• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 11: Discord's Dance Lesson

“So…this is the Gala.” Discord sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He was currently wearing a tuxedo and a tie and standing in the center of the Canterlot Castle ballroom full of ponies. “It’s…interesting. Heh…” He shrugged and half grinned as he glanced at his companion for the evening.

Princess Celestia stood beside him, smiling up at him…and looking more radiant than ever.

‘I swear, if I didn’t know better, I’d say her coat was actually glowing white and her eyes were a shimmering warm violet and that hair of hers is flowing around her head in more waves and curls than I can even count,’ Discord thought to himself in a small daze which he quickly pulled himself out of with a sheepish smile and a clearing of his throat.

Celestia, meanwhile, nodded to his observation about the Gala and took a step closer to him. “Yes, the Gala always is a very nice night. And I’m glad to have you to share it with, my dear friend.” She nuzzled his paw a little.

Discord almost pulled back but then managed resume his casual smile and take the gesture in stride with a chuckle. “Oh stop kissing up, Celestia. You’ve already got me here and in the monkey suite and ready to boogie the night away. No need to butter me up with anymore coaxing.” Then his smile softened a little and he added, “But…I’m glad to share this night with you too, good buddy.” He gave her a gentle nudge.

Celestia laughed warmly. “Come on then, Discord. Let’s go meet some of the guests.”

“Sure.” Discord gestured forward with his arm. “Ladies first.”

Celestia smiled more. “Thank you.” She headed out among the ponies, Discord following after her…while the pony guests looked on…and whispers started.

“Look, it’s the traitor…”

“The old villain, and so close to the princess…”

“My great grandpappy used to tell legends that the great grandpappy of his great grandpappy passed down through the generations about when Discord ruled Equestria so long ago. He made ponies suffer for fun!”

“Who does he think he is trying to pass himself off as one of us now? He’ll never be one of us…”

All of these comments met Discord’s ears, and though on the outside he continued to keep his head high and follow after Celestia, on the inside he was locking up more and more, his heart pounding and his eyes going wider and wider.

Then Celestia stopped and Discord stopped too, right in the middle of the largest crowd of ponies the master of chaos had ever seen. Celestia smiled and cleared her throat, looking out to the crowd. “Attention, my dear guests, allow me to introduce my escort for the evening—Discord.” The princess stepped to the side and gestured to Discord with her hoof, at which point the lighting over the crowd grew dim and Discord found himself under a white hot spotlight, which normally was his favorite place to be but right now was absolutely the last place he wanted anything to do with! The whispers grew around him.

“He left Princess Celestia and Luna and even Princess Cadance to perish at the hooves of Tirek…”

“He betrayed his friends!”

“And look how uncivilized he is! Like he could ever really be a gentleman worthy of the princess. She probably just feels bad for him, that’s why she really asked him to the Gala…”

“He won’t be able to dance.”

“He has nothing in common with anypony.”

“He looks so funny in a tuxedo!”

“He looks so funny in general!”

And now the whispers were disappearing and getting blended in with snickers and cruel laughter, and Discord just stood among it all, wanting to get angry, wanting to snap his fingers and drown their perfect little pony world in chaos. But he just couldn’t do something that evil, not anymore, which left him blushing and looking down and trying to think of something to say. “I…Oh none of that is funny! Just leave me alone! I…Celestia…” He looked to her now, his friend.

Celestia was just staring at him…and then her lip twitched. And then, though she brought a hoof up to her mouth to politely cover up her response, in reality she was laughing along with all the whispers and chuckling of her guests now, finding him just as amusing a spectacle as everypony else.

A little bit of a light in Discord’s eyes went out. “Celestia…” Discord looked down, feeling so heavy inside. “I’ve never been so humiliated in all my life.” He closed his eyes and willed himself to disappear, somewhere anywhere far away from here.

“Ah!” Discord sat bolt upright now, breathing heavily, resting on a large pillow and covered with a blanket in the valley of the Canterlot castle statue garden. A few moments observing the scene told him it was just past sunrise, still very early, and he must have been dreaming of course.

Discord collapsed back down into his makeshift bed. “Oh great, and now we’re back to what’s bothering me being just nerves about the Gala.” He brought a paw to his temple, closing his eyes. “I swear there’s some sick part of my subconscious that’s delighting in all of this torture of my newly reformed self.” Discord opened his eyes again, looking up at the early morning sky. He let out a deep, soothing breath. “You’ll be fine. I know you’re going to feel a little awkward during the Gala and that you’ll stand out and that everyone’s going to have their two bits to say about you. But Fluttershy and the girls are right—I just have to be myself, my good and best self, and I can’t let the doubts of others bring me down. Even if I’m nervous, I have to go to this Gala. Not just for Celestia but for me. I…I know I can be a part of their world. I want to try at least. And maybe if they all get to know me better, the ponies will start to like me more just like Fluttershy and the girls…and Luna…and Celestia.” Discord let out one more soothing breath, which turned into a yawn. Feeling a little better now, he blinked a few times and then turned in his bed to face Canterlot Castle. “In the meantime though, I’m tired. These nightmares take a lot out of a person. I think I’ll try dozing off again and just dreaming about chaos or at least having a slightly less unpleasant stress dream if I can manage it.”

Discord was about to close his eyes again when his gaze suddenly caught sight of something: hovering in the air near him and slightly blocking his view of the castle was a bound scroll surrounded by golden magic.

Discord sat up a little in his bed. “That’s Celestia’s magic. I’d recognize it anywhere.” He reached out, hesitated, but then finally took the scroll from the air. It stopped glowing, upon which he opened it up and read it.

Dear Discord,

I hope this note finds you well. While I was raising the sun, I noticed you sleeping in the garden again. So after I started on my tasks for the day, I magically sent this message and made it wait for you until whenever you might awaken (I’d imagine that chaos isn’t as early a riser as I usually am.)

I know you’ve been preoccupied lately, so I hoped you might enjoy it if we had our dance lesson in the ballroom today for the Gala. I thought around noon would be nice. Then afterwards, perhaps you could join me for lunch? I really think the guards are warming up to your presence, and since I rarely have Luna’s company that time of day I would especially appreciate someone to have a good mealtime conversation with.

If for any reason you cannot make our dance lesson and want to reschedule, please just stop by the castle anytime today before noon and let me know.

Also, if you wake up early enough, Luna and I would love for you to join us for breakfast.

Have a pleasant morning, Discord.

Your dear friend,


Discord smiled a little at the note. “Ballroom dancing today? Well…I suppose that is something I have to get out of the way, and that today is as good a day as any for it.” He sighed, rolling up the scroll and snapping his fingers to send it away for now. Then he smiled and rested back on his pillows again, arms behind his head. “And—who knows—this might actually be good for me. Practicing dancing will have to make me much less nervous about that part of the Gala night. And learning to dance like this could be great practice for dating in the future if just wanting a girlfriend really is still my problem. And being that close to Celestia will also let me observe her responses to me more.”

Discord considered, twirling his beard around his fingers a little. “Hmm…and you know, this dance lesson could be just the thing to snap me out of the remains of that ‘Celestia and I together doesn’t make any sense, but I love not making sense!’ paradox I got myself into.” He rolled his eyes (and maybe swallowed.) “After all, the two of us alone, standing close, soft music playing…there couldn’t be a more likely set-up for potential romantic awkwardness, especially if I really did find myself attracted to her. But…” he grinned, “…if I don’t stumble into any romantic awkwardness for the whole lesson, that’ll prove beyond a doubt that I have no feelings for that pesky sun princess whatsoever.”

