Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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TSongs of the Spheres
Twilight Sparkle comes across a strange black ball with the power to travel to other worlds.
GMSeskii · 2.1m words  ·  568  47 · 15k views


Geez, I can't review my own fic! That's not fair! Graaaaaaagh!

Let's get this over with: I think my story's good. I think my story's long. I think you should take a look at it, but you don't have to in order to understand LSB. What's it about? The wider multiverse. The realms beyond what a bunch of white unicorns are exploring... The founding and times of Merodi Universalis. I poured my heart and soul into this thing, so pleeeeease?

Now, on to more in-depth reviews.

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Too much of a good thing is filling the human universe, and Sunset Shimmer is the only one who can solve the problem before it annihilates her new home.
FanOfMostEverything · 36k words  ·  1,081  22 · 18k views


Now, here's a good fic about colorful humans and magic. A lot of the allure of this story comes from some of the stuff that happens later into it, so I won't spoil it, but suffice it to say the ending - while a bit rushed - is gold and opens up millions of possibilities for side stories. Of which several dozen have been written. This little fic about magic and humans is the focal point of, essentially, a gigantic shared universe of sorts I haven't even scratched the surface of yet.

As for the rest of the story, it's an amusing one filled with FanofMostEverything's signature brand of humor. A mix of banter, references, and quirky observations on life. A lot of it is headcanon-heavy, but unlike a lot of stories which feel kind of preachy about that sort of thing, this one takes the opportunity to craft the human world into something that really ISN'T like our own, and that's amazing. The basic story is: whoops, magic is leaking from Equestria and messing with the natural order of things on Earth. Sunset and the others have to figure out what's going on, encountering fun personalities such as Dr. Discord in his Not A Human Testing Installation. It's a charming read.

Only issue? Goes too fast at the end. Really could have been longer.

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TLetters to the Sun
It's been two hundred years since Twilight Sparkle last saw her beloved teacher. Now, she begins writing to her once more.
Horizon Runner · 21k words  ·  234  7 · 3k views


Back when I was but a lowly fanfic reader with a kindle, I sought out all the science-fiction fics I could. I grabbed them by the truckload, downloaded them, and spent hours upon hours reading through them.

This one was the best out of all of them.

It's a simple setup: Twilight is writing letters to Celestia about how Equestria has changed and grown in the centuries she's been alive. Each letter focuses on one of the Elements of Harmony and how they influenced the world of Epona (EGAD! NOT EQUIS!) as it grew to encompass the stars. Virtually every sentence in these letters fuels the mind - bringing forth new possibilities and excitement. The letters rarely go into detail about anything, instead capturing the personal meaning everything has to Twilight, leaving so much open to the imagination. And while with many stories that openness tends to make me annoyed, here it... doesn't. Because it makes sense, speaks more to the character of Twilight, and, well, allows you to let your mind run wild. You don't feel upset that your questions haven't been answered because it's such a short read, and the questions didn't matter. What mattered is what the world MEANT.

This is one of the best pieces of worldbuilding I have ever read and it easily claims the ten out of ten spot. It is one of the best fics on this site, hands down.

Issues? Can't really think of any. My annoyance used to be that it was incomplete, but it ended up completing out of the blue one day, so that was the best day ever. Just go read it, you won't be disappointed.

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TUndead Robot Bug Crusaders
Scootaloo has a secret. So do Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. What happens when the truth comes out?
Banjo64 · 135k words  ·  2,729  37 · 40k views


Imma be honest, the only reason I looked at this fic was because the author contacted me in the early days of LSB and said 'hey, this'd be cool'. So I read it. And... well, it made it in, and was a good read. Charming, cute, and filled with odd quirks. A lot of the time it didn't seem to have any idea where it was going, a couple times the comedy overruled the plot/drama, and things sometimes 'just happened' and we accepted them and moved on. It was a strange recipe for jello that I looked at uncertain if it'd hold together.

I'm still not certain. But I definitely had FUN. Overall, it may have been a bit disorganized, but the chapter-to-chapter fun was fun. It was FUNNY. And there were so. Many. Antics. The comedy in this crusader story shines through jump-cuts, random trope-filled weirdness, and BANTER (a known soft spot of mine.) The Crusaders all have secrets: Apple Bloom is undead, Scootaloo's a changeling, and Sweetie was Sweetie Bot the entire time. Things you want to care about: WHY IS SWEETIE BELLE A ROBOT? WHAT ARE GHOULS? Things you end up caring about: I wonder what kind of snarky remark Scootaloo's brother Twitch is going to shout next time we see him...

