• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 7: What's in a Date?

The next afternoon in the marketplace of Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack were walking together and having a conversation. Or rather, Apple Jack was walking and pulling a cart of apples and apple pies behind her while Rainbow Dash was flying just above her as the two of them had their conversation.

“So we’re agreed,” Apple Jack went on, “We’re both just gonna tell Rarity that what she wants to do with adding some rainbow accents to our Gala dresses from last year is fine, but that we don’t want any froofy rainbow accessories to go with them. We already liked how we looked last year, and we’re already probably gonna get enough attention at the Gala this year—no sense in overdoing things.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, definitely—keep the rainbows, lose any extra hairclips or sashes or saddlebags or jewelry she might also want to add to our outfits. Sounds good to me.” She shrugged. “Though, if anything, I think Rarity’ll be relieved instead of disappointed that we don’t want her to make us a bunch of accessories. She’s gotta be so busy designing for Discord and now Celestia that I’m sure she won’t mind someone giving her a little less work to do.” She smiled.

Apple Jack smiled too. “Exactly. Plus, I heard from Twilight that Rarity’s makin’ a tuxedo for Spike now too. Apparently he’s going to be her escort this year.” Apple Jack’s gaze warmed. “Ain’t that sweet?”

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I guess it is. But sheesh, what’s with everypony getting obsessed with having dates this year?”

Apple Jack shrugged, looking forward. “Well, it is a dance, Rainbow Dash, and the social event of the year. I guess it makes sense that some ponies would want to bring dates. I’m just glad it ain’t a requirement—I just want to enjoy myself this year with my friends, especially after all the ruckus last time around.” She sighed and shook her head.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help smiling and laughing a little at the memory though. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But still, you have to admit, when we kind of demolished the ballroom last year…it was kind of pretty awesome. And Celestia actually liked it!” She shrugged with a grin.

Apple Jack had to chuckle a little herself and nod, looking to Rainbow Dash again. “True, I guess. But I’d just rather not cause any wanton destruction this year. And I think Twilight’s right, we probably shouldn’t mention to Discord the details of what happened last year. The last thing we need is him thinking doing stuff like that is okay or worrying that he might cause some of it himself accidentally.”

A dry look came to Rainbow Dash’s features, and she sighed. “Believe me, Apple Jack, if he destroys the Gala, it won’t be an accident. It’ll just be another ridiculous prank that we’ve gotta clean up.” She rubbed her head with her hoof.

Apple Jack sighed, stopping her cart at its usual spot in the marketplace and removing its harness from her back as she prepared to set everything up for selling apples and pies. “Oh I’m sure it won’t be that bad. And Celestia’ll be watching over him the whole night—what could go wrong?”

Rainbow Dash smirked a little, raising up her arms to make air quotes as she replied. “You mean besides the fact that he’s ‘scheming’ to ‘crush her dreams’ of being his ‘special somepony’?” She kept it together for a second but then couldn’t help bursting into laughter, rolling over in mid-air.

Apple Jack rolled her eyes but couldn’t help laughing a little too. “Rainbow, don’t start saying things like that, especially around town. We don’t want to rile up any more rumors about their…their…’date.’” And now Apple Jack had a small full-blown bout of her own laughter to try and control.

“Discord all lovey dovey, and Celestia all lovey dovey for him—priceless!” Rainbow Dash wiped a tear from her eye, turning in the air to face her friend.

Apple Jack nodded, wrangling her laughter as she turned toward her cart to rummage in one of its compartments. “It is a pretty funny idea, Rainbow. But come on, we shouldn’t tease. And I’ve got to get to sellin’ apples.” Apple Jack pulled out the Apple Family banner, which she then placed up over her cart.

Rainbow Dash nodded, and finally stifled her chuckles enough to land beside her friend. “Yeah, there’s work to do, and besides, teasing Discord is a lot less fun these days now that he’s super reformed, even about the Gala.”

“True.” Apple Jack nodded.

And then both girls turned to face the street filled with potential customers.

And then the trouble started.

“Oh are you two talking about Princess Celestia’s date with Discord?” a pegasus mare suddenly asked, standing directly in front of the apple cart with wide eyes and an eager smile.

“Yeah, hey, over here—if anyone knows what the deal is with Celestia asking Discord to the Gala, it’ll have to be some members of Princess Twilight’s court!” an earth pony stallion standing nearby (and who had likewise clearly overhead Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash as well) called out to a few more ponies who were approaching.

Then almost instantly (certainly before Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash could react with anything beyond wide eyes and dropped jaws) there was a nice little crowd of ponies before the apple cart…and that crowd was only growing. And everyone had something to say or ask.

“Does Princess Celestia really have any feelings for Discord?”

“Does Discord know how honored he is to be asked by the princess to the Gala?”

“Will there be guards there following them around all night? Oh, I hope Discord doesn’t cause anymore harm to the princess. Do you think he might?”

“I personally don’t know how Discord isn’t too ashamed to show his face at the Gala considering his betrayal.”

“Shouldn’t the princess pick a friendlier companion? Discord can be so scary sometimes!”

“Do you think he might ruin the Gala this year like you and Princess Twilight and your other friends did last year?”

And on that last note, both Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash reached their limit with these rapid-fire questions as the crowd before the apple cart had now grown to take up almost half of the street. Apple Jack frowned, clearing her throat and speaking up to this gathering of gossipmongers. “Hey, now, you listen, y’all! No one’s ruining anything, and Discord’s just doing his best to be friendly. He just needs some time.”

“But the Princess!” another voice called out from the crowd. “Isn’t she taking a risk? What if his loyalty changes again?”

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash scoffed, flying up again and giving the crowd a slight scowl, “I know loyalty, and trust me—Discord might crack a few off color jokes, but he’s not betraying anybody anymore.”

“So he and Celestia are friends then?” another voice asked.

“Exactly!” “Yup!” Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack said at once with satisfied grins.

“But are they ‘more than friends’ too?”

“Uh…” “Er…” Both girls scratched their heads and looked to each other and then back to the crowd. Apple Jack smiled and shrugged, raising a hoof. “Well…I reckon not. At least, I know that there’s been talk going around about Discord wanting to cause the Princess some heartache, but that’s all a load of hooey.”

More voices from the crowd started up in succession again.

“I don’t know…”

“I still don’t trust him…”

“Maybe he’s okay, but I still wish the princess would keep her distance.”

“I don’t see how Discord’s a very good friend at all. Sometimes I wish the princess had left him as stone. What if he lies to her again?”

“He ain’t gonna lie,” Apple Jack insisted to the crowd, frowning a little again. “Trust me, I know.”

“But he betrayed all of you to Tirek, left you all to be captured!” another pony called out.

“Yeah, and he also gave Twilight the key to the harmony chest that saved us all!” Rainbow Dash suddenly replied back, her look and tone firm.

