• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 20: The Final Fitting

“Pinkamena, are you certain that all of these modern dances which you have shown me will be acceptable at the Gala should I choose to utilize them?” Luna asked hesitantly as she walked down the Canterlot castle hallway in the early morning with a certain familiar pink party pony bouncing alongside her.

Pinkie Pie smiled up at her. “Yup! Those are all the latest moves from around Ponyville, and they’ll all be showstoppers at the Gala if you really want to give the other ponies a thrill! I’m sure of it. After all, Princess Celestia loved my dancing at the Gala last year…and it definitely added some style to the night.” She rolled her eyes to the side with a slightly sheepish grin, but then cleared her throat and went on with her normal cheerful smile as she looked to the night princess again. “Between the dancing and the greetings and the popular topics of conversation we’ve gone over, you’ll do fine, Princess Luna—I promise.”

Luna nodded. “Very well then. I shall do my best, if necessary, to be the life of the party.” She smiled warmly. “Thank you again for teaching me about modern partygoing, Pinkie Pie. Missing out on a thousand years, it’s taken me so long to catch up with the times. And thank you very much for keeping all of these lessons a secret,” Luna added, “and for allowing me to schedule them around breakfast time so that I could still get to bed before the day gets too late. I appreciate it very much.” She glanced down. “I do not want the other ponies to suspect how self-conscious I am about the Gala.”

“Aww, everyone gets stage fright now and again, Princess,” Pinkie assured. “But don’t worry: I know it’s gonna be a great party, and I know you're gonna be a great hostess just like Princess Celestia’s always been.” She winked.

Luna laughed. “Thank you, Pinkamena.” She paused as they came around a corner now. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid must take my leave of you now. I have to see my sister about something urgent before retiring for the day. But have a pleasant morning, Pinkie, and I will look forward to seeing you at the Gala.” She gave her a nod.

Pinkie gave her a bow. “No worries—I’ve gotta head over to Sugarcube Corner to help the Cakes with the big cake order for the Gala anyway. I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow night too. Bye, Princess Luna!” And then with a wave she hopped off in the direction of the castle exit.

“And Pinkie?” Luna quickly called out, raising a hoof.

The pink pony stopped moving forward (though she remained bouncing in place) and turned to her. “Yup?”

Luna smiled a little. “Er, perhaps just a little more stealth as you depart? Just so you don’t have to make up an excuse if one of the guards catch you?”

Pinkie nodded. “You’ve got it!” And then instantly, instead of bouncing, she got a serious look on her features, pulled a pair of fake glasses with a false nose and moustache out of her mane, and started to dart and slink down the hall, glancing here and there as she did so.

Luna just watched her going with an amused smile and a shake of her head.

And then the night princess she sighed deeply, and her smile fell away. “And now for my sister.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose with her hoof as she turned down the opposite hallway. “This should be most fun…”

As Luna began the walk to Celestia’s study, she whispered to herself. “He was having romantic dreams—that was why Discord didn’t want me coming near his head. How could I have not realized? Really, I am the princess of the night, I have walked in dreams for ages, become familiar with countless minds: an awareness of the signs regarding passions in dreams is a basic skill I have possessed for so long.” She sighed. “I suppose I was just distracted by the dangers of the nightmares. Besides which I never expected that Discord…and about Celestia, of all ponies.” She blushed a little. “At least he said the dreams aren’t causing him much anxiety though. But still, before this situation gets out of hoof, I have to find a way to keep Discord from getting too hurt. If his feelings keep growing, sooner or later he’ll want them returned, and if Celestia can’t…” Luna frowned. “It may just be rejection from one pony, but it will be a large rejection from one pony. And bearing rejection can be a difficult thing.” Her head hung low for a moment. Then she sighed and looked up again as she came within sight of the study door. “For Discord’s sake I have to try interfering. I just hope I’m able to do enough to help considering the limitations on what I can say to my sister. My first duty must be to guard the secrets of Discord’s dreams at all costs.”

Luna came before the study door now, took a deep breath, and knocked. “Sister, may I come in?”

“Luna? Oh yes, of course!” Celestia replied, and the door was magically opened.

Luna walked in to see Celestia sitting at her desk with a smile. “Luna,” she put aside her quill and the scrolls she had been looking over, “I’m surprised to see you’re still awake.”

Luna smiled and nodded. “Yes, well, I am getting ready to head to sleep, but first I wanted to talk to you, sister.” Her look became more serious. “It’s very important.”

Celestia looked back at her with some seriousness too. “Of course, Luna.” She stood up from her chair. “Nothing’s the matter, I hope?”

Luna shook her head. “No, no problems to speak of exactly…”

“Good.” Celestia smiled again. “Come on, why don’t we go out in the courtyard and talk then? It’s such a lovely morning.”

Luna managed a brief smile but shook her head. “I believe we should stay here, sister. There is privacy, and this might be a delicate matter.”

Celestia nodded and resumed her seat at her desk once more. “Very well, Luna. What’s on your mind?” Her usual kind and caring smile returned to her features.

That smile made Luna smile too. Then she at down on the floor and sighed. “It is about Discord.”

Celestia’s whole look instantly fell. “But I thought he was feeling much better. Are there nightmares again?”

“It is not about his dreams, sister,” Luna assured. “Sister, I…” she hesitated, “I am not quite sure how to put this.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow but waited patiently.

Luna considered more and then tried again. “I know that you do not have romantic feelings for Discord, that at most you have a playful sort of admiration for him—you find him pleasant, charming even, an excellent male companion. But…suppose that all of this time you’re spending with Discord, the familiarity you’ve developed…suppose from that he got the wrong idea and developed a certain kind of feeling for you? A romantic feeling?” She held back a blush (and felt grateful for her dark coat that could hide most of one anyway).

Celestia just looked at her sister with wide eyes and both of her eyebrows raised high. “Luna…what are you trying to say?”

Luna let out a deep breath and finally just said the words: “Celestia, I want you to consider the possibility that if you have not fallen for Discord, Discord may certainly fall for you.”

Celestia blushed distinctly (and on her white coat, it of course lit up like a sunset). “Luna!” The sun princess almost laughed and shook her head. “Is this about those rumors again? Have the guests been saying something?”

“Celestia, of course not.” Luna shook, though she had to smirk a little and add, “Though I did hear a few whispers from the staff about the slightly compromising position you two were caught in in the ballroom yesterday afternoon. Something about Discord’s arms being around you and you being dipped back in a romantic dance as a magical cello played a private serenade for you both?”

Celestia smiled more but sighed. “We were just having some more dance practice, Luna. I know the guard who found us entered at a particularly…interesting moment, but it was really just some innocent fun.”

Luna did her best not to roll her eyes and to keep herself focused on both protecting and helping Discord. “Be that as it may, I would not give credence to rumors over my own observations and the word of my sister. I am just pointing out that Discord may come to view you in a different light given how close and comfortable you and he have gotten as friends.” She took a breath. “Perhaps…it is even a subject you should consider discussing with him one day.”

“Luna, I couldn’t suggest that idea to him out of the blue.” Celestia instantly replied, glancing away. “If I thought a talk like that was necessary for our friendship, of course I’d have it with him no matter how awkward it might be. But it’s really not an issue.” She smiled at her sister again. “Romance wouldn’t come up between us. I’m not Discord’s type at all. And even if I was, I’m sure he would find it too strange to think of me in any sort of more-than-friendly way after all of those years of strife between us.”

“And what about the kiss Discord gave your hoof at dinner?” Luna raised an eyebrow, her tone serious.

Celestia blushed lightly at the reminder but then sighed and resumed her normal poised tone. “And Prince Blueblood kissed my hoof when he first arrived. Perhaps we should schedule a jousting tournament, and they can compete for my favor and the title of my crowned prince?” She gave Luna a slightly dry look with a small smile.

Luna sighed, a dry look coming to her own features for a moment before she resumed her level and direct tone. “Sister, please be serious. You’re a very wonderful pony. And though I could not imagine the suitor good enough for you, anyone could certainly develop such feelings for you nonetheless.”

