• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,715 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 19: Discord's Princess

“Hmm, mmm…” Discord sighed softly, his eyes closed. “Oh, forget the kisses and the hand holding and hugs. Who knew nuzzles could be so delightful?” He gave a low chuckle. “I’m probably dreaming, but for chaos’s sake, I don’t care.”

A giggle met his ear, and then the beautiful face of Celestia pulled back from him a little to let her violet eyes meet his gaze. “Did you say something, Discord?”

Discord smiled warmly down at her. “Nothing important, my lady. Now, where were we?”

She smiled more at him. And then Celestia closed her eyes and resumed nuzzling against the side of his face and shoulder once again.

The two of them were in a sunny clearing of the Everfree forest, sitting up side-by-side on the ground upon a blanket. And Celestia was nuzzling and cuddling close to Discord, her eyes closed, seeming the picture of contentment.

Discord appeared pretty content himself with his goofy grin and hazed eyes. He even shyly nuzzled her back here and there. He sighed again now. “Princess, if I didn’t know better, I would think you were coming on to me.” He chuckled.

Celestia’s smile grew. “Don’t call me ‘Princess’. Call me ‘Dear Celestia’ or anything else but ‘Princess’, Discord.” She blushed a little as she gave him another deep nuzzle. “And I’m just happy to be with you and close to you. And I hope you feel the same. You don’t seem to be returning too many of my gestures.” She opened her eyes and raised a playful eyebrow at him.

Discord just smiled more and looked down. “I-I’m not much of a nuzzler, I suppose. Seems more like a pony thing.”

Celestia moved closer alongside him. “Then at least put your arm around me, please,” she whispered near his ear.

Discord’s eyes went wide, and he blushed distinctly. Then he let out a breath and swallowed, mumbling to himself, “I’m almost starting to hope this isn’t a dream…even if I would never live it down.” And then he hesitantly raised his paw arm and let it come to rest around the curve of Celestia’s back.

Discord’s heart utterly pounded in his chest as he let out a breath and smiled at her. “I don’t know what you do to keep your coat and feathers so soft, but please keep it up, Celestia dear. You’re like a lovely white, warm cotton candy cloud.”

“Hmm…” Celestia laughed. “You’re soft too.” She nuzzled the side of his face again.

Discord glanced away a little, a sheepish smile on his features. “Oh, no, no, I’m not…erm…”

“Well, I think you are,” Celestia replied, and then she touched his beard with her hoof, playing with it.

A deep, shuddery sigh left Discord. “Oh Celestia, will you just take me already? I’m really as yours as I can be.” He chuckled.

Celestia laughed again. “One step at a time, Discord.” And then the sun princess lowered her hoof and went back to nuzzling him, her gesture drifting from his chin and shoulder down toward his chest. She smiled near the place at his collar where he changed species. “I can hear your heartbeat.” She giggled softly. “Is it always that irregular, or is that just for me? It sounds like dance music.”

Discord swallowed, and his heart did a little extra leap inside. “It’s never a steady rhythm, but you certainly speed it up.”

Celestia pulled back her head to look up into his eyes, her smile so warm. “You make my heart beat more quickly too, Discord. See?” Then she raised her hoof and took his claw, guiding it toward the area on her chest just above her golden yoke.

Discord blinked then pulled back his claw slightly, his eyes wide. “I…” He looked to that soft white area above the purple jewel and then to Celestia again.

Her eyes only hazed more, and her smile only grew. Her voice softened. “It’s all right, Discord. Please…just for a moment. You won’t hurt me. And I won’t hurt you.”

Discord swallowed. His voice was low too. “I know. It’s just…I like you…a lot.”

Celestia nodded. “Then let me show you how much I like you too.” And then she guided his claw the rest of the way to her chest just over her heart.

Discord’s eyes hazed. And sure enough just beneath that soft, warm coat of hers he felt her heart flutter with regular thumps, and all for him. He let his claw remain on the delicate area. “Oh…” left him in a whisper, “…my darling Celestia.”

“Discord…” Celestia whispered in reply. And then she rested her forehead against his and nuzzled him gently that way.

And meanwhile Discord continued to hold her close with one arm while his claw embraced her neck and chest. He sighed and closed is eyes, letting himself savor the moment. “You are not the worst person I could have picked to fall for. Not by a long shot.”

His darling Celestia merely smiled more and nuzzled him more deeply.

I love you.’ The thought passed through Discord’s mind with such ease that he knew he couldn’t deny its truth. And he didn’t want to, not anymore, even if this moment was just a dream.

Then Discord felt a coolness in their clearing that soon changed to a coldness. And then he felt like he had less and less of a grip on Celestia until he was holding nothing at all.

“Oh, what a touching union to break up.”

Discord’s eyes flew open to see that the setting around him had changed to cool grey and blue tones and Celestia was gone now. And reposing in the air before him was that dark figure of himself with the red eyes and the harsh voice—the shadow from his nightmares.

“Miss me?” the dark figure asked, something smoldering in its eyes.

Discord felt a mix of fear and anger flash over him for just a moment. But then he took in and let out a deep breath. He floated up to recline in the air as well. “No, not terribly,” he replied simply. “But I was hoping to see you again soon.”

The shadow raised an eyebrow.

Discord smiled a little. “I mean it. I want to apologize. You were right: my poor past actions fed you, made the side of me that’s you like this. And I’m sorry. But you’ll be happy to know I’m letting all of that go and moving on with my life. I’ll be much happier.” He clasped his paw and claw together. “Of course, if you still feel the need to try and express yourself as part of me every now and then with a dark joke or a particularly harsh prank, feel free, but I think eventually the compulsion for it just won’t be there. Because we both know what’s really important—friends and love.” He snapped and made a cozy chair appear underneath himself, and a pot of tea with cups appear floating at his side. He poured one of the cups.

“What is this?” the shadow asked, its eyebrow arching higher.

“Nothing.” Discord shrugged. “No trick. Just the truth. I keep getting angry with you, and it only fuels you. So I’m done. I’m going to care for all the parts of myself and make sure they all have peace, and that includes you. You won’t be denied, you’ll be soothed. Simple as that.” He poured the other cup of tea. “You’re actually a good reminder for me to have around about the mistakes I’ve made so that I can learn to forgive myself about them and be a better person in the future. Now then,” he set down the teapot in the air, “since you interrupted my date, and since I’m not sure if I can get that particularly enjoyable dream back anytime soon…” he gave the shadow a frown for a moment but then smiled again as he went on, “would you like some tea?” He held out one of the full teacups to the figure.

Something about the darkness of the shadow distinctly lightened at the gesture. But then it blinked and rose up a little. “I don’t want TEA!” it boomed. “I want you to see the truth about yourself!”

“And the truth is I like tea.” Discord let the shadow’s cup rest in the air for the taking as he took hold of and sipped from his own cup of tea now. “And I like ponies. And being evil all the time was such a waste of energy. This way of living is much more fun and relaxing.” He shrugged with a small smile. “The decision’s been made, I’m afraid, but I still want to do you the courtesy of asking you if you’d like to come on board.”

The shadow pulled back from him a little (though not before giving a quick glance to the teacup before resuming glaring at him). “This won’t work.”

“I want nothing from you,” Discord assured sincerely after another sip. “I’m just offering you tea and sandwiches too. Cucumber.” He snapped, making a full platter appear in the air. As he took a sandwich for himself, he looked very closely at the shadow, right into its red eyes. “And when you’re ready, we can talk about all of the sadness and loneliness underlying all of that anger and rage…. I’d like to come to terms with that soon anyway.”

The shadow actually lost its smirk, and its color lightened again.

Discord frowned a little, sincerity still in his tone. “I understand if it’ll take a while. It’s a whole big painful can of gummy worms we’re sitting on. But I think we’ll be okay if we just take letting ourselves feel better one step at a time.” He smiled again.

The shadow hesitated…but then came just a little closer to him, though it still made no move toward the offered refreshments. “And what about Celestia? What’ll happen when we get too close and no matter how it goes it’s too much for us to handle?”

Discord looked down and sighed…but he did look up, his smile remaining. “You just leave that to all the parts of me. We’ll do our best, and we’ll see what happens.”

The shadow lightened even more. It moved closer to him and the tea and the sandwiches. Even the background colors around them were lightning gradually as it spoke. “Fine.” The figure gave a nod. “Perhaps your idea isn’t the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard from you yet. But one more thing…” A determined scowl came to its features, its eyes would not leave his. “Admit we’re in love with her.”

Discord swallowed. Then he let out a deep breath, his eyes likewise never leaving those of the shadow. “I am in love with Celestia. But it’ll all be okay. I promise.” He used his magic to move the teacup closer to the figure now and smiled again. “I can feel love like that. You were wrong. And I’m so very glad you were.”

The shadow, a pale grey by now, took the cup and sipped once. It faded to almost nothing. “Maybe later then we’ll talk properly.” And then with a snap of its fingers (but not before hesitantly snagging a cucumber sandwich) it went away.