“Exactly!” Apple Jack nodded. “He might have made an awful mistake, but in the end he proved himself a true friend. Without him we couldn’t have saved anypony!”

The crowd considered these words but still shared some murmurs of concern with each other.

“Look,” Rainbow Dash let out a breath, calming down a little to make an announcement, “Discord’s not my favorite guy either, okay? He’s obnoxious and selfish and I don’t really get his sense of humor most of the time. But he is still a friend, and as long as he wants to be one, I’ll defend him no matter what.” She landed giving a firm nod.

Apple Jack gave one too. “And as long as he’s straight with me and our friends, I can honestly say that I’m glad to know him too. And he’d never do anything untoward to the princess.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash added defiantly. “Now, anyone who just wants to gossip more can clear out! And anyone who wants to buy some apples and some pies can stay!”

There were a few more murmurs but then the crowd started to disburse leaving only a few people to actually patronize Apple Jack’s stand.

Having managed to soothe the sudden mob that had come upon them, Apple Jack completed her first sales, and then, once they were along again, both she and Rainbow Dash let out deep sighs of relief.

Apple Jack spoke first, glancing at her friend. “You don’t handle too much Discord well, do you, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, looking back to her. “No. And you don’t either, right, Apple Jack?”

Apple Jack shook her head. “No. I don’t. But we’re gonna end up having to defend him left right and sideways at this Gala, aren’t we?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “We’ll have to fight for him with our lives…” she announced with conviction. Then she raised an eyebrow and put a hoof to her chin and added, “Um…as much as you can be expected to at a party.”

Apple Jack grinned. “Well, annoying or not, chaotic or not, once a traitor or not, he’s our friend. And I can’t say it won’t be an honor to stand up for him no matter what happens.”

Rainbow Dash grinned too and nodded. “Yeah, and as long as he’s my friend, even if we don’t get along a lot, I’ll be happy stand by him too. Besides, he needs me on his back a little—he could use a few loyalty lessons.” She smirked a little.

Apple Jack laughed and nodded, smirking a little as well. “And a few honesty lessons to correct that ornery deceitful streak of his wouldn’t hurt either.”

The two girls smiled at each other and gave each other a hoof bump to seal their plan to help their friend.

As they finished, Apple Jack’s smile picked up on one side and she reached into the cart. “If we’re gonna have to spend the whole Gala night and probably quite a few times before then defending Discord’s reputation, we’ll need to keep up our strength.” She brought forward a fresh, hot apple pie. “Want to split a pie, Rainbow?”

Rainbow nodded, licking her lips. “Sounds good to me!”

Apple Jack set the pie on the cart and brought out the pie scooper. She then proceeded to cut some hearty slices which she and Rainbow Dash gladly ate as they spent the rest of the afternoon making sales, sharing conversation, and avoiding more gossip as best they could.

Meanwhile, in the Canterlot area…

As the afternoon wore on, Discord resided in his little valley in the statue garden, lying on a reclining sun-chair while sporting a straw hat, a Hawaiian shirt, and a pair of dark sunglasses. He held a silver reflecting screen in his lap and occasionally sipped from a glass of multicolored liquid with a little paper (inverted) umbrella in it that was floating at his side (though sometimes instead of drinking the liquid in the glass, he drank the glass around the liquid of course). He sang to himself a little between sips. “Hmm, hmm, hmm…a little glass of fruit punch please…hmm, hmm….” Discord chuckled lightly at the familiar tune. “Hmm, if I might end up on the sun, might as well get a base tan for it,” he mumbled to himself humorously. “And maybe catch a little nap before dark.”

Discord yawned and then split his head into two heads which then turned and started talking to each other. “Sounds like a good way to spend your afternoon, Discord. You’re a genius. Oh stop… No, no, it’s true, you’re brilliant. Well...yes, all right, might as well admit my wonder to the world—it would be dishonest not to, after all. You do know it’s not normal to take talking to yourself to this level, right? Not normal—exactly the reason to do it then, isn’t it?” He chuckled once more, a yawn escaping each of his heads. Then Discord combined his two heads into one again and went back to just lying quietly in the sun, trying to doze off. “Hmm…this statue garden really isn’t so bad when you get to stay here under the proper conditions. Though I’ll have to pencil-in adding a sauna…” another yawn, “…and maybe a home theatre.” Discord sighed, his jokes finally ceasing as his sleepiness grew and the balmy peace of the afternoon overtook his senses.

Discord had a few moments of total serenity during which he savored the warmth and the silence and his perfect freedom to drift into a much-needed rest (even if there might be awkward dreams about a certain somepony to contend with).

Then some light footsteps sounded very close by him. In his drowsy state, though, Discord presumed the sound to be just the wind.

A voice suddenly speaking, however, definitely caught his attention.

“Hello, Discord. You look like you’re enjoying yourself. May I join you?”

Discord jumped so badly that his reflective screen, his drink, his hat, even his chair all flew up with him and then came crashing down in a chaotic heap. He sat bolt upright, popping into the air, his costume disappearing as he looked at the unexpected (if familiar) intruder who had come upon him. “Celestia!” he exclaimed, blinking several times, eyes wide.

Princess Celestia stood at the top of the little hill right above Discord’s little valley. She was smiling down at him, and a large wicker basket with a handle was magically floating at her side.

Discord didn’t know where to begin…so he started with accidentally landing hard right on the ground in his surprise. “Ooo!” He rubbed his side, flinching. “Celestia, I told you already, don’t sneak up on me like that!” He looked at her in a touch of annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest. But then he blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Unless I’m dreaming.” He sighed. “Oh I’m really not dreaming, am I?” He used his tail to give himself a hard pinch in the arm. “Ow!” He winced, then raised an eyebrow, saw that nothing of the scene around him had changed, and then let out a deep breath. “Okay, yeah, still in the boring reality of Equestria instead of lost in the madness of my sleeping mind.”

Celestia smiled more and approached him, making the basket float along behind her. “I could have told you that, Discord. Besides, why would you be dreaming about me?” She shook her head a little at the amusing idea.

Discord suppressed a very strong urge to blush and managed instead to just float up a little, gazing at his claw nonchalantly. “Oh, well, even I have the occasional nightmare, Celestia.” He glanced at her, grinning just a touch smugly.

“Very funny,” Celestia replied back with a grin of her own as she sat down on the grass and let the basket come to rest beside her.

Discord came to sit on the grass too, snapping away his sunbathing stuff. “So, um…what are you doing here?” He scratched his head and then blinked. “Oh, and you’re probably wondering what I’m doing here. Well, um…” He looked away ‘innocently,’ clasping his hands in his lap. “I-I was just passing through, and this seemed as good a place as any to rest and catch a little sun.” She snapped his fingers, making a small glowing sun appear which he tossed back and forth from hand to hand casually.

