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Little Cat in Inaba

*Spottedleaf's POV*

I ask "Where should we go first?"

EG Rainbow Dash asks "Whaddya say about finding Danyelle?"

Floating in the air on my own magic, I spoke "Right and just call me Leaf though."

EG Pinkie asks "Wow! A floating cat! Are you psychic?"

I laugh "Oh stars no! Where I'm from, I'm half alicorn. I don't have my wings right now since this was my original form before I was reincarnated."

EG Rarity asks "Pardon?"

I meow "It's a long story though, one I'd rather not talk about."

EG Fluttershy spoke "Okay."

I soon spot EG Danyelle.

“There she is.” I smiled.

EG Danyelle was looking around with a worried look on her face.

EG Danyelle then noticed us. “What’re you girls doing here?! This is a really bad time!”

EG Fluttershy spoke "We know but we came to help you out."

EG Danyelle spoke "But Nanako’s gone missing!"

I meow "The same thing happened with Tenshi. I have a gut feeling that the two events are connected."

EG Danyelle asks "*Confused* Tenshi?"

I meow "My world's version of Nanako."

EG Danyelle spoke "That’s definitely not good."

I growl "No, it's not. One of my fellow alicorns asked me to check things out."

All of a sudden, the light on the bracelet I had on my neck had turned red.

“What the?” I gasped before EG Danyelle remembered something.

EG Danyelle spoke "I need to meet up with Yu and the others."

I meow "I'll come too. I may look like a weak cat but I'm not."

EG Danyelle spoke "Well, let’s hope so."

I meow "I have lightning affinity though so electric attacks have no effect on me."

EG Danyelle spoke "That might leave you weak to wind though."

A fiery orange tomcat meows "I've got lightning and wind affinities, I can help out."

I facepaw before sighing "Fire, why did you follow me?"

Fire meows "It was Cadence's idea."

I meow "Should've known..."

My ears were on full alert, as were Fire's ears as the two of us cats kept a watch out for danger.

We met up with Yu and his team, and they definitely reminded me of Seiko and the others in Ineighba.

Fire whispers in my ear. "{Something is definitely wrong.}"

I whisper back "{I know that Fire, we can't be too reckless.}"

We were ready to head into what Yu, EG Danyelle and the others called the TV world.

Fire asks "Where should we look first?"

I meow "And it's also a bad idea to split the group up."

EG Teddie spoke "No need to worry, Rise-chan and I will search for Nanako-chan!"

I growl "Watch it bearboy, I said it once already. Don't make me repeat myself!"

EG Danyelle spoke "The tortie has a point Ted, it's never a good idea to split the group."

EG Teddie spoke "B-But that’s not what I meant!"

I shot a bolt of lightning from my mouth at EG Teddie, missing the male on purpose.

I meow "The lot of us are staying as one group, end of discussion."

EG Teddie stammers "P-Please! I wasn’t saying we should split up at all!"

Pinching the bridge of my muzzle, I meow "Let's just go in already."

We went into the TV world, and found ourselves in a lot of fog.

Yosuke spoke "Look at this thick fog…"

Yukiko asks "Does this have something to do with all the fuss about the dog lately…?"

EG Teddie spoke "Something’s weird in here… I think all the commotion in town has been affecting this world, too."

Yosuke asks "Well, we need to hurry now. Rise, can you tell which direction Nanako-chan is in?"

Rise then summoned Himiko and started searching. “I sense her… That way. Wow… What’s this warm feeling…? Senpai, we need to save her!”

I had my wings back but I was still a normal-looking cat, as was Fire.

I pull out the Divine Reflector I had borrowed from Rising Sun and set it on my back, causing it to float there.

I meow "Stay close everyone, we don't know what could jump out at us."

Himiko vanished as everyone was ready.

Chie spoke "Let’s go!"

We went off before arriving at a gate to somewhere, and I was sure Rainbow Dash and her group were at this place in the Mirror World.

Yukiko asks "This… is Nanako-chan’s…?"

