before the feds. do!" Gold Wings said to himself. Back in the bar Charger and Fluttershy couldn't separate from each other. They held in the tight imbrues that we left them off in. They kept getting closer. Their nuzzles almost were touching. Sights and Twilight were anticipation the moment. They were both over whelmed with joy for their friends. Time stood still. Charger and Fluttershy were almost touching. They were centimeters away from each other. They both gazed into each others eyes. Nothing around them mattered. Suddenly lights flashed outside. They were red and blue! There was a loud siren and the sounds of doors closing and opening! Hooves were heard coming to the door. Charger and Sights both looked at each other. " Cover!" Charger yelled. Just then the door burst open and a squad of officers broke through. There were in all black jackets and bullet proof vests. Some had stun rifles, others had assault weapons and pistols! They immediately saw Charger and opened fire. Charger thrust Fluttershy out of the way and dove behind a table, flipping it completely! The officers kept firing as ponies scattered screaming for their lives! The mane six had made their way to cover behind chairs and tables. Twilight and Sights were behind the bar. " How did they find us!" she screamed over the chaos. " I have no idea, but they're here!" Sights bellowed. He pulled out a small pistol that he had kept on him since the tower attack. " You've caring that with you!" Twilight screamed in alarm. " It helps!" Sights answered. He popped up from behind the bar and began firing. He hit two officers in there front legs. The third officer ducked behind cover. Sights took the advantage and signaled to Charger. " Moving!" he shouted. " Covering!" Charger shouted as he pulled out a pistol. He began firing at officers, hitting one in the shoulder, and two others in the legs. They didn't let go of the trigger when they fell and they sent a massive amount of bullets his way. " Holly Sh.." He said as bullets pounded the table he was behind. More officers poorer into the room. The cars were outside, Charger knew that. They probably had the back door rigged too. The only way out was the roof! Charger looked around to find Fluttershy. He scanned the area where he threw her in found her in no time. She was bent over something. Charger didn't know what it was, but he didn't like it. He jumped out from behind the table firing randomly as bullets whizzed by him. He dropped and slid behind the table Fluttershy was behind. he grabbed her shoulder. " Are you alright!" he asked. FLuttershy didn't answer she was working on something, she was bent over an object? Charger looked at what she was working on, he was right, he didn't like what he saw. On the ground was a mouse. There was a large amount of blood on it head. Fluttershy was working frantically with tears in her eyes. She was using a napkin as a truncate. she was bandaging the mouses head, trying to stop the bleeding. It took Fluttershy a second to notice Charger. " He was hurt when the kicked the door open!" she screamed, trying not to cry. Charger had to give her this, she was tearing up, but she was wasn't panicking or crying like the last battle they were in. Charger couldn't help but watch though. he knew there was a fight going on around him, but he wanted to see if this mouse lived. He watched Fluttershy work, until another officer came over the table. he tackled Charger and was now on top of him. Fluttershy looked up from the mouse and gasped. The officer had his knee on Chargers throat. He was slowly adding pressure as Charger chocked and gagged. The officer kept his gun fixed on Fluttershy if she tried to move. " You will pay for what you did at the tower!" The officer said. Charger looked up into his face. It was hard to see who this officer was, but his voice sounded familiar. Charger looked away from his face and at his body. He was blue. He was a blue stallion. Charger immediately knew who he was looking at. " B..Boston?" Charger asked trying to speak. Boston just pushed harder down on Charger's throat. " LONG time no see Charger, you gave us a run for our money trying to found you." Boston laughed. He added more pressure to his throat. " Well, the point is I have found you now, and I'm going to take back the government property you've stolen…" He pointer to Fluttershy with his pistol. Then he looked back down at Charger. "…and then I'll kill you." Boston grinned. He put more pressure on Chargers throat. He felt as if it was going to snap. Right before Charger blacked out, right before the cold and of death grasped him. Right before his flame was extinguished. He felt the pressure come off his neck. He felt the weight of Boston on his chest leave. He looked up and found Boston stunned on the floor. He wasn't moving, but he wasn't dead. He glared angrily at Charger. Charger got up. He looked around and thought Sights may have done it, but he was no where to be found. He looked over at Fluttershy who was looking at some pony in the crowd. Then, a larger brown pegasus walked over. He had a black mane, with a crew cut. His eyes were yellow and he had the mark of a fighter jet on his rear end. Above his mark there was another tattoo, something that wasn't natural. It read "Up We Go!" Charger knew who this stallion was, he knew exactly where he had come from too. He got up and addressed him. " I thought you air men where to professional to get into bar fights." Charger joked. The pegasus spoke back. " This obviously isn't a normal bar fight." The pegasus said. He stuck his hoof out and Charger shook it. " PFC, Sun Rise, Eternal Flame." Charger said concealing his identity. " Secondary Squad leader Cloud Surfer, Eternal Flame." The pegasus answered. Charger walked over to Fluttershy and help her up off the ground. She picked up the mouse with her. She looked down at it and then back up at Charger. Charger just smiled. " So, you wouldn't happen to be from shadow squadron, would you." Charger asked. " Yes I am, shadow all the way." Cloud Surfer answered proudly. Charger already knew what he would say. Gold Wings had designed that tattoo for all of his squad members. Charger remembered how mad he was when he found out he couldn't wear the