• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 12,359 Views, 1,119 Comments

A Shadow Hangs Overhead - BronyWriter

What would have happened in The Secret Life of Rarity had Rarity not become a serial killer.

  • ...


"Ooh, look at this one, Sweetie Belle! It matches perfectly with your mane!"

Sweetie Belle levitated the foal blanket she had just unwrapped and draped it over her stomach with a groan. "Yay. Another one," she grumbled, draping a foreleg over her eyes.

"Oh come now, Sweetie Belle, there's no need for that," Rarity said, putting a hoof on her sister's shoulder. "I know that your back hurts and you're tired and hormonal and you..." Rarity glanced down at the plate in front of Sweetie Belle and flinched. "Um... have a rather forceful requirement for pickle and vinegar sandwiches."

"Shut up, it's good." Sweetie Belle lit her horn and floated the plate over to her and took a bite out of the sandwich on it. Rarity backed up a few inches so as to not be in the direct line of the smell.

"If you say so, darling." Rarity cleared her throat and sat down next to her sister. "In any case, you're handling this whole pregnancy thing better than Mother did. How many times did Father say he had to buy new dishes because of her mood swings?"

Sweetie Belle managed a small smirk and leaned her head against Rarity. "Yeah, I remember those stories. She had an easier time with me, if I remember the stories right."

"Yes, and her cravings were a little more..." Rarity glanced back down at Sweetie Belle's plate and subtly nudged it farther away with her magic. "Erm... typical."

Sweetie Belle glared up at Rarity and crossed her forelegs. "It's not that bad if you just try it." Sweetie Belle straightened up and brought the plate back over to her for another bite. "'Ts gotta nice lillr kik to it." Sweetie Belle swallowed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hoof. "I mean, this one is mine." Sweetie Belle grabbed the plate in her forelegs and held it close as though Rarity would steal it at any moment. "But I can make you one if you like."

"How could you? You ate all of my pickles, and I'm not buying any more for the moment." Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes. "I appreciate the offer, Sweetie Belle, but I'm not quite sure it would... sit well with me."

"Whatever. Your loss." Sweetie Belle took the last few bites of her sandwich and tossed the empty plate onto the table. She opened her mouth to say something else, but her ears perked up and a small smile crossed her face. She grabbed Rarity's hoof and put it on her belly. "She's kicking."

Rarity held her hoof on Sweetie Belle for a few seconds before she felt a little kick. She smiled back at Sweetie Belle as she felt another kick. "She's getting rather active lately, isn't she?"

Sweetie Belle nodded and leaned further back in her chair. "She's probably going to want out soon."

"Hopefully not too soon," Rarity pointed out. "You still have another month and a half before your due date."

"Yeah, yeah," Sweetie Belle grumbled. "But that's such a long ways away!" She grunted and shifted in her seat to find a more comfortable spot. "I think one of the things I'm looking forward to the most is not feeling like I'm constantly carrying around a bowling ball in my barrel." She stuck out her tongue and draped a foreleg over her eyes. "I'm ready to have this foal!"

"Perhaps," Rarity said softly. "Although I imagine raising her will be quite the challenge. But..." Rarity put her hoof on Sweetie Belle's belly and smiled when she felt the foal kick again. "I'm glad that I'm here for you. I will help you through whatever life throws at you like a big sister should. I know that this is a difficult time for you, but you won't have to go through it alone."

"Thanks, sis," Sweetie Belle said, nuzzling Rarity's shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Sweetie Belle chuckled and poked Rarity's side. "But no spoiling the foal."

Rarity smirked and rolled her eyes. "I will do my best, but I cannot promise anything. I am the Element of Generosity, after all."

"Yeah, but I'm her mother, and I don't want to hear any 'but Aunt Rarity said it was okay!'"

"I will, of course, defer to your judgement on anything regarding raising her." Rarity's smile turned mischievous. "That is, when you're around. Who knows? Maybe sometimes you'll have something to do and I'm at home watching your darling little filly who is just as cute as a button and 'please, oh please, Aunt Rarity, may I have just one more glass of chocolate milk and two more cookies?'" Rarity shrugged. "What exactly am I supposed to do in that unwinnable scenario?"

