• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 10: What Fun is There in Making Sense?

“I just don’t know, Twilight dear, I just don’t know…I think perhaps there’s a teeny tiny chance I’m going just a little overboard with this design for your princess Gala gown,” Rarity finally had to admit to herself, a hoof to her chin as she observed her alicorn friend closely.

Rarity and Twilight were in the Carousel Boutique at the moment, Rarity wearing her sewing glasses and with a measuring tape slung over her back while Twilight stood on a pedestal wearing possibly the frilliest, poofiest, fanciest rainbow dress of bows and ribbons and sequins and layers of fabric that Rarity had ever designed.

Twilight sighed, barely able to move her head in this get-up. “I…think there’s a chance you might be right.” She looked to her friend hesitantly. “Listen, Rarity…I appreciate all of the hard work you’re trying to put into this, but if you could just take my dress from last year and make a place for my new wings, I really think that would be best.” She tried to smile, but as she did so the movement made a tucked in ruffle of fabric loosen and spring up right into her face. Twilight grimaced and did her best to use her magic to push down the offending piece of her dress. She let out a calming breath and smiled again at her friend. “Really, just a place for my wings in the old dress would be great. I promise, Rarity.”

Rarity sighed and nodded, walking around a little to observe the gown from another angle or two. “Twilight, if it gets too close to the Gala and I’ve come up with nothing else, then yes, of course, I’ll just adjust your dress from last year and add the rainbow accents like I’ve done for the rest of our dresses. But for now, please just give me a little more time to try coming up with something new, Twilight?” Rarity stepped back and smiled at her hopefully. “This is your first major formal affair as a princess. You must stand out! Merely looking your best was fine for last year when you were just another guest, but this year, in a way, you’re also a hostess and a major leader in Equestria besides. You deserve something to distinguish you, and I just know I can figure something out.”

Twilight considered. “Well…Princess Celestia always does stand out, and I’m sure Princess Luna will too…and I do want to seem like I’m taking my leadership role seriously by emulating the two of them as much as possible…and I guess as long as you really will just fix up my dress from last year in case you can’t think of your new idea for me in time….”

“Ooooh, thank you, Twilight!” Rarity came forward and gave her friend a hug (or as much of a hug as she could manage considering the immensity of Twilight’s dress). “Designing for Princess Celestia, designing for Discord, designing for you…and if Princess Luna ends up wanting something from me too—oh I can’t imagine, designing for all of the royals and immortals of Equestria at the Grand Galloping Gala!” She pulled back, clapping her hooves together.

Twilight just smiled and shook her head. “I’m glad you’re so happy, Rarity. But for now though can I take this off?” She swallowed, trying to turn her head but barely able to. “I feel like this thing is slowly absorbing me or something.”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, yes, of course. You get started on that, dear, and I’ll look through some more of my design sketches for you. Now let’s see…” She dashed over to her worktable to examine some of the papers there.

Twilight just managed to reach to her side with her mouth and pull loose one of the ribbons to start the process of freeing herself. “Sure, Rarity. We have a little more time before we have to meet everypony in my library this afternoon anyway. I wouldn’t mind hearing about a few more of your ideas before we go.” She started to use her magic now to carefully work through taking off the layers of the dress.

Rarity nodded meanwhile, still absorbed in her sketches. “Hmm…Oh, yes, of course, Twilight, the girls, I almost forgot….” She smiled to herself and then trotted back over to Twilight with her sketchpad. “Now, let’s see…I could make something in a glittering, bold color and with a very long skirt to trail upon the floor behind you.” She magically showed Twilight a sketch. “The extra length would not only add a regal touch to your look for the evening, but I think it would acknowledge and compliment well your newly increased height ever since becoming an alicorn.”

Twilight stopped with her efforts at taking off the dress (only half of the ridiculously fancy ensemble was undone so far) and blinked and blushed just slightly at Rarity. “Oh. Uh…” she rubbed one foreleg with the hoof of the other. “The height thing’s been that noticeable?” Twilight frowned just a touch awkwardly.

Rarity only smiled more and gave a gentle nod. “Yes, darling, but I promise you it hasn’t been off-putting at all. And it was to be expected, of course, after your transformation. Just look how tall Celestia and Luna are and even Cadance.”

Twilight sighed. “I know. I guess I’m just hoping I won’t get too much taller. I’d still like to look like me for the rest of my life, you know?” She shrugged, trying to smile, and then cleared her throat. “Can I see another design, Rarity? I’d prefer something that didn’t say anything about my height either way.” She went back to letting her magic remove the rest of the complicated dress.

Rarity nodded. “I could make you something that brings a focus to your wings instead—and nothing says ‘wings’ like…feathers!” Rarity magically turned the page in her sketchbook—this design featured a dress all wrapped in large feather boas of various colors. Rarity smiled brightly. “It would certainly impress the pegasi.”

Twilight smiled appreciatively but shook her head. “Rarity, it’s nice but…I kind of already have more feathers myself now than I know what to do with.” One of her wings was free from the dress, and Twilight made it rise and wave, glancing back at it and then looking to her friend again.

“Then perhaps I could make you a dress featuring an elaborate headpiece to compliment your newly lengthened horn?” Rarity showed her friend another sketch, this one featuring a headpiece full of ribbons and shiny layers of cloth that would have made Twilight’s head and mane look something between the size of Luna’s and Celestia’s.

Twilight blinked and actually took a step back. “Rarity…not that they all aren’t lovely, but I’m going to stand out enough at the Gala as it is as ‘the new princess of friendship who battled Tirek with the power of four alicorns.’” She sighed. “I know I have to be distinguished and to appear like as much of a princess as possible, but…I’d also just like to be myself and show modesty. I don’t want to intimidate anypony. And I want everypony to see that I’m still the same old Twilight Sparkle even with a crown and looking a little different.” She shrugged, smiling a little sheepishly at her friend.

Rarity smiled warmly at her in return. She magically put her sketches aside. “I think your desire to be approachable is very commendable, Twilight. And I promise I shall do my best to give you everything you need in that regard in an outfit for the Gala.” She gave her friend a reassuring nod, then she raised her head and put a hoof to her chin, considering. “Perhaps I’ve been overthinking things too much regarding your Gala attire. Maybe if I work some more on Celestia and Discord’s designs, the perfect idea for you will come to me.” She smiled more and added, “And by the way, Twilight, thank you so much for letting Spike lend his services to me so frequently lately. He really has been such a help to me, fetching me ribbons and rearranging my dressing dummies, and especially posing for my early sketches for Discord’s tuxedo. I’ll never be able to thank him enough.”

Twilight, finally done removing the last of the fancy dress, smiled and climbed down from the pedestal. “Believe me, you agreeing to let him be your escort to the Gala has been more than enough thanks for him. It’s all he’s been talking about every time he comes back to the castle. It means a lot to him, Rarity.”

Rarity smiled a little more and nodded. “I know. And I’m so glad I could make him happy by accepting his offer. And I’m quite looking forward to our little evening together actually.” A clock chime went off, and Rarity glanced at the clock on her wall. “Oh my, is it that late? We’re supposed to meet everyone at your castle in less than ten minutes, Twilight.” Rarity magically removed her glasses and put aside her measuring tape. She then trotted toward the front door, opening it up for the both of them magically. “Come along, Twilight dear, we’ll walk and talk.”