Haruki spoke "Unbelievable…"

Rise spoke "It’s so beautiful… It’s like a storybook vision of heaven."

That caught our attention.

Yosuke spoke "Like heaven, huh… Deep down, Nanako-chan must really miss her… I would’ve really missed Saki if Danyelle hadn’t saved her."

I growl "Now isn't the time to be gawking, we got a kid to save!"

Saki spoke "But Nanako-chan might be in more trouble than we think."

Yukiko spoke "I’m sure she does. She’s only a child… We have to do everything in our power to rescue her!"

Yu spoke "We’ll all do our best."

Kabuto spoke "But we’ll need all of you."

EG Teddie spoke Of course! We’re gonna rescue Nana-chan, no matter what!"

Yosuke spoke "We can find Namatame later and give him what’s coming to him then. First, we need to rescue Nanako-chan!"

All of us nodded in agreement.

I yowl "LET'S GO!!!"

We went through the labyrinths and floors, but didn’t make it to the end yet.

I ask "Are we there yet?"

Fire meows "My wings hurt..."

A voice taunts "Hehe, why are you really here, Spottedleaf? Is it the nostalgia of being on all fours? Or is it something more personal?"


The she-cat taunts "Now that’s mean, calling yourself a coward."

I growl "This bitch is mine to deal with, you go on ahead!"

Yu spoke "No, you’re not fighting your Shadow alone."


The she-cat scoffs "Aww, that’s cute. But you just wanna do things alone, you wanna do things your way. You don’t want anyone weighing you down."

Fireheart growls "She's not alone! She's got my support!"

Ghostly images of Adderfang, Swiftbreeze, Redtail and Patchpelt appear around me and so did Bluestar.

Bluestar growls "Leave my cousin alone!"

Somehow, I started to hear my own heart beating with my fur standing on end and feeling my fear building.

Bluestar places her tail across my back.

Bluestar meows "Relax Spottedleaf, you've faced worse things than this. You may be a MeadowClan cat now but you'll always have the heart of a ThunderClan cat."

I know that was true, but that monster that looks like me is trying to say it is me, and I can’t accept that!

Adderfang growls "No faker will ever take control of you Spottedleaf."

Redtail meows "You got this sister."

I growl "You're right! I won't let a fake control me! If Brambleclaw can face his inner darkness, then SO CAN I!!!!!"

BGM: Virus by Beethoven

I yowl loud, causing the ground to shake violently.

I flew at my dark self, biting and clawing at her.

Shadow Spottedleaf scoffs "Heh, so you don’t accept me?"

My dark self suddenly got bigger and transformed.

Bluestar growls "LIKE TARTARUS SHE WOULD!! Spottedleaf's too pure hearted to fall for your dirty tricks!"

A tom scoffs "What about two?"

I growl "No... It can't be... I thought my world's Danyelle killed you!"

I let loose the loudest roar I could ever make, sending the two monsters flying.

I meow "I will never fall to darkness! I will never be like Tigerclaw!!"

I grab the Divine Reflector with my mouth before throwing it at my darkness, causing it to revert back into a red-eyed version of myself.

After catching the weapon and putting it back where it was, I walked over to where my darker self was.

I meow "Even though you're my inner darkness, you're still a part of me."

My other self’s eyes went golden as it smiled with a nod before it transformed into a winged lioness with the Divine Reflector on her back, then transformed into a card.

I think "{So this is the power of a Persona...}"

Fire and I soon catch up with the others, only to find them fighting the shadows of the Rainbooms.

I yowl loud as I throw the Divine Reflector at Midnight Sparkle, knocking her out cold.

EG Goryuu spoke "Wow! Not bad!"

Fire flies at Dark Dash before ripping out the girl's hair with his mouth.

EG Rainbow Dash spoke "Hey! Get off!"

EG Danyelle spoke "Those two are savage!"

I roar with all of Bast's might, knocking the rest of the Shadowbooms out cold.

The Shadowbooms then took the Rainbooms’ forms with golden eyes.

EG Danyelle gasps "Isn't that one of the godly Personas? The Egyptian goddess of cats, Bast?"