Basically, it's fun to read, regardless of whatever else is in it. You'll come for the undead robot bugs. You'll stay for the three bantering kids.

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TTwilight VS Anime
In a sudden wave of chaos magic, Discord transforms Equestria, and it is up to Twilight to set things ri- hey, where's she going?
Lupine Infernis · 51k words  ·  91  6 · 2.2k views


This fic exemplifies the art of "stupid and awesome". The premise? Discord had discovered anime and has made it so all the over-the-top antics of the foreign media can be re-enacted in real life. All of Ponyville is completely SOLD on this and super-duper excited. Except Twilight. Who nobody bothered to tell about the whole anime thing. Now she is the Chosen Killjoy who must journey to Canterlot and remove Discord's anime spell on the land. By going through a series of anime fights.

It's just as stupid as it sounds and I love every minute of it. I hope you like over-the-top fights and anime parodies because that is ALL you're going to get here. There's not really anything else. Does there need to be, really? It's exactly what it sets out to be, and it never tries to be anything other than that. This limits it in some ways - it can't be absolutely amazing, or leave quite as much of an emotional impact on you as other stories might - but it's great.

It's flaw? I hope you know what anime tropes are. Don't? I pity you.

Also I don't know what it was about the ending but it didn't really connect with me. Might be a consequence of being impossible to take seriously by design. I still HIGHLY recommend it for the sheer absurdity that pours out.

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EPickles & Milk
Spades Duck has a pregnant wife. She wants pickles and milk. Spades Duck attempts to obtain pickles and milk for her. Stupidity ensues.
moonbutters · 19k words  ·  12  10 · 549 views



Why did you write this? Do you like tormenting other people? Do you like tormenting yourself!? Why did you ask me to write a bonus chapter even though I'd never read it? Why did I say yes before I read it? Why did I find it funny? Why did I write the chapter?

All good questions, none of which will ever have satisfactory answers.

This fic is bad. This fic is really, really bad. This fic is so bad it's good and then it's bad again and then it's good again. I dare you to read it. You will find horrors beyond your wildest dreams and an insanity that never leaves. You must leave a downvote - for it is the only appropriate response - and then you will try to bleach it from your mind. But you will not be able to. For it comes, and it does not leave.

What's it about? It doesn't matter, because the story's not about that. Except it is. But it isn't.

Screw you moonbutters and your horrible, horrible, infectious mind.

And yes I say that knowing full well it makes you squee in glee.

Don't listen to him when he says the story is over. It isn't. It goes on and on and on and on...

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TGhost Hunter Twilight
Welcome to a different sort of Equestria, there is no Nightmare Moon or Princess Celestia, No elements of Harmony and no bad guys. Just normal ponies doing normal pony things. Like sleep in bushes, read the thoughts of dragons, and believe in ghosts.
Keywii_Cookies55 · 35k words  ·  25  2 · 1.3k views


I am very, very conflicted about this story. On one hand the world is full of intrigue and ideas I've never seen used anywhere else, so much so that on it's own it sure doesn't feel like an Equestria. On the other hand, it's not written particularly well, the main Twilight isn't likable, and it doesn't go far enough with any of its ideas. I'm sorry that I can't actually recommend it.

Why is it in the LSB? Well, it's written by one of my best friends, a great guy with amazing ideas, and we hashed this chapter out together. Considering how our last collaboration attempt went, the LSB chapter's success is pretty amazing.

I can only recommend it if you really like unusual worlds and want a place where ponies are decidedly A) stupid or B) jerks. It's unfortunate I have to give it this review, writing the chapter was actually kind of fun.

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TStargate: Shangri-La
Adventures, exploration and discovery continue as the alliance of two great races face the danger and the unknowns that lie within this new network. What secrets will be revealed as a hidden chapter of the Ancient's Legacy unravels before them?
Grey Ghost · 162k words  ·  970  45 · 12k views


I love Stargate to a fault. It was one of the first worlds I included in Songs of the Spheres for a reason - unlike a lot of other science fiction, it's got some decidedly more human characters of a kind we can identify with. Furthermore, it doesn't take itself quite as seriously, loving to engage in comedic banter and shenanigans.

This fic certainly has that - when using characters that are already defined. There are a lot of original characters created specifically for this story, and they simply aren't as interesting as the ponies or the SGC personnel we already know. (You probably need to be a Stargate fan to get the most out of this story). That's not to say this story isn't without merit - it's just that character isn't its strong point. It focuses, instead, on a lot of exposition and lore. This can be a problem for a lot of people - and I myself was dragged down by it - but the massive lorebuilding project IS a valid fic, and certain people will really enjoy the synthesis of pony and Stargate mythology.

