• Published 2nd Oct 2011
  • 9,502 Views, 51 Comments

Of Sound Mind - Cosmonaut

A magical mishap! Rarity and Fluttershy swap bodies for a day!

  • ...

Fluttershy: Encapsulating Righteous Rage

Dash did a few backflips in the air; it felt great getting all that off her chest, even though it took every ounce of willpower to swallow her pride and land on that balcony. After she’d been left hanging in front of the restaurant she wasn’t entirely sure if she was jealous of Fluttershy or of her getting a date. Whatever the case it was leagues better than moping on a cloud while those new feelings of hers tore her insides apart. With Twilights upfront questions she was able to sort out those feelings and finally decide what she really wanted.

“I wonder what her problem was though…” she said aloud, miffed at Twilight for banging her hooves and yelling at her, “It’s not like I smooched her on the lips.”

Dash didn’t mean anything by the little thank you kiss she’d left on her cheek and didn’t take Twilight to be phobic like Applejack usually was. She couldn’t even pat that pony on the back sometimes without getting nasty looks and a mean comment.

“What it would be like to hang out with Soarin’,” pondered Dash spiraling in the air, wind catching her dress and flapping noisily. The blue stallion had been on Dashs mind since meeting him at the Best Young Fliers competition. Head Captain of the Wonderbolts, all around awesome athlete, and the coolest colt cruising the skies.

Still single too thought Dash languidly, her pulse quickening a little. All she had wanted before today was to become a Wonderbolt, now she was determined to date one. Heck, that could even be her in for the team. With this lofty new goal in mind her self-confidence soared to new heights, but first things first.

Rainbow brazenly forced open the front door of Carousel Boutique to see the machines in the store still running, and a haggard looking Rarity dutifully at work behind the bench. She was so absorbed in her work she didn’t notice that someone had entered the room.

“Hey Rarity! How’s it goin’?” she asked cheerfully.

Rarity looked up and gave her a limp half smile “Hello Rainbow Dash. That’s a very, um, nice dress you’re wearing.”

Dash groaned “I KNOW it’s a nice dress. Everyponys told me that at least once today!”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be, I’m just sick of hearing it. Anyways, if you’re not too busy in the morning I wanted to ask ya little bit of a favor,” she said hurriedly

Rarity squirmed behind the table, apparently unsure of what to say “Well, maybe, what did you, um, have in mind?”

“I can’t hear ya if your whispering Rarity. Speak up a little please?”

“Sorry," apologized Rarity, raising her voice, "what kind of favor Rainbow Dash?”

“I kinda wanted a makeover job. Nothing too outrageous because I’m already SO good-looking, but it needs to be different, sorta like what Fluttershy did. I wanna look cute, but still awesome so starting with my hai-“

The teacup floating next to Rarity fell to the floor with a crash “Dash,” peeped Rarity shakily “Um, could you repeat what you just said? I don’t think I heard you right.”

“Cute but awesome?”

“No, not that, about Fluttershy,” pressed Rarity.

“Oh yeah, Fluttershy had some sorta intervention earlier today. New haircut and highlights and stuff so I thought I could get something done like it too.”

Rarity delicately got up from her seat behind the bench and walked over to Dash “Could you, um, tell me where you last saw her? I think I need to go see her now.”

“I don’t think ya should bother her, she’s just too busy at the moment,” said Dash in a mocking tone of voice.

“Busy? Busy with what?” requested Rarity fearfully.

“On her date.”

Rarity hit the floor in a loud thump, fainting right in front of Dash.

“Sheesh Rarity sure it’s surprising but you’re over-reacting now,” said Dash bending over her friend. She roughly slapped Raritys face with her hoof a few times attempting to rouse her.

“Wake up!”


“Yeah ya fainted remember?”

Rarity gradually got to her feet, wobbling a little as she stood back up. “Listen, um, I need to go right now. I’ll help you with your makeover tomorrow but I really really really need to speak with Fluttershy about...something. Goodnight!”

“Why do ya need to talk to her tonight? What about…whatever it was you were doing right now?!”