“Well, I guess you can say that.” I responded.

Due to the Divine Reflector I had with me, a white wolf with red marking and a ink-black tailtip appears beside me.

EG Rarity gasps "Make that TWO GOD-TIER Personas! The Japanese goddess of the sun, Amaterasu... And the Egyptian goddess of cats, Bast..."

EG Danyelle asks "Hey Rise, have you ever heard of a person with two Personas?"

Rise spoke "Heehee! Yep and that’s Yu-Senpai!"

Yosuke spoke "Heh, he has the power of the wild card and can wield more than one persona."

I spoke "But never before has a seemingly normal cat had such powers."

Naoto spoke "You must admit, she has a point."

I purr in delight but then I started growling since a storm was drawing near.

Then the Rainbooms faced their shadows, gaining their personas as I wondered how my Rainbow Dash and her team was doing.

Little did I notice, the others were already searching the Mirror World.

*Meanwhile in Ineighba, Equis*

*Danyelle's POV*

I ask "If I were a kidnapper, where would I hide the folks I took captive?"

My ears were on full alert.

I ask "Hey Skittles, find anything yet?"

Rainbow spoke "We’re getting close to the end, but we may need your help."

I spoke "We don't have Spottedleaf with us right now and..."

A sharp reverberance crossed my mind.

Shaking my head to clear the ringing, I spoke "You're not gonna believe me though but Spottedleaf's got not one but two personas..."

Rainbow asks "…You’re kidding, right?"

I retort "Does it look like I'm lying?"

Rainbow spoke "Okay-Hey! Looks like we’re close! You should get to us if you wanna help!"

Something moves about in my shadow before leaping out and to my surprise, it was a Fenrir wolf!

I spoke "Great StarClan.... It's a freaking Fenrir wolf...."

Rainbow asks "Wait, did you summon that as your familiar?"

“Maybe… I’m on my way!” I said as I went off to find Rainbow and the others.

The Fenrir wolf follows after me.

Soon, I managed to catch up with the others.

Koa soon picks up on Tenshi's scent.

Karei spoke "Looks like we’re almost there."

Koa growls as if to say that there's a bunch of shadows up ahead.

Karei spoke "There she is! Tenshi-chan is behind these gates!"

Rainbow asks "Ready to head in?"

I spoke "Koa senses several shadows between us and Tenshi-chan so we should approach with caution."

All of us nodded before charging through the gates, not seeing any shadows as we saw Tenshi being held by a Pegasus stallion with short black mane and tail, brown eyes and a mole on his forehead, wearing a white collar long sleeved shirt and an emerald delivery uniform.

Tenshi spoke "B-Big bros!"

The stallion spoke "Y-You mustn’t go!"

Seiko spoke "Let go of Tenshi."

Miran asks "Are you Shokubutsu?"

Shokubutsu gasps "You… know me?"

Sunao spoke "Taki Shokubutsu… It’s definitely him! Then he did come in here…"

Kaze spoke "So you’re the killer…"

Shima spoke "Let go of her!!"

Shokubutsu laughs "Wait… Hahahaha, you’re the ones I already saved!"

Already saved?

Shokubutsu spoke "Don’t worry, I’m going to save this filly…"

Kanji scoffs "Huh…? Is this dude high or something? Quit talking crap and let go of the filly!"

Shokubutsu spoke "D-Don’t come near me!"

Tenshi spoke "Nngh…"

Emerald spoke "Tenshi-chan!"

Sunao spoke "Calm down, Kanji-kun! We can’t predict his behavior! We have to keep him talking. If we can discern his intentions, perhaps we can somehow deal with him."

Sunao had a point, so we need to be careful about this and choose our questions carefully.

Koa was soon behind Shokubutsu, clamping his fangs on the stallion's back thus causing Tenshi to escape.

Crackling with electricity, I growl "You got some nerve capturing a friend of mine!"

But then Koa was suddenly sent flying as Tenshi was somehow back in his grasp with his wounds gone completely.

Rainbow snaps "Why’re you doing this?!"

