• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 16: Celestia's Library and Twilight's Throne Room

“Okay…I can handle this.” Discord took a deep breath. He was currently flying over the Canterlot-area sky in the early afternoon, a familiar book about dreams under one of his arms. A determined look came to his eye as the pony princess castle came into view. “I have romantic feelings for Celestia, and I have to spend time around her because we’re friends now, and I can’t breath a word to her about how I’m feeling because I would die of humiliation. That’s simple enough.” He nodded to himself. “Yes, totally manageable.”

As Discord soared over the castle grounds, he sighed and smiled a little and rolled his eyes to himself. “But I really do need to stop with getting flustered around her and spouting embarrassing stuff like that ‘Auntie Celestia and Uncle Discord’ nonsense at the Cakes’ yesterday.” He cringed a little. “It’s just making me look like a nervous wreck to her. And as though she and I would ever…but then again I guess it was better than me saying ‘Mommy Celestia and Daddy Discord’ heh.” Discord instantly blushed scarlet, swallowed, and looked away. He cleared his throat. “Okay, okay, but seriously…just calm down, Discord. So I’m smitten with Celestia.” He shrugged and shook his head with a smile at the idea. “Big deal—half the ponies in Equestria probably feel the same way. I just have to stop putting so much pressure on myself about it and accept the situation, and I’ll be fine.” Discord flipped over to fly on his back and smiled. “And for all I know, I might even grow out of this little crush soon enough. Probably just another phase of being reformed.”

Discord nodded again as he turned back over and flew toward the tower of the castle that contained the library. “I’ll just keep being my naturally hilarious and witty chaotic self around her and see what happens. If she ends up wanting a date, I certainly won’t say no. Who would ever turn down a clever and cute mare, after all?” He chuckled and blushed, and then Discord realized what he had just said and quickly went on as casually as possible. “But, uh…but going with the better possibility that she just wants to be friends, well, at least me maintaining our status quo on my end will let that happen. And I’ll work through my little crush as best I can. I can admire her without pursuing her. Look but don’t touch. Simple.” Discord nodded to himself as he found himself floating above the library roof right now. “Good, I have a plan all worked out for the sake of preserving my chaos and my friendship at all costs. I like it.” He grinned, and then Discord snapped his fingers.

A moment later, book still under his arm, Discord made himself appear in the Canterlot castle library. He glanced around, but the library was deserted at the moment. Discord sighed to himself and then pushed open the main doors to look out into the hallway. He smiled—sure enough, there were two guards (white earth ponies) stationed on either side of the library doors, who both now looked quite shocked at his presence, to say the least.

Discord grinned and stepped out of the library, then floated in the air just above the guards. “Excuse me, I’m in a little bit of a jam, and I was wondering if one of you could help me out.” He snapped, making a jar of zap apple jam appear which he began eating with a spoon. “You see, I need to be in the library with your princess of the sun right now, and I’ve got the library part down, but I don’t see Celestia anywhere in sight. Could one of you be lamb…” he grinned more and snapped again, this time causing both guards to change into sheep, and then he snapped once more, changing them back to normal again, “…and run and fetch her for me?” Discord chuckled.

One of the guards sighed deeply and looked to his partner. “I’ll get the princess.” He eyed Discord but did nod to his request and presence. “Discord.” Then the guard headed off at a brisk trot down the hall.

The other guard took a deep breath and tried to keep his features neutral, though he couldn’t help swallowing and glancing at Discord hesitantly.

Discord just sighed at the guard as he flew up higher to sit in the air and eat another spoonful of jam. “Oh would you be ‘at ease’ already or something? I’m not going to hurt you—believe me you have more to fear from Princess Luna’s morning wrath than you do from me at any given moment in time.”

The guard raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. “No one means to suggest anything threatening about you, Discord. It’s just our job to keep the castle secure at all costs. And to keep the princesses secure too. As long as you don’t mean them harm, you’re welcome.” He nodded and smiled.

“Mmm hmm…” Discord raised a skeptical eyebrow at the guard pony and his oddly diplomatic response. At this point the chaos master also noticed that at the end of the hall there were a few more guards hesitantly peeking around the corner, some looking at him with interest, some with uncertainty, and some whispering to each other. Though this response wasn’t as inhospitably hostile as it could have been, Discord still scowled and frowned just a little at the guards. His tone was dry as he called out to them. “Look, I get it—somehow making everyone uneasy is just a natural part of my charm. But all of you do know that even if I was still evil and even if I was planning to do anything to your princess, she’s powerful enough to turn me into pixie dust on a whim if provoked thoroughly, right? Really, I’m sure you do a fine job keeping the grounds safe and taking care of general security, but Celestia can handle herself. There’s really nothing to worry about…and especially nothing to worry about from me because I’m not evil anymore.” He ate another spoonful of jam with a proud pout.

The guard still at the library door blinked at this speech and rubbed his neck with his hoof. The brave, unsure, slightly confused stallion then cleared his throat and spoke up to the master of chaos. “Uh…well…that’s reassuring to know. And, we’ve all been talking, and…we think we believe you about the ‘no evil’ thing.” He smiled sheepishly.

Discord blinked and raised an eyebrow at the guard. “Really? You do?”

The guard nodded. “Yes. If the princesses trust you about that, well, all of us at the castle think we should too then.” He shrugged. “But, uh…there’s still some concern about certain rumors regarding intentions of yours to Princess Celestia in a romantic sense. So some of us are still a tiny bit concerned about, you know, that.”

Discord took a deep breath and raised his head proudly as he casually finished another bite of his jam. “Oh, pfft, that again? Please, give Celestia a little credit.” He smirked at the guard. “She’s got horseshoes older than you. I think she’s clever and wise enough to know if she’s being strung along, or at the very least that her sister and friends are clever and wise enough to see it for her and point it out. Besides, I used to be a villain, not a rogue.” He brought a hand to his chest. “I pride myself on a certain degree of class. If I wanted to mess with her, we’d be back to that ‘Discord returning to evil’ thing. I wouldn’t toy with her affections. I’m still a gentleman after all. So you can tell your guard friends to quit getting so worked up. Everything’s fine, we’re friends.” He raised his voice so the guards at the end of the hall could hear as he added, “Just friends. Please just get used to it.” He ate another spoonful of jam.

The guard at the library door nodded. “We’ll try. It’s just weird, you know? Thinking about Celestia dating. Heh…” He smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

“Hmm…” Discord smiled to himself, looking down and playing with his spoon in his jam, “Yes, well, it’s something you’ll all probably have to get used to. Now that Celestia’s got three other princesses to help her rule, she’s bound to have free time, and a mare like her could certainly never stay on the market too long.”

“I…guess…” The guard couldn’t help blushing and raising an eyebrow at Discord.

Discord, meanwhile, let himself revel in a thought or two about Celestia and dating, and then blinked, remembered he was being watched by about a dozen castle guards (one right at his side), cleared his throat, and snapped away his jam with a smile. “Anyway, Celestia should be coming soon, right? I mean, I just have this book for her, and I’m trying to be friendly and return it, so…you know.” He smiled casually at the guard. ‘You sound ridiculous. You sound like a colt trying so hard to deny he’s got a crush on a filly that it’s painfully obvious he has a crush on a filly. Remember, just be calm and take these new feelings in stride.

Just then a bunch of whispering was heard up the hall, and Discord turned only to see the group of guards gathered there bowing and dispersing as Celestia trotted briskly around the corner and toward the library. She smiled in Discord’s direction. “Discord, it’s nice to see you again as always. I’m glad you came by this early in the afternoon.”

Discord landed on his feet and nodded. “Well, I just didn’t want us to have to rush for heading over to Twilight’s later. And you did mention yesterday that you wanted to talk to me about something after all.” He grinned. “I haven’t unwittingly committed some horrible friendship error, have I? Because if I did, then this time, seriously, I wasn’t aware of it. It’s not like over the last few months when I kept swearing I wasn’t aware of all the bothersome things I was doing even though I really was.” He chuckled.

Celestia laughed softly too as she came to stand before him. “No, no, nothing like that, Discord. I promise. But let’s go into the library to discuss it privately.” She blushed slightly but then cleared her throat and addressed the guard at the door with her usual poise and smile. “Unless it is a matter of pressing importance I must ask for us not to be disturbed.”

The guard nodded and saluted with a smile in return. “As you wish, Princess.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you. Discord?” She looked to her friend.

Discord nodded, turned back toward the library, but then had a compulsion he couldn’t help and stepped aside. He snapped to make the door open and gestured forward. “Ladies first, of course.”

Celestia’s smile brightened a little. “Thank you, Discord.” She nodded and walked inside.

