• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,706 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 26: The Gentle End of a Chaotic Night

In the cool evening air, the draconequus and the princess flew together surrounded by nothing but the bright light of the moon overhead and the gentle silence of the night sky.

Emphasis on silence.

Indeed, Celestia and Discord hadn’t managed to say anything to each other in the last several minutes since they had started their flight back to the castle, though plenty of awkward glances had been exchanged along with the occasional clearing of a throat and a light blush.

Finally, Discord just sighed deeply, his look dull. “We’re regressing.”

“What?” Celestia blinked a few times and looked to him.

Discord crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “We’re regressing. When we started trying to be close friends, the first snag we ran into were long awkward silences, but we managed to work past them. But now we’re back to long awkward silences again.” He blushed a little. “I knew how I felt would complicate things no matter how well you took the truth.”

Celestia smiled a little. “Yes, Discord, we might run into a few difficult moments while we try to get used to the new turn our friendship has taken. But it doesn’t mean we’re regressing. We’re just…progressing in a new direction. And silence isn’t a bad thing.” Her gaze warmed. “Maybe one day we’ll even have comfortable silences. Usually only best friends manage those.”

Discord’s smile returned, and he nodded. “I have those a lot with Fluttershy. They confused me at first, but then I realized how much she enjoys silence and quiet and peace, and I started to enjoy it too.” He cleared his throat. “You and I might need a while to get there though, all things considered. And besides, I do love hearing myself talk and knowing that you’re hearing me talk. You have no idea how maddening it was being able to hear you and not being able to say anything as a statue.” He rolled his eyes.

Celestia grinned and rolled her eyes as well. “Well, even if we never make it to comfortable silences, I do love talking together, Discord. It’s much more fun than lecturing stone.”

Discord lowered his arms and laughed a little. Then he cleared his throat. “Celestia…?”


He glanced at her, an eyebrow raised. “You’d really go for a consort?” She blushed, and he quickly explained. “It’s just…such an official-sounding thing even if it’s more relaxed than ‘husband’. Couldn’t you go all the way against the grain of formality and just see somebody without any strings or titles attached if you wanted?”

Celestia smiled a little, looking forward. “My position makes that complicated, Discord. And besides…I do like a little formality. I just don’t want it to control my life.”

Discord gave a nod. Then, with a blush he added… “And, despite being only friends, I’m…still the first one you’d pick for that position if you had to pick someone?”

“Well,” Celestia swallowed and cleared her throat, “you’re the friend I’m most comfortable with…who also happens to be male…which I’d prefer, so…yes.”

The chaos master sighed. “Nothing could ever actually make you have to choose somebody for that though, right? I mean, there’s no archaic law from early Equestria that could pop up demanding you find some sort of partner in crime besides Luna for this ‘ruling Equestria’ thing?”

Celestia blinked then glanced at him. “No, I don’t think anything like that could come up.” She smiled a little again. “There was a time far in the past when occasionally an advisor of mine would recommend marriage to another land’s king or prince as a way of resolving a dispute, but I believe those days are behind us.”

Discord nodded. “Do me a favor: if a situation ever does come up where you ‘have to’ pick someone, instead of picking me, give whoever’s pressuring you a good talking to like you did with those ponies in the garden tonight who didn’t want you to have anyone at all to date.” He gave her a small grin. “The Celestia I aspire to makes sacrifices for her kingdom, but she doesn’t let anyone push her around.”

The sun princess smiled softly and nodded in return. “You have my word, Discord.”

Discord smiled more.

Celestia considered for a moment then raised an eyebrow at him. “Discord…you’ve made it sound like you’ve had close relationships with ladies in the past. I didn’t realize you used to date.”

Discord blinked then shrugged. “Oh well…I ‘sort of’ dated. Not formally, but…you know…I do like attention, and I don’t mind having a nice night out.”

“But…how could you see anybody without ever learning to be friends with them too?” Celestia tilted her head.

Discord looked forward, his arms behind his back now. “Friends would be necessary for emotional commitment and serious relationships. But I just liked having fun with ladies who liked having fun too. Sure, I cared a little, but not enough for there to be friendship.”

“Oh…I see.” Celestia looked forward too, blushing lightly. “Well…as long as that made you happy in the past, Discord, then I’m happy for you.”

“It didn’t make me happy, just amused.” Discord sighed. “You make me happy though…even just as friends.”

The sun princess swallowed. “You make me happy too, Discord, as my friend.”

Celestia and Discord both smiled and blushed a little as they glanced at each other again. There was silence, but suddenly it didn’t seem so awkward anymore.

Discord chuckled as they continued to soar together. “Wow, I really made this night a doozy for us, huh?”

Celestia had to laugh as she nodded. “I think you outdid yourself, Discord, really. I’ve never been through so much in a single evening.”

“So what you’re saying is, I made tonight the most chaotic night ever?” He smirked and raised an eyebrow at her as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Celestia smirked a little too. “I suppose I am. And in that case, you really must have enjoyed yourself a lot tonight overall, Discord.”

“Overlooking the humiliation part?” He raised an eyebrow. “Yes, actually, I did, come to think of it.” He turned to fly on his back as he let his arms come to his sides again. “You?”

Celestia nodded. “Very much. Don’t tell the girls, but I think you almost did a better job of shaking things up than they did last year.”

“I’m the master of chaos.” Discord examined his claw with a proud grin. “Did you really expect anything less?” He lowered his claw and looked to her again. “And next year I won’t be spending half the evening giddy with emotional turmoil, so I’ll really be able to cut loose and give everypony some fun right away for the Gala.”

Celestia giggled. “I hope you’ll come to some parties before then too. You should see how boring the monthly castle garden parties can get….”

Discord chuckled. “Not when I turn all of the croquet mallets into live flamingos, and give the flowers the power of speech, and decorate with all the trimmings of a mad tea party. Just say the word, and I’ll be there. My schedule’s freed up a lot ever since ‘conquer Equestria and destroy the pony sisters’ got taken off my to do list, you know. I can be your official on-call party crasher if you’d like.” He held his head high.

Celestia laughed softly. “I may just need you on standby, Discord. And I’ll appreciate your help.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Discord held up an arm dramatically. “To help my poor, dear friends when they’re in need, and especially in need of a good laugh. Or so you’ve told me.” He crossed his arms over his chest and grinned at her as turned on his side to face her as they flew. “My purpose in life is to spread beautiful chaos for the happiness of all apparently.”

“Your purpose is to be the best and most wonderful you that you can be, Discord.” Celestia’s gaze warmed.

“Wow.” Discord blinked. “I think that is the sappiest thing you’ve ever said to me. Even my loopy crush on you isn’t letting me overlook that much schmaltz.”

The sun princess laughed. “I was wondering how sugar-coated I’d have to get before you called me out on it.” She raised an eyebrow and smiled a little more. “Incidentally, I really hope this means no more flattering me and treating me like a princess just because you want to prove yourself a ‘worthy suitor’ to the crown.”

“Oh.” Discord cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest as he turned back onto his stomach again. “You…figured out that part of everything lately, huh?”

“A lot of things from lately are making a lot more sense to me now, Discord, in light of everything…” She blushed a little.

Discord grinned slightly and glanced at her again. “No more nearly worshipping you and trying to act like some kind of prince. I promise.”

“And you won’t get so nervous around me anymore…and you’ll really try to talk to me about your problems instead of just Luna?” Celestia’s look softened.

Discord’s eyes widened and he blushed a little as he rested his hand on his paw and considered. “I’ll talk to you about my non-romantic problems. And as for getting nervous around you, all I can promise is that I’ll try not to. But I can’t predict when an odd situation might come up, and then all bets are off. But I do promise I won’t let being nervous make me run away from you again.”

Celestia nodded. “Okay, Discord. Thank you.” She smiled again. “And I won’t bring up how you feel unless you want to talk about it. And I’ll try to be a little more aware of the situations we end up in and if, um… I’m doing anything to…I mean, if there’s a chance I might be enjoying your attention a little too much again, or if I find myself asking something of you that might be uncomfortable….” She was frowning now and looking down sheepishly.

“You mean like secretly inviting me to your room after dark to sit on your bed and chat while you took off the royal regalia and put on a little private Gala fashion show for me…?” The chaos master kept his eyes forward, smiling slightly.

Celestia stopped flying forward and blinked. Then with a deep blush she closed her eyes, sighed, and brought a hoof to her forehead. “I made this whole thing about as difficult for you as it could possibly be, and without even trying, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Discord chuckled as he shrugged and flew back over to her. “If it makes you feel any better though, enough time has passed that I’m just starting to find the whole thing amusing. And if it helps, I wasn’t completely gone for you yet then, though the whole thing certainly didn’t do anything to stop my feelings from growing.” He brought his arms behind his back, his eyes a little hazed. “You look so much more relaxed without all of the gaudy gold. It was nice to see for once, oh grim Celestia.”

Celestia looked back at him with a blush and small smile she couldn’t help, one of her eyebrows raised.

Discord blinked and his eyes went a little wide, but then he cleared his throat and started flying forward again (Celestia followed along). He sighed, his look a little dull now. “But really, Celestia, awkward moments are bound to come up. It’s nobody’s fault. But you acting self-conscious is going to be about as enjoyable for me as me acting nervous is for you.” He finally smiled again. “Don’t worry so much, Celestia. Let’s just enjoy our time together. We’ll work it out.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “I think so too, Discord.”

But then the chaos master sighed again. “…Though I think you’re going to need a few days apart from me after this. I insist.”

Celestia blinked. “But Discord—”

“Celestia.” He rubbed his temple. “When I realized how I felt about you, I kept myself away from you for at least a few days and it took me weeks to accept everything. Take a little time to yourself to absorb. Please. You’ve been through a lot between this Gala and me lately, and you need a rest.” She was about to protest again when he furrowed his brow and added, “I can sense magical imbalances, remember? And I can sense right now that your magic is distinctly more drained than usual. We have an eternity to get into awkward friendly hijinks together. I’m going to spend at least a few days with Fluttershy nursing my pride, so you take a few personal days to take care of yourself too. Honestly, the self-sacrifice bit gets old after a while, Celestia.”