Twilight nodded and headed outside with her friend and onto the main road leading through Ponyville. “I’m just glad you and Spike seem so happy about your plans,” Twilight went on. “And it’ll be nice for Spike to have someone to talk to while I’m busy shaking hooves with everypony at the Gala.”

Rarity nodded as the two girls began trotting beside each other into town. “Oh yes, we can’t leave poor Spikey Wikey alone all evening. I’ll be sure to look after him, and I’m certain he’ll be an excellent companion for me.” She rolled her eyes. “Ugh, I had such a dreadful time last year at the Gala with Prince Blueblood—a stallion with no class at all. But it’ll be so nice to have a little gentleman like Spike to talk to all evening this year.” Her smile brightened, and she looked forward. “And the best part is, clearly this year the ‘in-thing’ at the Gala will be having a date or an escort. After all, Princess Celestia is the trendsetter of Equestria, and since news of she and Discord attending the Gala together as a couple has certainly travelled throughout all of Equestria by now, I’m sure everypony who’s anypony will be trying to find a companion of their own to take.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile a touch awkwardly at Rarity’s point. “Oh, well…um…maybe.” She shrugged. “Ponies are getting a little caught up in the idea of them going on a date…”

“Well, the Gala is a rather romantic setting, after all,” Rarity supplied with a shrug and a smile.

Twilight’s smile grew even more awkward. “Yeah, I guess.” She blushed a little and then bit her lip and raised her eyebrow. “But…you don’t think anything ‘romantic’ really would happen between just from spending one night together…or ever. Do you, Rarity?”

Rarity considered. “Well, I think it’s hard to know either one of them well enough to know for sure, Twilight. We’ve all only recently become friends with Discord. And as for Celestia, ever since I’ve gotten to know her better through you, I suspect she keeps a fair amount of her private life very discrete just as a matter of course. But I don’t think they’re entirely incompatible. So who knows what spending more time together might bring?”

Twilight laughed a little, almost scoffing. “Not incompatible? Rarity, he’s Discord, and she’s Celestia. He’s…He’s chaos, and she’s even more organized than I am! Up until now I just had to keep a library neat—she has to keep the whole nation perfect every single day.”

Rarity just smiled and shook her head. “Twilight, look beyond their ‘jobs.’ They’ve both seen so much of Equestria’s history…they both care for their friends very strongly…they’re both very calm and easygoing in their own ways…they’re both terribly clever…and on a personal level Celestia seems to find Discord very amusing, and I think Discord cares very much for her approval of him. There’s a little sweet spark between them, don’t you think?”

Twilight considered, but then grimaced awkwardly again and just shrugged, looking down. “I don’t know…maybe?”

Rarity opened her mouth to respond when suddenly she noticed (now that they were right at the center of Ponyville) that some of the ponies around them were looking at them and stopping and whispering to each other…and Rarity had a pretty good idea what they must be wondering about. She frowned a little and turned her attention back to her conversation with Twilight, holding her head high. “I just hope all of those pesky rumors questioning Celestia’s feelings for Discord and Discord’s intentions toward the princess won’t ruin the atmosphere and chemistry of their night together. If there’s even a chance, now that they’re friends, that being something more could make them both happy, I don’t see why they shouldn’t take a perfect evening like the Gala to explore that possibility.” She smiled again.

“But doesn’t it just seem…” Twilight shuddered a little, “Odd?” They were getting in sight of Twilight’s castle now.

Rarity smiled more, her eyes going a little half lidded in interest as she glanced at Twilight. “Twilight, dear, please pardon me if I’m being a bit presumptuous, but I think you might be too close to Celestia to have an unbiased opinion about this. You’ve worked closely with her ever since you were a filly to the point that she must seem almost like an ‘aunt’ to you, much as she’s been to Cadance. So it makes sense that it might be awkward for you to think about Celestia being involved romantically with somebody, especially with somebody with such a spotty past as Discord.” Rarity lowered her voice and smiled a touch sheepishly. “After all, let’s not forget how sensitive you were when you realized out of the blue that your brother was getting married.” She put a hoof to her chin, glancing up. “Of course, your instincts regarding that particular incident did turn out to be spot on since his fiancée really was an evil creature bent on the destruction of us all.” She smiled again at Twilight. “But this time things are different. We know Discord is our fully reformed friend who would never harm his friend Celestia, and we know, even if something were to go wrong, that Celestia is the most powerful mare in Equestria and can certainly handle herself. So if they go to the Gala as two sincere, genuine friends and leave wondering about being more than friends…where is the harm, Twilight?” She shrugged.

Twilight listened to Rarity’s words very carefully and finally had to sigh and nod to herself as the truth of her friend’s argument sunk in. “Maybe you’re right, Rarity. It might just be odd for me to be thinking about Princess Celestia…,” a little grimace went through her again, “dating, just like thinking about Shining Armor being engaged was weird for me at first.” She considered. “I guess, if Princess Celestia and Discord ever did want to try being special someponies, I should just be as supportive as possible as their friend…as long as they really did make each other happy.” Her look grew more thoughtful, and she recalled her recent conversation with Luna. “And I guess, you’re right—we might not know Discord, and even I might not know Celestia as well as we think. Maybe both of them have secretly thought of wanting a special somepony…so maybe if something happens between them at the Gala, even if it’ll seem strange to others, it’ll seem like the most natural thing in the world to the two of them.” Twilight smiled as the pair reached the front grounds of her castle.

Rarity smiled in return and nodded. “Exactly, Twilight. Princess Celestia and Discord each know themselves better than anypony else, after all. And if they do decide to get closer, being supportive is indeed the best thing that we can do.” She laughed warmly as they headed to the side of the tree castle, just beneath the library wing. “Besides, for all we know, I’m just getting a little too caught up in the romance, and all that’ll happen is Discord and Celestia will dance the night away as friends, effectively dismissing all those nasty rumors in the soundest way possible.”

Twilight smiled more and nodded. “Yes. I suppose either option makes sense in a way. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens and hope everything works out for everypony. And for now we can just be there for them if they need anything from a friend before the Gala.” The pair paused in their walking, and Twilight used her magic to teleport them from the ground to the library veranda. They pushed open the large window doors. “Thanks, Rarity,” Twilight added. “I think I’m feeling a lot more comfortable about all of this now.” The two girls walked towards the main meeting table where they could hear their friends already talking.

“Of course, Twilight,” Rarity nodded. “Anytime.” Then she glanced forward and her eyes brightened. “Oh, and speaking of everything we were just talking about…” she trotted ahead, waving to everypony…and to Discord who happened to be seated in Twilight’s usual chair at the head of the library table. “Hello everypony, hello Discord. How nice of you to join us for our meeting again.” She pulled up her own usual chair, smiling over at the draconequus.

Discord smiled back at her and nodded, lazily turning in the chair and resting his legs over an arm of it. “Hello Rarity. Yes, I thought I’d grace the castle of the Princess Twilight Sparkle with my presence yet again. You girls always do manage to keep me so entertained, after all. Speaking of the Princess Twilight Sparkle though…” Discord snapped his fingers, making a large hourglass appear above the table. He then tilted his head back to grin at Twilight upside down over the arm of her chair as she approached. “You’re already thirty seconds late for taking your seat at this table, Twilight Sparkle, while almost every other member of your court was early, even me. Tardiness in a Princess—very sloppy.” He chuckled, raising his head and snapping his fingers to make the hourglass disappear. “You should really take a seat.”

