• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 24: Gala Night, Part 3--The Hope of Love

While a large number of the Gala guests had been gathered around Celestia and Discord for some time now, a particular group of elite ponies kept themselves just on the outskirts of the crowd to observe the situation closely as the chaos master continued floating and chatting while the sun princess laughed and occasionally interjected.

“Now he’s actually showing off about his display with Tirek…” Prince Blueblood couldn’t help but finally announce with a pout and scowl in Discord’s direction.

“Oh,” Fleur waved off Blueblood with a small smile, “he isn’t showing off about his mistake, he’s just talking about what happened. I suppose everypony’s been curious. Though I’m not sure how Celestia can stand there smiling having to recall such a bad memory.” She frowned as her gaze went back to Celestia.

“He’s getting awfully comfortable using his chaos here,” Upper Crust remarked as she pulled back slightly and touched her coiffed mane with a hoof. “What if one of those flying hors d’oeuvres of his hits somepony’s ensemble?”

“I’m still wondering about this floor…” Jet Set lowered his head to the floor, eyes narrowed, and observed the swirling colors of chaos beneath the barrier.

Fancy Pants sighed and adjusted his monocle. “Ladies, gentlecolts, while I do agree that it might take a lot more time until we’re all comfortable with Discord, I don’t believe there’s anything further we can accomplish by keeping an eye on him and Celestia. The evening’s over half over, the princess seems happy now, and she has her fellow princesses here to aid her. Perhaps we should adjourn to the courtyard for some fresh air. Besides, it wouldn’t do not to properly admire the special night princess Luna has made for us.” He smiled at the party.

The four ponies looked to each other and finally nodded and then looked back to Fancy with varying degrees of smiles.

“I think that sounds like a lovely way to continue our evening, Fancy.” Fleur came forward and hooked her foreleg with his. “And as you say, if Discord causes too much chaos, at least the other princesses will be the first ones to know. And if Discord and Celestia’s friendship progresses to anything…serious,” she blushed lightly, “certainly we’ll hear about that soon enough too.”

“A formal announcement at the Gala about a royal courtship would be a bold social move to witness, and a first,” Jet Set remarked with an intrigued grin.

“If anypony could pull it off though, you know, it’s Celestia.” Upper Crust grinned in return as she placed her hoof in her husband’s and the two of them started to follow after Fancy and Fleur.

Blueblood sighed as he followed after them. “Well, if Discord’s even close to seriously currying that much of her favor, I just hope he’s grateful. And I hope he realizes exactly what he’ll be putting pony society and himself and Princess Celestia through if he does pursue a relationship with her.”

The group trotted past Celestia and Discord, giving them a few last glances before finally exiting to the gardens.

Discord and Celestia, of course, didn’t even notice the departure of a few ponies from the ballroom. They were too caught up in their conversation with the ponies around them, especially Discord, who floated there with his brow furrowed now as he tried to answer a very complicated question that had just been posed to him.

“…I suppose what happened was…I didn’t understand how strong friendship was until I saw the girls using it to beat Tirek even when he had the magic of all of the princesses and all of the ponies and me as well.” Discord looked forward as he carefully chose the right words to describe how the magic of friendship had finally shone him that ‘good’ was better than ‘evil’. “Friendship made everything better, and I felt good when it did.” A smile picked up on one side of his mouth as he looked up again. “That’s how I knew I was finally a mushy, sappy, totally reformed good guy finally—when I was actually grateful that evil hadn’t triumphed and when having friends made me happier than having a chance at all the power in Equestria.”

The ponies in question around him had been listening to him in awe, eyes wide and some with hooves to their mouths. But now as he finished, they all smiled and stomped their hooves in applause.

“Discord, c’est magnifique!” Suddenly Cher Rouge popped forward from the crowd with a big smile. “What a harrowing and engaging tale of personal discovery you have related. Look, you have even captivated our dear Celestia.” She smiled more and gestured to Discord’s side with her hoof.

Discord blinked and turned to Celestia, and he was just in time to see that she had been gazing up at him with her violet eyes wider than he had ever seen them, almost like a child captivated by a pony tale.

But now, at Cher pointing her out, Celestia cleared her throat and quickly glanced down with a small smile. “It was just, um…a very captivating story, Discord. I didn’t realize how deep the emotional experience of accepting friendship had been for you.”

“Oh, quite all right, Celestia.” Discord’s grin picked up on one side, and his eyes hazed slightly. “I’m starting to get used to deep emotional experiences.”

Cher’s eyes practically sparkled at the comment, and she held back a giggle.

Celestia just smiled fully and finally looked up at him again.

Suddenly, more questions came from the crowd.

“Discord, what was it like getting to see the Rainbow Power up close?”

“I heard about the window Princess Twilight put in her castle for you—do you consider yourself part of her court now?”

“Did you really feel all better right after you got your magic back, or did you need time to recover like the princesses?”

“Discord, why did you give Princess Celestia flowers at the opening of Twilight’s castle?”

The last question came from Lady Downy as she stepped forward from the crowd with a smile to stand beside Cher.

Cher’s eyes lit up, and she couldn’t help adding with a nod, “Oh yes, the flowers—I almost forgot. Please talk about that lovely moment, Discord!”

“Aw, flowers!”

“Oh yes, I heard about that!”

“Oh Mr. Discord, you’re such a romantic!”

Discord instantly cleared his throat and waved the crowd off with a sheepish grin. “Oh, come now, I thought we agreed no more talk of rumors and romance. I gave Celestia flowers that day because I…” He paused and considered deeply. “Because…we’ve been through a lot, and I wanted to give a little something back to her for it all.” He rolled his eyes and added with a sheepish shrug, “And besides, I’m horrible at direct apologies, so…flowers it was.” He grinned down at Celestia and winked at her.

The eyes of the crowd were on Celestia again as she blushed slightly now. The sun princess cleared her throat and added with a nod, “And I appreciated them very much, Discord.”

Discord nodded in return to her. “And you were quite welcome to them, Celestia.” He tipped his hat.

From a short distance away, Luna had been observing her sister and Discord as they interacted in front of the ponies. And while the two of them seemed to be almost naturals at engaging the crowd and guiding the conversation and maintaining a lighthearted yet sweet tone, she could see the suggestion of more between them leaking through. Celestia’s blushing and Discord’s charming looks and their playful replies could suggest that they were just having fun with the silly idea of an intimate connection between each other…or that maybe they were actually starting to develop an intimate connection between each other.

Luna found these nearly flirtatious exchanges to be very appropriate for the two of them getting to know each other personally, and she had to suspect that such exchanges had taken place during their private walk together in the gardens. But in this public setting, her concern grew. ‘At this point it is just luck that Twilight and I are the only ones who have observed Discord closely enough to see that extra affection in his actions and words toward my sister. But if others realize what he now feels for Celestia before he’s ready to tell the truth…’ Luna knew Discord was a private person like herself. And a rumor was one thing…but an intimate secret becoming known to the public was quite another. She could only imagine his embarrassment at having his feelings revealed to Celestia in such a way. Luna sighed to herself. ‘Celestia said she would talk to him after the Gala, but the night is still young, and I think I must do something before then to help. But I have spoken all I can to my sister…so now I believe I must speak to Discord.’ She blushed lightly at the idea but nodded to herself and then approached Discord and Celestia through the crowd as an excellent idea came to mind (and, conveniently, just as the band was striking up a new tune).

“Sister, Discord…” Luna nodded to the couple, “I am very glad to see both of you enjoying the Gala so much.”

Celestia’s eyes brightened as she looked to her sister. “Luna! Yes, it’s been a lovely night. Are you enjoying it too?”

Luna’s gaze warmed, and she nodded. “Very much so. Tis just as lovely a night as you said it would be, sister.”

The crowd smiled at the night princess’s words, and some ponies spoke up again.

“Yes, it’s a beautiful evening!”

“And I’ve never seen the moon so full!”

“Thank you for the nice night, Princess Luna!”

Luna blushed slightly and nodded to the ponies. “You are all very welcome, and thank you again for coming to our home to enjoy and share this night together.”

“You really have outdone yourself for the evening, Luna,” Discord’s voice suddenly added. “Having spent some time out in the courtyard earlier, I can tell you that I for one am very grateful for all the beauty.” He chuckled warmly.

Luna turned to see Discord’s gaze take on an almost dreamy appearance again as he glanced at Celestia out of the corner of his eye while making this remark.

The night princess took a breath and knew she had come just in time. She cleared her throat and addressed Celestia and Discord once more. “Erm, Celestia, Discord, you know, I believe I’d like to have at least one dance this evening. But it’s been quite a while since I danced at a formal affair, so I think I would feel more comfortable with a partner I know well. Discord, would you mind leaving Celestia to take just one turn around the floor with me? And Celestia, would you mind if I borrowed your escort for just one dance?” She smiled sheepishly.

Celestia blinked then smiled more. “Of course, Luna, not at all.”

Discord considered, and then his grin picked up on one side. “You know, I was going to try and keep myself exclusive to Celestia, but I think you’re the one pony besides Fluttershy I would seriously consider sharing a dance with, Luna. Let’s go.” He glanced at Celestia (and his eyes hazed slightly again). “You won’t end up roaming the statue garden for me or putting the guards on alert just because I leave your sight for a bit again, will you, Celestia?”

Celestia laughed warmly and shook her head. “I think I’ll survive, Discord. But I do hope we can have at least one more dance together before the evening is done.”

Discord nodded. “You have my word, my lady.” And then he took her hoof and gave a bow…

…And Luna could see that he might be seriously intending to give that hoof a kiss in front of all of these ponies.

She cleared her throat and quickly took his paw, employing some of her alicorn strength to lead him away with a smile. “Come along then, Discord, let us have our dance.”

“Whoa!” Discord straightened up and held onto his top hat as he let go of Celestia’s hoof and started to be dragged along by Luna. He turned waved to the sun princess. “I’ll be back soon!” And then he and Luna were gone into the crowd of dancers.

Celestia waved to him, trying not to giggle….

And then she turned around to see that a large number of stallions had come to the forefront of the crowd with big smiles and holding out their hooves, clearly on the cusp of asking for her a dance.