Celestia blinked a couple of times but then finally nodded. “Okay, Discord. A couple of days apart might be all right. I usually do like to spend some time alone after the Gala anyway to rest. And…maybe I do need some time to absorb everything.” She smiled a little again. “But at least for right now we can still have each other.”

Discord gave a half smile. “We’re both still in shock: that’s the only reason ‘right now’ is working out so well for us.”

Celestia’s smile grew. “Now really is special.” She closed her eyes. “I love the nighttime.” And then she spread her wings and let herself do a full side turn in the air—a graceful single movement that then left her flying forward once more as she opened her eyes again.

“Ooo, getting a little fancy with the flying, hmm, princess?” Discord’s grin picked up on one side.

Celestia laughed softly. “It just feels nice to be in the cool night air and to be flying without being carted around by guards. Luna gets to do this all the time at night when there’s no one watching, just ponies dreaming their dreams.”

Discord considered and then smiled more. “Once you and I work out everything between us and get our friendship moving forward again, maybe we should go flying together some night. That’s one of my favorite things, just being free and soaring through the air.” He did a summersault in the air and shrugged. “I try to get Fluttershy to go with me, but flying a lot scares her. But on my own sometimes I go out soaring over the Everfree Forest, past the mountains where the dragons live, grazing the borders of Equestria itself, flying high over all sorts of creatures and places. And out that far, past all of the order the pony villages and cities create, it’s like you can see beyond the stars to the Galaxies themselves.” He turned to fly forward on his back and grinned at her. “You can tag along some night if you want…unless, of course, ‘miss princess of the day’ has to adhere to her strict eight hour a night sleep schedule.” He chuckled.

Celestia’s smile beamed as she looked at him. “Flying together like that sounds wonderful, Discord. I would love to go with you sometime.” Something in her violet eyes twinkled a little. “Can you really see beyond the stars sometimes?”

Discord’s eyes hazed as he nodded. “It’s like looking into the heart of creation: it’s breathtaking.”

Celestia’s eyes hazed a little for a moment too. But then she cleared her throat and blinked a couple of times. “And…you wouldn’t be worried about what ponies might say if they see us sneaking off on trips like that together? After all, there might be more rumors. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

Discord just sighed and shrugged. “Ponies are going to say what they’re going to say. And being friends with you is more important to me than whatever a bunch of gossip mongers can come up with. I’m comfortable…as long as you’ll be comfortable too…” His look softened a little.

“I don’t care if people tease us either, Discord.” Celestia smiled more.

Discord smiled a little again, then gazed up at the moon. He sighed. “Dating would be complicated for you, wouldn’t it? I’ll admit…until I overheard you talking in that garden with those ponies, I never thought much about all the technicalities. I mean, I worried if other ponies not approving of who you chose would bother you, but I didn’t consider all the social red tape you’d have to trot through.” He glanced over at her.

Smiling a little, Celestia nodded. “Yes. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be easy for myself or for Luna. Cadance worked it out well because she’s the princess of love and because she wasn’t in charge of the Empire at the time. Twilight might even be able to work it out one day too, if she likes. But Luna and I would have to go through quite a formal spectacle, I’m afraid.” She smiled more as she shook her head.

Discord chuckled. “And you know how much I hate formality. I think I was too wrapped up in the drama of tonight to consider the impracticality of how well you and I might work out day-to-day. I mean, we’d probably need some kind of set schedule for outings to keep up with your own royal duties schedule, and we’d probably have to know exactly where we were going and what we were doing all of the time, and we’d have to put labels on our relationship right from the start. Ugh….” He shook his head.

Celestia sighed and nodded, her smile growing. “Yes, a schedule would be necessary, but that wouldn’t even be the start of how complicated and orderly everything would have to be. First we would have to make an official proclamation of our intentions to one another. Then there would be invitations and a formal gathering to introduce the ponies to my suitor. Then after that we would make the courtship schedule. Oh, and then I’m afraid we would have to ask Luna’s blessing for our relationship: it’s sort of an old alicorn tradition, asking a family member for permission to court. A formality really, but still something that needs to be done.”

“Oh, don’t I know it.” Discord grinned and rolled his eyes as he turned onto his stomach again. “Earlier in this little Gala escapade, before I even had any feelings for you at all, Luna caught wind of the rumors about me setting out to break your heart and actually pinned me to a wall and threatened to banish me to the sun for possibly daring to pursue you without running it by her first.”

“She didn’t…” Celestia’s smile beamed.

“And when I told her I really had no designs on you, she took that as me saying you weren’t good enough for me and began to rant about how you were the finest pony in all of Equestria.” The chaos master grinned.

Celestia blinked a couple of times then smiled softly. “She really said that?”

Discord nodded. “She thinks very highly of you.”

Celestia’s smile grew all the more and her eyes shone a little.

Discord chuckled again. “Ah, but where were we? Oh yes, talking about the formality of dating the sun princess.” He crossed his arms with a smirk. “An official declaration? An invitational gathering? Family permission? Where’s the fun in that?” He shrugged. “I think affection should be much more spontaneous and allowed to grow and change whenever the mood strikes it.” He held his head high. “Romance is about chaos, Celestia, mark my words. And I refuse to entertain another notion about the idea.”

“I don’t entirely disagree with you, Discord.” Celestia nodded. “And that would be a very interesting argument to run by Cadance the next time she’s in town. But still, considering my position and your legacy, there would need to be the announcement…the permission…and then my guards usually accompany me on most of my official outings, so they would have to be summoned for any dates we had outside of the castle.”

Discord opened his eyes again to roll them as he scoffed. “Oh, surrounded by half a dozen stallions with spears ready to strike: yeah, that’s not a mood killer.”

Celestia’s smile picked up on one side. “And then of course you and I would have to take a few afternoons to pose for a new stained glass window in the throne room to commemorate our courtship.”

“And we couldn’t just magically whip up something that gaudy instead because…?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

Celestia shook her head, still smiling. “Because there are earth pony artisans who make those windows for me by hoof, and I think there’s always something more beautiful about them than ones just created by magic.”

The chaos master put his hands on his hips. “So for that bit of sentimentality you’d expect me to stand perfectly still with you for hours and hours while our likenesses were sculpted into glass. You know the only way that would happen is if I were sedated first, right? And how exactly do they ever get your hair right when it never stops moving?” He raised an eyebrow.

Celestia giggled. “A lot of careful practice. I told you the artisans are very skilled. Besides, I thought you liked being immortalized in stained glass.” She gave him a cheeky grin.

Discord smirked in return. “Point taken.” He considered, and then his smile grew wide. “You know, Celestia, I think this hypothetical relationship you’re describing is a little one-sided. Why should I have to bend over backwards…” he twisted himself in a loop for a moment, “to accommodate your order? You should have to bend that perfect princess self of yours to accommodate my chaos too, don’t you think? It’s only fair.” He untwisted.

Celestia nodded. “I agree, Discord. What would I have to do?”

The chaos master sighed. “Just learn to loosen up, Celestia—throw caution to the wind, play pranks, stay out late, eat dessert for breakfast, do whatever’s fun whenever you can manage it, dare to flaunt the laws of society and physics and magic all at once!” He held his head high again. “And of course you’d have to learn to manage all of my many-changing moods and random antics. You would have to be prepared to embrace nonsense and a lot of it.”

Celestia laughed softly. “I’d be happy to try, Discord. But I am still bound to my duties, so for anything too spontaneous I’m afraid we would only have the nights.”

Discord’s eyes went a little wide and he blushed, looking at Celestia.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at first but then blinked as the awkwardness of her words hit her as well now. She quickly cleared her throat and went on. “It would be a lot to ask from us both. We would certainly be an interesting pair.”

Discord got some of his blushing under control to smile again, his eyes bright. “We would be unstoppable and hilarious all at once—the most infamous celebrity couple in all of Equestria.” He held out his paw. “Celestia and Discord…the Princess of the Sun and the Master of Chaos…Big D and Tia…”

“Big D and Tia?” Celestia raised an eyebrow and held back a laugh.

“What?” Discord lowered his paw and shrugged at her. “We’d need pet names.”

Celestia smirked at him in return. “I am never calling you ‘Big D’. And if you start calling me ‘Tia’, maybe I’ll tell Luna that the sun sounds like an excellent vacation spot for you.”

Discord chuckled. “Or we could scar everyone for life, and I’ll just call you Sunshine and you can call me Master….” His cheeky grin picked up on one side.

Celestia’s smile grew. “Not unless you really do want to hear me say something to you in my Royal Canterlot voice, Discord.” Her eyes narrowed playfully. “The dragons never fared well against it: I doubt a draconequus would stand a chance.”

“Hmm…” Discord’s eyes narrowed a little too. “Well, Luna’s does scare me a little, so you might have a point there.” He stretched up with a grin. “Oh, but you have to admit that, even without pet names, you and I would at least have to act more affectionate if we were a couple. I’d probably have to start bringing you flowers but all the time now…and chocolates—or, excuse me, chocolate cake, leaving you little notes, dressing up for you, saying nice things to you…and we’d have to hold hooves and hands and kiss passionately and all of that junk.” He was blushing a lot, looking down but still smiling.

Celestia was fairing about the same. “Then it’s good that we’re just friends,” left her in a soft tone. “We don’t have to endure any of that. We can just be together without any strings at all.”

“Yes.” Discord nodded once…and then made a strange dip downward in the air, which left him flying forward on his back just beneath Celestia now. “Except for one thing…” he went on.

“What?” Celestia looked down at him, an eyebrow raised.

Discord sighed. “I might not be ready to be romantically involved with you…but I am still attracted to you, Celestia, Princess of the Sun.”

Celestia’s pale features seared with scarlet even in the pale moonlight. “Oh…” Her wide eyes didn’t leave his.

Discord swallowed and shrugged. “I just thought we should be clear with each other. And maybe I just…want you to know while I still have the courage and the opportunity to say something. You already know how I feel about you, but you don’t know why I feel that way. And I might need you to know both.” He blushed more.

Celestia gave a single slight nod.