Discord chuckled to himself, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of satisfaction. “Brilliant plan. You know a master of chaos is good when he even has a handle on the chaos of his own life.” Another yawn escaped Discord. “Very well…ballroom dancing is indeed happening today. But forget breakfast for now—I like Celestia and Luna too, I truly do, but I’m too exhausted to even consider moving from this place for quite a while. Celestia will just have to pine away for me.” He grinned a little, stifling a laugh, and soon dozed off peacefully among dreams of chocolate rain…and maybe a few occasional pretty cotton candy clouds the color of flowing waves of pastel rainbows that he liked a lot more than he was willing to admit (just yet, at least).

A few hours (and some interesting beauty sleep later)…

Discord sighed deeply, standing before the sun princess now around noon in the otherwise empty Canterlot Castle ballroom. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this. This seemed a lot simpler this morning. Oh well…here goes nothing.’ He cleared his throat and spoke aloud, a slightly dry look upon his features. “I can tell you right now, Celestia, the fact that I’m on two legs and you’re on four is not going to make this formal ballroom dancing thing easy for us.”

Celestia just smiled up at him though, looking as confident and poised as ever. “It won’t be so hard, Discord. Most ponies just dance close to each other when they dance together anyway, so it won’t be much different from what we’re doing right now but with movement.”

“And what am I supposed to do with my arms?” Discord held up his talon and paw. “Make shadow puppets for my amusement?” He grinned and snapped his tail, which somehow allowed his simply placed hands to create upon the far wall a large shadow puppet of himself reclining on a throne with a crown on his head and sipping a drink from a glass while a few alicorn figures floated alongside, admiring him. Discord chuckled.

Celestia smiled a little more at the sight but then turned back to Discord. “Discord, let’s just try starting to dance together and go from there. We’ll figure out something with your arms if we need to. But for now we can begin with a simple box step.”

Discord snapped with his tail again, ending his shadow puppets, and rolled his eyes, though he did step closer to her to start. “Orderly dancing. You ponies always do manage to take the fun out of everything.”

Celestia’s smile picked up a little on one side as she stepped closer to him as well. “As soon as we learn the basic step, please feel free to add your own chaotic flair to it, Discord.” She winked at him.

Discord sighed, something a touch hesitant coming to his features (and a blush threatening to come to his features as well at her wink). ‘Nothing romantic is happening. Focus.’ “Celestia, if I’m actually going to attempt this with you, are you’re sure we’re all alone right now and that we’ll be all alone for the whole dancing lesson? No interruptions, no pony who can see me potentially humiliate myself…”

Celestia smiled warmly and nodded. “I dismissed the guards to the grounds and the other wings of the palace, I’ve sent all the decorators out to purchase supplies, and the rest of the staff have taken an early lunch. We have privacy.”

Discord rolled his eyes to the side and but did nod. “Yes, well…I suppose that’s all right then.” He took a deep breath and looked down at her, smiling as normally as possible. “Okay, I’m ready.” He cleared his throat and then gave her a small bow.

Celestia tilted her head to the side in interest and then gave Discord a small bow too. Then she straightened up and cleared her throat. “Very well, Discord. Let’s begin.” She used her magic to make a phonograph in the corner start up, playing a simple waltz-like tune. “And, one…two…three!” Their dance together began. “Step back…to your left…forward…to your right and back…to your left…forward…to your right and back…”

Biting his lip a little and looking down a lot, Discord legitimately did his best to follow Celestia’s instructions and to maintain a dancing pattern with her. “Okay…Okay, I think I’m getting this. Ugh, it feels so confining though.” He glanced back up at Celestia. “Listen, instead of a ‘box’, why don’t we have some fun and go for a cube or a double helix or something, hmm?” His smile brightened a little.

Celestia laughed, grinning a little up at him. “Now you’re just trying to show off, Discord. The basic step is fine on its own, but I agree it can get boring. As I said, you can add your own flair to it. Or first we can try a more complicated step pattern if you feel up to it.”

Discord playfully smirked and nodded. “Bring it on.”

Celestia almost smirked a little too in her enjoyment, pausing their movement for a moment. “How about an actual waltz? That’s what most ponies will be doing at the Gala. And there are turns involved.”

Discord nodded. “I’m game. Sounds better than a boring box, at least.”

“Okay then. We’ll start slow…” She magically adjusted the tempo of the phonograph. “Ready…and…one, two, three…one two three. And forward, to the right, back left diagonal…forward, to the right, back left diagonal…one, two, three, one, two, three… …turn…”

“Oh, all right, um…yes, okay, I think I have it,” Discord announced, looking down to watch their feet again. “Still not sure how this is working with us having a different number of legs but…it does seem to be finding a way.” His smile perked up a little.

“I know we could work it out, Discord. You’re doing very well,” Celestia responded, smiling at him warmly. “And…one, two, three…turn…”

While Celestia and Discord went on with their dancing, despite Celestia’s earlier assurances of privacy, someone was indeed watching them…a certain princess of the night whose dark hues and mastery of shadows allowed her to keep herself safely hidden in the dim recesses of the rafters overhead. She sat there on some beams with a bowl of popcorn in her hooves while a few upside down bats hung around her as company. Luna gazed upon her sister and Discord with interest, fighting back a yawn here and there that she couldn’t help considering the time of day it was, but otherwise observing the couple with rapt attention and a large smile. Occasionally she offered a few kernels of popcorn to her bat friends, who gladly accepted as they too looked on at the sun princess and the draconequus moving about the ballroom.

Meanwhile, back on the ballroom floor, Discord continued to keep up with Celestia’s movements, arms crossed in front of his chest and a hand to his chin as he tried to concentrate. “Celestia, not that I’m not grateful to be learning this high society skill, and not that you’re not excellent at it, but are you sure all of this is really necessary?” He raised an eyebrow and looked up to meet her gaze. “I mean, I’ve never seen the girls dance like this except maybe Rarity, and they’re all coming to the Gala too. Applejack prefers square dancing, Pinkie Pie just jumps around like a bouncing parasprite, Fluttershy barely moves at all, she’s so timid, Rainbow Dash doesn’t like any dancing at all unless it’s rocking out to some of that newfangled music the young people are into these days, and Twilight…. Hmm…actually, come to think of it, I’ve never seen Twilight dance.” He stroked his beard, looking up in curiosity.

Celestia didn’t say a word in response to this sudden interest of his…though her eyes did get unmistakably wide.

The moment his gaze came back down from the ceiling to resume making his point, Discord noticed Celestia’s distinct response of course. He tilted his head to the side a little. “What?”

Celestia blinked a few times and tried to look normal. “Nothing.” She glanced to the side.

“Celestia…” Discord grinned more, his hands coming to his hips as they continued to dance.

Celestia sighed and looked to him again, speaking as diplomatically as possible. “Twilight has her own way of dancing. I almost think you’ll enjoy it, but please don’t tease her about it, Discord. Princesses feel self-conscious enough, and Twilight is still young. I don’t want her feeling like she always has to behave properly too soon.” Celestia blinked as Discord suddenly snapped his fingers and was now holding a pad of paper in his talon and scribbling something down on it with a quill his paw. “Discord?” She raised an eyebrow.

Discord didn’t look up but mumbled aloud as he wrote, grinning away to himself. “Memo to me: record Twilight’s Gala dancing for posterity, possibly look into creating blooper reel about her early princesshood.” He snapped again, making the pad and quill disappear, and looked to Celestia with an innocent smile. “Of course, Celestia—wouldn’t dream of making fun of her.” He grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Is it that bad?”