Celestia just raised an eyebrow, still smiling. “Really? Hmm…” she opened the basket, glancing inside, “So have you also been spending some evenings and nights here to catch a few moonbeams too?”

Discord dropped the ‘sun’, which then disappeared with a snap of his tail. “Oh. You know about that?”

Celestia nodded, looking to him again. “Yes…just for the last few days. I didn’t see any reason to bother you about it, but…today I just thought I should say hi and let you know it’s fine if you want to spend time among the castle grounds. Please feel free to explore as a guest anytime you’re here, Discord. And it’s lunchtime now, so I also thought you might be hungry and that maybe we could have a picnic together.” She used her magic to pull some plates and napkins out of the basket. “What do you say?”

Discord blinked, tilting his head to the side. “Oh, I…really? It’s okay that I loiter around in your backyard and…you want to have a picnic with me?” He put his paw to his chest as though to confirm that he really was the one she was choosing to spend her time with right now.

Celestia nodded. “Yes and yes. Come on,” she encouraged, making a few platters of food leave the basket. “We have lentil and hay sandwiches, sweet potato chips, braised carrots with oats, apple slices, a jug of fresh cider to drink. And I even managed to steal some chocolate cupcakes from the kitchen for dessert.” She magically laid out all of the food and then used her magic to make a yellow and white checkered blanket appear beneath all of the food and both of them as well.

Discord couldn’t help smiling at the spread and her efforts. Then a touch of a smirk came to his features. “You’re finally doing it aren’t you? You’re finally trying to kill me with kindness.” He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “You might actually get away with it, you know. I already feel like I’m going to drop from the sugary sweetness of this moment.”

Celestia laughed warmly. “Well, try to at least survive until the Gala, please, Discord. I’m looking forward to finally having a close companion for the evening. I’d hate to be stuck going alone yet again.”

Discord only grinned more, snapping his fingers to create a couple of oddly shaped glasses complete with little (inverted) paper umbrellas and crazy straws. “I’ll endure for your sake, Celestia. Who am I to deny you the company of the best looking guy at the party, after all?” He brushed his paw against his chest and held it out to admire it with just a touch of smug (if playful) satisfaction.

Celestia just rolled her eyes and glanced down, her smile growing a little (and especially at the sight of the oddly shaped glasses he had been kind enough to make for them). “I’m sure we’ll be an interesting pair.” She magically lifted a platter, holding it out to him. “Apple slices to start?” she offered.

Discord glanced at the platter but shook his head, smiling more. “Clearly you’ve never had a meal with me, Celestia. It has to be a little chaotic, otherwise I’m afraid my digestion gets terribly upset. Fluttershy knows these things and lets me bring the cutlery to life and turn off gravity and even introduce her to dishes from other dimensions from time to time—but I don’t want to overwhelm you on the first run dining with me of course. So how about we just start with something simple, hmm?” His grin picked up on one side.

Celestia smiled at him in interest and nodded, setting the apple platter down again. “Fair enough, Discord. What did you have in mind?”

Discord snapped. “Dessert first.” Instantly, a cupcake from the platter appeared on each of their plates. “And chocolate milk, while we’re at it.” He snapped again, filling their oddly-shaped glasses with the delicious beverage

Celestia blinked at the sight of her cupcake and chocolate milk at first but then smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Discord. And why not—dessert first might be fun for a change.” And with her look brightening just a touch at the prospect of starting out her meal in a cake-related way, Celestia happily (if a little demurely) started to consume her dessert. ‘I probably shouldn’t eat cupcakes in one bite like I do with Luna. I didn’t bring too many, and I don’t want to rush our meal since we're starting with them…and besides, Discord may be reformed, but he would never let me live it down if he knew how much of a sweet tooth I really have.’ She almost shook her head at the idea as she continued to eat her cupcake and now sipped her chocolate milk. Suddenly Celestia blinked and smiled more. “Discord…” she looked down at the chocolate milk and then up to him with pleasant surprise, “this is delicious.”

“Naturally.” Discord smiled back at her, finishing a sip himself and then swirling it around in the glass. “What—you can’t really think I’d let an inferior product rain all over Equestria all those years ago and then during my jailbreak a few months back? I only dabble in the finest chaotic magic, Celestia.” He grinned in a touch of pride again.

Celestia laughed softly and shook her head, magically taking another sip of the chocolate milk. “I’m sorry I didn’t try it sooner, Discord.”

“Hey, you think that’s good, you should try my cotton candy clouds. Pinkie Pie swears by them.” He chuckled to himself, holding his cupcake upside down with his tail and taking a bite. He chewed, swallowed, then considered. “The cupcake’s aren’t bad, by the way. I might suggest having your baker toss a little hot sauce into the batter just for kicks, but otherwise not bad at all.” He took another bite.

“Thank you, Discord,” Celestia nodded her head, returning to her cupcake as well, “I’ll give your compliments to the staff.”

Discord smiled and took another bite of his cupcake. But then he raised an eyebrow as a thought suddenly occurred to him. He glanced at Celestia. “Celestia, my hearing might not be what it used to be, but…did you say you stole these cupcakes from the kitchen?”

Celestia swallowed a particularly yummy cupcake bite, then smiled at him and nodded. “Yes. I was able to sneak together the rest of the food and supplies for the picnic easily enough, but I had to wait until just the right moment when the kitchen was empty to take the cupcakes. Don’t worry though, Discord—so much cooking and baking gets done in the castle that no one will miss half a dozen cupcakes or anything else I ‘stole’ for that matter.” She laughed warmly, eating some more.

Discord, meanwhile, just raised an eyebrow even higher at her.

Celestia glanced back at him, raising an eyebrow as well. “What is it, Discord?”

Discord eyed the half-eaten cupcake in his tail and then her so very strangely. “Well, I’m just trying to understand why you would ‘steal’ your own food. I’m the king of not making sense, Celestia, and even that one’s stumping me a little.”

Celestia smiled more, taking another sip from her glass. “Discord, if I’d asked the kitchen staff to prepare me a picnic lunch, they would have planned some ornate catered event with eight baskets and six courses and watercress sandwiches and sparkling mineral water and imported cheeses and maybe some sweet tea with cream for dessert.” She sighed. “It would have been nice in it’s own way, but also a little boring. But by putting together our lunch myself and in secret, I could take what I wanted and just enough for the two of us, including something good for dessert.”

“Wait so…nobody even knows you’re out here or that we’re doing this then?” Discord asked with interest, sipping some more chocolate milk (and some of the glass around the milk now as well).

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Nobody knows, not even Luna.” Noticing him still looking at her a little curiously, she explained further. “Discord, if I had mentioned to the staff that I was going out for a picnic with you, even if they had let me pack our own basket, everyone would have wanted to know exactly when I was going and exactly when I was coming back, and several guards would have insisted on coming with me. But I just wanted to have lunch with you in private whenever and for however long it was convenient like any two friends could do—without being watched by a captain of the guard and eating only Equestrian delicacies.” She shrugged, magically dabbing at her mouth with a napkin and looking a little sheepish. “I suppose none of that sounds very mature or princessly though, now that I think about it—sneaking my own food and sneaking out of my own house in broad daylight.”