Discord straightened up and smiled a touch sheepishly after her, rubbing the back of his neck. “Heh, not a problem.” He cleared his throat and then glanced around and became painfully aware of not only the guard at the door but also the few guards left down the hall looking at him strangely. He blinked and pouted at all of them with a scowl. “Oh what—I’m her escort, I’m just trying to practice. Sheesh, all of you hold open the doors for the princesses all the time, doesn’t mean you’ve got the hots for them.” And with that he headed inside and snapped with his tail, making the door close behind him.

Out in the hall there was just silence for a moment. Then the second guard who had been stationed with his friend at the library doors and who had fetched Celestia returned to his post. The guard still standing there just sighed deeply and shook his head.

The second guard smiled. “Wow, looks like Discord’s manners really have improved around the princess. Did he just hold open the door for her?”

The first guard smiled and nodded. “Yeah. It’s like this escort thing has really made him aware of her as a lady or something.” He raised an eyebrow. “How did Celestia react when you told her he was here?”

“She smiled…a lot. And then she walked here at a pretty brisk trot,” the second guard replied with a half grin. “I almost couldn’t keep up with her. She’s really getting attached to him, I think, even just as a friend.”

The first guard smiled and shrugged. “Meanwhile, I talked to Discord a bit while we were waiting, and he seemed kind of happy when I told him we trusted him not to do evil anymore. Maybe all of us can really be friends. I guess it would be tricky and awkward if things got serious between him and Celestia, but like we all agreed, as long as he’s good to her and she’s happy…”

The second guard smiled and nodded. “You know, it’s starting not to even feel weird thinking about Celestia dating. It’s actually starting to seem like kind of a cute idea.” He chuckled.

The first guard had to chuckle too. “Discord seems to think it’s not a bad idea too. He told me that he wouldn’t be surprised if Celestia started pursuing somepony seriously soon since she’s got more free time with three princesses now to help her out.”

The second guard smiled and nodded. “Maybe the maids are right then—maybe Celestia is long overdue for getting some special attention from a special somepony.” He glanced over his shoulder at the door. “So what do you think she wanted to talk to him about?”

The first guard smiled cheekily. “Marriage proposal?”

The two stallions burst into stifled chuckles.

Just then in the distance there was the sound of fanfare.

The first guard raised an eyebrow. “That sounds like the call for guests arriving.”

The second guard nodded. “Yeah. I wonder who’s here? I know some Gala guests who are staying over at the castle were supposed to be arriving tonight, but I didn’t think anyone would be this early.”

The two guards continued at their post, waiting to see if any announcement would be made about who was here, and hoping nothing would cause them to interrupt Celestia who had given one of her rare requests not to be disturbed.

Meanwhile, in the library…

Once inside and with the door safely closed behind him, Discord let out a very deep breath and composed himself enough to come stand before Celestia with a grin. “I think your little entourage is warming up to me. I got one of them to actually exchange a few friendly words with me, and the others hung back a bit instead of standing forth with spears at the ready to strike.” He chuckled.

Celestia gave a small laugh too. “They’ll get more used to us being friends as time passes, Discord, trust me. It’s nice that you tried to talk to one of them though—I think that’ll help things along.”

Discord nodded. “Oh, things have already been helped along quite well. Apparently, I’ve been informed that none of your staff think I’m going to do evil anymore.” He grinned proudly.

Celestia’s smile brightened. “Really?”

Discord nodded again. “Yes, we’re perfectly square about that.” He rolled his eyes to the side and stepped around her. “However, they still think I might ‘sweep you off your hooves and down yon garden wall’ if I’m not careful about keeping my natural charm under control, but I told them that you’re a big girl and can handle yourself with me or any other guy who comes along.”

“Thank you, Discord.” Celestia’s smile softened. “I appreciate you encouraging people to have confidence in my ability to choose a special somepony.”

Discord sighed, still smiling. “Well, you chose your Gala escort quite well—certainly that’s more than reason enough to trust your judgment.”

She smirked at him and held back a laugh. “Very funny, Discord.”

“Aren’t I always?” Discord held out his arm to admire his paw and then recalled the item still under his claw arm. He held the book out to Celestia. “And before I forget, here you are, Celestia—your Starswirl the Bearded book returned safe and sound. No chaos stains or anything. And thank you for lending it to me. It gave me a lot to think about.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Discord.” Celestia used her magic to take the book and then teleported it to its proper place in the Starswirl wing. “So it was really able to help you then?” Her features softened in concern.

“It gave me a starting place for organizing my thoughts—which is no small task considering how my head works, let me tell you,” Discord chuckled. “My dreams are still a little unnecessarily chaotic but…what the book couldn’t give me, I started going to my friends for. And that’s helped a little too.” He shrugged.

Celestia smiled more. “I’m very glad to hear that, Discord.”

“Yeah, I figured you would be.” Discord rolled his eyes to the side, smiling more in return as he flew up to rest on his back in the air. He tilted his head backward so that he was gazing at her upside down. “But listen, if somehow ‘the benefits of going to my friends for support’ was the lesson you intended for me to learn all along, please don’t tell me and let me keep my pride in tact about figuring it out all for myself, okay?”

The two of them shared a warm laugh together.

Their laughter soon faded into simple smiles. And then there was quiet between them for a moment…and then that quiet lingered…and then it finally grew awkward, at least for the chaotic member of the party.

Discord sighed and swallowed and tried not to blush as he cleared his throat and finally spoke up again. “Well, um…anyway, you said you had something to discuss with me, Celestia?”

Celestia blinked and nodded. “Yes, I do have something important to discuss with you, Discord.” She was silent again though, and blushing slightly, and looking down now (like somehow awkwardness was now affecting her too).

Discord eyed her curiously but then asked in a slightly dry tone, “This isn’t another Gala pep talk or a ‘share your feelings about Tirek’ advice session is it? I’ve already had the first one of those recently, and the jury is still out on the second one ever working.”

Celestia shook her head. She stepped nearer to him. Their faces were very close now. “It’s not about either one of those things, Discord. It’s…about me.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “You?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. I was going to wait until after the Gala, but I think—”

“Pardon me, Princess Celestia?” The door opened wide, revealing one of the guards stationed out there…who instantly blinked at the sight of Discord floating on his back and Celestia standing right before him, the faces of the two of them mere inches from each other.

Discord froze up while Celestia sighed deeply but then glanced over her shoulder with a smile as patient as ever to the guard. “Yes?”

The guard cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Princess, but it seems several of the dignitaries who will be staying at the castle for the Gala have arrived early. The Duke and Duchess of Prance, Prince Bluebood, the Governor of Skysburgh and his wife Lady Downy…. Apparently their air ship has docked early. I know you were intending to greet them this evening after their welcome dinner with Princess Luna, but I thought you might want to know now that they were here so ahead of schedule.”

Celestia smiled. “I see. Thank you for telling me. Please, show them to their quarters and then tell the kitchen staff to prepare a light tea for us. I will see them there in half an hour to greet them. Then I’ll speak with Princess Luna and decide what changes to make to the itinerary. And please—”

“Erm, I promise you, the princess will see you shortly, she’s just busy right now!” another guard was suddenly heard to say from down the hall.

And then instantly one of the early guests in question appeared trotting through the library doors. She was a pale yellow earth pony mare with dark blue eyes and red hair coiled in a braid atop her head. She wore a black and silver dress, fashionable but also professional and style. As she entered the library, she glanced around in delight and exclaimed with a distinct Prench accent, “Oh, but I must honor our old friendship and at least say hello now! It’s been so many years since we’ve seen each other, after all. Ah, and of course, I knew the Princess would be in the library—she has always loved books so much!” Then her eyes caught sight of Celestia, and she practically beamed. “Ma cher! I am sorry, I could not wait to see you!” The Prench pony’s eyes now also caught sight of Discord. “Ooo, but I am so sorry, I did not realize you had company.” Her smile grew at the sight of Discord still floating upside down in the air right near Celestia, eyes wide.

At this point Discord turned over, landed, and tried to seem as aloof as possible though he felt very shy and nervous actually (and slightly disappointed that his alone time with Celestia was being interrupted).

“Princess, I am sorry, where are my manners?” The mare turned back to Celestia and bowed low with a smile. “It is an honor to see you again, mon ami, and an honor be a guest in your home again. And please pardon my interruption.”

Celestia smiled and nodded in return. “And it is an honor to have you and an honor to be your friend, Madame Duchess Cher Rouge. And please don’t worry about the interruption, I understand—it’s been far too long since we’ve seen each other.” She moved forward and gave the enthusiastic Prench mare a hug with one of her hooves.

