• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 13: A Night(mare) Meeting

“Okay, Spike, I’ve closed up the castle gates for the night, I have everything packed, and I’ve already set things up with Applejack so that you can spend the night at one of the spare rooms at Sweet Apple Acres…since I’m going to my night meeting slumber party with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna tonight!” Twilight beamed and trotted in place in her library (her saddlebag already slung over her back) as she found herself with a chance to say yet again out loud that she was going to a princess slumber party at the Canterlot castle this evening! Her trotting ceased with a little jump in the air, and then she magically made a checklist appear before. “I think that’s everything. Do you need any help packing for the night, Spike?” She glanced to her dragon companion.

Spike smiled at her but shook his head. “No, I’ve got everything together already.” He pulled up a large satchel from the floor and opened it to reveal many little shining precious stones. “See, snacks. And then I just have to grab my toothbrush and I’m good.” He sighed with a dreamy pout, closing the satchel and moving it over his shoulder. “I still don’t understand why I couldn’t have stayed over at Rarity’s though instead.”

Twilight smiled warmly and made her checklist disappear. “Because Rarity is very busy finishing up all of the outfits for everypony for the Gala and needs privacy so that everything will be as much of a surprise as possible. Besides, she doesn’t have any room for you at the Carousel Boutique, but Applejack has plenty of space at the farm.” Twilight leaned her head down to Spike, smiling more. “And Applejack said Rainbow Dash is over there right now helping her harvest apples so she can try out some new pie recipes tomorrow morning, and that you’d be welcome to help them bake and to be an official taste tester.”

Spike instantly beamed and licked his lips. “Really? All right! Oh hey,” he dashed off toward the library exit, “Let me grab some emerald chips then—they always go great on pie!” He was already out the door and around the corner.

Twilight just looked after him with a warm gaze and a smile, shaking her head. Then she sighed and smiled brightly again, talking to herself. “A slumber party with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna…I wonder what it’ll be like.” She bit her lip and put her hoof to her chin. “What if it’s very formal? Should I bring my crown? I guess I probably should just in case.” She magically levitated her crown off of one of the library tables and onto her head.

“Okay then…” Twilight nodded. “I’m all set.” But then a second passed and she blinked, her smile falling away. “But what if this night meeting isn’t formal at all?” She glanced up at her crown hesitantly for a moment. But then she smiled again and shrugged. “Well, I guess if my biggest concern tonight is whether to wear my crown or not, I can handle it.” A relaxed sigh left her.

But then Twilight blinked again, and a look of panic set in. “But what if whether or not to wear my crown isn’t my biggest problem? After all, I’ve never spent a lot of time at once around Celestia and Luna together before even though we’re all friends…and it is a slumber party. So what if there are other problems and fighting just like there was between Applejack and Rarity at my first slumber party?” She considered, starting to pace. “After all, Luna and Celestia have definitely been known not to get along at times, and definitely worse than anything with Applejack and Rarity. What if the pony sisters have a disagreement or something, and I get caught in the middle?” She swallowed. “What if they expect me to decide disputes between them because I’m a princess too?” Her eyes went wide. “Or what if the two of them actually turn out to be perfect, but I make some kind of horrible mistake or say something wrong and make the whole night awkward?”

Twilight gasped, her pacing stopping and her look of panic growing wilder as the true potential ramifications of this night continued to sink in. “I mean, sure, they’re my friends, but they’re also Princess Celestia and Princess Luna—the alicorns who started ruling Equestria ages and ages and ages ago. My slumber party books can’t know that, so what if the rules in them don’t apply? What if it’s rude to suggest mud masks or truth or dare or a pillow fight? I only just became a princess—I don’t want to offend anypony’s sense of decorum! Maybe I should treat this like a high tea or something. But then what if that’s offensive too—like I’m being too snooty in their home?! So, maybe I’ll just act normal and hope for the best? Or I’ll just follow Celestia’s lead? But then what about Luna, I don’t want to offend her?! Oh, why didn’t this alicorn princess thing come with a book I could read on it!” she suddenly announced loudly, holding a hoof to her forehead in despair.


Twilight blinked and turned around to see Spike standing in the library doorway.

Spike approached her, an eyebrow raised. “I guess you’re kind of nervous about your princess slumber party, huh?”

Twilight let out a sigh and sat for a moment, looking down. “I know it’s silly to feel that way. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are my friends, and I’ve known them both for so long, especially Celestia. It’s just…” she glanced back up to Spike, “Luna told me that both of them almost think of me as a baby sister. But I don’t really feel like a baby sister…except for maybe the ‘baby’ part. They’ve both been around so long and they’re both so wise and they’re both real sisters, and I’m just…me. I just want to be able to relate to them. But up until now I was just an average unicorn, and meanwhile they’ve been the renowned alicorn leaders of all of Equestria for over a thousand years.” Her eyes went wide again.

“Twilight,” Spike came closer, putting a claw on her shoulder, “you might be a lot younger than Luna and Celestia and you might still feel like you’ve got a lot to learn, but you’ve still done some amazing things in your life and especially in such a short life compared to theirs. You’re a hero of Equestria!” He smiled. “You’ll be able to relate to them, Twilight, and not just as a subject to a princess or as a student to a teacher but as equals. After all…” he took his claw away and shrugged sheepishly, “You’re a lot older than me by pony standards and you’re kind of like my mentor, but we relate as equals, right?”

Twilight had to smile, and she nodded. “Yes, we do. Thank you, Spike.” She gave the top of his head a little nuzzle. “Maybe you’re right—the princesses and I can relate as equals, I just have to relax a little bit and let us do it.” She stood up again and took a deep breath, smiling more. “All right, I think I’m ready for our Gala planning night meeting and then the slumber party. And are you all ready now to head over to Applejack’s, Spike?”

Spike nodded, clutching his satchel close. “Yup! All set with the snacks and my toothbrush!”

Twilight smiled warmly. “That’s good—but how about we also add a blanket…and a pillow…and a towel…” She made the three items magically appear and float over into his satchel.

Spike smiled a little sheepishly and nodded. “Yeah, I guess that would be a good idea.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay, then. I’ll teleport you to Applejack’s. Ready?” She made her horn glow.

Spike nodded and gave her a thumbs up. “Ready!”

Twilight’s horn glowed more brightly, making her magical aura surround Spike, and then suddenly he disappeared in a flash of light and sparkles.

Left alone now in the library, Twilight smiled at the place Spike had been standing and then secured her saddlebag over her back and magically made a rolled up sleeping bag appear on top of it. “I guess I should get going myself.” She sighed, glancing around the quiet, empty library in the big castle for a moment. “This’ll be the first night I haven’t spent here ever since the castle formed.” A thoughtful look came to her features. “It’s funny…I think I must be starting to get used to this place because I’m almost going to miss it tonight. Maybe it really will feel entirely like home one day.” She smiled at the thought and then took a breath and teleported herself to the outskirts of Ponyville to commence her flight to Canterlot Castle.

“I agree, the arrangement of the buffet tables in a rectangular pattern around the edges of the ballroom instead of lined up in rows all against one wall would make sampling all of the different foods easier for the guests and give them more space for dancing.” Twilight, crown upon her head, smiled to herself as she made this announcement and magically made a note on a scroll suspended before her. The time was a bit after moonrise, and she was currently sitting in a high-backed chair at a large table in the throne room of Canterlot castle across from two familiar royal figures. “That’s a great idea, Princess Celestia,” she added as she finished writing, looking over to the sun princess.

Princess Celestia smiled back at her. “Thank you, Twilight. I want to encourage mingling and dancing as much as possible this year.” Celestia magically refilled her teacup from a pot set upon the table and made a note on her own scroll as well.