Despite their disagreement, Celestia finally smiled more and nodded. “Very well, Luna. I accept that it’s possible even for someone like Discord to care for me romantically. But even if he did feel that way, now or ever, I think he would just tell me. Discord isn’t used to expressing himself with any degree of restraint at all: if those feelings arose, I’m sure we would know by the castle being full of flowers and the throne room being full of boxes of chocolate and my study being full of Hearts and Hooves Day cards.” She almost laughed at the image of all of that over-the-top chaos.

Luna only shook her head though. “Not necessarily, sister. Even the boldest of beings can have trouble being direct about that particular subject. The worry about how they will be received can be overwhelming. Besides which…you are just a little intimidating sister, in your own way.” Luna shuffled her hoof on the ground a little.

Sure enough, Celestia’s’ eyes blinked and went wide at that statement. “What?”

Luna sighed. “I know you do not mean to be, but…really—you are ‘Celestia, renowned princess of Equestria, eldest sister, bringer of the sun, sole ruler for the last millennia’.” She held out a hoof dramatically, then lowered it and went on. “However kind and caring and humble you are to others, approaching you can be difficult simply because there is so much prestige attached to you.” Luna looked into her sister’s eyes. “Just…keep my suggestion in mind, sister. Please. So that Discord does not get carried away with the wrong idea. This is a fresh start for him, and…I’ve felt his pain from my time near his dreams. He’s in a delicate state still. I don’t want anything to upset him too much. I do not want to see our friend hurt. That is why I am bringing up the subject to you now, as a sort of precaution for your friendship.”

Celestia looked right back into her eyes, and though a final gentle protestation was on her lips, she instead smiled warmly again. “I will keep your thoughts in mind, Luna. For Discord’s sake, I promise.” She gave a single, deep nod of her head.

Luna gave her a deep nod in return. “Thank you, sister.”

Celestia smiled softly at her and then reached out a hoof to give her a little nudge. “Now, go off to bed, Luna. I want you to finish catching up on your sleep before the Gala. I’ll see you at dinner after my fitting at Rarity’s with Discord and Twilight and the rest of the girls later today.”

Luna smiled and stood. “Very well, sister. I hope you have an excellent time. And thank you for agreeing to take my concern seriously.” And then she turned and departed, closing the study door behind her.

Celestia just smiled and shook her head. Then she magically picked up her quill to resume her work. However, her thoughts wandered, and finally she sighed softly to herself. “Luna always worries so much…but Discord does not have those feelings for me. He just likes taking liberties with me. And I could never make him uncomfortable by suggesting anything more about it.” She smiled a little to herself. “Besides, Luna does make one good point: I guess I am a little intimidating to others in my own way. Serious suitors haven’t come forward in a while. I can’t imagine that Discord would want to put himself in that position.” The sun princess sighed and blushed slightly for a moment. But then she shook her head, and her normal poised look returned. “Discord could go off and travel and meet anypony he likes, and he should…” something in her eyes faded, though her smile remained, “even though I for one will miss him quite a bit.”

Celestia let out one final sigh and then dipped her quill in ink and focused on the scrolls before her again (some papers regarding the unicorn academy actually). “…But maybe he won’t stay away for too long at a time…depending on how things work out.” Something bright came into her eyes as she let her quill resume its very purposeful scribbling.

The sun princess remained very occupied with her current task until noon came and with it the appointment for her final fitting with Discord at Carousel Boutique.

“Another fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into, Discord. Another fine…glorious…chaotic…unimaginable…perfect…ethereal-rainbow-hair mess you’ve gotten yourself into.” Discord gave a dreamy sigh while he soared over the fields near Ponyville, flipping and twisting as he careened through the air for fun. His smile all but beamed as he continued to giddily monologue to himself.

“I’ve fallen in love with Celestia. That stuffy, grim princess from so long ago…and she turns out to be the most fascinating and beautiful creature there ever was once you get to know her.” He chuckled. “Now, along with impressing her with my charm and refinement, I just have to figure out a way of telling when she starts caring for me in return.” He swallowed and glanced down at the colorful fields below racing past him. “And then of course there’s the matter of figuring out what to do if we really do end up together. I mean, besides the obvious.” Discord instantly blushed and rolled his eyes at himself. “After all, this could be very…this might never…I don’t know.”

The chaos master sighed deeply and flipped on his back to gaze up at the blue sky and bright (quite pretty, in his opinion) sun overhead. “Me, as a suitor for Celestia: me, really, as a suitor for the sun princess. I’m not even royalty. I’m not even a pony! The citizens of Equestria would question even the most noble of stallion princes if they came to court Celestia: there’s every chance they would tear me apart if I even made the attempt with her. After all, they haven’t exactly handled the Gala escort thing well so far.” The chaos master sighed, yet a warm look couldn’t help coming to his eyes. “And yet, I know Celestia, and I know somehow if she loved me too, she wouldn’t care at all about those silly social differences between us. She would only care about herself and me because she always does what’s right and good no matter what the sacrifice.”

The idea gave Discord comfort for a moment, but then he flipped over once more as his smile almost faded away. “I couldn’t ask her to go through all of that strife though. She’s been through enough for me.” He closed his eyes and brought a hand up to rub his temple. “Oh just brilliant, Discord: millions of other ponies to pick from and fall for…a few other female villains too, any other being in Equestria, in fact.” He opened his eyes and smiled a little again. “But no, no, no…not chaotic enough for old Discord, not enough of a thrill. You have to pick their perfect princess. Great, yeah, sure, and hey maybe next week they’ll let you extract the Elements of Harmony from Twilight’s castle and use them to make yourself a shiny keychain or skip stones on the lake. As long as you’re totally overstepping boundaries with Equestria’s most precious icons, why not?” He almost chuckled and then just sighed. “Luna’s going to use the sun to fry me like a Hearth’s Warming Eve Hay brisket if she ever finds out, I know it.” He shook his head to himself and did a backflip in the air.

Then Discord glanced at the sun once more (and it’s position directly overhead). “Hmm…I should get going now. I’m going to be late otherwise.”

The chaos master snapped his fingers and suddenly appeared in front of the door to Carousel Boutique. Discord took in a deep breath and let it out. He mumbled to himself. “This fitting is not going to be awkward, everything’s going to be fine; calm down a little and just function already. You used to be all right when you were full of hate towards this woman, no need to freak out now that you’re full of love for her.” He let out one more deep breath and nodded.


“Ah!” Discord jumped about four feet in the air and turned, resting back against the side of the building. He couldn’t help coloring instantly at the sight of the sun princess behind him. “Celestia?! I thought I told you not to do that to me! Wh-What are you, part ninja?” He actually fumbled for a moment trying to snap his fingers, but then managed it. For a moment a black ninja mask appeared on Celestia’s face, which Discord then quickly snapped away.

The sun princess just smiled up at him. “I’m sorry, Discord. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

Discord brought a hand to his chest and finally finished catching his breath. “No, no, it’s fine, I…I was a little distracted, lost in thought. Not a problem.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, I thought I heard you saying something actually.” She raised an eyebrow.

Discord blinked and searched her face for any recognition of what exactly he had been saying, but thankfully all he saw was her usual care and interest. He let out a deep sigh of relief and put on a sheepish smile. “Oh, erm…I-I was just talking to myself. I do that a lot—habit from being a statue, I suppose. Besides which I do think I make the best conversation.” He gave a shrug.

Celestia tilted her head to the side a little but otherwise smiled in understanding. “Oh, all right, Discord; as long as everything’s okay. Why don’t we head inside then? I’m sure Rarity can’t wait to see us.”

Discord nodded. “Yes, erm…you go in, I’ll be right along. Ladies first, after all.” He snapped to open the door, then stood aside and gave a small bow.

Celestia’s smile brightened. “Thank you, Discord.” She gave him a nod and then she headed into the boutique.