Discord nodded too. Then he went on. “You’re a fascinating mare, you know, not just as a princess but as yourself.” He almost smiled. “Clever and capable and wise and good…intelligent, creative, and funny too somehow. So many experiences, and so many secrets…gentle in your rule and yet a warrior in the defense of your subjects. A lady with the grace and form of a goddess but the modesty and honesty of a child…and eyes that flash like fireworks when you’re angry and that light up like the sunrise when I talk about adventures…and the most enchanting laugh these chaotic ears have ever heard. I used to find all of that power, all of that commanding personality, such a bother, but now I…take a certain thrill in experiencing its effects. There’s a brilliance about you. You make things in this crazy world better just by being here and being yourself.” His eyes hazed. “And you have to know I truly tip my hat to you about your hair: I’ve decided you have the most gloriously chaotic mane conceivable. And I know this last one might not make a lot of sense, though this is me we’re talking about, but…I find how orderly you are maddening in the best possible way.” He chuckled. “Not to mention you’re quite cute for a pony, princess.”

Celestia just remained flying over him as the two of them kept moving forward. She still blushed rosy and still wore a small smile (and something in her eyes shone a little again tonight). “All of that is very nice of you to let me know, Discord. Thank you,” left her in a soft voice.

Discord took a breath. “You’re welcome. Thanks for letting me tell you everything.” His eyes looked down toward his chest. “You really are special, you know. Don’t ever forget that.”

Celestia just watched him for a moment and then couldn’t help a small laugh.

The chaos master glanced up at her and raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Nothing.” Celestia shook her head. “It’s just…in an odd way you remind me a little of someone, I think.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

“Starswirl.” Celestia’s smile grew. “You know, the bearded.” She reached out with her hoof and lightly tapped Discord’s beard.

Discord’s eyes went wide and he blushed distinctly for a second, but then he rolled his eyes and sighed as he glanced away. “Oh. Your aged best friend and near father figure from back in the day. Thanks.”

Celestia’s grin picked up on one side, and she shook her head. “I said you only reminded me of him a little. It’s the beard…but also how you help me have fun and how much you encourage me and how much I learn from spending time with you, Discord. You make me feel good about myself. But it’s just in those ways really. I view you as a contemporary otherwise…and a genuine gentlepony.” She blushed a little. “I mean, gentlecolt…well, gentledraconequus. You understand.”

Discord chuckled lightly and grinned more. “Not that I could ever be anything less for a lady of your caliber.” He gave a slight bow of his head, then swallowed and smirked as he added, “Just resist falling for my captivating personality and my devilish good looks and my unparalleled wit, and I think we’ll be fine, princess. “ He was grinning by now, and of course a smiling Celestia rolled her eyes again and nudged his arms with her hoof.

“Ow, hey!” Discord flinched, though he kept his smile.

“You and I really should have a long talk about humility.” The sun princess smiled more.

Discord just grinned back at her. “Like it would help anything. You already made me good, Celestia: don’t try and tweak the rollercoaster now that you’ve made it a survivable attraction. Just enjoy the twists and turns of the ride.” He swirled in a wide arc around the sun princess and then came to resume his position flying alongside her.

Celestia sighed. “Let’s just start by enjoying the rest of our flight, Discord.”

Discord nodded with a little smile. “Sounds fair enough to me…Tia.” The final word was a soft mumble.

Celestia just smiled more, her gaze warm. “Come on then, Discord.” She flew higher.

Discord watched her ascend then let out a very deep breath (still smiling) and headed off after her.

A little while later, in the streets of Ponyville…

The royal chariot had finished dropping off all of the girls and Twilight for the night, and now it landed outside of Carousel Boutique.

Spike opened the door and stepped outside with a bow. “My lady…” He gestured forward with his arm.

Rarity came into view and smiled, her gaze warm. “Thank you, Spike, how kind of you.” She bowed her head and then stepped down to the sidewalk and walked toward the boutique.

Spike closed the door and looked after her with a little smile and blush. He stepped forward but then hesitated and turned around. “Uh…” he grinned sheepishly at the guards pulling the chariot, rubbing the back of his neck, “you guys can head back to Canterlot now, if you want. I’ve got this”

The guards all smirked a little but nodded and quickly took off.

Spike let out a sigh and dashed over to Rarity, who had reached her front steps.

“Rarity?” Spike moved alongside her with a smile.

Rarity turned from her door and smiled down at him. “Yes, Spike?”

Spike let out a sigh. “I just wanted to say that I really liked getting to escort you tonight. And that I hope I treated you like the lady you deserve to be treated as. And that I’m happy you enjoyed yourself…I-I mean, if you enjoyed yourself. I’m hoping you enjoyed yourself. Anyway, I…”

“Spike.” Rarity gently placed a hoof on his shoulder and looked down at him with a special smile. “Of course I had a lovely time: you’re the best escort a lady could imagine, and any lady would be lucky to be on your arm. But that’s not all that matters. I hope you had a good time too.” She removed her hoof and glanced to the side. “My feelings aren’t the only ones that matter—yours do too. Please always remember that.” Her eyes met his again.

Spike blinked a couple of times but then smiled more and nodded. “Okay. And I did have a good time, Rarity. I like spending time with all the girls and especially you. And our dance was everything I hoped it would be.” He looked down a little. “You made me feel like a real escort, Rarity, not a baby dragon tagging along or something. That means a lot to me.” He swallowed. “You’re a good friend.”

“And you’re a good gentledragon, Spike.” Rarity came closer. “And I don’t care how young you are compared to most dragons, you’re certainly not a baby anymore. You’re sweet and dear, and I admire you very much.”

He looked up with a humble smile.

Rarity’s gaze softened. She cleared her throat with a light blush. “Thank you for seeing me to my door, Spike. Have a good night.” And then she leaned down and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

Rarity pulled back to find Spike’s eyes wide and his features blushing a deep crimson in the moonlight. She just smiled. “Now please get home safely, Spikey Wikey. I know it’s just a few streets away, but I do worry about you. And thank you again for all of your wonderful companionship for the evening, my dear friend.” She opened her door and stepped inside, glancing over her shoulder. “Goodnight.”

Spike just wobbled a little and nodded as a dreamy look overtook his features. “Uh huh…” He waved. “Bye, Rarity. You have a good night too…”

She nodded and then closed the door behind her.

Spike turned and proceeded to slump down to her stoop with his back against her front door as he let out a dreamy sigh and touched his cheek (which he could just see out of the corner of his eye bore the reddish tint of Rarity’s lipstick).

Just a few moments prior, back with the chaos master and the sun princess…

The starlight and moonlight cast a bright silver glow over Canterlot Castle as Discord and Celestia finally alighted on the balcony of Celestia’s tower.

Discord smiled a little. “Well, I suppose I should say goodnight now that I’ve made sure Equestria’s powerful alicorn princess made her way home safely.”

Celestia smiled in return. “Thank you again for escorting me, Discord. It was nice…just now and at the Gala too.” Her smile grew.

“You’re welcome, my lady.” He gave her a dramatic bow.

Celestia laughed softly. “I hope you have a good night, my escort, and that I’ll see you again soon.” She blinked a few times and couldn’t help a yawn escaping her. “I was going to see if I could help Luna or any of the staff that’s still awake with cleaning up the ballroom, but…I think I’m too tired. I suppose it can wait until sunrise.”

Discord straightened up again and frowned a little but then smiled once more. “Celestia?”

“Yes, Discord?” She finished her yawn but then raised an eyebrow as he held up his fingers.

“Consider it done.” Discord snapped, creating a light spherical aura of magic that spread out around him and then dispersed. He explained. “Whatever was left of my chaos and the cleaning and even the decorations is now all taken care of, and in the morning you’ll find an immaculate ballroom waiting for you. I even put a replacement cake in the kitchen—chocolate cherry marshmallow with lemon coconut frosting, just like at our last picnic. It’s the least I could do for you and Luna and for the guards and the maids.”

Celestia’s smile grew so much. “Thank you, Discord, that’s very helpful. Though I will miss the beautiful floor you made.”

Discord smiled. “Just say the word, and it’ll be back for next year’s Gala.” He winked. And then he took a deep breath and moved closer. “And now I should do something else for you too…and for myself.” He reached out toward her.

Celestia remained perfectly still, her eyes a little wide, until she felt him take the corsage from her hair gently.

The chaos master sighed at the sight of the wilted (though still quite vibrant in color) blossom. But then he shrugged and snapped. The flower became perfect again (though the colors took on a softer hue). He cleared his throat and explained. “I’d rather not leave you with a flower that’s going to bloom and whither with the rise and fall of my emotions. It’s making me self-conscious just thinking about.” He smiled. “Now your corsage is just in the image of the memory of my feeling for you, and it’ll stay perfect.” He slipped the flower over a wave of her hair back behind her ear and smiled more. “You should wear hair clips more often. I mean, if you can find ones that work against the unstoppable force of your ethereal mane. It’s nice to see both of your eyes for once, all wide and startled. I used to love getting that shocked look from you back in the old days.” He crossed his arms and smirked at the sight of her still looking up at him with wide eyes and a light blush. “And, what, Celestia, did you think I was going to cup your cheek in my hand and attempt another kiss or something just now? Me thinks the lady doth imagine too much.” He chuckled.

The sun princess blinked a couple of times and then shook her head with a blush and a smile. “I’m just still getting used to you being so considerate and kind, Discord. I’ve learned so much about how good you are from all of his.” Her eyes hazed.

Discord blinked a couple of times and glanced to the side. “Yeah, well…you know, I’m reformed and everything. Just doing my best. No need to rub it in.”

“You gave me one of the best nights of my life.”

Discord blinked and then looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

Celestia smiled a little and sighed.

And then she sang: a simple, soft, familiar tune associated with this night.

“At the Gala, with my escort,
I had a special night.
Dancing and talking and laughing,
Right there at the Gala.”

She walked around him.

Discord straightened up entirely and then he rubbed his temple. “Oh, sweet chaos, you’re singing. Sometimes I forget just how much of a pony you are.”

Celestia laughed softly. “Well, you seem too shy to talk about how wonderful you made this Gala for me, so I thought singing was the next best thing.” She cleared her throat and went on.

“From the magic of friendship
We have a bond that will never end
And a memory we’ll always share
In the future after our Gala.”

Discord looked down, blushing slightly. “Yes, yes, I know, and we’ll go skipping for eternity through fields of flowers sharing and playing games and being buddies. Don’t rub it in.” He smiled a little.