“I agree, sister,” Luna offered, magically sipping from her own teacup as she likewise made a note on a scroll before her. “But then perhaps we should also set more of the buffet tables outside on the ground floor terrace. Then the guests would be less inclined to use the ballroom for eating instead of dancing in the first place. And I have already arranged for the fireflies and phosphorescent moths to provide ample light throughout the castle grounds that night, so illumination will not be a problem should more guests venture outdoors. What do you think?” She smiled at Celestia and Twilight.

Celestia nodded to her sister. “That is an excellent idea, Luna. But let’s be sure to put as few of the hot dishes outside as possible so that they don’t cool off too quickly in the night air.”

Luna nodded. “Agreed, sister. But let us also put punch bowls both outside and inside—that way the guests can refresh themselves both in the heat of the ballroom and while out in the coolness of the night.”

Celestia smiled. “Of course.” Then she glanced at the youngest princess among them, her smile warming. “Do you agree, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded eagerly. “Of course, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna—those are wonderful ideas.” She made a quick note (as did her fellow princesses) and then looked up from her scroll with a big smile. “And can I just say, it’s so nice to plan a party with someponies who actually appreciate all the detail and organizing that has to go into an affair like this. You’re both so great at thinking of everything we need. I can’t see how there’ll be a single problem or loose end when Gala night comes.” She glanced to the side a touch bashfully. “If I could add one more suggestion for the Gala though—I mean, if you both think it’ll work…I know Pinkie Pie and the Cakes were planning to make a big cake to serve as a centerpiece for the desserts. Instead of putting it on a dessert table at the start of the night though, maybe we could save the big cake until near the end of the night or midnight and then bring it out on a special trolley to serve the guests as a surprise?” Twilight looked back to the princesses, her eyes bright. “Pinkie’s shown me some designs for the cake, and I think it would look beautiful getting presented like that. And I don’t think it’ll cause too much of a disruption to the room since most of the guests would probably be done dancing by then anyway. And Pinkie Pie’s really excited about the idea. What do you think?”

Celestia and Luna just smiled and looked to each other and then both looked to Twilight and nodded.

Celestia spoke first. “I think that’s a very good idea, Twilight.”

“I agree,” Luna added. “It’s something different—I’m sure the guests would appreciate it.”

Twilight beamed a little and then wrote on her scroll again (her fellow princesses following suite). “Thank you! I-I mean, I’m very glad you think my idea for the party is sound.” She let out a calming breath as her writing finished.

Luna smiled just a little more. “Would you like to inform the kitchen staff of your decision and their duty in the matter yourself, or would you prefer one of us to take care of it, Twilight?”

Twilight blinked. She bit her lip for just a moment but then straightened up and shook her head once. “No, that’s all right, Princess Luna. I’ll…let the staff know myself and give them the proper instructions.” The words clearly stuck on her tongue a little but she got them out just the same.

Celestia just smiled and tilted her head to the side, observing Twilight with interest.

Luna nodded, smiling a little more. “Very well, Twilight Sparkle.” She glanced at her sister. “Then I suppose the last thing we have to go over is finalizing the lighting. The new silver and gold chandelier should be up tomorrow. I believe its effect will be lovely on the room. But perhaps we could enchant the flames of its candles to glow in soft varying hues of several colors. The silver and gold clearly signify our return to harmony as rulers, sister. But I think we should do a simultaneous homage to Twilight’s new Rainbow Power which has taken the place of the Elements of Harmony as our greatest line of defense against evil. And it would also show a due respect to our new Princess whose recent valiant efforts have saved Equestria yet again.”

Twilight instantly blushed and looked down with a small smile, shaking her head. “Oh, you both don’t have to do anything like that. Really. This is your Gala, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I’m just another guest in a way, and people have already been so grateful about my efforts to stop Tirek, and the Rainbow Power even gave me a new home. I don’t need any other special recognition.”

Luna blinked and then glanced at Celestia again. “Did you not mention to Twilight about all of the rainbow decorations suggested by Pinkie Pie which we already approved of?”

Twilight raised her head and her eyes went a little wide.

Celestia just smiled more and looked to the princess of friendship. “Twilight, the Rainbow Power has brought the guests great comfort recently. I think a few rainbows here and there around the ballroom on Gala night will put the ponies more at ease and really help give them a night to enjoy themselves without any cares or worries.”

Twilight considered her mentor’s words carefully and then nodded. “Yes, that does make sense. And our subjects and caring for them is what’s most important.” She smiled a little and looked to Princess Luna. “I think the idea of rainbow lights in the chandelier sounds very good. Thank you for suggesting it, Princess Luna.” She nodded, making a quick note on her scroll.

Luna nodded in return, marking her scroll as well (as did Celestia). “Of course, Twilight Sparkle.” She smiled more. “And besides, Twilight, this Gala may be a tradition of my sister’s and mine and it may be taking place in our own castle, but it is really more of a ‘party of the princesses’ given for the people. So you really are more than just a guest, Twilight—as a princess, you are a fellow hostess as well.”

“Luna is right.” Celestia nodded. “This is your Gala to give just as much as to enjoy, Twilight. That’s part of why I wanted you to help with the greetings. And, who knows—perhaps next year Cadance will even be able to come, and we can all host in person together.”

Twilight smiled more, blushing and glancing down again. Then she raised her head once more, cleared her throat, and spoke in her best calm princess voice. “I appreciate my new inclusion by your sides, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And I will do my best to be a good fellow hostess and to make this the best Gala I possibly can.”

Celestia and Luna both smiled in great pride and pleasure at Twilight.

Twilight smiled back at them, but then cleared her throat and glanced humbly to her list, raising her quill. “Now, as for the last minute details—the band knows to arrive at promptly five thirty to set themselves up on stage and warm-up before the Gala begins at six, right?”

Celestia and Luna nodded. “Yes,” they said together.

Twilight magically checked off something on her scroll, then smiled up at them.

Celestia magically raised her quill now. “And the floors are set to be mopped the night before the Gala so that there will be plenty of time for them to dry and as little time as possible for them to become dirty again, right?”

Luna and Twilight nodded. “Yes,” they said together.

Celestia magically checked off something on her scroll, then smiled up at them.

Luna magically raised her quill now. “And the new tapestries will be hung in the ballroom some time tomorrow and the new sculptures placed out in the garden and gazebo as well?”

Celestia and Twilight nodded. “Yes,” they said together.

Luna magically checked off something of her scroll, then smiled up at them.

And then with relaxed sighs all three princesses laid down their scrolls and quills, and smiled to themselves in satisfaction.

“I believe that was a very successful night meeting,” Luna remarked, her smile growing. “Shall we adjourn now?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, let us, sister.” She used her magic to pull a rope hanging by the throne room door, which caused a bell to sound.

A guard soon entered. He approached and gave a small bow. “Your highnesses.” He raised his head.

Celestia smiled and opened her mouth, about to speak to him, but then she paused and looked to Luna. “Pardon me, sister. I’m usually retired for the evening by now, so my internal clock is a little off. You are in charge during the nights, of course.” She bowed her head.

Luna’s smile brightened, and then she looked to the guard (who, she couldn’t help but notice with a touch of pride, gulped and stood at a very formal attention at having to talk to her now instead of to Celestia). “Guard, your Princesses of the Moon, Sun, and Friendship have finished their party planning meeting of the night. Now we shall attend to other matters together for which we shall not require the services of servants or guards. The day staff is dismissed, and you may tell the night staff that they are only to attend to the grounds and other wings of the castle. And no one especially is to come to the ballroom.”

The guard hesitated, clearly seriously weighed his options, and then cleared his throat and replied, “Yes, Princess Luna. But with all due respect…are you sure at least some of the guards shouldn’t stick close to this wing? It leaves all of us uneasy to have the three of you together and unguarded. Besides which, our ‘visitor’ has returned to the statue garden this evening again.”

