On the Flipside

by MKIIPro121996

First published

Pinkie Pie pulls a middle aged man out of depression

Pinkie Pie was left on an icy river to suffer. A generous man comes along and gives her a place to live. As he does so, Pinkie recognizes his stress and gives him the time of his life. After doing so, Celestia and the gang head to Wichita and found Pinkie, finding it hard to describe who she was. She had to return to Ponyville and would never be back in Wichita again.

Chapter 1

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Alone. Cold. Dark. Depressed...
That's the everyday life.
It sucks, honestly. I'm on the brink of just giving up.
There's Two things in this world that bring Happiness, Joy, And Love to me.
That's My little Pony, And My girlfriend, Misha, of course.
Just to see the show, It's bright colours, and the smiling faces of the mane six bring some feeling I can't explain in words.
It's my lifeline, pretty much. Every day and night I go without talking to someone or doing something is emotional torment.
When I'm upset, I don't talk. I sit in my little isolated room from everyone and everything else.
I like being alone. And that's the way I'll always be.
You can't change it.
I can't change it.
My parents can't change it.
And even Misha can't change it.
I was born with multiple problems.
Kidneys, Liver, and Anxiety.
Every night I feel weak, And I can barely move.
It's Hard to breathe after a long day at school.
I spend my day at school with my head hung.
No one cares, Besides Misha, My Guidance counselor and my Engilsh Teacher, Mrs. Aquino.
Three people. So what.
I can barely think about what to do anymore.
I went out for a walk one day.
I didn't know what else I could do.. Besides trying to kill myself.. I know Misha wouldn't be very proud of me..
It was fairly cold, And I was home alone.
I walked until I got tired.
I went out for so long, Just dragging my feet along, one in front of the other.
I didn't have a coat on, despite it was 18 degrees with a blistering North wind.
I Walked down by the river, which was covered with ice.
Down the river at the fork, I saw a Black blanket.
It looked like someone had just dumped some trash.
My thoughts were "Hmph, People just don't care."
I was wrong.
I kept on walking away from the river, Into an old park.
I spent life there as a child, and I felt I should pay a visit there.
I could flash back on what all I did there, with my cousin, Brandon.
I spent Maybe 6 hours, or more just sitting on a bench with my head hung.
I felt so disconsolate...I felt like I just needed to stay there. Nobody would care about me.
I got up shortly after that thought, and remembered the blanket at the fork of the river.
I ran down there as fast as I could. I was cold.
I step onto the Icy river. It had to be over a foot thick.
Slowly, I pick up the black blanket, And I uncover a little pink mass.
I look at the figure. It appeared to be a bright pink Earth Pony.
I think back to My Little Pony... And it appeared to be Pinkie Pie.
Her Cotton candy mane wasn't there.. it was straight as when she was a Filly in the show when she was being raised on a rock farm.
I didn't really know what I should have done.
I didn't have a big home, Not enough space...
But I couldn't just leave her there to suffer.
I reach down to pick her up, And she starts to kind of groan.
I leaned down towards her, and she was shivering profusely.
I took the blanket I had wrapped myself in, And picked little Pinkie up.
She began to rustle around, and woke.
She looked at me with her sharp, stunning blue eyes.
She Could fit in my Arms.
I then carried her home. I couldn't understand why her mane was so straight..
She continued to squirm until I got her home..Which was about a 30 minute walk. I released her as soon as I got in the door.
"Well, it's not much... But I guess you can stay upstairs with me.." I said looking into her sharp eyes.
She twitched her ears, And climbed up on the sofa. She dropped her head and looked down at the floor.
"I know how it feels... Pretty bad when you don't have anyone here for you.."
I sat next to her, and stroked her mane. She didn't seem to care.
About four hours later, I just realized I had dozed off. Pinkie was still next to me, Under my arm.
She groaned again, and I could hear her stomach begin to growl.
I got up, and looked in the fridge for anything she could eat.
Leftover burgers.... nah.
Ramen.. no way.
I had a cookie left from when I went to Misha's party about a week ago.. it had to work..
I placed the treat in front of her. Her ears perked up and she smelled the cookie like she were a cat after a dairy product.
She downed the cookie in one bite, Then rose her head and looked at me with a little bit of a smile.
I sat down, and she came and jumped on my lap. It was 2:30 in the morning, so we were both pretty bushed.
We both spent the next day doing nothing but hanging our heads. I know she wasn't feeling well, both emotionally and physically.
I had to think about what I was going to do... I had no idea on how to raise a pony.