Rarity had already staggered out the door, leaving her behind. Dash trotted over to the small pile of clothes and curiously picked through her work.

“Designer clothes for foals? Just what is going on with everypony today?”


The moonlit walk back to Fluttershys cottage was a truly magical one. Dr. Whoof had quite an interesting backstory for such an unassuming figure, which was unfortunate for Rarity since she wasn’t exactly in-depth on Fluttershys past before she moved to Ponyville. She had carefully steered the discussion away from that topic though.

“So why not just work with Ponyville urgent care? I’m sure they could help you with their medical talents.”

“Something I considered, but decided against in the end. They’re not really cut out for actual medical practice. Their healing skills peak at bruises and bandages,” snorted Dr. Whoof.

“So they aren’t good at their job?”

“Perfectly competent is a nice way of putting it. Animals tend to get into stickier situations than us ponies. Makes me wonder if those nurses have ever even seen blood.”

“Those sorts of things can be healed with magic quite easily enough. Magical practices in healing are becoming popular aren’t they?”

“They’re practically interesting. It’s all well and good for small stuff but the more involving the injuries the longer a pony has to focus that magic. Unless the unicorn has very high stamina and concentration the Earth pony will always do better in the long run.”

“Can’t argue with that, feel that wind though, great night for a stroll isn’t it?” said Rarity as a cool breeze blew through her hair.

“A fantastic night,” agreed Dr. Whoof, “the Pegasus ponies even kept it clear for the walk back. If it were any darker I wouldn’t have spotted that pretty flower on the trail.”

“You didn’t have to pick that silly little thing for me,” she said adjusting the blue flower he’d tucked behind her ear.

“It had your name on it! The flower was practically calling you from the grass. It even goes well with your hair!”

Rarity smiled sincerely “What of the one I picked hmmm? Not as fine a choice as I would have liked.”

“It matches my tie, so that’s a good look and enough reason to keep it,” he said eyeing the gangly stem draped over his ear. Rarity hadn’t been looking when she pulled it out the ground in exchange for the blue one in her ear, but he proudly wore it anyway.

“The waiter dumping that split-pea soup on your coat looked good too,” goaded Rarity “You were greener than your tie for a good ten minutes!”

“I swear I don’t even remember dropping that napkin on the floor. I bet he put it there afterwards so he wouldn’t look bad in front of the maître’d.” he replied flushing red with embarrassment.

Rarity giggled at his blush “Don’t be bothered I’m only teasing. Green just isn’t your color anyway, it looks much better on me.”

“So you’re saying you would rather have the pea soup on your face?”

Dr. Whoof began laughing as Rarity gave him a playful shove. He sidled over and budged her sideways off the path in response.

“Hey no fair! You’re bigger than I am!” she pouted lightheartedly returning to his side.

The journey back to was full of playful banter and cheerful tomfoolery. Despite a rough start the entire evening was going along without a hitch as she felt herself getting more comfortable around her date.

Okay, it’s up to you now Dr. Whoof she thought apprehensively as they trotted up to the door I hope you’ve got it in you to make the move, all you need is to finish with the kiss.

“I’m really glad you did end bumping into me earlier, it was a bit short notice but dinner was quite fun, you had fun too right?”

Rarity had opened her mouth to respond, but at that last thought her tongue had retreated to the back of her throat. Not now, anytime but now thought Rarity in panic.

“We had an excellent night Fluttershy, wouldn’t you agree?” he offered searching for a response.

Her legs had frozen to the ground and her wings had locked into place against her sides. Rarity couldn’t move. She shut her mouth again trying to think of a way to halt the growing tension in the air.

“We should, uh, do this again sometime?”

Nothing she thought of could break the paralyzing grip that froze her in place. The final moment of this magnificent night was going to shatter as Fluttershys body betrayed her. Rarity could do nothing but helplessly watch as Dr. Whoofs confidence began to fade away.

“Well, I uh, hope to see you around then Fluttershy,” Dr. Whoof began to leave, a defeated look resting in his eyes.
No! I cannot let it end like this!

In a last desperate move Rarity arched her neck forward, snatching the green stem from behind his ear.