Discord smiled a little to himself and looked down at his own tea and sandwich. “Gets me every time.” He chuckled, then swallowed again, his gaze a little faraway. “So…I’ve fallen in love with Celestia. It really is true, isn’t it?” He tried to sip his tea, but the cup shook a little in his hand. He was remembering the feeling of her nuzzles, in his dream and in real life that one perfect one she had given him: it had felt like being brushed by the sun itself, and it had brought him such peace and warmth. And then that dream feeling of her heart beneath his claw… Discord sighed deeply. “Who knows? Maybe she really does like me too, like I suspected at first. Or maybe at least she could. I suppose we’ll see. And I’ll be okay.” He sipped the tea again and finished his cucumber sandwich.

The master of chaos remained in this position until even this strange realm of his dreams started to fade around him.

Soon, in reality, a snoring Discord yawned and found himself sitting up in bed. “Ah…” he stretched. “Where am I?” He blinked a few times, and then it all came back to him. “Oh, yes, yes…Twilight’s house.” He collapsed back into his bed. “It’s been a week, you’d think I’d be used to this by now.” Discord glanced around the crystal space that was slowly becoming a familiar place to him.

Twilight had allowed him to have a rather spacious room actually, which he had quickly filled with a large bed with an insanely designed wrought iron headboard, curtains of all colors and fabric patterns, a few fun house mirrors just for effect, and of course his signature nightstand with a Discord lamp and his favorite picture of himself and Fluttershy on it. Discord stretched again and smiled a little too. “Hmm…this is actually kind of nice, waking up inside as sort of a permanent thing. I could get used to this. Though I think I’ll start levitating the bed at night for fun: sleeping in the air is so much better on the back.” He chuckled and snapped, teleporting himself out of the bed which he left a particular mess (of course). Then he snapped again and made a bathtub appear which he wrapped a shower curtain around. The chaos master then sang a few choruses of ‘A Glass of Water’ as he cleaned before snapping again to make the tub disappear and to leave himself standing there drying off with a polka dot towel.

“There we go. Now for some breakfast…which I feel is well deserved. I did just finally conquer my nightmare after all. Took long enough for that guy to show up again.” He smiled in pride, and then swallowed and added quietly, “Not to mention the other ‘conclusion’ that came up. The ‘I love you’ one.” He swallowed and glanced down. There was a soft smile upon his features.

Finally though the chaos master let out a breath, put on his usual smug grin, and snapped his fingers to make himself appear outside of the library. He knocked. “Oh, Twilight Sparkle? Your favorite houseguest is awake! Ready for breakfast, or have you gotten carried away with your early morning reading yet again?”

“We’re already down in the throne room, Discord!” Spike called up to him from down below.

Discord snapped his fingers and made himself appear down there now. And sure enough, Spike was already seated in his throne and Twilight was just entering from the direction of the kitchen with a few covered trays magically floating before her. She smiled over at her guest. “Oh, good morning, Discord.” She raised an eyebrow. “You slept in a little late.”

Discord nodded and snapped his tail to move his throne in between two of the girls’ thrones. “Good morning to you too, Twilight.” He stretched and yawned as he took his seat. “And yes, I was having such a good night’s sleep, I guess I lost all track of time.” He smiled. “I feel so much better now, Twilight. I thought for the longest time that emotions and caring were complete bothers, but when you get them all just right inside of you, it’s so…soothing.” He rested his head on his arms behind him and gazed over at his window. “I think I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

Twilight smiled as she magically made one tray float over to Spike and another over to Discord. “I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well, Discord.” She hesitated, but then asked, taking a seat at her throne and letting the third tray come to float before herself. “No more nightmares then?”

Discord shook his head. “No more. Only the best dreams a chaotic guy could ask for.” He chuckled to himself.

Twilight let out a small sigh, as she looked down and tried very hard not to blush. Then she cleared her throat and resumed her smile. “Um…that’s great, Discord. Anyway, with the Gala so close, I tried to make us all a better breakfast this morning than just warm oats or cereal and milk. It’s not much since I don’t have too many ingredients stocked yet, but I did have enough to make pancakes.” She lifted lids off of three trays and made them disappear to reveal plates of food complete with silverware and napkins. “Spike, I filled your pancakes with rubies and emeralds.”

Spike licked his lips and rubbed his hands together at the sight. “Yummy!” He pulled his plate toward him to let it sit in his lap.

Twilight smiled and then looked to Discord. “And Discord, I wasn’t entirely sure but…I put chocolate chips and sprinkles in your pancakes and I dyed them blue?” She shrugged.

Discord grinned as he took his plate in hand as well. “Ooo, very nice use of chaos, Twilight Sparkle.” He winked at her.

“Thanks, Discord.” Twilight now looked to her own plate of food. “And as for me, regular pancakes with extra oats.” She used her horn to make a small glass container appear in the air. “Syrup, anyone?”

“Yes, please!” Spike replied, and took the container, dumping some on his pancakes.

Twilight raised the container again when he was done. “Discord?”

The chaos master shook his head though. “No thanks, I’ll make my own.” He snapped, and another glass container appeared (this one full of brownish-greenish liquid). “Jalapeno flavored,” he explained. “Pinkie reminded me how much I like that flavor of things.” He dumped some on his pancakes.

Twilight smiled and shook her head, then poured some syrup on her pancakes, made the container disappear, and proceeded to eat.

Discord made his own container disappear and then after a few bites and addressed Twilight again. “Hmm, speaking of sleeping in late, how long after sunrise is it, Twilight?”

Twilight considered. “About two hours.”

“Two hours?” Discord dabbed at his mouth with his napkin and smiled. “Perfect—Fluttershy should be up by now and done with her morning chores for the animals.”

“Do you have plans with Fluttershy, Discord?” Twilight smiled and raised an eyebrow.

Discord rolled his eyes to the side ‘casually’. “Oh, no, but I just wanted to get her opinion on something that’s just come to my attention, and it’s a little urgent.”

“Oh.” Twilight smiled more, her eyes bright. “It doesn’t happen to be a friendship problem at all, does it? And if it is, would you want my opinion too, Discord? I’ve been dying to actually contribute to the solution of a friendship problem in the official capacity of a princess.”

“Uh…” Discord finished another large bite of pancake. “Well, it’s friendship ‘adjacent’, why don’t we say? And I’m afraid we’re dealing with a subject that, again, is a little bit above your pay grade, Twilight Sparkle.” He smirked just a little. “Though I swear, if I was still only semi-reformed, I might tell you just to finally see you lose your poise around me.”

Twilight’s look went dry though she couldn’t help smiling a little. “Whatever you say, Discord. But just so you know, I’m pretty sure I could handle whatever your problem is and still be calm.”

Discord chuckled. “Don’t tempt me, Twilight.” He finished the rest of his pancakes in one bite and ate the fork as well, then snapped, making his plate disappear and cleaning himself up with a napkin. “Anyway, I’ll be heading off. I’ll see you later. Speaking of which, what’s on the agenda for the evening?” His grin grew.

Spike finished a big bite of pancake and swallowed. “I vote hoofball again!” He raised a claw in the air with a big smile.

Discord smirked and raised his own claw. “Seconded! Plus chaotic snacks!”

Twilight smirked at the two of them just a little. “What’s on the agenda for tonight is everypony getting a full and early night’s rest with the Gala coming up in only a few days. And maybe a fun bedtime story. And maybe some chaotic snacks too. And Princess vote wins for now, at least until the Gala’s over. Then you two can stay up late again watching hoofball, all right?” Her smile picked up on one side as she raised an eyebrow at both boys.

Spike sighed and pouted but nodded. “Fine…” He went back to eating his pancakes, smiling again as he swallowed another yummy bite.

Discord chuckled as he flew up and snapped his throne back into its usual place. “I’ll go along with you too, commanding Twilight Sparkle, but only because if I don’t keep getting full nights of sleep, Luna’s going to start lecturing me both inside and out of my subconscious.” He rose up higher and gave them a wave. “Well, ta ta, you two!” The chaos master snapped his tail and disappeared in a puff of light and smoke.

Twilight and Spike both looked to where he had been with smiles, and then both friends proceeded to finish their nice breakfast together on this fine morning.

Fluttershy, finished with her morning routine of tending to her animal friends, was just dusting a table with a cloth while a few little critters gathered crumbs and straightened the rug on the living floor of her cottage when suddenly there was a knock on her door.

Fluttershy smiled and put down her rag. “Oh goodness, company.” She trotted over to the door. “Who’s there?”

“The only draconequus you take care of along with all the other creatures you’re so good at looking after, dear Fluttershy,” came the warm reply back to her.

Fluttershy’s smile brightened, and she opened the door. “Discord. Good morning.” She smiled up at him, and though she saw Discord smiling down at her, she immediately noticed that there was something a little nervous in the way he shuffled his hoof and claw on her mat and cleared his throat.

“Good morning.” The master of chaos gave her a small wave. “Nice day, huh?”

“Yes, it is. And I’m very happy to see you like always.” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “Do you need something, Discord?”

Discord remained attempting to smile normally for a moment longer. Then he sighed deeply. He clasped his hands in front of himself. “Fluttershy, could I talk to you about…mares?

Fluttershy’s eyes went a little wide. They looked into Discord’s for a moment. Then she sighed and turned to head inside so that he could follow behind her. “Come on in, Discord.” She smiled a little and glanced over her shoulder as they went forward together. “You really do like Princess Celestia a lot, don’t you?”

