• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 7,427 Views, 447 Comments

"My little Dashie" Sequel - Roker999

After Dashie's disappearance, her dad ("daddy") desperately tries to find a way to get her back. He tries everything, but nothing seems to work. After months of research, he finds a solution. Or rather, the solution finds him. He reali

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The end - part 2

Unless you've gone skydiving, you would never understand the feeling of the adrenaline rushing through your veins; the thumping of your chest as your heart races faster than a Ferrari! This Enigmatic feeling, this feeling of being...alive! I don't know, I can't explain it. It's almost as if nothing else matters! You feel like yelling and laughing at the same time, it's insane!

I tried turning my face away from the fierce wind cutting my face, but that didn't seem to help. I had to keep my eyes on Fluttershy! After all, she's the reason I slipped over the railing in the first place! I wanted to go faster, almost as if I've been flying my entire life! I did learn a trick or two from that book I read, back on earth, about teaching baby birds to fly. Who am I kidding? I don't know how to fly! If only Dashie were here to help me! Stop, remember the episode where she saved Rarity from certain death? I have to replicate that situation! I must do it to save Fluttershy! I don't think there will be another batch of butterflies near the ground to save her... Wait a second, this is Equestria! I can evade the laws of physics! Here goes!

I began vigorously shaking my shoulders up and down, trying to get my wings to move. That didn't work! How am I supposed o know what muscles to move!? I'e never flown in my entire life! I glanced back at my wings, they were still neatly tucked into my sides. What the hell have I gotten myself into!? I can't even fly, and here I am, jumping over railing to save other ponies! Stop, I gotta think. My wings occasionally opened up, if only I could remember how to do that!

All these thoughts raced through my head in the matter of a few milliseconds. I tried everything, but nothing seemed to get my wings to budge! I scorched my face into a sneer, and thought to myself: "What's the matter with you!? You're Rainbow Dashes father! You're in Equestria! You can do anything!". With this, I felt something on my back move. I quickly glanced back, just in time to see my wings spread out, just like great big albatross! My wings were enormous compared to the wings of other pegasi. What am I doing? My wings are stopping me!

I dreadfully realized that my outstretched wing were actually making me slow down! Fluttershy was only but a speck in my eyes now! What if she'll hit the ground!? It'll be all my fault! I felt a hot gush of tears drench my face.

"No!!!" I yelled.

My wings arched backwards, causing the air to flow past them freely

"I won' let you die!!!" I screamed (I'm pretty sure the other heard me, I don't even know how)

The lashed my face and my shoulders as I shot down with amazing speed. I stuck my legs out in front of me, trying to block the wind from whipping my face. I felt a very strange sensation, almost as if the tips of my hooves were on fire! I didn't care! My mind was set on one thing: Save Fluttershy! I leaned forwards, and vigorously flapped my arched wings. My hooves were flaming hot! It spread to my forelegs and then to my shoulders and face! Then something strange happened. I quickly opened my eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of my legs. There was an amazing aura around them! Almost as if it was a mach cone! What if it is a mach cone!? I must be nearing the speed of sound! I must be getting closer to Fluttershy! (Remember, all this happened over a matter of a few seconds, so we weren't falling very long).

My whole body was flaming. The friction of the air was indescribably painful. It felt like my skin was going to be entirely torn off my body! I stretched out my body like an arrow, and the friction became o unbearable, that I started to yell from pain! At the same time, an odd electrical sensation jerked through my body, almost as if I fell into a pool with a toaster. I opened my eyes again, and I saw something that I'll remember for the rest of my life: There was an enormous Aura all around me, in the shape of a cone! I understood right away - this is a mach cone. I must be going so fast, that the air around me is flaming hot! I glanced ahead of me, Fluttershy was getting closer and closer! Electricity jolted through my body again, as I saw a strange electrical build-up forming in front of me. It spread around my entire body, and *BOOM*

"YAHOOOOOO!" I yelled, as I broke the sound barrier.