Celestia shook her head with a smile as she circled around him on the other side.

“We’re Celestia and Discord,
The sun and chaos in harmony…”

For a moment, Discord took over, keeping his eyes down: “Nothing has to be strange?”

Celestia tilted her head to try to meet Discord’s gaze as she shook her head. “Now that we’re done with the Gala.”

“Your singing is just as beautiful as you are, you know.”

That sudden soft comment from Discord made Celestia pause for a moment. And then she came around him completely and smiled up at him.

“You’re very charming and funny
And anypony could like you.
Smart, shy, talented, sly—
The most wonderful escort for the Gala."

Discord looked down at her with a slight smirk and a light blush. “Is it over? Are you done trying to make me feel special?”

“Never.” Celestia smiled more.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Your lack of sleep and falling sugar rush from all those donuts we ate not to mention the amount of time I had you dancing at a high altitude is clearly making you a little delirious, princess. On the bright side, all of those things are also making me able to smile through all of this. We both might feel ridiculous in the morning though.”

“Probably.” Celestia nodded. “But I don’t mind.”

Discord sighed and then took her hoof and stepped back to give her a slight bow. “Goodnight, Celestia…” He swallowed. “Tia…” He let his eyes meet hers.

Celestia smiled more and gave a small nod. “Goodnight, Discord.”

The chaos master grinned softly at her for a moment and then made a slight movement down with his head—a move easily recognizable as him being about to kiss her hoof. But instead he stopped himself and straightened up, then released her hoof.

Celestia gave a small sigh and looked down for a moment. But then she looked up again. “And sweet dreams, Discord. Thank you again for being my escort.” And then before he could say anything more, Celestia leaned up and gave Discord a gentle kiss upon the cheek.

She pulled back to see him standing there all pink in his features for the second time tonight.

The sun princess swallowed and tried not to laugh. “I’ll see you soon. Goodbye…” She turned and headed toward the curtains leading into her room.

Discord’s jaw was hanging open a little at this point, but he closed his mouth now and blinked a few times. “I…” his voice actually cracked in an odd way, but then he cleared his throat and went on normally, “Sweet, um…sweet dreams. Bye.” He fumbled with his fingers a couple of times and then finally blushed, rolled his eyes, and snapped his tail to disappear in a burst of light.

Watching him go over her shoulder, Celestia couldn’t help a small laugh. And then she took a very deep breath, lowered her gaze, and headed forward into the dimness of her room.

Discord, meanwhile, had snapped himself straight into Ponyville airspace and was already soaring in the opposite direction of the castle…touching his cheek lightly. Finally he sighed and shook his head. “I’m going to bed, and I am sleeping for a long time. A very long time.” A dramatic sigh left him. “I could have just stayed evil, wormed my way out of that stone prison somehow, filled the world with chocolate rain and no gravity and paths made of soap. But no, I had to be all noble and give in to kindness and loyalty and honesty and generosity and laughter and the magic of friendship. My heart doesn’t know what to do with itself anymore.” And yet he couldn’t help a small smile. “Still though, maybe I’m not off to such a bad start.”

He chuckled and then turned his eyes below to scan for the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage…when suddenly he noticed the strange sight of a chariot taking off from near the heart of Ponyville, leaving behind what turned out to be Rarity and Spike in front of Carousel Boutique.

Discord watched in interest as the couple talked for a few moments. And then he watched with wide eyes as Rarity leaned down and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. She then headed back inside, and Spike eventually just turned and slumped against her door with a big grin on his face.

Discord smiled more and shook his head, then flew down to the boutique. “Well, well, well…planning a little campout on her doorstep, not-so-baby dragon?”

“Hmm?” Spike raised an eyebrow, his look still dreamy. “Oh, no, no…” He stood up, wobbling a little. “I-I really should get home anyway to see Twilight and…” And then Spike blinked and jumped in the air. “Discord?!” He zipped right up to the chaos master. “Where have you been? I mean, how are you?! I mean…it’s good to see you, but are you okay?”

Discord just smiled and nodded. “Oh…Oh, yes, yes, much better now. Don’t worry about me, Spike. I got all of the melodrama out of my system, and then Celestia found me and made me have a nice long talk about feelings, and now I’m right as chocolate rain again.”

“Oh.” Spike smiled sheepishly. “Good. Everyone’s been worried about you, especially the girls and me too.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me.” Discord waved him off with a grin. “I’m Discord.” He snapped his fingers to put himself on a pogo stick and bounced a few times. “I always bounce back.” He snapped away the pogo stick and flew up a little, then raised an eyebrow, smiling more. “You’re the one who needs worrying about. You’re stuck walking home now. Why did you send away the chariot?”

Spike shrugged and looked down a little. “I just, um…didn’t feel like having an audience of half a dozen pegasus guards for saying goodnight to Rarity.”

“Hmm…point taken.” Discord nodded. “Well, in that case, would you like a ride home, Spike?” Discord flew low and stretched out his back before Spike.

Spike nodded. “Sure, Discord. Thanks.” He climbed on and then smiled a little again. “So you’re coming back home to the castle now?”

Discord sighed. “I will…eventually. But for now I need some time with Fluttershy.” He took off into the night air.

“Oh.” Spike held onto Discord’s back as they soared higher. “Discord?” He blushed a little. “I’m sorry things tonight got so complicated for you. I really hope you did manage to have a good Gala no matter how it ended.”

Discord actually chuckled a little. “And I appreciate that, Spike. But don’t worry. The night got chaotic, but I love chaos, so it all kind of evened itself out. Besides, I think talking about your night right now sounds much more interesting…” His grin picked up a little on one side, and he glanced over his shoulder. “I might have caught that little kiss on the cheek Rarity gave you before going inside. She must have been very pleased with you as her escort.”

Spike blushed a lot and looked down. “Yeah. She told me that I was the best escort she could have imagined and that she was glad we both had a good night together. And then she told me I was a gentledragon and that any lady would be lucky to get escorted by me, and that I’m sweet and dear, and then…well, you know.” He sighed and touched his cheek again. “I know we’re just friends, and I’m happy that we are. But…I still sort of hope that she thinks of me as more someday.”

Discord nodded, maintaining a grin. “Well, you never do know, young dragon. Congratulations on succeeding at showing her a good time. I say as long as you care for her, never lose heart and just do your best to be the best suitor you can be for her.”

Spike smiled a little again. “Thanks, Discord. And, hey, at least I got a kiss out of it. It was a kiss on the cheek, but still….” He touched his cheek once more. But then he blinked a couple of times and frowned a little. “So…you and Celestia…are you okay now about, um…whatever it might be that you might not be okay about…or…?”

Discord sighed. “You know how I feel about her, don’t you, Spike?”

“Well…yeah.” Spike swallowed.

“And I’m guessing that means all the girls know too?” The chaos master blushed slightly.

Spike nodded. “Yup. But it’s okay, Discord: Fluttershy talked to them, and they promised not to bring it up.” He bit his lip. “So…you and the princess are still, um…friends at least, right?”

Discord hesitated but then gave a nod as he looked forward again. “Friends for now does seem best for us, yes. All of the changes to our relationship really have been happening so quickly now that I think about it.” He lowered his voice. “But…I think there might be some hope for the future, if something more turned out to be what we both want. We’ll see.”

“That’s good, Discord.” Spike’s smile returned. “I’m happy. For what it’s worth coming from me, I think you two seemed kind of nice together, especially when you were dancing.”

“It’s worth a great deal to me, Spike, and thank you.” Discord nodded, smiling a little again himself.

Spike nodded in return then blushed a little. “Um, Discord? Will you keep it a secret about Rarity giving me a kiss? I don’t want all the girls fawning over me and getting all mushy about it.”

Discord grinned. “You’ve got it, Spike.” He cleared his throat. “And if I share something with you, will you keep it just between us guys as well?”

“Of course.” Spike nodded.

“Well…” Discord swallowed, “you can’t really tell because Rarity goes in for makeup and lipstick far more than Celestia, but, um…I got one of those too tonight: a kiss on the cheek.” His grin picked up beneath the cheek that bore the kiss.

“Really?” Spike beamed. “Wow, and from Princess Celestia…. I bet half the kingdom would kill to be in your shoes. The stallions alone…”

Discord chuckled a little and rolled his eyes. “Don’t remind me.” He sighed. “But yes, of all the potential suitors in the kingdom, I’m the one who got a kiss…on the cheek. But, as you say, still….”

Spike chuckled a little as he let himself relax on Discord’s back and admire the night around them. “Forget last year when Twilight and the girls all knocked down half the ballroom: this Gala was definitely the best night ever!”

Discord nodded. “Yes, it truly—” He blinked, and his jaw fell as he instantly stopped flying. “Wait a minute, that’s what the girls did last year?!?!” He turned to look at Spike over his shoulder again. “Okay, that’s it, I want details and I want details right now. After everything I’ve been through, I’ve earned the chance to hear about someone else making a spectacle of themselves at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Spike smiled and rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay, Discord….” Discord proceeded in the direction of the friendship castle as the young dragon went on. “Well, the night started out with the girls splitting up at the Gala, which was a mistake of course, and it definitely ended with the entire ballroom falling apart. Everything that happened in between was kind of crazy. Even Fluttershy went a little nuts….” He continued on with the story while Discord listened intently.

Discord had dropped off Spike at the castle several minutes ago, and now finally he landed before Fluttershy’s cottage, where some lights still glowed behind her closed shutters. “Well, at least she’s still awake.” He swallowed and gave a playful rap at the door, then raised his voice. “Fluttershy dear? It’s Discord. You remember—easily the most dramatic guest tonight at the party.” He shrugged with a small, sheepish grin. “I know you’re probably tired from the Gala, but I was wondering if I could maybe spend the night…or a few days…or a week…?” He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “And I promise, one of these days if somehow you’re the one of us who needs extreme emotional support, I’ll try to have a cottage handy for you to come visit at all hours…”

The cottage door suddenly flew open, and Fluttershy instantly flew out with a big smile. “Discord!” She wrapped her arms around him in a hug, still airborne. “Oh, I was so worried about you! You were so sad when you left the party! I wasn’t sure where you’d go or what you might do. And then I remembered you saying you might go away for a while if Princess Celestia didn’t like you back, and then I realized I wasn’t sure what ‘a while’ meant to you since you’ve lived for so long, and I started to imagine I might not see you again for years.” She looked up at him with her eyes big and bright. “I’m so happy you’re still here though. I knew you’d probably write to me if you went away, but this is much better.”

