• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 2,941 Views, 103 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 23 "Mad Doctor" - Jacoboby1

Private travels to a strange asylum in search of a missing pony. What he finds is a madhouse filled with all sorts of horrors the likes of which he's never seen. But one madpony in a box has...

  • ...


Case 23

The Tardis landed on a hill overlooking Ponyville. I carried a sleeping Screwy on my back as I left the Tardis. The stars shone in the evening sky overhead. Jack and the Doctor were there, along with Ditzy. The Doctor leaned back against a nearby fence and said, “Okay, I'll be avoiding hospitals from now on, thank you very much.”

“You think Thirteen is gone?” I asked.

“I seriously doubt it,” he said with a shake of his head. “If he’s as clever as I am, he’ll figure out some way to come back.”

I nodded solemnly and then Jack slid a hoof over my shoulder “Even still, it’s a victory for us. Whaddya say I show you this great bar over in the next system?”

“I’m sure it’s great, Jack,” I said, using my magic to shove him off. “But, I've got a mare friend to propose to.”

“You’re getting married, Private?” Ditzy asked, a huge smile on her face. “That’s so amazing! I knew you and Twilight would marry each other someday!”

“Ditzy,” I groaned, blushing a little.

“Well, just send me the date and I’ll make it there,” the Doctor said with a smile. “I know better than to skip weddings of my companions.”

“I promise you are all invited, if she says yes,” I said with a hopeful smile.

“Fraid I can’t make it,” Jack said. “I got some things to do, but you never know.”

“Just be careful where you establish, Torchwood Jack,” the Doctor said with a smile. “It goes without saying I did appreciate your help. If I hear one more word about you from my daughter, however, I know a couple of great black holes I can chuck you into.”

“Guess dads never change no matter what species,” Jack said with a laugh and then he looked at me.

“Not a chance,” I said flatly.

“Aw damn,” Jack shook his head and walked a little ways. “Well, I’m off on my own little adventure. Who knows, we may see each other again.” Jack then lifted his foreleg and was about to tap his watch when he looked at the Doctor and said, “Doc, I hope you find her.”

The Doctor just smiled and I watched as Jack tapped a button on his watch and he suddenly vanished before my eyes. Huh, he wasn’t lying about being a time agent it seems.

“Right, let’s be on our way,” The Doctor said, walking towards the Tardis.

Ditzy was about to follow when she looked at me. “I’m really happy you and Twilight are gonna get married.”

“Thanks Ditzy,” I smiled slowly. "I just hope she'll have me.

“I'm sure she will," Ditzy replied with a big grin. "When she does can I ask a favor?"

“Sure, what's that?”

“If it’s not too much to ask, could I be a bridesmaid?” she asked nervously. “I just, I always really like weddings and would love to-“

“Say no more,” I hugged her and replied. “I’ll talk to Twilight about it, I’m sure she’d love it. Plus Dinky would make an awesome flower girl.”

“Yay!” Ditzy hugged me back and then flew over to the Tardis. “Private, thanks again for helping me, time and again!”

I smiled at her and said, “I just don’t want to lose a good friend.”

With that, Ditzy entered the Tardis and closed the door behind her. I watched as the Tardis started up and eventually faded from existence.

I knew tonight was the night! After today, I’m not going to let anything stop me from proposing to the love of my life. I'd become convinced that this night would be just beautiful for it.

I’ve been gone almost all day though. I hope nothing terrible had happened.


I gently laid Screwy on a hospital bed as Doctor Stable stood over her and checked her vitals with his magic. “She should be fine after a few days rest and plenty of tender love and care,” he explained.

“That’s good to hear,” I said with a smile.

“So what about the hospital?” he asked, looking at me. “I heard in the news it blew up.”

“Some kind of wiring or gas leak problem I think,” I said. “Luckily I got her out before it happened. As for the medical board, I contacted a good lawyer who’s more then happy to help out. He’ll get to the bottom of why she was sent there.”

“Thank you, Private,” Doctor Stable said. “You really helped this suffering mare from having a regress.”

It was then I noticed something about him, his coat was a little off. “Doctor, were you sunburned or something?”