Chapter 2

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It's been about six months since I picked Pinkie up... I've taught her how to speak.
She is catching on fast, and her emotions seem to be a bit on the brighter side.
She went to the Super Bowl party at Misha's house with me, and a few of her other friends.
They couldn't believe that I had Pinkie in real life.
I know the majority of who she had over had watched at least one episode of the show.
Pinkie absolutely loved that party.. She devoured the entire cake in one sitting, and had so many brownies there was a shortage of Fudge Brownie mix.
Since, She has always spent the night in my bedroom..Since it was the only room in the house that didn't have some kind of project going on.
She asked me one night if something bad was going to happen, since the power was out and a huge thunderstorm rolled in.
Pinkie slept with me that night, and has since.
One day, I cleared a space for her in my Walk in closet I had.
She liked the isolated area.. a lot.
She liked the idea, but it never really caught on.
She still sleeps with me, and would ask me to hold her when she needed a shoulder.
Her mane was still straight, though. I knew my birthday was tomorrow, and I knew she'd be up to something.
She climbed up into my bed when I turned on the 11:00 News before I went to sleep.
She nestled up close to me and asked me
"Why are you so down, Daddy..? I know things have been all messed up... but something just isn't right.."
I didn't know how to reply.. That's the first time she's ever called me 'Daddy..'
"Why? It hurts me bad to see you like this.. It's the day before your birthday, you should be happy."
I just wanted to cry... I haven't ever had a daughter... Then again..I've raised her.. and that's the way she sees me..
"Pinkie... Let me tell you about what happened a long time ago.. When I was in high school.."
She perked her ears up and listened.
"I really liked life. Until I messed up. There was a girl there that was a beautiful young lady.. By the name of Rhianna.
I never really talked to her...But I kind of liked her. She showed me that I had something to live for one day.. In the
earlier stages of our friendship. She had a lot of friends, and with that came a lot of foes. She became really upset one
day when a bunch of her friends turned the tables on her, and she looked like she was in deep depression for the rest of the day.
I felt like talking to her, but I was too shy to. She went home and hung herself that night because of what her friends
did to her. I still feel so guilty about it that I'm about to fix this on my own."
Pinkie looked at me as her eyes shed a tear.
"Why do you feel like you messed up? You couldn't help what happened to her.."
I looked at her and stroked her mane.
"She made a permanent solution to a temporary problem.."
I couldn't continue to talk to her about what happened.
I was simply too busy breaking down. She held me tight and said
"Daddy... I love you..."
I lost it. I went from sobbing to a full outcry.
I never knew she would see me as her father.

Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning in a Drag.
It was only 9 o'clock and i was still feeling the after effects of the crab cakes I had last night.
I was surprised I even got any sleep, I usually pull all-nighters on weekends like this. Especially the night before I turn 19.
I roll over slowly with my eyes shut and say
"Mornin', Pink..."
She wasn't there. The bed sheets were pulled back and I heard a noise coming from out in the kitchen.
I get up and think "Oh... It's just the heater coming on.."
And go get a glass of water from the bathroom.
There was another similar noise to the last one, but louder. The heater wasn't even running.
I set my glass down and fix my hair a little before I go eat breakfast.
I don't know why I even bothered to touch it, it grows so oddly.
I walk into the living room, and the door to the kitchen is shut. I open the door, and it's pitch black.
I flick the light on, and Pinkie is sitting right at my feet, looking at me with her sharp, sky blue eyes.
She said "Happy Birthday, Daddy.." And leaped up into my arms just in time for me to catch her.
I looked around and saw a huge banner that spelled "Happy 19th Birthday, Daddy!", a towering cake, and a pile of mixed candy.
"Pinkie... Did you do all of this..? For me...?"
She looked up at me with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, and nodded.
"Yeah, I thought you might want something good in your life besides what happened..."
My parents and I got in an argument over Pinkie on the phone. I moved out of the house the day after I found her.
I don't even remember telling her, if I did.
I looked down at Pinkie and told her "I like it, a lot... I haven't had a Birthday party in 6 years."
Pinkie stretched her front legs around me, as if she were hugging me.. and she was.
"I'm glad you like it, Daddy.."
I didn't know how to thank her, I was scared that she'd react to it.
"Well, aren't you going to see what the cake tastes like? I baked it just for you."
The cake looked like it was a challenge to eat, standing nearly four feet high.
"I might need some help, though!" I said to Pinkie with a happy expression.
I paused briefly and thought "Whoa..I'm actually... Happy! Pinkie made me Happy!"
All of my depression and problems were the last thing on my mind.
I sit down at the table with Pinkie on my lap. I draw a slice from the cake and give it to her.
She devoured the slice of cake in one bite, being the silly little filly she is.
I chuckled and drew a slice for myself. Along with a few Starlight mints, and a Redhot jawbreaker.
I noticed the edge of an envelope sticking out amongst the mixed bowl of suckers, jawbreakers, gum and other sweets.
I pull it out, and open it.
There's three, shiny, golden tickets in the envelope. I draw one out and read it aloud.
"Good for one admission to the New Year's 2017 party in Manhattan, New York. Hotel included."
I stood with the ticket in hand, astonished.
"P-Pinkie... Are these..what I think they are..?"
She sat at my feet, and leaped up into my arms, once again, And gave me the biggest hug anyone could imagine.
I noticed the tickets were good for a week's stay at the Wellington hotel, not far from Times Square.
They became valid by tomorrow, Sunday!
"Pack your bags, We're going on a trip, Pinkie!"
Immediately, I noticed her once straight mane was now as fluffy as cotton candy, and smelled like it too!
I frantically picked up the phone, and called Misha.
"Hey.. You wouldn't mind going on a trip.. would you?"
She said "No.. why?"
"I've got tickets to the Ball Drop next week... Pinkie gave them to me!"
"How can I not say yes? Of course I'll go." She said.
I could only imagine how her face lit up as she said that to me.
"Pack your bags quick, We're going to the airport in Two hours." I said, and hung up.
Pinkie looked up at me and outstretched one of her front legs. I lifted her up, and took her back to my room where she had everything.
I go back into the kitchen, and put what was left of the cake in the fridge, and turn the light off.
I pack some clothes and whatever else I felt I needed, And that included a set of bearings I gave to Misha when I was in high school with her.
I looked around the house, and made sure everything was off, and unplugged.
I grabbed Pinkie, and her bags, Plus my Phone and keys, and walked out the door with a bulky backpack I used a long time ago.
I put Pinkie in the car, and put her seatbelt on for her. She had never been in a car, and wondered what everything did.
As soon as we got to the airport with Misha, I was getting a lot of heads turned. A whole group of bronies were interested in Pinkie, and mostly
the way I got her.
As soon as the last person looked at me, Our boarding was called. Flight 5229 to Atlanta.
We flew first class, the boarding passes were free.
Pinkie sat on my lap, and Misha sat to my right. I had the window seat.
Pinkie couldn't wait to see what it looked like up above the clouds.
"Daddy, What is it like above the clouds?" she asked.
I said "It's beautiful... You won't believe your eyes!"
She looked out the window with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. We were about to take off.
The plane thrusted down the runway, and Pinkie loved it.
As soon as we took off, her face lit up like an artillery shell on the fourth of July.
When we got above the cloud cover, Her eyes didn't leave the sight of the fluffy, white clouds.
"She must really like it, Huh?" Misha said.
"Yeah, this is the first time ever travelling anywhere."
Pinkie got down from the window, and nestled up close to me on my lap.
I slowly fall asleep as Misha rests her head on my shoulder, and I recline my seat.
What has happened in the past six months has been the best.. What happened before was the last thing on my mind.