Discord rubbed his temple with his paw and cringed slightly. “You mean the pony I now can’t help thinking about as the pretty pastel-haired goddess who has graced my life with her presence? Yeah, a lot…and then some.”

Fluttershy smiled more. “I’ll make us some tea.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Discord nodded as the cottage door closed behind them.

“Fluttershy?” Discord put down his teacup. They had been sitting together at her kitchen table drinking tea for a good twenty minutes or so, and now the chaos master felt up to officially getting into a the proposed topic of his visit.

Fluttershy put down her own teacup and smiled up at him. “Yes, Discord?”

“So, about…the ‘mares’ stuff I mentioned before…” he started.

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, Discord? I’m all ears.”

Discord sighed and did his best to go on. “So, I was wondering…how does pony courtship work exactly?” He blushed considerably. “I-I’m just trying to get an idea about how to pursue certain things should I chose to pursue certain things…with Celestia or with anybody else, heh.” He glanced at Fluttershy with a sheepish grin. Then the grin fell away, and he rested his forehead in his paw. “But, yeah, if I had to pick right now, she’d be the one I’d pick for…whatever it is ponies do together these days to express that kind of affection.” Discord shrugged, still looking down a bit. “It’s just so embarrassing. How would I ever work up the courage to tell Celestia that I’m in…” He stopped himself. Then he let out a breath and resumed his hesitant tone. “I just don’t know where to start. I’m not even sure if she might feel the same way.”

“I see.” Fluttershy (after blushing slightly at what he had nearly said) raised an eyebrow. “Has she said something to you?”

Discord shook his head. “No. But sometimes the way she is around me… how she smiles and laughs and plays, and then practically inviting me to be her date at the Gala…it makes me wonder, that’s all, if she might have feelings for me. And meanwhile, my own feelings are getting stronger.”

Fluttershy brought her hoof to her chin, considering carefully. “Discord,” her tone was serious, “I think you need to think about this very carefully before you do anything, especially if your feelings are that strong. You and Princess Celestia only just became close friends. And if you want to try courting her, I think you need to wait until the right moment to bring it up. But Discord,” her gaze warmed, and she lowered her hoof, “if you do want to try this, until then, just be nice to her, let her keep seeing how good and kind of a person you are. Just do your best to be the best friend you can to her. And when the time comes to progress to anything else, I think you’ll know what to do, Discord. Just follow your heart about it.” She smiled.

Discord gave her a little smile back. “And do you really think that if I’m that sappy about the whole thing there’s any chance she’ll like me back and we can try making something work together?”

“Discord, there’s always a chance,” Fluttershy assured. “But you won’t ever know what’ll happen unless you try.”

Discord smiled more and chuckled. “Very well. I’ll roll the dice.” He popped his eyes out of his head and gave them a quick roll across the table before he popped them back in and took another sip of tea. “But in the meantime, I mean, about pony courtship in this day and age…” He raised an eyebrow. “Where do all of you usually go on dates—the meadows, the movies, the Everfree forest, the clouds for pegasi? And do the stallions usually do the asking out or all of you mares? And Celestia already seems to like flowers, but do mares also want to get gifts like a box of chocolates or a box of carrots or…I don’t know, rings for their horns—what?”

Fluttershy giggled a little. “Well, um…Rarity knows more about dating than I do, Discord, but…from what I do know, I think any of those places for dates sound fine. Except the Everfree forest: that just sounds scary.” She gulped. “And, um…I guess either person can ask out the other one on a date. I don’t think I’d ever have the courage for it myself, but that’s not because I’m a mare, it’s just because I’m shy.” She sipped more of her tea. “And as for presents, chocolate or carrots work fine, Discord, and of course flowers are always nice. But, um…” she looked down, blushing a lot and smiling more, “I don’t think I would get Princess Celestia a ring for her horn. Most, um…most ponies only get those for mares when they get married.”

Fluttershy glanced up to see Discord just siting there, eyes wide, blushing quite a bit himself.

After a second though he cleared his throat and shook his head to come out of it. “Oh, um, well…good to know. Thanks for saving me a big faux pas with the ring thing, Fluttershy.” He brought his cup to his lips and practically gulped his tea. “Marriage,” he rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Not that the chaos of going from mortal enemies to husband and wife in a matter of months wouldn’t be fun, but still even I have limits.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I’m glad I could help, Discord.” She took up the teapot to refill her cup and Discord’s.

Discord sighed and was quiet for a moment as she did so, then he spoke again. “I want to spend more time with her to show her how worthwhile I am as a suitor, but I don’t feel ready to just ask her out on a date yet. I’d want to be sure that she had romantic feelings for me first before I did that so that I wouldn’t risk hurting our friendship. So…what should I do? I can’t just go over there and hang out with her, at least not right now.” He shrugged. “She’s been so busy with the final Gala planning this week, and I don’t want to interrupt.”

Fluttershy finished a sip of her tea and smiled more. “Then why don’t you ask her if you can spend time with her to help her with the Gala planning?”

Discord blinked, and his grin returned. “Say, that’s not a bad idea. And I do love throwing together a good party.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Well, I’m sure she must have a full schedule of planning ahead of her today. Why don’t you send her a message and ask her if you can help?”

“Today? Right now? A letter from me to Celestia?” Discord blushed a little.

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course.”

Discord sighed and considered. And then he snapped up a parchment and quill which quickly started composing a letter. “Very well. Before I lose my nerve, let’s get this over with.” He snapped away the quill, which and took up the letter to give it a quick read aloud.

Dear Celestia,

Hope your morning’s going as sunshiny as ever. I know we haven’t had a chance to talk much since the picnic to celebrate the end of my nightmares considering how busy you’ve been with Gala prep and with more guests arriving at the castle, but I was just wondering if you’d like any assistance setting things up for the Gala today? If so, let me know, and I’ll try to stop by.


Discord, Chaos Master

Discord looked to Fluttershy. “What do you think?”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “It’s nice Discord, but it seems a little short and formal for you. Usually your letters have a lot more…style.” She smiled and shrugged.

Discord nodded. “I know, but…she’s a princess, and I’m trying to make her see me as more than just her humorous buddy. Maybe a little formality wouldn’t hurt, especially regarding something as big as the Gala.” He snapped to send the letter away. “The formal, royal thing is part of her life, and it’s a part I haven’t shown a lot of respect for until now. I want her to see I can take her time and title as a princess seriously.” He smiled and crossed his arms over his chest.

Fluttershy frowned a little but finally nodded. “I suppose if it makes you more comfortable, Discord. But try not to get carried away.”

Discord grinned. “Oh Fluttershy, when have I ever?”

Fluttershy smiled fully again.

Suddenly in a burst of magic a scroll appeared in the air.

Discord’s eyes went wide. “Wow, that was a fast reply. I’m guessing that means it’s either an enthusiastic yes or as complete of a rejection as possible.” He reached up for the scroll but then hesitated. He looked to his friend. “Fluttershy…would you read it?”

The yellow pegasus nodded. “Of course, Discord.” She took down the scroll and opened it. Her smile grew. “The princess says she’d love to have your help if you’re free and that she’s sorry you haven’t been able to see each other between how much time she’s had to spend taking care of her guests and you having to settle in at Twilight’s. She’s putting the final touches on the ballroom later today, so if you’d like to come by to help with that, she’d appreciate it very much. And she signed it ‘ Your friend, Celestia’. ” She put down the scroll.

Discord’s smile was beaming, though he kept his tone casual. “Oh, uh…that’s great then.” He took a deep sip of his tea.

Fluttershy laughed softly. “Just keep being yourself, Discord, and you’ll do fine.”

“Myself but also enough of a charming, respectful gentleman for her to see me as a potential candidate to be more than a friend,” Discord corrected, his grin picking up on one side.

Fluttershy sighed softly and took a deep sip of her own tea. “Just…do your best, Discord. Nopony and no mare could ask for more than that.”

“Fair enough.” Discord chuckled. “If it doesn’t work though…if I tell her, and she wants nothing to do with me in that way…I’ll have to go away for a while, I think.” His smile fell a little.

“Go away?” Fluttershy frowned so much.

“Just for a little while,” the chaos master assured, lowering his teacup. “Not to run away or anything, and I’d still visit regularly of course, but…the more I’m around here, the more I end up around Celestia, and the stronger my attraction to her gets. If I go away, I might be able to break it or to at least get myself able to function with her in friendship without falling for her more and more.” As Fluttershy still frowned, Discord smiled more and went on, “I’ll be back around permanently soon enough, I promise, dear Fluttershy. And in the meantime, we could always write.”

Fluttershy smiled a little again. “I just want you to take care of yourself, Discord. But for what it’s worth, I hope Celestia does feel the same way about you one day. I think you two could make each other very happy.”

Discord’s eyes went wide…and then he looked down into his teacup while his smile beamed. “Thank you, Fluttershy,” left him softly.

There was a momentary silence between the two, and then Discord cleared his throat and did his best to resume his normal confident grin and tone. “Now, er…so, as long as we’re being all gossipy about dating, is there any special somepony that you have your eye on, Fluttershy? I’ve been meaning to ask. I’d have quite a few rounds of interrogation to put them through to make sure they’re good enough for you, you know.” He smirked a little.