Cher gave her a tight hug back, and the two ladies separated with warm smiles. Then Celestia’s eyes caught sight of a new figure entering the library now—a dark blue stallion with black hair and wearing a grey suit. “And Monsieur Duke Honoree, it is a pleasure to see you as well. I was just telling your wife how happy I am to have you both in my home again.”

Honoree smiled and bowed to Celestia in return as he took his place beside Cher. “It is a pleasure as well, of course, Princess.”

“And it’s just ‘Honor’ and ‘Cher’ to you please, Princess, I always tell you,” Cher insisted with a smile.

Celestia nodded. “Very well. Now that the formal introductions are over, just Honor and Cher it is.” She winked and then blinked as she recalled something (or rather someone who was still lingering a few feet behind her). “Oh, and allow me to introduce you to—”

Suddenly, however, a couple more guests now entered the library in the wake of the Duke and Duchess of Prance.

Celestia smiled at the new arrivals. “Governor General Albatross and Lady Downy, how wonderful to see you again this year as well.”

The two pegasi—a steel gray stallion with white hair and wearing a tie, and a pale purple mare with yellow hair and wearing a hat featuring feathers—came forward and bowed to Celestia, then raised their heads.

“Princess Celestia, it is an honor to see you again as usual,” Albatross announced with a big smile.

“Thank you so much for allowing us to stay in the castle during our trip here.” Lady Downy smiled warmly at the princess.

Celestia nodded, her smile warm as well. “Of course, and I’m so glad to hear your trip went well enough that you were able to arrive early. And thank you for providing the airship to bring some of the other faraway guests to Canterlot.”

“Oh think nothing of it, Princess,” Lady Downy assured her with a wave of her hoof.

Celestia nodded. “Well, at least you all already know each other.” She raised her hoof, about to gesture behind herself. “But allow me to introduce you to—”

“Princess Celestia, how charming to see you again!” suddenly announced a familiar white unicorn stallion in an upper crust accent who entered the library now wearing a black suite. He trotted forward past the governor and his wife. “So delighted that it’s time for another Gala.” He gave a bow to the princess and grinned up at her charmingly.

Celestia sighed and smiled. “It’s nice as always to see you too, Prince Bluebood.” She gave a nod, and Blueblood then took her raised hoof and gave it a kiss.

In the background, Discord’s eyes widened at the sight, and then he scowled deeply and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Oh, but now, really, where are everyone’s manners?” Cher smiled and spoke up again, looking behind Celestia. “You must introduce us to your very distinguished friend, as you have been trying to do.”

Discord blinked at this description, glanced behind him for a moment like he was looking for whatever figure she might be referring to as ‘distinguished’, then looked back forward and finally went a little wide eyed as he accepted she was referring to him.

Celestia, meanwhile, nodded to Cher and stepped aside. “Yes, of course.” She gestured to Discord with her hoof. “Everypony, this is my good friend Discord. Discord, this is—”

“Duke, Duchess, Governor, Lady, Prince,” Discord supplied as he flew forward and landed amongst the group. “I’ve got, I’ve got it,” he assured her with a grin. Then he cleared his throat and looked to the crowd of guests again. “It’s nice to meet all of you.” He considered, hesitated awkwardly for a moment, and then just a slight gave a bow of his head.

“The draconequus!” Blueblood stepped back, something a touch huffy in his tone.

Discord scowled down at him. “I prefer ‘Discord’ or ‘Master of Chaos’, if you don’t mind, Princey.”

“Yes, of course,” Governor Albatross stepped forward and slight bow to Discord. “It is nice to finally make your acquaintance, Mister Discord. We’ve heard much of you.”

“Oh really?” Discord grinned, his ego outweighing his frustration for a moment. “Well, I have been kicking around Equestria for a few millennia, so I guess that couldn’t be helped.”

Lady Downy came forward and nodded (and gave a slight bow as well). “Oh yes, we know all about your famous history, and especially the latest story of your role in contributing to the Rainbow Power. I hope we can hear your own personal relation of the tale, however, at the Gala. I’ve been looking forward to the true story of your reform for months now.”

Governor Albatross nodded and smiled. “Indeed, I’ve had enough of idle gossip. I would like to get to know you better as well, Mister Discord.”

“Heh,” a laugh escaped the master of chaos and he raised an eyebrow. “Uh, just ‘Discord’ is fine, really. And, you really want to hear all of that…from me?”

Both pegasi nodded.

Discord shrugged. “Well, I’m sure I’ll be rather in demand at this shindig considering I’ll be escorting our sun princess over here, and of course you might get a more modest and grounded version of events from Princess Twilight, but…if there are any blanks I can fill in or any errors in my story that I can correct, I’ll do my best.” He raised an eyebrow. “Just so we’re clear, you’re aware of the fact that for the first half of the Rainbow Power story and for most of my personal story in general, I’m a villain…right?”

Both pegasi nodded again, still smiling. “It just makes the tale all the more susceptible to corruption through gossip and all the more interesting when the truth is known,” added Lady Downy.

Discord grinned.

Blueblood let out a deep sigh. “So you’ll be attending the whole party then…?” He looked aghast. “And you’ll be in direct contact with our dear Princess Celestia?” He frowned in what seemed like pity for her.

Discord scowled at him again. “Yes, I’ll be at the whole party I’m afraid, and by the side of my good friend Celestia. And you, I’m assuming, will be so long at dressing for the Gala and gazing at yourself in the mirror afterwards that you’ll trot in some time around midnight?”

Blueblood scowled. “Well!”

“Gentlemen, please.” Celestia stepped between Discord and Blueblood, her smile full of peace and tranquility as always. “There’s no need for disagreements.” She cleared her throat and glanced to her right first. “Discord, Blueblood is a guest in my home, please be more cordial.” She glanced to her left, some of her smile fading. “And Prince Blueblood, please show more courtesy to my friend and escort. I must insist.”

Blueblood sighed but did nod to her, his scowl softening. “Yes, of course, Princess. I’m sorry, I’ve had a long trip. My apologies, draconeq—Discord.” He gave the slightest bow of his head to the master of chaos.

Discord just sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sure, fine, yes, sorry.” He looked to the princess and smiled, clearly indicating his apology was more to her than anyone else. “Didn’t mean to put you out, Celestia.”

“You call her by her first name alone!?” Prince Blueblood blinked, his eyes wide.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh for the love of—”

“Discord may address me however he likes,” Celestia quickly intervened again, still smiling warmly. “Besides, not being a pony, he is not a subject but a friend of the crown. And I respect his ways as he respects mine.”

“Yes, of course, oui.” Cher came forward, “And I would love to make your friend’s acquaintance next.” Her smile grew as she turned to him. “Discord, it is a pleasure. Our Princess Celestia has mentioned so much about you.” She took his paw and shook it with her hoof.

“You did?” Discord scoffed, glancing at Celestia with a raised eyebrow and a grin as he finished shaking hands.

Celestia smiled and nodded. “The Duchess and I correspond frequently, and especially this year as the time for the Gala has neared. I have been friends with her family for many generations.”

“Yes,” Cher went on, “And I have been dying to make your acquaintance, Discord. You are a most interesting figure. I am proud to have you in our society and to hear that you have worked things out to become a friend to all of Equestria’s princesses.” She released his paw and gave a nod of her head to him.

Discord looked down at her with a grin. “And I am actually very honored and pleased to make your acquaintance too, duchess.” He gave her a dramatic sweeping bow. Then he turned to the duke. “It’s nice to meet you too, Duke. Discord.” He hesitated but then held out his paw.

The Duke smiled and came forward to shake it. “And a pleasure for me as well. Any friend of the princess is certainly a friend of ours.”

Cher giggled and then took Celestia aside with her. “Celestia, what an engaging man you have picked for your escort!” And then Discord heard something interesting—Cher speaking quietly if animatedly to Celestia in Prench. And then he heard something downright surprising to him—Celestia speaking back to her in Prench! He glanced over to see Cher giggling as she went on and Celestia glancing to the side with a light blush and a smile. Discord released the Duke’s hoof to look on at them.

However, now Cher glanced to him and noticed he was noticing the conversation. She smiled and laughed more, then gave Celestia a bow before returning to her husband’s side.

Discord raised an eyebrow.

Celestia cleared her throat and came forward among her guests again. “Everyone, I’m sure you’ve all had a tiring trip. Please allow the guards to show you to your quarters, and I will join you shortly for an early tea.”

“Will we see you and your charming friend for dinner as well, Princess?” Cher asked with interest.