Chapter 4

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Before I knew it, We were in Atlanta, and then New York.
Pinkie was so amazed at how everything looked, so sharp, and gilded in the hotel.
We go up to our room on the top floor. The presidential suite had already been taken.
As soon as the butler opened the door, Pinkie stormed in and jumped up on one of the two beds.
"Your room, Sir, Pony, and Ma'am." he said.
"Ahh, a Brony, I see?" I said to him in a happy tone.
"Proud to be one!" he said, and extended his arm for a tip.
I handed him a 10, and said "Keep the change."
He thanked me, handed me the room keys, and shut the door, careful not to slam it.
I set my bags down on the floor, next to the bed, and fluffed the pillow on the bed.
Pinkie jumped over from the other bed to mine, And laid down on my chest. She was asleep in less than a minute.
Misha pulled out her phone and created a new message, and handed it to me.
"D'aww, somepony's had a long day.."
I erased the text and typed in "Yeah.. She's been up since... Only god knows.."
I glanced at the time in the corner of the screen, It's already 10:45 at night.
Since we had already eaten, I decided to drift off to sleep. Misha was up till about one in the morning doing her college work. She had to miss a week for this.
She got in bed about 1:30 and was asleep by two.
I had a dream that Celestia came back from Canterlot... Like in the story "My Little Dashie" to pick up Rainbow Dash, and came with the other five ponies to bring
Pinkie pie back to Equestria. I couldn't part with her... even after only six months of raising her.
I woke up in a Panic.
I couldn't breathe at all, and Pinkie didn't know what to do.
I woke up Misha and told her to come over to my side of the room. Pinkie went over to the other bed and laid down.
I told Misha what my Dream was like.
She embraced me, and kissed me on the cheek. Pinkie jumped back over to our side of the room, and laid down between us.
We all drifted to sleep, anxiously awaiting the long day ahead of us touring Manhattan tomorrow.

I wake up the next day not feeling like myself. Pinkie is on my chest, passed out from the long night.
Misha was back over on the other side of the room. It's only Six in the morning, on the east coast, So I should be asleep still.
I felt the urge to go out for a walk. I slowly moved little Pinkie from my chest, over to Misha. I moved her without waking her.
I went up and around Times square in less than an hour, and had time to stop and eat.
I get a call from Misha when I'm on my way back.
"Pinkie's sick, What do we need to give her?" She asked.
I stopped dead in my tracks, and threw my Coffee away.
"I'll be there in Five minutes." I said with an upset tone.
I knew Pinkie was in pain, and I didn't like it. I could only feel her pain as I caught a cab back to the hotel.
I paid my fare, and ran to the elevator as fast as I could.
I got into the room, And found my Ibuprofen.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked with an upset tone.
"She says she's feeling bad to the stomach. She hasn't thrown up, but she's burning up."
I had a strange feeling that all of that food she had yesterday would get to her.
I gave her the pill, and she took it with a little bit of water. I said "Get some rest, little one, Can you handle being alone for a bit..?"
Pinkie gave a little nod, and turned over on her right side.
I said "Let's go up to FAO Schwarz, I've got an idea."

Chapter 5

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We returned to the hotel about three hours later.
Pinkie was still in bed, sound asleep. I set a little Teddy bear into her hooves, and she held it like it were her life.
She had never had a stuffed animal.. She used to cuddle with pillows a lot.
It was about 2:30 in the afternoon, and I was already feeling tired. I took a shot of Monster that I had from last night, and made use of it.
Tomorrow is Tuesday, and I have no plans on what to do. I pull out an old box, with some things that my Mother had before she passed
a month ago..
My aunt's pearl necklace, some silver dollars, and some of her old cards, one of them her hunting license.
They were the only things I had left of her. My uncle got the rest of what she had, including family pictures.
I notice Pinkie wakes up, and turns over. She was already looking better.
"Hey, Pink.. You feeling better?" I asked her in a soft tone.
She slightly nodded, and got out of bed. She hopped up onto the window sill, and looked down the street to the amazing square.
She looked back at me, with a small smile on her face, and her sharp, light cyan eyes.
I said "Okay.. I guess we can take you down there.." I said thinking..
"Are you sure you want to go down there when you're not feeling too well?" I finished.
She nodded. She hasn't been a pony of many words lately. Her personality was still very hyper and active.
"Yeah, Why not? It looks like a big party down there." She said with an enthusiastic tone.
We bundled into some coats, and locked the room up. It was pretty cold out, about 9 degrees.
Misha wanted to go Into Tiffany's and Macy's, while Pinkie and I went to the M&Ms store, and FAO Schwarz.
Pinkie couldn't hold in her huge smile anymore. The bright coloured stuffed animals and toys brought her back down to earth.
I bought her a five pound Hershey bar, and of course, you can imagine how that went. Gone in less than an hour.
She always has a constant sugar rush, and a very, very positive attitude. Some of it I swear has rubbed off on me.
She means so much in my life, I don't know what I'd do without her. I would probably be long gone.
When she saw all of the Teddy bears, she ran over there as fast as she could. She saw all of the Teddies I selected from,
And there were only two left sitting on the shelf.
"They're just like the one I have!" she said, ecstatic.
I asked "Yeah, do you like the one you have?'
"Like it? LIKE it?! No other Teddy can take Mac's place!" she said.
I was happy to hear that she had anew friend. She needed one in a bad way.
Misha walked up behind me and wrapped herself around me. Apparently both stores were closed.
"Come on, Pinkie, it's time to go back to the hotel.. We're all tired.." I said. I was pretty drained of energy.
We stopped at Lindy's cheesecake factory on the way back to get something to eat, and I sure was glad the tickets Pinkie gave me were all-expense-paid.
When we got back to the room, Everything was nice and neat, and my Mother's box sitting on the dresser just where I had left it.
It was already 10 in the evening. I was the first to crash, with pinkie lying by my side. Misha got into bed about 1:45, again, staying up to do schoolwork.
It was a good night, I actually got some sleep. Usually I'm staying up all night, regretting what I've done in the past. Then again, all of that was the last thing on my mind.