Shokubutsu spoke "To save them…"

Miran asks "What’s the Midnight Mirror?"

Shokubutsu spoke "Creatures needing to be saved appear… That’s why I put them in the TM…"

Seiko spoke "Let Tenshi go!"

Sunao asks "No, we must pull his attention away from Tenshi-chan! You pull the creatures you saw on the Midnight Mirror into this world. Am I correct?"

Shokubutsu spoke "They all… want to be saved…"

Karei asks "…Did I ever ask you to save me?"

Kanji spoke "And you didn’t save us, dammit! It was the exact opposite!"

Shokubutsu asks "If I hadn’t put you in the TM… how would you have ended up…?"

Shima asks "How would we…?"

Karei asks "Are you trying to say… we wouldn’t have been able to face ourselves?"

Kiko spoke "But we almost died because of that!"

Shokubutsu spoke "Yes… Exactly…"

Kaze asks "You kidnapped them… Yes or no?"

Shokubutsu spoke "Yes…"

Kochuu asks "Why’d you target residents of the two who were known through media? Why does the Midnight Mirror show them?"

Shokubutsu spoke "On rainy nights… on TM… they signal me… to save them…"

Kaze asks "You keep saying save this and save that… Are you saying murdering people is your idea of saving them!?"

Shokubutsu spoke "Murder…? No, I’m saving them…"

Goryuu asks "How is that any different when you kill creatures!?"

Shokubutsu spoke "Haha… If you want to think that, go ahead… I know… you chased us all the way here… to kill…"

Wait, he thinks we’re the killers?

Shokubutsu spoke "Ha… haha… Well, too bad… I’m gonna save her."

Tenshi spoke "Ngh…"

Kanji spoke "You asshole… You’re not gonna get away with this!"

Shokubutsu spoke "Shut the hell up!"

Shokubutsu suddenly had a dark blue aura before his eyes turned golden, with his wings getting bigger and growing a horn, which lifted his cap a bit. I can’t believe it, he’s an alicorn?!

Shokubutsu spoke "What a wonderful world… An unknown, unreachable place… filled with pleasant fog… I’m a Savior… It’s filthy over there… So many evildoers… That’s why I’m going to save them… I’m a Savior… A righteous hero… I’ll save her, just like the rest! I’m a hero… I’m a knight in shining armor!"

Shima asks "Is that… a Shadow?"

Shokubutsu was suddenly engulfed in shadows with Tenshi.

Tenshi gasps "*Cough! Wheeze!* Big bros… I can’t… breathe…"

Shokubutsu was suddenly transforming as shadows lunged and were absorbed into him.

Sunao gasps "Ngh… What’s happening to him!?"

Teddie spoke "If we don’t do something, this could be bad! His powers are attracting more and more Shadows to him!"

Heifa spoke "That’ll definitely bad!"

Emerald asks "You guys got any suggestions!?"

Karei spoke "Look at him… He’s merging with the Shadows…!"

Shokubutsu was engulfed in a blinding light as he became a Shadow that carried Tenshi in a single hand with two fingers.

Kanji gasps "…the hell!?"

Kaze spoke "Dammit… We’ve come this far… We’re not losing now!"

This is gonna be a tough fight!

Kunino-sagiri spoke "I… I’m going to save her…! Don’t interfere!"

I roar loud "WE DON'T NEED SAVING!!!!"

I glow a bright red as I flew at breakneck speed while curling into a ball, ripping through the darkness and flying out with Tenshi in my arms.

But then I suddenly froze, same with Seiko, Miran and Rainbow Dash as Kunino-sagiri regenerated and grabbed Tenshi with his right hand with his left hand having two fingers in a victory position. The four of us suddenly turned to the others before I realized what was going on! “Not good!”

Seiko spoke "No… Guys, run!"

Seiko summoned a persona of the Star Arcana with its flames burning brightly before the four of us attacked the others.

Karei spoke "Guys! They have strange things above their heads, that’s gotta be how the Shadow’s controlling their bodies!"