Twilight sighed deeply and tried not to scowl (and also tried not to blush as she attempted to make eye contact with Discord while awkward images of him cuddling with Celestia kept trying to fight their way into her head.) She considered her options regarding getting her seat back from him, momentarily thought about conjuring up another chair for herself, but then finally just went up to him and cleared her throat, speaking with a polite smile and considerate tone. “I’d be happy to take my seat, Discord, if I could please have it back.” She gestured to the large free space at the other end of the table. “Feel free to conjure up any seat you want for joining us…just as long as whatever you make doesn’t destroy or hurt the library of course.”

Discord just rolled his eyes but did give her a single nod. “Oh fine, since you asked so very nicely, Twilight Sparkle. But I’ll pass on making myself a seat at the table—above the table is really more my speed.” He snapped his fingers, disappeared from the chair and then reappeared lying on a big pink cotton candy cloud above the girls. “You know, if we moved this meeting down to the throne room we wouldn’t have to worry about mixing up chairs since all the seating is clearly assigned…for those of us who didn’t lose out on that game of musical chairs your castle played of course.” He grinned down at Twilight a little more.

Twilight smiled just a little more to herself and looked up at him as she took her seat. “After the Gala, Discord. I promise.”

The spirit of chaos sighed deeply, rolling on his back on the cotton candy cloud and dramatically bringing a hand to his forehead. “Oh, how I hate exercising patience! But fine, I’ll keep waiting…for now.” Discord then turned on his stomach on the cloud and smiled down at the girls again, resting his head on his paw. “In the meantime, girls, let’s continue keeping me occupied by resuming our conversation that Twilight so rudely interrupted.” Discord chuckled and then set his sights on Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, would you like to do the honors?”

Fluttershy blinked, then sunk down a little in her chair, looking uneasy and nervous to say the least. “Um…well…my Gala experience last year was, um…interesting.” She swallowed and looked down, moving her hoof on the table awkwardly. “I met a lot of new animals.”

Discord sighed, pouting a little and raising an eyebrow. “Is that all?”

“Um…” Fluttershy swallowed, her voice quieting. “I liked my dress. It…ended up being a nice night.” She glanced to Twilight for help.

Twilight’s eyes went a little wide. She looked to Discord. “Discord, are you asking everyone about their Gala experiences last year?”

Discord nodded to the princess. “Of course. How else am I supposed to properly prepare for this grand upcoming evening?” He shrugged. “Oh, at first I was just going to ask all of you girls about Gala etiquette, but then I figured that would be such a boring conversation. However, it then occurred to me that the stories of how your first Gala specifically went for each of you should be mildly amusing and would allow me to pick up plenty about manners and social expectations. Though I must say, from the limited responses I’ve gotten so far, it sounds like everyone had a pretty boring time last year.” He glanced at all the girls curiously (and all the girls glanced away ‘nonchalantly’). Then he looked back to Twilight with a grin. “But maybe you can break the cycle of nothing happening but Apple Jack selling one pie and Rainbow Dash saying hi to a Wonderbolt and Pinkie Pie dancing and Fluttershy meeting more animals. You spent most of the evening with Celestia…and this year I’m going to be spending most of the evening with Celestia…” He leaned forward on his arms a little. “So tell me all about your night and all about Celestia. You know her better than anypony else here after all.”

Twilight, eyes a little wide, took a breath and did her best to answer calmly and truthfully (while still not admitting how much of a fiasco the Gala truly had been for all of them last year). “I’m afraid there’s not too much to tell, Discord. I just spent the whole night standing next to Princess Celestia and helping her greet all the guests. We tried to talk a little, but she was very busy.” She smiled more and cleared her throat, doing her best to slightly change the subject. “What else is there that you’d want to know about Celestia?”

Discord shrugged, looking casual as could be as his eyes lowered and he made an emery board appear to file his talon a bit. “Oh, well, I just want to make sure I brush up on her interests a bit, that’s all. I want to do this whole escort thing right as long as I’m going along with it. So I want to know what Celestia likes in a Gala…and what Celestia likes in general.” He kept filing, and he did not look up.

Twilight’s smile warmed at this question. “Discord, what Celestia would like most of all is for you to enjoy yourself with everypony as much as possible, at the Gala or anywhere else. She just wants you to have the best night possible and to be happy. That’s all. Trust me.”

Discord just sighed, rolling his eyes. "And what will make me, happy, Twilight, is not making a complete fool of myself at this thing and not ruining Celestia’s entire night—at least not unless its on purpose and only a little bit by bothering her here and there with a few chaotic tricks.” He grinned, making the emery board disappear and resuming eye contact. “Which means we’re back to pumping you girls for info on your last Gala experience.” He glanced around at the table of ponies again. “Now come on, ladies, share! Honestly, half the time I’m around all six of you together, the challenge is not getting a migraine from the gossip and chattering, not trying to get you all to unbutton your lips.” He snapped his fingers, making buttons appear fastening all of their mouths closed which he quickly made disappear with a chuckle and another snap before going on. “Besides, you’re some of the only ponies I know well enough to ask advice from and conveniently you’re some of the only ponies around who have ever actually been to a Gala and a recent one to boot.” He sighed. “Now come on, help out your old buddy Discord.” He looked up innocently, holding his hands together in a very docile way. “After all, how am I supposed to know what a good Gala escort does if I don’t even know what a good Gala guest does, hmm?”

Despite these ‘excellent points’ the girls, in response, still just looked to each other uneasily.

Twilight cleared her throat and decided to make a more forcible move toward shifting the conversation away from the topic of details about how last year’s Gala had gone for them. “Er, Discord, since what you want to know most is how to be the best escort for Celestia, why don’t we skip the introduction of how to be a good guest and we’ll just help you with the escort thing. Besides, I’m sure you’ll do fine with the guest part of going to the Gala. Like I said, just be yourself, relax, enjoy the party and don’t take it too seriously—and if anyone’s perfect for doing those things, it’s you.” She smiled encouragingly at him.

Discord considered this offer and had to nod in return. “Well, you do have a point—I am one of the most relaxed and casual and fun beings in Equestria. All right, all right, maybe I’m overthinking the guest thing. Yes, let’s focus on the escort thing. I’m much less sure about that anyway considering how formal this affair is.” He glanced around at each of the girls again. “Did any of you girls take an escort last year or escort anybody?”

Everypony’s eyes went to Rarity. Discord’s gaze had to follow the focus of the room.

Rarity’s eyes went a little wide and then she scowled slightly, a dry look coming to her features. “I thought that was one of the things which we agreed never to speak of again.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Bad date?”

Rarity let out a very deep sigh. “You couldn’t do worse yourself if you tried. I mean it.” She closed her eyes and shook her head, and then opened her eyes again, resuming her normal tone. “Discord, dating is a very subtle art.” She smiled. “Personally I think the most important thing is for you to be polite and chivalrous to Celestia, to treat her like a lady, and to give her as much attention as possible.”

