• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2018

A cubed

currently suffering from the curse of improving just enough to hate what i just wrote, then starting over again

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MLP Crossover with Toy Story? · 7:09am Jan 27th, 2013

So, I went to see Disney On Ice in Indianapolis yesterday (now you know where I live). Well, the family did, for my 1-year old sister and 3-year old cousin. The Mickey etc was decent. The Cars was EXCELLENTLY choreographed technological programming, but weak plot-wise (thank God). The Little Mermaid was, well, exactly what you’d expect an On Ice show to be; really good choreography, costumes, and art. Disney Fairies was technically meh, some of the choreography was pretty good, but the storyline and characterization and everything else about it SUCKED. Then Intermission. I liked the intermission better than the fairies (because the ZAMBONI!!!).
And then... Toy Story.
That was incredible, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Especially the part with Thin Lizzy: they played ‘The TOYS are Back in Town’. Oh God, I loved everything about it. SEE THIS SHOW. That started a sequence of events in my head. Bullseye, Woody’s horse, is a horse and a toy. Derp. Well, Rule 85 states ‘If it exists, there is a pony of it’. Someone did Epona from Legend of Zelda. Maybe someone did Bullseye? One person, that’s it. And it wasn’t even a ponified Bullseye: it shipped Applejack with regular Bullseye, in front of a background of a collection of toys including Sonic plushies.
That made me mad. The picture I DID find, however, was interesting. It said something about a Toy Story X MLP Crossover. When I was young, I watched Toy Story EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Alongside Nightmare Before Christmas, Powerpuff Girls and Blue’s Clues. That was all I watched. All I wanted to watch. So, if I take my favorite thing from when I was little, and cross it over with my favorite thing from now, well...

This is a rough draft. It’s an idea planner. This is TOTALLY not going to be the final product, it’s just outlining the basis of the fic. It’ll show the canon I place behind it, and touch upon what I want to say with the full story. The final WON’T be in script format.