Discord let the door close behind her and then rested against the side of the building once more as he let out a deep breath. He spoke in a mocking voice to himself. “Oh, I just talk to myself all the time, Princess, and I get scared as a foal on Nightmare Night whenever you happen to come up to me without a formal announcement that you’re approaching.” He rolled his eyes. “She must think I am such a complete spazz. Really, excellent job impressing the girl, Discord.” He took a breath again. “Okay, just get yourself in there now and get through this fitting. Ready, set…go!” And with those words he turned, opened the door and ducked into the boutique, doing his best to put his normal smug grin on his features as he snapped the door shut behind him.

Discord saw a sight in the boutique that couldn’t help but make his grin and gaze warm: all of the girls (minus Twilight) surrounding Celestia, smiling and talking to each other and talking to her about how thrilling the Gala would be, and Celestia laughing softly and nodding and talking with so much kindness back to them.

‘Isn’t she cute when she socializes?’ Discord sighed to himself. Then he gave himself a flick in the side of the head with the tuft of his tail and came back to reality. ‘Focus!’ He cleared his throat and stepped forward. “Ladies, Discord has arrived.” He gave a dramatic bow.

The girls all instantly looked up and smiled.

“Hi Discord!” they said in unison, waving.

“Discord!” Pinkie Pie shot forward. “Aren’t you so excited to see what Rarity made for you?! I’m excited! She showed all of us our dresses with the rainbow accents, and they’re just beautiful, don’t you think?!” She gestured over to five pony dress dummies each done up in the dress the girls had each worn last year but now retailored and accented with rainbow ribbons, appliques, glitter and sequins (and a sixth, small dragon dress dummy done up in a tuxedo with a black jacket and top hat, white shirt, maroon bowtie and a rainbow lapel pin).

Discord grinned and glanced down at Pinkie Pie. “Very nice. I take it yours is the pink one with candy on it?”

“Wow, how did you know?” Pinkie Pie looked up at him brightly.

Discord just shrugged. “Lucky guess.”

“Hey, Discord!” Applejack stepped forward, holding a basket full of muffins. “Glad to see you. I made Granny Smith’s famous apple muffins for everyone to celebrate the grand unveiling of the outfits. Care for one?” She held out the basket.

Discord smiled and nodded. “Sure, Applejack, why not?” He snapped his fingers and sent an apple muffin up into the air and right into his mouth. “Hmm…” he chewed, “actually not bad. Is that a hint of cardamom I detect? I—Oh!” Suddenly there was a small exploding sound, and the muffin still in his mouth burst apart, sending confetti out through his teeth and nose.

Applejack dropped her basket and burst into laughter, and Rainbow Dash flew over and started rolling in the air, laughing hard as well.

“Aw man!” The blue pegasus wiped a tear from her eye. “We got you! Yes!” She hoof-bumped Applejack and then looked to Pinkie Pie. “Thanks for teaching us how to bake confetti bombs into food, Pinkie!”

“No problem!” Pinkie assured with a big smile. “Everyone should know how to do that. It makes eating yummy snacks like ten times as exciting.”

Discord blinked, but then a mischievous grin came to his features as he dusted the final bits of confetti from his beard. “Yes, you little ponies got me. Congratulations—friendship has truly lowered my defenses. Incidentally, you two do know that this means war, right?” He leaned in close to them.

Rainbow Dash leaned right down into his face from the air with a grin of her own. “Bring it on!”

“Yeah, we can take you!” Applejack nodded.

“Ooo, I call playing the winner!” Pinkie asked as she bounced up in the air.

Discord, Applejack and Rainbow Dash just looked at each other intensely for another moment, but then all three broke into laughter.

Discord sighed, getting himself under control. “All right, all right, we can settle this after the Gala. Apparently I’m here for a tuxedo of some kind…” His eyes found Rarity who was busy taking a few measurements around Celestia’s mane.

“Hmm?” Rarity turned from her task and then instantly trotted over to Discord. “Oh yes, yes, of course. I’m so excited for you to see how my work on your ensemble has turned out, Discord. And I am so sorry to cut things so close regarding time. But luckily my dress and the dresses of the girls are all done, and I know Luna is satisfied with the work I’ve done for her, so if either you or Princess Celestia or Twilight need any final alterations, just let me know and I’ll have them done and sent over first thing tomorrow.” She smiled up at the chaos master and then went over to a rack of items in garment bags. “Let’s see…let’s see…Ah, here we go!” She magically pulled out a long garment bag and put it in Discord’s hands. “Now then,” she used her magic to start nudging him toward the back, “go into the first changing room on the left, try it on, wait for my signal, then come out and be brutally honest about what you think. I want this to be some of my best work ever.”

Discord just blinked and then grinned and glanced back at her as he allowed himself to be pushed forward. “Wow, certainly demanding when we’re in our element, aren’t we, Rarity?”

Rarity paused once they were near the doorway to the changing rooms and looked up at him with a grin of her own. “This is not a business for the faint of heart. And I know without question what I’m doing: you’re the one who told me you trusted my judgment about this, remember? Now, go, go, go. And, remember, don’t come out until I tell you to.” She laughed and gave him a final nudge to make the chaos master disappear into the back.

“Um, Rarity,” Rarity glanced over her shoulder at the sound of Fluttershy’s quiet voice suddenly nearby (and indeed, the yellow pegasus had just approached her), “Twilight’s here now.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up. “Oh perfect!” She instantly zipped right across the room to meet Twilight, who had just entered with Spike at her side (who was holding a small satchel). “Oh darling!” Rarity hugged her and then pulled back and looked down. “And Spikey Wikey, how good to see you!” She reached down and gave him a little hug as well. “You know I never would have finished everything on time if it hadn’t been for all of your generous help.” She pulled back.

“Aw, Rarity,” Spike replied shyly, digging his foot into the floor with a big smile, “you’re the one who did all of the work for everypony. I was just glad to be here for you. And it’s good to see you too.” He gave her a little wave.

Rarity giggled. “Why, thank you, Spike, what a gallant thing to say.” Rarity looked to Twilight again now as she began to lead them both inside. “Now, Twilight, I know you’ve been a little nervous that I haven’t wanted to show you too much about the Gala ensemble I’ve been putting together for you, but I really do think you’ll like it and I really do think it was best to wait to get your reaction to it until the outfit was completed. But I promise, I’ve already altered your old dress from last year to just include a place for your wings and I’ve added rainbow accents as well, so if you don’t like what I’ve designed for this year, you can absolutely use last year’s dress without a doubt.”

Twilight nodded to her friend. “Thanks, Rarity. But I have to admit, even though I’m a little nervous, part of me is very excited to see the new outfit you’ve designed. I just want to make the best impression possible on everypony since this’ll be my first Gala ever as a princess.” Her smile brightened.

“Of course, of course,” Rarity nodded in return as she now positioned Twilight and Spike so that they were standing beside Celestia. “But for now,” she went on, “I want you to try on your new outfit last as a final surprise for the day for everypony. At the moment, Discord is changing. And Princess Celestia,” she looked up to Celestia, “I’d like you to go change in the room just across from his, and when I give you both the signal, I’d like you both to come out at once.”

Princess Celestia smiled warmly down at her and nodded. “Of course, Rarity. Please, lead the way.”

Rarity clapped her hooves together in excitement, then magically grabbed another garment bag off of the rack and brought it along as she led Princess Celestia toward the back.

As soon as the princess was taken care of, Rarity zipped back over to the main part of the boutique and addressed everypony. “All right, girls and Spike, please take your places on either side of the center of the room. Think about the space between you leading to the changing rooms as a runway.” She positioned everybody just so; Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on one side, Twilight and Spike and Pinkie Pie and herself on the other.

Once satisfied, Rarity trotted over to the doorway leading to the changing rooms and called out. “Presenting, Princess Celestia and her escort Discord!” She cleared her throat. Then she quickly trotted back to her place, a look of pure eagerness on her face.

There was a moment of silence, and then the girls heard the sound of hooffalls.

Out stepped Celestia.