It felt like someone had stuck a stick of dynamite between my butt cheeks and set it off. I was dazzled! I didn't care about the pain, I had just performed a sonic Rainboom! Just as all these dazzling events settled, Fluttershy zipped past my head!

No! I'm flying too fast!

I spread out my wings, trying to make myself go slower. But just as I thought of turning back, I whirled around, almost as if my body knew what to do! I zipped back upwards. I had gone quite a long way down, so Fluttershy was yet again a speck in the sky. I kept my eyes focused on her, not paying attention to anything else. I felt a burning sensation on my hip (or buttocks); it felt like someone was pressing a red hot iron against me! I tried flapping my legs, but that didn't help. I didn't dare look back, I was afraid of losing sight of Fluttershy! Just as the burning sensation settled down, I spread out my arms (or legs) to try and grip Fluttershy.

This is insane, we'll get crushed to death at this speed!

I let her zip by me, yet again, and zoomed back down again. I hadn't noticed, but quite a crowd had gathered under us. It looks like my Sonic Rainboom caused quite a commotion! As I got closer to Fluttershy, I noticed a dazzled expression on her face, almost like she'd seen a ghost!

"I-I um..." She squeaked.

"Tell me later, gotta save you!. I said firmly.

"Wh-what's that on your-" She squealed.

"Later!" I yelled as I threw my arms around her shoulders.

I caught her as gently as possible. (Well, if causing her to blurt out "OOF" is gentle enough...)

I noticed the crowd below us had grown to enormous proportions ("Don't ponies in Canterlot have anything better to do?" I thought). I heard many of them muttering things like "Who is that...?" and "Is that the mare that disappeared a few weeks ago?" "No, that's not a mare, that's a stallion!" etc. I didn't want any unnecessary attention, so I swerved away from the crowd (some fillies below, in the crowd, ran after me, shouting with excitement). I easily cleared the Canterlot wall (I still was flying at an impressive speed, and hadn't noticed, until now, that a rainbow was unfurling behind me wherever I flew).

"Where's he going?" Muttered Twilight from the highest balcony of the tower (Everypony there saw everything, Scootaloo was freaking out, because of my sonic rainboom; not to mention, the force of the blast knocked them over).

"'Ah' have a hunch..." Whispered Applejack (leaning very close to Twilight's ear).

I headed straight for Ponyville (you could just about see the Apple orchards on the horizon). The sun was getting low, and just about disappeared behind the looming hills. When the last ray of sunlight vanished, I slowed down.

My heart began to race, I knew where I had to go. I had to see her. I had to see my little girl. How was I to know whether she was home or not? Heck, I didn't even know where she lived! All I had in my memory were faint images of her house, which I had seen on the show. I hadn't watched any episodes for at least a decade!

My eyes zigzagged across the country-side. I hoped I could notice something familiar, something I had seen before. The only thing more or less familiar was the silhouette of twilight's enormous tree-house.

"How do I find Dashie?" I muttered to myself.

I felt a few drops of cold sweat trickle down my neck. What if my baby girl wasn't home? What if Celestia had lied to me? What if Dashie's memories of me are being erased right now!

"Where are you!?" I yelled.

My voice echoed through the empty streets. Nobody had heard me. I hovered over to the roof of sugar-cube corner (I happened to notice it. How could you not notice a giant house made of candy?) ant sat down on top of the chimney.

"Where are you..." I sighed.


Comments ( 57 )

it just doesnt feel genuine enough for me to read it. it wasnt made by the same guy :(
maybe some random coaxing will help

3884878 theres "official sequels" out. ones that were endorsed and chosen as canon to the original story. theres MLD as you know, Then MLD Sequel, MLD the Third, And Then MLD The Fourth which is the full ending to the story line.

Yay roker... Someone listens to me for once... My life is complete.. Now i am ready for the sweet embrace of death... That makes me wonder. What wouls happen...if instead of air, my lungs had and needed nacho cheese.... Hmm who has the chios??