“We had a bit of an incident with the weather today,” he explained. “As well as with the food, the animals and all sorts of problems today. Thankfully, they were all resolved by Twilight Sparkle.”

I smiled, that’s my Twilight alright. I was a little saddened by not being here when she needed my help, but I knew she would figure it out on her own. Still, she won’t have to worry about everything much longer. I’m never going to leave her side after our wedding.

After all, we’re a team, we need each other.

I looked back at Screwy who was sound asleep and said, “You don’t have to worry about payment either. Consider it a favor for a friend, the courts won’t be able to convict you if I volunteered.”

Doctor Stable gave a smile and said, “Again, thank you so much for your help. The Staff will be happy that Screwy is back home safe and sound. She’ll have to stay here for a couple of days but I’m sure she’ll be home before anypony knows it.”

I walked out of the room, a slight skip in my step as I thought about what was coming.


I was walking through the quiet streets of Ponyville. For some reason the ground felt wet and muddy. Was there a rainstorm today I missed? Wow, the weather team must’ve had a serious incident for all of this to occur.

I then looked up at the stars in the night sky. Luna, guide my words and my steps tonight. I’m making a big step, and I could use your watch over me.

I saw as the stars moved themselves into a shape of Luna’s face. She smiled and winked at me before they realigned themselves. I’m guessing she’s glad I was willing to ask for her blessing on this night.

I walked towards the library when I noticed a light was shining above Ponyville, a violet Twilight cutie mark shaped star in the sky. I stared dumbfounded…

What happened while I was gone?

Author's Note:

To be continued...

Comments ( 23 )

Of course there's gonna be the finale......Private discovers that he's not only marrying the love of his life, but the love of his life is now a Princess (Twililcorn has happened, Private!!!)

*shakes Jacoboby* NEXT STORY!!! NOW!!!!!!


Omg!! You can't leave it there, just as she's getting the wings!! Ahhh!! BTW, I didn't receive a notice telling me this updated, is there something I'm supposed to click to get that to happen?

2757826I'm not sure how it works, I think you're just supposed to favorite it, conttact support.

2757849 OK, not getting all my reply notifications either. *sigh* ah well. Truth be told, I'm on here enough to manually check anyway, haha

I did your questionnaire also. :-) Looking forward to session 2

This takes place during s3 finale?!?!

2757987Yep, Private missed the events of Magical Mystery Cure

I walked towards the library when I noticed a light was shining above Ponyville, a violet Twilight cutie mark shaped star in the sky. I stared dumbfounded…
What happened while I was gone?


oh boy, Private...you just wait and see what happened while you were gone

This was a good story overall but also a bit confusing but now that ending.... Waiting for the next story and Private's reaction.

Great chapter can't wait for the next story. :eeyup::twilightsmile::yay:

You! Chapter(story?)! NOW! Jk, not that inpatient. Anyways, It took me awhile to see where this chapter was pointing. Even if I didn't entirely watchte season 3 finally (didn't really get into the musical theam of it) I try to at least get a story and saw the alicorn thing...

“We had a bit of an incident with the weather today,” he explained. “As well as with the food, the animals and all sorts of problems today. Thankfully, they were all resolved by Twilight Sparkle.”

I smell a side story... wait a minute... :rainbowhuh:

walked towards the library when I noticed a light was shining above Ponyville, a violet Twilight cutie mark shaped star in the sky. I stared dumbfounded…


"I hope nothing terrible had happened."
Private, have you never read a book? Anytime a character says that line, something terrible does happen! You've jinxed it!
Hell yeah he deserves what's coming to him!

Oh lord is that stallion in got a shock to the system...

Oh boy...things are now picking up! :eeyup:

2757225 I have a feeling this is NOT going to go well..

:rainbowderp: Whelp at least Private will get some closure on what those darn Feathers he keeps seeing mean

Well I guess Humans DO exist in the Noirverse! does that mean we can finally get a Turnabout Storm Noir fic?

2735903 woah woah woah HOLD IT! Eliyora reads EQNoir! SWEET!

4257703 I believe it's because many brony whovians consider Colgate to be the pony version of Jenny AKA The Doctor's Daughter myself included

5070779 not many people consider that but many of them do consider she is romana

Awesome read man I loved the doctor who feature. Best wishes

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