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and Rarity saw her eyelids start to droop. "But that's a long way away."

"It certainly is." Rarity adjusted her spot on the couch, allowing more comfort when Sweetie Belle laid her head back on her shoulder. "But we'll be together when it all happens, just like it should be." Rarity heard Sweetie Belle's light snoring and her ears drooped. She looked down at Sweetie Belle's belly and sighed. "Just like it should have always been."

* * * *

Rarity put the last stitch into the blanket she was working on and breathed a sigh of relief. That was that for the day. She levitated it up and scanned it for any deficiencies, and when she found none, she nodded and folded it up to be washed before she gave it to the customer. She placed the blanket on a nearby table and was about to begin putting away her supplies when the door to her shop burst open. She heard the bell above the door being knocked off, clattering to the floor with a loud clang. She growled and stomped out of her work room.

"Rainbow Dash, how many times have I... Oh. Scootaloo?"

"No time! No time!" Scootaloo cried, grabbing Rarity's hoof and pulling her forward. "Gotta go! Sweetie Belle!"

Rarity's eyes widened and she pulled her hoof out of Scootaloo's grasp. "You mean...?"

"Yep! Foal! Now!"

Rarity paused for a second as her brain registered the information she had just been given, then shot through the door of her boutique in the direction of the hospital. Scootaloo quickly flew beside her.

"What happened?" Rarity cried.

"We were at the clubhouse playing a game!" Scootaloo said, flapping as hard as she could to keep up with Rarity. "Then her water broke! At first I didn't know what was going on, but Apple Bloom said we had to get Sweetie Belle to the hospital as soon as we could! Her and Applejack loaded Sweetie Belle up and rushed her over while I came and got you and then and got you and now we're running to the hospital and holycrapthisishappening!"

Rarity pushed all other distractions out of her mind as she ran, picking up speed when she saw the hospital in the distance. Scootaloo had long since fallen behind when Rarity finally burst through the double doors.

"Sister!" she cried as she ran up to the front desk. "Is my sister here yet?"

"She's in the delivery room right now," the receptionist said, pointing to the left. "Just go down the hall and it's the third door on the right!"

Rarity barely waited for the receptionist to finish her directions before rushing off. She expertly weaved around the hospital's staff, ignoring any shouts that were directed at her. She found the right room and charged in, nearly knocking the door down in the process. Sweetie Belle was there surrounded by two nurses and a doctor. She was crying out in pain.

"Sweetie Belle! I'm here!" Rarity rushed over to her and grabbed one of her hooves. "Big sister is here, Sweetie Belle. I'm here!"

"Rarity," Sweetie Belle moaned. "It hurts!"

"I know it does, I know it... um... Sweetie Belle? I think you're about to crack my hoof."

Sweetie Belle's grip tightened on Rarity's hoof causing her to grunt in pain. "Hurts. Really hurts!" Sweetie Belle glared at the nearby doctor. "And they won't give me any more drugs!"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Belle, but that might be damaging to the foal. I can see that you're about to crown. You're almost done, just keep pushing!"

"You can do it, Sweetie Belle, I know you can," Rarity said. "Just, ow, keep, ow, pushing for a little... erm... can you maybe not squeeze my hoof so much?"

"It's this or more drugs," Sweetie Belle growled through gritted teeth. "If I ever find the bastard that did this to me I'm going to turn him into a gelding before I kill him!"

Rarity's ear flicked and she cleared her throat. "Um... that might not be the best, ow, course of action."

"Just a little more, Ms. Belle. Just a little more!"

Sweetie Belle cried out so loudly that everypony else in the room had to flatten their ears to block out the noise. Rarity switched hooves to give the one Sweetie Belle had been grabbing a rest, all the while giving her words of encouragement that were usually returned with irritation. No matter how much profanity Sweetie Belle spat out, and no matter how loudly she screamed, Rarity was there to hold her hoof, though she had to constantly switch hooves.

"Alright, you're almost there!" the doctor said. "Just one more push and you should have it! Come on, Ms. Belle, push!"

"Just one more push, Sweetie Belle, just like he said."

"I don' wanna," Sweetie Belle moaned. "Can't do it 'nymore. Don't make me."