Celestia smiled but shook her head. “No, unfortunately Discord and I have a pressing engagement at Princess Twilight’s court later this afternoon which cannot be put off and which might take some time, and then of course I’ll have to see to lowering the sun. But the welcome dinner will still go on and will be hosted by my dear sister, Princess Luna. She’s due to be up by then to start her moonrise anyway, and she has been looking forward to meeting all of you. I hope you will enjoy her company. And after the meal she has planned a lovely walk around the courtyard by full moonlight for everyone, and I will be joining you for that event and for dessert afterwards.”

All of the guests nodded to this proposal and then said their goodbyes to Celestia and Discord before resuming conversation amongst themselves as some of the castle guards led them out of the library.

The library door closed, and Celestia let out a deep sigh. She turned to Discord. “I’m sorry our time together was interrupted like that, Discord. Nobody was supposed to arrive until tonight. And I’m afraid that’s just the start of the guests who will be staying at the castle. But I’m glad you got a chance to meet some of them before the Gala.” She smiled. “You seemed to hit it off well.”

“Yes, well,” Discord rubbed the back of his neck, unable to help smiling, “That little preview of the Gala wasn’t as entirely awful as it could have been. So they’re all really not going to eat me alive about the Tirek thing—good to know.” His look became dry. “Of course, I think I could do with as little contact as possible with that Blueblood character.”

Celestia sighed. “I know. He means well…but unfortunately he’s a little vain. But nobody’s perfect, Discord, and everybody is welcome to the Gala as long as they are polite and considerate to others to the best of their abilities.” She smiled.

“Well, at least we’re agreed his manners are a little subpar.” Discord smiled a little in return but then glanced down. “I really still haven’t decided either way yet about talking too much about the Tirek thing seriously though, no matter what good it might do or how many people might want to hear about it from me.”

Celestia just nodded. “Of course. You just do what makes you comfortable, Discord. The best you can. That’s all I ask.” Her smile grew.

Discord’s smile returned a little. “Thanks.” Then he swallowed. “And, I liked your Prance friends…quite a bit actually.” He raised an eyebrow. “You speak Prench?”

Celestia blinked, then nodded and smiled. “Yes.” She shrugged. “I spent a thousand years ruling Equestria alone, Discord. I thought learning as much about other cultures as possible along with my usual magic studies would be a productive use of my time. And one of Cher’s ancestors was my first tutor actually. That’s why Cher and I write letters—it lets me practice the language and keeps me in touch with a dear friend all at once. Just like how supervising magical instruction at the unicorn academy helps me keep up with my magic practice.”

“Oh, that’s interesting.” Discord nodded. He hesitated, then floated up and casually rested in the air. “So…I saw you and Cher looking at me when you were talking on the side. What were you two saying about me exactly?”

Celestia sighed and blushed a little. She turned and suddenly found a row of books very interesting. “Oh, she was just remarking that I picked a fine escort, and I was agreeing with her. That’s all.”

“And for that one remark you needed a two minute conversation with giggles and glances?” Discord flew alongside her and raised an eyebrow, resting his head on his paw.

“Cher’s a very descriptive person, Discord. I don’t want to embarrass you.” Celestia glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

Discord scoffed. “Oh please, nothing embarrasses me. I just want to know if she really liked and approved of me as much as she said to me, that’s all.”

Celestia smiled more. “Of course she did, Discord.” Then let out a sigh and looked at him, a light blush still tinging her features. “She told me I did not do you justice in my letters and that she was very pleased with my taste in men. Not only did I find an escort who was polite, charming, and very witty, but one whose magical prowess was renowned and who appeared quite the, um…strong and capable figure, and flyer too. And she found it very sweet that we were sharing a tête-à-tête in the library, but apologized for interrupting it.” Celestia raised an eyebrow at him.

Discord just floated there with wide eyes. “Ah…” A blush he couldn’t control spread over his features. “I see.” He cleared his throat and rolled his eyes to the side. “Nothing terribly embarrassing about all that…mostly.”

Celestia sighed. “I thanked her for the compliments on your behalf but told her it might be best to keep them to herself. I explained about the rumors lately and how we just want to enjoy the Gala as friends. She understood. She’s very polite.”

Discord nodded and landed. “Yes, well, all of that certainly explains the giggles and glances and the Prench.”

“I didn’t realize compliments could overwhelm you so much, Discord.” Celestia smiled more as she walked over to the main window of the library to look out at the afternoon sun currently shifting lower against the Canterlot skyline. “Maybe I really should have tried ‘killing you with kindness’ in the past.” She laughed softly.

Behind her, a still blushing Discord just sighed and took a step back in the direction of the door. “Well, it certainly would have put me off my game for a bit. Though not as much as it’s doing right now—ridiculous sappy reformed heart I have to deal with these days, after all. Anyway,” he shrugged, “You’ve got guests and Gala things to attend to, so maybe I should just get going. We can meet up at Twilight’s instead of heading there together.” He hid his disappointment about no longer having the chance to escort her there himself underneath an accepting smile.

Celestia turned to him. “Discord, wait, please. I still have something to discuss with you.” She gestured for him to sit beside her in front of the window

Discord blinked and then nodded. “Oh, almost forgot.” He flew back over and took the spot she suggested. “What’s on your mind, Celestia?”

Celestia was very quiet for a moment. Then she let out a breath and began. “Luna takes her code of honor regarding the privacy of dreamers very seriously. So please believe me when I say she has never shared with me anything about any nightly encounters she may have had with you. That being said…I know when my friends are in trouble, Discord.” She glanced at him. “The book helped, talking to your friends helped, but you’re still having bad dreams…and there’s still something on your mind.”

Discord let out a very deep sigh and decided for once not to go through with the defensive preliminaries. He knew she would see right through them anyway. He spoke to her frankly. “I feel a lot better about the Gala. And I’ve come to terms with a…somewhat lighthearted if embarrassing new aspect of myself. But there is a thing or two still troubling me for now, yes.” He kept his eyes forward. “It’s my own problem though, Celestia. Let me deal with it in my own way.”

Celestia smiled a little but shook her head lightly. “I told you, what I want to talk about isn’t about you, it’s about me. I’m just hoping if I talk with you about it now, it can be of help to you in some way…relieving any guilt or doubt that may be on your mind.”

Discord glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. He found her looking out to the sun. She went on. “I want to apologize for leaving you turned to stone for a thousand years. I’m sorry. I regretted it very much. And in some ways I can’t blame you for betraying us to Tirek—you’ve really had little reason to trust your welfare into my hooves up until now.”

Discord’s eye went wide and he turned to her fully. “Celestia, that’s not…”

“Please, just listen to me, Discord.” Celestia looked to him, and he was taken aback at the sight of a light shine in her eyes suggesting tears. “This isn’t just for you, though I hope it can help you. It’s for me. I did this with Luna as well one day privately. I needed to. So you aren’t the first person I’ve spoken to like this…and you may not be the last.” She took a deep breath. “No matter what the circumstances were, I am sorry for the decision I made and the punishment I inflicted on you.”

Discord stared at her with an eyebrow raised. Then he blinked a few times and shook his head. “Celestia, don’t be so hard on yourself, please. I can’t say it was the most enjoyable millennium of my life but…I was doing a lot of bad things, and you were just doing your job. You can’t seriously feel…” And yet the sadness lingering in her eyes told him she could and did. “You gave all of your people a millennia of peace by putting me away—all I used to give your people was a mixture of a side show and a bad dream brought on by too much Chinese food before bed. You saved a lot of strife turning me to stone. And if I could choose right now between getting to skip that thousand years or letting it happen all over again, I’d let it happen all over again.” He looked down and back toward the sun, and his voice lowered a little. “I…I like the way my life’s turned out, warts and all.”

Celestia smiled softly, some of the shine leaving her eyes. She moved a little closer to him. “But you were angry being stone—angry at me.”

Discord hesitated. Then he nodded. “Oh yes.” He swallowed. “When I first got out, I figured I’d have some fun with your little ponies and your little Elements. Then when that was done I was going to come for you…and I had no intention of making a game of that.” He took a deep breath, a painful and faraway look coming to his eyes as he looked to her again. “You don’t want to know anything more than that, Celestia. Believe me. I wouldn’t have caused you harm—that’s not really my style. But you would have suffered. Deeply.”

Celestia only nodded. “Then for all of that wrath you had to feel because of me, I’m sorry too.”

There was quiet for a moment.

“It’s been hard trying to figure out who I am now that I’m free and reformed.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

Discord went on. “That’s been the hardest thing—I didn’t know who a ‘good Discord’ was or what a ‘good Discord’ was supposed to do. There are so many new feelings and emotions…hopes and even dreams…and letting go of a lot of things too. I feel like who I really am was buried under something dark for so long that I almost forgot it: almost like I was trapped in a stone inside of myself.” He closed his eyes and scowled. “My life has been so complicated. And I thought friendship would be a simple solution but…it’s turning out to be the most complicated thing of all.”

