• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 598 Views, 7 Comments

The Mission - Blueness

What would you do to protect those you love? I have to go to Ponyville, but it's not the adventure I exactly had in mind...

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t in the same room. Instead of a bedroom, I was in a giant room, from ruins of some sort. The ceiling was completely gone, revealing the stars in the night sky. Pillars led up to where it would’ve been. Some pillars didn’t even reach the ceiling height, because they were broken. In between pillars, huge windows took up the rest of the walls, all mostly shattered. But in the middle, there was a huge dais. It had six arms connected with holder platforms at the end. , and in the middle of that was a larger platform. This whole structure was white, like bones, and covered in plants. The room around us was a purple hue in the darkness of the night. To the far side of the room, there was a door. It was a dark wood-like red. That was where we appeared, except one thing was different. I wasn’t human.
Now I was a pony, ready to perform my duty.

Nightmare’s “modifications” weren’t that different from my original design. First, I was slightly bulkier, making my chest a bit bigger. Secondly, my hooves weren’t the same color. Instead of being the same color as my muzzle, they were a navy blue.

“Do you like your new body? Not that you have any choice, but I thought I would ask. I’ve changed color to discreetly signify your loyalty to me. Your added strength will be necessary in case you should experience any…problems.”

I knew what she meant. If someone got too curious and started asking questions, I had to silence them, and I had a feeling she didn’t care how. Also, earlier she mentioned war, so I guess I had to be prepared for that, too.

She continued her briefing. “What we are now in is the ruins of the ancient castle used by the Royal Pony Sisters. I suppose you know who they are as well. While you obtain the information, my minions will reconstruct this place so it is fit to house me as the New Queen of Equestria! Now, be aware, we are in the middle of what is known as the Everfree Forest, so before you go, I will provide you with a map showing you the way in and out. The closest town from the forest is, as you know, Ponyville. You’ll start out there. I think I’ve covered everything. Any questions?”

“I’m still confused about one thing.”

While she had been speaking, she had strolled over to the center. Now, she turned back to me, her eyes flashing in annoyance, probably expecting a stupid question.

“From what I know, you were defeated by the Elements of Harmony in this same place. How did you return?”

She seemed shocked at such a question, but still amused at the same time.

“It seems you’ve caught on faster than I thought. I’m impressed. Very well.”

Her eyes flashed white and, again, I was sent into the state of watching. We were in a castle, but this one was more elegant, and white. In what looked to be a throne room, stood another mare. She looked like Nightmare Moon, only smaller. Her eyes were normal, unlike Nightmare’s, which were serpentine, and her coat was a dark purple-blue instead of night black. Her mane was flowing like a sea of stars. Her chest carried a piece of night black armor with a crescent moon, the same as the tattoo on her flank. She was also an alicorn.
Princess Luna, who raises the moon and paints the night sky. This was her normal self, not being driven by anger and jealousy, which Nightmare Moon was.

However, she seemed beside herself, as if something was troubling her, and she was trying to figure out what to do. She was also talking to herself, which was even more concerning.

"Another day, everypony plays. Another night, everypony hides.” She sighed.

All of the sudden Nightmare Moon spoke up in my head.

“Although when defeated, I was separated from Luna’s body, I still have connections to her. Her jealousy and hatred were removed but not official. Emotions can be doused, but the chance for them to reignite is still there.”

Luna, being oblivious to this, as it was a memory or vision of some sort, continued on talking.

“It’s been a thousand years, and still nothing has changed. I raise and lower the moon, bringing night to the land, and nopony notices, despite the occasional stargazer.”

She looked out the window, a hurt, lonely expression on her face.

“And the only time anypony recognizes me is when I scare them out of their horseshoes at Nightmare Night! Is all this effort really worth it? Do I deserve this?”

She looked up, now serious. “No, I do not deserve to be ignored and neither does my night! They’ll see!”
All of the sudden, she rose up, jumping into the air, hovering with her wings, and shouted, her voice reverberating throughout the castle. In anger, she seemed to grow, becoming more menacing.


It seemed as if a lightning bolt struck down in the distance, from what I sawin the window, despite there being no storm clouds.

As if recognizing this, Luna began to descend back to the ground, shocked as if she had done the unthinkable. When she touched down, she continued to speak:

“What am I doing the only thing I’ll accomplish from this is another thousand years on the moon. Or worse. Besides, there are ponies that do appreciate my work. Like Celestia, the best older sister one could have. I don’t want to hurt her again.”

With that, the vision faded, and the beautiful castle returned to the old ruins. Princess Luna was not there, just me and Nightmare Moon.

Not exactly what one would expect.

Despite the memory being over, the queen still looked out at something that was not there. Eventually, she remembered to come back, and continued the story.

“That one outburst was all I needed. With that, the fire reignited, and power soon flowed through my veins, and I was reborn. Now, I will take my revenge. On the Princesses, and on the Elements of Harmony.” Each name she spat out like a rotten apple. “And I will rule Equestria in eternal night.”

She stared off into the distance again, leaving me a moment of silence to think. Looking everything over, I was still confused.

“But why me?”

Coming back to reality again, she looked at me, no expression, just a look.

So I elaborated the question: “I mean, why choose me to do this? There are hundreds, maybe thousands of other humans like me, who probably might do a better job.”

She turned away before responding. “Because you’re not like those thousands of others. You have something they do not. I have not yet identified it, but it made you stand out against all odds. I have a feeling it will help you in your mission.”

Author's Note:

Questions? Leave me a comment below, and stay tuned for the next chapter!