Fluttershy blushed considerably, her eyes wide, and then looked down into her teacup. Her voice became high and quiet. “Oh, I, um…I don’t know, Discord. I just keep to myself mostly.”

Discord’s gaze warmed, and his smile grew. “Well, if you really insist on keeping to yourself, just try not to act this adorable at the Gala, or the stallions are never going to leave you alone.” He chuckled as he sipped his tea.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened all the more. “Oh, that would never happen…right?” She looked up at him.

Discord rested his head on his hand. “You’ll be all right, Fluttershy. You’ll have all your friends there to look out for you, and you’ll have me as well. After all, no matter what role Celestia plays in my life, you’ll always be my best friend, and nothing will ever be more important than that.” He winked.

Fluttershy’s smile brightened, and her demeanor relaxed a little. “Thanks, Discord.”

The chaos master nodded. “I’m sorry I teased you a little.”

“It’s okay.” She sipped her tea again. “So, I’ll see you at Rarity’s fitting for you and Celestia tomorrow?”

Discord nodded again. “Absolutely. I’m looking forward to seeing what the little pony has cooked up for me for the evening. I just hope the colors clash for the sake of chaos.” He chuckled.

Fluttershy laughed softly. Then she couldn’t help herself. “So, speaking of teasing…are you still dreaming about Princess Celestia?”

Fluttershy!” Discord rolled his eyes and smiled and blushed. “Really!” He crossed his arms over his chest…then sighed. “Maybe…”

The yellow pegasus laughed softly again. “It’s okay, Discord, we can talk about something else.” Fluttershy sipped her tea. “Any new chaotic things happening lately?”

Discord cleared his throat, his blush fading, and looked to her again. His eyes were bright. “Actually, yes. I’ve been thinking a lot about snapping up a proper home for myself, but I think the problem’s been that I couldn’t see permanently living in this orderly world. So I was thinking of carving out my own little pocket dimension for chaos…and maybe making a cottage of my very own.”

Fluttershy’s smile grew. “That sounds lovely, Discord. I want to hear all about it.”

Discord’s smile grew too. “Of course, dear Fluttershy. First rule of the place—gravity is not a constant but only an occasional force that comes and goes as it pleases—and sometimes in reverse.”

The two friends shared a laugh.

Discord and Fluttershy continued to talk for quite a while, which Discord found very soothing as he mentally prepared himself for the first time he would actually see Celestia since his realization that he had finally just plain fallen in love with her.

The afternoon came, and Discord found himself standing outside of the gates to the Canterlot Castle. And he remained standing and standing…and standing. He finally sighed and spoke quietly to himself, his eyes forward in thought. “I fell in love.” He had been so wrapped up in thinking about Celestia he hadn’t even considered yet the implications of this new first for himself. “I never realized it could happen so slowly and yet so suddenly…or how good and sad it could feel at the same time.” He took a breath. “I hope Fluttershy’s right and that I can find a way to make this work…and that before I do, I won’t mess up as badly as I did with friendship before I finally got the hang of that.” He winced.

A clock chimed.

Discord blinked a few times, coming out of his thoughts. “All right, here goes nothing. Time to start wooing Celestia in three…two…one…” He shut his eyes and snapped his fingers to take himself to the ballroom.

What he hadn’t counted on was being so worked up that he not only snapped himself into the ballroom…he snapped himself within about an inch of Celestia’s face.

“Discord!” The sun princess let out a gasp of surprise she couldn’t help.

“Huh?” Discord’s eyes flew open to see Celestia’s wide purple ones so close that he nearly snapped himself away again. But luckily the chaos master just reeled back a few feet and brought a hand to his chest to catch his breath. “Oh, Celestia. Sorry!”

Celestia let out a breath and smiled as she took a step back. “It’s all right, Discord. You just startled me.”

Discord cleared his throat. “Yeah, I, uh…probably need to recalibrate my magical gyroscope a little or something.” He shrugged and smiled sheepishly as he took in her presence. ‘She’s just as much of a vision as ever.’ She looked no different than the countless number of other times he had seen her, and yet somehow to him now she glowed just a little.

Celestia’s smile grew. “It’s all right, Discord. And I’m glad you’re here. And I’m very glad you wrote to me. I’d love some of your input for setting up for the Gala.” She took a step back and glanced around and then back to Discord. “What do you think of the ballroom so far?”

Discord finally remembered that there were things in the room besides Celestia and looked around as well. His eyes went wide. “Wow…” The place was quite expertly decorated already with streamers and balloons and bits of silver and gold and rainbow everywhere. Representations of the elements, representations of Celestia’s sun and Luna’s moon and Cadance’s heart and Twilight’s star abounded. A long red carpet ran down the center of the hall, and at the top of a staircase near the entrance the marble steps had clearly been polished until they glowed as white as Celestia’s coat.

“Well, I have to say,” Discord remarked, “you know how little a fan I am of order, but order like this is even impressive to me. It looks like something out of an old pony’s tale.” He noticed how the decorations even went to the very top of the ceiling where a large, crystal chandelier hung, glittering in the daylight. “You must have some decorating committee on the budget.”

“Thank you, Discord.” Celestia sat down for a moment on the red carpet running along the center of the ballroom, and Discord moved to stand beside her. “But I still think it’s missing something special, something to help make the night as fun as possible.” Her smile grew, and she looked to him.

Discord’s grin picked up on one side as he gazed down at her. “Something…chaotic, dare you say?”

Celestia laughed softly. “I’d consider it a good luck charm for the evening if the spirit of chaos himself could add a touch of his own flair to the room.”

Discord’s smile brightened. “I’d be happy to oblige, Celestia. Spreading chaos is what I do, after all. And you’ve certainly provided me with a canvas full of opportunity. Just sit back and let the master work.” He flexed his fingers, then snapped to make a painting smock and beret appear on himself and to make a painter’s brush and color palette appear in his hands. “Let me see…” He flew up to examine the entire area then swallowed and tried to find a quick topic of conversation. “So I hear our fitting with Rarity is tomorrow at noon,” he called over his shoulder as he went about his observing and planning. “Do you think that means noon but be fashionably late or noon but be early because I’m sure she’s obsessing over these outfits of ours?”

Celestia smiled up at him. “Why don’t we just be right on time, Discord?”

“Oh how boring,” Discord rolled his eyes. “But fine, just this once I’ll do it.” He examined the chandelier very closely. “Is Luna coming too?”

Celestia shook her head. “She mentioned that she and Rarity had already gone over the measurements and details for her outfit in one of Rarity’s dreams earlier this week. I think she just wants to get as much sleep as possible in these final days before the Gala so that she’s prepared for it.”

“I don’t blame her,” Discord replied back, upside down now and looking at some curtains. “Between getting up for day meetings about this party, seeing to her usual duties at night, dealing with all of my dreaming shenanigans…” he yawned, “makes me sleepy just thinking about it.” The chaos master chuckled, soaring over to a tapestry now.

Celestia nodded. “I know what you mean. And she’s even been keeping up with entertaining the guests in the evenings. I don’t know how she’s done it lately.”

Discord grinned just a little to himself. “I told you she was a strong one, Celestia.” He was flying on his back in an arc, gazing up at the ceiling, and then he turned over. Suddenly his eyes went wide. He became perfectly still and quiet, just looking down, seeing a glowing Celestia amidst a drab floor cut in half by a bright red carpet.

Celestia looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. “Discord?”

The chaos master snapped, making all of his painting supplies disappear. Then he grinned widely. “Ah, yes, why not?” He snapped his fingers again to make himself appear on the floor beside Celestia. He looked at her with a big smile, holding up his hands toward her. “Stay right there on the carpet.”

Celestia smiled back at him with an eyebrow raised. “You have an idea, don’t you?”

“Naturally,” Discord replied with a smug grin. “Trust me—master of chaos, after all.” He snapped his fingers, and suddenly bars of soap were attached to his feet. Then he snapped again to make one of his chocolate milk clouds appear. He put a screwdriver into the side of it and tweaked it a bit. The cloud became a dark brown color. “No, that’s the cola setting…” he mumbled to himself. He tweaked some more, and the cloud became yellow. “Hmm, no, not lemonade…” He tweaked again and the cloud became dark brown and bubbling. He chuckled. “Oh, no, definitely not the hot fudge setting, but I almost forgot about that one. I’ll have to put that to good use soon though—maybe for an ice cream eating contest with Pinkie Pie.” He laughed to himself more and then tweaked the cloud again until it suddenly became white and very normal-looking. “Ah there we go—water.”

Discord snapped away the screwdriver and then gave a snap of his tail. The cloud instantly took off around the room, lightly raining water on all parts of the floor. When it was done, he snapped again to make it disappear, and then took off to ice skate over the wet floor with the soap. “First I need this old floor to shine. And besides, I haven’t had a chance to ice skate since Fluttershy reformed me and I turned Sweet Apple Acres into my own personal rink.” He yawned. “So boring that you ponies only ice skate in winter when it’s ‘normal’.” He chuckled, doing a leap and turn in the air.

“You can let ponies ice skate any time of year if you wanted, Discord. And you could ice skate whenever you wanted too,” Celestia assured, still eyeing him and his actions with such interest.

Discord blinked and glanced over at her. “How so?”