The sun princess’s voice was soft and gentle. “Then I am also sorry for the trauma of these changes that you have had to go through, Discord.”

Discord opened his eyes. Celestia had just gently put her hoof on his paw.

Discord looked to her again, her warm violet eyes catching the sun as they gazed into his own. He spoke back to her. “You have to know I forgive you already, Celestia. I accept responsibility for what I did, but for what it’s worth, if it’ll make you feel better to hear it, I forgive you too.”

Celestia smiled. “And do you accept that there have been other factors in the bad decisions you’ve made besides your own wrong choices? Do you accept that anybody would be angry after being imprisoned for a thousand years, anybody would hate their banisher and anybody would find it difficult to grow and change into the best person they could be despite a dark past? Do you accept that it’s okay you have flaws Discord, and that overcoming them has a magic to it all its own?”

Discord’s eyes went a little wide. He nodded. “Yes, I do. We all…bear burdens, I suppose.”

Celestia frowned a little and nodded. “Yes, we do. But,” she smiled again and held up his paw and her hoof, “They’re easier to bear when you have someone to help you with them.”

Discord had to smile a little in return. “Yes. I think so too.”

And then he sighed softly, lost for a moment in the sight of Celestia, her violet eyes full of caring and her voice full of sweetness, and the sun glowing against her white coat and wings and agonizingly chaotic hair. He remembered how Blueblood had kissed her hoof, and he wanted to kiss it too…or to kiss her in some other way. Right here, right now—in reality. No more dreams, no more denial: suddenly the idea of only looking but never touching—of caring but never pursuing—when it came to her was unbearable. He felt his heartbeat quicken a little inside, and he felt himself blush on the outside. And he had to wonder just what she would do if he really did lean in to gently meet his mouth with hers: even if they could have just one moment together, perhaps it would be worth any consequences that might come afterward.

‘Unless it ruined our friendship.’

That one unfortunate thought was the only thing that kept Discord from acting on his usually unrestrained impulses.

Celestia only smiled more at him. “Thank you, Discord, for letting me talk to you. It means a great deal to me.”

A big breath that he hadn’t even realized he had been holding left Discord, and he nodded. “Me, um…me too. I-I mean you’re welcome, I mean…I like talking with you so…it’s no problem.” He swallowed and tried to smile.

Celestia gave a warm laugh. “I understand.” She lowered their hands and stood up. “I’m afraid I have to go supervise preparations for the tea and see to the comfort of my guests. But I’ll meet you later at Twilight’s castle, all right?”

Discord nodded and stood up. “Oh, er, yeah, definitely. Heh,” he grinned and shrugged, “I mean, I’ll definitely be there—I have a feeling this whole ‘unveiling’ is for me, after all, so who am I to disappoint?”

She smiled more. “I’ll be looking forward to it then.” Celestia bowed her head. “Until later, Discord.”

Discord gave her a slight bow as well. “Until later, Princess.” He blinked. “Celestia! Until later, Celestia. Heh…” he shrugged, “Sorry, all of this formality gets to me sometimes, heh.”

Celestia just smiled and nodded in understanding. “Goodbye for now, Discord. Feel fee to remain in the library for as long as you like and to borrow anything else you think might be helpful.”

“Will do!” Discord gave her a little wave, then grinned and added, “But if you come back to find all of your shelves empty just for my amusement, don’t blame me.”

The two shared a laugh as Celestia left by the door.

Discord let out a very large breath upon finding himself alone. He smiled for a moment but then became entirely consumed with blushing. “I have a feeling something big about me is going to give very, very soon…and I just hope everything turns out okay after it happens.” He swallowed and shook his head to himself, then snapped his fingers to send himself away to a private cloudbank to nap until it was time for Twilight’s throne room unveiling. He dreamed of resting beside Celestia on clouds, and how perfect she might be to kiss on her hoof or anywhere else, and how good it could feel to have a lovely person tell you they found you lovely as well. And he was grateful to wake up when he finally did.

Later that day…

Finally it was time for the grand unveiling of Twilight’s throne room!

“Oh the pomp! Oh the circumstance! I feel like I’m attending my own coronation or something! Is this how you felt when you were attending your coronation, Twilight Sparkle?” Discord grinned down at the princess in question, arms proudly folded over his chest as he stood with her and the girls just outside of the friendship castle entrance under the late afternoon sky.

Twilight sighed deeply but smiled warmly. “Unless you feel a mixture of incredibly unworthy, incredibly giddy and incredibly nauseous, I’m afraid not, Discord.”

Discord put a paw to his chin and considered. “Hmm, no…I’m leaning much more toward incredibly proud and excited and full of satisfaction that I’ll finally be getting some recognition for all of my hard work in bringing Ponyville this gaudy friendship castle.”

Twilight’s grin picked up on one side. “You know, Discord, there is a chance that all I did was redecorate the throne room and that whatever’s in there has nothing to do with you specifically at all.”

Discord just chuckled. “Oh, right, yes, of course, Twilight. Let’s keep up the suspense then.” He winked down at her, causing her to roll her eyes to the side and smile more.

“Speaking of suspense, haven’t we had enough of that—let’s get to the unveiling!” Rainbow Dash smiled and flew up a little.

“But everyone’s not here yet.” “But everyone’s not here yet.”

The exact same words were said by Discord and Twilight at the exact same time.

Both blinked and looked to each other. Twilight raised an eyebrow, and Discord quickly glanced to the side, arms behind his back.

Twilight eyed him curiously and then turned back to Rainbow Dash and the rest of her friends. “Yes, I invited Princess Celestia, and she said she would be here.”

Discord swallowed and cleared his throat. “Yes, erm, I’d heard something to that effect too.”

“Aww, I’m sure she’ll make it,” Spike waved them off and assured with a smile. “She wouldn’t miss this. Twilight’s her favorite former student, after all, and Discord’s her escort and her friend.”

Both Twilight and Discord smiled a little more.

And just then, a familiar white alicorn figure flew around a tower of the castle and descended to the ground below to join the gathering at the castle entrance—Celestia had arrived.

She landed and let out a deep breath, then pulled in her wings and walked forward among the girls. “Hello, everypony. I’m sorry I’m a little late. Guests have been arriving at the castle, and I’ve had to see to their needs.”

The five girls and Spike bowed to her. Twilight came forward with a smile. “Please don’t apologize. I’m just so happy you could come.” She blushed just a little, smiling more and looking down. “I’m really looking forward to your opinion on everything I’ve done.”

Celestia came forward, smiling more too. “Of course, Twilight, and I’m honored to be here.” Then she looked up and directed her smile at Discord. “And I’m looking forward to your opinion on Twilight’s changes, Discord. I’m very glad you were willing to wait for me to arrive before she showed them to you.”

Discord smiled more. “Oh, think nothing of it. Besides, despite Twilight’s ‘protests,’ I have a feeling these changes are going to be about me, so I’m honored to have you there to bask in a true appreciation of my talents.” He gave a mock bow, which elicited a soft laugh from Celestia, which in turn made Discord straighten up with a smile. He leaned in close to her ear and loudly whispered, “My final bet’s on there being some gaudy crystal stool in there that I can pull up to sit by Twilight’s side whenever I feel left out. And maybe she put up one or two of my ‘Discord—founder of Rainbow Power Friendship Castle’ banners just to be nice.”

Celestia smiled more, and her eyes narrowed playfully. “Interesting theory. Why don’t we head inside and see if you’re right.”

Discord raised an eyebrow at her for a moment and then let out a deep sigh, his look going a little dry. “You completely know what’s in there and have kept it from me all this time we’ve been getting closer, haven’t you?”

Celestia just shrugged. “Maybe.”

Discord grinned. “Ooo, how deceptive—I love when you’re a little sneaky, Princess.”

“And I love when even you have to be the one getting surprised every once in a while, Master of Chaos.” Celestia winked.

Discord’s grin brightened considerably.

The girls and Spike all looked on at the exchange in mixtures of interest and amusement…Twilight most of all. Then she came forward and cleared her throat a little. “Well, um…we should get started then.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Girls, take your places.”

Her five friends all nodded and then trotted forward to stand in a line in front of the castle door.

Discord finally got his attention away from Celestia long enough to watch the girls get into position. He grinned and rolled his eyes. “Oh, for chaos’s sake, you’re having them ‘take places’? Why not just throw in a drum roll, Twilight?”

