
Viewing 41 - 60 of 65 results

UtM done for now, TLaTU on deck... · 6:31pm Dec 4th, 2017

With the latest chapter of Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night behind me (and if you haven't checked it out, what's keeping you? :twilightsmile:), I'll be aiming for a release of the next (and next-to-last) chapter of The Lawyer and The Unicorn either this weekend or early next week. It should be a schedule I can keep, given there are 4500 words already written--I was halfway through it before I stopped to work UtM-NN in the lead-up to Halloween. Regardless, since we're now in the

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TLaTU - T-rated version ready for launch! · 11:12pm May 12th, 2018

Initial launch will comprise a prologue plus eight chapters, with additional chapter releases occurring at the rate of one per day after. At that rate, the story will reach the start of the trial by this time next week with plenty to read in the meantime.

Here’s what to expect:

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Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night passes 150 likes! · 5:48pm Mar 26th, 2018

After a very good week for not just it but all my stories, the newest incarnation of Unleash the Magic stands as of this writing at 155/20. As a thank you and reward for all readers, both old and new, I'm writing a fresh chapter of it next. Be looking for it in a couple weeks, with updates and teasers as we get closer.

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August Outlook: TLaTU revamp and Firefly · 6:18pm Aug 2nd, 2019

Just wanted to let everyone know that in the first half of the month, I'm going to start a revamp of The Lawyer and The Unicorn, giving it the same attention and treatment I gave Turnabout Storm last year. That means edits, cleanup, fixes, and even the possibility of some new content.

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Taking a break... · 3:09pm Mar 31st, 2023

My writing motivation is a bit low right now in the wake of the big push I put on the last couple chapters, and I’m not finding the desire to continue with C&C at the moment except in very small segments. So maybe it’s just best to step away from it and focus on other things for a bit. But I did want to welcome new readers aboard and thank everyone who left feedback, which I always appreciate. It was another successful release and the story continues to accumulate new tracks with likes being a

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President's Day Story Priorities · 10:20pm Feb 12th, 2016

After an unpleasant couple weeks of work, I've got a three day weekend to unwind and take advantage of. Here's my writing schedule to come, in order of priority:

1. Unleash the Magic:

Thanks to the long weekend, the next Unleash the Magic: Midnight Rising chapter draft should be finished by Monday or sooner, and will be posted as soon as it passes prereaders. Needless to say, I think you all know what happens next... :twilightsmile:

2. The Lawyer and The Unicorn

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Knee surgery tomorrow... · 2:13am Sep 20th, 2017

So a couple months ago, my gym partner convinced me to start training to run a half-marathon with him. Feeling game, I began to, but pushed too hard too fast and didn’t upgrade my shoes or socks to something more suitable for running. I made it up to five miles, but the result was severe foot blisters... and a cartilage tear in my right knee that caused severe swelling and pain.

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Take it from me, folks... · 9:50pm Mar 26th, 2020

Nothing is ever as bad--or as good--as it first seems. So do yourselves a favor and don't obsess over Coronavirus; checking news feeds and numbers constantly. It won't change anything and the overly-sensationalistic (and often false) coverage won't accomplish anything except to heighten anxiety. This thing will run its course and we'll come out the other side of it in decent shape; in the meantime just take care of yourselves and take what precautions you can.

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Day 6 success! · 5:22pm Jun 18th, 2016

For my last full day in Las Vegas, I sat down for a single playing session... that lasted nearly eleven hours. I played in the $375 deepstack at the new Aria casino resort about a mile south of Harrah's. How did I do? Here's the tournament board when I went out:

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TLaTU-T finished; what's next? · 7:49pm Jun 19th, 2018

Finally got my vacation and I'm spending a week-plus in Las Pegasus Vegas starting two days ago. How is it? Hot and dry. Temperatures forecast to be 110F later this week, but they keep the giant poker rooms at the Rio conference center they use for the WSOP (World Series of Poker) so cool I had to buy a sweatshirt. How am I doing? Played three daily tournaments and hit the money (barely) the first time, just missed it the second, and did very badly on the third thanks to one stupid