Twilight wakes up encased in plastic and darkness. She struggles, but can’t escape.
Twilight: Hello? Spike? Is anypony there?
Dash: Twilight? That you?
T: Rainbow?
D: No, her twin sister. Of course me!
T: Well where are you? I can’t see a thing!
D: I couldn’t tell you.
Applejack: Twahlight? Rainbow?
D: Applejack?
T: Applejack, you’re here too?
A: Ah’m here, but Ah ain’t sure of where ‘here’ is!
Pinkie: AJ, Dashie, Twi, I can’t move! I mean, I can move a little bit, but not a lotta bit, and that takes some serious effort to keep me restrained so it must be something really heavy but it’s not! It bends a little bit, this stuff around me- doesn’t taste like anything, and it’s not really absorbent... oh, hey guys!
T/D/A: ...hey, Pinkie.
T: Is anypony else here?
Fluttershy: ...um... I am...
Rarity: Well, it seems we’re all here.
T: All right, that settles who, but do any of you know where we are, or how we got here?
D: I fell asleep after flying for a while, and woke up here.
A: Ah went to sleep after workin’ the fields, and woke up here, too.
R: I fell asleep working on some dresses and woke up here.
P: I put the twins to bed while the Cakes were on a dinner date, then made them some cupcakes for dessert, and went to sleep, then woke up here.
F: ...I went to sleep and woke up here.
D: This is great. We all fell asleep and we all woke up here, restrained, in the dark, with no idea where we are!
T: Rainbow Dash, calm down. There’s got to be a rational explanation for all this.
A: Magic?
T: Maybe, but what motivation would anyone have to do this?
P: Ooh, I hear something!
T: Everypony, listen!
Silence is heard, until a muffled voice starts talking.
Mom: Alright, Bonnie, here’s your last present.
Bonnie: Aww, does it HAVE to be the last?
Mom: I’m afraid so. But, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it; this present’s at least twenty percent cooler than your other presents.
D: Twenty...
R: ...percent?
Bonnie: -gasps-
Tearing noises are heard, and light shines on the ponies.
Bonnie: (now clear) ThankyouthankyouthankyouTHANK YOU MOMMY!!!
M: Why don’t you take your things upstairs and then come back down for cake and ice cream, okay?
Bonnie: Okay!
The ponies are lifted in the air, then can feel themselves being carried.
Bonnie: Two, four, all six! Rarity can play with Mister Pricklepants, Jessie can ride Applejack while Woody rides Bullseye, (gasps) Pinkie Pie and Chuckles can throw parties! (The ponies land hard.) Buttercup, I brought some unicorns and pegasusises and earth ponies for you to play with! I gotta go eat cake, but I’ll be right back! Bye! (a door slams)
P: ...I like her!
F: She seems nice.
P: She said parties, I love throwing parties!
D: Pinkie, we know.
T: Does anypony else see that we’re on a giant bed?
A: What in the hay was she talkin’ about this ‘Jessie’ figure ridin’ me!?
R: (screams)
T: Rarity, what’s wrong!?
R: These sheets look absolutely APPALLING! This is a CLEAR overuse of pastels!
D: Rarity, I’m pretty sure that that’s not as important as- oh wow, you’re right. WAY too much pink.
P: Hey! What’s wrong with pink?
A: Ah’m serious y’all. Who’s this ‘Jessie’!?
T: Girls, stop, I hear something!
Buzz: ...get a look at the new toys.
Buttercup: Bonnie said ‘Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies’. Those are from the new My Little Pony toy line from Hasbro.
(a collective groan is heard)
Hamm: Great, something more annoying than Potato Head.
Potato: I resent that remark.
Hamm: I was talking about your wife.
Potato: Oh, okay. (a smack is heard) Ow!
Dolly: Come on guys, maybe they’re not so bad! At least give them a chance.
Woody: That’s right. Just because they might be girly doesn’t mean they won’t be great toys for Bonnie!
D: Hey, who are you calling girly!?
A: Ah’ll have you know that Ah am the LEAST girly mare you’ll ever meet!
D: Second, you mean?
Buttercup: You must be Rainbow Dash and Applejack. From what I gathered from Bonnie, the other four of you should be here too, right? Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy?
P: Oooh, he’s good!
T: Who are you and how do you know our names?
Buttercup: My name is Buttercup.
D: (bursts out laughing) Buttercup!? What kind of name is Buttercup!?
Buttercup: What kind of name is Daring Do!?
D: (stops laughing) Hey, Daring Do is awesome!
A: Oh boy, not this again.
Buzz: You’re right, Buttercup. My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic.
P: What’s with your outfit?
Buzz: Huh? I’m Buzz Lightyear, from Star Command.
P: I’m Pinkie Pie from Ponyville. Wanna be friends!?
T: Mister Lightyear, can you come over here?
Buzz: ...uh-
T: The purple one. Yes, me. You... I’ve never seen your species before.
D: Are those wings?
Buzz: Hmm? Who said that?
D: Me, Rainbow Dash.
T: She’s the cyan one.
Buzz: Why yes, these are wings. (presses a button, they slide out)
D: How fast can you fly with those things?
Woody: He once went thirty miles an hour... with the help of a rocket.
D: What’s a mile?
T: What’s a rocket?
Woody: A little over five thousand feet.
Buzz: It’s a combustible. The one he’s talking about was fuse-lit, and the combustion was powder-based, and it was contained in a cylinder with a small exit, causing mass propulsion at high velocity.
T: ...whoa...
D: What the heck is a foot!?
Woody: It’s twelve inches.
D: (eye twitches) WHAT THE HAY IS AN INCH!?
Woody: (motions with his hands)
D: Okay, so that... twelve... five... three zeroes... ... ... ... eh, pretty good. I can go faster, though.
T: Look, I’d love to discuss these ‘rockets’ with you all day, but none of us remember how we got here, or where here even is, and it’s really restraining to be in these... whatever these are, so could you, maybe, get us out?
Buzz (nods) Sorry, no can do, missus... Sparkle. Either Bonnie or her mom have to get you out of there. You’re still in the packaging, so you’re new at this whole toy business. Trust me, I know firsthand. So, I’m gonna have to leave you here. But, when the birthday party is over, Bonnie will be more than happy to crack these boxes open and play with you ‘til the sun goes down. Maybe even for longer.
A: Hold on there, partner. What’s this business ‘bout bein’ toys?
D: Yeah, what gives with that?
P: Ooh, ooh, I wanna be a toy!
R: I am not a ‘toy’, I am a lady. Ladies are not toys!
T: So you’re saying that we’re toys, and that this ‘Bonnie’ will take us out of this packaging, and then she’ll play with us until she goes to sleep, then we’ll be free to move about?
Woody: Yes, that’s what he’s saying... Twilight is your name?