“Erm…” Twilight gestured behind him, and Discord turned to see Spike about to start playing on a little snare drum hanging from his chest.

Spike just shrugged. “What? If we’re going to go for a dramatic effect, I say we go all the way.”

Discord sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose and trying not to laugh too much. “Oh all right, let’s just get this over with already.”

Twilight smiled. “Great. I’ll be in line next along with Princess Celestia, and then you can come in last.” Twilight used her magic to open the castle front doors, then she looked to Discord again. “But first I thought it would be good to blindfold you, that way you can take everything in all at once when you get into the throne room. I’d ask you to just close your eyes, but…well…you’ll peek,” she finished dryly though she still smiled.

Discord nodded. “True. So blindfold then?” He held up his fingers, ready to snap.

“Allow me.” Celestia suddenly announced, and then she stepped close beside him and raised up a wing to cover in front of his face. “We’ll go in like this if neither of you mind. I’d like to see Discord’s reaction right as he has it.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, that’ll work perfectly.”

Discord smiled a little from behind Celestia’s wing. “I swear you alicorn’s are part eagle or griffon or something. What is this, a six foot wingspan?”

“Six and a half actually.” Celestia couldn’t help her tone having a touch of pride to it, and she grinned a little.

Discord just sighed and rolled his eyes. “And you always act like I’m the show off.” He chuckled. “Okay, now how am I supposed to go forward with this wall of perfect white in front of me? Just wait for you to move, or…”

Celestia raised a hoof and took his claw. “Here, I’ll guide you,” she assured from the other side of her wing. “It’s only a few feet anyway.”

Discord just nodded, gently clasping her hoof. “Oh. Okay then…” He was glad no one could see the slight blush that came to his features.

Celestia went forward now as Discord followed along with her. Then Discord heard Twilight open the castle doors and soon enough felt Celestia guide him through the entrance hall toward the throne room following after all of the girls.

Eventually, the party stopped going forward. Celestia took her hoof from Discord’s claw, and Discord waited.

“Okay, Discord…” There was the sound of Twilight taking a breath, “What do you think?”

Discord blinked at the sudden graceful movement of Celestia’s large white wing away from his face. And then he blinked a few more times and at first thought nothing had changed in the throne room. The girls and Spike were just sitting in their usual throne chairs in the usual throne room smiling at him. But now he realized the lighting in here was slightly different than usual—a little more colorful in a way.

Why the lighting was a little different became apparent soon enough.

The master of chaos’s eyes went wide now as he finally saw the source of the change.

The windows in here before had all been perfectly clear crystal. But now there was one on a far wall that wasn’t clear—it was stained glass. And this colorful window, just as the ones in the Canterlot castle, had a scene set in its design. There were six familiar little ponies running in a green meadow, a rainbow connecting all of them in a circle. High up, a sun and a moon sat on either side of the sky, a smiling Celestia and a smiling Luna proudly airborne and tending to them…and then in the middle section of the sky, floating and smiling, was an image of himself, Discord. And between him and his friends were etched a few simple words. ‘A good friend is worth any wait.’

Twilight spoke, and her explanation interrupted Discord’s reverie for a moment. “Rarity designed the image and Rainbow Dash flew to check over all the details and Applejack supervised the construction and Pinkie Pie chose the colors and Fluttershy came up with the saying and I came up with the idea in the first place, and Princess Celestia let me borrow some of her earth pony artisans to construct it. Oh, and we made you a throne.” Twilight went forward and gestured underneath the window. “Well, we did the best we could anyway.” She smiled sheepishly. Beneath the window was a wide throne almost shaped like a sofa done in dark wood twisted in strange ways and with red cushions in a familiar style. “We tried to copy the design from memory of that throne you used back when you were still trying to take over Equestria, and we made it long because Fluttershy says you always enjoy stretching out on her sofa. So now you’ll always have a place here if you want.” She turned to him with a hopeful smile. “What do you think?”

Not to toot her own horn, but, considering Discord’s exuberant personality and all of her hard work, Twilight was expecting elation, arrogant laughter, a few smug comments and then maybe one of his classic humorous thank you’s from the master of chaos in response to all of her efforts. She was not expecting him to just be standing there still looking with wide eyes at what they all had done.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Discord?”

There was still just quiet for a moment. Then Celestia smiled and tried. “Discord.” She gently touched his arm with her hoof. “I’m guessing you approve of it then. And that you’re indeed surprised.”

Discord took in a very deep breath, was quiet for just a moment longer, and then several quick snaps of his fingers happened which led suddenly to everyone bunched together behind Twilight’s throne and Discord wrapping his whole self around them like a lasso in a tight hug.

“Discord!” everyone yelled at once in a mixture of confusion and shock and amusement.

Discord, eyes shut, just grinned more and kept squeezing. “Oh shut up, I’m having a moment. Incidentally, if any of you tell anyone about this I’ll turn this castle into a gingerbread house with a chocolate milk swimming pool out back.”

“Yummy!!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “Twilight, can Discord do that one day, please?? Maybe around Hearthswarming Eve? It sounds sooo good! But then since it’ll be cold can it be a hot cocoa pool!? Or a hot cocoa hot tub!? Mmm!”

Twilight and the girls and Celestia and Spike all just laughed.

Discord chuckled and then snapped his fingers again. Now everyone was free once more, and he was standing there grinning with Twilight scooped up in one arm and giving a noogie to her crowned head with his paw. “I knew it, I knew you liked having me as a friend! I knew you loved me, Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight squirmed away from him. “Hey!” She laughed a little. “Love…Tolerate…similar things, I guess.” She grinned back at him, trying to fix her mane.

Discord just chuckled. “Oh you cheeky Princess, you!” He finally put her down. “Well, at least you’re getting a better sense of humor!” Then he took a deep breath, bit his lip, and looked at her a touch eagerly, tapping his fingers together. “Twilight, er…it really is very nice, and I promise not to do anything to it or at the very least to put it back just as it was, but…may I try it out?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Try what out? The throne?”

Discord just laughed and shook his head though. “No, no, the window!

“The window?” Now Twilight looked every more confused. But then Fluttershy leaned in and whispered something into her ear. Twilight’s eyes went wide and then she smiled and nodded. “Oh!” She looked to Discord. “Oh, um yes, of course—try it out.” She gestured forward with her hoof.

Discord nodded, snapped, and now he was no longer standing in the throne room but instead he was the glass Discord in the window, moving freely about the image of his friends. “Oh what fine work! And so smooth to move through! And the way it catches the light! Oh I could spend all day doing this!” He darted and dodged among the pictures of his pony friends and then Celestia and Luna. “I’m in a window and NOT as part of a picture where I’m being turned to stone! Oh thank you, Twilight and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack and Celestia! It’s long overdue, of course, but now everyone really will get to see how brilliant I can be at friendship! Ha!” He chuckled happily.

Twilight just looked on, grinning a little and shaking her head. “You’re welcome, Discord.”

The girls and Spike all started talking now, admiring the window, discussing how nice the throne room looked now, and congratulating themselves on a job well done.

Meanwhile, Celestia smiled and stood beside her former most faithful student. “Twilight, your opinion and Discord’s matter most about this, but for what it’s worth from me, I think your window is lovely…and so is the gesture behind it. I’m so very proud of you. I think you’ve made Discord very happy.”

Twilight beamed a little and looked down. “Thank you, Celestia…” she replied softly.

Celestia smiled more and then glanced up to Discord. Now that the attention was off of him and he’d had his initial fun, his little glass representation was sitting near the phrase written into the glass and looking at it. It was hard to tell, considering how limited the glass was at showing detail, but he seemed to be considering the message very carefully, an eyebrow raised. She even saw him reach out and quickly touch the letters once or twice, almost like he was trying to make sure they were real or really for him.

Celestia let out a deep breath and hoped his happiness was a good sign and that Twilight’s gesture would prove to be the help Discord would need to finally be at peace with his new reformed role in their world.

The friends lingered at Twilight’s castle for a while, admiring the new window, discussing the Gala, and just enjoying each other’s company in general.

The time was just before sunset now, and Discord found himself in his usual valley in the Canterlot castle statue garden. He was reclining back on some throw pillows, drinking some chocolate milk out of the side of a pink cotton candy cloud with a straw, and just relaxing after a nice evening spent with friends and celebrating their friendship together. He hoped he might even be due for a peaceful nights sleep tonight—no dreams of Celestia or Tirek or the Gala or anything else random his chaotic mind could come up with. And speaking of Celestia, he had even been lucky enough to get to ‘escort’ her home from Twilight’s castle not too long ago—oh sure, it had just been a matter of him snapping his fingers and taking them from Ponyville to Canterlot, but it had been an enjoyable few moments alone nonetheless. And now Discord could calmly reflect on the nice day he’d had.