Luna only held her head higher though and shook it. “Nay, we can take care of ourselves. And, besides which, our ‘visitor’ is a friend, so there is no threat from him. And furthermore,” her eyes shined in excitement, “I am afraid our business for the rest of the evening may involve mares only. It is very private and not for the participation of stallions at all!” She nodded, grinning proudly.

The guard just raised an eyebrow and looked to all three princesses and then looked down, blushing quite a bit now. “Yes, well…very well, then. As you command, Princess Luna.” He nodded his head. “I shall relay your intentions to the other guards and the staff as well.” He bowed to the three princesses. “Your highnesses.” And with that he turned and departed.

As the door closed, there was silence for a moment and then Celestia couldn’t help a small laugh escaping her. “Congratulations, Luna, you managed to scare one of them off without using any lightning or thunder or Royal Canterlot Voice at all—you just had to tell him that we needed some ‘mare time’.”

Luna just shrugged, smiling to herself and raising her hoof to her chest proudly. “It is a gift. Besides, I think our guards like being kept on the toes of their hooves more than they say.” She grinned at her sister. “You really have been too soft on them all of these years, Celestia.”

Celestia grinned back a little. “And you really are taking too much enjoyment from proving that point to me, sister. But their bravery will endure your trials—you’ll see. Deep down I have trained them to be just as brave and loyal as ever.”

Luna sighed. “Whatever thou sayest, Celestia, whatever thou sayest…”

The two sisters shared a soft laugh.

“Um…excuse me?”

Luna and Celestia blinked and then looked to Twilight who just sitting there with her head tilted to the side and an eyebrow raised distinctly. “What do you mean about ‘trials’ and ‘bravery’ and being ‘too soft’ on the guards? And why do the guards all have to stay so far away tonight—isn’t it safer with them around, even if they stay out of the room of our slumber party? And who’s the visitor in the garden?” She blinked, looking from one sister to the other.

Luna smiled at the little princess. “Oh, it’s a long story, Twilight Sparkle. Suffice it to say that lately I’m proving a more formidable princess to serve under than my sister, and the three of us will be better off on our own tonight. And we shall discuss the visitor in the garden later.” She looked to Celestia carefully out of the corner of her eye, smiling a little extra.

Celestia, in response, just sighed and rolled her eyes to the side, keeping her smile under control.

Luna chuckled and then looked forward. “I shall go prepare the ballroom now!” she suddenly announced, standing up. “Please wait here, my fellow Princesses.” She trotted off toward the throne room door.

Twilight smiled after her. “Oh, um…okay, I’m sure it’ll look great, Princess Luna.” Twilight waved as Luna left and the door closed. Then Twilight looked to Celestia. “Wow, we’re really having our slumber party in the ballroom? There’ll be so much space!”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Yes, Luna thought it would be the perfect location.” She sighed and was quiet for a moment. Then Celestia stood up from the table herself. “I, um…I think I’ll go help Luna, Twilight. She wanted to set up quite a bit for us. And besides, with no guards around, that dim, dusty ballroom can be a little scary for a pony on her own. Why don’t you put away our scrolls for safekeeping and finish your tea and then join us?”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Of course, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia nodded in return. “Thank you, Twilight.” Then she left the ballroom, likewise closing the door behind her.

Twilight looked after her in interest, considered for a moment, but then just shrugged and went about neatly rolling and sealing each scroll, magically making copies to send back to her own library (and some for the pony sisters’ convenience as well) and then putting the originals away for now in a chest in the corner before returning to her table to finish her tea…and to try and calm herself down once more about what potential fun and issues the night might hold.

Not too much later, Twilight (saddlebag with sleeping bag resting over her back again and her crown still resting upon her head) found herself walking down a hallway heading in the direction of the ballroom. She looked here and there as she moved down the dim, high-ceilinged corridor lit only by windows showing moonlight through clouds. Her head sunk a little low. “Wow, this place really is different at night…and with no guards around. Everything’s so gloomy and shadowy. It sort of reminds me of the ruins of the castle of the two sisters.” A bat flew outside across the window, and it’s shadow made Twilight jump a little. Then she moved backward at the sight of a great dark looming figure against the wall and almost yelled…before she realized it was just an empty suite of armor.

Twilight smiled to herself, taking a breath and readjusting her crown. “Twilight, calm down, it’s just Canterlot castle at night. And you’re a princess—you can take care of yourself. Plus Luna’s nearby. If anybody can handle the night, it’s her.” Twilight raised her head, gave herself a nod of assurance, and then trotted along down the hall and around the corner, coming finally to the ballroom door.

Twilight opened the door wide and looked around with a bright smile. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna?” she called out. Then she blinked. Her smile fell. The ballroom not only appeared to be empty but it was almost pitch dark except for the moonlight shining in through the windows and a light wind coming from somewhere, rustling the curtains.

Twilight swallowed, her eyes going wide. She spoke softly to herself. “Princess Celestia was right, this place is sort of eerie at night. Ah!” Suddenly, the ballroom door slammed closed behind her, causing Twilight to yell and jump.

The young alicorn turned, breathing heavily, but then got herself calm again. “It’s okay, it’s okay…it’s just a heavy door and it closed on its own from the wind. No big deal.” She smiled again and turned back around, proceeding into the ballroom more and glancing at her surroundings. “Princess Celestia…Princess Luna?” She raised an eyebrow and paused at the center of the room, trying to look around but still only seeing shadows and moonlight. “Hmm…maybe if I make a little light of my own…” She started to use her magic to make her horn glow.

Her concentration was quickly broken though as a deep white ghostly fog started to roll in across the floor. Twilight stepped back and gasped as the fog enveloped her. Just then a shadowy figure zipped by. “What was that?!” Twilight’s breathing started to pick up. Then another figure seemed to zip by on her other side. “And that?!” She started to back up a little toward the door. “Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! Oh no…” She brought a hoof to her head. “But…But this room really can’t be haunted, that’s just silly!” Then instantly, a crazed, high-pitched laugh echoed off of a wall just as a clap of thunder and a crack of lightning sounded outside, causing Twilight to gasp again and her eyes to go wide. “B-But then again maybe not!”

That strange laugh continued to echo off of the walls…and then an odd (yet somewhat familiar) female voice said in a deep tone, “Twilight Sparkle…

Twilight swallowed, her eyes wide. “Y-Yes?” She looked around. The fog was building more and more.

The voice chuckled. “Hmm, hmm…BOO!”

“AHHH!” Twilight yelled, jumping entirely in the air and falling down again as the face of none other than Nightmare Moon popped out of the mists to terrify her! On instinct, Twilight did the first thing that came to mind—she took off her crown and threw it right at the apparition!

“Wait! Twilight! I—Ow!” was all the nightmarish creature cried as the crown knocked into her helmet.

Twilight cringed and hunkered down, preparing for the worst.

About twenty minutes later, the fog was all cleared out of the ballroom, a few lamps were turned on around the perimeter of the area to provide a helpful glow, and three princesses sat in a circle each on a large throw pillow, laughing with each other and using their horns to magically hold up marshmallows to roast over a contained magical flame between them all.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle, I really must apologize again,” Luna insisted, wiping her mouth with a napkin and smiling sheepishly. “But it has been so many moons since I threw a slumber party, I could not resist going all out with trying to scare you as part of the festivities. But I did not mean to startle you so badly. I always did used to get carried away. But I just hoped using Nightmare Moon would be enjoyable to you since it was you who helped me to stop feeling ashamed of that part of my past.” She shrugged and smiled at the young princess.

Twilight finished swallowing a marshmallow and smiled back at her. “It’s all right, Princess Luna—what’s not to love about a good scare? I’m just sorry I threw my crown at you.” She cringed a little. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you at all?”