"I'm afraid I must, Sweetie Belle." Rarity grabbed onto Sweetie Belle's hoof with both of her own. "Just one more!"

Sweetie Belle squeezed her eyes shut and let out one last ear-splitting shriek of pain before totally collapsing. Rarity opened her mouth to give more encouragement, but her words died in her throat when she heard a foal crying. She turned to the doctor and burst into a wide smile when she saw the doctor and a nurse wrapping a tiny foal in a blanket.

"Congratulations, Ms. Belle," the doctor said, walking over to Sweetie Belle with the foal. "It's a filly."

Sweetie Belle grunted and didn't move for a few seconds. "Give me a second, doc." She took a deep breath and, with some help from Rarity, managed to sit up in bed. The doctor gently placed the crying filly in Sweetie Belle's forelegs.

"She's beautiful," Rarity whispered. "She looks like you."

"Yeah, she looks like you, too," Sweetie Belle said, nuzzling her daughter. "Don't know what it is about our family and white fur, but there you go."

Rarity reached out and slowly stroked the soft mane, whose color was a cross between hers and Sweetie Belle's. "Did you finally decide on a name yet?"

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said quietly, holding her filly closer and gently rocking her. "Joyous Blossom. I think I'm going to mostly call her Blossom, though."

"I think that's a beautiful name." Rarity leaned in closer to the foal. "Hello, Blossom. I'm your Aunt Rarity, and I'm going to help take care of you."

"Good, because I'm exhausted," Sweetie Belle groaned.

Rarity smirked and straightened up. "Do you still want to turn the father into a gelding?"

"No, I guess not." Sweetie Belle cracked one eye open and smirked back. "Maybe a little, though."

"Well, good riddance to him, at any rate. You two are going to be very happy living with me."

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle closed her eyes again and leaned back. "Think about that later. Right now I'm gonna..."

"You do that, Sweetie Belle. You've had a hard day."

Rarity heard Sweetie Belle's light breathing a few seconds later, and gently levitated the sleeping foal out of Sweetie Belle's forelegs. She sat down in a nearby chair and cradled her niece, holding her close and gently nuzzling her. "Joyous Blossom," she whispered. "I love you so much. I've loved you since I first heard about you. I will do my best to make sure that you are protected from what is bad in the world. Someday you will hear of my sins. I wish that wasn't the case, but I will be here to help you through that. It won't be easy, but you have more ponies around you who love you than you could comprehend."

Blossom shifted in her blanket and leaned her head against Rarity's chest. Rarity chuckled and gently held Blossom closer.

"I cannot wait to see what kind of mare you grow into, Joyous Blossom. One thing I do know is that you'll be a light to those around you. You'll bring more joy than even the joy I'm feeling just holding you. Life is a beautiful thing, and I can't wait to experience it with you."

* * * *

Seven years later

"Are you ready, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, walked over to the coat rack, and collected her small saddlebag. "Yeah, I think so."

Rarity smiled and nuzzled her sister. "There is no reason to worry, Sweetie Belle. I'm sure that Blossom had a wonderful time at school."

"I know, I know, it's just..." She shook her head as her and Rarity headed out the door. "She's growing up so fast. It's only been a few months since she's been born, right? She's still my little foal?"

Rarity chuckled and shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Sweetie Belle. Your little filly is going to be a grown mare before you know it."

Sweetie Belle groaned and rubbed her temple. "No, no, no, I don't want to think about that. Let's just get her from her first day of school before we think about what college she's going to go to, okay?"

"Fair enough. However, given her excitement from this morning, I don't imagine she'll want to leave."

"Yeah, maybe not," Sweetie Belle admitted. "I might as well enjoy that while it lasts before I have to constantly get on her about doing her homework, and no she can't go out with her friends until that essay is finished!"

"As horrible as my... predicament was growing up, at least I can say that I never did have to write any five page essays on the Post-Discord reconstruction period. It's the small mercies that get one through hardships."

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in." The two mares looked out in the distance and saw Ponyville's schoolhouse coming up. They could already see the various families gathered around the schoolyard. Rarity frowned as the two of them got closer.

"Do you see her?" Rarity asked, scanning the various ponies for a hint of Blossom's distinctive white coat.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No, I don't. Maybe she's inside with some friends?"