It was then he noticed movement out on the castle grounds not too far away from the garden.

Discord glanced over and blinked—Celestia was out on the grounds, just standing there looking out at the sun with a smile.

“What’s she up to?” He shifted closer to the edge of his little valley to look.

Celestia remained gazing out at the low sun for a moment longer, and then her horn glowed brightly. The sun began to set.

“Oh.” Discord smiled. “She’s just doing her…job.” Discord blinked—now Celestia’s eyes were closed, and as her horn glowed she spread her wings and rose up a little, exercising her full power as princes of the day to lower the celestial body that was under her domain. The light of the evening sun glowed over her.

Discord didn’t look away. “She…wouldn’t mind if someone watched, I’m sure. She’s doing it outside, after all.” He took a deep breath. “She’s a very attractive woman, I suppose.” Then he just let out a deep sigh and rested his head on his paw. “Oh who am I kidding, she’s gorgeous. And she probably knows it too.” There she stood, wings open, head held high, the last rays of sun glinting on her regalia and white coat, and her ethereal hair blowing gently in its own breeze. She was so delicately designed yet so strong—the contradiction intrigued him. And the power of her wings, the length of her proud horn, the way the gentle lines of her body curved—he briefly remember the feel of those lines against him after their fall during their ballroom dancing practice and sighed deeply again.

Discord finally had to glance away at this point. “Oh, what am I thinking with these stupid mushy feelings and this stupid attraction. We’re so different—it could never work. She’s Equestria’s beautiful princess of the last thousand years, and I’m just… I mean, she’s…and I’m…” Discord looked down at himself. But then he blinked—something clicked. He quickly looked back to Celestia who had landed and was just standing there now admiring her sunset as the sky became purple and Luna’s moon started to rise. Then Discord looked back to himself. “But…we’re not so different, are we?” He scratched his head. “I’m many creatures rolled into one…and Celestia sort of is too. She’s an alicorn—she’s like an earth pony combined with a pegasus combined with a unicorn. She knows what it’s like to be many things and nothing like almost everyone else. Maybe hers is a less extreme case but still….” He took a breath. “And she knows what it’s like to be strong and to do magic and to fly. She’s probably one of the only women I’ll ever know who’s that compatible with me.” He glanced over at her again.

The sun was gone—Celestia was done with her task now. She lingered and admired Luna’s ascending moon for a moment with a happy smile.

Discord remained where he was, contemplating further as the peaceful night fell. He almost laughed. “Maybe she doesn’t care for me yet…but maybe she could. We actually wouldn’t make a terrible couple, would we? I make her laugh, she makes me smile, we’re the closest thing to a member of each other’s species that we’ve got. And dating wouldn’t be that different from being friends. Just a matter of a little less friendly banter and a little more necking, that’s all.” As Discord chuckled at his joke, he couldn’t help blushing slightly and looking down a little, his smile growing. Something about his whole demeanor brightened. “The whole thing still doesn’t make much sense, and yet we could try and…who knows? We wouldn’t need to ‘get married and settle down’ or anything, we might just…need each other, that’s all.”

Discord’s happy outlook remained for a moment. But then he blinked and swallowed as another thought crossed his mind. “But then there’s our friendship…. If I told her how I feel, and if she didn’t like it, I could ruin this closeness we’ve got now. Or even if we tried to be together and it didn’t work out, that could ruin our friendship too.” He took a breath. “Wow, I really do care about being friends with her.” He shook his head. “But it’s just a crush I have. I’ll get over it soon. For the sake of our friendship, I’ve got to try. I mean, it’s not like I’m falling in love with her or anything.” He blushed so much and looked completely down at the ground. “That might be a problem if it happened, but I never fall in love, so at least there’s that.” He nodded to himself. “You’ll be okay. Just keep it together, get to the Gala, maybe meet a few eligible ladies there, and finally move on. Just get through that dance Discord, that’s all you have to do.” Discord looked up again and let his gaze linger on Celestia as she remained on the castle grounds admiring the descending night for a moment before finally turning to retreat into the castle for the night.

“Discord, I am glad to see you.”

“LUNA!” Discord flew up, turned around, and promptly crashed back down to the ground. He swallowed and looked forward with wide eyes to see indeed none other than the princess of the night herself who had clearly just descended from the sky behind him. “Don’t DO that!” He put a hand to his chest and tried to catch his breath. “Between you and your sister with the sneaking up on me, I’m surprised it hasn’t petrified me right back to stone.”

Luna half smiled and approached him. “I’m sorry to have startled you, Discord. I just left my tower to see to the start of the night, and I noticed you down here.” She raised an eyebrow. “You seemed rather distracted though. I’m truly surprised you didn’t hear my descent.” She glanced past him to the ridge of his little valley and moved closer. “What were you looking at?”

Discord, eyes wide, took a very deep breath and chose his words very, very carefully. “I was watching the sunset.” The key to the art of lying well (and to not feeling entirely guilty about it)—incorporate as much of the truth as possible.

Luna turned back to him, an eyebrow raised. “The sunset?”

Discord floated up and rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, Luna—I can enjoy a nice natural phenomenon too just like every pony else. It’s been a long day—a long few months actually—so I was here relaxing, I noticed your sister out on the grounds, I saw the sun was setting, and I watched it. I didn’t compose odes to it or anything, but I thought it would be a nice thing to take a few seconds and enjoy, okay?”

Luna sighed. “Discord, you really do not have to get so defensive. I was just asking.”

Discord remained pouting and scowling for a moment longer, but then he sighed as well and his look softened. “Sorry.” He landed on his feet. “I’m just a little cranky from lack of steady beauty sleep. And being surprised by people always throws me off my guard a bit.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, it’s nice to see you, Luna. Did you need something?”

Luna smiled softly and moved closer. “It’s nice to see you as well, Discord. And I just wanted to congratulate you on Twilight’s dedication to you in her throne room. I’m hoping to be able to fly by her castle sometime later tonight to see your window reflecting in the moonlight.”

Discord smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Luna. And yes, it really is a glorious piece of artistry. I’m sure you’ll be impressed.”

“Indeed, I think so too.” Luna nodded. Then her smile fell slightly. “How have you been since your last nightmare, Discord?”

Discord stiffened a little but then just shrugged and glanced away. “Fine. No other nightmares. Talked to some of my friends about it. I’m coping.”

Luna just frowned more though. “Discord, you do know that this is a problem that is not just going to go away or get magically resolved by the efforts of others. This is something that you have to choose to free yourself from. Or there could be consequences.”

Discord sighed deeply and threw himself back on the grass. “Luna, not to be rude, but do you nag your other sleeping subjects this much? And yes, thank you, I know, I know—bad dreams equals no good.”

“Discord,” Luna moved closer, her tone growing firm, “I am diligent about my subjects as much as I need to be. And if I am especially diligent with you it is for two reasons—one, you are my friend, and two, you need me to be this way. Your problem is not going away, Discord, and neither am I. And you are not speaking with Twilight right now who might leave you alone so that she can try to research a solution for you on her own, and you are not speaking with Celestia right now who might nod and tell you she trusts your best judgment and let you be. You are speaking with me, and I give orders, Discord, and not just because I am a little old-fashioned in my opinion on how a princess should rule but because I deal in serious and often urgent matters of emotion. You need to confront your nightmares. There is no alternative.” She frowned, her gaze stern. “I cannot make you obey, but I can make sure my advice is delivered as clearly and directly and forcefully as possible.”

Discord sat up. He scowled at her and raised an eyebrow. “Chaos doesn’t do well with ‘orders’ Luna. They’re a bit too, oh what’s the word—oh yes, ‘orderly’.”

Luna scowled too. “Well, you won’t take friendly suggestions, so orders are all I am left with.” She sighed, trying to maintain her temper. “Discord, I am not trying to bother you, but you don’t seem to understand. These nightmares could damage your perspective on yourself, harm your friendships, even become inescapable whenever you slumber and finally corrupt your true nature when you are awake. They are not the result of an outside influence in your life that you can simply separate from. They are the result of something inside of you. They feed an evil part of who you have been, Discord! Don’t you see that?” Luna frowned.

“Of course I see that, Luna!” Discord suddenly shot forward, his own scowl fading into a frown of distress. “Of course I know I’ve done evil things, of course I know there’s been something bad inside of me for so long that I don’t know if it’ll ever go away or if it might even come back, and of course I know we can’t just pretend it’s not there!” He scowled again. “If anything proved all of that to us, I think it was what happened with me and Tirek.”