The others fought to keep us distracted while they tried to get Tenshi back from the Shadow before Seiko summoned a different persona before it snipped a thread, attacking the others.

But then Seiko summoned Beelzebub as it prepared Megidolaon with the personas of Miran, Rainbow Dash and me joining in the attack before we somehow stopped ourselves before we noticed a jewel bead band on Seiko and Miran’s front left/right legs.

Tenshi spoke "Big bros… Don’t fight… with those…"

Kunino-sagiri spoke "That’s right, I won’t let anyone stop me!"

Sunao and Kanji’s personas attacked the right hand, dropping Tenshi as Seiko, Miran, Rainbow Dash and I grabbed the weird halos above us, burning our legs/hooves/hand, but we didn’t care.

Rainbow screams "I won’t betray my friends… NEVER AGAIN!"

We threw the halos down, shattering them as the bracelets fell apart on Seiko and Miran before we ran and caught Tenshi.

Kunino-sagiri spoke "Give her back… Give her back!"

But then those halos appeared on Kaze and the others.

Kaze spoke "Ah, balls!"

Emerald spoke "M-My body…!"

Shima spoke "It’s… moving…"

Teddie spoke "All on its own!"

Most of the others’ personas were ready to attack us before Seiko shattered a hierophant arcana tarot card as the attacks were about to hit us. But we were shielded as a dragon was around us, with Seiko having summoned it before the orbs in its claws shined, shattering the halos and freeing the others from the Shadow’s control.

A howl rings clear as Azure flew into a flying spindash, clonking Kunino-sagiri hard on the head.


Three roars and a screech were heard before Water Splash pops up suddenly with her four Personas.

The four aimed their attacks at the halo, breaking it as shadows started erupting from Kunino-sagiri, swirling around us.

Teddie spoke "Gah! The Shadows are going bearserk!"

But then a justice tarot card appeared in front of Seiko before he shattered it, summoning a persona that opened its scroll, causing a bright light to emit as sealing papers surrounded the area and shined as well, defeating the Shadows instantly as Kunino-Sagiri went back to Shokubutsu.

Shokubutsu asks "Why?"

Shokubutsu then fell unconscious, followed by Tenshi.

Karei and Seiko spoke "Tenshi-chan!"

Karei spoke "She looks like she’s in pain… but she doesn’t seem to be injured anywhere…"

Teddie spoke "This place must not be good for her… We need to carry her out, quick!"

Half of the group went off with Seiko, Miran and Tenshi.

Sunao spoke "…We should take him with us as well."

Kaze spoke "Yeah… We can’t just leave him here, I guess."

Kaze and Kanji picked up Shokubutsu as we followed the others outta here.

Water spoke "Good thing Spitfire patched through to me or things would have ended badly for you all."

Rainbow spoke "Yeah, but it looks like both Tenshi and Shokubutsu need a hospital."

Water spoke "Allow me!"

Water uses her water magic to heal the two back to full health.

I spoke "Never have I ever seen someone with four Personas at the same time..."

Tenshi still seemed to be in pain.

I use my holy magic to clear out any remaining darkness that was in Tenshi's heart, easing the filly's pain.

Teddie spoke "Close one, the little filly must’ve been affected by the Mirror World because of her young age."

I spoke "It's thanks to these beads that I can use holy magic which can dispel darkness. If I didn't have them, Tenshi-chan would have died."

But then I heard a voice from my shadow. "{Maybe, but I have a feeling that Tenshi’s a fighter, so she would’ve come back.}"

I think "{Was that your voice Koa?}"

Koa asks "{You can say that, but also your voice. But that can be confusing, can it?}"

I giggle "{You silly Fenrir.}"

Koa chuckles "{Hehe, you’re silly too, ya know.}"

I spoke "I wonder what Spots is up to..."

*Back with Spottedleaf*

*Spottedleaf's POV*

I growl "Mouse tails! We're lost!"

EG Teddie spoke "At least we beat Spike’s Shadow."

I meow "Though I didn't expect it to take on the form of a dragon of all things."