Celestia just shook her head and smiled. “It’s…different. Let’s leave it at that. Every princess has something that others might see as silly about her.” She shrugged.

“What’s your silly thing?” Discord of course had to ask, looking intrigued.

Celestia smiled just a little more to herself and looked down slightly, a gentle blush glowing in her features. “Wouldn’t you like to know…” she mumbled.

In the rafters, a dry look came to Luna’s features and she whispered to herself and her bat friends, “Cake…It’s her obsession with cake and eating cake like a little filly.” She sighed and shook her head, glancing to the bats. “Would you believe, little more than two weeks ago just after the Tirek incident, I caught her dozing in the kitchen in the middle of the night with half a devil’s food cake eaten on a plate before her, an entirely consumed jar of extra frosting at her side, and a perfectly content smile on her sleeping, chocolate-stained face. And I’m supposed to be the younger, less mature sister.” She rolled her eyes and went back to observing Celestia and Discord.

Back down on the ballroom floor as the waltzing continued…

“Oh come on, Celestia,” Discord grinned, crossing his arms over his chest and putting a touch of persuasive charm in his tone, “share with your old, good buddy, Discord.” Discord tried not to blush. ‘Her secret couldn’t be…about me, could it? About feelings she might have about me…. No, no, what am I saying? I mean, there’s still a slight chance she maybe has a little crush on me, but it’s a lot more likely that she’s just been being a good friend lately with getting so close to me. Don’t let yourself get fooled by your own joke, Discord. Still though…’ He sighed. ‘Oh, stop it! The goal of this afternoon is not to let anything romantically awkward happen. So quit overthinking, and just let the conversation play out. Nothing you can’t handle is going to happen.’ Discord put aside his thoughts and just waited with great interest for Celestia’s reply.

Celestia just smiled up at Discord, looking calm and poised as ever but maybe with a small spark of mischief in her eye. “Why don’t you tell me a secret about yourself first, Discord?”

Discord blinked at that reply. “Hmm…I, um…well…I don’t believe I have any of those. I’m too flashy and unrestrained to ever need a secret.” He shrugged and smiled as casually as he could manage.

Celestia just raised an eyebrow at him, her grin picking up on one side. “Mmm hmm…”

Discord sighed deeply. “Look, I promise you, if I ever come across a secret about myself, I’ll share it with you, all right?” He glanced to the side innocently. “And it’s not like I want to tell everypony what your secret is. I just want to know what can make the calm, collected Celestia blush like you just did. Truly yours must be a deep, dark secret.” He grinned more again and chuckled.

Celestia just shook her head, trying not to laugh. “It’s nothing really, Discord. Just a certain passion I have for something that others might not understand. But maybe I can be a little less uptight about things at the Gala this year, and especially now that I’ll have some free time out of the spotlight, and also of course since you’ll be with me.” She smiled more to herself then glanced down at their feet for a moment. “Let’s try speeding up our tempo for our waltz. And remember, diagonal down to the side, not across again.” She looked back up at him.

It’s not a secret about you. It’s not a secret about you. I know this isn’t advice you usually take, but get over yourself, Discord. Honestly! Oh, and respond to her already, for chaos’s sake!’ Discord blinked and nodded to Celestia, clearing his throat. “Oh, okay. And, yes…I’m ready.”

Celestia nodded. “Okay.” She magically adjusted the tempo of the phonograph. And…one, two, three!” And thus their waltz took off at a lively pace, spinning in great loops and circles over the floor of the ballroom.

Discord kept his eyes down at first, doing his best to follow Celestia’s quicker movements, but then he looked up at her again to resume their conversation, this time with his casual grin and always slightly sarcastic tone returning. “Wow, so, enjoying your own party AND not being uptight?” He chuckled. “I don’t know, those are lofty goals for you, Celestia. And I can only do so much.”

Celestia just laughed softly and smiled. “You’ll do fine just by being there. You’ll be a very important part of the evening, Discord, in general and to me personally.”

“Really?” Discord’s smile couldn’t help but give way to a curious, almost skeptical look, one of his eyebrows rising up.

Celestia nodded. “Of course. I think having you there as my escort will be the best way to put everypony’s mind at ease about all of the problems and changes lately. And we’ll be able to deepen our friendship and also show the ponies first hand just show how close you and I have gotten now that the troubles of the past are finally behind us and there’s nothing keeping us apart.”

“Oh.” Discord just blinked a few times and started twiddling his thumbs absentmindedly, not really sure what to say to the mare who was dancing mere inches from him and who had just announced how close she was looking forward to becoming with him in other senses of the word too. “Well, um…there’s nothing keeping us apart, I suppose, except of course for the fact that I’m unbridled chaos and you’re perfect order, heh…” He shrugged, trying not to look too sheepish. ‘Perfect order. So, so, so maddeningly orderly....’ His thoughts were becoming a little out of control, even for a master of chaos.

Celestia just smiled a little more up at him. “I think we have a lot more in common than you realize,” she replied.

Discord raised an eyebrow again, settling now for just clasping his hands in front of himself. “Like?”

“We’re both quite good dancers for starters.” Celestia shifted a little closer to him amongst their movements.

Discord swallowed. “Yes, well…this lesson is going well, but I don’t think there are any guarantees once we get into a ballroom full of your astounded subjects.” He chuckled, managing to relax again a little.

“And we both care very deeply for our friends,” Celestia added.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Now you’re just rubbing my reform in.” He crossed his arms over his chest, his smile becoming a bit more normal again.

“And we both like practicing advanced magic,” Celestia went on.

Discord’s grin picked up on one side and a touch of his usual self-importance even returned to his tone. “Yes, well, I am a rather talented being.” He went to flex his fingers together. “Glad to have impressed you so much, princ—oh!” As a knuckle cracked, a spark of rogue chaotic magic suddenly flew off from his hand, ricocheted off of a couple of decorative shields and swords along the walls, went toward the rafters….

Luna’s eyes went wide and she ducked and held up her metal popcorn bowl just in time to deflect Discord’s chaos bolt, after which she put a hoof to her chest and breathed heavily, her bat friends coming alongside her to console her in her surprise.

And finally Discord’s magic hit the long red carpet right down the center of the room, creating a neon plaid splotch of chaos upon the fabric.

Discord just looked after the magical bolt and its consequence with wide eyes, and then swallowed and blinked several times. “Sorry, erm…I’ll clean that up.” He snapped his fingers, instantly returning the spot on the rug to normal, and then just looked down with a touch of a frustrated pout, arms crossed over his chest, an annoying light blush pushing at his features. ‘Discord, get a hold of yourself. You haven’t sent out accidental magical bolts since you were practically a teenager! She’s just making conversation and she complimented your magical skill—big deal. Stop acting like you’ve never spoken to a mare before! And stop messing up your plan to have absolutely nothing romantically awkward whatsoever happen during this dance lesson!’

Celestia just looked upon the mess and his fixing of it and then turned back and smiled at him warmly. “It’s all right.” She considered, and then stopped dancing and held up a hoof to lightly touch Discord’s arm, effectively making him stop dancing too. “Discord, if having nothing to do with your hands is really bothering you, you could just rest an arm on my shoulder while we dance.”

Discord blinked. “You’re serious?”

“Yes.” Celestia’s smile was unwavering.

A dry look came to Discord’s features. “And this isn’t a trick, right? Alarm bells aren’t going to go off and a bunch of ninja guards aren’t going to drop from the ceiling or something if I dare to put my paw anywhere near the sun princess’s perfect snow white self?”

