• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 570 Views, 9 Comments

On the Flipside - MKIIPro121996

Pinkie Pie pulls a middle aged man out of depression

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Chapter 1

Alone. Cold. Dark. Depressed...
That's the everyday life.
It sucks, honestly. I'm on the brink of just giving up.
There's Two things in this world that bring Happiness, Joy, And Love to me.
That's My little Pony, And My girlfriend, Misha, of course.
Just to see the show, It's bright colours, and the smiling faces of the mane six bring some feeling I can't explain in words.
It's my lifeline, pretty much. Every day and night I go without talking to someone or doing something is emotional torment.
When I'm upset, I don't talk. I sit in my little isolated room from everyone and everything else.
I like being alone. And that's the way I'll always be.
You can't change it.
I can't change it.
My parents can't change it.
And even Misha can't change it.
I was born with multiple problems.
Kidneys, Liver, and Anxiety.
Every night I feel weak, And I can barely move.
It's Hard to breathe after a long day at school.
I spend my day at school with my head hung.
No one cares, Besides Misha, My Guidance counselor and my Engilsh Teacher, Mrs. Aquino.
Three people. So what.
I can barely think about what to do anymore.
I went out for a walk one day.
I didn't know what else I could do.. Besides trying to kill myself.. I know Misha wouldn't be very proud of me..
It was fairly cold, And I was home alone.
I walked until I got tired.
I went out for so long, Just dragging my feet along, one in front of the other.
I didn't have a coat on, despite it was 18 degrees with a blistering North wind.
I Walked down by the river, which was covered with ice.
Down the river at the fork, I saw a Black blanket.
It looked like someone had just dumped some trash.
My thoughts were "Hmph, People just don't care."
I was wrong.
I kept on walking away from the river, Into an old park.
I spent life there as a child, and I felt I should pay a visit there.
I could flash back on what all I did there, with my cousin, Brandon.
I spent Maybe 6 hours, or more just sitting on a bench with my head hung.
I felt so disconsolate...I felt like I just needed to stay there. Nobody would care about me.
I got up shortly after that thought, and remembered the blanket at the fork of the river.
I ran down there as fast as I could. I was cold.
I step onto the Icy river. It had to be over a foot thick.
Slowly, I pick up the black blanket, And I uncover a little pink mass.
I look at the figure. It appeared to be a bright pink Earth Pony.
I think back to My Little Pony... And it appeared to be Pinkie Pie.
Her Cotton candy mane wasn't there.. it was straight as when she was a Filly in the show when she was being raised on a rock farm.
I didn't really know what I should have done.
I didn't have a big home, Not enough space...
But I couldn't just leave her there to suffer.
I reach down to pick her up, And she starts to kind of groan.
I leaned down towards her, and she was shivering profusely.
I took the blanket I had wrapped myself in, And picked little Pinkie up.
She began to rustle around, and woke.
She looked at me with her sharp, stunning blue eyes.
She Could fit in my Arms.
I then carried her home. I couldn't understand why her mane was so straight..
She continued to squirm until I got her home..Which was about a 30 minute walk. I released her as soon as I got in the door.
"Well, it's not much... But I guess you can stay upstairs with me.." I said looking into her sharp eyes.
She twitched her ears, And climbed up on the sofa. She dropped her head and looked down at the floor.
"I know how it feels... Pretty bad when you don't have anyone here for you.."
I sat next to her, and stroked her mane. She didn't seem to care.
About four hours later, I just realized I had dozed off. Pinkie was still next to me, Under my arm.
She groaned again, and I could hear her stomach begin to growl.
I got up, and looked in the fridge for anything she could eat.
Leftover burgers.... nah.
Ramen.. no way.
I had a cookie left from when I went to Misha's party about a week ago.. it had to work..
I placed the treat in front of her. Her ears perked up and she smelled the cookie like she were a cat after a dairy product.
She downed the cookie in one bite, Then rose her head and looked at me with a little bit of a smile.
I sat down, and she came and jumped on my lap. It was 2:30 in the morning, so we were both pretty bushed.
We both spent the next day doing nothing but hanging our heads. I know she wasn't feeling well, both emotionally and physically.
I had to think about what I was going to do... I had no idea on how to raise a pony.