"Perhaps." Rarity's stomach tightened as she continued to look for her niece. "Sh-she's around here somewhere, of course. It's foolish to assume otherwise."

Sweetie Belle's smile became a little more brittle and she nodded. "Of course. Nothing's..." She let out a big sigh of relief and pointed to the door of the schoolhouse "There she is."

Rarity's stomach unclenched and a wide smile crossed her face when she saw Blossom happily bouncing out of the schoolhouse with Cheerilee walking behind her. Her and Cheerilee exchanged waves as the two sides drew closer.

"Hey, Blossom!" Sweetie Belle said, sitting down so that she could hug her daughter. "Did you have fun today?"

"Oh lots!" Blossom chirped, nuzzling into Sweetie Belle's chest. We learned about math and reading and writing and even some stuff about Princess Celestia!"

"Sounds awesome. You're going to have to tell me all about it," Sweetie Belle replied.

"She was a joy to have today." Cheerilee winked at the two of them. "No pun intended, of course."

Rarity rolled her eyes and threw a foreleg around Cheerilee for a hug. "I'm glad that everything went well."

"Oh yeah, it was awesome!" Blossom said happily. "Hey Aunt Rarity, did you know that Miss Cheerilee was Mommy's teacher when Mommy was a filly?"

"I certainly did. She was also one of my classmates when I was your age."

Blossom turned her infectious smile to Cheerilee. "You were?!"

"Oh yes, your aunt and I got along quite well. We were best friends for a while."

"Did you make any friends today, Blossom?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Blossom nodded vigorously. "Oh yeah, lots! There's a filly who sits next to me named Ruby Shine and we both liked each other's pencils and so we, uh..." She frowned in fillyish ponderance. "What's the word?"

"Traded?" Sweetie Belle guessed.

"Yeah, that! Traded!" She looked back up at her mother and a pleading look crossed her face. "So when can I come back, Mommy?"

"Tomorrow morning at the same time, and then you can learn more and spend more time with Ruby Shine."

"Yay!" Blossom broke away from the hug and began bouncing up and down. "Can tomorrow come soon?"

"It will come in due time, Blossom," Rarity said. "For now we have to go home. We'll get some cookies and chocolate milk and you can tell us all about it."

Blossom's ears perked up. "Chocolate milk and cookies? Yum!" She turned to Cheerilee. "Um... Miss Cheerilee? I'm gonna go home now if that's okay."

"Of course it is, Blossom. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, the three of them turned and made their way back to Carousel Boutique. "I'm so glad that you enjoyed school today, Blossom," Rarity said. "I know you'll do very well there."

"Oh yeah, it's all a lot of fun," Blossom replied. "I can't wait to go back tomorrow."

"I can imagine," Rarity said.

Rarity happily sighed as she watched her niece bounce up and down, happy from the first day of school. In a way, she felt like things had come full circle for her, but they were moving forward instead of repeating past mistakes. Seeing the joy from young Blossom made her realize one thing.

Everything was going to be okay.

Author's Note:

There are two big updates for you guys: one there is now a tumblr for my story The Secret Life of Rarity found --> here!
Secondly, I'm taking orders for the print version of TD the Alicorn Princess. PM me if you would like one!

But wow, the last time I finished a long story, it was 2016.

Comments ( 35 )


"It certainly is." Rarity adjusted her spot on the couch, allowing more comfort when Sweetie Belle laid her head back on her shoulder. "But we'll be together when it all happens, just like it should be." Rarity heard Sweetie Belle's light snoring and her ears drooped. She looked down at Sweetie Belle's belly and sighed. "Just like it should have always been."

...and how it always will be:pinkiesmile:.

"Well good riddance to him at any rate. You two are going to be very happy living with me."

That's kind of harsh...:fluttershysad:.

Everything was going to be okay.

If things don't go wrong that is...again:twilightoops:..

Wonderful stry BW, I fully enjoyed every single part of this amazing AU series involving Rarity! The drama, the sadness, the intensity, and action and the tragedy...I loved it all:twilightsmile:. You sir, are a true writier and author, one of the best that I have ever seen on this website, and I hope to see more of your work in the future:scootangel:.