Celestia blushed lightly and gave a polite smile. “Oh, um…you know, Luna made me realize I really haven’t gotten to see many of my friends tonight except for Discord. I, um…I think I’ll go see how Twilight’s doing with the hoofshakes and give her moral support.” She waved to the crowd. “Please continue to enjoy the party!” And then she trotted off.

All of the stallions let out sighs…until the mares in the crowd pouted and gave them all nudges with their forelegs. Then the stallions smiled sheepishly and held out their hooves, and the mares smiled warmly and nodded, and the crowd dispersed into couples for the dance floor.

Luna and Discord were out in the dance floor lost among the ponies soon enough. They stood before each other, gave slight bows, and started to move lightly together (and once the ponies around them realized that Discord didn’t have another show stopping dance prepared with Luna like he’d done with Celestia they all turned back to their partners, leaving the draconequus and alicorn in relative privacy).

Discord grinned down at Luna and crossed his arms over his chest. “Luna, if you’re trying to make everypony really confused about which alicorn princess has a crush on me, you’re doing a good job.”

Luna rolled her eyes and grinned. “Don’t flatter yourself, Discord.” Then she let out a breath. “Actually I wanted to talk to you.”

“Something up?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. I…well…I really wanted to wait until after the Gala to broach this subject if necessary but…” Luna sighed. “Discord, you trust me, yes?”

Discord nodded, his arms lowering and his smile falling away a little at her serious tone. “Yes, of course, Luna. Completely.”

She nodded. “Then you trust that I would never bring up anything that might be difficult for you to discuss unless I had a very good reason.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Is this about my nightmares? Luna, I really haven’t had any more since that night with the storm, I promise. I feel a lot better now.” He smiled again.

Luna only shook her head though. “Discord, it’s not about that.” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and kept her voice very low. “Discord, I know who your ‘lady friend’ is. The one from your dreams.” When Luna looked up at him again, she was met with a very wide-eyed chaos master.

But then Discord quickly scoffed and grinned and waved her off with a smirk. “Oh please, Luna, I can guarantee you do not know who—”

Celestia.” Luna kept her voice as low as possible, but did not break eye contact with him.

Discord paused, and then he opened his mouth, attempted a smile, then scoffed again and swallowed. “Luna, that’s…I…we…what an utterly preposterous…” But, as every word left him, his confident demeanor fell more and more until he just looked into her eyes and frowned, a blush building in his features.

Luna frowned. “Discord, it’s all right. Please don’t be embarrassed.”

Discord blinked, then pouted and scowled a little. “You said you’d stay away from those dreams—my special ones that I told you were private. You promised.”

The night princess shook her head. “Discord, I did not learn this information from your private dreams, I promise. I have not seen a single one.” Luna blushed slightly. “And that is why I’m bringing up this situation to you now. I knew Celestia was your ‘lady friend’ from the way you’ve been acting around her, especially lately. Discord, do you realize how often you all but gaze at her out in the open now, how indulgent your public jokes with her have gotten, how affectionate your tone has become with her in front of others…the number of times even the staff have caught little near-intimate moments between you two? I need to let you know, it’s starting to become very obvious to others that you actually do have feelings for her, all rumors aside. And I wanted to tell you because if you don’t want others to find out yet, it might be best for you to only express your more affectionate words and gestures when the two of you are in private. I do not want anypony to embarrass you, Discord.” She swallowed. “And as you told me, I know you don’t want to express your true feelings to Celestia until you believe she might have similar feelings toward you.”

Discord remained quiet for a long moment, looking down as they danced. Then he nodded. “Okay, Luna.” He sighed. “Maybe you’re right, maybe I have been getting a little carried away in front of other ponies sometimes. It’s just getting hard not to tell Celestia how I…“ He blinked, blushed more, and looked back up. His voice was a whisper. “Luna, I like her…a lot. But am I just kidding myself? Am I completely out of my mind for this? Is there no chance at all that she…that we…?”

Luna let out a breath. “I cannot answer that, Discord. You must talk to my sister when you’re ready.”

Discord hesitated, then sighed and nodded. “Right, yeah…right.” His tone of voice returned to normal, and he cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck with his paw. “Well…this is awkward.”

“Indeed.” Luna nodded. “But I felt it a necessary subject to broach.”

Discord nodded in return. Then he crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow once more. “And you absolutely haven’t been anywhere near my good dreams?”

Luna gave him a bit of a dry look. “Discord, I’ve had my share of Celestia worship in my lifetime. Believe me, the last place I want to be at night is watching somepony’s fantasy about doting on her.”

Discord had to crack a small smile. “Fair enough.” He swallowed. “So…still going to banish me to the sun for daring to approach your sister, and without your permission no less?” He smiled a little more.

Luna almost laughed and shook her head. “I think not. For starters, you clearly sincerely care about her. And second of all…who said you didn’t have my permission?” Her smile grew.

Discord blinked and blushed completely.

Luna had to laugh again. But then she sighed and lowered her voice once more. “I think you should know that Twilight suspects your feelings for Celestia as well.”

Twilight!” Discord sputtered, arms flying up.

All the couples on the dance floor turned to look at him.

He cleared his throat lowered his arms as he glanced to the onlookers with a grin. “Oh, just, er…talking about how good our newest princess is doing helping host the Gala, heh.”

The onlookers all smiled and then went back to their dancing and chatting.

Discord looked back at Luna and lowered his voice to a harsh whisper, his eyes wide. “What do you mean Twilight knows!?”

“Twilight’s very observant as well, Discord,” Luna replied. “I think she actually suspected that you were dreaming about Celestia even before I did. But I advised her that we should probably just leave you and Celestia to develop your relationship at your own pace.” She tilted her head to the side. “What’s wrong?”

Discord sighed deeply, dragging a paw down his face. “Nothing. It’s just…really, at this point, why don’t we just tell all of the girls and let the squealing and giggling and laughing begin?” He rolled his eyes. “But really, Twilight? You do know I technically live with her at the moment.” He pouted and rubbed the side of his head. “And great, now how I am supposed to enjoy dreaming about Celestia when I know that Twilight’s one wing over thinking about me doing it.”

Luna held back a laugh. “Discord, it’ll be all right. And as I said, I promise she won’t say anything to you or to Celestia for that matter about the subject.”

“Seeing as how Twilight’s talking to Celestia right now, I sincerely hope you’re right, Luna,” Discord replied dryly, gesturing with his head over to the staircase.

Luna glanced behind her.

Indeed, Celestia was over talking with Twilight and the girls at the top of the staircase.

Discord sighed. “Fluttershy knows too, you know. Apparently I am horrible at keeping secrets.”

Luna blinked and looked back to him with a smile. “Oh, you told Fluttershy? How sweet!”

“Enough…” Discord replied stiffly, blushing a little more. “Let’s just finish our dance, then let’s go back to not speaking about this ‘lady friend’ stuff again. Ever. For the sake of what’s left of my sanity and dignity, please.”

“Very well, Discord.” Luna nodded. “But if you ever do want to talk about it with me, I’m here for you…and my permission for you to court my sister stands.” She smiled more.

Discord couldn’t help smiling a little himself. “Duly noted.” He swallowed. “Thanks, Luna.”

Luna nodded, her gaze warm

The friends continued their dance.

Meanwhile, as Celestia had approached the staircase after Discord’s departure with Luna, she had been very glad to see all of the girls helping Twilight with the final greetings for the evening. The sun princess always loved getting to talk to Twilight, and she especially loved getting to be around the whole group of harmony elements. Time with them was never dull, and slowly the girls had learned to treat her a little less like ‘her royal highness Celestia’ and a little more like a slightly taller pony who just happened to wear a crown. And Twilight most of all made her feel normal and like a true friend.

“Twilight.” Celestia flew to the top of the staircase and landed beside her former faithful student. “How are you enjoying the night?”

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight beamed as she finished a hoofshake. “It’s been wonderful!” Behind her, all of the girls nodded and gave general replies of agreement as they continued on with shaking some of the hooves of the final arriving ponies. “And how has your night been?” the friendship princess went on. “And…is everything okay with Discord? It looks like he’s dancing with Luna now.” She raised an eyebrow.

Celestia laughed and nodded. “Oh, everything’s better now, Twilight. Discord’s much more relaxed about being here with me tonight. And I think Luna just wanted some company. So now I have a chance to talk to you. And what a lovely idea to have your friends join you for the greetings.” She looked to the girls. “I’m very proud of all of you for finding a way to spend the night together.”

Applejack tilted her hat. “Aw shucks, we were happy to do it!”

“Indeed, Princess Celestia!” Rarity nodded (as did Spike).

“Yup, when Twilight needs party help, we’re here!” Pinkie Pie winked.

Rainbow Dash swung a hoof through the air. “A hundred and twenty percent!”

“Of course.” Fluttershy nodded with her usual soft smile.

Twilight smiled at her friends and then looked to Celestia while the girls started talking amongst themselves (there were few greetings left to deliver at this point in the night, after all).“So…you and Discord are really getting along better now?”

Celestia nodded. “Oh yes. We had a long talk outside about friendship and the past and the future, and then we went for a nice walk and got to know each other a little better as close friends. And now everything seems to be okay again.” She sighed. “I guess it might have seemed silly of me to walk away from him like I did. But…I just missed the Discord I had been getting to know: the real Discord who makes jokes and teases me and who knows I’m not perfect. It’s nice to have him back now.”

Twilight’s smile couldn’t help growing, and she blushed a little. “You’re really attached to him, aren’t you?”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide, and she looked down for a moment. “Yes, I am.” She glanced at Twilight. “Is it that noticeable?”

Twilight glanced to the side and cleared her throat. “Well…it’s probably just noticeable to me because I’m around to see you together so much. But you do seem very happy when you’re around him.”

“I see.” The sun princess considered. “Do you think the change in me is affecting Discord in any way?” The question left Celestia’s mouth in a quiet voice.

Twilight blinked. “Well…he seems happier, just like you do.” She chose her words carefully. “And with how much he wanted to make things up to you after what happened at the end of your dance, I think he’s becoming attached to you too. I think you two could be very good friends, Princess Celestia. Maybe even best friends if you don’t count Luna.”

Celestia’s smile was soft. “Or you…” she added as she looked to Twilight. “Luna’s my best friend in a certain way because she’s my sister, but…I think of you as my best friend too, Twilight.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Me?” She blushed.