“Fluttershy! I was going to keep that! Can I have it back please?”

Rarity shook her head. It was all she could do.

“Why’s that? Can I, uh, have yours then?”

She shook her head no again.

“Are you going to make me beg for it?”

Another stiff shake.

“Am I going to…have to take it from you?”

With great pain Rarity forced a playful smile onto her face, tilting her head and rolling the stem to the back of her mouth.

He trotted close to her and attempted to grab the stalk with his mouth. Rarity craned her neck and moved out of his way. Another attempt to grab it and she ducked once more. He moved forward to retrieve it once again and this time Rarity didn’t dodge him. Her soft lips met his as they shared their unexpected first kiss at the door.

As her eyelids fluttered close Rarity felt a wave of warm relief sweep throughout her nerve wracked body. Her wings hung listlessly from her sides as the fear that had frozen her seconds ago melted away in that blissful embrace, fireworks going off in her mind as they eagerly shared that heated kiss. The final barrier of pointless doubt washing away as it replaced itself with the passionate fulfillment her body had so long craved.

They finally pulled away panting softly, lips making a quiet smack as they parted. Neither spoke as they stood facing each other breathlessly in the moonlight, waiting for the other to break the spell that first kiss had woven unto them.

“Wow,” breathed Rarity finally finding her voice “That was wonderful…”

“Something I’ve only ever dreamt of happening,” Dr. Whoof leaned forward and delicately kissed her again “You are a dream come true Fluttershy. Why didn’t I wake up sooner and do this years ago?”

She returned his kiss, looking deep into his blue eyes as she did, “Questions that maybe we’ll never know the answer to. The ones you asked before, when I was lost in my head, were all yes. I did have a great time and I do want this to happen again. Sometime sooner rather than later.”

She brought herself closer, resting her head on his strong neck as they quietly reflected on their newfound admittance of love for each other. Time slowed to a halt as they stood gazing at the stars together, her heart beating in tune with his own.

“I would stand here all night with you if I could get away with it, but I have to run the shop in the morning,” he grumbled quietly.

“That’s fine, I’ll be a little busy myself tomorrow. Maybe if you get the chance, we can meet sometime during the day again?”

“I’m done with maybes,” Dr. Whoof nuzzled her affectionately “I will see you tomorrow. If there’s anything else you can count on right now Fluttershy, it’s that.”

Dr. Whoof kissed her goodnight and with a short wave began traveling down the path back to town.

Rarity threw open the door to the house and shut it behind her, sliding every single lock into place before turning around.

“I did it.”

She jumped into the air and flew around the room, wildly cartwheeling in the air and laughing.

“I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it! I DIIIIIID IIIIIIIT!” she yelled happily.

Rarity bolted upstairs and skimmed through the novels and written manuscripts on the floor. She filled her mind with as many romantic fanciful ideas as possible. The pain that filled her up hours ago was no more to be found. She squealed at herself and did a few more triumphant backflips.

“Rarity you’ve outdone yourself this time! You handled that date like noponys business! What a rush of emotion! He loves you too Fluttershy I just knew it! Oh just you wait when you get back in here and-”

Her eyes went wide as an unsettling idea entered Raritys mind. This whole evening had gone through her head, not Fluttershys. While the inner emotional changes in her body would surely remain would they count for nothing if Fluttershy didn’t know that happened? Were these past hours going to be committed solely to Raritys memory or Fluttershys? How would Fluttershy react if she didn’t know what took place this evening, furthermore how was Rarity going to explain herself when she did?

“Ooooooooooh what am I to do now?” griped Rarity helplessly looking to the cuckoo clock. There was little over fifty minutes remaining before the spell ended and they would forcefully return to their rightful bodies.

“Why’s everything got to complicate itself right at the end?” Rarity moaned dejectedly, stamping her hooves in frustration. The box with her friends’ unfinished writings had tipped onto its side spilling its contents onto the floor. While staring half-heartedly at the scattered blank pages an idea formed in her head, and Rarity jumped up elatedly.

“That’s it! That’s the solution!”

Grabbing a few clean sheets of looseleaf and a pencil she sat herself down by the dresser and hastily began writing.