The story is heavily bogged down by the exposition, but in the more recent chapters it appears to be coming out of it, focusing a bit more on the action and interesting antics rather than continual explanation. So, in the end, I'm mixed. I both really enjoyed my time in this story and found it boring at times. But hey, if you are one of those people who like exposition and lore, you will enjoy this.

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ESweetie Belle and the Tablet of Knowledge
Sweetie Belle finds an artifact of vast knowledge from a long lost civilization. Book I of III.
CheshireTwilight · 79k words  ·  1,417  36 · 17k views


This one deserves all the likes it has gotten. It is a cute story about Sweetie Belle when she gets inadvertently connected with an ancient Artificial Intelligence that will answer virtually every question. She, unfortunately, finds that the Tablet of Knowledge prevents her from telling anyone about it. So she uses the Tablet's massive knowledge to go on a quest to find out how to turn that off - all the while trying to avoid the Mane 6 who are trying to stop Sweetie, thinking she's infected by some ancient dark magic.

It's a great story that plays a lot with lore, legacy, and the shortcomings of knowledge. It gets a little exposition-heavy from time to time, but that's nicely balanced by the antics of Sweetie and the Tablet. Go read it, you won't regret it.

It does have a sequel, but unfortunately, it's incomplete and it has been incomplete for a while. It's very good, but it leaves a lot of stuff hanging.

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This series of videos is a curious alternate universe set to music, stylized animation, and a whole crap-ton of creativity. I highly recommend it - it's not even a huge time investment, maybe an hour total. The story is that, what if, instead of the EQG universe was on the other side of the mirror portal, there was a completely different world? One where magic didn't work the same, but everyone was still ponies? What if Sunset was originally from this world? So many questions are answered here...

For the "Different View of History" video, turn on subtitles to get lore details. Make sure to look up "Different View Crazy Walk" since it isn't on the main playlist or the main animator's channel.

Go watch, enjoy, and immerse yourself in a curious animation world.

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What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on.
TheMajorTechie · 74k words  ·  315  15 · 5.9k views


Pony-Me™ has one of the strongest starts of a fic I've ever seen. Twilight Sparkle wakes up and realizes she's been a human this entire time, living as an alicorn princess through a virtual reality machine. She has to come to terms with the world she finds herself in and has to decide if she wants to go back to the simulation. It's enthralling and drags you along every step of the way as you walk with Twilisa.

And then the story starts branching off into alternate endings and loses it's charm rather quickly. It stops having an idea of where it's going, and things just seem to happen without as much emotional attachment for the reader. I still recommend it, but you'll have to remember it for the early stuff rather than the laster.

The idea is excellent. The execution starts out brilliant and goes down. Make of this what you will.

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TThe Motion of the Stars
Once upon a time, Equestria burned in the fires of war. Now it falls to two sisters to reclaim what they can.
Carabas · 14k words  ·  326  7 · 5.4k views


This story is pretty short, and it uses that time well. It tells a simple, yet emotionally jarring, story of Rarity and Sweetie Belle long after the war. The sun and moon have stopped moving, and they need to set it back in motion... I hesitate to say much more because, for a tiny story, anything I say is probably spoilerific.

Its main issue is not actually a problem: it's just so short I didn't get time to become as invested with the characters as I could have otherwise, so my rating is probably lower than it would have been for a longer story. It sometimes has a few problems integrating the flashbacks into the narrative, but it's nothing you can't work past with a little effort.

It's definitely a worthwhile read.

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EThere are No Ponies in Equestria
Turns out, it was all a big misunderstanding.
TheDriderPony · 40k words  ·  769  18 · 9.3k views


I do seem to like my 8/10 ratings...

This story is short, silly, sweet, and totally incomplete but that doesn't matter it's still a joy to read. The premise: there are no ponies in Equestria. It was all a huge misunderstanding. Every last one of them is a displaced human who has been trying to remain secret. Naturally, the cat is out of the bag here, and not only do we get to see some comedic antics we get to see how the world changes once the secret it out. This premise is absolutely absurd and improbable but it's amazing nonetheless.