Though the sun princess didn’t look too much different than usual, there was still an added radiance about her. She wore the gold yoke she had picked out a few weeks ago with the amber crystal at the center, and now the crystal was circled with small amethyst studs matching her eyes and small diamonds catching the light. Her shoes were the ones she had chosen as well—gold with small diamonds placed in a pattern around them. And she had a lovely diamond pin tucked in her hair by her ear shaped like the sun.

The girls all instantly beamed and started complimenting her.

Celestia just laughed warmly and held out a hoof. “Girls, please, settle down. Thank you for all of the compliments, but really Rarity deserves the praise.” She looked to Rarity. “It’s a lovely outfit. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to design it for me. I’m very proud of you.”

Rarity’s eyes went very wide, and then with a big smile and a small gasp she started to faint, though luckily Twilight and Spike were beside her to catch her and keep her propped up.

Rarity finally let out a light gasp and managed very, very humbly to the sun princess, “Oh, r-really the pleasure is all mine.” She sighed, her smile growing. “And you do just look perfect Princess Celestia.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Rarity. But…” she glanced around, “I do think the picture would be more perfect if I had my escort with me.” Her smile picked up on one side. “Where is Discord anyway?”

“Hmm…” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure. It shouldn’t have taken him that long to change, and I did make sure to give him extra time by having him go in the back before you. Besides which, he has magic—he could just zap the tux onto himself.” She put a hoof to her chin.

Fluttershy smiled and stepped forward. “Um, let me see what’s wrong.”

The yellow pegasus then flew into the back area and found the one closed changing room door. “Discord?”

From behind the door, the chaos master sighed deeply. “Yes?”

“Are you going to come out now?” Fluttershy smiled hopefully. “Princess Celestia is already out here, and we’d all really like to see your outfit.”

“Can’t I just come out later when everypony isn’t waiting to gawk at me?” He sighed dramatically again.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Discord, I understand what it’s like to be shy and to not want to be the center of attention. But it’s just your friends out there. It’ll be all right.”

“Well…” he started. “I know, it’s just…I don’t know.” He quieted his voice a little. “It’s just the idea of seeing Celestia and I standing together so officially, so formally. What if I can’t pull off the part? What if it almost seems silly seeing us together like that?”

Fluttershy’s gaze softened. “Oh Discord, nothing’s going to seem silly to anypony, I promise.”

And then Fluttershy stopped speaking as the sound of hooffalls made her turn to see Celestia now reentering the back area.

“Fluttershy,” the sun princess smiled, her voice soft and tender, “if there’s some kind of problem, may I try talking to Discord?”

Fluttershy smiled more and nodded to her. “Of course.”

“Is that Celestia?” Discord’s voice picked up again.

Celestia smiled at the door. “Discord, come out, please. All the girls are dying to see you. And I am too.”

A very awkward scoff left Discord. “O-Oh, and what? Then they can all hang on me and squeal over me and tell me I’m pretty, especially now that you and I’ll be standing there as some kind of symbol of a couple? No thanks, I heard them out there with you just now, and I have my limits.”

Celestia gave the changing room door a bit of a look but still smiled. “Discord, I promise, you’ll be fine.” She sighed, and her grin picked up a little on one side. ”Besides, I think Rarity wants to talk to me about styling my mane for tomorrow, and with how uncontrollable my hair is, there won’t be enough attention left to make you feel self-conscious. Don’t you agree?”

There was a pause, and then a small chuckle he clearly couldn’t help left Discord. “Yes, that hair of yours really should be classified as a natural wonder of Equestria or a weapon or a theme park attraction or something,” he replied.

Celestia chuckled too.

“Erm…Celestia?” Discord finally replied with a clearing of his throat. “I’ll come out, but…can you to go out front first? And Fluttershy, will you come out with me? And if anyone calls me ‘adorable’ or ‘cute’, I reserve the right to snap myself right out of here, no questions asked.”

Celestia nodded. “Of course, Discord. I’ll see you in a moment.” Then she turned and departed to the front of the boutique again.

Fluttershy smiled at the door. “I’m here, Discord, and Princess Celestia is back with the girls. I’ll walk out with you if it’ll make you more comfortable.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” And then finally the opened the door.

Out front the girls and Celestia all waited with great anticipation.

Suddenly Fluttershy walked into view from the back. “Girls and Spike and Princess Celestia, may I present Discord,” she said softly and then stepped aside.

Discord stepped out now, making himself look as smug as ever regardless of how self-conscious he felt. Yet, despite his nervousness about being seen (and specifically being seen with Celestia) like this, he quite liked the tuxedo nonetheless as he glanced down at it in the full light of the boutique.

The long coat of the tuxedo was black but with dark blue lapels, and if someone looked closely enough they could see that the black wasn’t pure black but actually a very dark black and deep grey plaid pattern. The shirt underneath was a checkerboard pattern of white and grey, and the bowtie was a sunny yellow with amber accents to compliment Celestia’s outfit. His cufflinks were prisms shining like rainbows. And he was wearing a black top hat with a rainbow band that had colors gradually fading into and out of each other.

“Rarity,” the chaos master looked to the pony designer, “I think you’ve hit on the perfect combination of classy and chaotic with this getup, I have to say. Thank you.” He gave her a small bow.

Rarity looked like she was about to burst with happiness. “I-I, well, I tried. I…I thought of all the patterns you used to make on the ground and in the sky when you spread chaos, but I wanted the colors to reflect the formality of the night, and I…Oh, I’m so glad you like it!” She suddenly dove at him in a big hug and then pulled back. “Sorry, I’m feeling a little enthusiastic.” She smiled sheepishly.

Discord just chuckled. “It’s okay. I’ve been getting hugged like crazy for some reason lately. And it’s starting to grow on me actually.”

“Discord, you look very handsome.”

These words said in Celestia’s soft voice made Discord’s breath catch in his throat. He looked down sheepishly and then just shrugged. “Don’t I always?” He chuckled…and then turned and caught sight of her. He blinked, and his smile grew. “Wow…you don’t look half bad yourself, Celestia.”

Celestia’s smile grew, and her gaze became all the warmer. “Thank you, Discord.”

“I mean, um…” The chaos master cleared his throat. “Heh, sorry, I feel like an escort should put it a nicer way. Let’s see…what I mean to say is…” he let out a breath, removed his top hat, and gave her a polite smile, “you look very lovely, Celestia. In fact, I won’t be nervous at the Gala at all appearing in front of everypony because I know that no one could possibly pay attention to me when they’ve got your radiance to look at right at my side.” He chuckled. “Of course, normally I hate things that take attention away from me, but for you, I’ll make an exception, fair lady.” The chaos master winked at her and finished things off with a dramatic bow.

Celestia blinked a couple of times and raised an eyebrow. But then she let out a breath and smiled softly, glancing to the side. “Thank you, Discord. That’s very kind of you to say. But I’m sure you’ll get your fair share of attention too.” She glanced back at him.

Discord smiled and rolled his eyes as he straightened up again and put his top hat back on. “Oh, stop trying to flatter me, Celestia: you already got me to agree to be your escort, after all.”

Their eyes met, and the two shared a small laugh.

Then out of the corner of his eye Discord finally noticed the girls all staring at the two of them with smiles and interested looks.

The chaos master cleared his throat and took a step back from Celestia. “Okay, okay, the show is over: you all can watch Celestia and I play ‘the princess and the escort’ at the Gala. For now though, isn’t it Twilight’s turn to be the center of attention?” He raised an eyebrow and grinned at the friendship princess, then snapped his fingers to make her appear right before himself and Celestia.

Twilight blinked but then smiled and nodded. “Yes, I guess it is. Rarity?” She looked to her friend.

“Coming!” Rarity instantly approached her with a final garment bag in hand. “Now, Twilight, when you’re all dressed and ready, you just call out to me and I’ll announce you properly.”

Twilight smiled and nodded as she magically laid the garment bag over her back. “Okay, Rarity.”