Celestia gave him a bit of a dry look in return. “I’ll issue an official memo to stand down if it’ll make you feel any better.” A small laugh couldn’t help escaping her. “Come on, Discord, just try this with me for a moment. It might work better for us. And you’ll get to lead as we dance.” Her smile widened, and she leaned in just a bit closer to him. “I know you’d like that.”

Discord pursed his lips a little. But then he sighed and smiled and nodded, seeing no way out of her simple, reasonable suggestion. “Lead, you say? Fine…let’s give it a try.” He raised his paw, hesitated just a moment, but then finally put it half on her shoulder, half on her golden yoke.

From the rafter’s, Luna watched with rapt attention, she and her bat friends enjoying the last of their popcorn. “This is starting to get rather interesting. I should have brought us soda pop too.”

Her little bat friends nodded in agreement, likewise staring at the scene below them with deep interest.

Back on the ballroom floor, Celestia smiled at Discord’s effort with his paw. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Discord just rolled his eyes, though he did smile a little more again. “Let’s just see how it goes with the waltzing. And, since I’m leading now…ready, set, and…one, two, three…” The two of them took off again on their waltz together, turning and spinning around the room. Discord’s smile grew. “Speaking of dancing, Celestia, have you ever tried the pony pokey? Pinkie Pie showed it to me. Now that is a fun dance.” He chuckled.

Celestia laughed lightly. “If Pinkie Pie starts that at this year’s dance again, I’ll be the first one out on the floor doing it with you, Discord.”

Discord blinked. “She did that at last year’s Gala?”

Celestia nodded. “Let’s just say the girls all had a lot of fun at last year’s Gala, and this year I intend to create some fun myself and I hope you will too. I think it’ll be good for everyone after everything that’s happened lately—it’ll help them forget the danger and the fear and any suffering they may have experienced.”

Discord glanced down. “You mean, it’ll help them forget about me putting them through all of those things…” He tried to make the comment sound like a joke, but the quiet, dull tone of his voice couldn’t help but make it sound like something more.

Celestia blinked. Then something a touch serious came to her gaze and tone. “No.” She leaned in to catch his eyes with her own. “I mean it’ll help them forget about all of the danger and fear and suffering they experienced at the hands of Tirek. He was the one who attacked us, Discord, he was most at fault. And I know you were confused and that the reform hasn’t always been easy for you.” She frowned a little. “You can talk to me about this, Discord…if you need to…anytime you know.”

For just a moment, Discord’s eyes met hers in a look of complete sincerity and trust that had to make Celestia’s eyes widen just a little. She had never seen that much vulnerability in him before. Not once.

They even stopped dancing without realizing it.

But then suddenly Discord took in a breath and looked away from her, clearing his throat. “No, no, erm…heh, nice try, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary, Celestia. Like I told you, what’s past is past, why linger on it, right?” He tried to smile. “Besides, my only concern is that, erm…well, that the ponies will start annoying me at this Gala by incessantly asking me about the Tirek thing when that subject is so boring to me, that’s all.” He shrugged with his free arm (his paw was still on her yoke, whether he realized it or not).

Celestia considered, and then gave him a warm, hopeful smile. “Well…if that does happen, Discord, you could always change the topic slightly. Instead of talking about Tirek gaining power, talk about what happened in the end with you turning out to be Twilight’s friendship key and helping bring Equestria the Rainbow Power to replace the Elements of Harmony. The Rainbow Power is what defeated Tirek, after all, and what gave Twilight her new castle. And none of that could have happened without you.”

“Hmm…” Discord chuckled a little, shaking his head. “Well, Twilight and the girls saved the day much more than anything I did, so I’m not sure how much talking about my slight role in things will endear me to your guests. And as for Twilight’s castle, I’m sure the ones who don’t like me will just enjoy getting to rub it in that our friendship princess’s new home very specifically left me throneless.” He sighed and shrugged.

“Oh, anyone who would seriously criticize you about that isn’t worth your efforts to impress them, Discord,” Celestia assured with a nod of her head. “No one has a right to pass judgment on you. And you deserve better than that in any new friends you might make at the Gala.”

Discord smiled more at her words.

Celestia smiled more in response, and then added, “And as for getting left out of the Friendship Castle throne room, I’m sure Twilight has been more than welcoming to you in her new home either way.”

Discord nodded, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. “She’s been putting a lot more effort into it than any normal, non-princess of friendship pony would, that’s for sure. And I’ve even still been being just a little more obnoxious than the average friend. But nothing gets that mare down.” He sighed. “Don’t tell her I said this, but you picked a good egg with that one, Celestia. She’s got the patience of a pony saint, which is just what someone needs to be friends with me.” He chuckled. “And I guess, eventually, I’ll get over her castle rejecting me from its court of friendship.”

“Well,” Celestia smiled more up at him, “If you ever do feel very left out, there’s always room for you here in Canterlot Castle if you’d like.”

Discord nodded. “Yes, yes, I know, out in my little valley in the statue garden. I appreciate the continued hospitality Celestia, but I already spent a thousand years in that place—I’d rather not make it my indefinite home now until I figure out something better. Besides, even I can get a little bored with sleeping outside, and it really won’t work once the winter comes.”

“No, Discord,” Celestia assured, smiling more, “I meant, there’s always room for you here…inside the castle, if you’d like. You could have a room here if you wanted, for the time being or for longer than that. I promise you, Luna and I would enjoy the company, but at the same time you could have as much privacy as you wanted.”

Discord blinked several times at this unexpected offer. “You mean…Uh…wow. You’d actually trust me enough to let me stay in the castle walls as a regular, unsupervised, unguarded guest? You’d actually open up your home to me?”

Celestia nodded. “You’ve made some mistakes, Discord, but I know you’re sorry. Of course I trust you. And of course I’d welcome you into my home—you’ve turned out to be such a good and dear friend to us after all.” Her smile grew and warmed. “I can’t tell you how proud I felt seeing you so happy with your friends at the opening celebration for Twilight’s castle once everything was set right again after Tirek.”

Discord’s eyes went a little wider, and he blushed slightly now. “Proud?”

Celestia nodded again. “Yes. I was just so glad you made things turn out so well for yourself. And you even gave me flowers.” Her smile and gaze softened. “No one’s ever done something like that for me at the end of a battle. And it was touching to see you committing such a sweet act all on your own. I’ll never forget that, Discord. Ever.”

“I…” Discord swallowed, feeling the blushing growing stronger in his features, and feeling a compulsion again to do something nervous with his hands, which finally brought to his attention that his paw still remained grasping the warm gold of Celestia’s yoke (while his fingertips gently touched the warm softness of her coat.) “Erm…” he smiled sheepishly, “Heh, uh…hey, you know, a-another way to go with this whole dancing-and-spinning thing, and a much less tiring one, is for us to stand still and let the room waltz around us.” Suddenly he released his hold on her and snapped his fingers, and just like that the entire ballroom was spinning around them! “I call it the palace pokey!” Discord called out over the sound of the room moving.

“Oh!” Celestia called out, her eyes wide and her surprise evident as she just did her best to remain standing. “Oh, um…Discord, it’s very—”

“Ahhh! Ow!”



At this point, Luna found herself flung from the spinning ballroom’s rafters, effectively propelling her right into and past her sister, which in turn knocked Celestia forward into Discord and knocked Discord onto the floor.

The end result was Luna half flipped over and resting on the floor several feet away, Celestia lying the floor over Discord, and Discord lying his back onto the floor and directly underneath Celestia.