EG Twilight spoke "Well, it definitely looked like Fafnir in his dragon form."

I ask "But what about the black tortoise, the azure dragon, white tiger and red phoenix?"

EG Danyelle spoke "Last I heard about those four, they manifested in a girl named Korra since she's from China."

EG Rainbow whines "Aw man! Why does my cousin have four personas and I only get one?"

EG Danyelle spoke ""Cool it Skittles. Korra was lucky enough to get Genbu, Seiryu, Byako and Suzaku since she's the freaking Avatar."

EG Rainbow asks "*Tick mark* What was that, hairball?"

I growl "Watch it Rainbows... you do realize you just insulted me, Fire and the dog right?"

EG Danyelle slaps her cousin upside the back of the head.

EG Spike spoke "Hehehe! Good one!"

I gasp "Wh-when did you start talking Spike?"

EG Danyelle spoke "Like I always say... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

EG Vince spoke "Nee-chan! I found Nanako!"

EG Danyelle spoke "Talk about timing!"

We arrived at a pair of gates.

Rise spoke "Nanako-chan’s definitely past these gates!"

I had Bast and Amaterasu at the ready.

Fire yowls "CHARGE!!!"

Naoto spoke "Slow down! We need to be careful about this. There's no telling what would happen."

I wingslap Fire on the head.

I meow "Fire and I can't stay too long though."

*shortly after the boss fight*

I had Amaterasu carry Nanako to a safer place so I could heal her since she was still young plus she was having trouble breathing.

I used holy magic to cleanse the darkness in Nanako's heart, easing her pain.

Yosuke and Kanji were carrying Namatame since we couldn't leave him behind in that death trap.

I meow "He'll likely be sent to jail for what he had done."

EG Vince spoke "Definitely."

Later, we found Namatame in the hospital, recovering from what happened in the TV World.

Since EG Spike, Fire and I weren't allowed in, the three of us had to wait outside the hospital.

*EG Danyelle's POV*

We entered Namatame's room, finding a wide-open window and Namatame on the ground in shock of that.

Namatame groans "Agh... Ugh..."

Yu asks "What are you doing?"

Kabuto asks "Trying to escape?"

Namatame stammers "I-I was scared... So I... I..."

Yosuke asks "You just won't quit, will you?"

Chie spoke "You're lucky Nanako-chan's still alive!"

Namatame spoke "I-I, I didn't, I..."

But then the TV turned on by itself as I realized it was midnight and raining.

Rise asks "12 o'clock... Is it the Midnight Channel? Hey, isn't this...!?"

We saw another Namatame with golden eyes on the TV.

Other Namatame spoke "Even though she's alive, I failed to save her. It's because you got in my way."

Yosuke gasps "Another Namatame...?!"

Saki gasps "What?! How is that possible when he's here and his Shadow beaten...?!"

Naoto spoke "No... Come to think of it, Namatame never faced his other self. And we didn't witness his Shadow returning to his body as a Persona, either... Perhaps that's why we're seeing this now..."

Namatame gasps "What... the..."

Namatame definitely looked shocked.

Shadow Namatame laughs "Even when she's still alive, I failed. But it wasn't my fault. And the law can't touch me anyway..."

Namatame stammers "Wh-What...!?"

Goryuu asks "That's what Namatame's truly thinking?!"

Chie spoke "Then... he wasn't deranged or anything... He knew what he was doing...!"

Yosuke snaps "To hell with the law... I won't ever forgive what you did...!"

Namatame whimpers "Th-This... Please... Stop..."

Namatame was holding his head in pain.

Kanji snaps "*Tick mark* Huh? Stop what? We ain't even done anything yet... Or do you want us to do something...? Something fitting for a bastard like you!"

Rise spoke "K-Kanji..."

Yosuke was silent.

Shadow Namatame laughs "Do whatever you want. You hate me because the child was hurt, don't you? I don't care either way. Living and dying makes no difference to me. But you... You're different. *Chuckle* You can't do such a thing. You wouldn't dare, right? *Chuckle* I'll continue "saving" people... It's my mission...!"