Fluttershy sneezed. Slowly opening her eyes she found herself staring into a clump of soft green clover. What am I doing on the ground? Where am I? she thought listlessly to herself. She remembered that she was running. Was it from something? Fluttershy looked around cautiously. Nothing was behind her. She was going somewhere important in a hurry because of something Dash said to her.

“Rarity!” she pulling herself up. She wobbled shakily on her legs; one of them had fallen asleep. “Please let it not be true. Please let Dash be joking me. This just has to be one of those practical jokes she likes to play.”

Fluttershy wasn’t too far from her house, at a full gallop it was only 15 minutes from town. Along the way home she had ran past the stallion of her dreams, Mr. Whoof who had left town a while ago for his studies in Trottingham. Since she had first met he was the one colt in town that she couldn’t keep out of her head, the subject of many of her wistful daydreams that gave her peace of mind when she felt down. Fluttershy hadn’t said more than ten words to him since she let him adopt one of her rabbits.

He had been walking into town, the very opposite direction she was headed. At the sight of him and the worrisome things Dash had told her she had fainted not even thirty feet from where she passed him. How long was I out…how many minutes to midnight… Fluttershy thought uneasily, walking up to her front door. The final piece of this puzzle all depended on Rarity. She knocked and held her breath as the door locks clacked and unfastened, and the door swung open.

They screamed at the sight of each other.

“Fluttershy what in Equestria have you been doing with my hair!? It looks absolutely dreadful!”

“Your hair!? Look at what you’ve done to mine! Oh my gosh it’s all true then. Rainbow Dash wasn’t fibbing!”

“Dash?!" Rarity winced. "What, pray tell, did she reveal to you?”

“She told me that well enough Rarity. How could you do this to me? You of all ponies I call my best friend.”

“Fluttershy you don’t understand yet. What I did was for you.”

“My personal life and what I do with it is very much my own business. You didn’t just root around in it; you’ve turned it upside down! I cannot believe, would not believe it was true.”

“I feel your pain though, I felt it, don’t tell me that your ok with th-“

“Just please leave Rarity, I don’t think I want to talk to you right now”

“-but Fluttershy let me expl-“

“Please, just go. Just leave me alone.”

“You don’t know what happ-“

“I SAID I WANT TO BE ALONE!" shouted the disheveled pony.

“There’s no need to shout Fluttershy…“


Rarity stepped outside, and Fluttershy went in .A dull whistling began to sound in both ponies' ears. Fluttershy shut the door roughly and locked it behind her. The whistling that should have died in her ears grew stronger, but she felt no breeze or wind. Her hooves were glowing, then the rest of her followed suit in a dazzling white light. She watched in bewilderment as the back of Raritys head disappeared before her as she was yanked from her body. A whirlwind of color and bright light clouded her vision as she floated through the air and with a bang there was darkness again.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and gasped. She was outside, the spell had magically run its course and her mind was reconnected with her body once more. She automatically tested her wings, and despite the relief of being reunited with them she turned back towards the more urgent matter at hand.

“Rarity! Open this door please and leave my house again!” protested Fluttershy banging on the door.

“Oh lord did you give me a break at all today Fluttershy? I feel achey everywhere,” she said woozily swinging the door open.

“I forgot, I was too busy, now I’m going inside. Good night Rarity!” huffed Fluttershy shutting the door.

She stormed upstairs to her bedroom a lot angrier than she looked. The last time she felt this peeved was facing down the dragon in the mountain after it hurt her friends, that cruel action had sparked her into honest anger. She felt so bad for yelling too, yelling wasn’t something she did, she hadn’t yelled at a pony before in her entire life. It was making her feel so much worse even though she felt justified while doing it.

“Shouldn’t I be this mad though!? It’s not fair, it’s not right, it’s my life! I can’t show my face around here anymore. What am I going to do now?” she lightly kicked the door to her room, making it creak noisily. “How can I face him? How could you even know about him?”

