• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 12,367 Views, 1,119 Comments

A Shadow Hangs Overhead - BronyWriter

What would have happened in The Secret Life of Rarity had Rarity not become a serial killer.

  • ...

Sweet Beauty

The door to Rarity's room shut behind her, and Rarity trotted over to her bed, making sure to take slightly longer strides to stretch out her legs from the hoofcuffs. She walked over to her bed and sat down on top of it, staring straight ahead at the designs she had taped on the wall. She had been working on one of them when she had received the message that Sweetie Belle was on the way.

Sweetie Belle.

A small smile played at Rarity's lips, and she ran her hoof down her shoulder length mane. "Sweetie Belle." The name of her new sister rolled off her tongue perfectly, and her smile widened slightly. She slowly got to her hooves and walked over to her desk. "Sweetie Belle. My baby sister Sweetie Belle."

Rarity sat at her desk and pushed aside the design she had been working on. It was unimportant. Everything was unimportant now that Sweetie Belle was here. She took out a fresh sheet of parchment and uncapped her felt tip pen and brought it to the parchment. The pen flew across the surface as Rarity drew the outline of a young filly, designs for outfits for her sister swirling in her brain, waiting to be brought to life.

"These, Sweetie Belle, these I will create for you." Rarity capped the pen she was using and picked up another of a different color. "These are for you. These will be created. I promise you, Sweetie Belle. These will not be mere dreams and hopeless ambitions. These will be real, Sweetie Belle. These will be very, very real."

Rarity finished one outfit and levitated it into the air. Her eyes scanned it, looking for some flaw in her design, but there was none. Nodding to herself, she gently took down one of the more elaborate dress designs from her wall and replaced it with the design for Sweetie Belle.

"These will be real, Sweetie Belle, and they'll all be for you." Rarity took another piece of parchment and brought the pen down to it to draw another design. "It's all for you, Sweetie Belle." The image flashed in Rarity's mind of her new baby sister wrapped up in blankets, snuggled close next to her mother who had her forelegs wrapped tightly around her as if using her body as a shield to protect her youngest child from the world, and Rarity's smile grew wider still. She went back to the paper with even more vigor and drive, and within another ten minutes she had completed another design.

"In fact, I'm getting out soon because of you, did you know that, Sweetie Belle? I... I can't spend another minute in this wretched place, knowing that I have a sister waiting for me. I know that I wouldn't want to grow up knowing that I had a sister who was locked away." Tears began dripping down Rarity's muzzle, staining the parchment and smudging the ink on the designs, but still Rarity drew on, merely re-marking the sections that were smudged by her tears. "I have to get out of here. I can't do this anymore. Six years is too long! It's too long! I need to be out there with my sister! I need to be out there with my sister!"

The pen clattered on the desk as the magic in Rarity's horn fizzled out. Rarity let out a loud wail and buried her head in her forelegs. Her sobs wracked her whole body, and she didn't even care that the ink on her parchment had not dried and was staining her coat and the sleeves of her hospital gown. "I can't do this anymore," Rarity whispered. "I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here. I promise I'm a good pony. I wish I could take it back."

Rarity took a deep breath and slowly raised her head. She locked her eyes on the first design she had done for Sweetie Belle. Yes, it was still as immaculate as ever. She reached out a foreleg to touch the parchment, but drew her hoof back when she noticed that her foreleg was stained with tears and ink. She lowered her gaze to her leg. "No..." Rarity blinked twice and shook her head. "No, I can't have anything spoiling what I'll make for her." Rarity retracted her hoof completely and rested it on the desk. She contented herself with staring at the drawing she had made. It would do for only a little while until she could make it for real.

"I'm getting out of here for you, Sweetie Belle." Rarity wiped her eyes with her hoof and stared unblinking at her picture. "This place won't hold me for long. We'll be a real family soon. You'll see. I promise you we'll be a real family."