“Actually I didn’t know you could be that relaxed or fun. I mean, all of that was downright nefarious for you, Celestia,” Discord remarked with a grin, unable to help himself. He now magically covered his plate with whipped cream to eat a bite or two of that while he finished his cupcake. “And you practiced all of this deception all for me.” He gestured to himself with his paw. “Why, I must say, Celestia, I’m touched. I didn’t know you cared so much.” He grinned…and observed her closely out of the corner of his eye as he continued chewing his plate.

Celestia smiled more (and tried not to laugh at what she now finally noticed he was casually doing with his cutlery—drinking the glass and eating the plate. What would be next, she wondered?). “I can have fun too, Discord. And of course I care about you. If a friend is going to be spending some time in my home, even just on the grounds, I want to welcome them properly and to let them know I’m happy to have them.”

“Do your guards know I’ve been on the grounds lately?” Discord asked with further interest.

Celestia nodded, swallowing the last of her cupcake and dabbing at her mouth again. “Yes. They were actually the ones who alerted me to your presence here in the first place. Don’t worry, though—I told them to leave you alone and assured them that you weren’t any threat.”

“Hey!” Discord blinked crossed his arms over his chest with a pout. “Come on, Celestia, don’t go telling ponies that! You’ll destroy my reputation as former all-powerful chaos overlord of this joint. I’m still threatening—I mean, at least a little.” He pinched his fingers together and then made himself shrink down in size, floating in the air before her. “Come on, just a bit?” he coaxed.

Celestia smiled more at the tiny Discord. “Well, I also told them that if you were up to anything, Luna and I could certainly do our best to contain you on our own. Does that make you feel any better?”

Discord considered, glancing up. “Needing both of Equestria’s powerful alicorn pony sisters to keep me in check should my shenanigans get out of hand….” He grinned and snapped his fingers, becoming full sized again to resume his seat beside her. “Yes, all right, I can live with that.” He held up his fingers to snap again. “More chocolate milk?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, please.”

Discord snapped, refilling their oddly shaped glasses.

“And would you like another cupcake, Discord?” Celestia offered.

Discord nodded. “Well, dessert is the most important part of any meal, so, yes, I’m game.”

Celestia magically made a fresh cupcake appear on each of their plates, and then magically raised hers up for yet another delicious bite of dessert while Discord turned his upside down again to being eating it that way just like with the other one.

The two magical beings just continued along like this for a few quiet moments, eating and drinking here and there.

And then something Discord had never expected happened—an awkward silence developed between them.

Discord glanced at Celestia out of the corner of his eye and then Celestia glanced at Discord out of the corner of her eye, and then they both glanced away from each other.

Discord sighed, biting his lip, wanting to make something chaotic happen or to crack a joke but just feeling a little frozen and self-conscious and…ugh, there was that annoying word again—awkward. ‘I never feel awkward—ever. What gives? Sheesh, if I’m feeling like this, then Celestia must be reeling underneath all of that poise and grace.’

Though ‘reeling’ was probably too strong of a word, Celestia did indeed feel a little hesitant and unsure herself. She certainly hadn’t expected silence as part of a meal with the master of chaos, and now she wasn’t sure what to do with this quiet between them that was only lingering and lingering.

“Hmm…so…” Discord finally tried to start, simply unable to stand it anymore (even if he was grasping at straws for something to say to move things along), “Any fun meetings scheduled for today?”

Celestia blinked and shrugged. “Oh, just the usual ones…A meeting with my advisors about current events, a meeting with the party planners for the Gala, a meeting with the teachers at my unicorn academy to discuss academics, and then a meeting with the citizens to settle any disputes in the royal court.” She smiled a little more, trying not to laugh. “I’m sure that all sounds boring to you.” She finished her second cupcake and took another one from the platter for the last of her chocolate milk.

“What does it matter how it sounds to me?” Discord shrugged, nothing sarcastic in his tone (surprisingly). “You like things like that—meetings and order. As long as it makes you happy, then…that’s nice, all your meetings, I guess.” He snagged a third cupcake with his tail as well.

Celestia looked at him with a touch of interest. “Thank you, Discord. That’s…quite understanding of you.”

Discord rubbed the back of his neck, rolling his eyes to the side. “Yeah, well, you and the girls and especially Fluttershy have been trying to be a little more understanding of my chaos, so…I figured the least I could do is try to talk about orderly things like ‘set schedules’ and ‘meetings’ with a straight face.”

Celestia laughed a little. Discord smiled a little at her laugh.

But then the awkward silence started to set in again.

Celestia ate some more and cleared her throat. “Have you spread any good chaos lately?”

Discord’s eyes went a little wide and then he had to grin and glance at her. “Did you think you would ever be asking me that question—and here of all places?”

Celestia laughed and shook her head. “No, I suppose not. But the times are changing, Discord.”

Discord nodded and shrugged. “True. And, hmm…good chaos?” He raised his glass and considered. “Well…here and there, yes. Mostly out in the badlands though where I can’t inconvenience anybody…and in the Everfree forest sometimes too…and maybe in a few little pocket dimensions here and there when I can. And of course Fluttershy lets me spread some chaos around her during our visits. But I’m still recalibrating my powers for good instead of evil, which limits me a bit for now, so I’m afraid there really hasn’t been anything especially absurd to report.” Discord shrugged, finishing off his chocolate milk.

“Oh…well, that’s interesting to know.” Celestia honestly wasn’t sure if she ought to express approval of his attempts to keep the nature of his chaos positive or disappointment that he hadn’t had a chance to create anything he found truly noteworthy lately. So she settled on that generic comment and then turned her attention to the safety of her cupcake again.

Before too many more seconds could pass again, Celestia cleared her throat and hit on another hopeful topic of interest. “Oh, um…have you had a chance to read Starswirl’s book yet, Discord? I’m curious what you’ll think of it.”

Discord glanced down, focusing on the remains of his cupcake a little. “Oh, uh…yes, I read it. It’s…interesting. Starswirl’s just kooky enough to keep my attention.” He glanced at her. “Can I hang on to it just for a little bit, maybe until after the Gala?”

Celestia nodded. “Of course, Discord. Keep it for as long as you need.”

They smiled at each other. Then their gazes drifted back down at their plates and glasses again.

The dreaded awkward silence fell once more.

Then Discord finally sighed quite deeply, his look and tone dry. “If this is a preview of how awkward going to the Gala together is going to be for us, maybe we really should take the rumors up on their offer and go in for a whirlwind romance followed by a dramatic public break up. It’ll at least keep the night from being dull.” He ate the last of his whipped cream covered plate.

