• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 569 Views, 9 Comments

On the Flipside - MKIIPro121996

Pinkie Pie pulls a middle aged man out of depression

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Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning in a Drag.
It was only 9 o'clock and i was still feeling the after effects of the crab cakes I had last night.
I was surprised I even got any sleep, I usually pull all-nighters on weekends like this. Especially the night before I turn 19.
I roll over slowly with my eyes shut and say
"Mornin', Pink..."
She wasn't there. The bed sheets were pulled back and I heard a noise coming from out in the kitchen.
I get up and think "Oh... It's just the heater coming on.."
And go get a glass of water from the bathroom.
There was another similar noise to the last one, but louder. The heater wasn't even running.
I set my glass down and fix my hair a little before I go eat breakfast.
I don't know why I even bothered to touch it, it grows so oddly.
I walk into the living room, and the door to the kitchen is shut. I open the door, and it's pitch black.
I flick the light on, and Pinkie is sitting right at my feet, looking at me with her sharp, sky blue eyes.
She said "Happy Birthday, Daddy.." And leaped up into my arms just in time for me to catch her.
I looked around and saw a huge banner that spelled "Happy 19th Birthday, Daddy!", a towering cake, and a pile of mixed candy.
"Pinkie... Did you do all of this..? For me...?"
She looked up at me with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, and nodded.
"Yeah, I thought you might want something good in your life besides what happened..."
My parents and I got in an argument over Pinkie on the phone. I moved out of the house the day after I found her.
I don't even remember telling her, if I did.
I looked down at Pinkie and told her "I like it, a lot... I haven't had a Birthday party in 6 years."
Pinkie stretched her front legs around me, as if she were hugging me.. and she was.
"I'm glad you like it, Daddy.."
I didn't know how to thank her, I was scared that she'd react to it.
"Well, aren't you going to see what the cake tastes like? I baked it just for you."
The cake looked like it was a challenge to eat, standing nearly four feet high.
"I might need some help, though!" I said to Pinkie with a happy expression.
I paused briefly and thought "Whoa..I'm actually... Happy! Pinkie made me Happy!"
All of my depression and problems were the last thing on my mind.
I sit down at the table with Pinkie on my lap. I draw a slice from the cake and give it to her.
She devoured the slice of cake in one bite, being the silly little filly she is.
I chuckled and drew a slice for myself. Along with a few Starlight mints, and a Redhot jawbreaker.
I noticed the edge of an envelope sticking out amongst the mixed bowl of suckers, jawbreakers, gum and other sweets.
I pull it out, and open it.
There's three, shiny, golden tickets in the envelope. I draw one out and read it aloud.
"Good for one admission to the New Year's 2017 party in Manhattan, New York. Hotel included."
I stood with the ticket in hand, astonished.
"P-Pinkie... Are these..what I think they are..?"
She sat at my feet, and leaped up into my arms, once again, And gave me the biggest hug anyone could imagine.
I noticed the tickets were good for a week's stay at the Wellington hotel, not far from Times Square.
They became valid by tomorrow, Sunday!
"Pack your bags, We're going on a trip, Pinkie!"
Immediately, I noticed her once straight mane was now as fluffy as cotton candy, and smelled like it too!
I frantically picked up the phone, and called Misha.
"Hey.. You wouldn't mind going on a trip.. would you?"
She said "No.. why?"
"I've got tickets to the Ball Drop next week... Pinkie gave them to me!"
"How can I not say yes? Of course I'll go." She said.
I could only imagine how her face lit up as she said that to me.
"Pack your bags quick, We're going to the airport in Two hours." I said, and hung up.
Pinkie looked up at me and outstretched one of her front legs. I lifted her up, and took her back to my room where she had everything.
I go back into the kitchen, and put what was left of the cake in the fridge, and turn the light off.
I pack some clothes and whatever else I felt I needed, And that included a set of bearings I gave to Misha when I was in high school with her.
I looked around the house, and made sure everything was off, and unplugged.
I grabbed Pinkie, and her bags, Plus my Phone and keys, and walked out the door with a bulky backpack I used a long time ago.
I put Pinkie in the car, and put her seatbelt on for her. She had never been in a car, and wondered what everything did.
As soon as we got to the airport with Misha, I was getting a lot of heads turned. A whole group of bronies were interested in Pinkie, and mostly
the way I got her.
As soon as the last person looked at me, Our boarding was called. Flight 5229 to Atlanta.
We flew first class, the boarding passes were free.
Pinkie sat on my lap, and Misha sat to my right. I had the window seat.
Pinkie couldn't wait to see what it looked like up above the clouds.
"Daddy, What is it like above the clouds?" she asked.
I said "It's beautiful... You won't believe your eyes!"
She looked out the window with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. We were about to take off.
The plane thrusted down the runway, and Pinkie loved it.
As soon as we took off, her face lit up like an artillery shell on the fourth of July.
When we got above the cloud cover, Her eyes didn't leave the sight of the fluffy, white clouds.
"She must really like it, Huh?" Misha said.
"Yeah, this is the first time ever travelling anywhere."
Pinkie got down from the window, and nestled up close to me on my lap.
I slowly fall asleep as Misha rests her head on my shoulder, and I recline my seat.
What has happened in the past six months has been the best.. What happened before was the last thing on my mind.