* * * *

Two weeks later

Rarity smiled and nuzzled Sweetie Belle as she hugged her sister close to her. Sweetie Belle squirmed in her blankets, but didn't seem adverse to the affection. She slipped one of her tiny forelegs out of the blanket and poked Rarity's nose, eliciting a small giggle from her older sister.

"It's wonderful to see you all again," Rarity said, looking up at her smiling parents. "I missed you all."

"We've missed you too, Rarity," said Rarity's mother. "I know we've been looking forward to having you see Sweetie Belle again. She's a very happy filly."

"Yes, she does seem so, doesn't she?" Rarity cooed. She looked back down at Sweetie Belle and gave her a wide smile. "I'm glad you're here, Sweetie Belle. Big sister wants to see you as often as possible, so Mother and Father are going to have to come see me as often as possible, okay?"

"Every day we can, Rarity," said Rarity's father.

"And I will make sure that you can see each other as frequently as possible," said Dr. Mind, who was sitting on a chair in one of the corners of the room. "I think that interacting with her sister is something that will be very good for Rarity."

Rarity was about to respond, but she was stopped when the door opened and an orderly walked in, walking straight towards Dr. Mind. He stopped in front of him and leaned in next to Dr. Mind's ear and began whispering to him. Dr. Mind frowned and glanced over to the door. "Really?" The orderly nodded, and Dr. Mind returned it. "Well, I think it's fine. In fact, I'd encourage it." The orderly nodded and walked out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Rarity asked.

Dr. Mind smiled at Rarity and tilted his head towards the door. Rarity looked towards it, and after a few seconds, it opened up revealing one familiar face, and two that were new to her. Seeing the familiar face made Rarity squeal in excitement.


Sure enough, Applejack walked into the room, followed by a large red stallion who was staring blankly ahead at nothing in particular. A yellow filly with a bright red mane tied with a bow who was babbling happily away was perched on Applejack's back. Applejack smiled when she saw Rarity, and walked up and gave Rarity a pat on the shoulder.

"Ah'd hug ya, but after the hospital, Ah figured it was against the rules."

Dr. Mind scoffed and waved his hoof at her. "Oh, go on. She's not dangerous, I assure you."

Applejack tilted her head in a nod in Dr. Mind's direction. "Thank ya, Doc." With that, Applejack threw a hoof around Rarity's shoulder and squeezed her into a hug. Rarity shifted Sweetie Belle to one of her forelegs and returned it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the stallion staring straight at her. She thought she might have seen a hint of a glare in his eyes, but it passed quickly enough that she wasn't sure if she had imagined it or not.

When Applejack broke away from the hug, she sat down at a chair that Dr. Mind scooted over to the table for her after transferring the filly from her back to the table. Applejack gently patted the filly on the head and smiled fondly at her. "This here's Apple Bloom. She was born a few months ago."

Rarity ruffled Apple Bloom's mane as the filly stared up at her with wide, curious eyes. "Hello, Apple Bloom. My name is Rarity, and this is my baby sister Sweetie Belle."

Rarity shifted Sweetie Belle in her grasp so that Apple Bloom could get a better look at her. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stared at each other, Apple Bloom cocking her head. After a few seconds of silence, Apple Bloom giggled loudly and looked back at Applejack, pointing a tiny hoof at Sweetie Belle.


Applejack chuckled and ruffled her baby sister's mane. "Yes, Apple Bloom. That's Sweetie Belle. Ah bet you two are gonna get ta know each other real well pretty soon."

Apple Bloom giggled again and crawled over to Sweetie Belle, who continued staring at her with wide eyes. Apple Bloom poked Sweetie Belle's free hoof with her nose. Sweetie Belle reached out her hoof and touched Apple Bloom's muzzle, eliciting yet another giggle from the filly.

Applejack chuckled and crossed her forelegs. "Well, Ah know who Ah'm bringin' every time Ah come, especially if Sweetie Belle's here. The two of 'em seem ta really like each other."

Rarity smiled and was just about to voice her affirmation of the idea when she heard the stallion grumble something she couldn't quite make out. She frowned and looked in his direction. "Is something the matter?"