Celestia finished her cupcake and dabbed at her mouth with a napkin again. “Oh, we’ll be all right just as we are, Discord. We’ve just…well..” she scratched her head with her hoof, smiling a touch sheepishly. “We’ve never had a chance to have many proper conversations just as friends before, and almost never alone. It might take us some time to get the hang of it. But I’m more than willing to try if you are.” She smiled up at him, her tone full of both hope and understanding.

Discord’s smile had to warm a little at her offer and kindness. “Well…if you really want to…I guess I wouldn’t mind trying either.” He glanced around at their picnic and the private setting. “And this is sort of nice, having a chance to try out conversation in private first before we try it out at the social event of the season.” His gaze came back to her and sighed. “Do you really think we have enough in common to pull this off?”

Celestia’s look became just a touch dry and her smile grew. “We’re each one of only about half a dozen nearly immortal magical beings existing in all of Equestria. I think we have more in common than we realize, Discord.”

Discord chuckled. “Fair enough. Where shall we start then?” He finished the last bite of his cupcake and now magically took a sandwich for himself from one of the platters.

“Well,” Celestia considered, magically bringing over some clean plates for them and producing two crystal goblets into which she poured some cider, “What do you and Fluttershy usually talk about?”

Discord shrugged, sipping some of his cider’s glass and gazing up in thought. “Oh, her animals, her fears, my various madcap adventures, what the girls are up to this week and then just the occasional bit of girly, gossipy stuff if she’s got something on her mind.”

“Adventures?” Celestia smiled more, her magic dropping a sandwich onto her plate alongside some of the carrots. “Can we talk about those? I love adventures.”

“Really?” Discord raised an eyebrow at her, pausing in the middle of raising his sandwich to his mouth with his tail. He seemed a mixture of surprised and intrigued by her sudden request.

Celestia nodded with enthusiasm. “Oh yes. I used to love going on adventures when I was younger, Discord. As a leader of Equestria though, I never seem to have the chance to go out and enjoy myself like that anymore. But I love reading about Twilight’s adventures with her friends in her letters. And hearing about yours would be interesting too.” She raised an eyebrow herself. “I always am wondering where you go between passing through here…. And you must have had many adventures before we even met, of course.”

Discord smiled a little more, lowering his sandwich down to his plate for the moment. “Oh, if you like a good adventure story, those I do indeed have a million of, Celestia. What would you like to hear—an adventure through space, an adventure through time, a perilous trek over land air or sea, a situation when me and my sarcasm got me in some particularly hot water, some highlights from a lifetime of major pranks?” Discord watched with interest as Celestia’s violet eyes brightened more and more as he went on. She really was interested. He knew Fluttershy had genuine interest when he shared his adventures with her too, but her timid nature made him hold back on the more dangerous parts of things and either way when his stories were over she seemed more relieved that the adventure had ended than thrilled that it had happened at all. The look in Celestia’s eyes, however, almost suggested to him that if, after their conversation, he proposed that they go off on a quick adventure of their own together for fun, she would have pushed back her meetings and said yes in an instant.

“Oh I can’t pick, Discord,” Celestia finally announced after a few seconds of deep consideration, “Just something lively, something thrilling, something interesting—you pick please.” She looked to him again.

Discord nodded, a touch of happy pride coming over him. “Okay then. How about the time I chased after the great dragon migration, decided to work my way up through the ranks with my charisma and skill, and almost had myself instituted as the dragon king of chaos! That story involves danger, intrigue, fantastical obstacles and quite a few well placed jokes and gags if I do say so myself.” He crossed his arms over his chest and winked.

Celestia nodded. “I’ve always wanted to spend more time around dragons. I would love to hear that one, Discord.”

Discord nodded. “Okay then…” He rested back on his claw while he took his sandwich in his paw and began his regaling tale. “So, it all started out with me being bored one morning, which is never a good state to find a master of chaos in. Anyway, I caught sight of some smoke on the horizon, appeared in front of it wearing a fireman’s hat and holding a hose of course just for laughs, but then I realized it was dragons, dragons as far as the eye could see. And then I recalled how somewhat dragon-like I can appear, and that’s when I got my grand idea…”

Celestia ate and intently listened while Discord proceeded to tell his story with dramatic hand gestures, embellished descriptions, and the occasional prop or two, and she thoroughly enjoyed herself throughout the entire experience (and much the same could be said for Discord, who always did love an audience, after all).

“So then…so then Luna…” Celestia was trying so hard not to laugh too much so that she could finish her story. “So then Luna got all of the diplomats gathered into ballroom, shaking in fear in their masquerade costumes, and she had lightning flashing outside and a harvest moon glowing that was almost red…. And then suddenly all of the fake portraits on the walls opened their eyes and mouths and announced in unison in her Royal Canterlot Voice, ‘Happy Nightmare Night!’ followed by this great blast from the pipe organ! And everypony just started screaming and running! And I knew it was awful of us, but at the same time they all did come expecting a scary party and it was just so funny!” She laughed warmly. “Then suddenly all the chandeliers lit up, and Luna appeared from the rafters dressed in her bat costume and laughing. I’d never seen her so happy. And she took a bow and thanked all the guests for being such good sports. It took a while for some of them to calm down, but then we served the Nightmare Night-themed buffet and played some ballroom music on the organ, and pretty soon all of the guests were just dancing and enjoying themselves. I think that was the most insane evening we ever had in our forest castle, but it was worth it.” Celestia got her laughter under control enough to sip some more cider, and then lowered her cup, shaking her head.

As several used dishes and empty platters upon the picnic blanket indicated, some time had passed since the start of Celestia and Discord’s picnic and most of the food had long since been eaten, leaving only the cider left for Celestia and Discord to consume while they kept talking.

And they really had been getting the hang of this ‘talking’ thing.

Celestia’s story concluded, Discord was just laughing quite a bit himself and now actually had to wipe a tear of mirth from his eye. “Oh, that all sounds priceless! Now, I knew there were a few tricks in that old castle of yours, but I never knew it was that rigged up in its day. Trap doors, talking portraits, scary sounds, false walls, booby traps, secret hallways, a random pipe organ—sounds like my kind of place.” He leaned back on his paw and claw.

Celestia nodded, smiling brightly. “Oh you would have loved it, Discord. It was a wonderful place back then. Magical in a way even beyond any magic we practiced within it.”

“It sounds like you loved it very much too.” Discord grinned and glanced out to the Canterlot castle not too far off, sipping some cider. “Maybe this is just my chaotic nature talking, but I can’t imagine why you would leave such a fun place for such an orderly one like your Canterlot Castle.” His gaze went back to Celestia.

