• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 6,112 Views, 20 Comments

Unexpected - TheNewYorkBrony

Twilight secretly likes Spike. During a walk on his eighteenth birthday, she expresses her feelings. The out come isnt what she expected though

  • ...

Chapter 1

Water pitter pattered quickly outside the quaint library window. Inside the book haven slash home, were two warm bodies, carrying on about their business as if the rain wasn't even there.

It had been a surprisingly gloomy afternoon, one that Twilight Sparkle loved to read a good book in. When she started, the sky was already gray and the rumbling of thunder could be heard. Now that she was done, she hadn't even noticed that it had started raining until she actually looked outside.

Spike rolled his shoulders as he bent down to pick up a crate of books that were laying on the floor. He had nothing else to do, so he decided to rearrange the books on the shelves so Twilight didn't have to bug him about it.

The both of them had acknowledged each other, multiple times, greeting each other at breakfast and sharing small talk at lunch. Dinner wasn't for another three hours, so the two went about their tasks without any interaction.

They were blatantly ignoring the elephant in the room with as much strength as possible.

Spike was turning eighteen tomorrow, which meant if he wanted to leave, Twilight couldn't stop him. She wouldn't either. She felt like he was ready to be his own man. She smiled at how he had went from being the short lanky pre-teen he was before, to the strong handsome young man he is today.

Sometimes she couldn't help but think her no longer little assistant was....attractive. She loved the way his muscles showed though the shirts he wore, the way he towered over her now, and how his cute smile had turned into a devilish charmer.

She was hooked. Bad. And she didn't know what do to because no book ever prepared her for something like this.

She looked up from her book occasionally glancing over her glasses to see him stretch or smile at her.

Eventually she thought it was time for a change of pace.

"Hey, Spike, you wanna take a walk?" she asks, hopeful.

He stops stacking the books on the shelves and grinned at her. "I thought you'd never ask."

The two of them donned their sweatshirts before stepping out into the misty night. The heavy rain had stopped, only a slight drizzle remained. Twilight looked up at Spike to see he was staring somewhere off into space with his hands behind his head. She took this opportunity to strike up the conversation that she’d been dreading all day. “Spike, are you going to leave me after tomorrow?” she asks looking at him.

He glanced down at her with a confused look. “Why would you ask something like that?” He answered stopping.

She motioned for him to keep walking with her and he followed. But not before she responded, “Because you’re going to be eighteen. You’re going to be of your free will now. You don’t have to stick around if you don’t want to.” It hurt her so much to say that, but it needed to be said. She couldn’t be the one holding him back just for her selfish desires.

“Why would I want to leave?” He asks, the confusion becoming more and more apparent on his face.

“Because....” she paused. “Because....don’t you want a life of your own? Don’t you want to go date a few girls, find the right one and get married? Don’t you want to have kids? You can’t accomplish that hanging around me, Spike.” Tears swelled in her eyes.

“Twilight, are.....you crying?” He asks, astounded, he didn’t understand, and she couldn’t blame him for that. She hadn’t been clear with her words.

“Yeah.” she sighs, nodding.

Spike didn’t know what to say then, but held out his arms so that she could hug him. She welcomed the embrace, running into his strong arms like a scared toddler. “I’m sorry, Spike.” She muttered into his purple and green hoodie. “I’m sorry that I made you stay with me for this long.” She looked up at him, sorrowful.

He sighed, before peeling the young 20 something librarian off of him. “Twilight, I’m gonna tell you a story.”

Now she was the one that was a bit confused, but nodded.

“There was a boy, who was lost, scared, and felt really unloved. But one day, that boy got taken in by this girl. She was the most sweetest, kindest person he had ever met. So he stuck around for a while. And boy, did it pay off. Because when she meet five other awesomely sweet and kind people, he did too. One he actually had a crush on. But a few days ago, she turned him down. But it was okay, because he knew things weren’t always going to work out how he planned.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Spike.” Twilight says, realizing that was why he had been so quiet after he had came back from Rarity’s boutique a few nights ago.

He smiled wryly, and said, “Yeah, well, I’m not done yet.”

“Oh?” She asks.

He nodded. “So that hurt him. A lot. Because he had been after this girl for a long while, and it made him feel like he wasted all his time. But then, he realized, maybe that girl wasn’t for him. Maybe it really wasn’t meant to be. Because after he calmed down and stopped acting like a spoiled brat, he realized there was another girl he actually liked a lot more all along.”

“Who?” Twilight asks.

He grinned. “The most sweetest and kindest girl from the beginning.”

Twilight looked confused, her eyebrows furrowing before it actually hit her. “You...you...have a crush on me? You like me?!”