Rex: That’s my favorite book!
Trixie: Ha, nice joke!
Rex: ...yeah, a joke...
T: Okay then. Girls, After the sun goes down and ‘Bonnie’ goes to bed, I’ll do a spell that takes us back to Equestria.
Buzz: ...about that...
Woody: Buzz, let them find out on their own.
T: Find what out? (stomping is heard)
Buzz: It’s Bonnie! (he grabs Woody and runs) Remember, don’t move and don’t speak until she goes to bed! (he jumps off the bed and a ‘thump’ is heard, as the door opens)
Mom: I told you not to run with scissors!
Bonnie: Sorry mommy, I’m just so excited! (she picks up Rainbow Dash and cuts her out of the box.
D: Thinks “Sweet freedom!”
Bonnie cuts out the other six ponies, then proceeds to play with them for the next couple of hours. When it gets dark, her Mom opens the door and tells her it’s time for bed. Bonnie puts all the toys down, and shoves them over on the floor.
Bonnie: Thank you for the ponies!
Mom: Well, since you watch that show all the time, I thought you’d want your own so you could make your own adventures with them.
Bonnie: This was the best birthday ever!
Mom: You’ve only had five!
Bonnie: It’s still the best ever!
Mom: Today was your party. Your birthday’s tomorrow, remember?
Bonnie: Okay, best PARTY ever!
Mom: Goodnight, Bonnie.
Bonnie: Goodnight, Mommy.
(the door closes)
T: (whispers) Now?
Woody: (whispers) No, wait for Dolly to come down after she’s asleep.
Bonnie: (whispers) Goodnight, everyone... and everypony.
(a few minutes pass, and light snoring is heard. Dolly jumps off the bed and runs over)
Dolly: The coast is clear.
D: Gah, finally! I need to stretch my wings out! (she takes a few steps and attempts to take flight, but fails) Hey, what’s going on!?
T: You’ve got some kind of plastic on them. Here, let me get it off. (attempts to use magic to get it off, but fails) Hey, why won’t it work?
R: Hey, it won’t work for me either!
F: I can’t fly, either!
T: Oh... I see.
D: What!?
T: We’re toys. ... ... ... Woody. Our world doesn’t exist, does it? Equestria doesn’t exist, does it...?
Woody: (sighs) No, Twilight. I’m afraid it only exists in your heart.
F: ...oh. That’s depressing.
A: What about mah family! What about Big Mac, an’ Applebloom, an’ Granny Smith!?
T: Spike... Princess Celestia... Mom and Dad... Shining Armor... Cadance...
P: What about the ro- the Cakes, and Pumpkin and Pound!?
R: What about mother and father, and Sweetie Belle!?
D: What about Cloudsdale, and the Wonderbolts!? ...what about Scoot...
Chuckles: Fiction. All of it. Everything you thought you knew is a lie. It doesn’t exist.
Buzz: Now hold on, Chuckles. I’ve held onto my memories of Star Command. Those memories of the world I came from are real in their own way: nothing can change the fact that those things happened. Maybe not in this universe, but it did all happen. I know there are hundreds, thousands- maybe even millions of Buzz Lightyear toys out there, all the same factory regulation. You can ask any of us from Andy how I was when I came out of the package, and about the other Buzz who saved Woody from Al. We’re exactly the same: same past, same memories, all up until we were opened up and played with for the first time. After that, we’re completely different entities.
Woody: I don’t remember my days in Woody’s Roundup very much. All I remember is Andy, but if I think hard enough, I can remember ghosts of images. I couldn’t remember them until I was aware of the show, but since I do now, I remember bits and pieces of it. But my thoughts and memories are full of my time with Andy. I’m Andy’s Woody toy. There’s other Woody merchandise out there, but none of it is me: I mean, it IS me, but it’s not me.
Jessie: It’s the same on the outside, but different on the inside.
Woody: Yeah... yeah, you’re right, Jessie. That universe may be fictional here, but it exists in my memories and heart.
Jessie: I remember that universe, too. Both of us do. And, if we both remember it, then it’s either a huge conspiracy, or it really does exist, and we were just moved to a different world.
Rex: Buzz, when we were rescuing Woody from Al, do you remember the Emperor Zurg action figure? Well, he remembered you when he was fighting the other Buzz. The same logic applies, doesn’t it? Since both you and Emperor Zurg remember the same universe, that must mean that that universe exists, right?
T: Wait, Buzz, you said there were thousands, possibly millions of toys of you, and they’re all the same coming out of the box. That’s thousands, maybe millions of units of proof that, at least in some way, your universe does exist!
Buzz: W... wait... what... really? ... ... ... Huh.
T: What’s the last thing you remember before coming out of the box?
Buzz: Well... I was sent on a mission to an uncharted unexplored planet... and... I fell asleep one day, and when I woke up, it was in Andy’s room...
T: That’s the same thing that happened to us...
D: But that means that we left that world behind us!
A: Does bein’ here make everythin’ that happens at home change?
Buttercup: Well, the show is still produced.
Trixie: The fandom still marches on.
D: Fandom?
Trixie: Yeah, there are millions of people who watch your show and write stories about you guys! Of course, there’s a lot of stuff that’s less than pleasant... but there’s also a lot that’s great!
D: ...millions?
T: If our universe does exist in this universe...
Buttercup: I thought I told you!
Chuckles: ...whoops.
T: Dear Celestia, that’s a lot to take in. I think... I’m gonna lie down for a while.
D: Yeah... I think it’s high time we hit the hay. ...millions...
A: The six of us probably need the rest...
P: What are you talking about, I feel fantastic! I could just- (collapses and starts snoring)
R: Fluttershy, what did you do!?
F: Nerve pinch, puts you right to sleep. It’s how I get Angel Bunny to rest when it’s naptime.
R: ...remind me never to get on your bad side.
T: It was very nice meeting you all.
Woody: It was nice meeting you all, too.
(the ponies find a spot on the floor and go to sleep)
(Twilight wakes up)
Spike: ...ight... ake...ilight... ake up...Twilight! Wake up! TWI-
T: I’m awake... (removes her hoof from Spike’s mouth) I’m awake? (looks over and hugs Spike) Spike, I’m awake! Oh, I had the weirdest dream last night. (gasps) I gotta go talk to the others, I’ll be right back in a few minutes. When I come back, we’re going to get something at Sugarcube Corner. Wait- no, come with me, we’ll all meet there. Come on, let’s go! (zooms out of the room)
Spike: ... (scratches head) What just happened?