Discord blinked a couple of times then smiled warmly. “Fluttershy, I’m sorry I made you worry about me. But I promise you, I would never ever go away without telling you first, and certainly never for years.” He hugged her in return. “You’re my best friend, after all: you must know I care about you far too much to let you go that easily.”

Fluttershy’s smile softened. “I do know, Discord. And I care about you too.” She gave him an extra hug and then flew back a little and gestured inside as she landed. “I already set up your bed for you on the sofa, just in case you came by. And I made you some nice, soothing tea.”

“That sounds wonderful, Fluttershy.” Discord nodded and followed her inside, closing the door behind them. He stretched and then snapped away his tuxedo and put on in its place a nightcap and a bathrobe. “After everything that’s happened lately, I feel like I could sleep for a thousand years.” He chuckled.

Fluttershy laughed too as she fluffed up his pillow. Then she frowned a little as she looked to him again. “Discord? I, um…I think I need to tell you something…”

“Is it that all of the girls and Spike also know that I’m smitten with Celestia?” The chaos master smiled softly as he sat down on the sofa.

Fluttershy blinked but then nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry, Discord, really. I promise I didn’t tell them. They just all sort of figured it out on their own.”

Discord waved her off as he poured them tea from the tray on the coffee table and took up his cup. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been being pretty obvious about my feelings in a lot of ways lately anyway: they were bound to figure me out. And besides, I know you girls won’t give me a hard time about it or tell anyone. And maybe this is for the best: now I don’t have to feel like I’m keeping a big secret from my friends.”

Fluttershy smiled a little again. “I’m glad you’re okay with it, Discord. And, um, speaking of the girls, I just wanted to say from all of us that I’m sorry we couldn’t help you have a better end to your Gala night. I know you must have been pretty upset to let out all of that chaos.”

Discord smirked just a little. “Not as upset as you must have been to have run into the ballroom last year screaming ‘you are going to love me’ to all of the garden animals.”

Fluttershy blinked and blushed.

“I ran into Spike on the way here—he finally filled me in.” Discord explained with a chuckle. “And may I say, bravo to you ladies for bringing so much chaos to the night all by yourselves complete with near demolition of the ballroom. And an especially big bravo to you in particular, dear Fluttershy, for finally having a moment where you outright demanded all of the affection and attention you deserve.”

Fluttershy smiled a little and glanced to the side. “It really was sort of a strange night last year. I suppose no Gala’s perfect.”

“No…” Discord looked down into his tea, “…but this year’s came pretty close.” He sighed softly and then glanced to her again. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. You’re right, I was pretty upset before I left the Gala, but I’m a lot better now. I had some time alone to think, I ate a lot of yummy donuts, and then I had a long talk with Celestia when she found me. And, not to make anypony jealous, but I think she was even more impressed with how I shook up her little party than she was with how you girls did it.”

Fluttershy smiled more. “I’m glad you got to talk to Princess Celestia.” She swallowed, her voice softening. “Is everything okay between you two?”

“Oh yes, yes.” Discord waved her off as he shifted to rest back against the pillows. “We chatted, we shared, we got close. We’re planning on a spring wedding. And you and the girls are all invited to the shower for the first foal.”

A small squeak left Fluttershy, and she blushed entirely.

Discord blushed a little too as he chuckled and lowered his cup. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. We just talked about our friendship and the future…and of course the, um…misunderstanding about how I feel about her and how I hoped she felt about me. She really is a very good and kind pony: I understand why you girls look up to her so much. She doesn’t expect you to ever be something you’re not. She’s not controlling and certainly not manipulative like I could be when I tried to rule Equestria. She’s accepting and encouraging…and loving when you get to know her.” He blushed a little more but cleared his throat and went on. “I think it’s nice—sappy but nice. I like being around her. I even agreed to think about being her escort to next year’s Gala.” He swallowed. “Um…I’d rather you didn’t mention that to the other girls though, Fluttershy, all right?”

Fluttershy just sat there watching him with a special smile. And now she nodded. “Of course not, Discord: I won’t mention it to the girls. And I’m happy you’re feeling better now. And I’m happy you and Princess Celestia are becoming such good friends.” She moved the blankets over him to tuck him in. “But you should get some rest now, Discord. You’ve had a big night. We can talk more in the morning. And you can stay here for as long as you’d like.”

Discord smiled more as he took another sip of tea and then placed the cup on coffee table. “Thank you, dear Fluttershy. And you get some rest too. It was a big night for everyone, after all.”

“Okay Discord.” Fluttershy nodded as she stepped back and took up her teacup to bring the warm beverage upstairs with her. “Goodnight.”

She moved toward the stairs, but then Discord reached out a hand. “Fluttershy?”

“Yes?” The yellow pegasus glanced over her shoulder.

Discord lowered his arm and looked down for a moment and then back up at her. “So…you and the other girls weren’t sure if Celestia would accept me or reject me…which means you really thought there was a chance that she could like me as more than a friend?” He cleared his throat. “I-I’m just trying to understand how preposterous or not preposterous it might sound to the average pony…that I could be good enough for the wise and powerful and perfect Princess Celestia.”

“Oh Discord, what are you talking about?” Fluttershy smiled more and shrugged. “You’re good enough for anybody. You’re a great friend and nice and funny and very creative. It’s not preposterous that Celestia could want you as a special somepony. And…if you and Celestia ever did feel that way about each other…well, there might be some ponies who would be confused, but…I for one would think it was sweet. You actually remind me a lot of Princess Celestia, Discord: you’re strong and protective and smart and a good leader.”

“Oh, um….” Discord blushed and smiled a little. “Yes, well…just…just trying to be the best reformed Discord I can be. And thanks, I’ll keep in mind how preposterous but not-too-preposterous the idea is that she and I could, you know….”

Fluttershy nodded. “Discord, I know you might need some time to yourself here with me, but Twilight decided to have her castlewarming party in a couple of weeks. And…Pinkie Pie said if I saw you to tell you that she hopes you’ll crash it and bring some chaos to it just like we talked about.”

Discord smiled more. “I’ll be honored to, dear Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nodded and smiled more. “Sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight, dear Fluttershy. You have sweet dreams too.” Discord gave her a small wave as she turned off the lamp and headed upstairs.

Alone in the dim living room now, Discord gazed up at the ceiling for a moment. Then he hesitantly brought his paw to his cheek and smiled a little. “I’m…just a little giddy because no one ever kissed me on the cheek like Celestia did—gently and warmly and like something so small could mean so much. It’ll pass: I mean, my heart has to stop fluttering eventually, right? And this little spot here has to stop feeling like there’s sunshine pouring through it soon enough. And then Celestia and I really can just be friends.” His blush grew. “I just hope Luna doesn’t worry about me and visit my dreams tonight to check up on me. They might be a little extra private: I’ll have to hang a mental ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on my mind or something.” Discord took his paw from his cheek to snap his fingers. Then he gave a satisfied yawn and snapped once more to give himself a sleeping mask and a stuffed Discord doll to cuddle as he turned on his side and prepared for sleep. “Oh sweet Celestia…what in the world am I going to do with you?” He chuckled.

The chaos master soon began to doze off in the peace and privacy of Fluttershy’s living room at this late, peaceful hour of this most chaotic of nights.

In the land of dreams…

The scene was the Canterlot castle ballroom, only now the space was devoid of decorations and partygoers and bright lights. Instead, soft lamps cast a gentle illumination while a single couple, Celestia and Discord, stood before each other at the center of the room and lightly swayed to soft music in the background (Celestia’s hoof in Discord’s claw, and Discord’s paw on Celestia’s shoulder).

Celestia smiled up at her escort. “The Gala’s lovely each year, but it’s nice to get to dance in private again and especially after such a full night. It reminds me of our dance lesson.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” The chaos master nodded. “And however much I do normally love the attention of an audience, it’s nice to just have your attention right now, Tia.” He winked.

Celestia blushed softly and looked down a little. “Discord…”

His voice lowered. “I’m just teasing you. But I’ll stop if it’s too much.”

She smiled a little again. “When we’re around others, it might be a little too much. But we’re in private right now so…it’s all right, Discord. I know that teasing me is helping you feel better.” Her eyes came up to his once more.

Discord’s gaze was warm. “So astute, Princess. And dancing with you is another thing that’s helping me feel better, you know.” He blushed slightly and looked down. “Back at that donut shop, before you showed up, one of the things I was most sad about was the idea that I might never get to dance with you again. But now here we are.”

Celestia laughed softly. “Yes, just two friends enjoying a lovely midnight tune together.”

“And it makes up for how I cut our last dance short,” Discord added as he looked back up again. “Though of course it’s not quite the same…”

“How do you mean?” It was a simple question, and yet Celestia blushed slightly as she asked it.

“It’s not as chaotic.” Discord shrugged. “We’re just moving back and forth a little while standing on the floor. It’s not exactly thrilling; in fact, it’s barely above formal.”

“Discord,” Celestia smiled more (her blush remaining), “I’d prefer not to dance in the air right now: I’m too tired to keep up with it, I’m afraid. And the ballroom won’t be as peaceful if you fill it with chaos again.”

“Well, there is a third option—something simple and fun.” He moved a little closer, dipping back her head slightly.

Celestia’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

Discord chuckled. “I mean, right now we don’t have to worry about impressing everypony or denying rumors or having any misunderstandings between each other. We can just relax and be ourselves together. So…” he led them in a gentle turn, “you tell me how you want to dance, Tia, and that’s how we’ll dance. I’ve been leading all night, and I’m starting to get a little bored. I wouldn’t mind someone else doing the work for once.”

Celestia eyed him with a smile and an eyebrow raised. She considered and then smiled more as she made her reply. “I don’t want to dance like I’m a princess at a formal party; there’s been so much of that in my life year after year.”

“Too true, I’m sure.” He smirked.

Celestia laughed. “I want to dance like a pony at a Pinkie Pie kind of party…like how you and I danced together for our first dance of the night.