“And you brought your crown like I asked, right?” Rarity prompted

Twilight used her magic to pick up the satchel Spike had brought and to set that on her back too. “Yes, Rarity.”

“Wonderful!” Rarity nodded.

The two girls headed into the back, then Rarity emerged a moment later. “Now, while Twilight’s getting ready, Princess Celestia, I have some plans about your hair.” She trotted right up to the sun princess, a look of determination in her eyes.

Celestia looked back down at Rarity with a warm smile. “Of course. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I’ll be by the castle tomorrow to do some basic styling like you said you wanted, of course,” Rarity assured as she examined Celestia’s ethereal mane. “But your hair is, um…unique, and so is Princess Luna’s. So that’s why I’ve enlisted Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to help me.”

The two girls in question instantly trotted up to stand alongside Rarity with big smiles.

Rarity explained. “You see, I have the hairstyling experience—especially after helping out Princess Cadance with her crystal braid when she was trying to get the Equestria Games to be held at the Crystal Empire. And Fluttershy has the longest hair, and Pinkie Pie has the…well, the least usual hair.” She smiled up at Celestia again. “Between the three of us, I know we can work something out for you and Princess Luna.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “I don’t doubt you can. Why don’t the three of you stop by sometime after lunch tomorrow, and you can take care of my hair and Luna’s—I know she’ll want to be up early anyway.”

The three mares nodded, and then Rarity turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “Come on then, ladies, let’s look at more styling books to figure out what’ll work best for the princesses’ manes, and then everyone can look over their dresses one final time.” She trotted over to her books with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie right behind her, followed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash picking up the rear with a shared shrug and smile.

Celestia laughed softly as she watched them all go.

Discord hesitated for just a moment but then casually stepped over to stand by Celestia’s side again, his arms behind his back. “So, we’re really doing this, huh? The Gala, I mean.”

Celestia glanced at him and nodded. “Yes, it’s finally almost here. I hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am, Discord.”

Discord nodded in return. “I’m starting to, yes. Um…as for the big night…I know the party is at your house, but should I still ‘pick you up’ in some way or should I just meet you there or…what exactly?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure there must be a whole protocol for engaging a princess for the evening, after all.”

Celestia just smiled. “I’d like for us to be presented together when we enter the ballroom, so the best thing would be for you to come to the castle just before the Gala starts. There doesn’t have to be anything formal before then though. Just meet Luna and I in the throne room after sunset. The guards will be more than happy to entertain you while you wait, I’m sure.”

Discord grinned a little. “Or I’ll be more than happy to entertain myself with the guards.”

“Discord…” Celestia’s smile couldn’t help but grow a little.

“Oh, I’m kidding.” He waved her off with a grin. “We’re all friends now actually, and I think I’m in good with the maids too. Your staff likes me, your friends like me…and now I just have to show all of your guests how truly sophisticated and cultured a chaos being can be when he’s escorting royalty.” He leaned in close and winked.

Celestia hesitated, but then she managed a nod and an awkward smile. “Very funny, Discord.”

Discord raised an eyebrow for a moment, but then cleared his throat and straightened up as he tried to resume his normal grin. “Well, um…great, so I’ll pick you up in the throne room then.” He cleared his throat. “And as for ‘taking you home’ that night after the party, how exactly should we…”

“Um…Rarity? I think I’m done.”

All attention suddenly went to the doorway leading to the changing rooms as this announcement suddenly came forth in Twilight’s voice.

Rarity abandoned the sketchbooks and instantly dashed forward (the other girls followed after her). “Oh, wonderful!” She cleared her throat and turned to everypony. “Announcing Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.” She stepped to the side.

A door opened and closed, and Twilight emerged.

A light gasp left all of the girls.

Twilight wore horseshoes etched in gold and silver, her gold crown upon her head with the pink gems, and over her shoulders there was a golden yoke with a silver oval surrounding a large pink gem in the shape of her six-pointed star cutie mark. In short, she was dressed in the same style as Celestia and Luna and Cadance—like a true Equestrian princess.

“Wow, Twilight,” Fluttershy remarked softly, a hoof to her mouth, “I know I said this once before, but…somehow I mean it even more now. You really do look just like a princess.”

Spike nodded, his eyes wide. “Boy, I’ll say.”

The rest of the girls all nodded their assent.

Twilight blushed very much and looked down. “I saw myself in the mirror in the changing room, and…you’re right, I do look like a princess now. Really.” She let out a very deep breath.

The girls looked at each other.

Then Applejack turned to Twilight, smiling supportively. “But, you know, if it’s a little too much too soon for you to feel comfortable dressing like this, I think we could all understand.”

“Yeah, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash shrugged with a smile. “You do whatever works for you.”

The girls all nodded.

Rarity stepped forward. “Oh yes, darling, if an outfit like this is something you’d like to save for a later period in your reign, I would understand completely. It just seemed to me like the thing to make you stand out as a princess at the party and yet also something simple and elegant.” She smiled more. “And of course if you’d like to wait to decide which outfit to wear, I’ll send you home today with your old dress too along with the new yoke and shoes.”

“Thank you, Rarity, everyone.” Twilight smiled and looked up again. “But actually I…I don’t think I could have come up with a more perfect outfit for me myself.” She glanced at all of them with appreciation…and then she let her eyes go to the princess (who had been silent up until now). “Celestia…what do you think?”

The eyes of all the girls went wide.

Rainbow Dash leaned down toward Applejack and whispered. “Did she just not call the princess ‘princess’?”

Applejack just shook her head as she continued looking on at the scene with wide eyes.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia looked down at her former most faithful student, a very warm smile on her features. “I think that what’s most important is that you feel comfortable in your outfit for the Gala, Twilight, and that it makes you happy. But for what it’s worth, I’ve never seen you look lovelier.”

Twilight blushed and smiled considerably. “Thank you.” She came forward and gave Celestia a small hug. Then she turned back to her friends. “So…I guess this is my outfit for the Gala.” She smiled brightly with a little squee.

The girls (and Spike) instantly approached, all smiling and making comments to her about the ensemble, and then whole group proceeded to get lost in talking about outfits and the Gala, enjoying themselves most thoroughly.

Discord just stood aside with Celestia, meanwhile, looking on with a grin. He turned to his companion, about to make some clever remark, but then paused.

Celestia’s eyes were a little wide as she continued to look towards Twilight Sparkle…and Discord swore he could see the glint of a tear in those violet orbs.

The chaos master blinked and then spoke softly to her. “Celestia…are you okay?”

Celestia blinked and nodded as she instantly wiped away the tear. She smiled again. “Oh, yes. I’m sorry, Discord. It’s just...she grew up so fast.”

Discord raised an eyebrow.

Celestia shrugged and went on. “Maybe it’s silly. But it seems like just yesterday she was jumping up and down after passing her magical kindergarten entrance exam and getting her cutie mark. And now she really is all grown up. A full-fledged Princess. It’s been sinking in ever since she got her wings, but seeing her dressed like that, in traditional Royal Canterlot attire—it’s like it’s more real than it’s ever been so far.” She sighed softly and glanced at Discord again. “I’m sorry, that must sound like the strangest thing. I’ve watched generation upon generation of ponies grow up. She’s just been special to me, that’s all. She was my closest friend since Luna and Starswirl, actually.”

Discord blinked but then smiled a little. “Oh Celestia, stop being hard on yourself over the silliest things. That’s not strange at all. She was your little unicorn student, and now she’s grown and can fly on her own and moved into her own castle, and she has her own branch of this touchy feely government of yours, and she just got presented to you all dolled up like a grown up royal mare princess for her first big dance as one.” He grinned and then sighed dramatically. “Let’s face it, our little Twilight is a big girl and she just doesn’t need us anymore.” He sniffled and snapped to make a checkered hanky appear in his hand which he used to dab at a few feigned tears.