The stallion's expression betrayed nothing as he shook his head, but Applejack seemed to pick up on something anyway. She frowned at him. "Big Mac, yer a a terrible liar. What's got yer saddle all shriveled up?"

"Nothin'," Big Mac replied. "We can talk about it later."

Despite the stallion's denial, Rarity had a pretty good idea of just what was wrong. She looked away uncomfortably and flattened her ears. "It's the nature of my crime, isn't it? You're not comfortable with me around Apple Bloom, I take it?"

"Nothin' against ya personally, just gotta be careful." Big Mac's gaze flickered over to Applejack who was glaring at him. He shrank away slightly. "Read a lot. Not sure what ta believe. Ah've just met ya."

Rarity's eyes widened and she snapped her head up. "Read a lot? What do you mean you've read a lot? I assume it made the local paper, obviously, but..."

Big Mac frowned and tilted his head. "Local paper? You mean ya don't know that--?"

"Big Mac, stop talkin' right now." Applejack's glare would have melted boulders, and her brother flattened his ears and took a step backwards.

"Sorry. Tactless."

"You had better believe that was tactless!" Applejack made a noise of disgust and looked back over to the group across from her. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were looking at her curiously while Rarity's eyes were beginning to brim with tears. She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hoof.

"Forgive me. I just... I wasn't aware that my story had gone beyond Ponyville."

Dr. Mind stood up from his seat and cleared his throat. "Maybe you had all best be going right now. Rarity has a session soon and we'd best be getting to that."

Applejack stiffly nodded and scooped up Apple Bloom who started squirming and reaching out towards Sweetie Belle. Applejack gently nuzzled her sister and stroked her mane. "It's fine. Yer gonna get ta see her again real soon, okay? We gotta go now. Big brother is bein' stupid."

"Sorry," Big Mac mumbled.

"Sorry don't fix nothin' right now." Applejack stood up and gently transferred Apple Bloom to her back. She looked over to Rarity's parents who were also glaring at Big Mac. She sighed and shook her head. "Ah can't apologize fer him, but Ah feel bad."

"You didn't do anything," said Rarity's mother. "You've been a great friend to Rarity, and we cannot thank you enough."

Applejack nodded and walked over to Rarity. She gave her a small, sad smile and wrapped her up in a hug. "It's gonna be alright, sugarcube. Don't you worry none about what everypony else thinks. Ah know you ain't a bad pony."

Rarity looked up to Applejack and gave her a small smile. She returned the hug. "Thank you, Applejack. I look forward to seeing you and little Apple Bloom again." Despite every wish to the contrary, Rarity felt a small feeling of anger and resentment towards Big Mac. To reveal a detail like that without a single regard for her feelings? It disgusted Rarity. She glanced up at Applejack. "Big Mac isn't welcome."

Applejack's small smile fell, but she slowly nodded. "Ah understand."

The two broke away from the hug and Applejack slowly trotted towards the door of the visitor's room. Once they had left, Rarity's parents walked over to Rarity. She extended her forelegs and hoofed Sweetie Belle over to her mother. "I had a wonderful time today with Sweetie Belle. I look forward to getting to know her some more."

Rarity's mother smiled and put a foreleg around Rarity's shoulder. "You're gonna be okay, Rarity. Don't worry about Big Mac or what he was saying."

"I know," Rarity whispered. "It's just... surprising to hear that my story spread beyond Ponyville."

Rarity's mother gently nuzzled Rarity's mane before moving aside to allow her father to hug Rarity. After that, the two of them left, allowing Rarity to follow Dr. Mind to their normal meeting place. The walk over was silent, despite Dr. Mind's attempts to strike up a conversation. Once they reached the room, Rarity walked inside, followed by Dr. Mind, who shut the door behind her.

Dr. Mind cleared his throat and walked over to his desk. "Well, aside from the end, I think that your time with Applejack and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle went rather well, don't you--?"

"Shut up."

Dr. Mind's eyes widened, and he looked up at Rarity who was glaring at him contemptuously. She took began walking towards Dr. Mind, and despite himself, Dr. Mind began retreating, wondering if he shouldn't call an orderly.