Celestia nodded. “Yes. So, except for you and Luna…maybe Discord really is my best friend. Or he’s at least a very special friend to me.” She looked down again and frowned a little. “But...maybe we’ve gotten too close too quickly. I know Discord’s still getting used to friendship, and I don’t want to overwhelm him. And I…I did let myself get very upset when our dance ended badly. Maybe for the sake of not overwhelming both of us, I should think about giving us some time apart once the Gala’s over.” Her frown deepened.

“Celestia?” Twilight’s voice started. “For what it’s worth…and if this wasn’t a friendship problem I really wouldn’t challenge you, but…I don’t think that’s right at all.”

Celestia blinked and looked to Twilight.

Twilight, smiling very sheepishly, cleared her throat and went on. “You and Discord both feel a very strong attachment to each other for some reason. And it might be new and difficult to deal with…but getting closer seems to make you both happy. And as long as it’s not hurting anybody or your other friendships and it feels right…why not let yourself have that? Your relationship might be progressing in a way you didn’t expect, but maybe it was meant to. Maybe it’ll even bring you some place in the future even happier than the place you’re at now. I know it might be scary, but I think you should just let your friendship grow.” She smiled.

And Celestia, after a moment, smiled back at her. And then she came forward and wrapped a foreleg around Twilight in a hug. “You’re a very wise princess, Twilight. And a very good friend.” She released her. “Maybe you’re right—I’m just being skittish. Maybe all Discord and I have to do is talk and let our friendship become whatever it needs to be to make us both as happy as possible.” She was smiling again.

Twilight smiled more and blushed. “Thanks, Princess Celestia, I’m…I’m so happy I could help you. And Discord too.”

Celestia looked out to the dance floor. “I think I’ll go spend some time with my escort again, Twilight. And girls…” she turned raised her voice to address the girls, “I believe all of the guests have arrived by now. Why don’t all of you go out to the dance floor and enjoy the rest of the Gala together.”

The girls all beamed.

“Gee, thanks!” Pinkie nodded her head and bounced up.

“Thank you kindly, Princess.” Applejack tilted her hat.

“Oh, thank you very much, Princess Celestia.” Fluttershy smiled and her eyes closed.

“Awesome! Free to party!” Rainbow Dash flew up.

“Ooo, Princess Celestia, thank you! Come along, Spike.” Rarity bowed her head.

Celestia smiled more at the sight of the girls (and Spike) turning and descending to the ballroom floor below. She looked to Twilight. “Go join your friends, Twilight. And thank you so much for helping with the hoofshakes this year.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. And thanks, Celestia.” She smiled, gave Celestia a quick hug, and then trotted after her friends.

Celestia laughed to herself as she watched her go. Then the sun princess descended the steps to head in the direction of the master of chaos and her sister. And she knew more than ever once again tonight that she had made the right choice of an escort for this evening; already the Gala had been as unpredictable as possible, and she could only imagine how the end of the night would go.

The girls all had to pass through the dance floor after descending the staircase, which they did, smiling and talking to each other as they headed to the edge of the ballroom.

But before a certain fashionable white unicorn could finish passing through the area, the baby dragon at her side gave a gentle tug to the end of her dress.

“Um, Rarity?”

Rarity paused and looked to him with a smile. “Yes, Spike?”

Spike let go of her dress to put his arms behind his back, then he cleared his throat and held his head high as he looked up into her eyes. “Now that things are okay with Celestia and Discord…and now that Twilight’s done with the hoofshakes…and now that we’ve all been able to spend some time with friends and other ponies…” he smiled and held out a claw, “could I have this dance?”

Rarity’s eyes widened, and then her smile warmed. She turned to face Spike completely and bowed her head. “It would be my honor, Spikey Wikey.”

“Really?” Spike practically beamed but then quickly cleared his throat and added, “I-I mean, um…thank you. Shall we?”

Rarity put her hoof in his claw. “Yes, let’s shall.”

She giggled, and Spike laughed, and then the pair went toward the center of the dance floor where Spike put his other claw on Rarity’s shoulder and Rarity moved closer to him just as the band struck up a gentle tune.

Meanwhile, on another part of the dance floor, Celestia approached a still-dancing Discord and Luna. The sun princess smiled at her sister. “May I cut in?”

Luna’s smile grew, and she nodded and stepped back from the chaos master as the band’s latest song ended and a fresh tune began. “Be my guest.” She looked to Discord again. “Thank you for the dance, Discord.”

Discord nodded, smiling a little (blushing slightly). “And thanks for the talk, Luna.” He bowed his head, then looked to Celestia. “My lady?” He held out a hand to her.

Celestia nodded. “My escort.” She approached him and put her hoof in his paw.

Luna smiled at the couple. “Have fun, you two.” And then she headed off away from the dance floor.

The song really was a gentle one, and so as Discord put his claw on Celestia’s yoke while his paw still held her hoof, the two of them just moved lightly back and forth to the music.

Discord smirked a little down at his partner. “By the way, I finally noticed those chocolate statues of you and Luna on the dessert table. Next year can we have one of me just for the irony of it all?”

Celestia laughed. “I’ll see what we can do.” She winked. Then she sighed, her gaze warm. “Discord, thank you for…relaxing a little tonight. And thank you for talking to all the ponies about Tirek and chaos and being reformed. And thank you for caring enough about our friendship and my feelings to try being yourself without some kind of show. I’ve had a wonderful night.”

Discord blushed a little, his smile growing. “Well, thank you for inviting me in the first place, Celestia.” A small chuckle left him, and he added, “And thanks for wanting to reform me in the first place too. It seems so many good things in my life start and come back to you.” ‘We’re not the center of attention right now—a little flirting couldn’t hurt. And it’s just so hard to resist with her.’ He at least did his best to keep his gaze from becoming too dreamy.

“Oh Discord.” Celestia smiled more and looked down. Then her eyes came back up to his. “Discord…I just…I wanted to say…” She cleared her throat and smiled sheepishly.

Discord’s grin picked up on one side. “Let me guess—you’ve been hopelessly in love with me from the start? Even a thousand years ago. And everything with inviting me to this Gala has all just been part of your master plan for finally coming clean.” ‘A draconequus can dream, can’t he?

Celestia smirked a little and rolled her eyes. “I was going to say that I just want you to know that our friendship means a lot to me, Discord. Being close to you feels very comfortable, and I hope being close to me feels comfortable for you too.” Her smile became sheepish again. “I know there have been some rough parts to becoming friends, but…I can safely say, it’s one of the nicest surprises I’ve come across at this point in my life. And no matter what ponies say about us, I want us to be close.”

Discord nodded. “I like being close too, Celestia. Much more fun than being enemies. And much more confusing for the ponies.” He chuckled.

Celestia laughed softly too. “In that case, if your offer still stands about us spending time together sometimes, especially at night when I get off duty, I’d like very much to take you up on it, Discord.”

“Really?” Discord’s eyes went wide, and for a moment he couldn’t help beaming.

Celestia nodded. “Yes.” She giggled a little. “You know, I never do get to see enough of Canterlot at night. Maybe we could even find a roller rink or an indoor ice skating rink, and you could help me practice for whenever you make your summer ice skating happen. And maybe I could show you a few of my favorite sights by moonlight? There are several beautiful historic buildings, and the city fountains, and the waterfalls that go down into the valley that are all lovely to look at in the moonlight.”

“We’ll go do all of that and more, Celestia.” Discord had to try very hard to keep his smile from bursting and to resist scooping her up in a hug. “I’ve got tea with Fluttershy in the afternoons, and I’m thinking about dedicating my mornings to playfully teasing Twilight in her own home, but my nights are all free and you’re more than welcome to them. And I’ll be looking forward to what ponies start printing about us in the tabloids.” He laughed again.

Celestia laughed again too. “Wonderful.” She let out a breath, and then her smile softened. “And in the future if we ever need to talk again about any issues in our friendship…we’ll just let each other know and talk…right, Discord?”

Discord took in a breath. His smile faded a little. But then it returned, and he nodded. “Yes. We’ll talk when we need to.”

“Is everything all right, Discord?” Celestia raised an eyebrow.

Discord nodded. “Yes. Just…just thinking for a second about how talking before was the only thing that got our friendship through the first part of the night and our first fight. And how if anything else big ever comes up, I want to make sure to talk again right away so that nothing comes between us.”

“I understand, Discord.” Celestia nodded in return.

Discord managed to smile normally again. “Say, erm…why don’t I go get us some punch and maybe we can catch up with the girls and Luna a bit now that they’re free? Then maybe you and I can have another show-stopping dance later, and when the party’s over, I’ll walk you back to your room or to that open-all-night donut shop you mentioned or something and we can discuss more about this new plan to be buddies that you have for us? And maybe even a little more about your wacky idea to have me actually mold young minds in your magic academy?”

Celestia’s eyes brightened. “I think that sounds like the perfect way to end our evening, Discord.”

Discord smiled and then gave her a bow as he stepped back from her. “Very well, then. You go find the girls and your sister, and I won’t be but a minute with the drinks.” He winked and snapped himself away.

Celestia giggled at his departure and then trotted off in the direction the girls had gone.

One mare and one dragon, however, were still on the dance floor. Spike swayed with Rarity, looking up into her eyes with his own eyes hazed as he held on to the hem of her dress. “Rarity, I know I’ve said it a lot already tonight but thanks so much for letting me escort you to the Gala. It’s been the best night ever for me.”

Rarity smiled more. “Oh Spike, it’s been a wonderful night for me too. You’re a very caring and devoted little gentledragon. You’ve made me feel special all evening long, and I can’t tell you how nice that is for a lady. You’re going to break a lot of hearts some day, you know.” She winked.

Spike smiled sheepishly and blushed slightly. “Oh, naw…not me. I-I mean, I don’t really care about dating much yet. I just…care about you.” His voice lowered, and he swallowed. “You know…a lot.”

Rarity sighed softly. Her tone was kind. “Yes, I do. We have a special friendship.”

“Yeah.” Spike swallowed, looking down a little. “Special.”

Rarity moved a little closer to him and lowered her voice. “For what it’s worth, Spike, no one’s ever treated me more like a lady than you have. And I wouldn’t trade having you as an escort for going to a Gala with even the most renowned of royal stallions. You make me feel so cared for, Spike. Thank you for that. And I hope you know I care very much for you too and that I always will.”