tattoo anymore. He giggled at the thought. All of a sudden more shots flew by! All three ponies ducked down. " Say there wouldn't be more of you Shadow Squadron guys hanging around would there?" Charger asked as he fired back. As if on que Sights came running out from behind the bar with more pegasus behind him. They all bared the tattoo of Shadow Squadron. " Hey Charger look who I found!" Sights said as he ducked behind the table. Charger gave hims quick look not to say his real name so loud. He then looked at Cloud Surfer. " Yah, I found them too." Charger said. More shots flew bye and they all fired back. " Alright Sun Rise, you're the infantry man here, and I'm a pilot, how do we get out of here?" Cloud Surfer asked. Charger pointed to the where the rest of the Main Six were hiding. " THey are your main objectives, you get them over here, sir." Charger said, getting unite at the last second remembering he was ordering his superior. " Don't bother Charger, in a ground fight, I'm as good as a cadet, there's no need for sir." Cloud Surfer said. He then relayed the message back to his men and they took off in opposite directions toward the mares. The remaining fighters took up a defensive position and attacked the advancing officers. " Shoot for the legs!" Sights ordered. Officers were now dropping like flies. They were no match for the combined skills of Shadow Squadron, Sights, and Charger. The fight raged on. It didn't seem like any innocent ponies were hit, but some of shadow squad had been brushed by stun round and frozen in areas of their bodies! " GAAAA! Damn!" Cloud Surfer bellowed as he was stunned in his shooting arm. Charger looked over to him to asses his wound. " Alright it didn't leave a mark, just stiff thats all!" More shots zoomed by Charger. He quickly dropped down to the floor pulling Cloud Surfer down with him. Across the bar officers were handling a less dangerous situation. " Boss, wake up boss." one of the officers said lightly tapping Agent Boston's cheek. he had been knocked out cold from Cloud Surfer's attack. The officers continued to try to wake him. They slapped him a bit yelled at him. " I don't think he's coming to." One of the officers said. The other officer looked at him with a smile. " Hey, boss." he started. He was smiling and almost giggling as he said this. " Boss, they're transferring you to a desk job." The officer said laughing. Boston quickly shot awake. " NO, NOT A DESK JO… oh." He said realizing the the officers had tricked him. " Do not do that!" he screamed at them. Both officers stopped their laughing. " I'll make sure your transferred to desk jobs!" Boston continued to yell. " Now get moving!" Boston yelled pointing at the fight around them. The two officers quickly galloped off into two different directions. Boston just pouted where he was. He hatred it when people messed with him. He hated it so much. As the fight raged on within the bar a lone fighter craft zoomed through the city. It ducked under on coming ships. It drifted around buildings and under over hangs. It almost crashed a few times. Piloting this ship was none other then Gold Wings. he was so worried for his friends he could hardly fly straight. He kept going. He ignored the flashing warning symbols on the road. He was racing towards the apartment he thought his friends were at. He pulled up to the apartment. There didn't seem to be any pony there. " Hey, guys, we've got to go!" He shouted from the ship. He only heard silence in return. He tried calling out to his friends again. He didn't hear any responses after calling out to them. He decided that he was going to have to exit the ship to try and contact them. He stepped down from the seat he was in and opened the door. He was about to step outside onto the platform leading to the the apartment, but a shot rang out! He daw the bullet bounce off the side of the side of his door! It was near his hoof! " Holly crap!" He shouted. As he fell back into the ship a large amount of police and federal agents popped out from areas on the roof of the apartment! They sprayed the ship with gunfire! Gold Wings was able to close his ship door just in time. He quickly booted the controls back up and turned around. He gunned it, zooming away from the apartment. " Ok, wrong spot to loo…gahhh." He said feeling a pain in his side. He looked down to see blood coming out of him. " Oh crap, they didn't all miss." He said. He ripped a part of his sleeve off and rapped it around his stomach over the bleeding. The rag was soaked with blood in minutes. He kept flying though. He ignored the pain. he knew he had to find his friends and quick. " Come on, why are you never easy to fi…" He looked over into the distance and saw flashing lights! He immediately turned the course of the ship and head towards the location. " I better not be to late." Gold said while arming the guns of the ship. > Chapter Fifteen: The Last Place To Go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fight had been raging on now. Charger had told Fluttershy how to treat stun wounds and to bring the swelling down. She was working hard, using anything she could find to help. " That you… Miss." One squad member said as she put ice over his inflamed leg. " Your welcome, thank you for your help." She would say to those able to thank her. She looked at the mouse. he was in a corner taking cover from the fight. Fluttershy never thought she would find herself in another combat zone, but she did and she was actually getting used to it. When ever she heard shots, she ducked. When she didn't here shots she worked on wounded, and the enemy seamed to just forget about her. Charger had come over to check in on her a few times, but he always had to go and stop another part of the bar from falling into enemy hooves. He would rich off and Fluttershy prayed she wouldn't be mending a wound of his in the near future. As she worked the fighting seemed to intensify. Friendly numbers seemed to drop, while enemy numbers rose. There was more screaming now. Fluttershy didn't like this part of war. She almost broke down a few times, but she kept working on the stallions injuries. he had to keep them comfortable and alive. Stun rounds weren't meant to be lethal, however they could kill