The TV turned off...

Yukiko asks "Mission...!?"

Naoto angrily spoke "My god..."

Namatame whines "*Painfully* P-Please stop..."

Yosuke snaps *Angrily* He wants us to stop. What should we do?"

Chie asks "Wh-What do you mean?"

Kanji spoke "We can't let this bastard do whatever he pleases."

Goryuu asks "But... What do we do now?"

Yosuke spoke "No way I'm gonna walk out of here doing nothing..."

Saki asks "Y-Yosuke?"

Haruki spoke "Looks like a luxury suite with a large television."

Naoto spoke "Why, with something like this in the room, this man could escape at any time... Although once he enters.... he may find there's no way out."

EG Twilight asks "W-Wait! You're joking... Right?"

EG Rainbow asks "You seriously gonna walk away like nothing happened?"

EG Fluttershy spoke "But still!"

Chie asks "Wh-What's gotten into you guys!?"

EG Rarity gasps "This is insane! Why and how can we do an act like this!?"

Yosuke spoke "Rarity! Chie! Everyone... Listen to me. If we're gonna do this... now is our only shot. We won't get a second chance. At this rate, the guy's gonna get off the hook... And he'll go around "saving" people again! You just heard what this bastard's really thinking! If that happens, it'll be just like Mayumi Yamano... Who knows how many innocent people will die this time? I can't let something like that go..."

EG Pinkie's hair was deflated and straight.

Yosuke asks "Saki almost died... Her would-be killer can't be convicted... And now I'm gonna let the same thing happen again? There's no way I can do that! It's just wrong, isn't it!?"

EG Pinkie spoke "...Right."

Chie spoke "B-But... You guys..."

Yosuke spoke "All we have to do is push him inside the TV... That's it. We do that one thing, and this is all over."

Chie stammers "J-Just... push him inside...?"

Yosuke asks "If any of you want no part in this, just leave the room. I'm not gonna force you to stay. As for me, nothing could make me forgive this bastard... But before we do this, I want to hear what you think. What do you want to do... Leader?"

Yu spoke "Wait a second..."

EG Applejack, EG Rainbow, Kabuto and I seemed to have thought what Yu was thinking.

Yosuke asks "We don't have time to wait! If we don't do this now, the cops'll come back! What're you trying to say!?"

Kabuto spoke "We're missing something..."

Yosuke asks "Something we don't know...? What don't we know!?"

EG Applejack spoke "It was Namatame's real feelings."

Yosuke asks "But we just heard the guy's true feelings on the TV! What didn't you understand!?"

EG Rainbow spoke "Look, something's actually bothering me too."

Yosuke asks "Well, what is it!? I already told you, there's no time to waste! Are you four even getting at something here, or are you just stalling!?"

"Like Kabuto said, we're missing something..." I answered.

Yosuke spoke "Missing...? Like what exactly? Dammit... I've heard enough of this bullshit! Give me a straight answer! Are we doing this or not!? That's all I give a damn about right now!"

Yu spoke "Calm the hell down!"

That definitely surprised the rest of us.

EG Teddie spoke "Yikes!"

Heifa spoke "Whoa... Now that's scary."

Namatame groans "Nggh..."

Yukiko spoke "H-He's right. L-Let's calm down for a second."

EG Pinkie spoke "I'm totally calm."

Chie asks "Hey, what did you five mean by, "we're missing something"...?"

Yosuke asks "What's there to miss with a sick bastard like him!?"

Rise spoke "Hey, let's all take a deep breath. After what happened... we're not thinking straight right now."

Kanji scoffs "Tch... Fine..."

All of us took a deep breath, calming ourselves down.

Naoto spoke "You're right... We should calm down and think rationally about this... I realize now that we've heard almost nothing from Namatame's perspective... There's no denying that this man brought great harm to Nanako-chan... But other than that point, the rest comes from our assumptions based on watching the Midnight Channel a moment ago. I won't deny that we were blinded by the heat of the moment... trying to impute all responsibility to him rashly."

Kanji spoke "But...!"