Spike’s smile grew as he looked up at her again. “Aw, Rarity…” He let out a happy sigh. “I wouldn’t trade having you here with me and happy as my friend for anything either.”

Rarity smiled more, and she and Spike savored the tender moment together.

Discord supposed he could have just snapped up two glasses of punch for himself and Celestia, but the action of having to walk over and pour the cups on his own gave him time to think.

The chaos master let out a sigh as he stood before the punch table. “Luna’s right—it’s becoming too hard for me to hide what I feel about Celestia. And before she finds out in the wrong way or other ponies realize what’s really going on first, I need to tell her even if I don’t think she feels the same way yet…as privately and gently as possible, of course, but still, it has to happen.” He swallowed as he started to pour the punch. “Besides, I don’t want her to find out about my feelings one day down the road and think that our whole friendship is just some lie I lived for a chance at getting her all to myself.”

The chaos master took a deep breath and looked down at the two cups of punch now in his hands then tried to smile again. “Cheer up, Discord. Celestia’s having a good time, and she likes your friendship. And even if you need to tell her soon, you can still wait at least a little while until you’re sure you’re ready. And…even if she doesn’t want to elope with you one day, at least you can probably still be friends.” He cleared his throat and tried to smile more. “I mean, of course you’ll still be friends. Nothing’s going to change that…even if you have feelings for her and she doesn’t have them for you. Just be honest with her, and nothing bad will happen.” Discord nodded to himself, and then with his usual smile (and the glasses of punch in hand) he turned and scanned the ballroom either for the girls or Celestia.

Celestia, of course, had headed in the direction of the girls once Discord had snapped himself away.

However, what Discord couldn’t know what that before she could make her way over to the familiar group of ponies…a swatch of conversation caught her ear near the exit to the courtyard.

“…Whatever we do, we can’t let Princess Celestia find out.”

“…Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

Celestia stopped, her eyes a little wide, and out of the corner of her gaze she could see one of the maids and a guard coming into the ballroom with concerned expressions as they looked to each other.

The sun princess couldn’t help turning and stepping toward them. She smiled and made certain to keep her tone gentle. “Excuse me, I didn’t mean to overhear but…you can’t let Princess Celestia find out…what exactly?”

The maid (a pale yellow mare named Dusty) went wide-eyed and then looked at Celestia as the white stallion guard at her side (Silver Ash) did the same. “Your Highness!” both of them announced with bows before straightening up again.

“I’m very sorry.” Dusty cleared her throat.

“We didn’t mean to intrude on the party,” Silver Ash blurted out.

Celestia nodded in return. “It’s all right, I know the staff who are off duty like to enjoy the party a little if they can, and your presence here is more than welcome. But is something wrong?” She tilted her head to the side. “If there is, please don’t worry about the problem distressing me. I promise, after a millennium of Galas, you become prepared for pretty much anything.” She smiled sheepishly.

Dusty blinked and blushed faintly. “No, no, there’s no problem, Princess.”

Celestia nodded. “All right. Then I think I’ll go out to the courtyard for a moment for a bit of fresh air.”

“No!” the maid and guard yelled at once.

Celestia only smiled more. “Why not?”

“Because…” Silver Ash tried, clearing his throat, “Because, it…some of your guests…”

Dusty sighed. “Princess Celestia, some of your guests are out there talking and…they’re not saying very fair things about you or Discord.” She looked up, frowning so much. “I apologize for eavesdropping, but I promise it wasn’t intentional. We were just taking a walk in the garden, and we heard them, and…I was hoping to make sure you wouldn’t hear them. Because some of what they’re saying is just wrong, and you don’t deserve that.” Her brow furrowed. “And especially not at your own party that you worked so hard to be able to enjoy.”

“Dusty…it’s okay.” Silver Ash put his hoof on her shoulder then looked to Celestia. “I’m sorry, Princess. If it helps, almost everypony else we’ve seen tonight has had nothing but nice things to say about you and Discord too most of the time.” He swallowed. “Princess?”

Celestia just stood there, her eyes a little wide. But now she let out a breath and something of a smile returned. She lowered her voice. “Thank you both for letting me know and for caring about my happiness. I appreciate it very much. I just have one favor to ask you: please don’t tell anypony else what you overheard, even the other staff, all right?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” They both instantly nodded and bowed their heads.

“Thank you.” Celestia turned toward the exit to the courtyard. “And please, don’t worry about me, and enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia,” the maid and guard both replied.

Celestia nodded her head and then departed, her look at little cool as she left the glow of the ballroom for the cool night air. She assumed that seeing to exactly what was going on outside probably wouldn’t take long, and that Discord would certainly wait a few extra moments for her until she was ready to join him with the girls. Besides, considering the fact that Discord had put a tremendous amount of effort into his reform and escorting her tonight all to show everypony his good side, Celestia couldn’t imagine what complaint anypony could still have to make about him—let alone herself—at this point in the party.

Meanwhile, the maid and the guard just watched her go with slight frowns before looking to each other and then heading off to the outskirts of the party where some of the other staff were located to try and enjoy the rest of their evening as Princess Celestia had wanted.

“I hope those ponies have stopped talking by the time Princess Celestia gets there.” Silver Ash looked down.

Dusty pouted. “I hope that Celestia catches them and gives them gives them a Princess-Luna-Level ‘Royal Canterlot Voice’ treatment for it.”

Silver Ash blinked. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Celestia get mad, let alone mad enough to talk like that to somepony.”

“Well, if tonight’s the first time, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Dusty sighed, and her look softened. “Discord’s not a bad guy at all.”

Silver Ash nodded. “Yeah, I know. He…almost sort of looks out for the Princess. It’s sweet.” His gaze softened.

Dusty’s eyes hazed and her smile grew. “And it’s been very inspirational romantically having a ‘couple’ like them in the castle.” And then she leaned over and gave his cheek a little kiss.

Silver Ash’s eyes went wide and he froze.

Dusty giggled. “Come on, Ash, let’s go get some snacks before the staff starts putting them away. It’s almost time for the desserts and the big cake!” She trotted forward.

Silver Ash blinked a few times and then smiled distinctly and trotted after her (a little blush on his cheeks). “Sure thing, Dusty!”

He chuckled as he joined her with the rest of the staff in a corner of the ballroom.

Meanwhile, in another part of the ballroom…

“Hello, ladies!” Discord suddenly popped up right in the middle of the girls, a glass of punch in each hand and a smile on his face. But then he glanced around and blinked, his eyebrow arching. “Have you seen Celestia? She was supposed to meet me here with all of you.”

The girls (putting aside how startled the sudden appearance of Discord had made them) let out breaths and smiled.

Twilight looked up to Discord. “Sorry, Discord, I haven’t seen her since I was talking to her over at the staircase.”

“Oh, um…I thought I saw her near the entrance to the courtyard a few minute ago,” Fluttershy added with a smile. “Maybe she went outside for something.”

“Hmm….” Discord glanced over to the courtyard entrance, his eyebrow going even higher, “...how odd.”

“You can stay here and talk with us until she gets back, Discord,” Twilight offered. The rest of the girls nodded.

Discord blinked and glanced at Twilight. “Er…” ‘Ugh, she knows. This is going to take me a while to get used to… I need to absorb at a distance first.’ He smiled down at the purple princess. “Thanks, Twilight, but I think I’ll just go see myself if anything’s keeping her. Be back soon.” And then he snapped himself away with his tail.

Twilight blinked at the sudden departure but then couldn’t help smiling and shaking her head with a light blush.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at her with eyebrows raised (and Pinkie Pie looked at her with an eyebrow raised and a big smile on her face as she bounced up and down in place for no reason).

Fluttershy glanced at Twilight’s reaction with wide eyes at first and then with a little smile and a light blush of her own.

Twilight noticed and looked back at her with wide eyes.

Finally, Applejack sighed at the two of them. “Uh…do you all have something to tell us?”

“Yeah, seriously,” Rainbow Dash pouted, “what’s with all the ‘looks’ tonight?”

“Ooo! Guessing game!” Pinkie beamed. “Since you’ve been looking all funny around Discord, does it have something to do with how he feels about Cel—Mmmf!”

Twilight’s magic instantly pulled Pinkie close while Fluttershy’s hooves covered her mouth (and both mares were very wide eyed, to say the least).

“Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy lowered her hoof. “Shh…that’s a secret.”

“Yeah!” Twilight nodded, releasing her magical hold on the pink pony. “And…how do you even know anyway?”

Then Twilight and Fluttershy blinked. “Wait,” they said together as they turned to each other, "you know!?” Then they looked back to Pinkie Pie. “And how do you know?”

Pinkie just shrugged. “Pinkie sense. Apparently Draconequui send out a lot of loopy magic when they like a special somepony. I didn’t even have to curl my hair extra tonight for the party: the pinkie sense did it for me.” She touched her extra curly mane.

Twilight brought a hoof to her temple and shook her head while Fluttershy just sighed and looked down for a moment.

When the two mares looked back up they were met with the sight of Applejack and Rainbow Dash looking at them with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

“Uh…” Twilight swallowed and cringed a little. “So…”

Applejack’s look went dry. “Discord’s actually smitten with Celestia, isn’t he?”

Fluttershy just blushed and looked away.

Twilight gave a small shrug. “I…don’t think it’s fair for me to say either way, but…well…”

“Wait, wait, wait…” Rainbow Dash had to land for this one. “So Discord…and Celestia…” She furrowed her brow in concentration, then she sighed deeply and smacked her hoof to her forehead. “Oh boy. Well, at least that explains why he was acting so goofy before. And…why he touched her so much during their dance and then dipped her back on two hooves.” Rainbow Dash blushed and cringed just a little. “Okay, this is going to take me a while to get used to.”

“Girls…” Fluttershy stepped forward with a frown, looking to all of them. “You can’t talk to Discord about this or tell him you know. Please. He’s very, very sensitive about it. And please don’t say anything to Celestia.”

“Aw, shoot, of course we won’t, Fluttershy. “ Applejack stepped forward and put a hoof on her shoulder, smiling. “Discord’s our friend, and we keep his secrets for him. Right, Rainbow Dash?”

“Sure, Fluttershy.” Rainbow flew up again and smiled. “We promise.” She winked.

