• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 598 Views, 7 Comments

The Mission - Blueness

What would you do to protect those you love? I have to go to Ponyville, but it's not the adventure I exactly had in mind...

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

It was Tuesday, my favorite day of the week. Don’t ask why, it just is.

Before I left for school that morning, my Mom told me she was going over to her friend’s house to watch a movie, and that Dad was working. She would be back in time to grab the kids off the bus when they got home from school. That gave me a little time to myself, alone in the house.

Enough time to execute my plan.

I was walking home, listening to the radio on my phone. The house was in view. I just had to cross the street and get inside, when I got a strange text on my phone. It was a number I didn’t recognize, and no information was given in the text. It was just a question. Simple, but it seemed slightly creepy and threatening:

“Are you prepared?”

It snapped me to attention and put me on edge. It reminded me about my experiment I was going to try that day. Did this person know about it? And who was it, anyway?

When the road was clear, I ran across, fumbled with my key as I unlocked the door, and slammed it shut behind me, locking it.

I relaxed a little. My home was a place of safety, away from the world. I was in familiar surroundings. The same living room with an L-shaped couch in front of the T.V., same dark red-brown table surrounded by chairs, and a bench by the wall. Beside the table, a door to the kitchen, and beside that, a buffet cabinet filled with mementos and things, same color as the table. Everything I recognized, everything the same. I was home.
But things were about to change.

I went about my daily business I do after school. Hang up my coat, unpack my lunch bag. Then I have time to do things. I could play video games on the T.V., on the laptop, which was on the table in the living room, or I could go on the desktop in my parents’ room. That one has internet.
But that wasn’t what I was going to do. Not today.

I did stroll on down to my parents’ room, trying to make it look natural, like I knew nothing, I was unsuspicious. If that happened, the thing might make itself more visible. Then I could confront it.
That was the plan: to talk to it. After that, I didn’t know.

Great plan, right?

I entered my parents’ room and scanned the area. Dresser, painted white, beside a bed with two night stands with lamps. There was also a dresser by the door, dark brown-red wood. At the end of the room, in a square, there was a carpet with a black chair on top of it beside a drawer for filing. To the left was where my Dad kept all his nice clothes and stuff. Shirts and suits on the hangars, other things underneath. To the right was the computer. Usually, it’s got papers and stuff on it, but it has enough room for the mouse. But now, there was one paper in particular that stood out to me. It was just there, perfectly placed, while other papers were a mess, and a strange hue, as well: Blue-purple. It was even glittery, weird. But what really struck me is what it said on it: Short, simple, but really scary, like the text message. In big bold letters, it said:


All of the sudden, it looked like the paper exploded into a cloud of black-blue smoke, but it was still on the desk. It looked like it had more words on it now. The force of cloud of smoke threw me back and down on the floor. Then it began to spin, forming a tight ball of what looked like stars in the night sky, which would explain the color. Then, in a brilliant flash of white light, there stood the most amazing yet unnerving creature I’ve seen.
She was tall, slender, and had an evil smirk across her face. Her skin was black as night, making her soft purple armor and helmet stand out from her. Let me just say now, she was a horse, so the rest of the description isn’t weird. Her mane and tail didn’t look like actual hair, more like a smoky part of space connected to her body. And, if you haven’t noticed yet, she wasn’t just any horse. She was a unicorn with wings. Then I noticed a theme as she approached me, dwarfing me to an ant with her looks. Her armor, colors, and mane, all put together made a creature representing all there was of her world, and it went with a strange crescent moon tattoo on her flank.

I knew this creature. All Bronies did.

She was Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

Questions? Leave me a comment below, and stay tuned for the next chapter!