"R-Rarity, what's gotten into--?"

"I said SHUT UP!" Rarity screeched. She slammed her hoof on the ground. "How far did my story spread?! How many ponies throughout Equestria know who I am and what I did?! I know reporter ponies were there when I was arrested, but how many papers plastered that I'm a foal murderer on their front pages?!"

Dr. Mind's mouth flopped up and down like a fish out of water. Rarity had stopped moving forwards, but her glare had not faded. Dr. Mind managed to take a deep breath after a few seconds. "W-well, Rarity, I don't think that it's a good idea to talk about it. Do you really want to--?"

"Dr. Mind, I want you to tell me everything that you know about how far my story has spread!" Rarity walked over to her usual chair and sat down on it, crossing her forelegs as she did. "I absolutely refuse to cooperate until then. I won't say a single word until you tell me what I want to hear."

Dr. Mind's stomach clenched and he bit his lip. Rarity clearly wasn't going to budge on the issue, but he was not sure how she would react to hearing just how big of an impact her actions had had. "Rarity, I..." Rarity's glare hardened and Dr. Mind realized then that she would not be satisfied with anything less than the truth. He slowly walked over to his desk and sat down. He looked sadly up at Rarity. "Your story made national headlines. I daresay that there wasn't a paper that didn't carry the story for weeks. For months after you came here for help, we had to turn away reporters begging for interviews with Equestria's first murderer in three hundred years."

The fire in Rarity's eyes drained away, and her bottom lip began quivering. "Oh no," she whispered. She brought a hoof up to her mouth and a pair of tears streaked down her face. "No, that... that can't be..." Rarity sniffled and a sob escaped her lips. "I... d-didn't think that..." The floodgates opened and Rarity let out a loud wail of pure sorrow. She buried her head in her forelegs and began loudly sobbing. Dr. Mind quickly stood up off of his chair and rushed over to her to begin gently rubbing her back.

"Rarity, it's okay. It's been five years. Ponies aren't talking about it anymore."

"My life is over!" Rarity wailed. "Everypony in Equestria h-hates me!"

"Rarity, that's not even remotely true!" Dr. Mind insisted. "Princess Celestia explained your situation and many, many ponies were sympathetic to your situation. I'd even say a majority of them are!"

Rarity lifted her head and looked at Dr. Mind. "I-is that why you've kept me here for so long? You're scared that everypony who hates me might do something bad to me if I got out too soon?"

Dr. Mind grimaced. "Well, it didn't help, I suppose, but Rarity, you're going to get out soon, I promise! This thing with Applejack has me believing that you can flourish in pony society. I already told you that most do not hate you, and even your few detractors will come around once they see that you're a good pony, I promise."

"But when?" Rarity whimpered. "When can I get out? When can I see my sister every day without an orderly watching me?"

"Soon, Rarity. You won't be here for more years. I know that hearing that Equestria knows about you is a shock, but don't let it affect you. You're a good pony. It doesn't matter what the rest of them think. As long as you know that you are a good pony who would never hurt anypony, that's all that matters."

* * * *

Three months later

Rarity took a deep breath and glanced over at Applejack who gave her a comforting smile. The two of them had their respective sisters on their backs, both of whom were babbling animatedly with each other. Today was the first day that Rarity was set to re-integrate herself into pony society under the supervision of a plainclothes orderly and Applejack.

"Now you two have a good time and Ah don't wanna see ya until it's time fer supper, ya hear?" Applejack's grandmother, Granny Smith, slowly walked up to the four of them with a warm smile on her face. "Make sure you get everythin' AJ. Ah wanna make this supper good."

Applejack chuckled and nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Ah won't forget nothin'. Rarity and Ah'll be on our way now."

"Before we go..." Rarity smiled at Granny Smith. "I want to thank you for your hospitality and that delicious apple pie, Ms. Smith. I know there are a lot of ponies that don't look kindly upon my situation."