if fired at certain areas of the body. She was working on yet another soldier, when a group from Shadow Squad came ducking behind her table! She looked up at them in surprise. " What's going on?" she asked. The group of pilots began firing in envy direction. Fluttershy heard ponies dropping to the floor. " We're being over run!" Cloud Surfer said as he fired off more shots. " What does that mean?" Fluttershy asked nervously. The fighters shot some more. " We need to leave, that's what it means!" The stallion said. He then grabbed Fluttershy by the hoof and pulled her along with him while they ran behind the bar. Cloud Surfer popped up and provided covering fire so the wounded could be retrieved. " Why are we leaving!" She asked. Cloud Surfer wasn't listening, he was shooting like crazy. Fluttershy knew he had been stunned in the leg, so he had better aim do to how stiff he was. " Charger said he was at the back door with some more stallions!" Cloud Surfer said! Fluttershy did not want to here what he was going to say next. " We can hold them here! You just need to get to the back door!" He yelled. " Someones showed up with a ship!" Cloud Surfer yelled. He then pushed Fluttershy out from behind the bar. She galloped like never before as shots flew by her. She wanted to turn around and fight, but she knew that would do no good for Cloud Surfer. She galloped and galloped. SHe went through the kitchen and then the supply area. She finally made it to the back door where she found the rest of the elements, Charger, Sights, and a few more squad members. " Thank Celestia, you're safe." Charger said hugging her. Fluttershy blushed a small bit. " Hold up, where's Cloud Surfer and the others!" Sights asked. Fluttershy looked at the group around her. They looked back fearing her answer. " I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything, they told me to run." She stammered. Charger just hugged her. " You're ok, you did the right thing." Charger reassured her. There was a honking from back behind the bar. They opened he door to see a large fighter ship hovering over the back parking lot! " Come on… Let's go!" Gold Wings grunted though the pain. " Is that?" Applejack began to ask. " I think it is." Twilight answered smiling. The ship let down a latter and the group climbed it. Once they were all in the door closed. " I never thought you would be coming back." Charger said as he sat in the co pilot seat. " Charger, this is serious! They're after you now, Boston released a report and everything." Gold Wings yelled. " Tell me about it, He knows he's in the wrong, that's why he called us terrorists." Charger was angry when he thought about that report. He pictured Boston running out of the bar and firing at them, with his angry expression on his face. He then heard a thump against the window, and then another. It took him some time, but he finally realized they were being fired at from the ground. A squad of officers had made it out back! They were firing on the ship and among them, was Boston! He and his angry expression on his face as well as a giant bruise. He was firing with his pistol, not even caring where bullets went! " Hold on!" Gold Wings said as he pulled away from the bar. The shots slowly disappeared as the ship speed away through the sky. After traveling for some time, they were over the undeveloped areas of the ring. They were far beyond any cities. The only light around was the ship. They couldn't even see the pitch black ring under them, that's how dark it was. " So, I take it the apartment was compromised." Charger said to Gold Wings. Gold Wings looked at him confused. " How did you know that?" he asked. Charger just pointed down to Gold's gunshot wound. " Oh yah, that." he said. " So, know anywhere else to go?" Charger asked looking out the window. Gold Wings was confused. he was thinking of places out of the way, but cops would look there now. They had to be in a place only few were allowed to go. " Yah, I can't think of anything either." Charger said noticing his silence. Gold Wings just looked down and sighed. he switched the ship to autopilot. " This whole situation is crazy, you know that?" Gold Wings said chuckling a little bit. Charger laughed too. " It is crazy, we have the six most famous and important mares in the universe, with the whole military, police force, and government chasing us. It's pretty crazy." Charger said with his grin disappearing. There was more silence. " Why did you do it?" Gold Wings asked. Charger looked at him confused. " Why did you start all of this, why didn't you just tun the cold shoulder?" Gold asked. Charger looked at him very seriously. " I didn't ignore them, because I have a pair." Charger said laughing at Gold Wings. Gold Wings smiled. " Ok Ok, but seriously why?" He asked again. Charger was serious again. " I saved them, because they deserve it Gold. They deserve better then a freezer. They saved us before we were even born countless times, I'm just returning the favor." Charger said looking out the window again. " They've kept the flame of equestrian burning. They've kept this world form falling apart, take them away and now look at the world, we're dealing with a civil war." Charger continued. " It just shows you how important they are, and how much they deserve, they need a life Gold. They need to finally have the opportunity to make their own choices and let everyone else fix there own problems." Charger said. Gold Was listening to him, he picked up on the words Flame and Free. These words just seemed so important to him, he then had an idea. It was a crazy idea, but the place he was thinning of was the only place left. The only place that they had friends left. They would hopefully shelter them. If this didn't work though, they were all going to jail. He flipped off the auto pilot an aggressively grabbed hold of the controls. " What are you doing?" Charger asked curiously. Gold Wings was too busy punching numbers and commands into the dash board of the ship. " seriously, where are we going?" charger asked. Gold Wings just smiled. " Somewhere you know my friend." Gold Wings smiled. Charger looked at the dash board before Gold Wings hit the hyper space button. His eyes popped wide open. " You are