“Well,” Celestia shrugged, “you really can’t turn a place like Sweet Apple Acres into an ice rink of course: Applejack’s family relies on the order of that place for their living. But if you wanted to freeze over a small pond or even a lake, as long as Fluttershy helped you remove the animals from it first so that it wouldn’t inconvenience them, I think that would be a lovely treat for everyone.” She smiled more. “I’ve told you, Discord: a little chaos can be a good thing. And maybe sometimes even a lot of chaos can be a good thing. We just need to work together to figure out what’s best for everyone and go from there, especially now that you’ve become so comfortable with yourself as a good person and with using your chaos for good.”

Discord’s smile returned and grew. “All right, then. A little warm weather ice skating it is.” He considered. “What do you think about me making it snow ice cream too, just a bit?” His grin picked up on one side. “I’ll make those clouds out of cake…” he offered temptingly.

Celestia laughed. “Whatever you want to do as long as it’s fair to everybody.” Her smile picked up on one side. “Though I personally would be very partial to cake clouds, if you are taking suggestions.”

The chaos master chuckled. “All right, Celestia, if you want to roll the dice giving me the green light for this, why not?” He leaped over the rug to get to the other side of the room to continue his skating.

“You’re quite good at that, Discord,” Celestia remarked with a touch of surprise.

“Yes,” Discord glanced at his paw, a smug look on his features, “I always thought so.” He raised an eyebrow at her and held up his fingers to snap. “Want to try?”

Celestia blinked but then smiled and shook her head. “Oh, no, no, Discord. I don’t think I have the balance for it. It’s been a long time since I tried ice skating anyway. And if I fell, I wouldn’t want to crash into any of the decorations and mess anything up. The staff’s worked so hard.”

Discord shrugged. “As you wish, Princess.” He lowered his fingers and skated backward in loops. “But promise me that when I set up some summer ice skating, you’ll at least give it a shot when you get a chance?” He grinned.

Celestia smiled warmly. “I’ll consider it, Discord.” She glanced around the ballroom again. “And fortunately once the Gala’s over, you’ll have more time to make fun chaos for yourself and everypony, around here and anywhere else in Equestria. After all, there’s no major crisis that I can see needing your help with for the immediate future. I’m sure you’ll want to do a lot of travelling, go on a lot of adventures.” She gave him an encouraging smile.

A half grin picked up on Discord’s features, and he glanced at her. “You wouldn’t want to come with me, would you?” He did a small jump over the red carpet to go back to cleaning the other side of the floor.

Celestia blinked. Then she smiled at him very curiously, raising an eyebrow.

Discord cleared his throat and glanced away. “Or, you know, Twilight or Fluttershy or Luna could come with me…whatever works. It just seemed, off the top of my head, like you’re the one who could use a vacation most, that’s all.” He shrugged, moving to skate over the outer rim of the ballroom.

“I see.” Celestia smiled more, her gaze following him as he went along. “And I agree, Discord, travel is always more enjoyable with a companion. And I can understand why now that you’ve learned the true magic of friendship you wouldn’t want to go off alone.” She brought a hoof to her chin, considering for a moment. “I can’t speak for the others, but unfortunately my duties here right now wouldn’t let me to leave for very long. But even if you can’t find anyone who’s free to go with you, I’m sure you can make new friends in your travels.” She smiled. “Of course, if you wanted to wait on travelling and just stay around here for a while, I know your friends would love to have you. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you better, Discord, and I’m so happy you’re feeling better about the past and your friendships now.” Her smile brightened, and she lowered her hoof again. “Oh!” She had accidentally placed her hoof on the wet, soapy floor instead of back on the red rug, and now she slipped forward.

Discord instantly stopped everything he was doing, teleported right over to her, and wrapped his tail around the middle of her body to catch her just before she hit the floor. “Are you all right?” All usual mirth and sarcasm was gone from his tone and features—he was all concern. And his tail remained around her.

Celestia got her two front hooves back onto the carpet and smiled at him. “Yes.” She looked into his eyes, her gaze warm. “Thank you, Discord. I guess I really don’t have the balance for this.”

Discord blinked. “Erm…no problem.”

Celestia looked down and raised an eyebrow, then glanced back up at him. “My hair doesn’t tickle your tail?”

Discord raised an eyebrow as well, then shook his head. “Oh, no…I guess not. Must be the snake scales.” ‘Why did you just mention that you’re part reptile? Yeah, sure, that’s a turn on for a pony. Mares really dig the semi-cold blooded thing.’ He swallowed and tried to smile.

“Hmm, I guess you must be right,” Celestia merely replied back with a small laugh.

Discord let out a sigh, savored a certain feeling for a moment, and then gently unwound his tail from her and pulled it away. He hesitated but then just resumed his skating once more.

“You see, Discord,” Celestia smiled after him, “it is helpful to have you around here.”

Discord’s smile brightened considerably, and he glanced at her…but then he looked down a little and sighed. “Um…I don’t know. I think I actually might need to go away for a bit, do some travelling…maybe think about some things and what I want to do with my life now. Get to know the good Discord, you know? I just need new goal for myself.” He grinned just a little, glancing at her again. “But don’t let my desire to be responsible and useful get around. I still have a chaotic reputation to maintain, after all…” He jumped to the other side of the floor once more.

Celestia laughed and nodded. “You just do whatever makes you happy, Discord. But I’d be happy to try and help you with thinking of a new goal for yourself.” She looked down, her smile growing. “It’s something I’ve sort of been thinking about a little bit on my own anyway for quite a while. I’d be happy to discuss my ideas with you sometime.”

Discord’s smile grew too. “Well, in that case, here’s hoping between the two of us we can come up with something. Thanks, Celestia.”

“You’re welcome, Discord,” she assured with a nod.

“And hey,” the chaos master shrugged, skating up close to her, “as for my travels, even if you’re too busy to come, I suppose I can make the sacrifice on my own and cart a few souvenirs back here for you.” A touch of pride came to his features, and he snapped away his soap skates and then snapped up another normal cloud to give the floor a gentle watering again while he floated in the air.

He watched in delight as Celestia’s eyes brightened at his suggestion. “I’d like that very much, Discord. In fact, if you ever have time and if you’re going to be away for a while, why don’t you write to me?”

“Me?” Discord put a paw to his chest and tilted his head to the side.

Celestia nodded. “Of course. I love reading letters from my friends. And during that first picnic we shared, you told me so many wonderful stories about your adventures from the past. I’m sure your letters about any adventures you have in the future would be very colorful and interesting.”

Discord smirked a little and added, looking down at her, “And do I have to include some pithy moral at the end of each letter about what I learned about friendship that day?”

Celestia just playfully smiled more up at him. “Only if you just can’t help yourself.”

The two beings shared a laugh.

Then Discord let out a sigh. “I’ll make you a deal, Celestia. If you really want me to, I’ll write to you…but sometimes I’d like you to write to me in return.” He grinned more.

Celestia blinked. “Really? Why?”

Discord shrugged. “Because I like making others challenge their normal, ordered ways of doing things. And all you ever seem to do is read about everyone else's stories and feelings and cares…so I want to make you share your own stories and feelings and cares for once. Be a little selfish, Celestia, and make the deal.” He held out his paw to her.

Celestia’s gaze softened, and she raised her hoof and shook with him. “It’s a deal, Discord.”

“Excellent.” Discord almost wanted to be cheeky and raise her hoof to give it a kiss, but the very notion made him fear blushing, and he released her. “Erm, now that that’s settled, I’d better start drying these floors so that I can really get to work.” He snapped his fingers, made the rain cloud disappear, and then flew out to the center of the first side of the floor and proceeded to spin in such a fast horizontal circle that a low-lying wind blew quite strongly to remove all moisture from the floor. When he was done, his flew up and headed over to the other side of the room to do the same.

Celestia watched his technique with interest and then she looked down at the side of the floor he had finished and blinked. The whole expanse was so glossy she could see herself in it like a mirror or like glass. She reached out and tapped the top of her shoe-covered hoof to it gently. Then she pulled back, her eyes going wide. “It is glass…” she whispered to herself.

Discord, meanwhile, finished drying the other side of the room and then flew back over to the first side. “Now to get started…” He glanced to Celestia. “No peeking.” He snapped, and suddenly one of her wings came forward to cover her eyes.

“Discord!” She laughed a little. “What in the world are you up to?”

Discord just chuckled heartily. And meanwhile Celestia heard many interesting sound effects as he went about doing whatever it was he had up his sleeve.

“And, just a few more touches and…there!” The chaos master gave a final snap, and suddenly Celestia’s wing was removed from her face.

She glanced around for a moment. “Discord?” She didn’t see him at first.

“Up here, Celestia dear,” he called out.

She looked up and saw he was at the top of the ballroom ceiling near the chandelier. Celestia smiled and spread her wings to fly up to join him. “Discord, what did you do?” She grinned at him curiously.

The chaos master just smiled in that pleased with himself way he had of doing and then pointed a finger downward. “Look at the floor and see.”

Celestia did look down to the floor, and the surprise of what she saw was so great she almost lost her balance in the air, though she quickly righted herself. His handiwork was just such a fascinating sight to look behold.

Beneath the glass veneer of the floor, Discord had set swirls of colors all moving in curls and spirals—pinks and yellows and purples and blues and whites and greens, not quite like a rainbow so much as just a beautiful mix of things, like the colors in the sky before sunrise and sunset but all together and flowing in a dozen crazy iridescent streams.