Luna shook her head, magically opening a new bottle of fizzy cider. “Not at all, Twilight, I promise. The helmet took all of the damage. Interesting choice of weaponry though.” She chuckled.

Twilight shrugged, smiling sheepishly. “As a Princess I probably should have tried to hold onto my crown better but…without the Element of Magic in it, I guess it seemed as good a thing as any to throw into the dark and hope for the best.”

Celestia laughed warmly, magically taking up some fresh marshmallows to roast. “What happened is partly my fault. I believe I had the fog machine on too high of a setting—it must have made Luna’s trick seem far too real. But please don’t give it another thought, Twilight—you’re more important than a crown. You made the right decision.”

Luna nodded.

Twilight smiled in relief. “Thank you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.”

Celestia smiled and then looked to her sister. “And speaking of crowns….” Then she and Luna magically took off both of theirs and placed them aside. Celestia went on. “I think we can all take ours off for now. There’s no need for them at the moment.”

Twilight nodded and magically took off her crown as well. “I guess you’re right.”

Luna smiled as she finished off another marshmallow. “That is part of why I sent the guards away tonight, Twilight Sparkle. Formality comforts them, and not that I’m not partial to royal formality myself, but I thought it would be nice if we could spend our slumber party being good friends first and princesses second.”

“And speaking further of that…” Celestia eyed Luna, smiling more.

Luna nodded to her and then looked to Twilight again. “Yes, speaking of informality, my sister and I have a request to make of you, Twilight Sparkle. A permanent request, though if you would even indulge us for this evening it would make us very happy.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Of course, what is it?”

Luna smiled more, her gaze softening. “You are a Princess too, Twilight Sparkle, and no longer a little filly. While your formality to us when you were a subject in your youth might have been expected, it is no longer necessary now. We would like you to merely call us each Luna and Celestia. No ‘Princess’ title required.”

Celestia nodded, her all-knowing gaze warming.

Twilight’s eyes went a little wide. She was quiet for a moment. “I…” she raised an eyebrow, considering carefully, “I’m not sure if I can. I mean, I’ll try, but it’s just so engrained, calling you both Princess.” She took a deep breath. “But, yes, for tonight at least, I’ll do my best…” she swallowed, and then finished, looking from one sister to the other, “Luna…Celestia.”

Luna and Celestia’s eyes brightened.

Twilight smiled back at them and with just a touch more confidence now.

Celestia laughed softly and finished off the last of her roasted marshmallows. “Well, now that that’s settled, what should we do next for our slumber party?”

Luan grinned. “Want to go play pranks on Discord in the statue garden?”

“Discord’s in the statue garden?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Celestia nodded to her. “Yes. That was the ‘visitor’ our guard mentioned before, Twilight. Discord’s been spending some nights there sleeping in a small valley.” Her gaze softened. “He’s been a little confused lately, and I think the familiarity of the place is soothing to him even if it’s not from a period of his life that he’s too happy with.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, he’s there all cozy and sleeping, totally unsuspecting.” Her grin grew, and her eyes narrowed. “I have access to much face paint and knowledge of a spell that can turn any creature pink for at least two days straight.” She sipped her cider. “Just so everypony knows…”

Twilight had to chuckle a little.

Celestia just rolled her eyes. “Luna, not that it wouldn’t be fun to watch Discord be the one you prank in his sleep instead of me like when we were fillies, but I really do think we should let him rest. Otherwise we’ll be up all night with a prank war with him and have no bonding time.”

Luna sighed but nodded. “Very well, Celestia.” She looked to their guest. “What would you like to do first then, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight Sparkle blinked and smiled. “Me? Well…” She put a hoof to her chin.

A few moments later the three princesses were lying in a circle, facing front to back, with Twilight magically brushing Celestia’s mane, Celestia magically brushing Luna’s mane, and Luna magically brushing Twilight’s mane while they all chatted happily, the room warm and glowing.

A little bit more time passed, and now the three mares were playing dress-up using the items from a large trunk that had now appeared.

Twilight stepped forward into the light wearing in a Reneighssance-style princess gown complete with pointed hat, poofy sleeves, and lots of lace. She laughed to herself.

Then Luna stepped forward covered in white powder and with a bunch of rainbow ribbons tied to her mane and a pencil drawing of a sun taped over her flank, clearly supposed to be wearing a Celestia costume.

Then Celestia came forward dressed all in black and wearing a war helmet, clearly supposed to be in a Nightmare Moon costume.

The two sisters blinked and looked at each other for a moment and then looked to Twilight (who looked back at them with equal surprise). Then all three princesses bit their lips and broke into laughter together, falling to the floor in their mirth.

Some more time passed, and now the ballroom was filled with feathers as the three princesses engaged in an epic pillow fight, laughing and flying and using their magic, and just enjoying themselves thoroughly.

All of these fun activities completed now, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight just sat in their circle of pillows with the enchanted fire between them once more. They were drinking more fizzy cider and eating some popcorn as they talked among the warmth and dim glow of the ballroom.

Twilight smiled so brightly at her two hostesses. “Princ…I-I mean…” she smiled a little more, “Luna, Celestia,” she blushed but went on, “This has been such a great night. Thank you so much for sharing this with me.”

“Of course, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna nodded. “And thank you for giving me someone new with whom to share the art of the slumber party. My sister was right—you are a most excellent student. I have enjoyed your suggestions for the evening immensely, and I hope you have enjoyed mine as well.”

Twilight nodded. “It’s been an honor to learn from you, Luna. You’ve taught me much more than any of my slumber party books have.” She glanced to Celestia. “And it’s been so nice finally getting to spend some quality time with you outside of lessons or saving Equestria, Celestia.” Twilight flinched a little again at addressing her mentor so informally, but managed to keep smiling normally.

Celestia smiled more and nodded to her. “It’s been very nice to spend time like this with you too, Twilight. I’m so glad we could all have this evening together. We should do this more often.”

Luna nodded, her smile brightening. “Yes, we should.” But then she sighed. “Unfortunately, though, I’m afraid I cannot stay too much longer this evening. I have to leave to begin my nightly duties soon or I shall never complete them all before sunrise.”

“Would you like any help, Princess Luna?” Twilight offered.

Luna smiled but shook her head. “No, no, you have been awake all day and busy, Twilight Sparkle. You deserve sleep now. And I will be fine. But thank you for the offer.” She munched some more popcorn. “Either way though we still have some time. And…” her grin grew, “Isn’t there one final common slumber party activity that we seem to have overlooked tonight?” She looked to Celestia.

Celestia just smiled a little and rolled her eyes to the side. “Luna means truth or dare, Twilight.”

Twilight’s smile brightened. “I love truth or dare! Or, well…I think I will.” She shrugged sheepishly. “When I tried to play it with Rarity and Applejack at my slumber party, it didn’t quite work out because they were having a fight. But I’m so excited to play it for real now with the both of you.” Her smile brightened again.

Celestia sighed, smiling more and shaking her head. “You might end up reconsidering, Twilight. Luna is a little…intense with that game.” She eyed her sister.

Luna just chuckled and waved her off. “Celestia just never liked how much better at the game I am than she is. But to show I am a good sport, I shall go first, and since you are the guest in our home, you may truth or dare me, Twilight…that is if Celestia agrees to all of us playing.” She nudged her sister a little, her smile softening. “Come on, sister, it won’t be so bad. We only really have time for one turn each anyway. Please, Celie…” She gazed up at her sister with big, hopeful, sparkling eyes.

Celestia sighed, gazing warmly down at her. “You know I can’t say no when you request like that. Very well, Lulu.” She chuckled.

Twilight’s smile tried not to burst at how cute they sounded.