[This passage is for myself]
Ponies: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity
Bonnie’s House: Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Rex, Slinky Dog, Hamm, Mr & Mrs Potato Head, 3 Aliens, Chuckles, Mr Pricklepants, Trixie, Buttercup, Dolly, Peas in a Pod (Peaty, Peatrice, Peanelope), Totoro
Sunnyside: Barbie, Ken, Sarge, Big Baby, Twitch, Stretch, Chunk, Sparks, Jack in the Box, Chatter, Bookworm, Monkey
Gone: Prospector, Buzz 2, Zurg, Lotso, Bo Peep, RC, Wheezy, Etch, Mr Spell, Rocky, Lenny


If you are at all interested in this idea, I will do it. I WANT to do it (not as much as my other stories, but still). I want to do this story more than I want to play Dead Space 3. Trust me, that’s a Sh!tload of want. I’m not looking for CC for writing here, this is strictly idea-crunching. If you like the ideas, tell me in the comments. If you don’t like the ideas, tell me in the comments. If you spy plot holes (there’s a lot), tell me in the comments.

Also, please check out my user page. Check out my other stories, see if you’re interested in THOSE ideas. If you have the time/patience, please read my bio, or at least the first few paragraphs. I also have original story ideas below my bio, if you’re interested in my non-MLP work.

Report A cubed · 3,530 views ·
Comments ( 10 )


I watched buzz lightyear all the time when I was younger, and toy story as well. :scootangel:

This shall be awesome if you do this. Also nothing is keeping you from multi-tasking with playing Dead Space 3 as well as writing the story. :twilightsmile:

Unless there's tentacles controlling your mind and keeping you from doing what you want. :twilightoops:

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: come on we want this to be a story


Please write this.


Hello, my collaboration group is looking at starting this toy story crossover ourselves, would you be interested in a team up, sir? We're a fun bunch you'd love us. x) Add me on skype, MerlosTheMad if you're interested! We all chat there day and night.

941803 Well, I don't have an intense desire to write the story myself, I just want it to be written... Sure, why not? I would very much appreciate the assistance.
However, I dropped my computer a few days ago and fudged the charge port, so it's out of commission until my dad can fix it (he lives 150 miles away). So no Skype (plus I'm not 100% sure how to use Skype even) for a while. However, you can reach me here, or on Twitter (I'm @NightCoreMoon).

I'm not very good at writing prose, but I love writing dialogue and I am an excellent proofreader. I would love to collab with your group.


Sweet! Either way we're writing it, but if you can do dialogue myself and others will merrily type the prose. Just join our group and we'll set youup on skype when your comp is back in commission. No hurry. Until then we'll get the thing started in rough draft form etc.
You can look at the unpublished story here.
A Pony Story
It's just cover art atm but you get the idea.

Is the final draft written yet?

Ever got around to finishing this fic?

Please write this story

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