Everyone was just quiet for a moment, eyes closed, rubbing their heads, unsure of what had just happened. Discord blinked a few times and snapped his fingers, at last ending the room’s spinning. “Ugh,” he started a bit groggily, “did anyone get the license plate of that chariot?” He blinked a few times. And then his eyes and all the rest of him processed that a six foot tall, white, warm, soft ethereal-haired alicorn princess was currently lying fully atop him, at which point Discord gave a quick gasp, went wide eyed, flushed a red as distinct as his eyes, and became a little out of commission for the next few minutes.

Celestia, meanwhile, put a hoof to her head and then blinked a few times. “What in Equestria…” She glanced over and instantly recognized the familiar shades of midnight blue and slate that made up her sister’s coat and mane as Luna sat up now, rubbing her own head. “Luna! What are you doing here?” Celestia observed her sister closely and then looked up to the celling and then back to Luna. She stood up now (finally getting off of Discord) and walked over to her, frowning and looking stern. “Were you spying on us?”

Luna’s eyes went wide. “Oh, no, I-I was just, um…teaching a bat how to hang from the rafters properly, heh.,..” She glanced to her bat friends who merely looked at Celestia and then each other in worry before flying away back up to the rafters. Luna swallowed and stood, looking sheepish and starting to back away a little. “Erm, well…I shall just be going now. Goodbye!” She eyed Discord and her sister curiously for just a moment and then indeed dashed off and out of the ballroom.

Celestia just sighed and shook her head, mumbling to herself. “She used to eavesdrop ever since we were fillies….” Then she turned back in the direction of Discord.

The master of chaos still just remained on his back the floor, a blush continuing upon his features, and his eyes wide and looking up in what Celestia could only guess was continued surprise (and now possibly some embarrassment from Luna’s sudden appearance).

Celestia frowned and approached him. “Discord, are you all right? You didn’t hurt yourself or anything when we fell, did you? Here, let me give you a hoof up.” She put a hoof to his arm and started her horn glowing to help raise him up magically.

“No!” suddenly sputtered out of Discord, and he quickly jerked up and got standing all on his own. “I-I mean, um…no thank you, I-I’ve got it.” He took a deep breath, rubbing the back of his neck. “Er, you know, Celestia, I think it’s getting a little stuffy in here. I could use some air. And I’m kind of getting tired anyway—I make spinning rooms look easier than it actually is, heh. And I think I have a handle on the ballroom dancing now for the Gala. So I might just pop off for the day.” He held up his hand, ready to snap his fingers.

Celestia blinked at first, then frowned but finally did her best to smile. “Oh…well…all right. I was hoping you’d stay for lunch though, if you wanted, like I said in my note. You can sit beside me at the banquet table again. We’re having…”

Discord cut her off though, holding up his paw. “No, um…really, I appreciate the offer, I do.” He let out a breath, smiling a bit more normally now. “I just need to go to my thinking tree for a bit, that’s all, to, uh…make sure I have a handle on everything for the Gala. So maybe a rain check on the lunch for now.” He paused and blinked. “Oh, um…rain check gag, let me see.” He snapped his fingers, and instantly a raincloud appeared over his head and in his claw and paw he held a big, fake, cardboard check. He grinned. “Get it—rain check? Heh…” He snapped his fingers again, making the cloud and check disappear. Then he sighed and explained to Celestia further. “I just need a little time to myself. I’m still getting used to being around ponies a lot. Come to think of it I’m still getting used to not being a statue.” He shrugged.

Celestia took a step back, blushing slightly at the comment. She nodded to him. “Oh, um…I understand, Discord.” She did her best to smile again. “If you ever are hungry and nearby though or just want to visit, please stop in for any meal. Luna and I always like company for breakfast and dinner. I have lunch by myself of course and she has her midnight snack alone considering our schedules, so feel free to come by at either of those times as well. There’s also a tea on Sunday afternoons that we both attend together. There will always be a place for you at our table and a room for you here in the castle if you ever want it, Discord.”

Discord nodded, smiling appreciatively but still inching away from her. “I’ll keep that in mind, Celestia. I appreciate the offer.” He sighed. “And, um…you’re a good teacher…for dancing. I think you may have made Twilight a little too smart for her own good with the magic teaching, but with dancing you’re aces.” He snapped his fingers, making a deck of cards appear which he accidentally dropped, scattering them everywhere. Wide eyed at his own slip up, he quickly snapped his fingers to make the cards disappear. Then he gave Celestia a little wave, smiling sheepishly. “I’ll see you soon.”

Celestia nodded. “I’ll see you soon as well then, Discord. Goodbye. And I hope you had a fun dancing lesson.”

Discord tried very hard not to blush. “I…I liked it very much, yes. Well, erm…ta ta then.”

Celestia waved as Discord snapped himself away.

The sun princess let out a deep sigh, looking for a moment at the spot he had abandoned.

Then Celestia turned and headed toward ballroom exit. “Luna…” That stern look returned in full force to her features…

In another part of the castle, Luna had shut herself away in the large bathroom connected on one end to her own room and on the other end to her sister’s room. Here, in the large tub inset into the floor, she had drawn a hot bath and was hiding out in the steam and bubbles, clearly hoping that her sister would take a while to find her and that during that while Celestia’s temper might cool.

Unfortunately, luck was not on Luna’s side, and Celestia knew her sister too well not to know where she might be hiding at the moment (and it hadn’t helped that a few of the guards had pointed out to her the direction Luna had scampered off to).

The door on Celestia’s end of the bathroom suddenly flung open magically.

“Sister Luna, Princess of the Moon!” Celestia announced very firmly, not looking too happy.

Luna jumped a little in the tub and then peered up from the floor to glance nervously at her sister. “Erm…yes, dear sister?” She tried to smile, but it fell quickly enough. She had never been able to stand a look of disappointment from Celestia—they were so rare but always coming when most deserved.

Celestia closed the door and approached the large bath with a frown. “What were you doing spying on us in the ballroom? You know Discord’s very sensitive about the Gala and that he was uncertain about dancing. And now after everything that happened, he’s left for the day.” She sat down by the edge of the tub, a look on her features clearly demanding an answer that had nothing to do with ‘teaching bats to hang from rafters.’

Luna swallowed, looking down contritely. “I was just curious. You and Discord have been getting so close, after all, and it’s rather amazing that you’ve developed a strong friendship this quickly. But I am very sorry though, sister.” Her eyes came up a little. “I just wanted to gain more perspective on the matter and to view your relationship from an outsider’s point of view like our subjects do. But I had no intention of interfering with that relationship. I only wish to be able to defend your choice of an escort and your friendship with Discord as well as possible come the Gala night from any ponies who may take issue with it.”

Celestia still looked down at her sister sternly, but now she at least let out a sigh. “Luna,” she started levelly, “I told you already, it doesn’t matter to me what others think or say about Discord being my escort or Discord and I being close. And as for our new friendship…” now she smiled just a little, her gaze softening, “You’re welcome as our friend to join us in anything we’re doing if only you’ll ask next time. Though just until the Gala’s over, every once in a while I might ask for a private moment with Discord. Please understand, Luna—this is a very delicate time for him, and I’m asking something very big of him by having him come to the Gala with me. Discord needs as much support but also as much privacy as possible so that he can sort through his true feelings and concerns regarding his reform without becoming too self-conscious or embarrassed. I just want him to be happy.”

“He seems quite happy when he’s alone with you,” Luna had to remark, watching her sister curiously.

“I know,” Celestia nodded, her smile growing. “And I’m very glad he’s starting to feel so comfortable and good around me now. And I’m happy to spend time with him as well. But Discord needs a period of gradual transition before he can express his new, very positive emotions in front of more than one confidante at a time without feeling so pressured that he shuts down entirely about them. All right?” She looked warmly to her sister’s eyes.