“Hmm…” Celestia was quiet for a moment, looking out at the castle and then down into her raised cider glass. Then she spoke again. “Well, it was just hard to stay in the Everfree Forest castle after Luna…left.” Her voice grew softer, and she lowered the glass. “And besides, it was ruined quite a bit in our battle. I thought if I went someplace entirely new with a castle that was entirely different, it would help make things easier.”

Discord’s smile fell a little, and he watched Celestia more. She was still looking down and clearly trying her best to keep smiling, though she wasn’t entirely succeeding. And he noticed the touch of pain that had entered her tone regarding the past. He was starting to understand pain like that well.

Discord frowned more and moved a little closer to her, putting down his cider. He considered for a moment, and then replied as best he could. “Well, maybe now that Luna’s back and she’s had some time to get used to things, you two could plan out a few fun surprises to put into the Canterlot Castle. Then it could be like a new castle of the two sisters, but bigger and better than ever. And I’d be happy to contribute a few chaotic pointers.” He smiled more.

Celestia smiled more too, glancing at him. “If it comes to that, Luna and I would love your help, Discord. Thank you.” She looked up into his eyes and put her hoof against his paw leaning on the ground.

Discord’s eyes became wide, and he didn’t breathe. He just remained perfectly still, feeling the soft, warm gold of her horseshoe on his paw and fully realizing now how close they had ended up sitting. “You’re welcome…” he managed in a mumble, suddenly feeling that pesky ‘awkward’ sensation come over him again.

Celestia’s smile warmed. “Discord, you know, I—”

“I know the Princess said not to disturb this area as long as Discord’s here, but I still think we should walk by from time to time just to make sure he isn’t up to anything. He’s been here for hours now without leaving.”

“Maybe you’re right. I mean, even if he’s not plotting something he could still be in distress, and the princess would want us to alert her if that were the case.”

“Exactly. We’ll just take a peek then.”

Both Celestia’s and Discord’s eyes went very wide at the sudden sound of these two voices clearly coming from two pony royal guards who were clearly now approaching the little valley.

Celestia suddenly used her magic to make all of the picnic supplies disappear. She stood up. “Come on,” she whispered to Discord, turning toward the rows of hedges and trees not too far behind them. “This way.”

Discord, coming out of his stupor of surprise, stood up and followed after her, an eyebrow raised. They both backed into the border of the statue garden and ended up pushed close together in one of the hedges, hidden in shadow by the branches of a tree overhead.

They could see the guards come to the crest of the small hill overlooking the little valley. The first guard blinked and scratched his head. “Hmm, odd. I know I didn’t see him leave since he came back here earlier.”

The second one nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t either. And no one else said they did.”

“Perhaps he left by magic? Or maybe during the changing of the guard?” the first one suggested.

The second one nodded. “That must be it.”

Just then a stifled chuckle escaped Discord.

Celestia’s eyes went wide, and she looked to him.

Discord was trying desperately to hold in laughter and to keep himself steady as he writhed in some unknown source of hilarity. “I’m sorry,” he barely whispered to her. “It’s just that we’re so close, and that ethereal hair of yours, it…it tickles!” And indeed her flowing mane and tail were all but enveloping him at the moment.

Celestia just let out a deep sigh and put a hoof to her forehead, though she was trying not to smile at the whole thing. Then suddenly she blinked and a stifled laugh almost escaped her. “Discord, your tail!” she whispered! He was squirming so much that the tuft of his tail couldn’t help brushing up against her side and tickling her a little in return.

“Did you hear something?” the first guard asked his partner, looking closely down in to the little valley.

The second guard listened closely but shook his head. “Nope.”

The first guard listened again but then just scratched his head. “Hmm…” He shrugged and then looked to his friend. “Oh well. Nothing to report then. Should we go try to find Princess Celestia again?”

The second guard nodded. “Yes. Several ponies have been wondering where she is. It’s not like her to disappear for so long, and especially with so many obligations about the Gala and her other affairs to think of. Princess Luna didn’t even seem to know where she was when one of the guards managed to wake her up and ask her.”

The first guard sighed. “I’m sure she’s just taking care of some affairs deep in the castle. Or maybe she’s at another part of the grounds. We’ll find her soon.”

The two guards nodded to each other and turned and proceeded on their way.

Once about ten seconds had passed and they were sure the guards were out of earshot, Celestia breathed a sigh of relief (and let out a laugh or two at the feeling of Discord’s tail tuft still brushing against her) while Discord half collapsed into a hedge, laughing hysterically and writhing in tickles. “It tickles! Celestia, make it stop! Ha! H-Haven’t you ever heard of a hair tie!?” He managed to snap his fingers, and for a moment Celestia’s mane was pulled back in a ponytail…. After about two seconds, though, the hair tie burst apart and her hair was flowing as freely as ever.

Discord only laughed even more at the sight. “Ha! C-Celestia, really, please, let’s go out in the open! I can’t breathe! And I can’t help my tail, I swear!”

Celestia just laughed a little and shook her head but then moved away from him and out from the hedges. Discord flung himself out after her, collapsing to the ground, his laughter finally subsiding.

Celestia just rolled her eyes. “Are you all right?” she did her best to ask as seriously as possible…though as she came closer to check on him, she may have let the ends of her mane and tail cover his body again.

“Hey!” Discord laughed more again, shifting away from her. “T-Trying to be.” He gave her side a little flick with his the end of his tail, causing her to laugh again as well. Discord finally caught his breath and stood up again, heading back to the center of the valley. Celestia followed along with him. “I just hope I didn’t ‘give away our position’ too badly.” He glanced at her, raising an eyebrow and grinning. “Incidentally, why were we hiding from your guards anyway?”

Celestia grinned back at him. “Because I didn’t want them insisting on staying if they found me with you…and because those rumors going around about us have enough fuel from idle gossip, I’m sure.” She rolled her eyes to the side, smiling more. “The last thing they need added to them is news about the two of us getting caught having a romantic tryst in the castle gardens.”

Discord blushed just slightly and rolled his eyes to the side as well. “True…. Heh, ponies thinking you’re smitten enough with me to go in for such risqué behavior.” He shook his head a little…but he didn’t stop smiling. “Talk about a stretch.” He put one hand on his neck and the other on his torso, and then stretched himself so far upwards that his body leaned back into a spiral before he made himself normal again.

Celestia laughed a little and shrugged. “I could certainly choose a worse special somepony to sneak off with, I’m sure.”

Discord’s whole look brightened.

Celestia smiled warmly. But then she walked past him a little and sighed, gazing out at the castle grounds and toward the castle itself. “Discord, I think I should head back now if ponies are starting to worry like the guards said.”

Discord’s smile faded a little. “Oh.” He moved closer to her. “I wish you didn’t have to go…” he swallowed and added, “I mean, so soon. It’s…It’s been a strangely not entirely unenjoyable afternoon.” He shrugged, raising an eyebrow at the wonder of it all.

