• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 568 Views, 9 Comments

On the Flipside - MKIIPro121996

Pinkie Pie pulls a middle aged man out of depression

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Chapter 4

Before I knew it, We were in Atlanta, and then New York.
Pinkie was so amazed at how everything looked, so sharp, and gilded in the hotel.
We go up to our room on the top floor. The presidential suite had already been taken.
As soon as the butler opened the door, Pinkie stormed in and jumped up on one of the two beds.
"Your room, Sir, Pony, and Ma'am." he said.
"Ahh, a Brony, I see?" I said to him in a happy tone.
"Proud to be one!" he said, and extended his arm for a tip.
I handed him a 10, and said "Keep the change."
He thanked me, handed me the room keys, and shut the door, careful not to slam it.
I set my bags down on the floor, next to the bed, and fluffed the pillow on the bed.
Pinkie jumped over from the other bed to mine, And laid down on my chest. She was asleep in less than a minute.
Misha pulled out her phone and created a new message, and handed it to me.
"D'aww, somepony's had a long day.."
I erased the text and typed in "Yeah.. She's been up since... Only god knows.."
I glanced at the time in the corner of the screen, It's already 10:45 at night.
Since we had already eaten, I decided to drift off to sleep. Misha was up till about one in the morning doing her college work. She had to miss a week for this.
She got in bed about 1:30 and was asleep by two.
I had a dream that Celestia came back from Canterlot... Like in the story "My Little Dashie" to pick up Rainbow Dash, and came with the other five ponies to bring
Pinkie pie back to Equestria. I couldn't part with her... even after only six months of raising her.
I woke up in a Panic.
I couldn't breathe at all, and Pinkie didn't know what to do.
I woke up Misha and told her to come over to my side of the room. Pinkie went over to the other bed and laid down.
I told Misha what my Dream was like.
She embraced me, and kissed me on the cheek. Pinkie jumped back over to our side of the room, and laid down between us.
We all drifted to sleep, anxiously awaiting the long day ahead of us touring Manhattan tomorrow.

I wake up the next day not feeling like myself. Pinkie is on my chest, passed out from the long night.
Misha was back over on the other side of the room. It's only Six in the morning, on the east coast, So I should be asleep still.
I felt the urge to go out for a walk. I slowly moved little Pinkie from my chest, over to Misha. I moved her without waking her.
I went up and around Times square in less than an hour, and had time to stop and eat.
I get a call from Misha when I'm on my way back.
"Pinkie's sick, What do we need to give her?" She asked.
I stopped dead in my tracks, and threw my Coffee away.
"I'll be there in Five minutes." I said with an upset tone.
I knew Pinkie was in pain, and I didn't like it. I could only feel her pain as I caught a cab back to the hotel.
I paid my fare, and ran to the elevator as fast as I could.
I got into the room, And found my Ibuprofen.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked with an upset tone.
"She says she's feeling bad to the stomach. She hasn't thrown up, but she's burning up."
I had a strange feeling that all of that food she had yesterday would get to her.
I gave her the pill, and she took it with a little bit of water. I said "Get some rest, little one, Can you handle being alone for a bit..?"
Pinkie gave a little nod, and turned over on her right side.
I said "Let's go up to FAO Schwarz, I've got an idea."