“I would have thought the smartest girl in Ponyville and Canterlot would have figured it out by now.” He teases.

“But, the age gap. And I’m like a sister to you.” She protests weakly, albeit.

“Well, when the hormones started coming in I didn’t really see you as a sister any more and you’re about the same age as Rarity so there’s no drastic difference.” He smiled at her again, causing her cheeks to burn red.

“I see. I suppose I should tell you that I have feelings for you too then.” Twilight tells him stiffly.

“Whoa, Twi, I didn’t know you were into younger guys!”

She slaps his shoulder. “I am not playing with you, you idiot!”

He laughs before holding his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”

She looks away from him scowling, her arms folded in anger.

“Aw c’mon Twi! You know I was just joking! Twilight! C’mon!” He nudges at her but the girl wouldn’t budge. So, being the mischievous young boy he was, he developed an idea of how to get her to look at him.

He flicks her hood off, causing her to gasp. “You’re gonna get me all-” Before she could finish his lips were against hers. She felt his fangs graze her bottom lip, making her moan. This allowed his tongue to enter her mouth and the two of them explored others mouths for what felt like an eternity. Twilight could feel his fingers on her chin, pulling her in closer as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Her eyes were closed for most of it but she could have sworn she saw stars brighter than the ones that now dotted the sky.

Eventually air was necessary, and Twilight broke the kiss gasping for it. “Wet.” She said finishing her sentence from earlier. Though she seemed a little less mad than she did before. “I could kill you.”

“But you wouldn’t kill your boyfriend, now would you?” Spike asks, smirking.

Twilight ears perked up at the word boyfriend. “Are you sure that’s what you want to be from now on? You know, I don't think you could handle two jobs.” She remarks snidely.

“I would get paid in money and sex. What more could a guy as for?”

Twilight blushes furiously before pushing past him. “On second thought, I’m okay with you leaving.” She mutters.

“I would never leave you! You’re stuck with me!” He called after her. He hadn’t noticed that the rain had started to pick up again, and that Twilight would be soaked before she even made it back to the library.

He jogged back there to see that he was right. She was peeling off her hoodie and then her shirt, her back to him. He quietly took off his own hoodie and shirt, before creeping up behind her, scaring her with his warm bare chest.

She could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. “Why are you so warm?” She asks, her breathing becoming labored. He wraps his arms around her, raking his fingers lightly over her bare stomach.

“Because you’re so hot.”

Twilight actually couldn’t help but giggle this time. “That was really lame.” She told him, turning around to face him.

“Yeah, I know. But hey, you wanted this.” He says gesturing towards himself.

“Indeed I did.” She agreed. She developed a smirk of her own. “But if you’re sure you want this,” She said seductively, then gestured to herself. “You better follow me up stairs.”

Twilight then turned on her heel to go up the stairs making sure to make her hips sway as she did.

Spike was left shocked at the foot of the steps, mumbling, “Well that was unexpected.” Before running up to be with his new girlfriend.

Author's Note:

I am on a TwiSpike kick right now and I wanted to write a fic. I dont usually write straight ship fics so this was a first for me. Please be kind and leave a comment telling me what you think!

Comments ( 19 )

Seems a bit rushed and the dialogue doesn't appear fitting to me, but otherwise I enjoyed the story's sweetness.

yes :pinkiehappy: this made me smile :twilightsmile:
any plans to do more?

That was really good and they're such a cute pairing. Though it did seem a tad bit rushed and you have some trouble staying in one tense. If it starts out in past tense in needs to stay there. Besides that, your writing is great and I like that you write them as humans. It definitely makes their actions sound more natural. I love reading your stories and hop you continue to write them. :twilightsmile:


Wonderful. I do enjoy this ship..

I like it :rainbowkiss:
Not much else to say :twilightsmile:

Oh yeah!

good job spike OOO-RAH

Good job, short and cute, would like similar :twilightsmile:

Wow, I'm really suprised how good of a story it was. Eyup, so much eyup.

wow i loved this so much but i wanted to hear more :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I proudly support SpRarity. :pinkiesmile: This is a good book though.... I support twilight and spike being brother and sister. Eeyup. :eeyup:

A short yet very sweet story. There are some mistakes here and there but who cares about those in a great fic like this one? Keep writing, you really have potential :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed your story greatly, and would love to see it expanded some time. Good work, and thank you for the read.

If you continue this at some point, please keep in mind that there is some incest subtext involved, since Twilight is something like Spike's mother.

Way to go Spike, LIKE A BOSS!!

3923957 That is up for debate lol.

I never shipped Twilight and Spike, but this is a good AWESOME story:derpyderp1:

Amazing story!!!! I love this couple!!!.

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