“I’ll just leave that’s it, I’ll go back to Cloudsdale, restart my old life. Nopony will ever see me here again,” she said irritably, walking over to the wastebasket. Fluttershy dejectedly pulled out a long strip of her pink hair. “This is going to take forever to grow back in.”

Dropping the lock of her hair back into the basket she went to her bed, something catching her eye. There was a small stack of loose paper sitting on her pillow. It had her name written on it in a very messy script.

“Fluttershy please read?” she mumbled bitterly. “Well, fine, I will. I hope it’s an apology letter.”


Rarity wasn’t tired. Tired was an average day of work at Carousal Boutique. If she didn’t keep putting one hoof forward walking back to the store she would surely drop from exhaustion right on the spot.

“I haven’t felt this beat since I made all those dresses for Hoighty-Toighty,” she muttered sleepily. Moving in a straight line was even proving difficult, as she kept swaying to one side. “I wish Fluttershy wasn’t so upset, I should have expected her to be acting out of character after working all day long, and goodness can I be snappy.” Rarity thought back to one evening where she had yelled at her sister for some childish reason. Sweetie Belle had been in tears from her little outburst. “Perhaps I do need to get yelled at sometimes, odd that it would be me shouting at myself though.”

Rarity was just opening her door when she heard somepony behind her clearing her throat.

“Carousal Boutique how may I help you?” Rarity recited automatically.

“I think you’ve helped enough ponies for one day.”

Rarity turned around to see a livid Twilight Sparkle a few feet behind her “Twilight….how nice to see you at this hour.”

“Rarity, do you have even the slightest idea about the repercussions of what you’ve been doing today?”

Rarity gulped, “Of course I do, but what are you talking about? I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Nothing!? You’ve been messing with your friends’ lives and feelings all day long according to Rainbow Dash.”

“Dash? What did Dash tell you?” asked Rarity curiously.

“She told me about how you were embarrassing her today in front of her weather team squad. More about how bad she felt after you left her to go on a date. She was just about crying you should know.”

Rarity gasped, “Rainbow Dash, I feel so bad now…”

“As you should, I think you-“

“She must want a makeover too!”

“should apol-” Twilight stopped “Wait, how could you have know that?”

“Poor dear, I mistook her actions for anger at me for trying to leave her behind. I need to correct that mistake tomorrow as soon as possible! She’s probably going to want to keep her color scheme too and what am I going to do with her hair….”

“How could you miss that? Dash isn’t the most subtle pony.”

“Well pardon me Twilight, I haven’t exactly been myself today,” noted Rarity sarcastically.

“Rainbow Dash aside, you should say you’re sorry to Fluttershy for meddling in her personal life as well.”

“I’ve done nothing worthy of an apology.”

“I’m pretty sure everything that you’ve done today would validate an apology. You met with Fluttershy already since you’ve switched back right? How did that go?”

“She, uh, kicked me out of her house…twice,” admitted Rarity guiltily.

“That seems to be all the proof you need.”

“Shes just over-tired at the moment, I’m sure she’ll be fine soon enough. I’d wager I’ll be getting a thank you in the morning,” said Rarity with a yawn. “Technically this is your fault to begin with.”

“MY FAULT!?” exclaimed Twilight.

“None of this would have taken place today if you hadn’t messed up your spell in the library. You should apologize for all the trouble you’ve caused," the white unicorn teetered forward on her hooves, eyes half lidded.

“Technicalities aside Rarity don’t you feel you owe th-“

“I have a feeling you’re a tad jealous as well,” jabbed Rarity.

“Jealous?!” recoiled Twilight, her cheeks red. “What have I got to be jealous about?”

“Perhaps it’s because Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are setting themselves on the realms of romance and you feel left out stuck in your silly books all day.”

Twilight turned away from Rarity and stared into the night sky. Her sharp words bristled her conscience. Was Rarity right? Did she feel envious that she was becoming the only pony amongst her friends without a companion to call her own? Was she wringing out her friend over nothing? Twilight sighed as her own words she parted to Dash earlier returned to her head.

“Rarity…maybe you’re right and I’m wrong. I don’t know enough about this subject to be handing out advice and opinions. Jealous…maybe I am jealous of them…if everything does turn out fine…could you forgive me if I did apologize?”