By the way, are you plannin to write a sequl to this story too:ajsmug:? If you are I'd love to see it:raritywink:!

A happy ending, this was certainly a story worth reading. Though for the last scene my heart was pumping, just waiting for something to go wrong. Seriously, I was stressed out reading those last few hundred words. But I guess you can’t really start up a conflict literally in the story’s last scene.

A very nice ending to a very good story.

Eh, I see no reason to continue it. It came full circle. A sequel would just be "and everything in Blossom's life went great." Which, considering what Broke Blossom was like, would be cathartic to read for sure.

Hmmm...yeah, you've got a point there:applejackunsure:. Still, it was awesome to read it:twilightsmile:.

And here we are after

After...what? Kinda derped right here. :b

So nice to finally see this finished.

... now to read it all over again.


* Respectful clap*

Another great story done. Thanks for wrighting this.

Everything was going to be okay.

Yea, right :unsuresweetie: You just reminded me about Broken Blossom and The Word Is Fear

I love this story. After the Rarity serial killer series which was also great by the way it was great to see a story where Rarity starts from the same dark tragic day but this time does recover from that despite all the hardships along the way. I really love that in this story everything turned out okay and Rarity got a happy ending.

Not really a serial killer but more of a two time manslaughter incident, serial killer would mean that she kept doing it. Like in Rarity's secret life, that's a serial killer.

After reading the tragic but great serial killer Rarity series it was really uplifting to see Rarity become a better person and triumph through the hard ships of having murder stain her record, and actually getting to meet and watch her niece have her first day of school, a chance Rarity never got in the other story as she was caught and sentenced to death via lethal injection before her niece was even concieved.

Can I just have this moment?

"Oh lots!" Blossom chirped, nuzzling into Sweetie Belle's chest. We learned about math and reading and writing and even some stuff about Princess Celestia!"

needs beginning " marks.

What's TD Alicorn Princess? And I'm happy with this ending. It really goes full circle, in a good way. Rather than the tragedy that the original series had going with Rares, Sweetie, and Joy.

Thanks for the wonderful conclusion. it was an amazing experience.

What a wonderful conclusion. Thanks for the trip.

Everything was going to be okay.


Aw, it's over...
I loved it so much!

Not bad, but I feel that the final two chapters could be better as a spin-off just like 'Hitmare'... Also, I wonder if Discord or Sombra could make Rarity react just like Nightmare Moon.

All in all, it was a good story

Aaaah! For a second there I thought Blossom would be like her non-AU self and I was going to cry :fluttershysad:
Thank you for yet another wonderful story, BronyWriter! :pinkiehappy:

Okay, you said this was supposed to be happier. I have my doubts, but so far you haven't been dishonest with me. Let's see, then.

This is the best end. This is the good ending. Everything is okay. Thank you.

Out of all the stories in this series I have reread this one the most.

dude you have me in tears after 2 chapters

also have you ever wondered what would have happend if she told her teacher or if shd had been beaten up and the three of them was in the hospital how would things have gone for her and them as they grew up

I kept thinking that this was going to end with it being revealed as some sort of purgatory or something for Rarity. Kind of glad it didn't but that would have been cool.

At first, when I read "Secret Life", I thought the story was amazing in so many ways and became an absolute favourite of mine. But after reading this story, I took a look back at "Secret Life" and realized just how much your writing improved between the two stories. The amount of filler in "Secret Life" compared to this story is testament to the improvement in quality.

Night and day. If I'd written Secret Life with my current skill set, it might have been, you know... good.

Dang, now that was a fanfic. Considering how darkly the other fics in this verse ended, it is nice to see one which gives everyone a happy ending.

I also like how it explores the consequences of murder and how you could even potentially heal from that. Hopefully, Blossom has a happy upbringing seeing what had happened in the main timeline.

Keep up the good work.

How bout you do a remake? I honestly adore that story and it would be even better if you remade the entire trilogy (word is fear alt ending included):twilightsmile:

Rolling Thunder only boned Sweetie Belle for bragging rights:duck:

I wonder if it's a different guy or he boned Sweetie for some other reason :rainbowhuh:

Yay! Happy for every pony!

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