Chapter 6

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The day was here, new year's eve.
This past week has been the best of my life, and 2016 sure won't be a year that I forget.
The crowd piled into Times square at about 6:30, and the party started.
Loud Techno, Dubstep, and Chiptune, the perfect setup.
Pinkie enjoyed every bit of it, even the rowdy spectators.
The 11:00 hour came around, and the countdown started. Pinkie's eyes were glowing with excitement, and Misha's too.
She was holding my hand tight, and Pinkie sitting on my shoulders. She enjoyed her Nivea hat the guards gave us when we walked in the fenced area of Times Square.
Pinkie couldn't stay still. She wanted to see the ball drop, and probably go home.
The Time was nearing even closer, 11:50.
The Music got louder.
The crowd kept growing.
The news media in our faces, asking us some questions, and how long Misha and I had been dating.
I planned on changing the status of our relationship tonight, I snuck off to Tiffany's and bought a sterling silver ring for Misha.
I kept it in the inside breast pocket of my WSU jacket that I've had for only God knows how long.
I stood in silence, holding Misha's hand tight, and not wanting to let go. Pinkie's heart was racing, and she was jittering even more.
I brought her down from my shoulders, and handed her to Misha. Pinkie crawled right up on her shoulders.
My heart began to race. It was almost time for the Final countdown to start.
I heard a big explosion, then the tick of a clock.
The crowd was going nuts, The ball had began its descent.
I reached into my jacket, and took out the black case.
Pinkie looked down at me, smiled, then nodded.
I drop on one knee..
Misha covers her mouth, hiding a smile, I'm sure.
"Misha, We've been together for 6 years, and they've been the happiest of my life.." I started with a rushed tone.
I continued.. "I have one question for you, My final question to you in the year 2016.."
I swallowed deep, and asked her, shaking..
"W-will you marry me,. Misha..?"
She stared down at the glistening sterling silver ring, and it's large 24 karat diamond.
She said trembling "..Y-yes.. I will.."
I placed the ring on her finger.
The Crowd starts to chant..
I grabbed her hand, and Pinkie's hoof, holding them both tight.
It had all come down to this. The last five seconds of an amazing year. I had started to shed a tear, when i sucked it up and moved on.
This was it.. My heart was racing, I was looking straight into Misha's eyes, And it just.. Happened.
We made the move as soon as the crowd became silent, and the artillery shells were going off.
It was short, but just as I had imagined.
I looked up at Pinkie, and she was amazed at the brightly coloured fireworks going off above Manhattan.
I grabbed Pinkie, and held her in my Arms, and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Happy new year, Daddy..." She said, giving me a huge hug.
We headed out of the square as fast as we could, or as we could.