“I see.” Discord’s eyes lit up a little.

And then before Celestia could say anything else, they were dancing together just like during their first turn around the ballroom back at the Gala—some samba, some tango, a little line dancing, Discord even tried to include some ballet, and all the while Celestia laughed and smiled, and he did too. And finally he finished things by snapping up a burst of bright magic to reveal the two of them standing before each other, Discord holding up Celestia on two hooves.

Celestia caught her breath as her laughter subsided. “It’s so nice that we can just have fun together like this, Discord.” She looked to the side a little, smiling sheepishly. “Discord…can I tell you something? As a confidence between friends?”

“Of course.” The chaos master nodded.

Celestia took a breath. “Sometimes I wish I could be like the other ponies, just once in a while. Normal stature, normal features, a horn or wings or just earth pony strength instead of all three. And I wish I could go out dancing or running or swimming or playing or singing whenever I felt like it—just an average pony instead of a princess everyone worships.” Her eyes came up to his again. “But when we have times like this together, somehow I feel like being a large, immortal, magical flying being is normal, at least for me.” She blushed slightly. “I’d ask if that ‘makes any sense’, but…I know that’s not how you think about things, Discord.”

Discord chuckled, his smile warm. “Oh Celestia…listen, I’m not very ‘shary’ but if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll tell you a secret too.” He moved just a little closer and lowered his voice. “You’re not alone. Sometimes I used to wish I was ‘normal’ too: a pony, a griffon, a dragon, or even one of a bunch of draconequui…anything where I would feel less out of place. And my special talent might be chaos and fun, and no one would be afraid of me, and I could be the very popular and charming citizen of Equestria I’d like to be, no problems at all.” He looked down a little. “It took me a long time to accept that being who I am was what was ‘normal’ for me, and then of course I got a little too carried away with putting chaos first all those years ago. But now I like myself and I like the way everyone else is too…even though every once in a while I do imagine my life would have been easier if I really could have just grown up as an average pony or something.” His eyes returned to hers. “My point is you’re not alone, Celestia. Everyone wonders about ‘what could have been’…”

Celestia smiled a little more. “I guess everyone has something about themselves that they’d like to change…even the master of chaos and the princess of the sun. Thank you, Discord.”

“You’re welcome, Tia.” He smiled more too.

The pair remained together and upright, sharing a warm moment.

Then Discord’s grin picked up on one side. “Want to keep dancing?”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide at first but then she nodded and smiled more. “Yes. I think I’d like that, just for a little while longer.” She considered. “What kind of dancing haven’t we tried so far?”

Discord shrugged. “Anything on two hooves comes to mind.”

Celestia blinked. “Discord, I really am too tired for dancing up in the air. And besides, last time up we were in the air we…” She sighed and blushed. “…I’d just prefer to stay down here.”

“And we will,” Discord replied simply. “But we can stay like this: on two legs. You taught me waltzing, let me teach you how to dance upright, like the bipeds do. Consider it a cultural experience.” Something in his gaze grew gentle. “If you want me to set you down though, just say the word. And then maybe I’ll turn back into a pony, and you can teach me how to dance on all fours instead. What do you want to do?”

Celestia blushed a little more and cleared her throat as she tried to put out of her mind the image of Discord as a colorful alicorn stallion. For a moment she tried to think about what it was fairest to do considering their delicate new relationship or what she could do that would lead to the least amount of talk among the ponies if anyone ever found out or that would be most proper for a couple of friends alone at the end of a night together. But then she let out a breath and her mind became clear, and she thought of only one thing: what she wanted to do (which, he had already assured her, was what he wanted to do as well). The sun princess let her eyes come up to Discord’s again. “I think I’d like to try dancing on two hooves. I’ve never had the chance to try before, and I’ll feel more comfortable with it since we’re alone.” She smiled a little again. “But I’ll need your help, Discord. I’m not very well-balanced on two legs because of my height.”

With a warm smile, Discord gave a single nod. “I’ll help you balance. You’re in good hands, Princess.” He moved his claw more firmly against her back (though he kept it high) and made his grip on her hoof in his paw steadier. Then he gave them a quick turn, and though Celestia gasped and wobbled a little, she didn’t show a sign of falling. “See?” he went on. “Totally trustworthy dance partner at your service.”

Celestia blinked a couple of times and laughed. “Discord, just go slowly. I’m not as young as I use to be.”

“Oh, horsefeathers, you don’t look a day over three hundred.” He started them at a gentle upright waltz.

“Oh!” Celestia looked down for a moment to steady her footing and then looked back up at him with a little grin. “Hmm…funny, you look at least two thousand with that beard.” She smirked a little.

Discord scoffed and smirked back at her. “Well, it’s better than having a flowing sonic rainboom for hair.” He gave them a quick turn.

Celestia just laughed again, keeping up with him as he kept her steady. “I thought you liked my chaotic hair, Discord.”

“Oh yes, I think it’s your most attractive feature…among other things.” With daring in his eyes, the chaos master now spun her out and then pulled her back in all before she even had chance to fall, and now he held her in his arms dipped back a little. “But do you really think my beard is such a dated feature? I always thought it made me very distinguished.” He sighed then raised an eyebrow at her. “Hmm…”

“What?” Celestia raised an eyebrow too.

Discord’s smile grew. “I just realized something I never thought to ask or even fully consider. I’ve been so wrapped up lately in figuring out what I like about you that I never even sat down to wonder what you might like in somebody else. I know what’s attractive to me, Tia. But I have no idea what’s attractive to you….”

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she blushed distinctly. “I…well…um…”

He smiled more. “I’m sorry.” Discord’s voice lowered. “I’m just teasing you a little again. But it is a thought I just had. You don’t have to share with me though…” A low laugh left him. “Meanwhile, it must be frustrating, Celestia, and no wonder you always act so proper: with that perfectly white coat, whenever you blush, it shows up like cherries on a vanilla sundae.”

Celestia sighed and smiled a little (as she did her best to let the blushing subside). “Discord, you do know that we can never dance like this in front of everypony: between how both of us must look and all of this playful banter, they won’t just spread rumors about us, they’ll start printing in the history books that we’re a couple.”

“I can think of worse things.” The chaos master chuckled.

The sun princess smiled more and shook her head. Then she glanced to the floor and back to Discord. “So this is dancing on two legs? Hmm, I think I’m getting the hang of it.” She moved her weight forward to get them standing straight again and then made them make a single turn.

Discord raised an eyebrow, smiling more.

“I’m a fast learner.” Celestia shrugged.

“Is that the polite term for a show off?” His grin picked up on one side.

“I’m not the one who made us airborne the last time we did this.” Her smile grew, and her eyes narrowed.

Discord’s eyes narrowed too. “I have half a mind to really cut a rug with you like this. I was trying to go slowly, but if her royal highness is up for a challenge…”

Celestia blushed a little and raised an eyebrow. “Discord, I—Oh!”

And suddenly they were off: he had her in a tango and then doing some quick turns and then he spun her out and in again, twirled them once, Celestia gave them a few quick twists in return, and finally he pulled her close with his tail behind her back to help keep her steady.

Smiling and flushed, the two of them caught their breaths for a moment, still perfectly upright together.

Celestia smiled a lot, unable help herself. “Discord, you’ve really got to warn me first before you do things like that.”

“Oh like that would be any fun.” Discord grinned impishly. “Besides, you would have been too nervous if I had told you first: this way you were just able to go with the flow.” He raised an eyebrow. “Still though, you feel like you’re getting weaker standing like this. Maybe I should put you down.”

Celestia shook her head though. “I’m all right. I just need a moment to catch my breath. Besides, who knows when we’ll be able to try dancing like this again next? Though I think the next time really should be me trying to teach you how to dance on four legs.”

Discord chuckled. “I’d like that. And I’m glad to know you’re still feeling as up for more as I am right now.” He removed the support of his tail from around her back.

Celestia’s eyes went wide as her legs suddenly wobbled. “Oh!” She fell forward a little and clung to him.

“Whoa!” Discord blinked and got his tail against the floor behind himself now, using it to keep himself balanced as he held up her weight.

Now Discord had his arms around her back, and Celestia had her hooves around his neck, both friendly lightly pressed together.

Discord swallowed, his voice light, his eyes looking into her very close ones. “Once again, princess, for a pony who just wants to be my friend, you seem to end up in very more-than-friendly situations with me often…”

She blushed, of course. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head once. “Don’t ever be.”

Celestia took in a light breath: Discord had reached up his paw behind her to brush some of her mane back behind her ear, and his fingers now gently played with a few of the flowing locks, and he laughed as the strands tickled him. She kept her wide eyes on his.

The chaos master went on. “Just…let me know if you’re ever uncomfortable, Celestia. I’ll probably push things pretty far with us sometimes without thinking, but just say the word, and I’ll stop.” His fingers still twirled through her flowing mane. “Do you want me to stop?”

Celestia swallowed, her features flushed. “It’s, um…all right, Discord. It’s just my hair, after all.” Her voice was so light.

“Hmm…” Discord smiled more. “And how about now?” His paw drifted down to gently cup her cheek.

Celestia took a deep breath, her voice still light (though she could feel a blush building beneath where he touched her). “…You really don’t have to worry so much about touching me, Discord. I told you, I’m not…uncomfortable with you. We’ll just figure out together how far is too far…” The more his eyes hazed, the more hers widened.

“So that’s a ‘no’ then on wanting me to stop?” Discord raised an eyebrow. “Okay…” His gaze and smile became tender. “…How about now?”

And then Celestia felt Discord’s paw come to hold behind her again as he slowly dipped her back in his arms completely with his close face leaning over hers. She just looked up into his eyes and knew her features must be fully flushed now. All she could think was that he really was an excellent dancer. She opened her mouth to try and find words for him but just let out a soft sigh instead (and didn’t move to separate them like she’d done the last time they had been this close).

“Still no?” Discord smiled more, his voice even lighter than hers had been, his own features flushed now. And then his tone deepened. “…And how about now?”

Something in his look and words entranced her: he seemed brimming with charisma and yet almost as shy as a school colt. Such an unexpected side to him…. And then Celestia really couldn’t say much even if she had wanted to because suddenly the chaos master came forward and planted a passionate kiss right upon her unsuspecting mouth.