Celestia glanced at him with a smile and a nod. “Yes. It has been nice to spend time together like this. We’ll have to do it again sometime soon, Discord. I’d really love to actually, and before the Gala if we could.”

Discord smiled and crossed his arms over his chest. “You know, I’d sort of love it too. You’re a pretty fun companion, Celestia…you know when you’re not sicing the elements of harmony on me or turning me to stone.” He smirked a little.

Celestia glanced down, blushing a little. But she still smiled and then looked back up at him. “You’re fun too, Discord. Thank you for having lunch with me. And I hope you have a nice evening.”

Discord smiled more. “Thanks. And I hope you have, um…nice orderly meetings?” he tried.

Celestia laughed a little and nodded to him. “Thank you.” She gave him a slight bow. “Until later then, Discord.”

Discord blinked and then instinctively gave her a slight bow too. “Oh…yes, later, Celestia.”

She straightened up and waved at him. “Goodbye.” And then she turned back to her castle and took off to fly home.

Discord waved to her as well. “Ta ta…” He watched her go, smiling so warmly until she was out of sight.

Once she was gone, Discord lowered his paw, an unusual look coming to his eyes. He spoke quietly to himself. “I still haven’t the foggiest idea whether she’s so nice to me just because she’s being an excellent friend or because she really is secretly in love with me. But I do know that I think we just had a sort of a date…and I think I…really liked it. Really.” He sighed, letting himself gaze off to the castle for a moment more.

Then Discord took in and let out a very deep breath, turning away. He swallowed and felt himself blushing. “I can’t stay here tonight. The dream I’m going to have after all of this is going to be a doozy—I’ll need to hide in space and time as an extra precaution to avoid Luna.” He put his claw to his temple, shaking his head. “Oh Discord…you must be out of your mind, and that’s saying something.” And then with that he snapped his fingers and was gone for the rest of the day and night.

Later, in a certain chaos master’s lovely dream world there was vision of himself and Celestia picnicking on the grass together someplace sunny and nice. They were laughing, talking, and Discord’s paw rested on Celestia’s hoof upon a checkered blanket beneath them.

“Celestia, I have never had so much fun with another person,” Discord admitted with a happy smile.

“I feel the same way.” Celestia giggled warmly. “I’m so happy we can be together now.”

“Me too…” Discord looked down very shyly, playing with his beard with his free hand.

Celestia smiled more and moved a little closer. “Discord…”

He glanced at her. “Yes?” He froze, seeing how close she was now.

Celestia just gazed up into his eyes. And then she moved forward and kissed him on the mouth.

Discord’s eyes went wide…and then he turned absolutely red and melted with her advances, his eyes closing, a few sparks of chaotic magic escaping here and there from his fingertips. He let her continue to kiss him. And they still held hands on the ground.

Eventually they separated, breathing lightly and smiling.

Discord just grinned. “We cannot tell anyone about this, Celestia. Ever. I think I’m still at least an honorary member of the Equestrian Villains Society, and they would kick me out for sure if they knew.”

“Knew what?” Celestia smirked just a little, a laugh escaping her.

Discord swallowed, smiling more and looking down. “That…That you and I…you know…are trying to…that we feel…well, that we’re necking in a sunny meadow for starters.” He sighed deeply, shaking his head. “This is so weird, isn’t it?”

Celestia nodded and moved a little closer. “You could almost say it’s a little…chaotic?” She moved her hoof just a bit more firmly against his paw and winked at him.

Discord turned that rosy color again and looked at her with wide eyes. Then he couldn’t help smiling once more. “Oh shut up.” He chuckled.

Celestia laughed again and shook her head. “Oh Discord…now, is that any way to talk to your princess, hmm?” She looked down demurely yet with a touch of something playful in her eyes. She suddenly shifted closer to him, causing her hair to touch his side.

Discord instantly started chuckling uncontrollably, which made Celestia laugh more as she lingered for a moment and then finally released him from the clutches of her mane.

Discord got his laughter under control and then just looked back at that cheeky smile of hers and shook his head. He sighed deeply. “This is a lot better than being a stone statue in your garden. A lot warmer too.” He swallowed and turned more toward her, catching her eyes with his.

Celestia smiled up at him, understanding, and then closed her eyes and came forward to kiss him again.

Discord closed his eyes and did his best to overcome the absolute trembling of his newly discovered heart to let her keep being affectionate. He let her kiss him and kiss him and kiss him, and he liked it. And with a few breaks in between to smile and make sweet jokes (and maybe share some tickles), their shy if romantic little interlude continued.

Outside of this dream, of course, the real Discord was just sleeping soundly and alone somewhere right between dimensions on a fluffy pink cotton candy cloud dripping the occasional bit of chocolate milk into the oblivion of the purplish, bluish, yellowish inkiness around him. He lay curled up in a ball, dozing in his privacy. And as his mind wandered in his dreams, his lips smiled more and more in an especially dreamy sort of way.

Back in Canterlot once more…

“Sister, where were you this afternoon?” Luna called out, finally catching sight of Celestia in one of the hallways of the castle just before sunset and moonrise. She came up alongside her sister to walk with her.

Celestia blinked and then smiled at Luna. “Hello, Luna. Oh, I just…snuck out for lunch, and I guess I got a little carried away. But as soon as I realized I was being missed, I hurried back.” She raised an eyebrow. “Is everything all right?”

Luna sighed, rolling her eyes to the side. “Well, yes, but when the staff and guards lost sight of their precious sun princess for more than an hour, they decided to disturb me and my sleep about the situation.”

Celestia smiled a little more. “I see. And what did you tell them?”

Luna’s look went dry and her voice went flat. “That unless thou had left a ransom note, a trail of dark magic, or obvious signs of a struggle behind you, the next person to wake me up all because you were on the verge of being tardy was going to have recurring nightmares about my sternest gaze and loudest Royal Canterlot Voice for a week.”

Celestia chuckled. “Oh Luna, I know you don’t like being disturbed toward the middle of the day, but you usually aren’t that grumpy.”

Luna couldn’t help a yawn as she replied. “The Gala planning yesterday morning has thrown off my sleep schedule a little, as did a visit I made yesterday afternoon to Twilight Sparkle. And then this afternoon I was finally catching up on my rest and had just gotten cozy and in the middle of a particularly delightful dream about flying over the Everfree Forest at night when the guards suddenly roused me about your absence.” She sighed, rolling her eyes.

“You visited Twilight yesterday?” Celestia smiled more in interest. “How nice. I’m sure she was happy to see you. Did you want to see her new castle properly? It really is an interesting structure.”