insane!" He yelled. " Yah, coming from the guy who blew up a government building for a mare!" Gold Wings laughed as the ship shot into hyper space. Back on Celestium Boston was walking through the capital building. There were portraits of past rulers on the walls. The floor was covered by a large blue carpet, and everything was white marble. He walked past all of the doors leading to conference rooms and offices. He marched right up to the door at the end of the hall. There was a small silver place above the board that read. " Lunar Office." Boston knocked and a secret service member answered. He was patted down and checked for weapons, then he was allowed to enter. He walked through the door nodding at the guards. Inside the room there was a large wooden table with a light blue hologram of the home land security emblem. Sitting at the table, flanked by two guards in royal knight armor, was Princess Luna. " Greetings, Agent Boston." Luna said motioning to a chair near her. Boston took the hint and sat in the chair. The princess then nodded her head and the guards walked out of the room. " Now that we are alone…" Luna began. " What is the progress on the search for our fugitives?" Luna asked. Boston pulled out a small chip and put it into a small slit in the table side. The emblem disappeared and a HD stream of Chargers apartment came up. Inside the windows you could see secret service agents searching the place. They were flipping tables, throwing books everywhere. They were destroying mechanical pieces within the house! " This, princess, is a live stream of the apartment we tracked them to." Boston said. He pressed an arrow button on the table. The stream then transferred to a camera inside the apartment. " As you can see we are still searching the residence for information, they have abandoned the place, and we do not think they will be returning." Boston said. Luna looked at the video stream. Her face was twisted with concentration. Finally she looked away and at Boston. " I am glad to see you are taking this search seriously." Luna said. She got up and began to pace the room, as she started to make her way to the door she remembered she had one more question to ask Boston. " Boston, what did they take from the tower any way?" Luna asked raising her eye brows. She couldn't believe she hadn't asked this when the incident first arose. It was so important to know why the attack was committed. Boston began to sweat a little. He knew that Luna had a long history with the Elements of Harmony. He would be viewed as the villain of the this situation if he revealed the truth. Chapter Fourteen: Bar Fight Back on the Eternal Flame Gold Wings was in the hanger bay. He watched and studied the night guards movements. They moved from position to position at thirty minute intervals. Gold Wings watched them. he made note of which ones moved quicker and which ones didn't. He made sure he also knew which ones were armed. If he was going to steal a ship from his own team, he was going to make sure he didn't get shot in the process. It was about ten at night. The guards would be going in for a break. They would still watch from the window of their reck room. They would be to caught up in their conversations to notice Gold Wings though. He slung the bag he had over his back as the guards moved into their break room. He knew he wouldn't be able to return to the ship if this went right, but his friends were more important. When the last guard entered the room. He galloped out from behind a shuttle. He scanned the mine of jets and ships. he went from cover to cover. He kept glancing at the guard booth. They weren't even paying attention to the ships. " When this is over, they are all getting fired." Gold Wings said to himself. He dove behind some barrels. Looking over at the second hanger bay he knew he would need something fast. he was going to need something that could hold every pony too. " The ship would have to be armed too, no doubt, if we get into trouble I don't want to be shot down." He said to himself. He scanned the second line of ships as he did the first. Then he found it. It was an arrow shaped black ship. It had a small canon mounted on the front. Missiles were already attached to the wings. There were to large guns on the wings. Yes, this was the ship. He looked at the name of the ship, it read "The thunderbird". " what a beautiful name for such a beautiful piece of technology!" Gold Wings thought to himself. He looked around for a latter and found one laying by a work bench. He tip toed over to it. and grabbed it. He picked it up off the ground and began to walk back towards the ship. Little did he know that half of the ladder was under the work bench. he lifter the ladder and it hit the work bench. I wrench hi the floor making a loud "CLANK" that echoed through the hanger. Gold Wings tried to duck behind the ships, but it was too late. The guards had stepped out of the room and spotted him. They starred at each other for a moment. The guards had blank faces on and so did Gold Wings. He dropped the latter and still stood there. " Um… Hey guys." Gold Wings said. " Nice night aint it?" he added. The guards just looked at him. Then one of them spoke " Open Fire!" he yelled. The guards pulled out their stun pistols and began firing at Gold Wings. " Holly CRAP!" he yelled. he picked up the ladder and galloped for the ship. Red lasers kept flying by. They hit cans and threw them over. Some hit tool benches and sent metal and tools flying into the air. Gold Wings ducked behind equipment, vehicles, and once another guard. As he was stunned and fell Gold Wings looked down at him. " Thanks." he said. Then he kept running. He galloped until he got to the ship. He shoved the latter up against it and climbed as fast as he could. One guard tried to climb the ladder. Gold Wings pushed it over while he was on it. " AHHHH… CRASH!" Gold Wings threw the cockpit open and jumped in. Red beams of light bounced off the ship as he drove it out towards the launching door. He used the cannon on the front to shoot out the blast shield controls. They hanger door opened he could see space. " Pilot, you are not cleared for launch, I repeat you are not clear!" Yelled the control tower operators. Gold Wings