"Shucks, girl, you don't need ta thank me fer that," Granny Smith said with a wave of her hoof. "Ah know you've been through some hard times and made some mistakes, but the way ya helped mah granddaughter, well, it shows me yer a good pony, and no mistake is gonna take that away."

Rarity was about to respond, but Granny Smith lightly slapped her shoulder. "Now git, you two. The day ain't gettin' any younger."

"Will do, Granny." Applejack inclined her head. "Come on, Rarity. Ah don't know about you, but Ah'm thinkin' there's gonna be some good stuff at the market today."

"Oh I hope so." Applejack began walking out of the farmhouse and Rarity followed, being careful to not dislodge Sweetie Belle from her perch. "I... well, I haven't been to the market since I was a filly. It's been just over six years now."

"Too long if'n ya ask me." Applejack led Rarity out past the gates of Sweet Apple Acres and in the direction of town. "Hearin' everythin' you've been tellin' me 'bout yer time that that hospital, Ah'd say that you've definitely been there too long. Eight to fourteen?" Applejack shook her head. "Ah'd be real sore if Ah lost mah foalhood like that."

Rarity sighed and nodded. "Yes, I do suppose that there are some days where I feel disappointed that I didn't get a real foalhood like most ponies do, but they really were trying to help. They had to make sure that I wasn't going to murder somepony again."

"Ah wouldn't even call what ya did the first time murder, Rarity," Applejack said with a slight growl in her voice as they entered town. "Ah'd say that it was..." Applejack frowned and scratched her head. "Uh... what's the word? Extenuatin' circumstances?"

"Well Princess Celestia did rule that my first kill was self-defense, but--"

"Naw, Ah'm talkin' the other one too." Applejack grimaced. "Ah ain't gonna pretend it was a good thing, mind you, but ta me murder is a strong word that ponies who didn't even halfta go through what you did tacked onto you because it shifts blame off of some other ponies who knew you were bein' bullied like that and didn't do nothin' about it. Made 'em feel better ta label you as a murderer, shove you in a mental institution and move on without thinkin' about what coulda made you do it in the first place or what steps they coulda taken ta avoid it." Applejack sighed and shrugged. "Ah dunno. That's just how Ah've always seen it. From what you've been tellin' me 'bout that day, you were scared and not thinkin' straight. Ah ain't glad that they're dead, but they were just askin' fer trouble."

Rarity didn't respond, instead choosing to look silently ahead as the market drew nearer. The idea that somepony didn't think of her as a murderer... it was foreign to her. Everypony in Equestria, herself included, had always thought of her as a murderer. Not of Dug, who was going to attack her, but Kicker for sure everypony thought was murdered. Princess Celestia herself said that she was. Hearing Applejack say that she wasn't, though? It was a new idea, and she wasn't sure how she thought about it.

Rarity pushed it out of her mind as she entered the market with Applejack. It wasn't a concept that she was going to sway Applejack on, so she might as well not bother. The two had some shopping to do at any rate.

Rarity froze as the reality of that hit her and let out a quiet squeak.

There were quite a few ponies here, ponies who would undoubtedly know who she was and what she had done. She whimpered and took a small step backwards, but her orderly nudged her onwards. "Come on, Rarity. I'm here to make sure nothing happens. I know these ponies. They're not going to do anything, okay?"

Rarity slowly nodded and looked over to Applejack, who by this point had noticed that Rarity had stopped walking with her and was coming back to her. "What's the holdup?"

"Er... it's not a big deal," Rarity whispered. "It's just that there... are a lot of ponies here."

Applejack gave Rarity a comforting smile. "Come on, Rares, it ain't so bad. Nothin's gonna happen, Ah promise. Ya have just gotta put one hoof in front of the other like this." Applejack turned and made a show of putting her left forehoof in front of her right. "Just like this. Nothin' to it."