Luna shrugged, smiling just a little. “Oh, something like that. Besides, we princesses should do our best to greet each other and make royal visits as frequently as possible,” she added with a nod. But then she frowned. “But do not change the subject, sister—we are still talking about your whereabouts today and the ridiculous overreaction of our guards. Because after they woke me the first time and I reprimanded them, they then awoke me an hour later just as I had fallen asleep yet again insisting that the preliminary meeting regarding the Gala catering had to start and some princess pony needed to be seated at the table.” She yawned and pouted. “I still don’t know how the handmaids got me out of bed. And I still don’t know anything about what happened at the actual preliminary meeting, I was so sleepy. I think I may have given the okay for chocolate sculptures of you and I, but that could have been a dream.” She raised a hoof to her chin in thought.

Celestia smiled sheepishly, looking down. “I’m sorry, Luna. I really should have made a point of coming back sooner. And I think everyone only bothered you so much because they’re all very worked up now that it’s Gala time again. I’ll let the day staff know to leave you alone for the future though.”

Luna nodded but had to raise an eyebrow. “But where were you exactly anyway, sister? What secret lunch was this that you had to attend? It must have been far away for you to have taken so long in getting back. I’m surprised you didn’t bring some of the guards along with you.”

Celestia let out a sigh, looking forward. “If I tell you, you’ll laugh or make a joke or make it out to be more dramatic than it is.”

Luna’s eyes went a little wide. “Sister, I am surprised at you—I will not laugh or jest or be dramatic. Where were you?”

Celestia shrugged. “I snuck off to the statue garden to have a private picnic with Discord,” she explained, trying not to smile too much.

“You did WHAT with Discord?!” Luna couldn’t help exclaiming with a blink.

Celestia rolled her eyes to the side, trying not to laugh. “I had lunch with him.” She glanced at her sister, raising an eyebrow. “I wasn’t going to just let him live in that statue garden without at least saying hello. And I thought saying hello would go better with some lentil hay sandwiches, cider, and chocolate cupcakes. So I took a break from my busy daily schedule to just enjoy the company of a friend.”

Luna just looked at Celestia, an eyebrow raised. “You…took a break…to…? But…” she held up a hoof. “But then, if you were just in the backyard, why were you gone for so long??”

Celestia sighed again, a dry look coming to her features. “Well, it wasn’t because we were having an epic battle in the labyrinth or necking behind the hedges, Luna.”

Luna stopped walking and instantly shuddered and cringed. “Sister, I know you are joking but please warn me before you put images like that in my mind.”

Celestia stopped walking as well and just rolled her eyes to the side. Then she took a breath, trying to resume her normal calm, casual, in control tone. “Luna, my point is that we were eating and we started talking, and I started having a lot of fun. The afternoon passed before I knew it, and as soon as I realized that I was running late, I bid Discord farewell and returned home.”

Luna watched her sister, still with wide eyes. “Fun? You had fun?”

“Yes.” Celestia looked to her in return. “I really did. Luna, I’m sorry if you don’t like my closeness with Discord or what others might say about it, but I have no intention of stopping my attempts to be better friends with him.” She looked forward and began to head down the hall again, her head held a little high.

Luna followed after her sister once more. “Celestia, no, that’s not what I meant…” She sighed. “I’m sorry, I only questioned your closeness with Discord initially because I was not sure if I could trust his intentions and because I worried if what others would say about the two of you would cause you grief in any way. But I trust Discord, and as long as you’re content, I’m happy you’re becoming close. Really.”

Celestia glanced at her sister, an eyebrow raised in just a touch of skepticism.

Luna looked to her sincerely and spoke in the same way. “Right now I’m just surprised that not only did you allow yourself a break for once but that you had fun. I worry that you do not have enough of that, sister.” Her eyes lowered a little. “I think perhaps you got so used to taking care of all of the responsibilities of ruling when I was gone that you’ve forgotten how not to worry about all of them all the time even though I’m here to share the rule with you again. And you encourage Twilight Sparkle to make a life for herself with her friends outside of her royal duties, and you encourage Cadance to do the same with her husband, and I have always taken time to myself for my own affairs at night but…I hardly ever see you do anything for yourself, Celestia.” She raised her eyes, smiling again. “It makes me very relieved to hear that you took a break today and that you spent time with a friend and had fun. I just want you to be happy.”

Celestia just looked down at her sister, her eyes wide. Then a smile came to her lips once more. She let out a breath, and stopped walking again to hug Luna with one arm. “I am happy, sister. And thank you. I know I can be a little intense about my duties sometimes. But you’re right, I should take more time to myself if I can. Discord’s an excellent influence for that, you know.” She chuckled. “Almost all of his time is spent on himself.” She pulled back, smiling at Luna as she released her. “And maybe you could join us next time we spend time together. I’d like all of us to be close, but only if you want to.”

Luna, quite pleased with her sister’s happy response, nodded. “I may take you up on that offer, sister. As long as I wouldn’t be an intrusion…” She glanced at Celestia, unable to help observing her response a touch closely.

Celestia just smiled and shook her head. “Absolutely not. You’d be more than welcome, Luna. Though every once in a while, at least until the Gala happens, I might request to spend time with Discord alone. I just want to ease his mind entirely about the dance and being my escort so that he can have fun at the party, but I think it’s easiest for him to relax the fewer ponies there are around, all right?”

Luna nodded. “Yes, sister, I understand.”

Celestia smiled. “Good. Now, let’s go have some tea together before I have to go to bed and you have to get started on your night, and I’ll tell you a bit more about my time with Discord and you can tell me about your visit with Twilight.”

Luna glanced away a little but nodded. “Er…of course, Celestia. Let’s go then.”

They began to head down the hall together once more.

Then Luna smiled just a little and couldn’t help herself (though she kept her voice low, at least, in case any staff turned out to be nearby). “It must be interesting for you though, Celestia…spending close, personal time around Discord while also feeling a certain attraction toward him in a way.”

Celestia blushed just slightly but smiled. “Luna…” she shook her head, “It just feels nice to finally be getting closer. I like getting to know him. I hope that soon he’ll feel as comfortable around me as possible, and I hope that I can get him to open up a little more to me too.”

Luna smiled more. “I’m sure he already thinks of you as a very close friend, sister. And he’ll open up to you more, especially considering all of your efforts to see to his comfort. I know it. Now, let us have that tea, and you can also tell me how you managed to sneak together an entire picnic lunch, including cupcakes, without getting caught—I am very impressed.” She raised an eyebrow in interest.

Celestia laughed and nodded. “Of course, sister. And thank you.” They came to the door of Celestia’s study, which she magically opened, gesturing for her sister to enter first.

Luna nodded. “You’re welcome, sister,” she replied as she entered the room.

Celestia smiled and followed after Luna, looking forward to a pleasant evening of sharing tea and discussing their days together before nightfall.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your reviews and your patience with updates :twilightsmile:

(Also, sorry for any confusion--for about ten seconds I accidentally uploaded this as a new chapter to Keep Calm and Chaos On. :twilightsheepish: Just for the record, there is no new chapter of that fic...yet :yay: )

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