Celestia smiled a little. “Discord…”

“No, no, no,” he urged, snapping to make the hanky disappear and then proceeding to gesture dramatically with his hands. “We knew this day would come. I told you the children would leave us, Celestia. And pretty soon Fluttershy will go off with her own castle, and then Pinkie Pie and Rarity and all the rest, all alicorns, all princesses, and it’ll just be you and I playing shuffle board and reminiscing with Luna and crossing our fingers that one of these little ponies takes on a faithful student of their own so that we’ll at least have some ‘grandkids’ to spoil.” He was doing his best to stay in character with the dramatic tone of his rant, but meanwhile he was all but chuckling as well now as he saw the sun princess’s smile grow and grow.

Celestia just shook her head with a grin. “Discord, really.”

Discord only laughed and went on though. “Of course, vibrant you will now probably go off and find someone more interesting than doddering old chaotic me to play with.” He put a hand to his forehead in mock despair. “And we’ll only see each other during Twilight’s proclamations or whenever Equestria needs saving.” He put a paw to his chin and considered. “Actually, that last thing happens frequently enough that we’ll probably spend more time together than ever.” He shrugged. “Oh well—a toast to our little pony growing up!” He snapped his fingers and made a glass of chocolate milk appear in the air before himself and before Celestia. He drank his with gusto.

Celestia magically took a sip of hers and set it down. “Discord,” she looked up at him, her eyes bright, “thank you. I actually feel better now.”

“Good.” Discord moved a little closer to her, looking on at Twilight again. “You deserve to feel better. You did a good job on her, Celestia. I think Starswirl would be proud.”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide. Then her smile grew so much. “Thank you.” Something in the words was even warmer this time. She placed her hoof on the floor near his own hoof as her eyes turned back to looking at Twilight as well.

Discord smiled more and resisted the urge to put an arm around her.

Then he swallowed and snapped his tail.

Instantly a full-length mirror appeared in front of himself and Celestia.

In the mirror, Celestia blinked but Discord just smiled so warmly. The chaos master spoke. “Oh good. We don’t look nearly as unnatural together like this as I thought we might. And I don’t even mar your beauty at all, Princess.” He chuckled a little.

Celestia just continued to stare at the image of them dressed formally side-by-side in the mirror…and she also continued trying to process another one of Discord’s odd comments.

Just as the sun princess was about to open her mouth to say something though, Discord’s tail snapped behind them and made the mirror disappear once more. Now they could just look at the girls again having such a wonderful time laughing and talking. And Celestia just let out a breath and smiled once again (she had almost forgotten about her hoof still resting against Discord’s).

And meanwhile Discord just tried not to get too giddy from the fact that she had actually touched him and that he had made her smile and made her feel happy when she had been sad. ‘I always wanted to make her stop being so grim in the past. And now I’m finally doing it just when it matters most.’ He practically swelled with pride (and with a certain degree of satisfaction with the fact that the two of them really did clean up so well together).

The girls carried on for a while, and then afterwards went over to Twilight’s castle for one of their usual meetings. Celestia changed and left to attend to her duties for the day. And Discord changed and left as well to do some more soaring and thinking.

Discord really did have a lot on his mind, especially with the Gala being tomorrow. And so that night, the chaos master found himself tossing and turning in his bed in Twilight’s castle, simply too distracted for sleep.

Finally he gave up, snapped himself up a candle and a pink and blue striped nightcap, and headed down to the throne room. “If I’m going to have a midnight snack to calm my nerves, looking at my window and sitting on my throne while I’m doing it should help add to the effect.” The chaos master smiled at the sight of the window as he entered the throne room, then headed over. He quickly made himself comfortable in his throne and snapped up a platter of muffins. “It really is sort of nice here. No guards, no bright lights, no dozens of guests…I can just move around here freely.” He lifted up a muffin and opened his mouth to take a bite.

Just then he heard a sound on the stairs.

Discord’s eyes went wide and he snapped his fingers, making the muffins disappear, and then stood. “Who goes there?” he asked with quite a bit of authority.

“Ah!” There was a small yell and then the sound of someone tripping down the last few steps.

Discord flew over (his candle following in the air by his side). But then he blinked. “Oh Spike, it’s you.” He magically helped the baby dragon up. “Don’t worry me like that, I thought we were under attack or something.” He chuckled. “What are you doing up though? If it’s past my bedtime, then I know it must be way, way past yours.”

Spike rubbed his head as he stood. “Oh, uh…yeah, I just had a lot of trouble sleeping.” With a sigh and frown he walked over to the center of the room and sat himself in his little throne.

Discord raised an eyebrow but couldn’t help smiling a little. “Oh, I understand how that feels.” He flew over, then set his candle to hover in the air and took one of the spare throne seats next to Spike. “Care for a midnight snack with me?” He snapped his fingers again, and the muffin platter returned. “They’re chocolate-milk filled muffins. I’ll even top yours with a few diamonds.” He snapped once more, and a few diamonds were suddenly sprinkled on top of several of the muffins.

Spike’s smile picked up a little, and he nodded. “Sure! Thanks, Discord.” He took a muffin and ate a big bite out of it, causing some chocolate milk to squirt on his face. “Mmm…” He took another bite…but then by the third bite he slowed down, and by the last bite the look of melancholy had returned to his features. He wiped the milk from his face and sighed once more.

Discord tilted his head to the side as he started eating a muffin of his own. “Wow, rejecting chaotic snacks—you really must have something on your mind, baby dragon.”

Spike nodded and shrugged. He kicked his feet a little as he looked down. “Well…it’s just, the Gala’s tomorrow night, and…I’m nervous.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been to a Gala before though.”

Spike sighed. “Yeah, but...not as Rarity’s escort.” He blushed a little.

Discord’s eyes widened a little, but then an understanding and warm grin came to his features. “Oh, I see.”

“I just really want her to have a good time.” Spike played with his fingers. “I don’t want her to think she’s babysitting me the whole night or something. I really want to make her happy because I really like her.” He leaned back in his throne. “But what if I’m just…too young to do this right?”

Discord chuckled. “Ironically, what I’m nervous about is being too old to do this right,” he remarked as he finished off his muffin.

Spike raised an eyebrow and sat up a little as he looked to him. “You’re nervous about the Gala too?”

“The Gala itself?” Discord shook his head. “Oh, I was…but I’m feeling a lot better about it now.” He sighed. “What I’m nervous about is being a good escort, just like you are.” He stretched up and yawned. “Of course, thanks to the statue thing, I haven’t taken a girl anywhere in over a thousand years, which isn’t exactly working in my favor. So…I guess I’m just worried I’ll be rusty at this and make a fool of myself.” He swallowed but managed to smile a little with a casual shrug.

Spike rested his head on his claw. “Yeah, but at least you’ve been out with girls before: you have some experience to go on. The only girl I ever spend time alone with is Twilight, and she doesn’t count. I mean, she’s like a…big sister to me or something. But this is Rarity we’re talking about…Rarity.” His gaze went dreamy.

Discord grinned fully again as he took another muffin for himself. “Hey, at least you just have a moderately famous fashion forward unicorn to deal with, Spike. Me…” he held out his arms dramatically, “I’ve got the pony high princess, guardian of the sun, the alicorn legend Celestia herself!” He lowered his arms again. “If I wasn’t so naturally arrogant, I’d be petrified of actually showing up anywhere with her on my arm.”

Spike swallowed and looked down with a blush as he started playing with his fingers again. “Rarity’ll probably be the best dressed one there: everyone will be looking at her and looking at me too.”

The chaos master rolled his eyes to the side (and blushed slightly as well). “Celestia is the star of this thing each year. And now especially since she went for this whole escort plan, the whole room is probably going to want to know what we’re doing and saying the whole night long.”

Spike bit his lip. “I’m not even sure if Rarity’s going to want to mingle with some of those upper class ponies on her own or if she’ll want me by her side the whole night. I don’t want to cramp her style.”

Discord scratched is head. “Come to think of it, since I told Celestia I’d help her with the hoofshakes for the guests, does that mean she just wants me just standing at her side or that she actually wants me to shake hooves with all of those ponies? Ugh, I hate all of this polite etiquette nonsense.” He leaned back in his borrowed throne with a pout.