Rarity gulped, but slowly took a step forwards, acutely aware that ponies were beginning to notice her now. Some of them were even whispering amongst each other. Yes, they definitely recognized her. She began to wish for a hat and a coat to cover up her distinctive appearance. Still, despite her nervousness, she followed Applejack to the tomato cart run by a white, brown maned earth pony mare who seemed to be about Rarity's age with a single tomato as a cutie mark. She smirked when she saw the group come up to her cart, but Applejack tilted her Stetson in a greeting.

"Afternoon to ya, Scarlet Tomato. You runnin' the show today?"

Scarlet Tomato's smirk widened and she nodded. "Sure am. My mom's sick, so I've got the place to myself right now. What can I get for you?"

"Well, we're makin' a stew tonight and mah granny wanted three tomatoes."

Scarlet Tomato nodded and reached into a bucket for the produce. "Can do." She placed them on the counter and Applejack put them in her saddlebag. "Eight bits, please."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "S'cuse me?"

"Eight bits for the tomatoes."

Applejack frowned and tilted her head. "Uh, Ah was buyin' tomatoes last week and it one bit fer three tomatoes." Applejack's eyes narrowed "You ain't tryin ta cheat me, are you?"

Scarlet Tomato let out a mock gasp of indignation. "Perish the thought, dearest Applejack. We've just raised our prices since then!"

Applejack gave Scarlet Tomato a flat look. "Uh-huh. You wanna know what Ah think is goin' on? Ah think yer tryin' ta cheat me."

"Oh come now. I'm just--"

"And Ah don't deal with cheaters." Applejack reached into the bag and produced the tomatoes which she put back on the counter. "Guess we'll do without tomatoes in the stew tonight."

Scarlet Tomato blushed and flattened her ears. "Now look, Applejack. You don't need to do that. I-f you paid one bit then one bit it is."

Applejack snorted and shook her head. "Nope. Too late." She turned around and began walking away. Before she got more than four paces, she turned her head back. "Ya might wanna quit that habit, Scarlet. It could get ya into trouble someday."

With that, the group walked away from the tomato cart, leaving a thoroughly shocked Scarlet Tomato standing still, her jaw nearly on the ground. Applejack scoffed quietly and shook her head. "Foolish girl. Doesn't have half of the brains of even Apple Bloom here." Apple Bloom let out a noise as she recognized her name, eliciting a smile from Applejack. "Well, don't worry none about that. Ah never really liked tomatoes too much anyway." Applejack shrugged. "Doesn't matter. Granny'll understand and probably wanna talk with her ma about it. Anyway, we gotta get some potatoes."

Rarity followed Applejack towards the potato stand where a large earth pony stallion was peddling his wares. He smiled when he saw Applejack and Apple Bloom approach, but his smile flickered when his gaze landed on Rarity. Applejack seemed not to notice as she stopped in front of his cart. "Howdy. Ah'd like a half dozen potatoes."

The stallion continued staring at Rarity, completely unblinking. Rarity flattened her ears and looked down at the ground, wishing that the stallion would break his gaze.

"Sir? Can Ah buy some potatoes?"

That stallion continued his silence. His greeting smile had completely disappated. After a few more moments he shakily raised a hoof. "Y-you're that mare, aren't you? The one who ki--"


The stallion snapped out of his stupor and turned his attention to Applejack. He blinked twice and shook his head as if to clear it. "Oh... yes. Right. My apologies. How many?"

"Six," said Applejack with a hint of venom.

"Six. Right. That'll be six bits."

Applejack's eyes narrowed, and she leaned forward a few inches. The stallion flattened his ears. "Er... did I say six? I meant four. Yes, four bits for six potatoes seems fair."

Applejack tilted her head in a curt nod. "Kind of ya." She scooped the six potatoes into her bag and placed four bits on the table. "Have a good day."

With that, the group walked away from the potato stand.

Rarity walked away with her head still low and her ears still folded against her head. The eyes. She could feel the eyes all over her. Applejack's outburst had certainly done nothing to help matters. Once again she cursed having such a distinctive appearance. A white pony with a purple mane like hers stuck out, even if her mane was only shoulder length. She was also acutely aware that the market was quieter now. Even Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were not as noisy as they had been.