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What's ahead · 4:58pm Apr 12th, 2017

I'm currently working on a new Call of Duty: Equestrian Warfare chapter for Raven that is the story climax and may well be the story ending. The rewrite has been going off and in for well over a year now and it's time to conclude it. Those of you curious to see how pony strength, weather control and magic would do against modern human weapons and how the Mane 6 would react to an invasion of Ponyville by

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Independence for Turnabout Storm! · 4:14pm Sep 5th, 2019

In a manner of speaking as its number of likes just reached 1776, the same number as the year of American Independance! I'd like to thank yet again everyone who read, enjoyed, or commented on the novelization, as well as the original author, Chrome Regios, who took on this Herculean task to begin with and churned out the first 42 chapters. The stories this work has spawned live on as well, in the form of the The Lawyer and The Unicorn, and the Firefly series. And of course, let's

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Flight of Firefly initial release finished... · 6:41pm Sep 11th, 2017

And I'm calling it a success, as it garnered nearly 50 likes, 100 tracks and 80+ comments... as well as featuring as an update at the end! I do wish it had been able to feature immediately as a new story, but that's a very tall order for a non-clopfic, non-one-shot AU war story that doesn't involve a single member of the Mane 6. Despite those handicaps, it did well, and I couldn't be happier with the final result. It's rare that a sequel outdoes the original, but thus far this one has!

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Five Stars Revamp complete, TLaTU on deck... · 4:38pm Mar 6th, 2018

Did you know Five Stars has a political party on Earth? It's true! And how appropriate she'd be the impetus behind an Italian populist party seeking to shake up the status quo...

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Surgery done... · 3:36pm Sep 20th, 2017

I’m back home after getting up at 4:45 for this and dragging my gym friend out of bed to drive me there and back. Took a little more than three hours after I walked in the hospital door. Little pain so far and no need for the crutches they gave me as I’m walking fine without them. That may change as the painkiller they gave at the time wears off, but so far, so good.

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New Avatar!!! And a new Firefly Chapter nearly finished... · 5:43pm Jun 19th, 2017

I'd like to give a big shout-out and thank-you to Raven Regios, for commissioning a picture of me as a present, surprising me with it this past weekend. She said it was a gift and thank-you to me for all the help I'd given her stories. So thank you very much, Raven! This was very sweet and I appreciate it greatly! I like it a lot and have very happily made it my new Avatar.

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Come to think of it, why wait to release the T-rated TLaTU...? · 9:01pm May 10th, 2018

You know, I've thought about it, and there's really no reason for me to wait until the entirety of TLaTU is converted to a T-rated story before releasing it. Especially when I can convert the first six or so chapters in a matter of hours.

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Back to work... · 6:02pm Jul 27th, 2021

At the office following vacation, where I continue to man the fort pretty much alone while everyone else works from home, and on Feathered Hearts, where I have decided to do one more all-new transition chapter before resuming work on editing the original chapters. The objective is to merge the new storyline back into the original and smooth the way forward. As for why, when I thought about it, it just didn’t seem right or fair to jump back into the original story without addressing

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Magic Unleashed! And now... · 10:13pm Jan 4th, 2016

Well, folks... Midnight's vengeance is complete! Hope you enjoyed the ride! :rainbowwild: You know what's coming next, but not right away. There are a couple things I have to get to first, including an editing job/rewrite of a friend's story and adding a new chapter to one of my other existing works.

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State of The Stories Report · 1:16am Oct 28th, 2016

The latest chapter release of Five Star Service was, by most measures, a success. It featured for a couple hours for the first time in perhaps a dozen chapters, and gained nine faves for it. However, it also picked up three downvotes, which never happened on a single chapter save the first. That's the problem with featuring; it gets your more notice but you risk more downvotes as well... and downvotes tend to affect your story rating much more than upvotes.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 65 results