“Am I supposed to take Rarity home after the Gala?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“Am I supposed to wait around the whole night until every last guest is gone and the place is cleaned up and then…walk Celestia back to her room or something?” Discord raised an eyebrow too.

“And would Rarity get upset with me if I tried to give her hoof a goodnight kiss?” Spike blushed brightly at the thought.

“Yeah, and would Celestia get upset with me if I tried to…to…erm…” Discord’s eyes went wide and he quickly cleared his throat, catching himself. “I mean, um…I-I’m just not sure how far she expects me to take this escort bit, heh.” He shrugged sheepishly, looking to his little friend.

Spike just let out a deep sigh and collapsed his face forward onto his hands.

Discord blinked but then smiled again and gave the little dragon a small pat on the back with his tail. “Oh, don’t worry, young Spike. You’re a good kid. And she’s a nice mare. And I think Rarity really does take a shine to you in her own way. Come tomorrow night, you just do your best to show her how much you care about her, and you’ll be fine. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the effort.”

Spike looked up and raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you really think it’ll be that easy?”

Discord grinned. “Hey, I’m Discord—would I lie to you?”

Spike finally chuckled a little. “Thanks, Discord. I’ll try.” His attention went to the muffins again, and he started eating another one with gusto. “And Discord,” he added between bites, “for what it’s worth, I know it’s a lot, being Celestia’s escort and especially after everything you’ve been through lately. But you’re kind of an awesome guy. I think she’ll really have a good time with you.”

“Really?” Discord’s look brightened now too, and he started into another muffin again as well.

“Yeah,” Spike assured with a nod. “I mean, you’re funny, and you have a lot of life experiences, and you’re good at parties, and you know how to give people a good time when you use your magic right, and you’re good at listening and giving advice. I think a night at the Gala with you will be fun for her. I think she’s really glad you’re friends.” He shrugged.

Discord smiled. “Thank you for the encouragement, Spike.” But then he did have to sigh and add, dramatically leaning back in the throne, “Ugh, but part of me is still so dreadfully nervous. After all, me and Princess Celestia…there’s so much history there, and so many changes now, and just…Princess freaking Celestia and me—Discord!” He gestured to himself, eyes wide.

Spike grinned at him and waved him off as he took another muffin. “Aw, come on, Discord, I’ve seen you do stuff way more intense than this and not be nervous. You’re the master of chaos. You’re one of the most powerful beings around!” He held out his arms for emphasis.

Discord couldn’t help grinning a touch smugly. “True. And hey,” he gestured to the young dragon, “you’re…you’re Spike! Twilight Sparkle’s faithful assistant, someone who’s helped her save Equestria time and time again. And didn’t you play a big part in saving the Crystal Empire too?”

Spike blushed and glanced down humbly. “Aw, well…yeah, I guess.”

“Exactly!” Discord nodded in satisfaction, his head held high. “We’re both excellent catches! Our dates should be thrilled to have us, and we are going to be the most interesting guys at the party!”

Eyes shining with enthusiasm, Spike stood up in his throne. “We’re going to be the best escorts ever!” He held up his muffin triumphantly. “To the Gala!”

Discord held up his muffin triumphantly too. “To the Gala!”

And then their reverie was broken by a sleepy yawn and the voice of a familiar figure coming over to them from the throne room staircase. “Spike…Discord?” Twilight yawned again, her horn glowing to provide her with some light. “What are you two doing up?” She raised an eyebrow. And then she blinked and her eyes went wide at the sight of the two of them together over at the thrones, holding up muffins dripping chocolate milk. “In fact, what are you two doing?

Spike and Discord just remained looking back at her with wide eyes for a moment.

Then Discord sat back in his seat and put his muffin down for the moment. “Er…just having a midnight snack. Sorry, we’ll keep it down. You just head right on back to sleep, Twilight Sparkle.” He snapped to make a warm blanket appear over Twilight’s shoulders and gave her a little wave.

Twilight just looked at both of them with sleepy eyes…then she sighed deeply and brought a hoof to her forehead. “Just promise me you’ll go to bed soon. Both of you. Spike, you’re a growing dragon, and Discord, breakfast is early tomorrow because we all have a lot of preparations to make before the Gala.”

“Okay, Twilight,” Spike sighed and sat back down, but nodded. “I promise.”

Discord yawned but nodded as well. “Yes, yes, I promise too.”

Twilight just smiled and shook her head, and then with a yawn she turned and departed back upstairs.

Discord sighed after her as she left. “So many mares in this world, so many orders.” He swallowed some muffin and raised an eyebrow, glancing at Spike. “…We’re still on for that hoofball weekend with Big Macintosh after this Gala thing blows over, right?”

Spike finished a big bite of muffin himself and nodded. “You know it.”

“Good.” Discord nodded in return. “I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot of winding down after this Gala.”

“Me too,” Spike added…but then he sighed and a dreamy look came to his features again. “Unless Rarity wants to go steady….”

Discord just chuckled. “Certainly the optimist, aren’t we?” He shrugged. “Well, who knows…more chaotic things have certainly happened—Celestia technically asking me out on a date, for instance.” He grinned. “Now finish your muffin, and we’ll head up to bed.” His smile grew a little and he glanced to the side in a private way. “Suddenly, I’d like to be dreaming.”

Spike nodded. “Okay, Discord. Besides, I don’t want to sleep in and have to hurry through breakfast tomorrow.” He finished his muffin, and then a yawn overtook the young dragon, and his eyes hazed. “And it really is…late…” He yawned again.

Discord smiled and stood. “Come on, Spike, I’ll give you a ride.” He snapped: the muffins were suddenly all cleaned up and now the candle was floating ahead of them for light. Discord picked up Spike with his tail, put him on his back, and proceeded to slowly fly up the staircase. As Discord went along he hummed to himself a little. “Oh, I’m going to the Gala, to the Gala, to the grand galloping Gala…with Celestia.

“And with Rarity…” a half-asleep Spike added with a yawn and a smile.

Discord smiled and chuckled as he snapped Spike into bed and then returned to his own room to dream (he hoped) of sweet Celestia on this final night before their big evening together…an evening which he had a feeling would hold a lot of good surprises in store for both of them.

In the Canterlot Castle at this late hour, Luna stood before her vanity mirror as she spritzed herself with a gentle puff of moonflower perfume and smiled. “Just one more night before the Gala. Hmm…funny, I know I’ll have so many people up to enjoy my night that evening, but at the same time I think I’ll sort of miss the usual peacefulness of nights like this one. Perhaps I’ll start this evening with a nice, solitary flight to look over the way the moonlight plays upon the courtyard grounds, and then I can make sure the nightblooming flowers are in order for tomorrow evening as well.” She nodded to herself.

Just then there was a light knock on Luna’s door.

Luna turned to the door with an eyebrow raised. “You may enter.”

The door opened to reveal Celestia, of all ponies, smiling a little sheepishly. “Hello, Luna. I’m glad I caught you before you left the castle for the evening.” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “Do you have a few minutes?”

Luna nodded. “Of course, sister. Is something on your mind?”

Celestia entered and closed the door behind her. Then the sun princess sighed and collapsed onto Luna’s bed. “I can never sleep the night before the Gala.”

Luna smiled a little and approached her. “Really?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes.” She laughed softly. “All I do is lie in bed thinking about everything I’ve done and everything that has to be done. And this year especially there have been so many changes.”

Luna nodded. “Would you like me to put a sleeping spell over you, sister?”

Celestia shook her head. “No. But, um…if you wouldn’t mind, could you stay and talk to me for a little while…and then could I take your bed for the night?”

“My bed?” Luna tilted her head to the side. “But why?”

Celestia looked down a little. “Over the years, I…I always came to this room whenever I had trouble sleeping. The dim colors are soothing, and I liked looking at the moon in your window. Being in here always made me feel close to you.”