Luna, meanwhile, chuckled as well and looked back to the youngest princess. “All right then, we are all agreed. So let us begin, Twilight Sparkle, and feel free to do thine worst.” She sat up proudly.

Twilight nodded. “Okay…truth or dare?”

“Hmm?” Luna put a hoof to her chin. “I choose…dare!”

Twilight smiled. “Okay. Um…” she considered carefully. Then she grinned. “I dare you to make one of the guards appear here and tell him that you need him to escort you to the kitchen for a glass of water because you’re secretly scared of the castle in the dark.” She smiled brightly and made a little squee sound.

Celestia kept it together for about a second but then couldn’t help a slight laugh and snort escaping her, though she tried to cover it up.

Luna’s eyes just went wide. Then she frowned. “But the guard will think I am truly scared! And the kitchen’s only just down the hall, and the hall’s full of moonlight! And I have a reputation to maintain!” She dramatically held out her arm to the moon through the window.

Twilight just smiled and shrugged. “It’s still your dare.” She put a hoof to her chin. “If you would rather change to truth though, I think the rules would allow it.”

Luna sighed. “Fine, I change to truth.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side with interest. “Okay then…since it’s obviously not the dark, what are you most afraid of, Luna?”

Luna blinked. She looked down a touch awkwardly. “Well…”

“Luna,” Celestia encouraged, “It’ll all just be between us.”

Luna sighed again. “Very well. I am most afraid of…full grown dragons.”

“Really?” Twilight couldn’t help her smile picking up on one side.

“Once when Celestia and I were little…” Luna started to explain, but then she considered, “Well, you read our journal Twilight Sparkle. We faced a mighty dragon, something I had never done before, and it was very alarming. I do not harbor an irrational fear of them now, but it is just…if I am face to face with a full-grown dragon, I remember how unsure and young and inexperienced I felt that day, and it is somewhat frightening. Besides, I can intimidate most dangerous creatures into submission if I have to, but I have never succeeded at doing so with one of them.” She shrugged sheepishly. “And they’re the only creatures I’ve found whose own voice is a match for the Royal Canterlot Voice, after all.”

“Wow, I never would have guessed.” Twilight smiled. “It’s okay though, Princess Luna. For something to be afraid of, that’s a pretty big and potentially dangerous thing. I’m sure a lot of ponies would have a fear like that. Even Fluttershy feared full-grown dragons for a while, and she’s the best with magical creatures.”

Luna smiled. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” Then Luna glanced at Celestia. “Sister, it is Twilight’s turn. Why don’t you ask her the truth or dare?” She smiled innocently.

Celestia glanced at her and couldn’t help grinning. “You just want to be the one who asks me, don’t you, sister?”

Luna rolled her eyes off to the side. “That thought had not occurred to me. Hmm…”

Celestia just smiled and shook her head. Then she focused on Twilight. “All right then, Twilight, truth or dare?”

Twilight considered. “Hmm…truth!”

Celestia smiled and considered carefully. Then she looked at her former student with some interest. “Which have you preferred more—being an alicorn or a unicorn, Twilight?”

“Hmm…” Luna raised an eyebrow, “Not bad, sister.” She looked to Twilight with interest too.

Twilight’s eyes went a little wide. “I…” She bit her lip, then looked to the two princesses for a moment before finally replying (and with the truth of course—what else could she imagine saying, after all?), “I’m…learning to love and accept the person I’m growing into. And being an alicorn has a lot of great aspects to it, really. But…I did prefer being a unicorn. I miss being just a unicorn sometimes.” She looked down.

“Twilight, it’s all right,” Celestia assured, moving closer. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ask about such a sensitive subject. And don’t worry, I understand.”

“Not me.” Luna shrugged, finishing another hoof-full of popcorn. “Why just do magic when you can fly and be strong and tall as well?”

Celestia sighed. “Luna…”

Luna smiled. “I’m sorry, I do not mean to be insensitive.” She looked to Twilight. “You miss the past. I spent a thousand years on the moon missing the past.” She moved closer too. “For what it is worth though, Twilight, I think you are making an excellent alicorn. My sister chose well in selecting you as her student and princess-in-training.”

Twilight smiled at both of them. “Thank you.” She glanced down a little sheepishly. “You know, it’s not the new magic that’s been hard for me to get used to—I really enjoy all of the extra studying it’s given me the chance to do actually. And I’ve even gotten used to the wings sort of. For now, the hardest part is just...um…I keep getting taller. Is that normal? And…is it ever going to stop?” She raised an eyebrow at Celestia and Luna.

The two sisters looked at each other.

Luna looked to Twilight again. “Well, you must understand, Twilight, by becoming an alicorn you did not just gain pegasus flight to go along with your unicorn horn—you also gained earth pony strength, and your body will need time to adjust and accommodate to that.”

Celestia cleared her throat, smiling with compassion. “Twilight, perhaps an explanation of the exact magic behind what is happening to you would be better saved for another time—it’s a little complicated, and it is getting late, I’m afraid. But I assure you, the changes will be gradual, and we will be here to help you should you need it as they occur.”

Luna nodded, her smile compassionate as well.

Twilight nodded in return to them, smiling appreciatively. “Okay. I understand.” She yawned. “And I guess it is getting kind of late anyway.”

Luna’s smile brightened. “But not too late—one more person still has to go in our little game.” She grinned and looked to her sister. “Celestia…truth or dare?”

Celestia sighed. “Very well, Luna. I choose truth. I’m getting a little tired too, and I’d rather not pick dare and end up on a trip to the moon and back or flying over the Everfree forest trying to collect a twig from a timber wolf or sent all the way down to the statue garden in the dark to poke Discord with a stick and return with one of his tail scales as proof.”

Luna laughed. “All right then, sister—though I reserve the right to use those suggestions in future games when dare is selected. But as for your truth…and speaking of Discord…”

“Luna…” Celestia’s smile fell a little.

Luna merely kept smiling though and went on with, “I was only going to ask, now that he is reformed and we have all gotten to know him better and his magic is being used for good, is there any trick of his that is particularly your favorite?”

Celestia let out a breath. “Very well…” She considered…and then a warm smile couldn’t help but come to her lips. “Well…he does the most amusing things with food if you watch him closely while he’s eating. He inverts things and combines things and adds things to strange places. And he always drinks the glasses of his drinks before the actual drink in the glass itself. And sometimes he even eats forks. I suppose such things would be my favorite things.”

“Wow,” Twilight smiled at Celestia, “You and Discord really must be getting close as friends for you to be noticing so much about him and his habits.”

Celestia just shrugged modestly, her smile growing a little. “I suppose.”

Twilight’s look went a little dry. “Just watch him closely though with those chaotic food habits of his. He’s been known to steal certain spells out of books and eat the paper when the mood strikes him.”

Celestia’s smile grew more, and then she couldn’t help giggling softly.

Luna smiled, sipping her cider and observing her sister before then turning her attention back to Twilight. “Discord has actually become quite the frequent guest around here lately. In fact, while he decides upon a new home for himself, my sister offered to let him live here with us in a wing of the castle.”

“Really?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. She looked to Celestia again. “That’s very nice of you, Celestia. But I would, um…just think about that a lot before you finalize anything. Discord can be very…cheeky. And it loses its charm after more than an hour or so.”

“It’s all right, Twilight,” Celestia assured, eating a little popcorn, “I find his antics very amusing. And this is a big place, so we wouldn’t get into each other’s ways. Right now he’s thinking over my offer actually. And personally I think it would be very fun if he accepted it.” Her smile picked up a little on one side. “My sister and I could use a slightly obnoxious older brother figure around here to liven things up.”

“Speak for yourself.” Luna rolled her eyes. “The last thing I need is another older sibling.” She chuckled. “But I will agree if I can request to have Twilight have more of a presence here.” She nodded in Twilight’s direction. “A younger sister will be perfect company for me, and this way the teams will be even.”