“Yeah,” Apple Jack spoke up, “But he shouldn’t lay it on too thick. No one likes a suck up after all—it don’t feel genuine.” She looked to Discord. “Just be a straight shooter with her, Discord, and don’t pretend to be something you’re not.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, and part of staying true to who you are is being the kind person I know you are deep down, especially to Celestia just like how you’ve been being with her lately. And if any of the guests bother you about being there with her or anything from the past you’ve done, just remember to be calm and reserved and not to let their bullying make you do something you don’t really want to do.” She looked up into his eyes with a smile.

Rainbow Dash frowned and flew up from her seat, holding out her arms. “Hey, but he should still stand up for himself if he needs to—no one should ever be afraid to prove their loyalty and to get in someone’s face about it if it comes to that. I mean, that’s what I’d like in a date.” She smiled proudly. Then everyone’s eyes went to her, each of them raising an eyebrow. Rainbow Dash blinked, then blushed a little, glancing down and grinning sheepishly. “Um…you know, hypothetically.” She landed back down in her seat.

Pinkie Pie grinned brightly. “I think a good date would make himself the life of the party and show the mare he was escorting a really good time!” She threw up her arms. “Just don’t let things get out of hand and accidentally destroy the whole ballroom or something!” Her smile brightened and she made a little squee sound. She stayed like this until she noticed all the girls looking at her with slight scowls. Pinkie blinked, her eyes going wide. “Ooohhhh, right…!!” she loudly whispered, giving them all a big wink.

The girls just collectively sighed, some rolling their eyes, some bringing hooves to their heads.

Twilight sat up a bit more and took command of the conversation again with a smile. “Girls, that’s all great advice, but I think it might be a lot for Discord to take in and handle, especially if he’s not used to, uh…escorting or ‘dating’.” She cleared her throat, trying not to blush, and then glanced to Discord. “I think you should just offer Princess Celestia your sincere friendship, Discord, and then…go from there. That’s probably the safest place to start.”

“But can Discord pull off going from there is the question?” Rarity suddenly interjected, looking concerned. She glanced to Discord. “As you said yourself, you’ve never formally dated or been an escort, Discord. And suppose the evening does prove to be a genuine date—how will you know how to handle things?” She looked out to her friends again. “For a person not trained in the art of romance, the situation might become tricky.”

Twilight held up a hoof. “But Rarity, part of that night is going to be Discord needing to be himself for Celestia and for everypony else so that Equestria can get to know him better. But he’s not naturally a romantic person, so he shouldn’t pretend to be that way just for Celestia’s sake.”

Apple Jack nodded. “Yeah, and I really doubt Celestia expects that much from him anyway.”

Pinkie grinned, clapping her hooves together. “Ooo but think of the wacky shenanigans him trying to be romantic anyway would lead to!” She laughed.

“Hey! Now wait just a minute!” Discord suddenly spoke up, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl and pout on his features. “When did we just decide to presume that I’m not a romantic person? Twilight Sparkle, you’ve barely known me for a fraction of my life, and the same goes for the rest of you girls. After all, I have done plenty of things in my past besides just spread chaos and be a general pain in the hindquarters to everypony I’ve ever met.”

Rainbow Dash cringed a little. “I…don’t think I want to hear this.”

Discord glared at her and raised his hand to snap his fingers.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and she flew up a little to touch his arm. She looked to Rainbow Dash and then the rest of her friends, a little bit of a frown and scowl on her own features almost suggesting ‘the stare’. “Girls…let Discord speak. He might surprise you.” Then she looked back up to her draconequus friend and smiled. “Discord?”

Rainbow Dash made a little gagging motion but did prepare to listen complacently, and Discord, though still looking somewhat peeved, did lower his hand and smile and nod to Fluttershy. “Thank you, dear Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nodded with a smile in return and then resumed her seat, waiting patiently for Discord to begin.

Discord cleared his throat and looked out to the group of girls with a slight pout and scowl. “You know, I don’t show it to you ladies much because, quite frankly, no matter how many times you’ve saved Equestria and been the perfect heroes of the day, you’re all still just little ponies compared to millennia-old me, but I can be charming, I can be affectionate, I can be downright romantic if the mood ever strikes me. Just because I’ve never formally dated doesn’t mean my life has been entirely lacking experience with women. And besides, all of you thought I couldn’t be friendly, but we proved that wrong.” He started gesturing with his arms to each of the girls in turn as he spoke. “In fact, I’ve been honest as Apple Jack by talking with you all openly now about my opinions and the solutions I have for your problems, I’ve been generous just like Rarity by sharing my powers with you and any other pony who needs anything else to chaotically brighten up their day, I’ve learned how to be kind from the master Fluttershy, I’m more of a laugh than Pinkie Pie is half of the time and I spread that laughter to others, I’ve been loyal enough to come through in the end with everything in a way to impress even Rainbow Dash, and I’m practically more magical than Equestria’s four princesses combined, Twilight Sparkle.” He rose up into the air. “I’m not just chaos embodied anymore, I’m FRIENDSHIP embodied at this point, and I could also be the most desirable and caring and helpful and passionate lover in all of Equestria if I had to be!” He held up his paw high in the air, his triumphant speech concluded.

There was just stunned silence around the table at first.

Then Apple Jack, her jaw fallen open a little, blinked a couple of times, scratching her mane underneath her hat, and managed to speak. “Uh…wow, Discord…I didn’t know getting a girlfriend was this important to you.”

Discord’s eyes went wide. Then be blushed. Then he scowled and opened is mouth like he was going to speak. But then finally he just sighed deeply and collapsed back onto his cotton candy cloud. “It’s. Not. Exactly…” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’m just saying, I…” Then he sighed deeply again, resting his head on his hand, a dull look in his eyes. “Girls, do you think if I just kicked this tree of harmony castle a lot or something that it’d turn me back to stone since you don’t have the Elements anymore? Being a statue was much easier and simpler than being reformed, and it’s starting to sound pretty good to me about now especially since I don’t have evil to fall back on which was the simplest thing of all.”

“Aww, Discord…” Fluttershy frowned a little. “Don’t say that. The girls didn’t mean to doubt you or make you uncomfortable. We know this is a very sensitive topic, and we just want to help you do your best to make sure you and Celestia both have a good time, date or no date.” She smiled. “Everything with the Gala will work out, and we’ll be here for you for whatever you need. I promise.”

Discord smiled a little again. He glanced down at her. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” He sighed once more, and when he spoke now it was in his normal, calm tone. He addressed the table. “I know, I know, you girls are just trying to help in your own ways. I’ll figure something out for making the night work with Celestia—something that doesn’t involve doing evil or running off and turning into a statue, I promise.” His grin actually picked up on one side. Then he cleared his throat. “Girls…even though technically you’re the ones who started those rumors about my ‘nefarious’ plans to enchant and jilt Celestia on Gala night, you’re also the only ones I know besides the pony sisters who don’t believe a word of that ridiculous nonsense. So…do all of you really think I have a shot at making this escort thing work? I know there’s not a chance in Equestria I’ll be perfect at it, but I’ll take passing by the skin of my fang no problem.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling a little sheepishly.

The girls all smiled warmly back at him in return.

“I reckon you’ll be fine, Discord.” Apple Jack grinned.

“A simply delightful gentleman companion, I’m sure.” Rarity nodded.

“If Celestia hadn’t already asked you to be her escort, I’d ask you to be mine just for the possibility of cotton candy chocolate milk rain clouds throughout the night!” Pinkie Pie beamed.

“I’m sure you’ll do a very nice and very close to perfect job, Discord,” Fluttershy assured.