Twilight came forward too. “I won’t let him know that I know, and I’m sure Rarity won’t either if she knows.”

Fluttershy smiled again. “Thanks, girls.”

The group came together and shared a hug.

“Come on,” Twilight announced as they separated and she turned in the direction of a nearby refreshment table, “let’s get some punch while we wait for Celestia and Discord to come back. I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”

The girls all nodded and followed after her.

Outside, Celestia walked along the familiar courtyard path until she came near a grove of trees, and as she approached, she heard some familiar (distinctly elite, usually in attendance at major social and official functions) voices talking.

“Celestia does have the right to choose Discord to court with, of course. She is a very capable mare, after all, and her judgment is flawless.” Celestia recognized Fleur-dis-Lee’s voice.

“Yes, I suppose…even if Discord does clash with everything about her,” added the voice of Jet Set (which Celestia recognized after a moment too).

“I’m just very surprised to see this side of her.” Upper Crust, Jet Set’s wife, was speaking now Celestia realized. “I had no idea she had such…distinct tastes.”

“And he’s not even royalty.” Prince Blueblood (Celestia knew that voice all too well).

“I’ll admit,” Fancy Pants started (Celestia had heard him speak at more than enough governmental functions), “they did seem very close once they returned from their time alone together.” He cleared his throat. “But certainly if a courtship were seriously commencing, Celestia would have announced the matter formally.”

“Most elite ponies do,” Fleur added.

“And she would start by informing the elite of Canterlot society before the public naturally—most elite ponies do that as well,” Jet Set added.

“And she would have to consider how well Discord would fit in at future social functions since she attends and hosts so many of them, of course,” Upper Crust added.

Prince Blueblood sighed. “My only relief has come from the fact that I assumed Celestia actually would formally announce if she and Discord were seeing each other. But if there’s a relationship developing between them and she’s decided it needs no acknowledgment…well, how are any of us supposed to know what’s going on around here?” He actually huffed a little in frustration.

Fancy Pants sighed as well. “Yes, even I can’t imagine she would pursue a relationship without a least consulting her peers even if she doesn’t want to bother the rest of the ponies. After all, we all have certain obligations as the faces of Equestrian society. And Princess Celestia most of all must realize the need to check with others in these delicate matters before any definitive steps are taken that could affect the state of the nation. We all bear that responsibility.”

“Indeed,” Blueblood added.

And now Princess Celestia stepped forward and let her presence be known.

Her tone was level, and she maintained a slight smile as the ponies noticed her entrance. “Pardon me…I should ‘check’ with others about my courtship habits?”

The full group of ponies, standing together in a semi-circle, went wide-eyed and their jaws even fell slightly as they took in the sight of the princess of the sun.

Seeing that no one in the group was preparing to reply to her, Celestia cleared her throat lightly and strolled closer as she decided to talk again. “Do you all agree then that I should get approval before I pursue anypony romantically? Or is it just anypony as imperfect as Discord?”

Finally, Fancy Pants swallowed and tried to speak. “Princess Celestia, I’m very sorry, we just…we’ve been concerned. Discord’s very unusual, and he almost hurt you and your sister and dear princess Cadance so recently with his betrayal. And then there have been those rumors…. We just want to make sure everything’s okay.”

“Yes. You’re the princess, you only deserve the best.” Upper Crust held her head high.

“And even Upper Crust and I made a point to properly announce our courtship when it began. You deserve that formality as well,” Jet Set added.

“Princess,” Fleur stepped forward, frowning a little, “I think we have simply…noticed a change in you with Discord around, and we want to make sure you’re appreciating all of the implications. We don’t want anything to be difficult for you.”

“Princess Celestia,” Blueblood actually frowned, and for a moment something sincere came to his look, “you’ve been through a lot lately and in the past regarding Discord. We simply want to make sure you don’t get hurt again.”

“And you don’t think I’m capable of keeping myself from getting hurt?” Celestia, eyes a little wide, tilted her head to the side.

Fancy Pants cleared his throat. “Princess Celestia, we haven’t meant to be presumptuous…”

“But you have been. Very presumptuous.” Her tone was firm if fair.

The ponies all blinked and frowned.

Discord strolled outside along the courtyard path still with the punch in hand, glancing around. “Hmm…now if I were a lovely princess, where would I…” And then he heard the sound of voices not too far off and turned in that direction. “Ah…”

Discord snapped away the glasses of punch for now and flew up into a nearby tree. He cocked an ear: the voices sounded like they were coming from straight ahead, so he flew a few trees forward and landed in a branch to look down at a little spot in the courtyard where, as it turned out, Celestia as well as five other ponies were gathered.

The chaos master raised an eyebrow and decided to just listen in for the moment. Whatever was going on looked interesting.

Celestia went on, her poise still regal and her tone still firm…and her gaze still almost piercing despite her slight smile.

“I understand all of you caring about my welfare as your princess and your friend.” The sun princess took a deep breath. “Believe me, it seemed like everypony in Equestria had some sort of concern to express about my safety when Discord and I starting becoming friends and especially when those romantic rumors about us sprung up: and not just rumors about the two of us secretly courting but rumors about Discord actually seducing me for the sake of getting close to some of my power or for the simple pleasure of hurting me.” She smiled more. “I’ll admit, my sister’s the more capable fighter, but I like to think I’m at least wise enough to know who my friends are and strong enough to defend myself from enemies…and that I’m sensitive enough to choose an escort who sincerely cares for me.” Her gaze met each of theirs, one after the other.

Then, before anypony could reply, Celestia sighed and went on. “But maybe this is my fault. After all, you’ve all been used to the circumstances in Equestria being a certain way and me behaving a certain way. But now in the last year we have two new princesses running around, a former villain is our ally, and I’m actually doing something besides standing on top of a staircase shaking hooves and being idolized at the Grand Galloping Gala.” Celestia rolled her eyes and smiled.

The ponies looked at each other with eyebrows raised and then back to her.

Fancy tried. “I…I’m afraid we don’t quite understand…”

Celestia’s brow furrowed, and she looked to the group again. Her tone grew more serious. “My life’s changing, and I’m happy. Because even though a predictable rule might be comforting for one’s subjects, a few centuries of it can feel a little uneventful and lonely for the person in charge.” Her smile almost returned. “Oh…my apologies though: I’ll admit it’s not fair of me to expect you to understand what it’s like to live the same century over and over. Sometimes it’s so hard to keep in mind that other ponies don’t have as much time as I’ve had to gain wisdom and experience. But remembering how much less of life you’ve seen than me does help make me more forgiving.” She let out a breath, and her look relaxed.

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “Your life feels…uneventful…and lonely? But…you’re a princess.”

“And I’ve been one for over a thousand years.” Celestia frowned. “And I’m a little tired. And if I did want to pursue a special somepony, I can’t possibly see how it’s anybody’s business but my own…and the person I’m involved with of course. And I think the only possible way my subjects could seriously think they had a say in the matter is if I was blatantly shirking my duties and putting the health of the nation at risk for the sake of my private life. But last I checked, the sun’s still been rising and setting like clockwork ever since Discord’s reform, and I still ended up putting weeks of solid work into throwing this Gala you’re attending even if I did have some extra help this year…part of which came from Discord by the way.” She pouted, and her brow furrowed again.

“We’re sorry,” Jet Set frowned, “we didn’t mean to question you. You’re right.” He lowered his head a little. “You haven’t shown any sign of being any less our princess even if a lot has been changing lately.”

The other four ponies nodded and likewise lowered their heads

Celestia’s features softened. “Thank you.” Then she smiled in a special way. “In fact, you should all know that if I ever choose a suitor, I probably wouldn’t publically advertise it even if doing that is common for high society ponies. My whole life has been public: I’d like something just for me. And maybe I do like Discord very much. Maybe he’s the closest gentlecolt friend I’ve had in ages. Maybe he is the most likely creature I would take as a…” She blinked and blushed lightly, suddenly realizing she was starting to get carried away, “…Well, erm…as a…” Celestia let out a breath, blushing at the thought of the word.

Her situation was made all the more difficult by the fact that the group of ponies before her started sincerely trying to guess the word.

“Gentlepony caller?” Fleur suggested.

Celestia shook her head. “No, no, nothing so formal. What I meant to say is…well…Discord would be my, erm…”

“Coltfriend?” Fancy tried with a clearing of his throat.

Celestia shook her head again, blushing more. “No, that’s too casual and far too modern sounding. And there are, um…more traditional roles that someone can take in this situation…” She tried to smile.

“Husband?” Blueblood shrugged.

Celestia actually scoffed and smiled lightly. “Oh, no, definitely not that—it’s a little too much.” She cleared her throat, needing the guessing games to end. “If I wanted to, I could take Discord as my…royal consort. That’s all I meant to say.” She smiled sheepishly, blushing more. “I’m afraid there are too many political issues for me to seriously consider marriage in the immediate future, but a royal consort has always been an option.”

“You mean you’d just…be together without any ceremony at all?” Blueblood blushed, his eyes wide.

Celestia blinked and blushed more, but then looked to him. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.” Her look and tone went a little dry. “Do you have a problem with that?”

Blueblood blushed more and shook his head. “Ah…no, no…I…no.” He cleared his throat and looked to the side humbly.

“Great.” Celestia smiled brightly. “Then yes, if the time was right and we both felt the same way—why shouldn’t I take anypony, even Discord, as my royal consort?” Her smile grew a little. “I enjoy his company, and he’s very charming and handsome and powerful. And frankly it’s been nice having someone treat me not just as a princess and a friend but as a lady first.” She blushed lightly and looked to the two mares of the group. “Ladies, please don’t try to tell me that you don’t understand how nice that situation can be.”

Fleur and Upper Crust’s eyes went wide and then they blushed and glanced to their escorts before looking forward again to the princess.

“Yes…” left both of them softly at once.

Celestia’s smile warmed as she addressed the entire group again. “Discord’s kind to me, and he listens, and he tries his best to make sure our relationship is a happy one for us both…and he’s never asked for a single favor from me in return. Ever.” Her smile fell, her gaze became serious again. “My point is I can date if I want to, I can fall in love if I want to, I can take Discord as my coltfriend or my betrothed or my consort. And I could run off each day after sunset just to spend the entire night with him on the grounds laughing and sharing with a good friend who just happens to be male if I felt like it. I notice no one faults other mares for simply dating in this modern era, so why should anypony fault me?”