Yosuke asks "Yeah, the guy's not saying anything! Whatever reason he had, there's no doubt about the fact that he'd been throwing people inside the TV. It was him who put Saki through that misery... How can we possibly understand someone who says killing people is the same as "saving" them!?"

Naoto spoke "Failing to understand and failing to listen are rather different things. Truthfully, not all the hitches that were nagging at me have been answered yet. We'll have to see what he can tell us about them... Though it appears he's in no condition to do so at the moment."

Yosuke spoke "True... Dealing with him right now might not solve all the things that are bothering us... Dammit... But you better remember this... I'll do everything I can to stop him from repeating what he's done. Anytime, anywhere... anything."

Yu spoke "Let's just think for now."

Yosuke spoke "Geez... How the hell can you stay so calm, man? Then again, that's why you're our leader... Alright. Let's go ahead and think this through as much as we need."

Kanji spoke "If we leave any unanswered questions behind, we'll just be lying to ourselves... Yeah, that ain't gonna cut it... Alright, I'm convinced."

Rise spoke "*Sigh* Thank you... I'll think as hard as I can, and try to help!"

Chie asks "We all know how you feel, Yosuke! C'mon, we've accomplished this much together as a team, haven't we?"

Yukiko spoke "Right... Together."

Yosuke spoke "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Sorry... and thanks."

We soon left the room and hospital.

Spottedleaf meows "That guy is bonkers though..."

"I don't know. Something's telling me that he's more of a victim." I said to Spottedleaf.

Spottedleaf meows "I can feel it... A dark presence is coming..."

EG Rainbow spoke "Yeah. But it’s been getting foggy the last few days."

Fire meows "Leaf, we should get back home and see how the others are doing."

Spottedleaf meows "I know that Fire but I have to get the girls back to their hometown since I don't have access to a magic portal here."

Fire meows "Oh. Good point."

Spottedleaf meows "Exactly Fire."

*After teleporting with Fire, EG Spike and the Rainbooms back to CHS schoolgrounds,*

Spottedleaf meows "Well girls, this is where Fire and I must return to our world."

EG Fluttershy spoke "Please come back again sometime."

Spottedleaf pulled the bracelet off her neck and gave it back to EG Twilight.

Spottedleaf meows "Unless something comes up that needs my urgent attention, I don't know when I'll come back for a visit."

The two cats head back through the portal after waving goodbye to the six females.

EG Pinkie spoke "Well, there they go."

*Back in the Crystal Empire,*

*Spottedleaf's POV*

I spoke "It's good to be back home."

Fireheart spoke "Yeah though it did feel weird being on four paws."

I giggle "Yeah, I was so used to walking on two feet that I've forgotten what it was like to be a normal cat. Oh, Twilight! I'm back!"

Twilight spoke "Spottedleaf, Rainbow Dash just told us that Shokubutsu’s in the hospital and that she and the others will ask him questions when he calms down."

I ask "And is Tenshi okay?"

Twilight spoke "Yep."

I sigh with relief. "Oh thank StarClan... Some folks I met also had gone through the same thing but I had lent them a helping paw as it were."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle definitely did that."

I ask "Let me guess, holy magic?"

Twilight spoke "Yep."

I spoke "This collar came in handy for me since it kept the dogcatchers off my tail. If I had gotten caught, I would never have been able to make it back to where I belong safely. And before Lyra has a conniption, I did meet a few nice Twolegs since they had a similar problem that we had."

Twilight asks "Really?"

I spoke "I also met your counterpart too, she's got a pet dog named Spike."

Twilight spoke "A dog? I’m surprised he wasn’t a lizard."

I spoke "And I heard from Danyelle's counterpart that Water's counterpart had four Personas! The fire phoenix, Suzaku. The water dragon, Seiryu. The earth turtle, Genbu. And the air tiger, Byako."

Twilight spoke "Heehee. Good."

I spoke "Even I have one as well. Mine's the Neighgyptian goddess of cats, Bast."

Twilight gasps "*Shock* Whoa! Really?!"

I giggle "Eyup."


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