“I have to admit, I think you’ll do all right. You’ve…turned out to be a pretty cool guy, Discord, in some ways.” Rainbow Dash shrugged and smiled.

“I couldn’t think of a better escort for Princess Celestia to have chosen.” Twilight smiled warmly up at Discord. “I think your friendship could benefit a lot from spending more close time together like this. You deserve to have a chance to explore your relationship.” Twilight almost blushed a little again, though her focus on her friend’s welfare over anything else put any awkward thoughts about Discord and Celestia to the back of her mind.

Meanwhile, Discord’s smile brightened considerably at all of their positive responses. He leaned back on his cloud, putting his hands behind his head. “Hmm, I don’t know, maybe all of you are right even if you are probably laying it on a little thickly just to boost my confidence. You know, Celestia and I do actually seem to be doing all right at this whole ‘not hating each other’ thing so far. Maybe we can even be good for each other in some way one day…as friends.” He considered, looking up at the ceiling, talking to himself a little. “If that’s true, then I wonder if that means she possibly enjoyed our breakfast this morning as much as I did?”

“You and Princess Celestia had breakfast together?” Twilight blinked and blurted out the question (probably a bit more loudly than necessary) before she could stop herself.

“And you enjoyed it?” Rarity couldn’t help but coo with an interested grin on her features, leaning across the table a little bit in Discord’s direction. “Do tell.”

Discord just blinked, his eyes going wide and a touch of red coming to his features. “Oh…” he instantly waved the girls off, clearing his throat, “Well, you know it was just one of those things. I happened to be passing by early, and we saw each other and said hello, and Luna felt like getting a head start on her day’s sleep which meant Celestia didn’t have a companion for breakfast. So, one thing led to another and we had breakfast together.” He shrugged and added casually before he could think better of it, “It’s not that unusual—we actually just had lunch together the other day.” A second passed, and then Discord instantly blinked again and quickly explained once more. “Just another unplanned, chaotic meeting. And of course I enjoyed the breakfast and the lunch—after all, what’s there not to enjoy about free royal food, right?” He grinned, crossing his arms over his chest and suddenly seeming confident in himself and full of pride once more.

Rarity couldn’t help a little giggle escaping her which she did her best to cover up politely. The rest of the girls just looked at Discord with a touch of confusion, Apple Jack and Rainbow unable to help grinning a little more than necessary.

Discord noticed their responses, and pouted and scowled a little again, slumping down further on his cloud once more. “Look, girls, I’m all for proving the point that I could date if I wanted to. But I am not dating. And I am not dating Celestia of all people. I’m willing to go along with the joke about it for the sake of a laugh. But I am NOT wooing your sun princess, either by accident or design. I mean, really, the idea of she and I together like that doesn’t even make any sen…any…a-any…”

Discord stopped speaking. His eyes went very wide all of a sudden. Then he blinked several times and shook his head and cleared his throat, a touch of frustration entering his tone. “Oh…oh, never mind!” He snapped his fingers, making his cloud disappear and flying up a little higher. “I think that’s enough ‘advice on how to be good’ for Discord for the day. Now, I have some very important matters of chaos I should really be attending to. And besides, I have to practice acting all civilized for all the hoity toity ponies that’ll be at this Gala.” He rolled his eyes.

“Actually Hoity Toity will indeed be attending this year!” Rarity suddenly announced, beaming a little and clapping her hooves together. Everypony just looked at her. She blinked and shrugged. “What?”

Discord sighed. “I really do have to go, girls.” He took a breath, smiling a little again and bringing some sincerity back into his tone. “But thank you for trying to help me.” He looked to Fluttershy, his smile growing particularly warm. “We’re still on for tea early next week, dear Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Yes, of course. You’ll bring the cucumber sandwiches? I always like best how you make them.”

Discord grimaced just a little at the request but then managed to smile again and nod. “O-Of course. Love to. I’ll see you then.” He glanced at the other ponies. “Bye, girls. And farewell to you, Princess Twilight.” He flipped back in the air and gave Twilight the slightest upside down nod. Then he departed with a snap of his fingers.

“What in the hay was that about?” Apple Jack broke the new silence of the room after a moment following Discord’s departure, an eyebrow raised.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Him actin’ all nervous and actually taken it seriously when Rarity and the rest of us were teasing him about having a date with Celestia?” Apple Jack scratched her head, looking around to all of the girls. “I’ve never seen him let himself get so worked up.”

“I think it’s because he has a little crush on Celestia,” Rarity suggested with a proud and intrigued grin.

“I think it’s just because he has a lot on his mind with the Gala and other things too. And I really wish you girls wouldn’t tease him about the date so much,” Fluttershy added very softly with a pout. “He’s more sensitive than you realize. I think the Gala is a lot more important to him than he says and that Celestia’s friendship is too, and when anyone makes jokes or spreads rumors it only makes him even more nervous about making sure everything works out with both things.”

The rest of the girls blinked and then looked down with contrite frowns.

Twilight looked to Fluttershy. “We’re sorry, Fluttershy. No one ever meant to make Discord uncomfortable.” The other girls nodded. Twilight went on, addressing everyone now. “Girls, I know getting used to having Discord as a friend has been a little…challenging for the last few months. But he’s really sincerely making an effort now to be a good person to everypony, and we should do our best to make this time for him go as smoothly as possible. It can’t be easy, growing and changing as much as he’s done lately, but good friends can always make even the hardest things in life better.” She smiled.

Her friends all smiled back at her and nodded.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, sugar cube.” Apple Jack tipped her hat.

“Awesome, Twilight. I’m onboard.” Rainbow Dash flew up.

“Hey, my job is to make ponies smile, and even if the only way to make Discord smile is to actually not make a joke instead of making one, I’m in!” Pinkie announced (rather seriously and with a salute).

“Oh girls, you know I never meant to upset Discord’s feelings,” Rarity assured. “Of course I’ll show more discretion now—not one word about dates or love or anypony having a crush on anypony else.” She closed her eyes, held her head high, and nodded.

Fluttershy just smiled happily at everyone. “Thank you, girls. I know he’ll appreciate that.”

“So it’s agreed then,” Twilight added, “No more jokes about dating and Discord before the Gala. And if we do talk about the Gala, it’ll just be to assure Discord that he’ll do fine and to give him some pointers for getting through the night.”

All of the girls nodded in unison.

“And speaking of Discord,” Twilight went on, standing up from her chair. “Does anyone object to us moving this meeting down to the throne room now that he’s gone? I’d like to get everypony’s opinion on the progress of things—there are actually a few royal artisans down there now. And I thought we could have lunch down there too since the construction is almost complete.”

The girls all gave general responses of approval as they stood from their chairs and began to depart the library.

Rarity paused before exiting the room though and glanced behind her to Twilight who was bringing up the rear. “Are you going to magically prepare lunch yourself for us, Twilight dear? And if so would you like any help?” She smiled. “Cooking spells aren’t my forte of course, but I’ll do what I can.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Rarity. But actually neither one of us has to make lunch. Along with the artisans today Princess Celestia also sent over some of her kitchen staff, and they offered to make a nice meal for all of us. So I said yes.” Twilight shrugged, smiling a touch sheepishly as the two girls passed into the hallway behind their friends.