Fleur’s eyes were practically shining now, and she frowned. “Princess, we didn’t…I’m sorry. We didn’t realize this meant so much to you.”

Celestia let out a breath, her look softening once more. “However much it does or doesn’t mean to me isn’t the issue. The issue is I’m not just a princess, just like all of you have more to your lives then just your titles or social standings. There are other parts to who I am.” She blushed. “And if Discord and I ever seriously had feelings for each other, who knows? We really might go in for such a passionate affair. But he is just my friend for now. Sometimes I think even if he wanted to be more, he’d be too shy to ask because of all those rumors about us. But if we did share affection, I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to be with him just because other ponies might not approve, and I certainly wouldn’t ‘check with’ anypony first. And if it didn’t work out—and not because Discord would betray my heart but because we just decided we were better as friends—he and I could certainly weather that situation with grace and poise…and I would have my sister and fellow princesses and friends to help me.”

“Princess…” Upper Crust was sniffling now, “we…I…It’s just that you’re our princess, we’ve always looked up to you. And if anything happens to you or hurts you…we want to be there to take care of you.”

Jet Set nodded. “We’d be lost without you, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia smiled softly. “If you want to care for me, just support my decisions and show good judgment and give me the faith of friendship. Nothing will ever hurt my bond with my subjects.” Her smile fell away a little again. “But if you would seriously fault me one special somepony who miraculously came into my life and who could fully share my life with me after all of that…then I don’t know what to say…other than I think I should be disappointed in myself as a leader because I’m very disappointed in such behavior from the ponies I’ve spent my life caring for.” She frowned.

“No, no!” all of the members of the group called out at once, approaching her and apologizing.

Celestia held up her hoof to silence them and smiled, her gaze and tone warm again. She lowered her hoof and then her head to put herself at eye level with all of them. “I forgive you. You never even have to ask. Just…do your best to be better next time. And in this case, one more thing…” her smile grew, “…try to be a little kinder to Discord? Our friendship is only going to progress, and I want him to feel welcome regardless of his past. Feeling welcomed was what helped my sister adjust to her return, after all. Please, as a favor to me.”

The five ponies smiled.

“Oh yes, Princess, of course,” Fleur assured.

“Absolutely,” Upper Crust nodded.

“We won’t fail you,” Jet Set nodded as well.

“We’re just sorry for being the ones to cause you distress on this night,” Fancy bowed and took off his top hat for a moment.

“Princess Celestia…” Blueblood stepped forward, “I…I don’t know what to say. I…have I really been so boorish to you and to your friend?”

Celestia rested her hoof on his shoulder, her smile warm. “You always mean well deep down, Prince Blueblood…deep, deep down.” She resisted a roll of her eyes and a laugh. “Just keep meaning well, but…maybe let your good intentions come a little closer to the surface in the future if you can, all right?”

Blueblood nodded, blushing slightly. “Yes, of course. I’ll do my best.”

“Very good.” Celestia lowered her hoof. “Now then, there’s still a party going on inside. Why don’t all of you spend the rest of the evening just enjoying it? And if you see Discord, be sure to tell him I’ll be along shortly. I’d just like a minute alone out here to enjoy the gardens one more time tonight.”

The five ponies nodded.

“We shall, princess Celestia.” Blueblood bowed as he passed by her.

“Of course, Princess.” Fancy tipped his hat as he went by.

“Absolutely,” Upper Crust and Jet Set replied with smiles and bows as they walked by.

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” Fleur smiled and paused for a moment as she passed near her. She kept her voice discreet. “And for what it’s worth, no matter what exactly is going on with you and Mr. Discord or how unusual it may seem…I thought you made a rather sweet couple.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow and smiled more. “Thank you, Fleur.”

Fleur bowed her head with a small smile and then followed after the other ponies.

Celestia was left alone.

The sun princess just let out a breath and took a moment to look at the gardens in the moonlight: she remembered her stroll with Discord, how nice it really had been to feel not just like the party hostess but like any mare on an outing with an escort…. And she recalled how Discord had said something kind over here or they had laughed together over there. Celestia smiled more and shook her head, then turned and headed back in the direction of the ballroom entrance.

Discord was still in his tree, his eyes wide, his jaw fallen…and he had only one line of thought flashing through his mind over and over. ‘Celestia would pick me as…she wants me for…she feels…she thinks I’m…she hopes I’ll be brave enough to tell her…she would run off with me each night…her consort?’ The word made him blush hotly.

And then as he noticed her heading back inside, that word and all of his other thoughts made Discord smile completely. He whispered to himself while he watched her. “Why, you secretive little…you felt so much about me all this time and never said anything? Oh, aren’t we both just ridiculous. Oh sweet, darling, beautiful Celestia, the night’s not over yet, and I certainly have no more reason to be afraid of how you’ll receive me after seeing your grand performance in defense of our relationship and your grand proposal of the ‘passionate affair’ we could have together no matter what the ponies say about us. And we still have time this evening for one more dance—how convenient.” His eyes narrowed in the most playful way possible. “Prepare yourself, princess…it’s time for the master of chaos to let himself be the master of love, and all for you.” He blew a kiss in her direction and then snapped himself away.

Celestia was just smiling to herself in contentment, her eyes closed, as she approached the ballroom entrance again. Considering everything that had passed so far tonight and all of the awkward and difficult moments that had been weathered, she didn’t see how anything else could possibly go wrong in the little bit of time left in the Gala, and the feeling was a relief. She and Discord were sure to have a nice, normal, fun ending to their night together.

“Dear Celestia…so here you are. I’ve been waiting for you, you know.”

Celestia opened her eyes at the sound of this statement made to her in the very familiar voice of Discord…but said in a very unfamiliar playful tone.

And then she raised an eyebrow at the sight of Discord leaning casually against the side of the ballroom entrance with his arms crossed over his chest, his tail lightly swishing upon the floor, his top hat cocked to one side. His eyes were narrowed, and he had such a smirk upon his face that she was almost reminded of the smug look he could get whenever he got the upper hand on her during his days of evil.

“Oh, um…hello, Discord.” Celestia smiled as she approached him. “Sorry, I just needed to step outside for a moment to take care of something, but I’m ready to head inside for time with the girls and to have our next dance.”

Discord chuckled (in a very odd, almost giddy way). “Of course, my lady. And I’m pretty eager myself to have you in my arms again.” He winked.

Celestia blushed a little but just rolled her eyes with a grin. “Very funny, Discord.”

He only chuckled more and bowed low, gesturing inside. “After you. Ladies first, of course.”

Celestia shook her head, still smiling. “You really have moments where you love going all out with this escort thing, don’t you, Discord?”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” The chaos master straightened up and came in right alongside her…and the tuft of his tail brushed through a few stray curls of her mane.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she paused as Discord walked past her.

Discord paused as well and turned back to her, still grinning, hat still cocked to the side, a hazed look still in his eyes. “Still coming, princess? The night is young and we are ageless. Might as well take full advantage.” They were on the edge of the dance floor, and he bowed low and held out his paw. “And why don’t we put off the girls for the moment and get right to the good stuff, hmm?”

Celestia blinked a couple of times and then just sighed and smiled as she approached him. “Discord, what am I going to do with you? You always surprise me.” She put her hoof in his paw.

He straightened up. “You think you’re surprised now, wait until our dance is over. I have something fun planned.”

Celestia’s eyes brightened. “Can I have a hint?”

“No, no.” Discord shook his head. “Just like last time—just follow my lead. Don’t worry, Celestia dear, you’re in good hands.” He held her hoof a little higher and looked down into her eyes. “Ready for a different side of chaos?”

Celestia found herself so lost in the strange look he was giving her that she just nodded. “Yes. Let’s dance, Discord.”

Discord tipped his hat and led her forward. “Yes. Lets.” As they came to the center of the dance floor, he pulled her close and put his claw completely on her bare coat below her yoke now.

Then Discord snapped his tail.

Many small carefully placed cracks appeared in the chaotic floor beneath them.

Spike and Rarity had just finished their dance and were heading over to join the girls on the edge of the ballroom, Rarity smiling normally and Spike beaming and with a little extra skip in his step.

“Spike, thank you for such a lovely dance. I do believe we were the center of attention.” Rarity held her head high and brought a hoof to her chest.

Spike nodded. “Sure thing, Rarity, not a problem at all.” He gazed at her a little dreamily.

“Hey Rarity?” And suddenly the pair’s conversation was interrupted by the voice of Rainbow Dash.

Rarity and Spike paused as Rainbow Dash hovered before them now with her brow furrowed and her forelegs crossed over her chest. “Do you two know about ‘the thing’?”

“The what?” Rarity and Spike said at the same time, eyebrows raised.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “The thing? About Discord and ‘you know who’…” She rolled her eyes. “I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

“Rainbow Dash…” Twilight (followed by the rest of the girls) approached them. “Don’t ask them about that! It’s bad enough that Fluttershy and I accidentally told you and Applejack.”

“Well, yeah, but…” Applejack smiled sheepishly and shrugged, “it might really help if we all just knew what was going on. And Spike and Rarity might already know. I mean, Rarity did tease Discord most of all…”

“Wait,” Spike glanced to all of the girls, “are you guys talking about Discord and…” He blushed. “So he really does like her?”

“Spike...!” Fluttershy whisper-yelled as she flew forward and gently placed a hoof over his mouth. “Shh! If you know, you can’t tell anypony. Please. It’s supposed to be a secret.”

Spike nodded, but as she removed her hoof, he had to raise an eyebrow and ask, “So does Celestia…?”

Fluttershy glanced away. “Um…we don’t know.”

“Excuse me….”

Everypony and Spike turned to look at Rarity who was just standing there with wide eyes. She took a breath, her voice steady and quiet. “Are you all…trying to tell me…that Discord and Celestia might actually, really, truly be…” Suddenly, Rarity gasped and reared up with a big smile. “Oh this is the most divine news ev—!”

Rarity!” all the girls said at once as they placed hooves over her mouth (except for Pinkie who just stood there bouncing in place with a smile).

“We don’t know that for sure!” Twilight whispered.

“It’s just…” Fluttershy gulped, “Discord sort of feels…you know…special about her. But we don’t know how Celestia feels.”

