• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 12,359 Views, 1,119 Comments

A Shadow Hangs Overhead - BronyWriter

What would have happened in The Secret Life of Rarity had Rarity not become a serial killer.

  • ...

I Want it to be Done

Rarity sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes. She took a deep breath and raised her head, looking around at her gem filled basement. She'd have to start cutting these ones soon.

But that didn't really matter.

Sweetie Belle knew. Sweetie Belle knew everything. Annie had told Sweetie Belle what she had done all those years ago. Rarity got to her hooves and slowly walked up the basement stairs to the main floor. Sweetie Belle wasn't on the main floor, so she was probably still in her bed. Hopefully she was sleeping, dreaming of a world where she didn't have a murderer for a big sister. Hopefully she would rest through the night. She didn't need reality right then.

Rarity went towards the kitchen, but she was stopped when she heard her doorbell go off. She grimaced, but trotted over to her door. Igniting her horn, she opened it, revealing Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie on the other side. She gave them a weak smile and stepped aside to let them in.

"Good evening," Rarity whispered, a sob in her voice.

Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie both smiled sadly and each wrapped a hoof around one of Rarity's shoulders in a hug.

"How are you doing, Rarity?" Cheerilee asked. "I know that today is hard for you."

"Yes," Rarity said quietly. "It's been difficult to deal with, especially today..." Rarity leaned in against Pinkie Pie's shoulder. "Annie. Annie came to the forest as I was laying out my roses. She told Sweetie Belle everything."

Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie both gasped and tightened their hugs on Rarity.

"Rarity, I'm so sorry!" Cheerilee cried. "She shouldn't have had to go through that; not at her age!"

"She shouldn't have ever had to go through that." Rarity whimpered. "I-if you think about it, this is all my fault."

"Nuh-uh!" Pinkie insisted. "I can't say that what you did was any good, but they hurt you, Rarity! You didn't know what else you were supposed to do, and now you're really sorry! You wanna take it back! It's Annie's fault that she told Sweetie Belle just to hurt you!"

"But there would have been nothing to tell if I hadn't done what I did!" Rarity flattened her ears and lowered her gaze to the floor. "I hurt Sweetie Belle just as much as Annie did, if not more! She lost so much trust in me when she found out. If she found out that I'm hiding this, then she can't trust that I'm not hiding other things!"

"I know it's going to be hard for her, Rarity," Cheerilee said, "but you love her dearly and would do anything for her. She'll come to regain all of that trust. You know that you have no more secrets to hide. You've never hurt another pony in your life, and you've never wanted to do it again. Sweetie Belle will come to understand that very soon. I have no doubt about that."

Rarity sniffled and began walking towards the kitchen, followed by her friends. The three of them sat down at the kitchen table, and Rarity laid her head down, allowing Cheerilee and Pinkie to put a hoof on her back.

"It's..." Rarity took a deep breath. "I just..." Rarity began blinking back more tears. "I just want it to be done. I don't want to live under the shadow of what I've done anymore. Eleven years and almost every day since has dealt with what I've done. Ponies stare at me on the streets, I'll go to sell some gems and the buyer's friendly smile isn't quite as wide as it normally is, ponies come into my shop f-for something and they whisper about me, or sometimes they come in to see me like I'm some kind of freak. One horrendous choice in my life, and I'm not Rarity anymore. I'm that filly who murdered two of her classmates!" Rarity sniffled as her tears dripped onto her table. She wiped her eyes, but they kept running down her cheeks. "I just want it all to be over. I just want to be Rarity again. I don't even want my friends to come over and have reasons to talk to me about how I slaughtered two of my classmates! I want to erase that day from the minds of everypony in Equestria!"

"I know," Pinkie said, giving Rarity a small nuzzle, "and we're both sorry if we came in here and upset you more by talking about it, but you seemed really upset and, well, I know it's not a good thing to be alone when you're upset. You've been alone today for every day since you've gotten out, right? Well, maybe it's a good idea to talk to somepony about it."