Luna’s eyes were a little wide and shining. Then she blinked and put a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “You can spend the night here, Celestia, especially if it will help you sleep. And of course I’ll stay and talk with you.” She started using her magic to bring the blankets over Celestia’s body and to fluff the pillows underneath her sister’s head.

“Luna!” Celestia smiled. “You don’t have to do all of this…”

“Oh, consider it payback for the doting you did on me about my wing and horn the other week.” Luna finished and then came to sit by the side of the bed. “Now, what would you like to talk about, sister?”

Celestia hesitated, then sighed. “Do you think Discord’s been acting strangely over the last few days?”

Luna smiled. “He’s a being of chaos, sister. That is a relative question.”

“Luna…” Celestia glanced at her, “I mean it.” She considered. “I don’t know, maybe he’s just putting on some extra dramatic airs for the Gala, but still, he’s been very…attentive and very dedicated to impressing the guests…and very focused on the idea of me being a princess.”

“Discord does like attention and showing off, and he has learned to recognize both of our titles more, I suppose.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “Even if he has possibly been a little more extreme about certain things over the last week, may I ask why such a change bothers you?”

Celestia looked down in thought. “I don’t know. I guess I just miss how things were going before with our friendship. It was much more casual. We would spend time together and talk: there weren’t any expectations. We just got to learn to like each other. And now it’s like he’s gearing up for putting on a show with me, and tomorrow night the whole nation will be watching us.” She sighed and shifted a little under the covers. “I knew we would be a point of discussion at the Gala. But I thought there was at least a chance that we could spend some of the night going around like a normal mare and escort, and now I’m not so sure.”

“I see.” Luna hesitated, then smiled. “Well, after the Gala, perhaps you and Discord can go back to having some time alone as friends…especially if it turns out you two really do work best that way.”

Celestia blushed lightly, and her voice softened. “I still don’t think he has other kinds of feelings for me, Luna. And I’ve never tried to express other feelings to him from myself, of course.”

Luna nodded. “Then there will be no complications once the Gala is over. It is just one final night of extra attention that you’ll have to get through. But as for the Gala itself, please don’t worry, sister. I’ll make sure that for at least part of the night you and Discord are not the center of everything.” She winked.

“Luna?” Celestia smiled a little and raised an eyebrow. “Are you planning something?”

“The mysterious princess of the night never reveals her secrets,” Luna replied with a grin and her head held high. Then she laughed. “Just trust me, Celestia. We’ll all have fun tomorrow night.”

Celestia laughed softly and nodded. “Maybe you’re right.” A yawn escaped her. “Maybe I just need to relax.”

Luna’s smile warmed. “That is sound advice, sister.” Luna used her magic to light her fireplace. She looked into the gentle orange glow—a warm color amidst the cool shades of her chamber. She sighed. “Celestia…may I ask you a question?”

“Mmm hmm…” Celestia sighed and snuggled under Luna’s blankets more. “Of course, Luna. Anything.”

Luna turned her head from the fire. “Is this really the first time you’ve ever taken an escort to the Gala?”

Celestia blinked a few times and opened her eyes a little more. “Yes, Luna.” She nodded.

“But…why?” Luna tilted her head slightly.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean. You already know why I asked Discord to be my escort this year, Luna. I thought it would help him be more comfortable and—”

“No, Celestia.” Luna shook her head. “I mean, why have you never chosen to take any companion with you to the Gala in all of these years?” Something in her gaze softened. “If anyone deserved and possibly even needed a companion in all that time for the Gala…or anything else, it was you, sister.” There was quiet. “Sister?”

Celestia just lay there looking at the moon shining in the window. She remained quiet for a moment longer. Then… “I suppose the thought never occurred to me.” She sighed. Her voice was soft as she added, “Or…the thought never occurred to me as being very important, all things considered.”

Luna frowned. Her voice was soft. “It’s a new day now, sister. A new era for our land. And your needs are just as important as anyone else’s.”

In the dim light and glow of the fire Luna saw a very distinct blush enter Celestia’s features.

Celestia’s voice was quiet as she spoke again. “Thank you.” Then the sun princess smiled faintly as her eyes finally left the window to look to her sister again. “Sister…I missed you so much.”

Luna moved closer and nuzzled against Celestia’s shoulder. “You’ll never have to again. You couldn’t get rid of me now even if you tried.” She smiled as Celestia’s smile grew. Then Luna dimmed all light in the room save the fire. “Get some rest, Celestia. And have sweet dreams. I’ll see you in the morning.” She used her magic to pull up the blanket a little higher over Celestia’s shoulders. “I love you, Celie.”

Celestia snuggled in and yawned as her eyes closed. “Goodnight, Lulu. Be safe. I love you too.”

Luna’s smile warmed. Then she left her room.

Alone in the dark, Celestia’s thoughts began to melt to dreams quickly. And for the first time in ages, all of them were more about her own needs than about those of others.

Luna, on the fringes of her sister’s subconscious mind, could sense this fact and felt very grateful for it. Perhaps an opportunity to focus on her personal needs would bring Celestia closer to Discord or perhaps it wouldn’t. But either way, the only thing more important to Luna than seeing to the safety of the chaos master’s heart was seeing to her sister’s peace of mind and making sure Celestia saw the importance of caring for herself as well.

Somewhere off in the Crystal Empire…

While her husband rested snug under the covers on his side of their bed, Princess Cadance sat up looking over a letter (which she had read several times already over the last couple of weeks) by the light of her horn. She sighed softly and then whispered to the sleepy stallion at her side. “Shining?”

“Hmm…?” left him with a yawn.

Cadance smiled. “I think we need to plan a trip to Canterlot soon.”

“Mmm…” Shining Armor turned in his sleepiness. “Cadance, I think Discord would be fine with just a thank you note sent back to him for the letter.” A smile picked up on one side of his mouth.

Cadance shook her head though and smiled a little more. “It’s not about that, Shining. There’s something in his words, between the lines—something that makes me think about the magic of love. And then there have been those rumors about him and Celestia at the Gala that some of the staff around here have been talking about….” She rolled up the scroll. “I have a feeling. I need to go there. Both of us should.”

“Princess of love’s intuition again?” Shining Armor smiled more and opened an eye.

Cadance’s smile warmed, and glanced at him. “You know it’s never wrong.” She set the letter aside. “Maybe after the Gala we could stop by for a few days.” She turned to lie down and used her magic to cover herself with her half of the blanket.

“Yeah, I think we could do that. Our schedule’s not too busy after the Gala week.” Shining Armor smiled and cuddled closer to her as he closed his eyes again. “Now goodnight, princess, and get some sleep. You need your rest. Worry about love in the morning.”

Cadance laughed softly and cuddled a little closer to him in return as she closed her eyes as well. “If you insist, prince. Goodnight.”

Shining Armor gently moved a hoof over Cadance to hold her. “Love you, Cadance.”

Cadance smiled completely and let her horn come to rest against his. “Love you too, my Shining Armor.”

The couple let out soft sighs and then fell asleep together in the loving confines of their crystal chamber.

Author's Note:

Yay, Cadance cameo! :heart: And it's not going to be the last one... :moustache:

Can I just say, writing this story has completely made me fall in love with the idea of Discord and Spike having guy bonding time lol. I'd love to see a "Friends Forever" comic with them, I think it would be great :)

Next chapter...
Chapter 21: On to the Gala! (aka The Musical Chapter)
Yes, this chapter has a song sequence (because it's MLP, and it needs a song sequence lol). Basically, I reworked "At the Gala" from the first Gala ep. Same tune, different lyrics, different ponies singing different parts, brief interlude by Discord. I promise it'll be fun :yay:

Anyway, as for plot: next time around, it's finally gala night! Everyone gets prepared (partially in song), and finally a chariot comes to whisk Twilight, Spike, and the girls away to the big night! Meanwhile, Discord comes to the castle and prepares to be presented with Celestia to the entire ballroom filled with guests.

I hope you all enjoy! Check my latest blog post for updates about this fic and others! :twilightsmile:


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