Rarity’s eyes brightened and she smiled more. “Oh Twilight, that was so nice of Princess Celestia. And it’s also so nice to see you getting used to the idea of having a staff of your own.”

Twilight nodded, looking forward. “I already sent Princess Celestia a letter through Spike thanking her. And…yeah,” she rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof, looking sheepish, “I’m doing my best to get used to having a staff. I just wish I wasn’t going to need so many people to help me with the upkeep of this huge place.” Twilight glanced around at the vaulted ceilings of the friendship castle. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to giving that many strange ponies orders and all for taking care of me and my home.”

Twilight glanced to her friend at the feeling of Rarity putting a hoof on her shoulder as they walked.

Rarity smiled warmly. “You’ll be able to do it, Twilight. You’re a natural born leader. Just don’t think of anypony as ‘staff’—think of them as new friends wanting to help you settle into your new home in any way they can, and you’ll do fine. In fact, why don’t you just think of this castle as a bigger version of your library house, and…and just think of anyone else as ‘assistant librarians’ you’ve hired to help you out?” She winked at her.

Twilight chuckled and smiled warmly. “Thanks, Rarity.”

The two girls moved a little more quickly up the hall together to catch up to their friends, and as they did so their conversation continued.

“By the way, I think your redecoration of the throne room is simply fabulous so far—I can’t wait to see how far it’s come since I last saw it,” Rarity assured.

“Thanks, Rarity.” Twilight smiled. “I just hope it makes Discord happy when it’s all done and shows him just how much we appreciate having him as a true friend now.”

“I’m sure it will, darling—without question,” Rarity added confidently.

The two mares kept talking as they finally joined their friends inside of the throne room, sealing the entrance door behind them.

Meanwhile, in the skies over Ponyville…

“Any sense, any sense…any sense…the idea of Celestia and I together doesn’t make any sense!” Discord was mumbling to himself, a very focused look on his features as he flew through the air now toward nowhere in particular after departing Twilight’s castle so suddenly. “That’s what you almost said back there. And that’s what’s true. Celestia and you together don’t make any sense…and you love not making sense.” He pouted and blushed distinctly. “We’re the two most opposite beings there has ever been. It would be madness if we were actually together like that. But I like madness…I like not making sense…I like…her a little…sometimes.” Discord felt his face heat up entirely. “I-I mean, she’s…you know…not entirely…well…she’s…” He blinked and then shook his head, upon which he cringed and flew high into the clouds away from where anyone could see him, a weak scowl upon his features. “But just because something doesn’t make sense doesn’t mean I have to like it! And even if I like something these days, it doesn’t mean I have to take it! So quit being an emotional wreck, Discord, and get on to spreading some chaos now! And stop trying to trick yourself into having feelings for Celestia!” And with these words and a firm nod to himself, Discord snapped his fingers and made himself disappear to wherever he felt like going to create some chaos and avoid this awkward new line of thought which his own brand of illogical logic had forced him to stumble upon.

That night, when the hour was just starting to become late and the moon was up high and Spike was finally tucked into his little nearby bed for the evening, Twilight Sparkle settled into another makeshift sleeping space she had made for herself, this one in her library. It was just a bunch of blankets and pillows pushed snugly together, but she felt more comfortable sleeping here than she had in any other part of her castle so far ever since the destruction of her library home.

Twilight yawned, a smile coming to her face as she cuddled against one of the pillows and whispered to herself. “At least in here I’m surrounded by books. It almost feels like home. And Spike seems comfortable too.” She glanced across the room where he slept soundly after his long day helping her around the castle and helping Rarity with her Gala sewing. Twilight used her magic to pull up his blanket to cover him more. He snuggled in and gave a little snore, making Twilight smile more, and then she yawned once again and finally rested her head and closed her eyes, preparing for sleep.

A few minutes later the balcony window door of Twilight’s library gently swung upon on one side and closed just as gently. Then there was the lightest sound of movement in the room.

A dark figure came toward the princess but hesitated. Then there was the sound of a breath and a soft whisper. “Twilight Sparkle.” No response. “Twilight Sparkle…psst, are you awake? I know you are not dreaming yet…” No response except Twilight turning in her bed a little. Then there was a sigh and the bearer of the voice leaned toward Twilight’s ear and tried this: “Twilight Sparkle, ‘tis the day of your final exam, and you have overslept. Celestia will have no choice but to fail you.”

“Huh, what?!” Twilight suddenly gasped and sat bolt upright in her bed, breathing heavily, eyes wide. “What happened, I thought I…” She paused…and swallowed. She could see that somebody from behind her was casting a tall, looming shadow over her blankets. Slowly Twilight turned her head, fearful and prepared for anything.

The darkest, most looming figure her currently overactive and scared imagination could fathom appeared before her! Twilight gasped loudly, about to call out for help!

Then suddenly a hoof gently came over her mouth and the figure leaned in closer, the moonlight finally illuminating who it was.

“Twilight, Sparkle, it is I, Princess Luna. Please do not be alarmed.” Princess Luna smiled down at Twilight, her voice calm and quiet. “I did not mean to startle you. I was hoping to catch you just before bedtime, but I am afraid my other duties have made me a few minutes late. Please forgive me, and please remain quiet.” She glanced over at Spike with a warm smile. “Young Spike is having a very nice dream about finding a private ruby mine for himself, and I would hate to have it interrupted.” She turned back to Twilight and then released her hoof from her mouth and sat down upon the floor.

Twilight let out a deep breath and smiled, keeping her voice low like Luna’s. “I’m sorry, Princess Luna. You just surprised me a lot. And it’s all right, I think I went to bed a little earlier tonight than usual anyway. It’s nice to see you though. Is there something you needed?” She tilted her head to one side.

Luna nodded. “Yes. I was hoping to ask you a question, Twilight Sparkle. I am having…certain difficulties assisting a particular dreamer who needs my help, though I think he did give me an important clue about how to approach finding relief for him. But I require clarification on a certain matter which only you can provide. May I ask you my question, Twilight?” A touch of uncertainty came to her features. “And if the question proves to be uncomfortable for you, I apologize in advance. But I’m afraid I need an honest answer…for the sake of a mutual friend of ours.”

Twilight had already figured out who this ‘friend’ with dream troubles must be. She nodded to Luna. “Princess Luna, Discord told me he’s been having some strange dreams. If there’s anything I can do to help you help him, please ask me whatever you need to. I promise to give you the best answer I can.”

Luna smiled at this determination and nodded in return. “Very well.” She cleared her throat. “Twilight, you have fought and defeated both myself as a villain and Discord as a villain. How would you compare us as foes?”

Twilight’s eyes went a little wide and she just sat there with her mouth a little open. “Uh…” she blinked a few times, “I…you were both…equally challenging, I guess…” She scratched her head, glancing down with an eyebrow raised. “Well, maybe Discord was more challenging in some ways… Not that you weren’t very strong yourself!” She glanced up, looking hesitant. “I mean, you’re just as powerful as Celestia is as a princess, so you were very powerful too as Nightmare Moon, of course. It’s just, Discord was a little…more complicated to beat.” She finished with an awkward attempt at a smile.

Luna sighed but still smiled. “Twilight Sparkle, I am not asking you to judge a contest of which one of us was the more formidable foe. What I’m asking is…how do you see Discord and I differing as people with a troubled past? I have personally come to think of he and I as similar, almost kindred spirits in a way. We both made mistakes and have mended our ways. But Discord seems to disagree. And I am trying to understand why.”