"I've been talking to ponies about it for almost as long as I can remember!" Rarity snapped. "I was locked away in a place where I did nothing but talk about what I had done for six years! I can't have another day to have that day in the woods rule my life!" Rarity looked up at her friends who had started exchanging nervous glances. "I want nothing else to do with that wretched day!"

"So does that mean that you don't want to lay any more roses next year?" Cheerilee asked. "You're done with that?"

"Applejack was right. It only hurts me when I go back to that place. It only hurts me, and today it hurt Sweetie Belle, and that I cannot accept. I... I can deal with being hurt by what I've done. I've been hurt for eleven years, but she cannot be hurt by my actions! Today I saw firsthoof how me not letting go only hurts her. I can't hurt her anymore. I never will again! I don't matter as much as she does. Even now, after finding out about me, she's still relatively innocent. She's only heard about the horrors of life, but she's never experienced them. She was too young to fully comprehend what it meant to see me in that place; what it meant for me to be in there." Rarity gave Cheerilee a small smile. "You're right, Cheerilee. She can learn to trust me again. I know she can. But I don't think that she can until I move on. Until I learn to... forgive myself. Until that happens it can never really be done, can it?"

"No, it can't," Cheerilee muttered. "And I think it's really, really good that you've decided that you need to move on. I know it's not going to happen overnight, but now that you've decided not to let it rule your life, well, I think you're going to be a lot happier, especially with Sweetie Belle here to help you. Speaking of Sweetie Belle..." Cheerilee motioned in the direction of the stairs. "I think she needs you right now. I think she needs her big sister to explain things to her; to really have a heart-to-heart with her. She needs to understand."

"Yes," Rarity said with a sigh. "Yes, you are right, of course. Sweetie Belle will probably be up soon, if she isn't up already." Rarity got to her hooves, an action that Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie followed. "I need to talk to Sweetie Belle. She needs me. I'll speak to your girls later, okay?"

Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie nodded. "Of course, Rarity," Cheerilee said. "You know that we're always here for you whatever happens. You're our friend. Whatever you need, just let us know."

Rarity smiled as she walked the two to the door, giving them both tight hugs when they reached it. "I don't really know what I'd do without you girls, I really don't. You two and Applejack have helped me more than I could possibly say."

"What are friends for, Rarity?" Pinkie said with a grin. "We'd do it the same way all over again. We know you're not a bad pony. You never were."

"It's taken me a long time to believe that, Pinkie. A fair portion of Equestria has told me differently." Rarity looked over to the stairs leading up to her room. "But I need to make sure that Sweetie Belle isn't one of them."

"Well then we'll leave you to that," Cheerilee said. "You let us know how it goes, if you need to, alright? You know where to find us."

Rarity nodded and gave the two a small smile before opening the door and letting her friends out. She watched the two of them walk away from her home for a few moments before taking a deep breath and shutting the door. She lowered her head and turned to the stairs. Hopefully Sweetie Belle had calmed down a little. Otherwise the talk could go very poorly. But she had to come to trust her sister again. If she didn't trust her sister, the pony who loved her more than anything... Rarity shook her head and began walking up the stairs. No, Sweetie Belle would come to trust her again, even if it took more than this talk, and it undoubtedly would.

Rarity reached the top of the stairs and slowly walked over to her room. She pressed her ear to the door, listening for any indication that her sister had awoken, but the room was silent. She straightened up and ignited her horn, slowly pushing the door open and walking into the room.

Sweetie Belle laid on her bed with her back to the door, just where she had left her several hours ago. Rarity flattened her ears and approached the bed as quietly as she could, but even so, the noise of her hooves caused one of her sister's ears to flick, and Sweetie Belle turned around to face her sister. Rarity held back a whimper when she saw that her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

"H-hi, sis," Sweetie Belle croaked.

"Hello, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said quietly, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge. She reached out a hoof to pat Sweetie Belle's head, but she flinched back, causing Rarity's hoof to place it on one of the pillows instead. "How are you? Did you get a good nap in?" Sweetie's gaze traveled down to the bedsheets, and she subtly shook her head. Rarity gave a barely perceptible sigh and ran a hoof through her mane. "I'm sorry for that."