“Rarity? Rarity are you listening?” asked Twilight.

She turned around to see Rarity snoozing quietly, slumped in a pile on the ground in front of her.


It was about forty minutes later when Fluttershy finished reading the written papers that Rarity had left behind. The sloppy writing had made it a difficult read and there were many minor spelling and grammar mistakes littering the paper that bothered Fluttershy for some reason. She picked her head up from the notes and stared into empty space, trying to digest what she just read.

“Me beating Rainbow Dash in a race? She’s the fastest pony I’ve ever seen. How could I have done that?”

Fluttershy unfurled her wings; flapping them a few times she felt that they were sore and stiff. Rarity had really been working them today; probably more than she herself had ever bothered to. The biggest reveal was near the end of the little tale Rarity had written. The one concerning her and the object of her affection.

Fluttershy noticed a small round smudge on her mirror and sat in front of it, absently rubbing it away as her mind filled with the romantic scenes that were playing her head.

“He…loves me too…and we kissed?”

Looking in the mirror she saw there was another part of the paper she had missed on the back, she turned it over and began reading.

Dear Fluttershy,

If you’re reading this then I haven’t had the chance to properly talk to you about this evening. Something personal like your love life was maybe a bit too bold of me to intervene in but I felt I had too. Being in your horseshoes today had let me feel the hurt in your heart and the idea that you felt that everyday drove me to vanquish it. The last thing I want to do is hurt you Fluttershy. We’re friends, and friends look out for one another. You’re private with your life and I respect that, but I could not sit idly by when even the slightest thoughts of romance drove you to tears. Everything you have read on those pages happened to you today Fluttershy, I just hope you can feel it deep down inside. Life is like a romance novel you know, full of twists, turns and unpredictable surprises. I’ve written the first few pages of a new chapter in your life, it’s up to you now to pick up the pen and keep going. With love,


Small drops of water peppered the note she was reading. Fluttershy let it float to the floor as she averted her attention to the mirror. The yellow Pegasus staring back at her didn’t look sad today, her eyes didn’t hide behind her hair nor was her face contorted in grief. The tears swiftly streaming down her face weren’t borne of pain but of joy, the kind of unrivaled happiness that she had never once thought she would live to feel. Fluttershy didn’t wipe them away. Not yet. A peaceful smile crossed her face, and the pony in the mirror smiled back. With infinite conviction in her voice, Fluttershy broke her silence.

“I can do this”


The following few months were a turbulent time for everypony involved in that fateful day. Rainbow Dash had at last gotten her make-over despite being so fussy and un-specific about what to change. Rarity had dyed the blue stripe in Dashs hair and mane a dazzling glossy silver on the grounds that she was already blue enough, thoughtfully matching that color change on the tips of her wing feathers too. With the simple instruction of combing her hair in the morning and some extra anecdotes on the rules of attraction Dash eventually did snag an evening with her idol Soarin' from a chance encounter in Cloudsdale.

Having changed not one, but two of her friends lives for the better spurred Rarity to start offering romance counseling for the single ponies in Ponyville. To her eternal amusement Raritys first customer was Twilight Sparkle of all ponies, who sheepishly admitted that her studies weren’t everything in life. Rarity decided that Twilight looked fine the way she was, but had more difficulty changing the overly-analytical pony’s mindset than anything. Despite her constant begging Twilight refused to divulge the botched instructions of the talent swap spell to Rarity, who pointedly complained it would only improve her service.

Fluttershy’s out of body experience was a secret kept between only the three originally involved, and thanks to Rarity she had changed the most from the incident. At her other friends’ questioning she attributed her new attitude to a self-help book borrowed from the library. In a startling act of generosity she moved out of her little cottage and bequeathed it to Pinkie Pie, who had been living with the Cakes in a room above Sugarcube Corner. There were no secrets surrounding her affection for Dr. Whoof either;the two were rarely seen apart. With the veterinary clinic open Fluttershy moved in with him to assist with the jumpy animals often admitted, amongst more passionate reasons.