Luna blinked and tried to smile. “But Discord, things don’t have to be that way. You don’t always have to feel this looming shadow over yourself. If you confront your fear of your dark ways, you may conquer them, and then you—”

“Or I might fail, Luna. And then what?” Discord glared at her, clearly waiting for an answer.

Luna shook her head, smiling more. “But you have your friends who believe in you so much, Discord. And you’re strong. You can do this. My sister told me about Twilight’s window. Think about that gesture, Discord—all of your friends with you and how a good friend is worth any wait.”

“Maybe I am thinking about Twilight’s window, Luna.” Discord let out a deep breath, his look going a little dry. “Maybe right now I’m thinking about how the only reason she had to make me a window and a ‘throne’ is because her castle wouldn’t find a place for me in the harmony of its design. Maybe I’m thinking about how that architectural decision might have just been a fluke…or it might have been the tree of harmony not taking any chances when it comes to someone like me.”

There was quiet for a moment, Discord looking to Luna with determination if sadness, and Luna looking back at him with firmness if sympathy.

Then Luna took a breath and wrapped a hoof around Discord’s torso, giving him a hug. “You and I both know you’ll never be evil again, Discord. You just have to learn to believe in that fact as strongly as the rest of us do, and to make peace with the evil you’ve already done.”

Discord’s eyes went a little wide at the gesture. For a moment, he was reminded of Fluttershy’s’ hugs. And for a moment, being hugged by Luna made him think about what it might be like to be hugged by Celestia (a notion which almost made his heart flutter). And then he just felt comforted by Luna. ‘She understands better than anyone. I know she’s right. But it’s so hard to do the right thing sometimes…’ Discord let out a breath. His look and tone softened. “Doing that won’t be easy Luna.”

“I know. Take your time.” Luna pulled back to look up at him. “And do not let your past define your present or future.” She bit her lip. “Will you stay near the castle tonight in case the nightmares come back?”

Discord glanced away uneasily. “I don’t know, I’m really not even tired. I might just fly around for a bit, spread some chaos, amuse myself til sunrise and then catch a quick nap somewhere before breakfast.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “But you just said that you’re distressed from lack of sleep, Discord.”

Discord shrugged, flying up to lie on his back in the air. “I’m also a being of pure chaos, Luna—contradictory, prone to quick change, not exactly requiring the slumbering and waking routines of all you ponies if I don’t feel like it. Work with me a little.” He grinned.

Luna continued to frown though. “All creatures need sleep, Discord. Good, steady sleep. That is true across species, nationalities, and sources of magic.”

“Well, I always do enjoy being an exception to the rule.” Discord smirked just a little and chuckled to himself. He flew around the night princess. “But really Luna, don’t fret—I’ll be fine. I’m practically giddy from all the attention I got at Twilight’s today. I could use a good night out to clear my head, loosen up, get away from all of this Gala pressure and whatnot.”

Luna sighed and looked down as she considered. “I suppose you could be right. A night of relaxation might do you well.”

Discord nodded. “Exactly.” Something in his smirk softened. He paused in front of Luna. “And I promise to try and make myself open to your help if I come across something in the night I really think I can’t handle. I told you…you do good work.” He looked down and played with his hands a little.

Luna smiled softly, though a touch of concern was still in her gaze. “I’ll keep myself open to your nightly needs then.” She sighed and rolled her eyes to the side. “Of course, it would be easier if you would just give me permission to fully enter your dreams from time to time to check up on you.” She shrugged and looked to him again. “Discord, I promise, even if what I encounter in your usual dreams is a little odd or embarrassing in some way, I won’t judge you for it. You’d be surprised at the…well, the chaos I encounter in most of my subjects’ dreams.”

Discord just floated there, eyes wide and a light blush in his features. He shook his head. “Luna, I can’t. It’s not just embarrassing, it’s…it’s very, very complicated. I just can’t.” He swallowed and barely glanced at her. “Believe me, you’d thank me if you knew what I was keeping you from seeing. For the sake of maintaining our friendship alone, you’d thank me. It’s nothing bad, it’s just…” he sighed, rubbing his temple and closing his eyes for a moment, “It’s just personal. So just keep at a distance from what my sleeping head comes up with…as a favor to me as my friend. Please.” He looked to her again.

Luna couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at him. But then she finally sighed and nodded. “As you wish, Discord. I will keep my direct interference as limited as possible and only attempt to go near your dreams if I sense you are in a nightmare and desire my help.”

Discord sighed and smiled. “Glad we’re agreed then.” He flew up higher. “Well, I’m off to enjoy myself for the night. Have a pleasant shift, Luna. And, uh…say goodnight to Celestia for me if you see her before she heads to bed.”

Luna smiled and nodded. “I will. Goodnight, Discord. I hope you enjoy yourself however you choose to spend the night.”

“Oh Luna,” Discord chuckled, “If there’s one thing I’m an expert at, it’s enjoying myself.” He winked. “Ta ta!” And then with a wave of his paw and a snap of his tail he was gone in a flash of light.

Luna waved to the spot where Discord had been. Finding herself alone now, she sighed. “I think he’ll be okay. But I’m not sure what he’ll have to go through to get there.” Her eyes went to the sky where the last colors of daylight were fading and the dark tones of night were coming (the direction in which Discord had been gazing when she had found him). The sun was gone, the moon was high—she was in her domain. Luna pondered as she gazed. “What in the world could that draconequus be dreaming of that has him so riled? If it’s nothing about betrayal, nothing merely embarrassing or silly, and yet complicated enough that he will not even share the details with me when he knows I am sworn to secrecy then…what?” Luna wanted to consider more, but she knew she had duties to get to for the evening. She would try to determine this missing piece of the puzzle regarding Discord’s situation soon, and had a feeling that once she did know what he was keeping from her, how to best help him and why his guilt was so great would become much clearer.

Luna flew up and away into the sky. And she promised herself to make time tonight for a glance at Twilight’s new window, for Discord’s sake.

And meanwhile, Discord found himself soaring freely over the Everfree Forest and the plains of Equestria between cities. He yawned. “If I don’t sleep, I can’t dream…or I can’t ‘nightmare’ might be the better word. Besides, even if I’m a little sleepy, this feels nice—just flying free from everything for a little while.” He sighed to himself and turned on his back to gaze up at the night sky overhead. “Still on edge about the Gala, still worried that you’re secretly evil deep down inside, still bucking for making Celestia your main squeeze—three personal crises at once. Way to go, Discord. Oh well, at least Luna didn’t entirely catch me checking out her sister.” He turned over again in his flying. “It was even awkward for me catching myself doing that. Yikes.” He grinned sheepishly. “I almost wish Cadance was here. I might actually confide in her a little. She wouldn’t rain down pony princess wrath on me like Luna might, and she could probably whip up a cure to my little sun princess-induced emotional roller coaster, no problem.” Discord rolled his eyes and sighed. His smile fell a little. “But at least Luna’s looking out for me with the nightmares…and looking out for if the nightmare’s make me do anything I don’t want to do without realizing it. That’s something.”

Discord was quiet for several moments, lost in thought. Then he mumbled to himself again. “A good friend is worth any wait…. Well, if all of you think I was worth the wait, you have no idea how worth the wait all of you have been to me. Noble Twilight Sparkle, Generous Rarity, Honest Applejack, Loyal Rainbow Dash, Laughing Pinkie Pie, Kind Fluttershy, Patient Luna…and Fair Celestia.” He blushed a little. “I’d do just about anything for you. Maybe even admit to my nightmares and my shame…and maybe even face them too.” Discord sighed and snapped his fingers, and then he was gone in a flash of light to different dimensional planes and different time periods and different cities, lost in revelry and his chaos until the morning light.

Author's Note:

Alright then, another (lengthy--I know, I know lol) chapter up and posted! :twilightsmile: I hope you guys liked this one, and please review if you can!

Next time around:
Chapter 17: The End of a Nightmare
A dark and stormy night sets in, Luna is on high alert, Celestia is worried, and Discord has his worst nightmare yet...and this time someone in real life actually does get hurt. It's a very dramatic, action-packed chapter that I hope you'll enjoy! (And I promise, we're getting very close to the gala! Thank you all for reading despite my tendency to make stories much longer than I initially think they're going to be lol).

On a side note, it occurs to me that if I put even half as much effort into my own love life as I do into getting a magical pony princess and a master of chaos together in a non-canonical piece of fiction, I'd probably wouldn't have to keep going to my friends' weddings without a date, lol (seriously--EVERYONE is getting married). Oh well, at least this way we all get to enjoy some fictional awkwardness instead of me having to endure real life awkwardness all on my own :trollestia:

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