"'S okay."

"No, Sweetie, it isn't. Nothing about it is okay. I hurt you, and that is completely unacceptable. I never wanted you to be hurt by what I'd done. I knew that one day you'd find out, but... well, obviously I did not intend for you to learn about it that way." Sweetie Belle gave another tiny nod. "So... what are you thinking right now?"

"Dunno," Sweetie Belle muttered.

"Did... did learning about what I did scare you? I know it can't have been easy."

"I guess." Sweetie Belle curled up under the blankets a little more. "That mare was really scary too, Rarity. She said she wanted Princess Celestia to chop your head off."

"Yes, but that didn't happen, nor will it. Princess Celestia would only put me in jail again if I hurt another pony, and I have no desire to do so! I will never hurt another being, and that's a promise!"

"I'm scared that mare is gonna hurt you," Sweetie whimpered. "She was really angry at you. What if she hurts me to hurt you?"

"Darling, I assure you that you are safe with me, and safe from that mare. Nopony in Ponyville would let her hurt you. If she so much as gave you a scraped knee, she'd be in big trouble."

"Would you hurt her if she hurt me? Would you... k-kill her?"

"I..." Rarity's response died in her throat, and her ear flicked. "I... I don't know, Sweetie Belle. I wouldn't kill her, I know that, but I would do what I needed to to protect you. I would primarily try to get us away and find help. That way I wouldn't have to hurt her."

"But what if you couldn't?"

"Sweetie Belle, I don't want you to have to worry about that. She is not going to hurt us, I promise. She'll leave us alone."


"But that aside..." Rarity moved her hoof down and gently placed it on her sister's head. Sweetie Belle flinched, but made no effort to move it. "I want you to know that I will do whatever I need to to fix what happened today. Big sister isn't going to go into the woods anymore. I've let my past control me for too long, and it hurt you today. Big sister never wants to hurt you. Ever. I need you to understand that. I know things can never go back to the way they were before. I know that you can never unlearn what that mare told you any more than I can undo what I did, but I don't want it to damage our relationship beyond repair. Do you?"

Sweetie Belle paused for a moment before slowly shaking her head. "You're my big sister, and I love you. I don't want that mare to hurt you, but I'm scared that you did something like that."

"So am I, darling. It's ruled my life for eleven years, but I don't want it to rule it for a moment more." Rarity scooted an inch closer to her sister and gave her a small smile. "Did you know that before you were born, when I was in the institution, I had accepted my fate? I had come to terms with the fact that I'd spend the rest of my life in one of those places. But then Mother and Father came in one day, about five years after I was committed, and told me that Mother was pregnant with you." Rarity's smile widened a little more. "And from that moment on I resolved to get out of there any way that I could. I realized that I couldn't spend another moment more than I had to in that dreadful place. You gave me a purpose. You gave me a drive to get out so that I could be a big sister to you. Less than a year later it happened. I got to come home with you."

Rarity gingerly reached forward and scooped her sister up. Her heart soared when she didn't push away, but instead leaned against Rarity's chest. "If it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be. I know that I wouldn't be in as good of a position. I love Mother and Father, of course, and they have supported me every step of the way through this ordeal, but you got me out of the rut I was in. Do you remember that dress? The first one that I made for you when you were a newborn foal?" Sweetie Belle nodded. "The very first thing that I did when I found out that you were coming was design that dress for you. I promised you that I was going to get out of that place and make it for you, and I did. I had motivation for the first time in five years, and you did that for me just by being you."

Sweetie Belle whimpered, but slowly reached out and wrapped her forelegs around Rarity's chest. Rarity smiled and leaned down to nuzzle the top of her sister's head.

"Oh Sweetie Belle," she said softly, "I promise that I will never, ever hurt you. Do you hear me? Big sister will never, ever hurt you."

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to get this one out. Three days shy of five months. Heh... Coming up next we start getting into the show canon chapters!

Also, this being October, I do have a horror fic planned. Killer Applejack. Finally.

Horror film recommendation: The Loved Ones. Man have I really grown to love Aussie horror.