shut the radio off and proceeded to hover off of the ground. The ship then lurched forward and he rocketed out into space. He saw some red beams fly towards the ship, but they gave up firing after he left the hanger. He knew they would try to shoot him down so he immediately went into hyperspace. he pulled back a lever on the control board. Everything around then flashed by. The starts were now lines of white light flying by his cockpit. He no longer had contact with the Eternal Flame. he was now speeding his way towards Celestium. " I better make it to my friends before the feds. do!" Gold Wings said to himself. Back in the bar Charger and Fluttershy couldn't separate from each other. They held in the tight imbrues that we left them off in. They kept getting closer. Their nuzzles almost were touching. Sights and Twilight were anticipation the moment. They were both over whelmed with joy for their friends. Time stood still. Charger and Fluttershy were almost touching. They were centimeters away from each other. They both gazed into each others eyes. Nothing around them mattered. Suddenly lights flashed outside. They were red and blue! There was a loud siren and the sounds of doors closing and opening! Hooves were heard coming to the door. Charger and Sights both looked at each other. " Cover!" Charger yelled. Just then the door burst open and a squad of officers broke through. There were in all black jackets and bullet proof vests. Some had stun rifles, others had assault weapons and pistols! They immediately saw Charger and opened fire. Charger thrust Fluttershy out of the way and dove behind a table, flipping it completely! The officers kept firing as ponies scattered screaming for their lives! The mane six had made their way to cover behind chairs and tables. Twilight and Sights were behind the bar. " How did they find us!" she screamed over the chaos. " I have no idea, but they're here!" Sights bellowed. He pulled out a small pistol that he had kept on him since the tower attack. " You've caring that with you!" Twilight screamed in alarm. " It helps!" Sights answered. He popped up from behind the bar and began firing. He hit two officers in there front legs. The third officer ducked behind cover. Sights took the advantage and signaled to Charger. " Moving!" he shouted. " Covering!" Charger shouted as he pulled out a pistol. He began firing at officers, hitting one in the shoulder, and two others in the legs. They didn't let go of the trigger when they fell and they sent a massive amount of bullets his way. " Holly Sh.." He said as bullets pounded the table he was behind. More officers poorer into the room. The cars were outside, Charger knew that. They probably had the back door rigged too. The only way out was the roof! Charger looked around to find Fluttershy. He scanned the area where he threw her in found her in no time. She was bent over something. Charger didn't know what it was, but he didn't like it. He jumped out from behind the table firing randomly as bullets whizzed by him. He dropped and slid behind the table Fluttershy was behind. he grabbed her shoulder. " Are you alright!" he asked. FLuttershy didn't answer she was working on something, she was bent over an object? Charger looked at what she was working on, he was right, he didn't like what he saw. On the ground was a mouse. There was a large amount of blood on it head. Fluttershy was working frantically with tears in her eyes. She was using a napkin as a truncate. she was bandaging the mouses head, trying to stop the bleeding. It took Fluttershy a second to notice Charger. " He was hurt when the kicked the door open!" she screamed, trying not to cry. Charger had to give her this, she was tearing up, but she was wasn't panicking or crying like the last battle they were in. Charger couldn't help but watch though. he knew there was a fight going on around him, but he wanted to see if this mouse lived. He watched Fluttershy work, until another officer came over the table. he tackled Charger and was now on top of him. Fluttershy looked up from the mouse and gasped. The officer had his knee on Chargers throat. He was slowly adding pressure as Charger chocked and gagged. The officer kept his gun fixed on Fluttershy if she tried to move. " You will pay for what you did at the tower!" The officer said. Charger looked up into his face. It was hard to see who this officer was, but his voice sounded familiar. Charger looked away from his face and at his body. He was blue. He was a blue stallion. Charger immediately knew who he was looking at. " B..Boston?" Charger asked trying to speak. Boston just pushed harder down on Charger's throat. " LONG time no see Charger, you gave us a run for our money trying to found you." Boston laughed. He added more pressure to his throat. " Well, the point is I have found you now, and I'm going to take back the government property you've stolen…" He pointer to Fluttershy with his pistol. Then he looked back down at Charger. "…and then I'll kill you." Boston grinned. He put more pressure on Chargers throat. He felt as if it was going to snap. Right before Charger blacked out, right before the cold and of death grasped him. Right before his flame was extinguished. He felt the pressure come off his neck. He felt the weight of Boston on his chest leave. He looked up and found Boston stunned on the floor. He wasn't moving, but he wasn't dead. He glared angrily at Charger. Charger got up. He looked around and thought Sights may have done it, but he was no where to be found. He looked over at Fluttershy who was looking at some pony in the crowd. Then, a larger brown pegasus walked over. He had a black mane, with a crew cut. His eyes were yellow and he had the mark of a fighter jet on his rear end. Above his mark there was another tattoo, something that wasn't natural. It read "Up We Go!" Charger knew who this stallion was, he knew exactly where he had come from too. He got up and addressed him. " I thought you air men where to professional to get into bar fights." Charger joked. The pegasus spoke back. " This obviously isn't a normal bar fight." The pegasus said. He stuck his hoof out and Charger shook it. " PFC, Sun Rise, Eternal Flame." Charger said concealing his identity. " Secondary