Twilight considered this request very carefully, bringing a hoof to her chin, a thoughtful look coming to her features. She was quiet for a few moments, Luna looking at her intently. Then Twilight took a breath and spoke again. “Princess Luna…from what I know about what happened to you a thousand years ago, you were a very good and loving person who lost sight of your true self. You felt frustrated and lonely and most of all hurt by your best friend—your sister—and by all of the subjects you love so much, so you turned to dark magic to deal with your anger. You made a mistake and things got out of hoof, so you became someone you’re not and lost any control or even awareness of your actions. But then the Elements of Harmony freed you and gave you back your life so that you could make the better decisions you always had it in you to make and be happy again. I never thought of you as a villain, Princess Luna, at least not after I realized you were Princess Celestia’s lost sister. I just saw you as a Princess, a pony, under a curse who was made better once she realized how much everypony had always loved her and always would.” She smiled up at the moon princess.

Luna was looking back at her and blushing slightly, her cerulean eyes a little wide and faintly glistening in the moonlight. Noticing Twilight observing her now and not continuing, Luna blinked, wiped at one of her eyes very quickly, and then cleared her throat. “Yes, um…well…please, go on, Twilight Sparkle. Your observations are most interesting.”

Twilight smiled a little more and looked down in thought again. She continued. “Discord is different though. Discord I always thought of as a villain until recently when let himself be reformed and became our friend. I don’t know a whole lot about his past, but I think that for the majority of his life he’s just been evil and done bad things without any care for anypony else. And even if it was partly because he didn’t understand the magic of friendship or love, he still freely chose to do those bad things and was aware of the bad consequences of them. He just didn’t care. And when we used the Elements of Harmony to defeat you as Nightmare Moon, I was grateful that they set you free instead of banishing you again. But when we used the Elements to defeat Discord, it was sad to watch but I was grateful that they froze him in stone again because at the time I knew he couldn’t be trusted no matter what.”

Twilight considered more and then delivered her final conclusion on the matter. “Discord brought himself up to be bad but finally decided to do his best to find the goodness within himself to help his friends. You were brought up to be good but made a bad mistake that you fixed when the time was right. I think that’s the difference between you and Discord.” Twilight smiled up at Princess Luna again. “Does that help, Princess? I’m sorry if it sounded a little confusing.” She rubbed the side of her head with her hoof. “None of this is something I’ve ever thought much about before, so all of that was just off the top of my head. I don’t think it was organized very well though.”

“No, no,” Luna suddenly assured, standing up and stepping forward. “All of that was very helpful, Twilight Sparkle. I think I’m starting to understand Discord’s hesitations about seeing me as someone who can relate to him about having a troubled past. Thank you so much.” She bowed her head in appreciation. “I’ll shall go and consider your argument some more and then plan how best to help Discord.”

Twilight nodded, smiling more. “Of course. I’m glad I could help you, Princess Luna. Is there anything else you needed?” Twilight did her best to hide it, but she could feel her eyelids drooping already from impending sleepiness.

Luna smiled and gave a small shrug. “Well, just one small thing—as long as I’m here, I wanted to thank you for your suggestion to my sister of a night meeting for our Gala planning. I am looking forward to it, especially the sleepover part.” Her smile grew just a touch smug. “I guarantee you will have an excellent night, Twilight.”

“You’re welcome, Princess Luna. I’m really looking forward to it myself.” Twilight glanced down humbly, her smile practically beaming though in excitement and anticipation.

Luna’s smile warmed. She took a step back. “Well…I best be going then. I have some more duties to tend to.” She bit her lip and hesitated for a moment though, then looked to Twilight again. “Twilight? One more thing, if I’m not bothering you too much.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. What is it?”

Luna let out a sigh and then dashed forward and gave Twilight a very tight hug with one of her forelegs, actually lifting the (surprised) princess of friendship from her bed a little. “Thank you for everything you just said about me and my past, thank you for understanding so well, and for being happy to have me back…and thank you for always seeing me as a good person and princess.” She laughed softly. “You are an excellent ‘little sister’.”

Twilight’s eyes went quite wide and she gasped a little at the tight hug. But soon she smiled, her gaze softening. “You’re welcome, Princess Luna,” she managed, trying not to cough. “I’m just happy we get to know each other now.”

Luna nodded and then finally put the purple alicorn down (much to the relief of Twilight’s lungs). “Yes, I am very happy for that as well.” She stepped away, magically opening the balcony door and turning to spread her wings. “Have a very pleasant night, Twilight Sparkle. Dream only the most excellent of dreams. Goodbye for now.”

“Goodbye, Princess Luna,” Twilight called softly with a wave as Luna took off into the night, the door magically closing behind her. Twilight watched her go with a smile and then laid back down again, closing her eyes and resting her head upon her pillows once more. She was soon smiling contently at the lovely dreams Luna’s blessing gave her for the rest of the night.

Later, across Ponyville, a certain fashion designer was having some slight sleeping issues of her own…

In her mind, Rarity sat in the middle of her studio while hundreds of dress dummies each done up in potential Gala outfits went by on a conveyor belt before her, and each time one paused in front of a nerve-wracked looking Rarity, a chorus of voices clearly belonging to unsatisfied customers due to their tone and attitude screamed out “NO!”, which caused Rarity to cringe in great distress.

“RARITY!” a voice suddenly boomed from overhead, a light shining down upon her now.

Rarity blinked and looked up. “Who’s there? Is it another dissatisfied client? Oh please just give me a chance and I can get everything right for the Gala, I promise!”

The beam of light grew, a shape descended and came into focus, and then Princess Luna came to stand before Rarity. The night princess spoke with her usual calm and grace for addressing troubled dreamers. “Rarity, Element of Generosity, please do not be so worried. This is merely a dream. I’m afraid you have overwhelmed yourself a little with your intentions to design for Discord and my sister and Princess Twilight. But you are very talented, Rarity, and very experienced. I promise you, as long as you have faith in your work and do your best, everyone will love your fashionable efforts for the Gala. Just relax a little. You do not deserve to be plagued by nightmares such as these.” She smiled warmly down at the small, white unicorn.

Rarity blinked a few times and then smiled up at Luna so appreciatively. “You’re really here in my dream…and you really do believe my designs for the Gala will turn out to be okay if I just do my best?” Her eyes twinkled with hope.

Luna smiled more and nodded. “Absolutely. And if nightmares like these still return, just look these bad figments of your imagination right in the eye and let them know that you are not afraid. That should make them disappear on their own easily enough.” She winked.

Rarity beamed, the upsetting dress dummies and chorus of dissatisfied voices already disappearing around her while the normal lovely and soothing set-up of her studio started to take shape in their place. “Thank you so much, Princess Luna.” Rarity bowed. “How can I ever thank you for your assistance?”