Luna nodded. “Of course, Sister. I understand completely.” She sighed. “I truly am sorry. And I’ll apologize to Discord as well. I know you don’t like when I sneak around secretly near you. And I understand Discord’s struggle to fit in and his potential awkwardness. I should have considered better before causing him distress.”

Celestia smiled more and leaned down, nuzzling Luna’s cheek. “It’s all right, Luna. And I’m sorry if I got too upset with you about what happened.” She pulled back. “It’s just that making sure Discord ends up okay in the end is important to me. Making sure you ended up okay after your return was the only thing that was ever more important to me. Please don’t feel bad. He probably wouldn’t have stayed too much longer today anyway. I think I make him a little nervous.” She sat up and frowned, looking down.

Luna blinked, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at her sister. “He does seem a little careful around you I suppose, but so do most of our subjects. How do you mean you make him nervous?”

Celestia shrugged. “Discord’s never really careful around anybody. It’s not in his nature. He’s a very free spirit even if he does show respect and concern sometimes. So I can’t help but find it strange when he becomes very careful and reserved and hesitant around me. And I believe I make him nervous sometimes like that because of the…the statue thing. Like I still leave a bad taste in his mouth for helping trap him like that and then leaving him like that for a thousand years and then sending him back to it once more.” Celestia tilted her head up a little to meet her sister’s gaze below her again. Her voice lowered slightly and a touch of pain came to her frown. “You should have heard his speech when he first returned, Luna. The way he spoke, the tone of his voice…what he said to me. ‘It’s quite lonely being turned to stone, but you wouldn’t know that, would you, because I don’t turn ponies into stone.’ I was almost afraid enough to not let the girls face him. I’ve never felt anger, coldness, darkness quite like that in anybody else’s words to me.” Her eyes took on a faraway expression. “He made me feel quite guilty about everything…and I think I may have deserved to feel quite guilty.”

“You did your best, and he was upset, Celestia,” Luna offered, reaching out of the tub to put a hoof on her sister’s. “Anypony would have been. I imagine Nightmare Moon was upset too once she was freed after her imprisonment, but it all ended up turning out for the best.” She smiled comfortingly.

Celestia only looked down more though and shook her head. “No, not just anypony would have been upset like he was. Not even Nightmare Moon.” She brought her eyes to her sister’s again. “And at least once you were better, you didn’t fear me.”

Luna blinked. “Celestia, I would never fear you. You’re my big sister. I love you more than anypony. And I was just so happy to be back with you no matter what had happened in the past between us.” She leaned up and nuzzled the side of her sister’s face gently.

Celestia smiled a little again and nuzzled her sister back. “And I was happy to have you back, little sister. And now I just want to make sure Discord would never fear me either…or at least that he won’t resent me too much for everything that’s happened. So maybe if I help him make friends and feel welcome at the Gala, he’ll like me enough to let me get closer to him and help him more as he tries to get used to his final reform.” She smiled, so much hope coming to her eyes.

Luna smiled back up at her. “I honestly don’t think he harbors any fear or even resentment toward you regarding your acts of petrification, sister. But I think your plan is lovely and kind just the same. I’m sure Discord will welcome your assistance as his friend.”

Celestia smiled more and nodded in appreciation. “Thank you, sister.” A small laugh escaped her. “You know, all desires to make amends aside…I actually am very happy on a personal level that he chose to stay reformed. I like him a lot now. He makes me laugh. Don’t tell him though, it would go right to his head.” She rolled her eyes to the side.

Luna laughed a little too, giving her sister a touch of a smirk. “Your secret is safe with me, Celestia…That secret, and the one about your ‘young, slight attraction’.” She winked. “By the way, I heard tell from the guards that you two entertained each other at breakfast a few days ago….”

Celestia sighed, shaking her head with a smile and glancing away. “You’re really taking those two secrets out of context, Luna. I’m certain there are many ponies besides me who find Discord humorous and who would find themselves drawn to his unusual companionship if they got to know him better…and who would share breakfast with him.” She looked to her sister…and then blinked at the sight of Luna just sitting there and raising an eyebrow at her. Celestia raised an eyebrow herself. “Luna, what?”

Luna only raised her eyebrow a little more, her smile growing slightly.

Celestia recognized this response, and her look and tone went a little dry. “Luna, really, what is it?”

Luna took a deep breath and managed to get her smiling under control. “Oh, erm…nothing, nothing, dear sister. I’m sorry, it’s just…well, I suppose it’s just so nice to see you’ve made a friend you care about this much, especially someone who didn’t understand friendship very well at all in the past. I’m starting to think your friendship might be an excellent thing for both of you. That’s all.”

Celestia’s smile warmed. “Thank you, Luna. And I agree. I think our friendship has made us both very happy. And it’ll be nice for people to have a chance to see and understand that happiness better come Gala night. I know there might be some rocky moments, but I’m certain everything will work out. Besides, even if Discord and I are a central interest of the evening, the Gala is such a big affair that there will certainly be other things going on that will distract everyone’s attention.”

Luna smiled and nodded…but then she considered for a moment and looked up at her sister almost hesitantly. “Celestia, this will be my first Gala in a long while, and I’ve been thinking that the ponies might pay some extra attention to me because of that fact. Do you think they’ll…enjoy my company? I know sometimes I can be a little intimidating, considering my legend…and also just my personality and how I am around most ponies.” She glanced down shyly, playing with a bath bubble with her hoof. “I suppose it’s silly, and I know now that caring for myself is what’s most important, but…I do want them to like me that night.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “Everyone will love you. And it’ll be a nice change of pace for the Gala to have such a passionate, interesting princess in attendance. That party needs all the livening up it can take. And I don’t want to put pressure on the girls to do it all themselves again this year.”

Luna hesitated, then raised an eyebrow and looked back up to Celestia again. “Did they really demolish the entire ballroom last year?”

Celestia let out a sigh and gave a single nod.

Luna’s eyes went wide. “Wow…”

Celestia’s smile returned. “Don’t worry, I’m sure nothing like that will happen again. You just do your best, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, and don’t be afraid to make new friends. But do keep one thing in mind, sister, regarding the guests.” She gave Luna a little bit of a dry look. “They’re not ‘peasants’ anymore, Luna, they’re just ponies just like us and want to be treated that way.” Her smile grew. “And if you need a friendly hoof, the girls will be there for you…or of course you can just call upon your elder sister for any help she can give.” Celestia almost smirked a little, leaning in over the tub. “The pony sisters have to stick together after all, and besides, nobody messes with my little sister.” She laughed and gave Luna a few gentle splashes with her hoof.

“Sister!” Luna laughed warmly, holding up a hoof. “Don’t you have a whole afternoon to be managing!?”

Celestia just laughed more, splashing her again. “And shouldn’t you have been in bed hours ago? Oh you’re going to be impossible to try and wake up at sunset. Hey!”

Luna had just splashed Celestia in return and smirked. “Not as impossible as you used to be to drag out of bed at dawn every single day, Celestia! I still don’t know how Master Starswirl did it—I think sometimes it took all of his magical skill to get you used to that schedule!”

The two sisters shared a warm laugh and continued playing and splashing with each other for some time together, enjoying the afternoon and just having fun together.