Chapter 7

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Back at the hotel, we packed our bags, and found out most of the people in the hotel that stayed saw us on TV.
I was miserable. The best time of my life, all gone.
Pinkie was already knocked out on my bed, and Misha was already hard after her schoolwork for the night.
I felt like going for a walk, So I grabbed my key, and headed down to the lobby. I did nothing but pace around.
I finally went back up about 30 minutes later. Misha was still hard at work, and Pinkie awake, waiting for my return.
I crawl in bed, and bring Pinkie up on my chest.
She almost immediately falls asleep.
I fall asleep shortly after and begin to dream.
the first figure I see looks like Celestia.
Her wavy, colourful mane, and her tall, lean figure.
Then five other figures.. two pegasi, two unicorns, and a lone earth pony.
I look around, frantically for Pinkie. She's missing.
I look up, and see her headed straight for the other figures. I run as fast as possible towards them.
I get to the group of other ponies and ask "What exactly.. Is going on?"
Celestia is towering, at least a full six inches taller than I am.
She says "Well, Twilight cast a magic spell, to find Pinkie. We tracked it to this position."
"You're here to take her back.. aren't you..?" I asked with a tear running down my face.
Celestia nodded. Twilight's horn began to glow.
"Wait.." I said, quietly.
Pinkie looked up at me, and I took her Teddy out of my jacket.
Her face lit up like a three stage artillery shell at midnight on the fourth of July.
She ran towards me, and jumped into my arms. Her sharp, cyan eyes looked right into mine.
She brought her head close to mine, and said quietly "Daddy.. I love you.." And took her little Teddy with her.
"Daddy? Pinkie, what in the name of Celestia has gotten into you?" Said Rainbow Dash.
Celestia glared at her for using her name in such a form.
Twilight's horn began to glow again, and there was a bright flash a short time later. Only Celestia stood in front of me.
She said "Pinkie has had a good time with you, and others. She has enjoyed it here with you, but now she must return to Equestria."
I stared at Celestia, dumbfounded.
She continued.. "I must clear your memory of Pinkie, and Pinkie's memory of you. Those memories will be sent somewhere on this planet, that is unknown."
Her horn began to glow, and a very bright flash followed.
I look around, and Celestia is no longer here.
Just the white, empty space.
I let out a scream, and I notice I'm in the hotel room still.
It's 5:30 in the morning, and the alarm on my phone is going off. It was time to head home.
I woke up Misha when I was screaming. I looked over at her and said "It's time to go.."
Pinkie was already up, and chewing on some leftover cheesecake from last night at Lindy's.
I found our boarding passes out of LaGuardia one way back to Wichita.
Pinkie had her bags by the door already, She was homesick, and I knew it.
"Come on, Daddy! Let's go home!" She said enthusiastically.
"She's been up since four.." said Misha.
I could only believe her more. She put her ring on, Gathered everything she had out of the bathroom, along with my Allergy meds, Toothpaste, and everything else.
Pinkie was bouncing up and down by the door, I know she wanted to get home, and fast.
As we left the room, I made sure we had everything. My mother's box was the first thing I packed.
We had everything, so I grabbed the key, and shut the lights off, and shut the door with remorse. I was going to miss this trip.
Pinkie looked up at Misha. "I had a good time last night. Did you?" she asked.
"Yes, I did Pinkie."
Pinkie smiled.
I pressed the call button to the elevator, and hung my head. I wasn't ready to leave this amazing, happy city.
Misha asked me what was wrong. I just shook my head, and handed her the boarding pass.
We rode the elevator all of the way down to the lobby, and I checked my keys in.
"Taking off?" Said the butler.
"Yeah, it's been a great time." I said. I wasn't feeling the best emotionally. I didn't have anything to look forward to since I didn't live in a very big house.
"Well, I hope you had a great stay here at the Wellington." He said. He handed me a card and continued.
"Here's my card. It has my cell phone number and address on it. Call if you need me anytime." and offered me a Handshake.
I shook his hand firmly and said "Thank you sir, We'll for sure stay here again." with a disconsolate tone.
I waved back to him, and he gave me a salute.
I hailed a cab, and loaded our bags. I got in and told the driver "LGA please."
He gave a thumbs up, and put the cab in gear.
It was a long, miserable ride.
We got to the airport and entered our terminal.
The last thing on my mind was getting home.
We boarded the plane, and Pinkie lied down on my lap.
I dozed off, and before I knew it, We were back in Wichita.