Celestia’s smile warmed. “Discord…it’s beautiful.”

Discord couldn’t help a small blush and a proud little smile coming to his features. He put his arms behind his back. “Well, I…” he glanced down to admire his work, “maybe it is a little beautiful.”

The sun princess smiled more. “You're very creative, Discord.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure we can dance on it, though? I’d hate to ruin it.”

Discord nodded in assurance. “Perfectly safe.” He snapped, and they were back standing on the floor. “See?” He bent over and rapped on the glass firmly with his paw. “Every pony at the party could dance on it all at once, and still nothing would happen to it. But since most ponies will probably just be mingling on the outskirts of the room, drinking punch and chatting, it should at least make an interesting conversation piece.”

“I agree completely.” Celestia nodded.

“Of course, erm…if you have any doubts about its ability to be danced on…” Discord rolled his eyes to the side innocently, “…we could try it out.” And then he bent low and held out a hand to her.

Celestia smiled sheepishly. “Well…as long as we’re done in here, I really should see to the guests, but…maybe just for a moment.” She placed her hoof in his hand

Discord grinned. “It’ll be good practice at least.”

“A waltz again?” she asked, coming closer.

Discord nodded, just a touch of shyness overshadowing his smugness as he straightened up. “Sure.” He hesitated but then reached out and put his paw half on her yoke and half on her shoulder. “However, we don’t seem to have any music. You don’t have some spiffy little tune about friendship you could sing or something, do you?” the chaos master joked with a grin.

Celestia laughed softly but shook her head. “Nothing that we could actually dance to. Instrumental music is better for that.”

Discord sighed. “So many rules for these orderly affairs you ponies come up with. But very well—as you wish.” He snapped his fingers, and then floating above the red carpet appeared a cello which started magically playing itself. “And…one, two, three…” And then suddenly he was leading her off in a gentle waltz.

Celestia was a little wide-eyed at first but then quickly fell in line with his steps. “You’re doing quite well, Discord.”

“Well, I had an excellent teacher.” He winked down at her.

“Thank you.” Celestia chuckled and then glanced at the cello. “And thank you for the music too.”

“You’re welcome.” The chaos master picked up their pace just a little. “But it comes with a price. I’d like to hear you sing sometime. Come to think of it, I’ve heard all of the girls sing but never you.” He raised an eyebrow.

Celestia smiled. “Maybe now that we’re close, if an occasion for me singing comes up, you’ll be nearby enough that you won’t miss it.”

Discord grinned. “Even if I’m at the edge of the cosmos, I’ll snap myself right back here just to hear your sunshiny crooning.”

Celestia looked up at him with a little grin of her own and an eyebrow raised. “Laying the charm on awfully thick, aren’t we, Discord?”

Discord just chuckled. “Just practicing my escorting. By the way, did anyone ever tell you that for a six foot tall alicorn with a cake addiction, you’re light as air on your hooves?” He spun them both around.

Celestia tried very hard not to giggle. “Discord, you really don’t need to compliment me so much.”

Discord’s eyes hazed, and he shrugged. “It’s going to be your party, and you’re the one getting escorted by me, so I think you should be my main focus of the evening.”

Such a pleasantly surprised smile came to Celestia’s face. “Discord…what a considerate and selfless thing to say.”

“Don’t rub it in.” The chaos master grinned again. “I’ve become horribly sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.” He sighed. “But it helps take my mind off of the overwhelming sensation of my own new feelings, so I do benefit just a little.”

Celestia sighed too. “Well, for what it’s worth, I personally like your new feelings, and I think they suit you well.”

Discord smiled more. “You know something, I think so too.”

They danced together with only the cello music in the background for a few moments longer.

Then Discord seriously considered confessing to Celestia about a very particular new feeling he had been harboring lately. There wasn’t really anything prompting him to do it, and he still knew it could be the single most humiliating experience of his life…and yet…for a moment, doing so seemed right. They were alone…they were having a nice time…there wasn’t any pressure…and his love was only weighing more and more on his mind. And she was so kind, maybe she would understand…maybe she even felt it too.

Discord swallowed. “Celestia?”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide. There was something in his tone; it almost concerned her slightly. It sounded a touch lonely. “Yes, Discord?” She gave him her warmest smile.

“I…” Discord continued their waltz but slowed the pace just a little, “I just…wanted to say that…I’m glad we’re such close friends.” He felt himself blushing. “I mean, I know that we have a lot of bad history, but I’m just happy now that we’re in a different place and close. Because I like you.” The blushing was getting worse, and Discord just tried not to hate himself for it and to get on with his half-attempt at relieving some of the thoughts that had been on his mind (he couldn’t go all the way with confessing yet, he had suddenly decided, he just couldn’t). “I mean, you know I like all of our friends, but considering the whole ‘former mortal enemies’ thing…liking you is a big thing for me.” He managed to meet her eyes. “I like you, and I like talking to you and spending time with you. You’re a very comforting person. And for what it’s worth…” he made himself say at least this much more, “I-I know I’m not a pony but you’re such a good leader that I’d like to think of you as my princess in a way.” And now Discord let out a very deep breath and looked down.

He didn’t hear anything from Celestia for several steps of their still gently moving waltz.

When she stopped their dancing though, he did look up.

She was just standing before him and smiling so warmly; he actually could swear he saw a glint of a tear in her eye.

Discord then all but exploded inside when Celestia then came forward and wrapped a foreleg around his body in a tight hug, pressing herself against him. “Discord, I would be honored to have you as a subject…but I’m most honored to have you as a friend.” She pulled back and looked up at him. Then the sun princess laughed and then raised an eyebrow. “Discord?”

Discord, wide-eyed and silent, felt like he was trembling inside (and the ticklish feeling of her hair near him wasn’t helping), but at her saying his name, he took a deep breath and got himself together. “I, um…” He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’m here. Sorry, I think I just had a friendship overload—it short circuited me a little, heh.” He plastered his normal, charismatic, confident smile right onto his face. “But, um… hey, don’t think any of this means I’m going to start calling you ‘princess’ all the time now or bowing to you or worshipping the ground you walk on.” He snapped his fingers, making the cello pick up the beat, and started them dancing again. “I’m still the same old pompous being of chaos you’ve always known and loved.” ‘Only now you’re starting to see that I can at least recognize why every pony in this land would bow down to you as their graceful official caretaker. Yes, yes, all goes according to plan…’ He smiled more.

Celestia laughed and rolled her eyes to the side. “Oh, I have enough people calling me ‘princess’ and bowing and worshipping anyway. I’ve told you, I like how we can just be friends on equal terms when we’re together, chaos and all.”

Discord chuckled warmly. “Speaking of chaos, want to chaos this dancing up a bit?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow as well. “What did you have in mind? And should I brace myself for the floor moving…and check for Luna in the rafters before that?”

Discord laughed but shook his head. “No, no, no palace pokey for a moment.” His grin grew. “Did you ever swing dance? Mambo? Tango?”

Celestia blinked. “Um…not that I can recall.” She tilted her head to the side. “Could we even manage that on the two legs and four legs? All of those are a bit of a faster style.”

The chaos master held up his tail to snap while in a small burst of courage he raised one of her forelegs in his paw and pulled her closer with his claw to dip her back slightly. His grin grew, and his eyes narrowed playfully. “We can work it out.”

Celestia hesitated…but then she looked around, as though making sure they were really alone, and couldn’t help finally smiling up at him. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt to try. But no laughing if I fall.”

“Celestia, really…” Discord chuckled and gave them a quick turn on the spot that made her blink but then smile more, “would I ever laugh at you?”

The sun princess chuckled warmly.

And just then the door to the ballroom opened. A guard entered. “Pardon me, Princess, I…” The guard paused and blinked at the sight of Celestia and Discord standing directly before each other, Discord with his hands on the princess and she half-twirled and dipped back in his arms.

Discord’s eyes went wide for a moment but then he took a deep breath, straightened up, and released any hold on Celestia as he took a step back. His arms were now behind his back and he had his head held high in a dignified way.

Celestia blinked at the sudden change (and at Discord’s strange posture) but then turned her attention to the guard. She smiled shyly but spoke with her normal royal poise. “Erm…yes?”

“Uh…” the guard rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof, “…the guests are returning from their tour of Canterlot. You said you wanted to be at the gate to greet them, Princess.”

Celestia nodded. “Oh yes, of course. Thank you. I’ll be along shortly.”

The guard nodded in return. “Of course.” He lowered his hoof and bowed. “Your highness.” He gave Discord a hesitant look though he did smile a little. “Discord.” And then he left, closing the ballroom door behind him.

Celestia sighed and looked back to her friend. “I’m sorry, Discord. I’m afraid any more dancing will probably have to wait until the Gala itself.”

Discord sighed but nodded as he snapped away the cello and resumed his usual casual stance. “Of course. You go about your royal duties, Celestia. But I’ll be looking forward to our dance at the Gala very much.” He gave her a deep bow with a playful grin.

Celestia nodded. “I’ve been looking forward to it too, Discord.”

The chaos master straightened up, and there was a warm smile shared between them.