Luna smiled down at her. “No thanks are necessary. It is my pleasure to help my subjects with their nightly needs.” She looked a touch sheepish for a moment. “Might I make one small request though…as your friend? But if you are too overwhelmed, please do not worry about it. Though from what I hear, it’s something you might like.” Her smile grew. “I was wondering if you could design something small for me as well for the Gala? A new yoke and shoes, perhaps, or some accessories, just as you are doing for my sister? But as I said, if you would prefer not to or do not have the time—”

“I’d love to!” Rarity instantly announced, looking practically giddy with happiness. “In fact, I’ve been hoping to do something for you as well, Princess Luna. I’ve actually already had some ideas—I’ll send you over some samples, and perhaps one evening we can have a fitting. I promise it’s not too much to ask, really.” Rarity put a hoof to her chin. “Actually, I’ve had many solid ideas for Princess Celestia’s attire and your attire and even Discord’s attire, so most of my worry about the Gala has just been general designer’s nervousness about having my work seen. But I have been having trouble coming up with something for Twilight, and I think that’s where most of my anxiety has been coming from, to be honest.” She frowned a little to herself. “I just don’t know if I’ll be able to make something just right for her. But I want to create something perfect for her first formal affair as a princess. She deserves to be distinguished in some way even if she doesn’t want to stand out too much with a complicated gown, and I know there’s an answer…. But perhaps I’ve just been overthinking things.” Rarity sighed.

Luna smiled in an all-knowing way. “Perhaps. But, Rarity, I think the answer is closer than you realize. Perhaps you just need a different approach. You already have designs in mind for two princesses—myself and my sister—after all. Why not look at those and see if they can inspire you to create something for our newest princess? Something subtle and yet undeniably royal…” She leaned down, smiling more. “You’ll figure it out. Have faith.”

Rarity smiled at the princess and nodded. “Thank you, Princess Luna. I’ll try. And thank you so much again for helping me with my nightmare.” She bowed once more.

Luna nodded, raising her head. “Of course. And now I’m afraid I must go tend to some other nightly duties, Rarity. Send over any samples to the castle whenever you like or feel free to contact me by letter to set up a fitting. And good luck on your designs.” She rose into the air.

Rarity waved to Luna as she ascended. “Have a good night, Princess Luna! Goodbye!” And then in a flash of cerulean light, Princess Luna was gone.

Just then, in the reality of Rarity’s four-poster bed in her dim room, Rarity herself sat up with a gasp, sleep mask still over her eyes. She removed the mask and blinked a few times. Then she smiled. “Princess Luna wants to wear something of mine at the Gala as well. Excellent!” She clapped her hooves together. Then she looked down at her bedspread which happened to be covered in sketches of her different Gala designs which she had been working on before falling asleep. “Hmm…” she used her magic to light her bedside lamp, then grabbed her glasses off of her nightstand and looked over the different designs. “Look to the designs I’ve already made for princesses…and go from there to design for Twilight. The idea does have merit.” Rarity put a blank piece of paper before her and then spread out her designs for Celestia and Luna alongside it. Then she magically raised her pencil, ready to sketch anew the moment inspiration struck her.

She looked…and looked…and looked…and looked…and then paused…and then the inspiration struck so deeply that she dropped her pencil down to her bedspread. Her eyes were wide in the lamplight. “Of course…” she mumbled to herself softly, “Of course!” she announced brightly. “Oh, yes, yes…oh, how could I not have thought of this before? Oh but it’s just so hard to think of Twilight only as a princess when she’ll always feel like my friend first…but…but yes…oh yes, why not, why not indeed?” Bubbling over with an idea, Rarity sketched and sketched until the very late hours of the night and then passed out asleep amongst all of her designs, including her latest one, a very content smile on her face right through to morning.

In the wee late hours of the night before sunrise, Luna landed on her tower balcony and glanced around. She whispered into the early day air, looking down into the courtyard below. “Pinkamena? Psst…Pinkamena, art though here for our appointed meeting?”

“Here I am, Princess Luna!” Pinkie Pie suddenly exclaimed, popping up right behind the princess on the balcony and causing her to jump so high in the air that only by the grace of her wings did Luna not fall off into the courtyard below. Luna turned to Pinkie Pie, eyes wide and trying to catch her breath, as the pink party pony smiled more and started speaking (in her loud and rather high-pitched way) again. “Good morning! Or should I say goodnight since it’s technically not morning yet? But it’s kind of close enough. What about ‘good pre-dawn’, huh? Do you think that works, Princess L—Mmm!” Pinkie Pie was silenced by Luna quickly putting a hoof over her mouth and pulling her into the shadow just beneath the awning of her tower.

“Pinkie,” Luna urged, eyes a little wide. “I thought we agreed these meetings would be secret. If you speak in your normal giddy tone, the guards will hear. Now, I shall release you, and you shall only whisper, all right?”

Pinkie, still looking bright eyed as ever, nodded. “Mmm hmm!”

Luna let out a sigh of relief and then let Pinkie go. But then she had to raise an eyebrow. “Pinkie, there is no way you could have snuck through the castle undetected—how did you get up here?”

Pinkie smiled. “I shot myself up here in a party canon.”

Luna just looked back at her with her eyes still wide and her head tilted slightly to the side. “But…how…? Erm…never mind.” She cleared her throat and smiled, moving on. “So, shall we discuss modern party conversation then? The last time I regularly attended affairs like the Gala, the only suitable subjects were the results of the royal polo matches and critiques on the newest tapestries and stained glass windows.”

Pinkie giggled. “Oh, well, nowadays there’s tons to talk about, Princess Luna! You can talk about frosting and cookies and your favorite games to play and your favorite songs to sing and plays and photographs and books and current events, and did I mention frosting?”

Luna chuckled softly. “Yes, Pinkie, you mentioned frosting.” She proceeded to her balcony door. “We shall go over all of these topics then. And thank you very much for awaking so early to accommodate my schedule, Pinkamena.”

Pinkie just bounced forward with a smile. “Aw, don’t worry about it, Princess Luna. By the way, nights are super pretty—I understand why you got so upset in the past about no one noticing them. I mean, that’d be like me throwing parties and no one coming—everyone wants to share their special talent with friends.” She winked. “Speaking of which, I definitely think I might start throwing some night parties soon. The nights are just so much prettier these days since you took them over again. And I bet everyone would love a good shindig under the stars just like the Gala is going to be!” She nodded her head firmly.

Luna blinked as she opened the door for the two of them to enter the little observatory there. “I, er…thank you, Pinkie.” She smiled. “Thank you very much.”

“Aw, don’t mention it, Princess!” Pinkie announced, bouncing into the room. “That’s what friends are for!”

Luna gazed up at her fading night for a moment, her smile growing, and then she turned to the doorway. “Er, well then...along with conversation topics, let us also go over informal greetings once more. And I shall try not to ‘hoof bump’ you so hard this time.” She smiled sheepishly, looking down.

“It’s okay, I liked being pushed across the room straight into that pile of throw pillows last time! It was fun!” Pinkie laughed, popping her head back out to the balcony. “But this time I did bring a helmet just in case. Now, come on, Princess Luna, you’ll have to make the moon go down soon, so we don’t have much time! And before dawn, we’ll make sure you can hoof bump with the best of them.” She winked.

Luna laughed softly. “Yes, well, we shall see, Pinkamena, we shall see.” And with that, Luna followed after Pinkie Pie as the pink pony reentered the observatory on a bounce, closing the door behind them.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this latest installment--a healthy dose of Luna here and in this week's ep thankfully :twilightsmile:

Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm a bit sick at the moment and also I'm starting full time work again soon, so unfortunately I have to go back to updates once every two weeks. Thank you for your patience though! Have a good weekend, everyone! :yay:

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