Squad leader Cloud Surfer, Eternal Flame." The pegasus answered. Charger walked over to Fluttershy and help her up off the ground. She picked up the mouse with her. She looked down at it and then back up at Charger. Charger just smiled. " So, you wouldn't happen to be from shadow squadron, would you." Charger asked. " Yes I am, shadow all the way." Cloud Surfer answered proudly. Charger already knew what he would say. Gold Wings had designed that tattoo for all of his squad members. Charger remembered how mad he was when he found out he couldn't wear the tattoo anymore. He giggled at the thought. All of a sudden more shots flew by! All three ponies ducked down. " Say there wouldn't be more of you Shadow Squadron guys hanging around would there?" Charger asked as he fired back. As if on que Sights came running out from behind the bar with more pegasus behind him. They all bared the tattoo of Shadow Squadron. " Hey Charger look who I found!" Sights said as he ducked behind the table. Charger gave hims quick look not to say his real name so loud. He then looked at Cloud Surfer. " Yah, I found them too." Charger said. More shots flew bye and they all fired back. " Alright Sun Rise, you're the infantry man here, and I'm a pilot, how do we get out of here?" Cloud Surfer asked. Charger pointed to the where the rest of the Main Six were hiding. " THey are your main objectives, you get them over here, sir." Charger said, getting unite at the last second remembering he was ordering his superior. " Don't bother Charger, in a ground fight, I'm as good as a cadet, there's no need for sir." Cloud Surfer said. He then relayed the message back to his men and they took off in opposite directions toward the mares. The remaining fighters took up a defensive position and attacked the advancing officers. " Shoot for the legs!" Sights ordered. Officers were now dropping like flies. They were no match for the combined skills of Shadow Squadron, Sights, and Charger. The fight raged on. It didn't seem like any innocent ponies were hit, but some of shadow squad had been brushed by stun round and frozen in areas of their bodies! " GAAAA! Damn!" Cloud Surfer bellowed as he was stunned in his shooting arm. Charger looked over to him to asses his wound. " Alright it didn't leave a mark, just stiff thats all!" More shots zoomed by Charger. He quickly dropped down to the floor pulling Cloud Surfer down with him. Across the bar officers were handling a less dangerous situation. " Boss, wake up boss." one of the officers said lightly tapping Agent Boston's cheek. he had been knocked out cold from Cloud Surfer's attack. The officers continued to try to wake him. They slapped him a bit yelled at him. " I don't think he's coming to." One of the officers said. The other officer looked at him with a smile. " Hey, boss." he started. He was smiling and almost giggling as he said this. " Boss, they're transferring you to a desk job." The officer said laughing. Boston quickly shot awake. " NO, NOT A DESK JO… oh." He said realizing the the officers had tricked him. " Do not do that!" he screamed at them. Both officers stopped their laughing. " I'll make sure your transferred to desk jobs!" Boston continued to yell. " Now get moving!" Boston yelled pointing at the fight around them. The two officers quickly galloped off into two different directions. Boston just pouted where he was. He hatred it when people messed with him. He hated it so much. As the fight raged on within the bar a lone fighter craft zoomed through the city. It ducked under on coming ships. It drifted around buildings and under over hangs. It almost crashed a few times. Piloting this ship was none other then Gold Wings. he was so worried for his friends he could hardly fly straight. He kept going. He ignored the flashing warning symbols on the road. He was racing towards the apartment he thought his friends were at. He pulled up to the apartment. There didn't seem to be any pony there. " Hey, guys, we've got to go!" He shouted from the ship. He only heard silence in return. He tried calling out to his friends again. He didn't hear any responses after calling out to them. He decided that he was going to have to exit the ship to try and contact them. He stepped down from the seat he was in and opened the door. He was about to step outside onto the platform leading to the the apartment, but a shot rang out! He daw the bullet bounce off the side of the side of his door! It was near his hoof! " Holly crap!" He shouted. As he fell back into the ship a large amount of police and federal agents popped out from areas on the roof of the apartment! They sprayed the ship with gunfire! Gold Wings was able to close his ship door just in time. He quickly booted the controls back up and turned around. He gunned it, zooming away from the apartment. " Ok, wrong spot to loo…gahhh." He said feeling a pain in his side. He looked down to see blood coming out of him. " Oh crap, they didn't all miss." He said. He ripped a part of his sleeve off and rapped it around his stomach over the bleeding. The rag was soaked with blood in minutes. He kept flying though. He ignored the pain. he knew he had to find his friends and quick. " Come on, why are you never easy to fi…" He looked over into the distance and saw flashing lights! He immediately turned the course of the ship and head towards the location. " I better not be to late." Gold said while arming the guns of the ship. The organization that contained the elements hadn't been known to the public or even the royals of Equestria since its creation. This was to ensure the security of the information surrounding the organization. Boston could not simply spill the beans now. He gulped, adjusted in his seat and took a deep breath. " They were weapons my princess." Boston lied. " They were weapons we were experimenting with, sadly they are now gone and the documents surrounding their existence were burned in the attack." Boston said trying to sound sad and disappointed. The princess just nodded and walked out. Their meeting was over. > Chapter Sixteen: Return To The Eternal Flame > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space was once again dark and silent. The massive star ship "Eternal Flame" sat