Sometime later, Luna emerged from the bathroom into her own room, dry and yawning. “I am so tired.” Her eyes heavy, she shuffled over to her bed. “I really shouldn’t have stayed up so long playing with Celestia like that. It’s practically late afternoon now.” She paused before her lovely big bed with the dark blue and purple sheets and pillows, and smiled in pure happiness. “Oh bed, thou lookest so cozy.” With a deep sigh, she crawled under the covers and collapsed, her eyes closing the moment her head hit the pillow.

Not a second later, a poof of magic sounded in the room, and Discord appeared right at the side of her bed, arms crossed over his chest and a not too happy look on his face. “Princess of the Night Luna!” he announced firmly.

“AH!” Luna’s eyes flew open wide and she practically jumped in the air. Sitting up a little, she put a hoof to her chest, catching her breath. “Discord…?” She blinked in confusion.

The draconequus looked down, frowning and scowling all the more. “It took you long enough to get here—I’ve been waiting forever while you and Celestia were having private bonding sister time or whatever in that bathroom.” He rolled his eyes and then glared down at her again. “Now, what did you mean by spying on me and Celestia like that before!? Teaching a bat how to hang from the rafters…please!” He waved her off. “I’m starting to get a little insulted, Luna. I already told you, I would never be cruel enough to recklessly pursue your sister, and I would never do anything to hurt her heart or her reputation. She’s done a lot for me—if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have even gotten a chance to be reformed, and I never would have found a friend in Fluttershy or anypony else. I’m not going to hurt Celestia. So I’m not going to do well getting babysat to make sure I don’t hurt her, got it?”

Luna sighed and nodded, looking up to Discord, her tone sincere. “Discord, I swear, such suspicions were not the cause of my actions at all. I do believe that your intentions with my sister are as honest as Applejack.” She bowed her head a little.

“Then why were you spying on me?!” Discord crossed his arms over his chest again, leering down at her skeptically.

“I was not spying on you!” Luna announced back. Then she glanced to the side. “I was spying on my sister…or you and my sister, but not just spying on you.” She rubbed her head with her hoof. “I’m just trying to understand something about the new relationship that has arisen between you two. And I’m trying to see what in Celestia’s behavior, if anything, might be suggesting to people that she has deeper feelings than friendship for you and what might suggest you have deeper feelings for her. I wish to understand the nature of these romantic rumors regarding the both of you so that I can better quash them without Celestia’s assistance should they arise during the Gala.” Her gaze met Discord’s. “My sister has enough to worry about. I don’t want to bother her with trivialities like the idle chitchat of presumptuous ponies on the Gala night. She has had to be the center and sole organizer of this party for centuries now…I want her to have a year where she can just enjoy herself like anypony else for the entire night long and in every way possible.”

As Luna’s explanation had continued, Discord’s gaze had softened. And now that her explanation was concluded, he blinked a few times and replied in a much calmer and more normal tone, “Oh…well…um…fine then, I guess. You had good intentions. And it’s your house too, I suppose, so if you wanted to be in the ballroom, I guess you had a right.” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just try to give me a little warning next time, hmm? I can’t stand surprises unless I’m the one orchestrating them.” He smiled a little.

Luna smiled back at him and nodded. “I’ll do my best, Discord.”

Discord smiled a little more. Then he sighed and flew up to recline in the air, arms behind his head. “Luna, don’t tell your sister, but I sort of wish this Gala thing was over. I have a very bad feeling it’s not going to turn out nearly as gloriously as Celestia thinks.” He shook his head.

“You’re still going to try and make it work out for her though?” Luna asked with interest.

Discord shrugged and nodded…and blushed just a little, though he glanced away to hide it. “Well...of course. I have no reason to ruin it. And this is the biggest party of the year. And I want Celestia to be happy. And I want to be a good escort.”

Luna smiled more. “I think she would also like if you made sure to have fun as well.”

Discord grinned a little. “That’s what the girls said to me too. I’ll try. But honestly, half of what’ll make me happy that night is just managing to fit in a little. But at least I’ve got normal Gala dancing down now. And Rarity’s taking care of my tuxedo…Fluttershy’s letting me practice my chaos with her for the big night…. So I just have to worry about fielding awkward questions about my reform at the party so that I don’t outright insult the guests.” He leaned back to look at Luna upside down. “Luna, when people asked you awkward questions about your past just after you came back from being Nightmare Moon, how did you respond? Celestia told me to change the subject to something more positive, and my own strategy was going to be to just ignore the questions, but I don’t think either of those will hold up indefinitely.”

Luna couldn’t help grinning a little at him. “Hmm, but I thought you said we weren’t the same, Discord—that are pasts were less similar than they appeared. Are you sure you want my help with this problem?”

Discord gave her a bit of a look. “Ha, ha.” He turned over in the air to look at her right side up again. “Look, I admit that while most of the very key points of our pasts are wildly different, we do still have something in common regarding having sketchy reputations, all right? So yes, I would like your input, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Luna smiled more and nodded. “Fair enough. Well then…putting aside for a moment my advice to you that you really should talk about your feelings on certain matters with someone you trust…” She eyed him a little.

Discord sighed and nodded. “Yes, yes, duly noted and not going to happen, so let’s move it along to how I’m supposed to handle the public…”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Very well, Discord… ” She put a hoof to her chin and considered. “Then as for how I’ve handled the public and how you can too, if anyone asks you anything or brings up any topic of an awkward or overly critical nature, I believe the best response is just to keep your answers direct, simple and honest, Discord. Admit and apologize for any bad past actions, and express gratitude that you’re at a better place in your life now. And if anyone pushes you too far, feel free to just tell them it’s none of their business and leave it at that. I know it’ll be hard.” She frowned a little, looking down. “Sometimes it’s like they’re all just watching you and waiting for you to make an error again.” She looked up again, smiling. “But just do your best and be the best person you can be. That way even if you make mistakes, there will have been good intentions behind them, and no one can fault you for that.”

Discord took in all of this advice with interest. Then couldn’t help smirking just a little. “You know what would be easier and funnier though? If I just turned anyone who bothers me into various cute animals and made a present of them to Fluttershy for that little petting zoo she has in her backyard.” He chuckled.

Luna smiled at the joke but shook her head. “Believe me, Discord, ultimately it’s easier to just try and get along with your critics instead. When I first went out among the ponyfolk and people behaved unfairly toward me, I used my Royal Canterlot voice a lot and threatened to banish their Nightmare Night celebration, but all that did was make our relationship worse. However, once I learned to calm down, be myself, and prove wrong their wariness by acknowledging it and rising above it, things got much better.” She nodded with a bright smile.

Discord just sighed and rolled his eyes, grinning even more though. “Oh fine, I’ll do it the hard, friendly, ‘right’ way, Luna. I just hope this party doesn’t bore me to death with all of its subtlety and silly social games though.”

“Having my sister to talk to shouldn’t leave you bored at all,” Luna couldn’t help but remark, observing him with interest, her smile picking up on one side. “You seemed quite captivated during your conversation on the dance floor before.”

Discord blinked several times but then managed to clear his throat and put on a dry look. “Oh shut up, Luna.” He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest nonchalantly, “Fine, she’s nice to talk to, I’ll give her that. Oh dear, let me run out and purchase the engagement ring right away.” He put a hand to his forehead dramatically and with the other hand snapped up a big, gaudy, fake diamond ring, which he then snapped away with a yawn.

“You blushed a lot around her,” Luna couldn’t help observing, raising an eyebrow. “If that’s become a habit of yours then no wonder rumors have spread about you and Celestia.”