Celestia grinned, eyeing her sister. “You know, Discord said that if we wanted he would help us set up this castle like we had our castle in the forest…the trap doors and false dungeons and booby traps…. We could make a game of it. Teams might be fun, thou sister of mine.” Something younger and more playful came into the sun princess’s voice.

Luna’s smile brightened, then she grinned quite a bit herself and added, “Ah, I knew you always secretly relished the competition of our younger days. Very well, your challenge is accepted.” She beamed. “And I shall dominate as I always have in this area. Twilight Sparkle and I are very talented—we shall conquer thee and Discord soundly!” Luna reached out and took (a surprised) Twilight’s hoof, holding it up with hers.

Celestia laughed, narrowing her eyes. “Not if Discord and I plague thou and thine new confidant with ceaseless clouds of chocolate rain and spinning rooms of doom!”

“Thou cannot win!” Luna announced confidently, suddenly releasing Twilight’s hoof to gesture toward her sister. “And we shall prove to you the folly of thinking otherwise!”

Twilight, this whole time, had been trying to hold in a response, but now she just couldn’t help laughing warmly and happily. Celestia and Luna looked at her with interest until Twilight regained her composure enough to explain. “I’m sorry, Celestia, Luna, I just…I just never saw you both acting like real sisters.” She blushed. “Sorry, that didn’t quite come out right. I mean, I’ve seen you care for each other and enjoy your time together and be close, but I’ve never seen you tease each other and play games like this, like you’ve been doing all night. It reminds me of me and my big brother or even me and Cadance. It’s so nice.” Her smile brightened. “And…if you really wanted to include me, I’d…I’d love to play in your castle game, and I’d be honored to partner up with you for it, Luna. When the girls and I went through all of the traps and tricks at the forest castle, it was scary but it was also some of the most fun we’ve ever had.”

Celestia and Luna warmly smiled at her.

“You would really participate and be on my team, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked, her eyes full of hope and anticipation. “It would mean pranking Celestia…”

Twilight just smiled more. “And Discord. I’m completely fine with pranking Discord. And…as long as it’s in fun, I wouldn’t mind pranking you too, Celestia.” She smiled shyly at her mentor but then looked to Luna with a slight smirk. “We really could win. You’re very good at stealth, and I’m excellent at strategy. And we both know Princess Celestia really well and I know Discord better than anybody except Fluttershy. The science is sound.” She nodded with confidence and then held out her hoof for Luna to shake.

Luna beamed and grabbed Twilight’s hoof. “Oh yes, very well, it is settled then!” She shook her foreleg so hard that Twilight nearly came off the ground. Then Luna released her looked to Celestia smugly. “I’m afraid you’re doomed to defeat, sister.”

Celestia laughed warmly at the two of them, her grin picking up a little on one side again. “I don’t know—I’ll have the master of chaos on my side. And I’m used to your tricks, Luna. And I’m the one who trained Twilight originally. I think he and I will have a fighting chance.”

Luna smirked a little and couldn’t help herself. “That is if you two can stop talking or playing or looking to just each other long enough to participate properly.”

A shot of blushing suddenly came to Celestia’s features. She smiled but looked down. “Luna…” left her softly.

Twilight just looked on with an eyebrow raised.

Luna sighed, her smile softening. “I was only joking, sister. And it’s just the three of us right now, after all. But I’m sorry if I have embarrassed you though.”

Celestia’s smile grew a little again and she just shrugged and shook her head slightly, her blush already fading. “No, no, you didn’t embarrass me, Luna. I just…like to keep some matters private, that’s all.” She looked into her sister’s eyes.

Luna understood and nodded. “Of course. I would never go too far, sister.”

By now, both sisters were aware that Twilight might be a little confused by their exchange and probably needed to be addressed. Celestia looked to her former student and smiled a little sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Twilight. That was sort of a private joke. Luna likes to tease me about how close Discord and I have gotten. That’s all.”

Twilight smiled in understanding. “It’s all right, Pr…um, Celestia. I guess there’s been a lot of that going around lately. And sometimes it can take a while to get used to making a new and unexpected friend. I’m just glad you’re both hitting it off so well. I think Discord likes being close to you very much.” She did her best not to blush.

Meanwhile, Luna smiled in a special way and observed her sister out of the corner of her eye.

Celestia just smiled warmly at Twilight. “I like being close to him very much too.” Then she sighed and yawned and found herself blinking a few times.

The action couldn’t help but make Twilight yawn too.

Luna looked to them both. “It is time for sleep now.” She stood, lowering the glowing flame between them and all of the lamps along the walls. She and Celestia magically removed their regalia. “I will stay with you and doze lightly until about midnight. I usually take a small rest anyway to help prepare myself in case I must enter the land of dreams. And this way we can all fall asleep together at our slumber party.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad, Luna.” Then she got up and started to unfurl her sleeping bag.

“Twilight?” Celestia interrupted softly.

“Yes?” Twilight paused and looked at her over her shoulder.

Celestia smiled more. “And I usually rest near each other like this.” Her horn glowed, and then a very large pillow appeared underneath herself and Luna complete with blankets and smaller pillows. Celestia lay near one side of the pillow, and Luna shifted close to her sister and lay down to rest by her side near the middle of the pillow. Celestia went on. “If you would prefer the sleeping bag, Twilight, please feel free to use it. But otherwise we would be happy to have you join us in this way for the evening.”

Luna nodded, her smile warm, and patted the large empty space beside her.

Twilight blinked and then smiled, blushing a little. “I…I would be honored, Celestia, Luna.” She rolled up the sleeping bag again and set it aside. Then she came toward them and lay down near Luna’s side.

Celestia smiled and magically made blankets cover all of them. Then underneath her blanket she let one wing come over Luna. Luna smiled at the gesture, nuzzling her sister, and then looked to Twilight hesitantly. “Shall I cover you with my wing as well, Twilight Sparkle? Unless you would be uncomfortable. Celestia has always done this for me ever since I was her baby sister, so I just thought… But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” She looked down, her eyes a little wide, and gave a small shrug.

Twilight just smiled. “I would like that very much, Luna. Thank you.” She shifted closer to the moon princess.

Luna, smiling warmly, covered Twilight with her wing.

All three princesses let out deep sighs and closed their eyes, resting their heads down on their smaller pillows.

“Goodnight Luna, Goodnight Twilight…”

“Goodnight Celestia, Goodnight Twilight…”

“Goodnight Celestia, Goodnight Luna…”

In the quiet, warmth, and peace of the room, the three friends fell into a gentle sleep.

About an hour later, Twilight Sparkle was slumbering peacefully in the dimness of the ballroom, a comfortable pillow beneath her head and a warm, midnight blue wing still over her body while a big blanket surrounded everything. She yawned and turned inward toward where the wing started, seeking out as much coziness as possible.

A faint, bluish glow meeting her closed eyes did not bother her right away…though soon her eyes twitched and then squinted…and then finally there was a flutter of her eyelids as the blue glow became too strong to dismiss. Twilight yawned, starting to come out of her dreams, and now she blinked a few times in confusion. “What is that…?” She rubbed her eyes with her hoof and now opened them all the way.

The sight that met her gaze was Princess Luna, her head up and her eyes open, unblinking, and filled with a strong white and blue glowing light that blotted out any sight of her pupils or normal gaze.

Twilight gasped and sat up entirely, jerking away from her a little. “L-Luna…? Princess Luna?” she whispered. She hesitated, then waved her hoof in front of Luna’s face a couple of times, but got no response.

Twilight swallowed in fear. She crept out from under Luna’s wing and stumbled her way across the large pillow on which she and her hostesses had been sleeping until she came to Celestia. “Princess Celestia!” she whispered, nudging her sleeping mentor on the side farthest from Luna. “Celestia!”