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TSunshine and Fire
Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna are transported into a strange alternate Equestria, the Land of Always Summer, where the day lasts forever and a terrible queen rules with an iron hoof.
BornIn1142 · 168k words  ·  1,386  32 · 22k views


Back in the early days of the fandom, before alicorn Twilight, before Sombra, before I even bothered to show up, this story came into being. A story about two princesses, a unicorn, and an earth pony activist thrown into a world where "the day will last forever." The world of Always Summer is absolutely amazing - built from the ground up, filled with interesting characters and harsh realities. The story keeps you invested every step of the way in a curious interpretation of Princess Celestia, a Twilight who has not gone through enough to be ready for the hardships ahead of her, and a bunch of alternate versions of ponies who are tragically recognizable but have been forced to change in the harshness of reality. There's political discusison, philosophy, and emotional turmoil at every turn as well as a seemingly endless supply of creative worldbuilding. The only problem? It's incomplete, woefully incomplete, and hasn't updated since 2015.

And thus the League comes along to try and give it an ending. Here's to hoping it works.

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TFey Breeze
Magic has come to the world. That doesn't mean it was always gone.
Masterweaver · 22k words  ·  125  3 · 2.5k views


This story is part of the Oversaturated world, and requires knowledge of the base story and the story listed as its prequel (what shy did on her summer vacation). Even with all that, it still suffers from one major detriment: being immensely confusing. Some of the confusion can be pushed away as intentional, seeing as the Fay involved are word-bending tricksters that never want to say anything right-out. So the confusion adds a bit of intrigue to the story, and there are a lot of cool ideas in play here once you tease them out. I enjoyed my time here despite the constant feeling of "I have no idea what's going on" and needing to rely heavily on Masterweaver to explain stuff. It's worth a read if you like Oversat and don't mind feeling lost.

Also, yes, fey, Fay, and Fae all mean different things. Make of this what you will.

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TThe Enchanted Library
When one fateful search through the Everfree Forest leads Rarity to a secret library inhabited by the spirit of an ancient alicorn princess, she realises that it may be time to start believing in fairy tales.
Monochromatic · 337k words  ·  4,666  69 · 66k views


What makes a perfect score? The story must not only be good, written well, and have great ideas - it must also IMPACT me.

I can identify problems with this story. But it also had one of the single-largest impacts of any of my Legendary Favorites - made me rethink an entire genre. You may have heard me in the past talk about my disdain for romance in general, and there are even a few commentaries in Songs of the Spheres about how it's shallow and takes away from things when it's the focus. That's still true in a lot of cases, and my criticism of pure shipping still stands. But... I was wrong about romance in general. Here, we have a story that is both adventure and romance. When I started reading it, I cared more about the adventure than the silly little fluff happening between Rarity and Twilight. At the end, I cared a ton more about these two ponies that just needed to be HAPPY GOSH DARN IT than the whole adventure aspect. And that was Monocrhomatic's trick, and it worked like a charm. You, go read the Enchanted Library, even if you hate romance. You will be amazingly surprised. This is an absolute masterpiece and I cannot stress how much it changes things.

-GM, master of pieces.

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TProject: Sunflower
As the Earth is under threat, humanity reaches out for one last hope of salvation.
Hoopy McGee · 243k words  ·  5,174  92 · 53k views


Yeah, I know I gave it a perfect score when I first finished it, so sue me.

Project: Sunflower is an excellent story about a dying Earth that needs a new home - and the pony that's sent to spy on another world to find out if it is viable or not. That world? Equestria. How will our intrepid explorer spy effectively? Get transformed into a pony. Naturally. As one does. What follows is not only a good story about other world and friendship but also a VERY interesting look at pony culture from the eyes of a young human scientist. We get a lot of sensual details (sometimes almost too much) and moments where our protagonist completely loses it on how WEIRD Equestria is.

Why not a perfect score? Well, part of it has to do with the IMPACT listed under The Enchanted Library. I finished Project: Sunflower singing praise left and right and clanging bells, though not quite as strongly as I did with TEL. I still feel like I could gush about TEL, but stuff from Project: Sunflower has faded away more - didn't stick as impressively in my mind. I look back and realize a lot of the story was downtime - INTERESTING downtime, don't get me wrong, but there's this one shopping trip that I sure enjoyed reading but then went "yeah that didn't really matter much did it?"

I still highly recommend it. All you "human in Equestria" writers could stand to learn a thing or two.

-GM, master of rice and limes.

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TXCOM: Ranger
Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.
Wanderer D · 450k words  ·  1,475  57 · 21k views


This is an excellent story about war, how it changes people, the bonds forged in war, and how different outlooks on life can lead to different results in different situations. There is a lot of depth here that all starts when Sunset flees Equestria and ends up in an Earth torn up by war with an alien overlord. Three years later that war hasn't ended and Sunset has become a much better person because of all her ordeals. The war continues, the mirror activates, and both people and ponies are changed dramatically by tragedy and battle. It's a tense story that has no breaks on the action train.