Me and my army supports this story:pinkiesmile:

3885394 I wonder what would have happened if I didn't con roker into finishing it?

3885632 walk... I admit I've seen spin offs, but this is probably one of the more unique ones. ;)

*watches as story starts to gnaw on another story's head* Roker, mate, you might want to look into that.

Comment posted by SuperGiantRobot deleted Feb 2nd, 2014

3885815 I don't read fan-fictions. If there are any similarities with another story it's completely by chance.

3885632 I understand. That's why I held back from finishing this thing for so long - I thought people wouldn't approve of it. Alas, I must finish what I have begun. Might as well put this to an end so I can start writing other fics.

P.S. for everybody: If you just came across this fan-fiction, don't read it. It's too long and it's not worth your time. I'm only finishing it because I promised a few people I would.

What happened to fluttershy?

I have been waiting for this. Thank you thank you:pinkiehappy: I can't wait to see it finished. :twilightsmile:


"Where are you!?" I yelled.

Comment posted by Zervziel deleted Feb 3rd, 2014

3886217 I was jokingly hinting that the story was a zombie.

i needs moar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3886217 finish moar...... We must have moar... And then a threequel..... A threequel must be made... And then a quadruquel... And then a toilet... I mean cheese curds... Yes cheese curds

3889284 I really don't think I can milk this story-line any more. A threequel wouldn't make any sense, lol.

3890021 you know...id say make it about magical unicorns and rainbows.... But this is probably the only story that actually works for here..... Tehrhrhr

3886248 It was worth my time dear author

3886248 it is worth my time.

this is a very good story so far, and I can't wait to read more of it. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I approve of this FIMfic, I absolutely love it! :)

This is quite amazing.


Don't say it isn't worth my time, CUZ IT IS :D

4091585 New chapter coming soon

Can't wait for the new chapter :)

4181355 I might try to finish it all in one chapter, but I have so much in mind ugh! :pinkiecrazy:

Please please please finish it and if you wan make more your stuff is brilliant and I don't care what you think or what others say I love it and your great
I'm going though some rough times right now and honestly this story has kept me going so please finish it it's my fav fanfic

Bronys 4eva

Also thank you cause without knowing it you've helped me a lot though hard times I can always look forward to rereading what you've already writ as a fellow writer (I don't writ fanfic tho but imma start soon) I would like to say I look up I your works so thank you

4257976 Hey man, I appreciate the support. I've been going through tough times, too. Which is why i couldn't finish this story. But I will.

Yeah thx man and I'm so sorry to hear about your girl it's a heartbreaking story and I hope for the best for you, as you seem like a real nice guy
Just remember never lose hope that's what I have to tell myself

4374074 Really busy, haven't been able to find the time to update it. But I will eventually

Lol I feel like an ass for not finishing this story

Hey. I better see this finished mate. I can't just sit here, waiting...

please hurry up, and if u could write a fanfic about mr.dash and applejack that be amazing, cuz I think they have feeling for each other :ajsmug:

3884946 May you possibly post a link to these? I'm intrigued and want to read them but cant find them.

MLD Sequel
MLD Third
MLD Fourth

In most of these, the epilogues do not happen. but the stories are still very good.

4721555 Ah thank you greatly, I shall read these post haste!

i swear to GOD if this doesn't get updated I'M GOING TO KILL SOMETHING.:pinkiecrazy:

4724311 ...Calm down, Pinkamena.
(Sorry, bad joke.):twilightsheepish:

4729692 i have to admit that was kinda funny :twilightsmile: but things die everyday right :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


dude me and my friend are fucking obsessed with this story and REALLY want to see it finished.:twilightsmile:

4745194 UGH FINE I'LL WORK ON IT TOMORROW GAH:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

4770515 swear to god if you dont live up to your word im going to MURDER SOMETHING:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

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