They removed their hooves, and Rarity let out a deep sigh, still smiling (though she kept her voice lower now). “I’m sorry, I was a little overwhelmed. I just can’t believe…Discord—oh, I knew he felt something.” Then her eyes lit up again. “Do you know what this means?” She lunged forward to Twilight, her eyes wide and her smile wild. “Maybe I could design Celestia’s wedding dress!”

Twilight’s jaw fell.

Fluttershy blushed and hid in her hair. “Oh my…”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s jaws went slack and their eyebrows picked up at odd angles.

“Uh…I…am not even sure how to reckon that one.”

“Wow…I now have an image in my head that’s not going away.”

Pinkie just kept bouncing. “Weddings are fun!”

Spike stepped forward between Rarity and Twilight. “Uh, girls, I think we just need to calm down a little and not get carried away.” He shrugged. “Let’s just leave Discord and Celestia alone, and I’m sure things’ll work out.”

Rarity let out a deep breath. “Okay, all right, I’m calm…” Yet she couldn’t help a big smile returning as she clapped her front hooves together. “But still…!”

“Okay...” Twilight let out a deep breath and made her calming gesture in front of herself with her foreleg. “Girls, Spike’s right, I think we should just keep this information to ourselves and let things play out with Celestia and Discord however they’re going…to play…out…”

Twilight’s words had trailed off, and now she was just staring forward with wide eyes toward the ballroom floor.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Uh, sugar cube, what’s…?” Applejack turned toward the dance floor now too. “Oh sweet apples…”

The rest of the girls and Spike turned too and likewise went wide-eyed.

Little streams of chaos magic were coming up from the floor and creating bits of chaos among everypony who was dancing—small cotton candy clouds and little mini flying pies and shapes covered in pink and white checkerboards. The ponies seemed puzzled at first but slowly they were smiling and resuming their dancing, laughing at the strange and beautiful magic around them.

And meanwhile Celestia and Discord stood in the middle of it all, Celestia looking at the chaos magic with wonder and Discord smiling down at her with his eyes narrowed…and he was holding her close—very close—and blushing.

Twilight let out a breath. “Oh boy.”

What else could the girls and Spike do? They stood back and watched and waited.

Out on the dance floor, Discord was finishing explaining something very important to Celestia.

“I literally filled the floor with chaos magic when I created it. I thought that was about as ‘me’ as a final touch from me to the ballroom could get.” The chaos master shrugged. “And now I’m letting some of it out. I was planning to save that for a grand finale tonight, but…now just feels like the right time. Let’s make this an unforgettable dance, Celestia, for everypony.” He quickly turned them and suddenly had Celestia dipped back a little in his arms. “Besides, I figure a little extra chaos will distract everyone from staring at us too much—we can be the center of attention but still have privacy.” He winked.

Celestia blinked a couple of times but then finally smiled again and nodded. “Discord, I’m so happy you’re getting this comfortable letting your chaos out in front of others.” She glanced around the ballroom. “Everypony seems to be enjoying it.”

“And are you enjoying it too, Celestia?” Discord’s smile softened. “That’s what matters most to me.”

Celestia laughed as she looked back to him. “Of course, Discord. Let’s dance.”

Discord nodded and straightened them up. And then, his paw holding her hoof, and his claw still on her shoulder, he began to lead…

Meanwhile, Luna, from her place chatting with some ponies across the ballroom, looked on at the sudden spectacle of the dance floor with an eyebrow raised. “Discord,” she whispered to herself, “after the conversation we just had about being more discreet to keep Celestia from realizing your feelings too soon, what in the world are you doing?” She watched and waited and hoped nothing hasty was about to occur.

Celestia was expecting their dance now to be a lot like their first one with fun twists and turns and exotic steps and magical transitions and maybe Discord playfully lifting her up to stand on two hooves again at the end.

Instead though…the chaos master started things slowly.

He was close with her, moving them back and forth, gently turning and twisting, and always keeping them in contact.


And now he was talking to her while they danced.

Celestia smiled. “Yes, Discord?”

The chaos master dipped her back a little again for a moment and grinned. “I have something to confess, I’m afraid.”

Celestia’s eyes hazed, and she smirked just a little. “Is it that you’ve been hopelessly in love with me from the start, even before you were reformed, and you agreeing to be my escort was just a clever set up to finally confess your feelings?”

The chaos master laughed as he straightened them up. “Oh, now, now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You’re such a cheeky princess.” He sighed and led them in a waltz-like circle around the center of the floor. “Have a mentioned it’s one of the most appealing traits about you?”

“Well,” Celestia shrugged and glanced to the side, “our banter really has gotten a lot more fun ever since we started being friends. Thank you, Discord.”

“And thank you for being such a good ‘friend’. He chuckled more at the last word.

“Discord,” Celestia raised an eyebrow (and distinctly noticed as his claw on her shoulder pulled her even closer), “Is something going on?”

“Oh, possibly, possibly.” The chaos master gave them a sharp turn. “But really, Celestia, I do have something to tell you.”

Celestia nodded. “Of course, Discord, anything.”

Discord sighed. “I might have…overheard some of your guests complaining about me before…out in the gardens.”

Celestia blinked. “Oh Discord.” She frowned. “Please, don’t mind anything they said. I gave them a good talking to.”

“Oh pfft,” Discord glided them back and forth in a tight pattern, “I don’t care about what they said. If ponies want to have a problem with me, then they’re going to no matter how I act. I just have to be myself and not let others get me down.”

“Oh.” Celestia smiled again. “Good. I’m glad they didn’t hurt your feelings. And I promise, they all apologized after I spoke to them.”

“I know.” Discord’s eyes narrowed more, and his smile grew.

Then Celestia’s eyes went very wide as Discord’s claw shifted down her back slightly to pull them against each other. “Um…Discord?” She looked up at him and swallowed, trying to smile still. “I think we’re close enough—otherwise we might trip over each other’s hooves.” But then she blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Wait…you know they all apologized? But…how?”

Discord twirled them again. “Oh, can two partners ever really be too close while dancing?” He sighed. “But if you really are worried about tripping, I can understand that.” And then he did move his claw back up to her shoulder…but by tiptoeing his fingertips along her back until he returned to the top of her leg.

Celestia blinked a few times.

Discord went on…and as he did, he lowered his voice and whispered near her ear. “And I know your guests apologized because I overhead them…and you…everything.”

When he pulled back, Celestia was blushing. She glanced to the side. “Oh. Discord, I know I must have gotten pretty carried away…”

“Not at all. You were flawless,” the chaos master assured. And then he chuckled. “Celestia, I’d ask you why you never said anything before, but…I’m just as bad, I’m afraid.”

Her gaze went to his, and she raised an eyebrow.

Discord glided them through the chaos bubbling up more around them, still keeping them close. “You like me better than any stallion, you’d run off just to spend nights having fun with me, you wouldn’t think twice about making me your consort. You probably thought it was all just rumors, but some of it’s real too, isn’t it? I suspected for a while at first, and I’m so happy to know the truth now. You see it just like I do, don’t you?”

“What…?” left Celestia in a trailing voice.

Discord glanced to the side. “I have to admit, I still feel a little shy myself but...I’m working my way through it.” His playfully narrowed eyes came to hers again. “Dating, falling in love, a passionate affair together and all without anypony’s approval…a betrothal.” He leaned in even closer to her now. “Oh, I knew there was a playful streak in you, Celestia, but I had no idea it went that deep.”

“D-Discord…” Celestia was blushing so much. “Come on, don’t tease…”

“But I’m not teasing, my lovely Celestia.” Discord turned them again. “I would never, not about this. I mean so much to you, and in your own words.” He blushed now. “I even treat you like a lady and not just a princess. But could a mare like you deserve any less?”

Celestia blinked a few times. “I-I’m sorry, Discord, I think I might be a little confused about something. I…”

“But you don’t have to be confused or embarrassed, dear Celestia…”

Celestia’s eyes went wide as Discord slowly floated them both up in the air. They were hovering high above the floor now, and on instinct her hooves came to his shoulders and she clung to him until she suddenly found that they were positioned even more vertically than when he had held her up on two hooves during their first dance.

“Don’t you see?” Discord went on, “I secretly feel the same way about you too.”

Celestia gasped as he suddenly dipped her back completely.

His voice was a whisper, his paw touched her cheek, and Celestia’s gaze met his.

Discord’s eyes were so hazed—they had never shone with such tenderness.

The chaos master continued. “I’ve fallen for you too, my orderly little enchantress. I’ve been going mad with affection for weeks now, too afraid to tell you the truth because I thought you could never feel the same way. But now that I know you do…now that I know you and I both want to be together more than anything…and now that I know you don’t care about the opinions of the ponies just like I don’t anymore…there’s nothing stopping us. Let’s have this, sweet Celestia, as the perfect end to this chaotic little escort escapade your brilliant mind set into motion…”

And then, his paw still keeping her face tilted up toward his, Discord closed his eyes and began to lean in.

His lips came close to meeting hers before Celestia finally realized he meant to kiss her. Instantly, she pushed him back, which brought them both upright, still close together. Her eyes were wide, her features were flushed, and her mouth hung open slightly.

As Discord missed her lips and felt their sudden movement, he opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow but then smiled more. “Oh, what was I thinking? You must be a little shy too—you’re such a modest mare, after all.” His tail rose up. “Why don’t I snap us someplace more private where we can work out our feelings together, hmm?”

“Discord…” Celestia barely managed, her eyes never leaving his, “Discord, are you being serious right now?”

Discord sighed but still smiled. “I’m holding you, I’m cooing some of the sappiest things I’ve ever thought of at you, and I just tried to kiss you. I promise, it’s all real, dearest Celestia.” He raised his tail again. “Now, the night really is still young—where shall we go to?” His eyes narrowed more.

“Discord, I…I don’t…” Celestia stuttered as she realized she had to tell him the truth (and that it was all her fault for the misunderstanding in the first place). “Discord, outside, with those ponies, I was just trying to make a point, trying to stand up for you as someone that a pony could like as a friend or more or anything else. I was just giving an example, I didn’t mean that I felt…that I wanted to…that you and I should…I…. Oh Discord, don’t look at me like that, please.” She frowned so much.

The lights in Discord’s eyes were fading, his smile was falling away, and he just flew there with her now blushing and dumbstruck.