Celestia blinked a few times and then yawned. “Hmm…?” She opened her eyes and then smiled, her voice soft. “Oh, Twilight? Hello. Are you having trouble sleeping?”

A panicked looking Twilight shook her head. “No, it’s…it’s Luna!” She pointed in the night princess’s direction.

Celestia’s eyes went wide and she looked to her sister, but then let out a breath of relief. She smiled and turned back to Twilight, keeping her voice a whisper. “Oh, it’s okay, Twilight, please don’t worry. There is nothing wrong with her. Luna is visiting the land of dreams now to help one of our subjects.”

Twilight blinked and her look of panic softened, though something hesitant remained in her features. “Are you sure?”

Celestia nodded once. “Positive.”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Oh. Okay.” She smiled a little and then raised an eyebrow. “Should we do anything? I don’t want to disturb her, but if there’s anyway to help her…”

Celestia shook her head. “No, it’s best to just leave her to it, Twilight. But she may come out of her trance soon to see to her other nightly duties, and I don’t want that to wake you.” She raised her free wing. “Would you like to sleep on this side near me for now instead?”

Twilight’s eyes went a little wide and she smiled so widely. “Really? In the same place you’d let your own real sister sleep?”

Celestia smiled more. “We don’t need to be related for you to be special to me or to Luna, Twilight. Besides, I’ll miss the company after Luna’s gone.”

Twilight nodded and climbed on the pillow. She hugged close to Celestia, who gently lowered her large wing over her. Twilight smiled up at her mentor. “I’m sorry I overreacted about Luna and woke you up, Celestia. I know you’ve been very busy planning the Gala along with everything else you do and that you need as much rest as possible just like Luna.”

Celestia laughed softly. “It’s perfectly all right, Twilight. You know, when Luna and I were very young princesses and hadn’t quite split up the days and the nights yet, we would sleep near each other like this all the time. And the first time she went into the land of dreams, I woke up very, very confused just like you. And do you know what I did?” Twilight shook her head. Celestia smiled more. “I raced through our castle, roused every guard I could find, and then burst into Starswirl the Bearded’s chamber and magically lifted him right out of bed. It was late and I think Luna had been telling me scary stories before we fell sleep, so I believe I then started crying to him that a ghost had my sister.” She laughed again, shaking her head. “I don’t know how he put up with the two of us at that age.”

Twilight laughed a little too. “It’s sweet that you cared so much about her.” She glanced at Luna again. “It’s an interesting state she’s in.” She raised an eyebrow. “But should she look…sad like that now? Is that because of the emotions of the dreamer? Or maybe because of how happy or sad the dream itself is?”

Celestia blinked and turned to look at her sister again. Her eyes went a little wide. Indeed, Luna was cringing a little now and frowning, even wincing. “Luna…” Celestia whispered softly. Then suddenly Luna gasped, and her eyes that had been full of pale blue glowing flickered with something a touch red and dark. Celestia frowned and removed her wing from her in concern.

Suddenly Luna gasped once more and her eyes flew open wider. Then she blinked a few times until finally her normal pupils had returned. She was breathing a little heavily, distress apparent in her features.

“Luna, what is it?” Celestia asked, her tone serious. Twilight just looked on with wide, uncertain eyes.

Luna stood up, moving out of the blankets. “I must go.” Magically she made her horseshoes, yoke and finally her crown return to her body. “One of our subjects is having a very bad night. I am having difficulty pulling him out of his dream. I must make sure he is fully awake in person. Then I must talk to him for a while.”

“Luna, is it…?” Celestia stopped herself from asking but couldn’t help looking to her sister anyway with concern.

Luna looked back to her. She let out a small sigh. “I cannot reveal the names and circumstances of dreamers, even to you, sister. It is my sacred duty, whether those dreamers are distant subjects…or even close friends. But rest assured, I will make anyone in distress well again.” Luna gave her two fellow princesses a deep nod. “Farewell sister and Twilight Sparkle. I shall see you at dawn.” Then she flew up, magically opened a window, and soared out into the night, letting the window close behind her.

Celestia looked after her in concern.

Twilight looked after her in amazement. “I never realized how much of Equestria’s well-being was in Luna’s care.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. Luna provides something hard to place but that I think Equestria was much worse off without during her banishment. She serves our subjects in a very personal way. She provides spiritual peace, mental protection, serene thoughts, and just a little bit of fun.” Though some distress remained in her eyes, Celestia managed to smile again as she looked back to Twilight. “She’ll take care of whatever the problem is. She knows what to do.”

Twilight smiled at the sun princess and nodded. “I know she will.” She looked down for a moment, then glanced back to Celestia. “Celestia…I know Luna said she couldn’t tell us, but do you think the subject she needed to help was Discord?”

Celestia looked down. “We shouldn’t try to guess. It would bother Luna.” She lowered her voice a little and glanced at Twilight again. “But from one princess to another…the thought had crossed my mind, yes.”

Twilight frowned. “I hope he’ll be all right. I’m starting to worry about him a lot.” She tried to smile a little again. “I was thinking of showing him the throne room very soon since it’ll be done in another day or so—do you think that might cheer him up?”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “I think that would help lighten his spirits very much, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled fully. “I hope so.” Her eye caught sight of the moon as a cloud moved away from the window, and then Twilight found herself yawning.

Celestia yawned a little too and then laid her head back down and spread her wing more fully over Twilight. “In the meantime, let’s get some rest. Luna will want a hearty breakfast with good conversation in the morning after her long night, and we should be refreshed enough to give it to her.”

Twilight nodded and laid her head back down as well, closing her eyes. She yawned—sleep was already overtaking her. “Goodnight, Princess Celestia…” She couldn’t help the return of the title in her tiredness.

“Goodnight, Princess Twilight…” Celestia smiled and closed her eyes too, laughing softly and giving Twilight a gentle nudge.

Twilight laughed softly as well and blushed a little, smiling more as she rested more fully against Celestia.

Quiet returned to the ballroom as the two princesses resumed their peaceful rest for the evening (though the younger one had better luck easing her mind enough to return to sleep and dreams than the elder one did).

Meanwhile, Luna’s night was playing out anything but peacefully…

“Discord, wake up!

Luna used her magic to try opening a still sleeping Discord’s cringing eyelids but to no avail. Discord merely continued to lay on the ground in his valley in the Statue Garden, eyes still shut tight, features frowning, eyebrows occasionally knitting into a scowl, and breathing strangely as he writhed a little against the grass. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t!”

Luna sighed, then using her magic to make two large pots appear and clang together over Discord’s head.

Discord only cringed and writhed all the more though. “Stop! That’s not…I didn’t…I love…That’s not me!”

Luna just sighed deeply again, making the pots disappear. Next she used her magic to make a large spotlight appear shining down upon Discord.

Discord only ended up turning on his stomach though and continuing his slumbering panic. “You don’t understand!” he cried out!

Luna made the light disappear. Her stance and gaze suddenly became firm. “Discord, you need to wake up but I cannot do it by touching you—volatile dreamers are the most unpredictable subjects, especially magical ones. You could harm yourself in surprise or even me. You leave me with no choice.” She used her magic to make a large pail of ice water appear over his head. Luna took a breath, cringing a little. “I’m sorry about this, Discord.” And then Luna magically dumped the contents of the bucket all over Discord’s head.