in the dark empty void. Groups and fighters and transports went back and forth around the ship. They would take off and then some would dock. The process went on like this for a long time. The troops on the ship were mostly at rest. They had no assignments yet. A little ways from the ship, near a cluster of stars a bright light could be seen. This light became larger and brighter. Soon it was a large circle of light! There was a large whooshing sound, as if a monorail had stopped suddenly. The ball of light was now replaced with a Gold Wing's fighter ship that he stole. " You know they'll recognize the ship." Charger said looking at Gold Wings. GOld Wings simply nodded and began trying to make contact with the Eternal Flame. Up on the bridge the mood was chaotic! Officers and operators galloped back and forth. They made calls throughout the ship. They were all astonished to see their stolen ship, and the fugitives that had attacked the tower inside. They could not believe they had just come out of hyper space right in front of their ship! " These ponies must be crazy." One of the operators mentioned. He then clicked the intercom button and began to speak into it. " Attention in hanger, attention in hangers… fighter groups Swallow and Mocking Jay report to battle stations. We have a class one target off of our port side, high priority ponies, take them in!" The operator finished and the fighter groups arrived at their hangers a few minutes later. Back on the stolen ship Gold Wings was trying to make contact. " Gaaa, there's to mush radio traffic inside the ship!" Gold Wings said frustrated. " No shit." Sights said poking his head into the cockpit. " We are the most wanted ponies in the galaxy and we just popped up in front of a war ship." Sights said. The three stallions looked ahead at the massive ship. It dwarves them and made them hope this plan of theirs worked. Charger saw the hunger doors open and the fighter groups begin to fly out. " Look, they're sending pegasus fighters, we can clear this up when they board us." Charger said hopefully. The fighter groups flew towards their ship. They looked as if they would be boarding peacefully. Then they grouped up into an attack formation. " Well, there goes your idea of peaceful boarding." Gold Wings said to Charger. Charger rolled his eyes. The fighter group released a hail of gunfire onto their ship. It rocked back and forth. Every pony was holding on for dear life. Charger and sights were forced to the floor. Gold Wings remained in his seat trying to control the air craft. More shots hit the ship. They made a loud thumping and shattering noise on the roof and sides. Gold Wings looked out the window and saw that both pot their engines had been blown out! " This plan is dust sir, get us out of here!" one of the shadow squadron flyers said. Gold Wings remained looking at their engines. " Yah, that's going to be hard to do." Gold Wings commented. There were two loud cracking noises coming from the door of the ship and the side opposite from it. Rainbow Dash looked out the window and saw that there were thick cords now attached to the ship. " Um, what are they doing." She asked eyeing the cords. " They're bringing us in." Sights said looking out at the hanger doors of the Eternal Flame. They were opening and the pegasus were pulling them towards it. They were going to get on board alive after all. Charger looked at Fluttershy who was staring at the Eternal Flame. He could tell she was a little tense, they all were. He also knew what the behavior of the security forces on that ship were like. They would board the ship, nock everyone out and then interrogate them. They might even accidentally hurt them in the raid. Charger knew he could not let that happen to any of the six. he quickly walked to the back of the ship and opened the floor. " What's that?" Fluttershy asked looking at the hidden compartment. " This is a weapons stash, the pilots use it to hide weapons if hey get shot down." Charger said heaving a piece of the floor away. Sights knew what he was doing, so did Gold Wings. " Alright, get in." Charger said as he stood back up. The mane six were shocked. " Us, go in the that dusty, vastly hole!" Rarity said sharply. The rest of the mares eyed it as well. " Look, it's for your own good, they will raid this ship, and it might get a little aggressive." Sights said. " I'd listen to him." Gold Wings said from the cockpit. The shadow squadron members all mumbled in agreement. The Eternal Flame was right onto of the ship now. The pegasus flew into the hanger bay and gently set the large fighter craft down. Immediately after it landed a group of ponies armed with the standard assault rifle ran out onto the landing pad. They raced to the side of the ship and lined up. The pony at the front turned and gave a silent nod to the rest in line. He flung the door open and they burst in. They nocked the members of shadow squadron to the floor and hand cuffed them. They tore Gold Wings from his seat and threw him onto his face. Sights was pushed up against a wall and Charger was slammed against the floor. The whole time the soldiers capturing them were yelling and screaming. They finally pushed them all out of the craft and on to the landing pad. They began to march them away to the brig. They formed them up and pushed them, forward. Charger took one look back at the craft. IT was being searched. He then turned away from the craft and joined his fellow stallions to the brig. A few floors up Captain Thunder sat in his office. It was still the same office. IT still had the blue walls and all of the medals and pictures hanging up. However, there was a TV on Captain Thunders desk now. He was watching the video footage of the hanger bay. He watched as the criminals in the craft were hauled out onto the deck. He was shocked to see they were all members of the Eternal Flames crew. He was especially shocked to see Charger though. He had heard the conference and he refused to believe Charger had anything to do with the attacks. He was a good soldier, and a patriot at heart. He refused to believe he would kill his fellow country men, but here he was!. He was on the deck of his own ship handcuffed, pressed against the floor, and Captain Thunder