Fluttershy continues to wear the wild blue highlight in her hair, a daily reminder of the life she almost missed, and the friend who helped make it happen.

Comments ( 23 )

is this the end :(


An enjoyable ending to the story. Thank you!

Very touching :rainbowkiss:

#4 · Oct 6th, 2011 · · ·

There was only one part of this story that I don't like. The end, because it means there's nothing more to read of this. 12/5, my friend.


#5 · Oct 18th, 2011 · · ·

the girl yelled at a dragon and snapped a bears neck. I'd say Flutterrage is pretty close to canon :flutterrage:

Don't you just love these kind of stories? They practically write themselves. What could possibly be more entertaining than swapping out minds? Sure, it's been done before to death, but that doesn't make it any less fun.

The romance part was of course was a bit trite. However, it still managed to work for 2 reasons: 1) It was a fresh couple. I can't say I've ever read a FlutterWhooves story before. And 2) the progression was done quite well.

Part of me wished you had established the conflict a bit earlier in the story. It wasn't until towards the end of the first chapter that I started to see the problems with Fluttershy and Rarity that were resolved at the end of the story. That's not the say it wasn't solidly plotted. I just wish those problems demonstrated themselves a little earlier in the story, so we have an idea of where things are going. Perhaps you could have a scene just prior to Twilight's spell, showing Fluttershy and Rarity going about a typical day, just as some nice setup. You can be subtle about it. Just enough to drop some hints.

There's also some extremely small stuff I noticed as well. Really nothing more than nitpicking. Spelling and grammar were fine, for the most part. It was mostly the "delivery" in some places that felt a little confusing sometimes. I had a go back a time or two and ask myself what was happening. If you'd like examples, I'd be glad to comb through it again and show you some of the places I think could be touched up. Again, just nitpicking.

The one other thing was the ending. It felt a bit like a cobbled-together epilogue, rather than an official "ending". I'd like to see the characters perform some satisfying actions at the end that "infer" what you summarize at the end, rather than simply hitting us over the head with it. Again, a small thing. It would just be a shame to have such an entertaining and well-written story end with little more than a simple list of everything that changed.

So, again, very entertaining. I could honestly read stuff like this all day if I had the time. Keep it up! :scootangel:

Great story! Loved it and hope to read more from you.

#8 · Dec 25th, 2011 · · ·

That was actually a Nice story, thank you!
I needed that after some of the nasty texts I have come across lately.

#9 · Dec 30th, 2011 · · ·




Great fic... Really great... But needs to be much longer... I don't want this one to end lol

This story has a daaaawwwwwing capacity of 7. :coolphoto: that's on a scale of 1 through 5, so you know it's good. :trixieshiftright:

Love the story and I hate that A) I kept ignoring it and having it just sit in my tracked list and B) it's over :fluttercry::raritycry:

"Please let Dash be joking me."
Missing 'with'. or possibly 'joking' should be 'kidding'.

Awesome story!
Here. Have a Rarity of approval.
Make that two.

Good story and enjoyed the originality, its official, 5/5 chefs liked this story :pinkiehappy:

really entertaining story.. had some great laughs and wasn't quite what i expected.. 8/10 i would say

This was a great story. I really like Dash's confession to Twilight and her little kiss goodbye after it. I really enjoyed getting to read this. I look forward to reading more from you in the future. Keep up the great writing!



Best story evah:rainbowwild:

Nice story. Even though things turned out well, Rarity was kind of a... well... :facehoof:

I guess this proves why they have long necks, though. It's so they can more efficiently stick their noses in other ponies' business. :rainbowlaugh:

Damn son, 10/10

Good story, however, I can't help but dislike the ending.
Mostly because of this:

“Shes just over-tired at the moment, I’m sure she’ll be fine soon enough. I’d wager I’ll be getting a thank you in the morning,” said Rarity with a yawn. “Technically this is your fault to begin with.”

I still think Rarity deserves more repercussions for her actions. She's learned absolutely nothing and shouldn't have done this to Fluttershy in the first place. It just ruins the ending for me.

This was really cute and not bad for a first story. Doctor Whooves and Fluttershy would make a great couple. :twilightsmile:

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