Discord’s eyes went wide (and he couldn’t help but blush distinctly), but then he just scoffed and waved her off though. “Oh, you heard me explaining my awkwardness and fluster to your sister. I’m still getting used to being in close contact with ponies—with anybody—on nice terms, and especially with ladies, and especially in fancy ballroom settings.” He rolled his eyes, glancing away. “I really have to get Spike to leave Rarity’s beck and call for five minutes, see if we can’t plan some kind of guys night. There’s just women, women everywhere in this world of yours…wanting to reform people and to dance and to get escorted…and liking flowers…” He pouted in a touch of frustration and his blush persisted.

Luna’s smile couldn’t help turning into a grin. “Oh,” she suggested compassionately and with a touch of smugness she couldn’t help, “So you’re just shy around mares, then?”

Discord instantly blinked at this observation and then scowled and frowned all the more. “I am NOT shy around mares. That’s ridiculous. I’m not shy around anybody. And I know shy—Fluttershy is my best friend, after all. Besides, I’m talking to you, aren’t I, and you’re a mare? And not to mention I talk to the girls all the time.” A thought occurred to him, and he put a paw to his beard. “Hmm…come to think of it all of my friends really are mares.” He sighed deeply. “No wonder I’ve become such a sensitive, sugar-coated, softie.”

Luna just chuckled warmly. “Very well then, Discord. My mistake about your shyness with mares. But even if you’re still a bit ‘uncomfortable’ in the social setting of our world, which does happen to have a lot of female leadership and influence…well…the fact that you’re different is part of why we like you so much.” She smiled brightly. “You bring a refreshing perspective, Discord. And it’s nice to see you becoming such a courteous gentleman to everypony.”

Discord just scoffed, turning on his back in the air again. “Oh yeah, if it wasn’t for the fact that half the population barely trusts me and I’ve had a horrible past and I’m totally irresponsible and selfish and I look like a monster, I’d be a regular prince.”

Luna blinked, looking a touch saddened at this self-assessment, no matter how couched in a jest it had been. But then she considered and suddenly stood up on her bed. “Yes, and apparently when I first returned after my thousand year banishment, I looked like this.” She used her magic to suddenly make her appearance into a replica of Nightmare Moon, which instantly caught Discord’s eye and made him turn to look at her with awe.

“Wow.” The chaos master blinked. “Uh…black’s a good look for you, Luna. Fangs are a little intense though. And what’s with the eyes? Is that some kind night vision thing, or…”

Luna just sighed and rolled her eyes. “Discord, focus, please.” She cleared her throat and continued. “My point is, I was nothing more than a dark legend for a millennia. I then crashed Celestia’s biggest summer sun celebration ever wearing this war helmet and bearing these vampiric teeth, made many threatening snide remarks as I promised to let darkness reign over Equestria forever, and announced I had plans to start with the fall of my sister and the destruction of the Elements of Harmony once and for all.” She focused her magic and changed her appearance back to normal again. “Nobody’s perfect, Discord. And…even if one might argue that I was a good person who merely made a mistake whereas you were an evil-minded person all along by choice…we both still did bad things. But I’m not bad anymore, and neither are you. So please don’t be so hard on yourself.” She smiled, though it faded a touch as she added, “Even Celestia bears burdens, you know.”

Discord blinked. “Like what?” All smugness and frustration fell from his features—he was pure interest.

Luna smiled a little more but had to shake her head. “I’m afraid if you want to know more about my sister, Discord, you’ll just have to get to know her better and learn on your own.”

Discord glanced away in thought. “Yes, well…perhaps.”

Luna nodded. “In fact, why not take up Celestia on her offer of staying around for a meal today? Lunch is being served a little later than usual because of the time Celestia and I just spent together—you could still make it down to the dining room in time. I’m sure she would love your company very much.”

Discord instantly cleared his throat and shook his head though. “No, no, I’m afraid I really can’t do that.” He blinked and glanced to Luna. “I promise, it’s got nothing to do with you interrupting us in the ballroom. And I…don’t entirely dislike spending time around Celestia either.” He looked down. “I just…I can’t handle too much of this Gala stuff at once, and this castle is dripping with it right now. I need some time to think and some space to breathe.” He sighed. “I think I’ll go see Fluttershy.”

Luna smiled hesitantly but then nodded. “Yes, of course, Discord. Fluttershy really is a comfort to you, isn’t she?”

Discord shrugged…but then nodded. “Well, she is my best friend, after all. Spending time with her, I’m as relaxed as I am when I’m alone…but I don’t have to be alone.”

Luna’s smile faltered a little. Her voice softened. “You don’t like being alone either, do you? Like me…”

He glanced at her, an eyebrow raised.

Luna looked down a little and went on. “The isolation, the loneliness…the quiet for a thousand years. I understand. I don’t care to be alone these days much myself.”

She heard some movement through the air and then looked up to see Discord flying near her, looking down at her, his eyes wide. Then he sighed softly…. Then he smiled softly. “Well…I suppose that’s what’s lovely about having friends then. You never have to be alone.”

Luna smiled and nodded. “Yes. It’s a very nice thing never having to be alone again.” She took a deep breath, then cleared her throat and spoke in her normal tone once more. “Do come by for another meal, visit more often, or even be a guest in our castle like Celestia offered, Discord. To help our friendship.” She couldn’t help smirking just a little and adding, “Besides, it’s been ages since we’ve had a good court jester.”

“Oh very funny,” Discord grinned and rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep already, night princess? No wonder you’ve been cranky in the mornings. Celestia told me about the thunder and lightning.”

“Hmm…” Luna smiled a little more, “Can I help it if the guards are so easily scared off by some simple stormy weather? I told my sister she has been training them too softly.” Luna chuckled but then couldn’t help yawning finally. “Still, you are right…I would love a full day’s sleep. I’ll barely have enough time for a long nap though at this point.” She lay back down and settled in under her blankets.

Discord landed on the floor, then took a step back away from the bed and bowed a little with a grin. “Oh, please, don’t let me interrupt your ‘chaotic’ sleep cycle.” He chuckled, straightening up. “I should be going anyway. I could use a good nap soon myself after all that waltzing.” He stretched up…then glanced away. “Er…say bye to Celestia for me. I’ll…see her soon, I guess. Ta ta.” He gave Luna a quick wave and then snapped his fingers, making a magical doorway appear in the floor, which he walked through and which disappeared as soon as the door was slammed shut behind him.

Luna had waved goodbye to him as he had gone. And now, left alone, she couldn’t help smiling as settled against her pillows, something warm coming to her gaze. “He cares for Celestia’s friendship very much…even more than he says. And she likes him very much as well. And perhaps that is a very good thing for both of them, a better thing than I first realized.” Her smile grew. “I’ll see to it they at least have a chance to explore their new relationship properly…” a yawn overtook her, “ …once I’m done with this glorious nap.” Luna then let out a deep sigh and smiled happily as she closed her eyes and proceeded to doze off for the few hours of daylight she had left to herself.

Author's Note:

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! :twilightsmile: The next update will be in another two weeks (work is seriously draining me, I'm actually surprised I got this up on time). Also, for anyone waiting for my Chrysalis Fiendship story, I tried to get it ready to post today but it'll be posted by Tuesday. :twilightsheepish: It's a bit long, and it's got a special bonus story at the end, so that and my job have been the reason for any delays.

Next update on this story!
Chapter 12: Confidences, Confessions, and Admissions

Brief summary: Fluttershy and Discord have a nice, long talk (:yay:), Discord has another 'dream of pleasure' as Luna might put it (:raritywink:), and Celestia continues to excel in the fine art of unintentionally putting Discord into increasingly awkward situations (:trollestia:). I hope you'll all enjoy! Thanks for reading!

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