Celestia’s eyes widened and her features flushed entirely as more sensations than she could count shot through her all at once.

The hour was late, and in the dim light of her royal bedroom, Princess Celestia sat up in her bed with a gasp.

She remained still except for her heavy breathing as she eyed her surroundings and finally realized that every image and experience she had just gone through had simply been a dream—there was no Discord, no private room, no passionate kiss…


“Discord?!” left Celestia in a whisper. Eyes wide, she quickly used her magic to toss her crown atop her head and to pull some of the blankets around herself a little more. She cleared her throat and called out, “Erm…come in!”

The door opened…

…only to reveal Luna standing there with a distinct little grin. “Hello, sister.”

“Luna?” Celestia let out a deep sigh and used to magic to put her crown back on her dresser and to let the blankets relax again. “Hello. It’s still not time for sunrise yet, right?” She raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong?”

Luna’s wry look remained. “Oh no.” She shook her head. “I’ve just been visiting the land of dreams.”

And then a very deep silent stalemate began.

And it lasted until Luna added, “…And by the way, I’m glad you woke up before that simple kiss with Discord turned into anything more that I had to witness. You have quite the vivid imagination, sister: I was almost ready to let his sultry ways work their magic on myself as well.”

“Luna!” Celestia flushed bright red and quickly began to ramble off an explanation. “It was just a dream! I’ve had a long night, and there are those rumors that I’ve been dealing with all this time, and the Gala was complicated. And I…” And then finally she just sighed and collapsed down upon the bed with a pout. “Luna, you know I never liked when you’d visit my dreams.”

“Well, it didn’t help keep me away that you were lying in your bed mumbling Discord’s name and laughing in your sleep.” Luna smirked more and strolled inside as she closed the door behind her, still eyeing her sister with a special twinkle in her gaze. “Did something happen tonight after the dance when you went off looking for him, Celestia? You really did get back very late, I believe…”

Celestia raised her head, her look dry. “Luna, don’t you have a moonset that needs attending to soon?”

“Telling me how to run my night—a brave tactic for distracting me, but ineffective.” The moon princess shrugged and then leaned her front hooves on the edge of Celestia’s bed, her smile wide. “I’d much rather talk with my big sister about her new coltfriend.”

Celestia cleared her throat and raised herself up again, her tone calm. “If you mean Discord, Luna, you should know that he and I talked and cleared up everything about his feelings. I think we made some great steps forward in our friendship and learned a lot about each other.” And yet as she spoke, her cheeks grew rosy.

Luna raised an eyebrow and smiled more. “Celestia, you’re blushing! Something did happen, didn’t it!?”

“No, no, of course it didn’t.” Celestia scoffed and tried to smile. “Discord just escorted me home after we talked, and he wished me goodnight and I wished him goodnight as well. And right now I’m a little flushed with tiredness, that’s all.”

“And with Discord dipping you back on only two hooves,” Luna observed without missing a beat, her smile still wide and her eyes still hazed. “Celestia, I do not think you entirely dislike that he professed these amorous feelings for you.”

Celestia blushed entirely, though she managed to reply with a small smile, “I don’t dislike any affection from my friends, no matter how great or small it may be.”

Luna sighed and rolled her eyes. “Oh please, sister, phrases like that may work on Twilight Sparkle but not on me.” She moved her forelegs back to the floor and stood before the bed again. Her voice was softer now. “You know...it’s okay to admit the truth, Celestia. Any lady would enjoy her escort taking a genuine shine to her, and it is nice to feel wanted. I know you may feel guilty if you turned down Discord’s feelings, but it is okay to enjoy the fact that he bears affection for you.” She blinked then added, lightly blushing herself, “And just to be clear, did you turn down his feelings, or…”

Celestia gave a nod. “I suggested we remain friends for now.” Then she sighed, her voice softening as well. “But…maybe I do like how he feels about me. No one’s come to me as a suitor in a long time.” She smiled a little more but looked down. “You suggested it was because of how much our my legacy can intimidate others, but frankly I was just starting to think I didn’t really have any appeal in that way anymore.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Celestia…” she cleared her throat, “erm…believe me, the intimidation reason is the only valid one for why you may feel lacking in romantic attention. Both you and I are rather popular figures among our citizens in many ways. Our beauty and desirability is quite remarked upon, particularly in dreams.” She rolled her eyes, smiling more.

Celestia’s eyes went perfectly wide, and her blushing persisted again. “Luna, I don’t think…”

The moon princess sighed. “Sister allow me to put it this way: if you announced tomorrow that we were holding a ball to find you a husband and that all eligible suitors who wanted to try winning your hoof were welcome, we would not be able to fit the attendees in the castle, nay in the castle and in all of the available rooms in Canterlot and the greater Ponyville area combined.”

The sun princess smiled again. “Luna…” She glanced up at her sister.

Luna just smiled back at her. “Tis true.” She tilted her head to the side. “Celestia, how could you have developed so many doubts about yourself as a mare? Certainly others must have assured you of your romantic value over the years just like I’m doing now.”

Celestia’s smile softened, and her gaze almost fell a little again. “Luna, I never talk to anyone about private things like that. I haven’t since you left…”

“No one?” Luna’s eyes widened. “I…asked Twilight Sparkle once if you had ever confided in her about your preferences regarding a suitor, and when she told me you had never broached the subject I understood that you might feel strange confiding in her since for much of your time together you knew her as a mere filly. But I still assumed that you had some advisors or staff here over the years who you…”

Celestia shook her head though. “I’m a very private person, Luna, and my duties always come first. I’ve never wanted to make anypony who works closely with me uncomfortable by sharing too much of my personal life.” She played with the edge of the blanket with her hoof. “And besides…no one ever asked me about love.”

“Sister…” Luna climbed upon the bed now and moved closer, “I shall be happy to ask you about your thoughts on this subject now that I have returned and now that I know you might like somepony to discuss such thoughts with.” She smiled more. “Remember when we were but fillies, and we would talk all the time at dawn and dusk? We would share stories and questions and experiences about everything, including courtship. If you wanted to share with me your thoughts of love just like in those old times, I would always be happy to listen. I would even share mine as well.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, smiling more. “You have thoughts of love?”

Luna nodded. “Yes.” She held her head high with a proud smile and brought a hoof to her chest. “I believe, just as I cannot imagine the suitor good enough for my sister, no suitor is likewise good enough for me! I shall stand proudly as ponies fall to my hooves in admiration, but ne’er allow a single one the gift of my favor, for truly I am my best as the mysterious princess of the night, Luna!” At this point, some lightning actually flashed outside.

Celestia couldn’t help laughing softly. “Interesting approach, Luna.”

“I find it most sound, yes!” Luna lowered her hoof and gave a firm nod. Then she leaned close and turned all of her attention to her sister with a big smile. “Now how about you? What are your thoughts on love, big sister?”

Celestia’s smile softened. She considered for a moment and then she let out a light sigh. “Don’t tell Cadance, but her power over love overwhelms me a little. Twilight’s power over friendship does too, but not in the same way. Love has always been more elusive for me to understand fully. I think that’s part of why Queen Chrysalis was able to overcome me with it so easily at Cadance’s wedding. I would like to understand love better from a practical standpoint. And as for understanding love better from a personal standpoint, I…” she swallowed but looked her sister in the eye, “…I think I like the idea of being cared for in that way.” She smiled a little more, and her eyes hazed. “I liked having someone special to go around with tonight. It made me remember many things about being younger that I’d forgotten. And I think that one day I could even like trying being close like that all the time with… somepony. Though I’m still not sure. I would have to think about it for a while. But it was nice to get used to the idea by spending the evening with someone like Discord.” A soft laugh escaped her. “I suppose he really must have made peace with our past to think so highly of me.”

Luna laughed softly too. “Discord really has gotten rather charming since his reform…in an annoying and high-maintenance sort of way usually, but in a sweet way as well. I like how he makes you laugh. And I think it really must matter to him that you weren’t upset about everything that happened tonight.”

“I imagine he’ll even be dreaming about me too.” Celestia’s eyes met Luna’s.

Luna’s eyes went wide.

Celestia swallowed. “I know you can’t say anything. But Discord and I really did have a thorough conversation. I just…wanted to let you know.”

Luna gave a nod then smiled a little again. “Speaking of which, I would be off making sure his dreams were well at the moment, but he has left a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on two big doors to his subconscious, and I must respect his wishes.”

Celestia’s grin picked up on one side. “I’ll keep that tactic in mind for the future.”

Luna smiled more. “Getting back to Discord, I have to say that besides how well you both get along personally, there are other reasons why it would be perfectly understandable for you to be attracted to him. He’s funny, he’s intelligent, he has those distinctive eyes and that wry grin and of course that beard….” Her grin picked up on one side as Celestia rolled her eyes away. The moon princess continued. “And of course the power of his magic is renowned, his flying skills are impeccable…and I was talking to some of the mares at the party after you left, and I’m afraid I must agree with certain remarks they made on the excellent shape Discord is in despite a thousand years as a statue. Stone seems to be a very effective treatment for enhancing muscle tone.”

Luna!” Celestia looked like she couldn’t decide whether to laugh or to bury herself deep under the blankets and pillows of her bed.

Luna persisted. “Celestia, I know you enjoyed having one of the most handsome guests at the party at your side. I saw you admiring him in his tuxedo out of the corner of your eye more than once. Do not deny it, sister.”

Celestia sighed and finally managed to bring her eyes back to Luna’s again. “Well, I do admire him very much as my friend and feel that slight young attraction to him, like I mentioned to you once before. And Rarity did make him a very nice tuxedo. And it was just nice to see him so happy with me.”

“You should know that every chance he gets when you’re not looking, he gazes at all of you dreamily. I think he shares your ‘young friendly attraction.’” Luna giggled.

“He shares more than that, otherwise he wouldn’t have admitted to me how much he finds me attractive on our flight home.” Celestia’s smile picked up on one side, and her gaze became warm.

Luna gasped, her eyes lighting up.

Celestia giggled. “Perhaps it was hasty of me to encourage that attraction with a kiss of gratitude for all of his efforts for the evening. What do you think, sister?”

“Celestia!” Luna’s jaw fell into a big grin. “You didn’t?!”