Chapter 8

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I was home. In my Little home.
It was all coming back to me..
How poor I was.
How worthless I was.
Pinkie ran back to my room, and set her Teddy on the shelf I had.
I went back and set my bags in the office, when I heard a huge crash coming from the Kitchen, and multiple footsteps.
I open the door to find Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Applejack, Applebloom, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike.
All of them? In my Home?!
How is it possible?
Pinkie was fully grown, Yet she's only been here for 7 months..
Celestia greeted me, and Explained what was going on.
"Ponyville isn't the Ponyville it used to be, Jacob.."
She knew my name.. I was amazed.
"What do you mean, Princess?" I asked.
She touched her horn to my head, and a vision appeared. It was Ponyville. In shreds.
"Since Pinkie isn't in Ponyville, no one is happy. She's the foundation of the Happiness in all of Equestria, and surely in Ponyville."
The town looked dull, and not so very colourful.
Everything came back to me.
The dream, It was all true.
"And since Pinkie has been gone, We've had nowhere to look to for help. Everypony is suffering from the loss." Said Twilight.
Applejack continued; "Y' know, Pinkie can't stay here for very long, If she don't come back, what are we going to do?"
I could only agree with her, I was suffering before I found her, and she's brought a lot of joy and caring into my life.
I said "Hang on, I'll go get her.." and Walked out of the kitchen hanging my head.
I walked back into my room, where Pinkie was.
I picked her up, and took her into the kitchen.
Everypony's face lit up as soon as they saw her cotton candy like mane, especially Fluttershy's face.
"I know it's going to be hard to do this, but we have to bring Pinkie back to Ponyville." Said Rarity.
Spike continued. "If you'd like.. Pinkie can write to you here, back in Wichita. I'll even send them."
"But how am I supposed to Write back?" I asked Spike.
"Your Thoughts." He said.
My thoughts? I was so confused and dumbfounded at the idea.
Celestia said "We know that you've raised Pinkie well, and that she's only been here for a short amount of time, but back in Ponyville, her absence has lasted over 15 years."
15 years?! I haven't even had her for a year yet.
"Twilight, It's time." she continued.
"Celestia, wait.." I said, Nearly crying.
"I have something I need to explain to everypony.."
She nodded.
I started..
"Pinkie has been the best pony to come into my life. She brought joy to me when I needed it the most, and cared for me when I was down. I can see
why everypony here needs her back in Ponyville, as well as everypony all over Equestria. You couldn't ask for a happier, more generous pony for
someone to raise, and care for."
Celestia Interrupted me.
"Jacob, we all here know your pain. You will have memories of Pinkie, as she will always have memories of you."
Twilight's horn began to glow again.
Pinkie looked up at me with her bright, cyan eyes and said " I love you, Daddy.."
I lost it. I was on my knees, with my head down crying.
I looked up at her with tears running down my face, and said "I love you too, Pinkie.. and I always will.."
There was a bright flash, and all of the ponies who were once standing in my Kitchen in my small home were gone.
I looked down at my knees, and there was a scrapbook with a note on top of it.

I opened the note, and read it.

For 7 months and 9 days, you raised me out of your own home.
Your mother passed away, and I was there for you when no one else could be.
If you wouldn't have found me down on the river, I wouldn't be alive, and neither would you.
I put some joy into your life, and I will never forget that.
Everypony back here in Equestria knows you for keeping me alive,
and everyone knows me in Wichita for keeping you alive.
I'll never forget what you did with me,
you gave me a place to live,
food to eat, and took me to one of the best parties I've been to.
You, and Misha are two of the best people I know, and will never forget.

I'll always be your daughter, and you'll always be my father.
Here is a scrapbook with all of the good times we had together,
including when you found me.

I love you..

I slowly opened the book, and sure enough, there was little Pinkie, in the black, tattered blanket I found her in.
And on the last page, was a sliver of that blanket, and the golden ticket that she had, and the one I had that I was sure I threw away.

And here I was again, all alone in my own little home.
Pinkie's Teddy was sitting on my shelf, still, even after I gave it to her to take.
Pinkie will be somepony I'll surely never forget.