Applejack seemed to notice Rarity's demeanor, because she tapped her on the shoulder. Rarity glanced up at her friend, who beckoned her onwards towards a back alley. Rarity slowly nodded and followed. When they reached it, Rarity ignited her horn and lifted Sweetie Belle off of her back. She sat down on her haunches and wrapped Sweetie Belle up in a gentle hug while her orderly stood guard at the entrance of the alley. Applejack carefully slid Apple Bloom off of her back and allowed her to crawl over to Rarity.

"Rarity, are you doin' okay?"

Rarity slowly shook her head and hugged Sweetie Belle closer. "They were all staring at me," she whispered. "Th-that stallion recognized me. He knew who I was."

"Rarity, you already know that yer story is known by pretty much every pony in Equestria. It ain't so bad. They're not starin' because they're judgin' you. They're just... surprised is all."

Rarity sniffled, but smiled softly when she felt Sweetie Belle, sensing that her sister was down, nuzzle her neck. "If I wasn't with you and the orderly I don't know what I'd do, Applejack. It's one thing to hear that everypony knows you've killed foals, but it's another thing entirely to see it." Rarity squeezed her eyes shut. "It was so scary."

Rarity felt Applejack's comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Rarity, that's what this is all for. It won't be scary next time. The next time the ponies will see ya and they won't care that yer around. They'll go about their business like normal and you'll find out that you can go through town and make friends with these ponies just like me."

Rarity wiped her eyes with a foreleg and looked up at Applejack. "I-if you're sure..."

"Ah know so." Applejack extended her hoof. "Get on up, Rarity. We've got some more shoppin' ta do."

For the first time since the Acres, a smile appeared on Rarity's face. She ignited her horn and lifted Sweetie Belle into the air, something that elicited squeals of excitement from the filly, and allowed Applejack to help her up. She placed Sweetie Belle on her back. "I'm ready, Applejack."

* * * *

The rest of the time passed without incident. Applejack's outburst seemed to tell everypony that Rarity was not to be bothered, and they gathered the ingredients with ease. After a dinner at the Apple family residence, including some of the best food that Rarity had ever had the pleasure of eating, Rarity was taken back to the institution with the promise of more visits.

And more visits she gave.

Over the next few weeks Rarity found that she spent most of her day at the apple farm or in Ponyville itself. True to Applejack's assumption, most of the townsfolk left her alone and didn't stare after the first few days. Within a week Rarity found that she was able to almost completely relax in the town.

After a month of this therapy, Rarity was in her room sketching out some designs for Applejack. Her friend had insisted that she did not wear dresses, but that just made the challenge all the more interesting for Rarity. She sighed contentedly and smiled. She put the felt tip marker down and scanned her design. It was coming along quite nicely.

Rarity leaned back in her seat and rubbed the base of her horn. She had not been subjected to a horn blocker in several months. Not since she had met Applejack.

Rarity reached forward to move her design closer to her when she heard the door to her room open. She turned her head and saw not only Dr. Mind, but Dr. Redheart and Dr. Merrin standing in her doorway as well. Dr. Mind and Dr. Redheart were positively beaming while Rarity sensed a hint of falseness behind Dr. Merrin's smile.

Rarity inclined her head in a greeting nod. "Doctors. How are you this fine evening. You seem quite happy. Is there any particular reason?"

"Oh there is, Rarity. There most certainly is." Dr. Mind ignited his horn and a stack of papers slid out of a manila folder that Dr. Redheart was carrying in her own magical grasp. "I have a surprise for you. One that I think you'll like."

Rarity gave Dr. Mind a small smirk and turned her chair to face him. "Well it must be good. The last time that you had a surprise like this I received news that Sweetie Belle was going to be born. What is it this time? I assume it has something to do with those papers."

"Indeed they do." Dr. Mind levitated the papers of to Rarity so that she could see them. "Rarity, Dr. Merrin, Dr. Redheart and myself are in agreement that you are of sound mind and fit to return to pony society. These are your discharge papers. You're going home."