Celestia laughed more and blushed. “A kiss on the cheek, Luna. Relax. We’re just friends, like I said. And he did go through so much. And…I wanted to. I mean, it felt right, and we’ve gotten so close, and I really had a lovely night with him.”

“Remind me again why you’re not courting now?” Luna laughed too.

Celestia sighed. “Probably for a lot of the same reasons you aren’t courting someone right now yourself, little sister.” Her smile grew. “You know, I overheard my fair share of conversation at the party too, and quite a few stallions found you alluring and intriguing and passionate.”

A blush found its way through Luna’s dark pelt. “Really?”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “Besides the fact that I already had a partner for the evening, I think they must have enjoyed having the mysterious night princess finally show up at a party. And I’m sure they like that you’re closer to their heights. And I can’t imagine how taken with you so many ponies must be after having you as hostess for the end of the night. At the next party, there should be fewer emotional crises for you to help manage, and I hope you’ll take the opportunity to dance with some ponies and make even more new friends…though of course, there’s that plan of yours to reject all suitors and reign your charms over them.” Her smile picked up on one side.

Luna cleared her throat and rolled her eyes. “Oh, well…plans do change after all. We’ll see.” She shrugged, and the sisters shared another laugh. Then Luna leaned close again. “Now, tell me more about this kiss to Discord: what did you both say before it, and what did you both say after it? Did you linger? Did it feel nice? How did he respond?”

Celestia just yawned though, smiling more. “I’ll tell you all the details in the morning, Luna, and as much as I can share about my time with Discord after the Gala without disregarding his privacy.” She blushed a little. “But for now, as a response about my kiss to him, I’ll say this much: before it I told him he was a very excellent escort and a good friend, after it I wished him goodnight and he wished me goodnight as well, I lingered briefly, and he responded with a warmest blush I’d ever seen him get. And…it felt…well, in the future I wouldn’t mind it happening again. Now good night, Luna.” Blushing, Celestia moved back under her blankets and laid back down on her bed again.

Luna climbed off the bed and nodded. “Very well, sister. I’ll be on my way now to see to that moonset and to leave you to your dreams.”

Celestia let out a relieved sigh. “Thank you Luna.”

As Luna reached the doorway though, she paused and turned again. “Oh, but sister…just one thing…”

Celestia raised her head a little again to look at her. “Yes, Luna?”

Luna gave her a dry look. “You don’t look a day over three hundred?” She quoted the words perfectly from Celestia’s dream.

The sun princess’s eyes went wide, and her features darkened in a rosy blush. “Heh…” she smiled sheepishly, “well…you have to at least admit that we both look good for our ages. And that Discord does too.”

Luna chuckled. “True, I suppose. Oh, and before I forget, there are two developments you should know about: one, as I was showing out the girls this evening, they decided Twilight Sparkle’s castlewarming party should be sometime within the next fortnight, and we are both invited. And Discord shall be there too.”

Celestia nodded. “That sounds lovely, Luna.”

Luna nodded in return. “And two…after an interesting discussion with Donut Joe, the girls and I may have slightly raided your secret supply of cake donuts from his shop that you keep hidden at the back of the pantry in the kitchen. You see, Joe explained you and Discord were occupying his shop for the evening, and so we couldn’t very well go there after the party. But the girls and I did have a rather long night and really had been looking forward to donuts, so I’m afraid we just helped ourselves.”

Celestia sighed, giving her sister a dry look and a smile. “And I suppose now I’m supposed to turn into some evil Celestia and ravage the land.”

“We infringed upon a cake-related dessert of yours—I wouldn’t put it past you.” Luna smirked.

Celestia sighed and shook her head, smiling more. “Fortunately, I’m too tired. Besides, that’s not the only secret stash I have around this castle, sister.”

Luna laughed. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” She turned to head out of the room. “Goodnight again, Celestia. Sweet dreams—Discord-related or otherwise.” And then with a nod the night princess closed the door behind her as she left.

Celestia rolled her eyes and finally settled back into her bed as she pulled the covers over her body and fluffed up the pillows under her head. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh in anticipation of a sound slumber.

Minutes passed though, and Celestia turned her head. More minutes passed, and she turned her head again. More minutes, and she turned her body. More minutes, and she tried putting a pillow over her head. More minutes, and she stuffed two pillows under her head instead. And then finally the sun princess sighed and opened her eyes again. She considered for a moment, looking out to the night sky where she could just catch a glimpse through her window of the moon against the glittering stars.

Celestia sat up a little and used her magic to make her horn glow with light and then to make a quill and scroll appear. She hesitated for just a moment but then started to pen a note. Several lines later, she gave the flourish of her signature to the document but then paused once more, used her magic to cross out something, and added something with a shorter flourish. Finally satisfied, she magically rolled up the scroll and sent it away. And then, blushing lightly (but smiling) Celestia laid her head back upon her pillows and finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep for the evening.

In the dark of Fluttershy’s cottage, a slumbering Discord snored away…though he frowned and his ears twitched at the sound of light laughter near him until finally he sighed deeply. “Angel, stop fooling around and go to sleep.” Another bought of light laughter met his ears though. Discord tossed and scowled in his sleep then sat up. “Okay, Angel, this had better be hilarious…” He opened his eyes…and blinked at the sight of Angel sitting on the edge of the sofa with a scroll in hand (surrounded by a yellow aura of magic), which he was reading and snickering over. He looked at Discord and chuckled again and then made a mock kissing face.

Discord’s eyes went wide as he realized whose magic had sent the letter, and he snatched it from Angel. “Oh hardy har har.” He rolled his eyes. “Tell anyone I got this, and all of your carrots will taste like broccoli for a month.”

Angle just rolled his eyes and smiled, then hopped away to his bed.

The scroll was unfurled in Discord’s hand, but he had to swallow before feeling brave enough to look down and read the still glowing parchment.


I’m sorry for sending this so suddenly; I hope its arrival doesn’t wake you. I had a thought though, and I wanted to share it in case I forgot it in the morning or before we had a chance to see each other again.

Back at the donut shop, you said you thought we could make each other less lonely and that you thought we could do the best job of it as more than friends. I just wanted you to know that ever since you and I started being friends, I can’t think of a single day when I’ve felt lonely because every time Luna’s been gone or Twilight’s been busy or my little ponies haven’t needed me, I’ve turned around and suddenly you’ve been there to make me smile. I know the ‘feelings’ I give you must help you feel less lonely, but I also hope my presence alone has helped relieve that issue. And if you ever are lonely, you can always come and find me. I’ll do what I can.

One other special thing you’ve done for me regarding loneliness: you’ve made me realize I do still have some appeal in a special, romantic way. I think I had abandoned hope for that part of my life a long time ago. So thank you for letting me feel cared for in that way, Discord, even though it hurt you. I’ll never forget tonight or how much that meant to me.

I know we probably do need some time apart like you said, but Luna mentioned to me that Twilight’s housewarming party is coming up soon. I hope you’re going, and I hope I’ll see you there.

You deserve so much peace, Discord. And I hope you sleep well and that you’re easy and happy. I’m glad to know you’re with Fluttershy tonight: she’s the best one to give you that gentleness right now. And no matter what happens, I want you to know that I love and care for you as a dear friend. You’re important to me. You warm my heart, Discord.

Goodnight and good morning, my friend.



Discord finished reading now and just sat there, eyes wide…and then a small smile picked up at the corner of his mouth. Finally he glanced away, magically snapped the scroll somewhere, and then snapped up another scroll with a quill and penned a quick message.


Awfully late to be chatting with unattached gentledraconequus friends, but I suppose until the sun comes up that it’s technically still Gala night, which means I technically still owe you the attention of an escort. In which case, nice to hear from you again so soon.

The only time I ever felt lonely around you was when I was keeping secrets. But now I think I’ll feel delighted again whenever we’re together. But that might be some of tonight’s residual giddiness talking too. I’m glad you don’t feel lonely, Celestia. I suspect you’ve had more than your fair share of that emotion in your life: I know I have. But I'm glad to be done with it now that I have Fluttershy and all of my other friends and you.

You, not realizing how eligible of a mare you are until I came along and reminded you? Oh, come, come, Celestia, that’s an overabundance of modesty even for you. But if your claim was true in any way, then I’m glad to have helped. And if a millennium’s worth of stallions and other creatures really have been overlooking you, then what a foolish age it’s been since I’ve been gone. You’re wondrous, after all.

I’ll see you at Twilight’s party. Actually, I’ll be crashing it by request. Prepare for fun. Maybe we could even dance together.

You sleep well too, Tia. You deserve more rest than any of us.



Discord snapped the letter to its destination and then with a satisfied sigh lay back down on his pillows, a big content grin on his face. He snuggled up and drifted off into a delightful sleep, deep and perfect and very necessary.

Two friends slumbered peacefully apart. The night was so gentle.

Equestria grew quiet until dawn.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your patience with chapter updates, I've been working a lot lately :twilightsheepish: Also, I got so many kind notifications about my recent one shot, and keeping up with the thank yous for them took some time--I appreciate all the support :yay:

When I first got the idea for this story, this chapter (and the last one) were the first things I drafted, and they're still my favorites. :twilightsmile: And I hope you've all enjoyed them as well. And even though this chapter says 'the end', there are still a couple more to go. I haven't divided everything up yet, so I'll just give you a general rundown of what's to come.

Coming Soon on MCNE!
Twilight's castlewarming party happens--it'll be the first time Celestia and Discord physically see each other after a couple of weeks. Naturally adorable awkwardness ensues as they try to settle into their new relationship as friends. Another Princess sleepover happens...and Cadance comes for this one :heart: Yes, Cadance will be here soon, and she is not going to hold back about Celestia and Discord. Prepare for a very interesting game of truth or dare. Meanwhile, Discord's having that guys night with Spike, Big Mac, and now Shining Armor. Shenanigans. The epilogue will be Discord and Celestia having a picnic in the Everfree Forest and...sharing an experience. And the bonus story (which leads us into the mini sequel) will be set during Hearthswarming Eve (and I would like to thank this week's episode for officially establishing the tradition of mistletoe as canon for ponies lol). :yay:

Take care, everyone!

~Azure129 :trollestia:

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