“Discord,” Celestia said softly as she finally moved to start walking back to the ballroom door, “why don’t you stop by tonight, have dinner with Luna and I and our guests? I think it’ll help make you more comfortable for the Gala, and I know many of them have been looking forward to making your acquaintance. It would be a real treat. As long as Twilight and Spike won’t miss you too much, of course.”

Discord grinned more at the invitation and nodded with a chuckle. “Of course, Celestia. I’d be happy pull my fantastic company away from Twilight and Spike to grace your dinner party with my presence.”

Celestia just shook her head and tried not to laugh. “Very good, Discord. I’ll see you later then, around six. And thank you for the beautiful floor.”

“You’re welcome, Princess. Ta ta.” He gave her a wave with his fingers.

Celestia gave him one final glance over her shoulder and then left the room, closing the door behind her.

Discord watched her go and then let out a great sigh and collapsed backwards in the air, landing on a cotton candy cloud that he quickly snapped up. “I am very, very glad I shared with Fluttershy how I’m feeling about Celestia. At least I have someone to talk to.” He took a deep breath, glanced around to make sure he was really alone, and then whispered very quietly to himself with a big smile. “She hugged me. She actually hugged me, all alone, me, completely, and I got to wrap my tail around her, and she would have danced with me the way I like to dance if that guard hadn’t interrupted us. But at least I took the opportunity to show her I know how to act professional and dignified when she gets interrupted for official business…and that I know how to lay on the charm when it’s just us.” He nodded to himself in satisfaction and then sighed dreamily again. “Did I mention she hugged me? Oh, sweet Celestia, now I know why ponies say ‘Sweet Celestia’!” The master of chaos sighed with a lovesick grin. And then as he chuckled and shook his head at his own silliness, he snapped his fingers and was gone.

As the afternoon wore on, Twilight was reading in her library with Spike when suddenly in a burst of smoke Discord appeared.

“Ah, Twilight, Spike, good, there you are!” The chaos master chuckled and then clapped his hands together. “Anyway, sorry to disappoint, but I just wanted to let you both know that I won’t be home until late this evening. I have dinner plans—Celestia invited me to dine with her Gala guests in Canterlot.” He grinned proudly.

Twilight, who was still catching her breath from his sudden appearance, sat up in the window seat where she had been reading (she had her library set to look like Golden Oaks at the moment) and smiled as she put aside her indeed backwards book. “Oh, uh…that’s great, Discord. Don’t worry, you have fun, and Spike and I will always be here when you get back, right, Spike?” She glanced at the baby dragon as she lay down again.

Spike (finishing dusting himself off from falling off of Twilight’s back where he had been lounging and reading a comic book), stood up on the floor and nodded. “Yeah, sure, Discord, we’ll be here. Wow, a formal dinner at the Canterlot castle… Have fun! And bring back some dessert if you can!” He smiled.

Discord chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do, young Spike. And thank you, Twilight. I thoroughly intend to enjoy myself with our dear princess of the day and all of her elegant friends.” He bowed. “See you both later then. And have fun finishing reading your book backwards, Twilight! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.” And then with a chuckle his tail snapped him away in a flash of light.

Spike smiled to himself as he headed back over to the window box to sit with Twilight. “Wow, it’s great he and Celestia got so close in time for the Gala. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy about going to see her.”

Twilight just sighed deeply and went back to looking at her book…though she couldn’t help smiling just a little to herself. “Yes, Spike, it is great that he feels so good about their friendship now.” She shook her head to herself, her smile growing. “It’s going to be an interesting Gala.”

“And I can’t wait for it,” Spike added with a nod and a smile as he opened his comic book and started to read again.

Twilight’s smile grew. “Me either, Spike, me either.”

They resumed their quiet afternoon.

As evening fell, the Canterlot Castle was bustling with the newly arrived Gala guests, and the dining room was all set to receive them all.

Two maids dressed in their usual black dresses and white hats and aprons, exited the closed doors of the dining room now with smiles on their faces, giggling softly—a pale yellow mare and a peach-colored one.

“Did you see some of the dresses of the royal mares who are visiting? Aren’t they beautiful, Dusty?” the peach mare asked.

“And aren’t some of those eligible dukes and barons handsome?” The yellow maid grinned. “I think I saw that unicorn marquis looking at you when they came back from their Canterlot tour, Shine.”

They laughed together again.

Dusty smiled. “But of course Celestia’s just sitting by herself in the dining room now waiting for Discord.” She winked.

Shine nodded with a giggle. “Did you hear about what happened in the ballroom earlier?”

“Of course.” Dusty smiled. “I’m dating one of the guards now. Apparently Discord practically had the princess dipped back in his arms. He almost had her on two hooves.”

Shine giggled again. “Just this once I’m so happy that we’re going to get to work at the Gala this year. I wonder what it must be like to have a dance partner who’s that skillful.” She blushed and smirked a little.

Dusty smirked a little as well. “Or a guy that powerful and charming. You can practically feel the romantic tension between them.”

“Hello, ladies…”

Both mares blinked and looked forward to stand at attention as Princess Luna suddenly came around the corner and approached them with a smile and an eyebrow raised.

Shine cleared her throat. “Princess, hello.” She bowed, then straightened up. “Princess Celestia is in the dining room already, and the food is almost completely set up for the guests.”

Dusty nodded as she bowed and then straightened up as well. “Yes. We’re just waiting for Discord to arrive at the castle.” She couldn’t help smiling a little. “And both of us are on our way to get the other guests now.”

Luna did her best not to grin completely at this news. “I see. Very good then, ladies, thank you for all of your assistance. And Discord is coming this evening, you say?”

“Yes.” Dusty nodded. “He visited your sister today while you were sleeping, and she asked him to attend tonight.”

Luna nodded, still smiling. “Hmm, well it’ll certainly be a lively dinner party then.”

The two maids nodded. “Yes, Princess Luna.”

And then suddenly in a puff of smoke a certain draconequus appeared.

The chaos master mumbled to himself as he dusted himself off. “Better I appear out here than in the dining room itself. Not taking any more chances after what happened earlier in the…Luna! And…maids!” Discord blinked but then quickly cleared his throat and put on his normal casual suave tone as he finally noticed the three mares standing before him. “Ladies, good evening.” He gave a dramatic bow.

Dusty smiled a lot, and Shine giggled.

Luna just smiled more and rolled her eyes. “At ease, Discord.” As he straightened up, she went on with an interested look. “You slept well last night, didn’t you? I can tell.”

“Yes, very.” Discord smiled and nodded. “Thank you for noticing, Luna.”

Luna nodded in return, her grin picking up on one side. “I’m glad to hear it and to see you’re eager for socializing again. Come along, dinner is starting.”

The two maids quickly pulled open the doors for them and bowed low.

Discord gestured forward for Luna. “After you, Luna. Ladies first.”

Luna smiled more as she shook her head and laughed softly. “Thank thee, Discord.” She headed inside.

Discord straightened up and then glanced with a smile at the maids. “And you two ladies have a very pleasant evening yourselves. A lot of the guards should have some more free time now that they’re all not following me around, waiting for me to hatch some diabolical plot. Why don’t you go insist they pay you some well-deserved attention and take you out for little evening on the town? And the same goes for the rest of the maids as well.” He winked.

Shine giggled. “Mister Discord!”

Dusty smiled. “Discord, I think Princess Celestia is waiting for you.”

Discord nodded. “Quite right.” He gave them a wave. “Farewell then, ladies!” And then he entered the room, the doors closing behind him to the sound of the maids sharing some more giggles as they went along to gather the guests.

The chaos master entered to find the table full of food and fine cutlery and Celestia seated at her usual place at the head of the table near the window.

As she caught sight of her friend, the sun princess’s eyes lit up and she waved to him. “Discord, welcome! I saved you a seat.” She magically pulled out the chair to her right—the chair he had sat in that morning they’d had breakfast together.

Discord raised an eyebrow as he approached. “Erm, don’t you want Luna at your side or something?” he couldn’t help but ask as he tried to contain a smile.

“Nay!” Luna announced proudly as she took the seat opposite Celestia on the far side of the table. “I sit at the other head of the table as my sister’s equal.” She smiled and held her head high.

Celestia smiled more at her and then turned to Discord again. “She’s right. Besides, you’re a guest of honor at the Gala, and my escort—I would be very happy to have you beside me.”

Discord sighed. “Oh…very well, then.” He snapped himself in to the chair and smiled at her. “I just don’t want your guests to feel I’m monopolizing your attention. I’d never want to be so rude after all.” He smirked.

“I’m sure everyone understands, Discord,” Celestia assured with a nod. “We just have a lot to talk about these days.” Then Celestia used her magic to pull a rope on the wall behind her chair, causing a bell to sound.

A guard entered. “Yes, your highness?” He saluted.

Celestia smiled at him. “You may send in the guests whenever the maids fetch them. The table’s all prepared.”

The guard nodded. “At once, your highness.” He gave a final bow and then departed.

Celestia turned to Discord, about to make a remark, when she paused as she watched him suddenly snap his tail to make a top hat, a monocle, and a bowtie appear upon himself. Needless to say, she raised an eyebrow at the sight.

Discord noticed her attention and smiled. “Just dressing a bit for dinner, Celestia. Don’t want to disappoint your guests, after all.”