Which is its main failing. It was written (and is still written) in a way that has multiple small updates a week that are often rushed to get out. The pace is breakneck and dramatic moments have to happen every few thousand words, meaning everything goes TOO FAST and some characters just get left in the dust. That said, I still highly recommend it - the characters have charm and you'll definitely find something you enjoy here, assuming you are the sort that can deal with intense war stories and a decent bit of squick.

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TCRISIS: Equestria
The Elements of Harmony find themselves transported to a world full of evil and darkness. On the journey home they make new friends, as well as new enemies in the form of evil counterparts to themselves.
GanonFLCL · 711k words  ·  160  5 · 3.8k views


What is it with amazingly epic stories that span hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of words captivating me so much and then telling me they've been dead for YEARS? I read CRISIS: Equestria, then it ended in a ridiculous cliffhanger, and I was devastated. If I'm being completely honest with myself the MOMENT I came up with the idea for LSB, I knew CRISIS: Equestria was going to be one of the revived fics. I waited patiently, honed my Sweeties, and even revived Sunshine and Fire first just to see if it could be done. And, at long last, I turned my full attention to CRISIS and gave it hopefully everything it deserved. I can only hope I lived up to expectations.

As for the story itself, the premise is relatively simple: the Mane Six get sucked into a vortex and appear in another, darker world. They must quest to return home through amazingly worldbuilt areas, brilliant characters, and amazing powers. But, if I'm being truthful, the real stars of the show are the Mean Six: a group of characters in opposition to the Mane Six that steal the show everywhere they go and, in a way, are the focus of roughly a third of the story. Every last one of them is a deep, well-rounded character with lots of heart to them.

There's also this complete monster of a villain called Silvertongue. I will... let you discover how he operates on your own.

It's an amazing story and I recommended it wholeheartedly even when it didn't have an ending. I'll give it so much more praise now.

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Moonstuck is a cute little askblog done in the style of Homestuck Problem Sleuth. Users would submit commands and Princess Woona would (or wouldn't) do them. The story is all about the adorable princess of the moon stuck on her celestial body, trying to figure out how to get off the moon. It's not a serious story (for the most part) and is filled with adorable antics, silly fillies, and cute characters. It's truly a treat to read and you'll find yourself laughing several times throughout the grand adventure.

Also, unlike the LSB chapter, every single command has ART with it. ENJOY THE ART.

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TSunset's Isekai
Somewhere, out there, there's a bar with a familiar yin-yang sun on the door.
Wanderer D · 465k words  ·  1,437  45 · 23k views


I am not the first to attempt the ponyfic crossover by a long shot. Wanderer D did it long before I did with The Sweetie Chronicles.

This is not that story. This is a story about a Sunset who runs an interdimensional bar that gives so many fic-characters can take a moment, have a drink, and take a break. It's a really simple premise and the chapters themselves are episodic. It's easy to jump in the middle and have a look at what's going on. Far as I can tell there's not really a running plot, and that's fine. Sometimes all you need is a quick read to help tie everyone together.

If you're a reader of lots of ponyfics, I highly recommend it. It doesn't stand up all that well on its own, but it wasn't meant to.

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Equestria at War


Here's an odd case. This chapter was based on a mod for a game I don't own. I got all my information second hand from fans of the mod, a few videos, and the wiki itself. As such I can say the worldbuilding is top notch and the community is excellent.

I have no idea of the actual quality of the mod itself. Never played it. So I just have to SHRUG and not really say anything here.


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TEmpty Horizons
Twilight wakes up, alone in the dark. And she's drowning.
Goldenwing · 186k words  ·  1,381  37 · 20k views


This story has it all: great characters, interesting twists, a courage to buck the quo to do what it wants, and airships. Don't forget the airships. It also has horrific things that live under the nation-spanning ocean, but let's not worry about that just yet. I'm sure they're friendly!

I have to praise this story for its amazing descriptions, worldbuilding, and action. The world draws you in with how different it is and the Season-2 personalities of the Mane Six don't quite know how to deal with it, making the drama excellent. There are several times where the story does things you wouldn't expect - taking risks in the process, but making the reward for reading all the greater.

I have to criticize it for, at least in the early chapters, skipping over character moments. There's an entire scene that should have been there about exploring a certain area of the world, but it was just glossed over and the conclusion spoken of later. This problem is completley fixed in later chapters, but it's something to be aware of.

You'll notice that, despite such a glaring thing, it's still an 8.5 out of ten. This is because the rest of it is absolutely EXCELLENT. Go, explore the ocean.

Comment posted by hector dabullio deleted Nov 1st, 2019
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