Celestia went on. “I didn’t mean I had such strong romantic feelings for you and wanted that kind of relationship. I just said I could have that kind of relationship with you or anypony else if I wanted to—I was standing up for myself. But that doesn’t mean you’re not…. Discord, if I’d known you were there…and that you really…I wouldn’t have…. But do you really feel…” Her voice was so quiet. “Do you care for me, Discord?”

But before he could answer, Celestia heard a strange, sharp sound and looked down: her eyes went wide at the sight of the chaos floor suddenly developing huge cracks that released large currents Discord’s magic which now started to overwhelm the dancing ponies with colors and pies and cotton candy and upside down cola rain and balloons filled with whipped cream and oversized butterflies.

Unfortunately, right at this time, the large cake for the dessert buffet was being wheeled out and its cart had just been pushed onto the dance floor.

Needless to say, a sudden burst of chaos upended the cart and sent the layers of the cake toppling over and the top layer flying across the room…and in the direction of Rarity.

Spike, seeing the incoming collision, did the only thing an escort could do—he took the hit. Indeed, he leapt in front of Rarity just as the cake went to make contact. The result was Spike landing on the floor trapped in a top layer of chocolate cake with pink and blue icing while Rarity stood to the side, still cringing in anticipation of the impact.

But then, slowly, she opened her eyes, blinked a few times, and realized what had happened. She looked to Spike with a nearly teary-eyed smile and instantly trotted over to help him.

Meanwhile, back up in the air, Celestia heard another sound like something breaking, but this time much softer and right by her ear…and then she watched as a now wilted petal from Discord’s corsage in her hair fell down toward the floor. “Discord…” Celestia whispered as she looked up at him again. The chaos master’s eyes were shining. She opened her mouth to speak.

But then Discord’s tail snapped once, and instead Celestia gasped at the feeling of a cloud suddenly appearing beneath herself to sit on. Discord snapped again, and the growing chaos suddenly disappeared, leaving the ponies sprawled on the floor in its kooky remains. And then he snapped his tail once more, and disappeared entirely in a burst of light.

Celestia just sat on her cloud unmoving and unblinking and trying not to let tears fall at that last look of…what she could only describe as shame on her friend’s features.

Meanwhile, the ballroom floor below really was sort of in shambles now, covered in puddles of chocolate milk and cotton candy, splotched with checkerboard patterns, full of pies and other sweets crashed onto the floor (and onto some ponies), and quite a bit of the chaos magic in general just lingering in sticky pools.

The girls were already doing their best to help the guests get cleaned up and to clear some of the mess from the floor.

Twilight sighed and glanced to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, what do you think happened up there?”

Fluttershy sighed. “I’m not sure. But…I don’t think it was very good.” She glanced up. “And princess Celestia isn’t coming down yet.”

Twilight frowned and looked up too. Indeed, her mentor still sat on the cloud unmoving. But then Twilight smiled a little as a new sight came into view: a familiar midnight blue pony approaching the sun princess. “Well, it looks like Princess Luna’s talking to her now. That’s something.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I hope it helps.”

Twilight nodded as well. “Me too.”

They went back to cleaning.

“Sister…” Luna sighed as she took a seat next to Celestia on the cloud.

Celestia just remained looking forward with wide eyes and a blush.

The night princess kept her voice low. “Discord told you, didn’t he? About his feelings for you?”

Celestia blinked. “You knew?” left her in a whisper.

Luna nodded. “I deduced it, and he confirmed it. But I could not tell you directly, sister. I learned the truth while attending to his issues as a dreamer, and later he specifically asked me not to tell as his friend. But that is why I tried to talk to you about the possibility of discussing future romantic feelings with him. I’m sorry I could not be more direct.”

Celestia took a breath. “No…you did your best. I…Luna…” She looked to her sister.

Luna was surprised to see Celestia’s eyes shining a little…and she was even more surprised at the look of pure uncertainty in Celestia’s usually confident gaze.

“Luna…I don’t know what to do.”

Luna smiled then touched her sister’s hoof. “Yes you do, Celestia. Just take a deep breath and think about it for a moment.”

Celestia nodded and took a breath and closed her eyes. Then she opened them once more. “Will you…”

Luna nodded. “Twilight and I can certainly handle the remainder of the party. You go after Discord.”

Celestia nodded again. “Thank you, sister.” She hugged Luna with her foreleg.

Twilight still looked up at the sisters and smiled to herself at the sight of the hug. ‘That has to be a good sign.’ And then Luna came down followed by Celestia—the best sign of all.

The pony sisters landed before Twilight.

Celestia smiled. “Twilight, Luna will be hostessing the remainder of the Gala, and I need you to help her. I have to go see Discord for a while. I’m afraid something’s come up.”

Twilight couldn’t help blushing. “I-I know, Celestia…” She looked down.

Celestia blinked and blushed. “You…do?” She raised an eyebrow at Luna.

Luna nodded. “Twilight is capable of much deduction in these matters, it seems. Perhaps it comes from all the time she spent with Cadance as a foal.”

Twilight looked up to see Celestia looking at her with a blush and wide eyes. “Yes.” The friendship princess cleared her throat. “I’m sorry I couldn’t say anything to you. I thought it’d be better to let Discord tell you when he was ready.”

Celestia’s smile softened. “And that was the best thing to do, Twilight. Thank you.”

Twilight smiled.

“Perhaps he is in the statue garden again, sister?” Luna suggested.

Celestia shook her head though. “No. He goes there when he wants privacy but also wouldn’t mind a friend visiting. Right now, I think he just wants to be alone. He’d go somewhere different, maybe even somewhere so expected that it’s unexpected.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “How will you find him?”

Celestia considered. “Well…all of his friends are here so he can't be with any of them, and I doubt Discord’s up for much travelling at the moment…and I’m guessing he might need a little pick-me-up after such a full night.” Her smile grew a little. “I have an idea where he might have gone. And besides, his magic is fairly easy to sense.”

Twilight nodded. “Good luck, Celestia. Luna and I will keep the party going.”

Celestia nodded in return. “Thank you. But just in case you’d like any help…” She glanced over her shoulder and cleared her throat. “Pardon me, Fancy Pants, Fleur dis Lee?”

The two ponies, having just finished removing some chaos from their coats, looked up and approached Celestia.

“Yes, your highness?” They bowed their heads.

Celestia smiled. “I’m afraid I have to leave the party early this evening. Discord…isn’t feeling well, and I want to check on him. So my sister will be in charge for the rest of the night, and Twilight will be helping her. But I was wondering if your group would mind assisting them by trying to bring the party back into some order. You are the some of the highest and most respected members of pony society, after all.”

Fancy beamed a little. “Really, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia nodded.

“Oh yes, of course we’ll help, and thank you for the chance!” Fleur bowed her head with a big smile. Then she called over her shoulder. “Jet Set, Upper Crust, Prince Blueblood, the princess needs our help!”

“And we shall help too, mon cher!”

The princesses as well as Fancy and Fleur (and Jet Set, Upper Crust, and Blueblood who quickly approached) turned to see Duchess Cher Rouge come forward now with her group in tow (her husband and the Duke and Duchess of Skysburgh). “Anything for you, Princess Celestia, especially after all of the lovely Galas you have thrown for us over the years.”

Celestia hugged her friend. “Thank you, Cher.”

“And I reckon we’ll do our part too!” Applejack announced as she and the rest of the girls and Spike approached now too, all smiling and nodding.

The sun princess pulled back and smiled at the girls. “And thank you girls.” She looked to Fancy Pants’s group. “And thank all of you as well.” Then she blushed and glanced to the side. “Well, I’ll be going now. Goodnight, everypony. Thank you all for coming, and please give all of the guests my regards.” And then she rose up and took off out of a window and into the night.

Her loyal guests watched her go.

Then Twilight turned to all the ponies, her head held high. “Well, let’s get started getting this party back on track.” She swung her hoof through the air and smiled.

Luna nodded to the ponies with a smile. “Yes, let us begin.” She cleared her throat and raised her voice to address the room. “Attention, honored guests! Your princess of the night as well as our loveable chaos master hope you enjoyed the brief chaos demonstration even if it did get a little out of hoof! But for now, let us keep the party going! Band, please strike up a lively tune, and I shall lead the room in a rousing rendition of the Pony Pokie!” She glanced a little sheepishly at Pinkie and lowered her voice as she added, “With your help of course, Pinkamena.”

Pinkie beamed and nodded. “You got it, Princess! Let’s party!” She grabbed (a now wide eyed) Princess Luna’s hoof and pulled her along to the head of the dance floor, right by the bandstand (which was now covered in popcorn and ping pong balls courtesy of Discord’s chaos, though luckily none of the instruments had been affected). Luna laughed as they reached their destination and then got herself in position to lead the dance for all of her guests.

And so all of the princesses’ friends (Ponyville citizens, Canterlot elite, and foreign dignitary alike) proceeded to push aside the rest of the chaos, to say Celestia’s goodbyes to the other guests, and to get the rest of the party back into full swing for everypony.

Outside beneath the moon and stars and in the quiet of the night, Celestia flew alone through the dark sky. Soon, though, she landed on the street and chose to walk the rest of the way to her destination. She wanted the extra time for thinking a little anyway, not just about Discord’s words but about what she should say to him now.

And as she walked along, her blush deepened and deepened.

Author's Note:

And so the Gala is finally complete! Thank you all for your patience between chapter posts, and I hope all of you found it satisfying. Sorry to leave Discord on a sad note though :fluttershysad: It couldn't be helped. But I promise you, things will improve. (Also, I liked getting to write about the maid Dusty one more time--she's been popping up here and there, and I hope she's been enjoyable :) ).

Next chapter...
Chapter 25 (I have no title yet, not even a working one--thank you for bearing with me ^^)
We cut back to the end of the Gala a little bit to see how things are going, but mostly we watch as Celestia finds Discord and the two of them proceed to have a very emotional, long, awkward, but necessary talk. And then Discord escorts the princess home... :heart:

There will be a total of 30 chapters in this story (that includes the epilogue plus a little bonus thing) so we're really coming to the end now. Thank you all for sticking with me during this crazy ride :) I'll try to post again soon. I'm...dealing with some complicated irl issues at the moment unfortunately, but I promise no major delays. Thank you!

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