Celestia hesitated but then smiled. “I suppose if it makes you happy, Discord. I like your hat.”

Discord nodded. “It does, and thank you, Celestia.” He tipped his hat to her with a grin.

Just then the doors opened, and the guests began to flood in, headed by some familiar faces.

Prince Blueblood instantly took the seat to Celestia’s left, and Discord instantly frowned and kept a very close eye on him (and Celestia’s hoof that he had kissed that day back in the library).

“Princess, how nice to have another meal in your home all together,” Blueblood assured Celestia with a bow.

Celestia nodded to him in return. “It’s nice to have you here as well.” She glanced to her right. “You remember Discord, of course, and Discord, you remember Prince Blueblood.”

Both gentlemen gave each other stiff looks but nodded civilly.

“Of course. Charmed, I’m sure,” Blueblood managed.

“Oh yes, just delighted to see you again.” Discord successfully resisted the urge to roll his eyes and even managed a formal nod of his head and to speak in a cordial tone (despite his natural compulsion for heavy sarcasm and light hostility).

Celestia raised an eyebrow at Discord’s gesture and reply but then just let out a breath, her calm, diplomatic smile returning to her features. She turned back to the prince. “Please, try some of the ratatouille, Prince Blueblood.” She made a tray magically come to him. “It really is quite good.”

“Oh, well, I don’t mind if I do, Princess, and thank you.” He gave her a bow and proceeded to magically serve himself.

Celestia smiled a little more and turned to Discord, but was interrupted by the sound of a very familiar spunky (and Prench) voice calling out to her.

“Oh Princess, ma cher!” Cher Rouge suddenly announced with a smile as she and her husband took a chair a few down on Discord’s side. “What a lovely meal you have prepared for us. Thank you. And hello Discord, it is a pleasure to see you again. I hear you and our Celestia have been quite inseparable lately. What a considerate escort you must be.” She giggled.

Discord smiled in pride, then adjusted his tie and cleared his throat to engage the Duchess. “Oh well, I try, I really do. And our two pony sister rulers really are such gems, how can I help being a fixture around here? I mean a fixture figuratively, of course, not like all that time I spent as a statue improving the look of the castle grounds.” He shrugged, serving himself some of the food now.

The guests (everyone was seated now) all seemed a touch uncertain for a moment about how to respond, but then Celestia laughed softly and looked to them all. “It’s all right, everypony. Discord believes that rather than lingering on bad parts of the past we should find the humor in life. He is very fond of spreading laughter, and very talented at it.”

“Oh come, come, Celestia, you’re going to make me blush.” Discord waved her off playfully then looked back to the Duke and Duchess. “Anyway, my dear Madame Cher and Monsieur Honoree, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance again as well.” He gave a dapper bow to the two ponies.

“And it is our pleasure to see you again as well,” Duke Honoree assured with a smile and nod.

“Oh yes,” Cher agreed, likewise nodding. “And we are so looking forward to attending the Gala with you.” She looked to Celestia. “It will be so nice to see you dancing at the Gala for once, ma cher. Even my grandmother never saw you dance.”

“I’m looking forward to it very much as well,” Celestia assured with a nod. “And Discord is too.”

“Yes, well,” Discord straightened up and shrugged, adjusting his monocle, “any chance to show our beloved Princess a good time works for me.”

“But perhaps when you’re busy, others may trouble the princess for a dance,” Blueblood suddenly interjected. He looked to Celestia with his usual overly-dapper smile.

Celestia blinked at the offer (while Discord frowned distinctly) but then turned to Blueblood with a smile. “That’s very kind of you to offer, but I’m afraid I’m hoping to mingle at the party more than dance. Either way though, as my escort, I plan to share any dances I decide to have with Discord.” She looked at the chaos master again.

A smug look of satisfaction came to Discord’s features, and he just had to interject. “Yes, I’ll be at her side practically all night long. So, you know, that’s how it goes.” He lifted up his glass to drink, hesitated, and then drank only the liquid out of the glass.

Celestia (unable to help noticing the glass thing) hesitated for a moment and then nodded to Blueblood. “But feel free to ask my sister for a dance.” She gestured down the table to Luna, trying not to chuckle.

Luna blinked. “Erm…” her eyes went wide, and then she smiled sheepishly, “I-I am afraid I do not dance much, but…I am sure many excellent ladies will be there for you to spend time with, Prince.”

Prince Blueblood sighed. “Oh, I suppose.” Pouting, he went back to his food.

“Oh enough about dancing,” Governor General Albatross suddenly announced from his place down the table with a smile. “That night I’m still hoping to hear about your daring exploits aiding Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Discord. It must be a thrilling story.”

Discord couldn’t help looking down for just a second, but then as he looked up again he saw Luna at the other end of the table smiling at him, and she even gave him a gentle nod of encouragement. “Yes,” Discord let out a breath as he addressed the Governor and the table as a whole, “actually, I would be very happy to share my take on that story at the Gala. I’ll admit, I don’t come off well in part of it.” He sighed. “I made a mistake and put my faith in the wrong person. But still I got to watch our dear Princess Twilight in one of her most heroic and noblest moments yet. I truly feel like I witnessed her personal transformation from pony into full-fledged Princess, and getting to be part of that is certainly worth any mistakes I had to make along the way.”

The guests were quiet for a moment, but then the governor’s wife, Lady Downy, started to clap her hooves. “Here, here!” she called out. The other guests started to clap too.

“Oh yes, here, here!” Cher announced. “A fine speech, Mr. Discord.”

“Thank you, thank you,” Discord gave a few small bows. Then he straightened up and adjusted his top hat. “Oh but enough about me just this once. Indeed, there’ll be plenty of time for me to get attention once we get to the Gala. But for now, let’s return our attention to the meal before us and our lovely hostesses who have provided it.” He held up one glass with his hand and snapped up another one for his tail. “To Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and of course to Princess Luna’s first Gala since her happy return!”

“Here, here!” everyone announced again, raising their glasses and toasting.

“Oh, thank you all,” Luna replied, smiling and looking so happy all of a sudden.

Celestia smiled warmly at her sister’s happiness. She looked to Discord and whispered. “Thank you, Discord.” She took his hand in her hoof under the table. “I’m very proud of you.”

Discord glanced to the side shyly with a grin. “Yes, I’m quite proud of me too.” He chuckled and then raised his voice a little to address the table once more. “And of course a special thank you to the mare who has made the Gala a grand tradition all of these years so that all of us could come together. Our dear, sweet, unforgettable Princess Celestia.” And then he leaned down, raised his hand she was still grasping, and gave Celestia’s hoof the lightest kiss.

Celestia’s eyes went wide and she glanced around for a moment, taking in how public the sudden gesture was. But then she cleared her throat and just smiled. “Thank you, Discord.” She laughed warmly, and the guests continued the sounding of their approval.

“You are eternally welcome.” Discord released her hoof, sat up (resisted the urge to stick out his tongue at Blueblood), and then looked at Celestia with something a touch mischievous in his eyes. “And as long as I’m making a social splash, can I chaos this meal up just a tiny bit?”

Celestia nodded, her look brightening a little. “Please do.”

“As you wish, Princess.” Then Discord raised his fingers and snapped.


“Oh my!”

“C’est magnifique!”


The trays of food and condiments were suddenly dashing around the table now, offering their samplings to each guest in a lovely choreographed dance.

Celestia eyed the unusually perfect pattern of the chaos-enchanted items with an eyebrow raised but then blinked a few times and shook her head. Soon she was smiling along with the guests as she observed the show.

And Discord grinned at his own handiwork too…though now, amongst the commotion, he also took a moment to just gaze at Celestia, smiling with a soft look upon her happiness.

A look which Luna, ever observant Luna, noticed yet again.

Discord’s issues with guilt and his insecurities over the Gala might have been resolved, but the moon princess knew his troubles of the heart were only just beginning. And (barring the magical appearance of Princess Cadance), she also knew that she would have to play a role in tending to them considering the delicate nature of the situation and of course the fact that it happened to involve not just a dear new friend but her sister as well.

Author's Note:

Hi everypony!

Yay, another update done! I hope you enjoyed the chapter :twilightsmile: And I promise, Discord's only going to act like a spazz for a couple of chapters more before a certain somepony gets him to go back to normal lol. Just one more chapter and then it's time for the gala (finally)!

In a perfect world for right now I'll be updating weekly, but sometimes it might be every week and a half or two weeks depending on how my schedule is irl, but I'll try to keep things steady so that we can finally get to the gripping conclusion :scootangel:

Also, for anyone who's interested, Keep Calm and Chaos On has also been updated today (with it's final chapter)!

Next time...

Chapter 20: The Final Fitting
Luna tries to have a talk with Celestia about her relationship with Discord while carefully avoiding revealing what she knows about Discord's feelings; the girls, Discord, and Celestia show up at Rarity's for the final outfit fitting before the gala (and we see what Rarity's cooked up for Twilight to wear); Spike and Discord have some guy bonding time over being nervous about their dates for the gala; Luna and Celestia have a private sister talk first about Discord's ever-increasingly odd behavior...and then about Celestia's love life in a general sense; and a special somepony we all love makes a cameo at the end :heart:

I hope you all enjoy it! Take care!

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