could see it all. " So, they were right." Captain Thunder said to himself. " Even a born soldier a patriot can turn." Captain Thunder put his head down on his desk. He knew Charger so well, he was like a son to him. He had watched him and seen him grow like many of the soldiers on his ship. He and no choice now, he had to except the fact that Charger, one of his favorite stallions, was a cold stone,selfish, killer. Captain Thunder turned off his TV, got up, and walked to his door. He knew the prisoners would be held in the brig. he wanted to say good by to Charger and the rest of his now turned crew, before they were sent to be excited no doubt. " Why would you do this to yourself Charger… Why would you ruin your life like this?" He thought as he walked down the hall. Down in the brig the "criminals" were now behind bars. They sat on hard will beds that were a barf green color. The cell was a hard, cold, silver steel box with a white sink and small white toilet on the right wall. The cell was very crowded. Charger, Sights, Gold Wings, and the rest of Shadow Squadron were stuffed in there. " At leats we won't be in this thing forever." Sights told one of the shadow flyers. " The government ship is coming soon, so they'll take us from there." He continued. The Shadow Flyer just looked down. They couldn't believe they were being punished for doing the right thing. Charger sat on one of the beds. He knew what was coming for him. He also knew that he was done. The original plan was to dock and peacefully talk with the captain of the ship. He could have provided them security and military help if he had just gotten a chance to know the details. " It's funny…" Charger thought. " The details can make such a big difference, but they could be hidden so easily." Charger finished. He laughed at this. There plan had not worked, and because of the hiding of details and an unclear picture, the ponies who did right, were going to be killed as wrong doers. Charger continued to think on this until the the door opened. he heard the clanking of keys. At first he thought it was the government officers. When he stood up he looked out of the bars, and was actually surprised! Captain Thunder himself was walking in with two guards, one had keys on him. They reached Chargers cell and Captain Thunder waved the guards off. The walked off back into the guard office. Every pony in the cell stood at attention. Captain Thunder just stood there. he began to shake his head. " You are no longer considered my crew, cut the attention out." He said sadly. The cell relaxed and the ponies were all taken aback. The expression on the captains face changed from normal to gloomy and depressed. He shook and head faster and harder. He stared at he ground and then looked up at all of them. " Why fella's… why turn so suddenly… why become to so heartless and forget all of your morals?" The captain asked. He scanned the eyes of the cell mates until he rested on Charger. " Especially YOU!" he exclaimed. Charger took a step back. The captain was obviously angry now. " You, I had high expectations for! I expected things from you!" The captain was now pointing his hoof at Charger. he was red with anger. " I guess i was wrong though! You weren't the great pony I thought you were!" He bellowed. The whole cell was wide eyed at this scolding. Charger was just looking at the captain, right in the eyes. He dare not speak, but he wanted to tell the captain everything. he could't though. He didn't know what to say, and the captain wouldn't believe him! For the first time in a long while, Charger felt helpless, he felt like he wasn't prepared, he didn't' have a plan. " You are no longer my crew, you are no longer in this military!" The captain said turning his attention to the rest of the stallions. " I hope you realize this." The captain finished. He was still red with anger, however he was a little calmer now. He glared at the cell mates. he glared at them for some time, then he turned and began to walk away. Charger didn't speak up. he sat back down. As he began to drift off into thought again he did here a voice. It was a country voice that he very well. It was Sights. he was now at the front of the cell and calling for the captain! " Sir!" he yelled. The captain kept walking. he did not wan anything to do with these traitors. " SIR!" Sights said louder. The captain just kept walking. Sights was angry now, he didn't like being ignored. He took in a deep breath and concentrated his anger. he channeled it into his next few words. " GET BACK OVER HERE YOU NO GOOD PEICE OG SHIT!" Sight yelled. The cell fell silent. They were all wide eyed that Sights had just cursed out the captain! The captain turned to Sights. he was angry once more. The enemy had just called him a piece of shit. He galloped over to him and slammed his hooves against the cell. " WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" The captain yelled at Sights. Sights stood fast. he did not move back from the cell bars. He answered the captains question with a stern and controlled voice. " You don't know the whole story, sir." Sights said. The captain leaned back from the cell. He had no idea what this prisoner was talking about. " I know the story quite well, prisoner, it's been on TV for weeks." The captain said. Sights was very quick to answer. " No, that's the wrong story." Sights said. The captain stepped back, he was interested in what Sights had to say, so was Charger and the rest of the cell. There was a long silence between the two stallions. They stared at each other very intensely. Finally the captain spoke up. " Continue." he ordered. Sights smiled. Charger heard a door to the cell block open. He looked over and was over whelmed with excitement. " Turn around." Sights said. The captain turned around and saw the Twilight, RD, Apple Jack, Pinky Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity being escorted in by two guards. " Sir." One of the guards said. " We found these six in a the weapons compartment of the ship, they insist on speaking with you." The guard finished. The captain was amazed at what he saw in front of him. he turned back to Sights with his eyes wide an mouth open. " I'll be taking that key now." Sights said smirking.