“What in the world?!?!” Discord suddenly exclaimed as he sat bolt upright, shivering and soaking wet (but with his eyes finally wide open now). “When did it rain, and…” A sigh of discomfort left him, and a hand went to his forehead. “Oh what a headache.” He collapsed back to the ground, eyes closed again. “I must have gone off for a night on the town and had one too many cups of fermented cider. I’ve really got to control myself better. Hmm…”

“DISCORD!” left Luna now in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

Discord’s eyes flew open wider, and he found himself sitting there silently under the night sky, soaking wet, breathing heavily, the familiar landscape of the statue garden revealed in the moonlight. The memories of his true circumstances at the moment came back to him.

Discord gasped and jerked back as the moonlight also revealed Princess Luna (and as the full effect of her Royal Canterlot voice finally processed as well). “Luna…Um…what are you doing here, and…and…” he started to try, glancing away and clasping his hands together in a casual manner.

Luna walked right up to him, trying to keep a firm gaze though there were practically tears in her fiery cerulean eyes. “What I am doing here is saving you from a complete mental collapse and having to witness horrible images of your former desires for destruction in the process! Do not deny it! The only nightmares I ever experienced that were worse than yours were my own when imprisoned upon the moon!”

Discord swallowed and looked down. “I…I just…I used to think about lots of things, lots of bad things, when I was stone. Maybe I can’t help dreaming about some of them. But I don’t like them anymore than you do!” He scowled and his gaze came to hers, but something about the passion in her eyes softened the look in his own. “You can’t think that’s really what I want anymore—destroying all of your towns and cities, causing the other ponies misery and fright…. Your capture and your sister’s demise!” He held out his arms. “Why, just an hour ago I was dreaming about rowing with her down a canal of chocolate milk in Veneighce, Italy and—erm…and…” His eyes suddenly went wide, and he quickly glanced to the side. “Erm…heh, what were we talking about again?” He glanced back to Luna with a sheepish grin.

Luna still looked at him defiantly though (clearly too caught up in the gravity of his nightly distress to pick up on his near slip.) “Discord,” she started, and then her horn glowed. “Look at this. Look!” Between them she projected a shimmering magical image from his dream.

Both watched as a dark Discord, laughing cruelly, floated over Ponyville and Canterlot, spreading shadowy clouds that rained syrup and sending lightning bolts down that turned whatever they struck into sugar cube statues. Ponies ran in fear and terror as he continued to let his chaos build by turning the ground dark blue and the sky dark green while any thunder created reddish glows over all here and there. In the distance, the Canterlot castle looked like some sort of maniacal funhouse with pinwheels and streamers and lollipops sticking out od it, all of its architecture shifted and warped in a surreal way. Where the statue garden had been there was nothing but a smoking crater filled with ice cream, a diving board overhead. And there on a cotton candy cloud above it all sat Luna and Celestia in cages and dressed in clown costumes. Luna was angrily trying to use magic to destroy the bars of the cage, and Celestia just sat there looking so sad while Discord created more chaos and circled her prison in particular in the air, grinning as he paused and reached through the bars to hold up her chin with his claw…

The real Discord now lunged forward and waved his paw and claw through the image, causing it to dissipate. He turned to Luna with a scowl. “Oh so now you’re keeping magical recordings of my dreams? Great, great, glad to know that if I ever have an embarrassing one, there’ll be a blooper reel of it in your head forever just waiting to come out.”

“ENOUGH JESTS!” Luna countered in her Canterlot Voice, stepping forward again. She let out a deep breath, centered herself, and then spoke more normally again though her gaze remained firm. “Of course I do not think you actually wish to harm others in this way, Discord. First of all, if I did have any indication that your dreams in this regard needed to be taken seriously as signs of your impending actions in reality, I would have had you bound and imprisoned in Tartarus before you had even woken up. Secondly, despite the apparent satisfaction of your representative in your dream, I could feel your personal agony and torment at all the evil you had to witness your dream self perpetrating. Your distress was so great, I was too overwhelmed to awaken you properly from inside of your dream, which is why I had to come and do it in person with the ice water.”

Luna moved closer, her gaze softening and a frown coming to her features. “Discord, the problem here is not any threat I feel you pose to my sister or our land. The problem is that you are suppressing a tremendous amount of guilt and sadness and anger which you need to deal with properly before it consumes you and you do turn into something like that beast from your dream. Even the best of souls can only remain uncorrupted for so long by all of that hatred and self-doubt…” Luna sighed, her eyes glistening a little. She paused in her approach just a few paces from Discord, and her voice softened as she went on. “Please do not make the same mistake I did, Discord. Not when you have come so far. Don’t lose yourself from fear of letting others help you. You are my friend—I never want any harm to come to you. Ever.”

There was just silence. And for a moment, just for a moment, Luna saw a look of softness and sincerity and understanding in Discord’s wide eyes that made her hope he would finally open up now and let his fear all go.

And then he actually gave her a response that surprised her in the progress it showed.

“I’ll think about it…” he mumbled softly, looking down, clearly meaning every word.

Luna nodded. “Please do. Please. You deserve better than this for yourself, Discord.”

Discord just sighed though and stood up. “I, um…I should go now.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “But where shall you sleep? Would you like a room in the castle for the evening?”

Discord shook his head, walking past her. “No.”

“But Discord…” she started, turning toward him.

Discord sighed. “If thoughts like in my dream are on my mind for any reason, even if the reason has nothing to do with me wanting to make them real, I’d rather not be too close to you and Celestia, just in case.” He paused at the edge of the valley and stood facing away from her, his had hanging a little low.

Luna’s frown deepened. She let out a breath. “You are always welcome in our home, friend Discord. But if you are uncomfortable at the moment, I wish you well wherever you may choose to repose for the night.” She bowed her head.

“Hmm, thanks,” left Discord in an empty attempt at a smile and chuckle. He glanced over his shoulder. “Hey Luna? For what its worth coming from me…you are the most excellent Princess of the Night I could imagine. And just remember that if you ever don’t feel noticed enough again, I’m always going to be off somewhere appreciating you the moment my head hits the pillow. You do good work.” He took in a breath and flew up.

Luna just watched him with wide eyes. “Take care, Discord!” she called out. “And thank you! And may you only have the best of dreams!”

“Goodnight, Luna,” Discord replied simply. Luna continued to watch after him as he snapped his fingers and finally disappeared from her sight.

Alone in the peace of the night, Luna considered deeply for a moment, looking down. Then she shook her head and raised her gaze again. “I cannot attempt to follow him. He must come to me on his own for help in the end unless it is an emergency. He is not a filly or child but a grown person, and confronting his problems directly and of his own free will is the only way that he can start to heal from them. And I must get on with my other duties for the evening anyway. But at least Discord is seriously considering receiving help—that is something. And perhaps I have enough of his trust that he will let me assist him completely when that time comes.”

Luna flew up now, gazing at the moon for a moment, and then she soared away through the night to commence the fulfillment of the remainder of her duties.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter :twilightsmile: Sorry for the slight delay--that was due in part to me making a trip this weekend to a wedding, and also me writing a new story (should be up soon as soon as it gets approved), which I hope you'll all enjoy. It's a short one set after "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" (because I couldn't help making an attempt at one of those myself--plus the Smooze is adorable :pinkiehappy: Who could help trying to write him, lol?)

Next chapter--Discord avoids his problems by randomly finding his way to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, meanwhile Celestia continues to show a great deal of concern and worry over his health and happiness (much to Luna's continued interest), and Discord has his first encounter with Celestia after having finally admitted to himself that he has feelings for her (and it involves cake(s)!) :pinkiehappy:

I don't have a chapter title picked out yet. I was thinking of something like "Rainbows and Apples and Pies (and Cakes!), Oh My!" but I'm worried it's a little too wordy. I still might go with that though (and I did some chapter restructuring, so there's no Night(mare) Meeting Part 1 and 2 like I mentioned last time, there's just this chapter that you just read.)

Thank you so much for reading, everypony! Regarding updates, please see my next blogpost for details. Thank you :trollestia:

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