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*Sleuth’s POV*

Those of us were were called to this Avalon were on a boat with Goliath, Demona, Bronx and the unknown female gargoyle with Noble as he explained what was going on at Avalon.

Noble asks "Remember what I told you what happened while you and your friends were stone, Goliath?"

Goliath spoke "Yes. I owe you more than I can ever repay."

“I still don’t understand how you could have lived back then and still look young.” I said to Noble.

Noble spoke "Well, time passes differently on Avalon. Every hour here is a day in the real world. I came back once a hundred years to see if the spell was broken, old friend."

Goliath spoke "You spoke of the Archmage, but he died long ago after falling into that ravine."

Noble spoke "Don’t know how he made it, but he’s invading Avalon. We gotta get there before the sun rises, since the spell hasn’t been casted on the Gargoyles there."

Goliath spoke "We will help you any way we can."

Pinkie spoke "LAND HO!!!"

The mist cleared, revealing Avalon as we landed on shore before getting off the boat.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "But it still doesn't explain why Redux Danyelle, OC-verse Danyelle and I were called here. We're not of this universe."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Twilight, shut up."

Noble spoke "By the way, the other eggs are here."

Goliath asks "Where?"

We looked up, seeing a male gargoyle show up before picking up a female gargoyle beast as he glided around and towards us before landing.

Male Gargoyle spoke "I see you’ve returned with Angela, Noble. And with others as well."

Noble spoke "Good to see you again, Gabriel."

“These are the eggs?” I asked as the male gargoyle called Gabriel set the female gargoyle beast down before she ran towards Noble.

Noble spoke "*Chuckle* Yeah, and this one’s Boudicca."

Gabriel spoke "*Notices Goliath* I suppose you’re Goliath? *As Goliath nodded* Hehe, Angela has heard much about you. It was her dream to meet you in all honesty."

Noble spoke "*Referring to unknown female gargoyle with us* By the way, this is Angela."

Goliath asks "You’ve given them names?"

Angela giggles "Of course! How else could we tell each other apart?"

Noble chuckles "I raised Angela as if she were my own daughter."

Gabriel spoke "We should get back to the castle."

Angela spoke "Gabriel’s right. It could be dangerous here."

We started moving forward before we heard a voice.

A voice taunts "Dangerous? Do you think so?"

We turned around, seeing a male elderly lesser alicorn made of sand.

Goliath spoke "Archmage!"

Archmage (Sand clone) spoke "*As another rose* Very astute, Goliath!"

Goliath was attacked by the other sand clone and was knocked over and covered in sand before the other Gargoyles were grabbed by tentacles of sand before we started fighting the sand clones, only for our attacks to have no affect.

Archmage (Sand clone) spoke "Don’t push your luck, Noble Howl. *Pushes Noble into another sand clone* I gave you time to prepare for death, and you wasted it looking for help. *As sand covered the other gargoyles with Archmage heads appearing on the heaps of sand* There is no help for you under the heavens. *As Goliath got up and broke free* I’m insulted you thought otherwise."

Goliath roars "Don’t be too insulted."

Goliath helped free us with Boudicca helping free the other trapped Gargoyles as we fought the sand clones before a giant sand clone appeared.

Archmage (Sand Clone) spoke "Don’t crow too loudly. After all, what have you achieved? *Starts gaining gargoyle features* You beat up a beach. At dawn, you all will die! Get used to it. *Turns to stone before explodes*"

Noble spoke "We better return to the castle or we’ll be attacked by wind next. Angela, your lead."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "I can't use my beast form here!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "You think that's bad? I can't use ANY of my powers!"

We started moving forward, following Angela.

“I know this isn’t the time, but I can’t help noticing that Angela sort of looks like Demona, except her coloring’s different. Whose daughter is she?” I asked.

Goliath spoke "Daughters and sons belong to the whole clan, Sleuth. It is the gargoyle way.

We soon arrived at a castle, seeing other gargoyles as we went inside.

Goliath asks "How many are wounded?"

Angela spoke "Too many. We weren’t prepared for battle."

Gabriel spoke "Before tonight, there was never any need to hone our combat skills."

Noble spoke "Still, I’m glad no lives were lost."

Fluttershy got right to work on healing the wounded.

Redux Danyelle asks "What was that jerk's problem?"

Twilight spoke "The gargoyle way kind of reminds me of the chakat way but it's not the pony way."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Nor is it the Mobian way."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Or the Poké-Mobian way."

Spottedleaf spoke "It kind of reminds me of my past life where the kits were cared for by nursing she-cats."

Rainbow spoke "That’s what I wanna know!

Goliath spoke "The way you guarded our children, Noble, is more than I dreamed of. I am glad to be here.

A female gargoyle groaned.

Noble spoke "Well, right now could’ve been gladder.

Goliath spoke "*Notices wounds* Beam burns! Tell us what happened."

Rarity asks "Wait, where’s Demona?"

We looked around and saw that Demona was suddenly gone.

Noble spoke "Well, right now, the only ones on Avalon are us and those of this castle. And the sleeping king of course, but we’ve yet to find him. The Weird Sisters were the leaders in the attack, accompanied by a gray-bearded Abyssinian, and for some reason… Demona."

Goliath asks "Demona?"

“And I bet gray beard was Macbeth.” I added.

Noble spoke "So you already know the Abyssinian.

“Yes, but they hate each other.” I noted.

Noble spoke "Didn’t show any of that here."

Goliath spoke "The Weird Sisters have been using them all along. Demona and Macbeth must still be under their control.

Noble spoke "Starswirl’s old nemesis/rival, the Archmage, is pulling the strings. I saw the Eye of Odin right below his horn, and the artifact definitely turned him into a powerful alicorn. He’s also wearing the Phoenix Gate, which will allow him to travel time and space in a single thought. If I didn’t know my old spell book from when I was a unicorn, I’d think he has that too."

“Which explains a lot. Macbeth and Demona must have stolen those talismans from you guys while they were under the Weird Sisters’ power.” I realized.

Goliath spoke " And the Sisters must have given the talismans to the Archmage."

Fluttershy spoke "*Healing the gargoyles* Well, at least we know those two didn’t do it because they wanted to."

Noble spoke "Weird thing is, there were TWO Archmages. And after that losing fight, I knew I needed help. And I’m glad Angela and I found you guys. But we’re on the clock, because if we don’t beat the Archmage before dawn, let’s just say we’ve lost before the battle even started."

Gabriel spoke "We have less than three hours left."

Angela spoke "But Goliath’s here now. He can protect us."

Goliath spoke "We can deal with Macbeth and Demona. We’ve done that before. But we cannot fight the Archmage without magic. Noble, we’ll need your help."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Sleeping king.... It has to be King Arthur!"

Noble spoke "You catch on quickly. In fact, the legends are true."

Goliath spoke "*Looking over map* Perhaps we can recover the Eye of Odin and the Phoenix Gate, their loss would diminish the Archmage’s power greatly. We cannot hope to take our enemies by frontal assault. Our best chances lies in stealth."

Angela spoke "Then you’ll need a guide."

Gabriel spoke "Two. We know every inch of this island."

Redux Danyelle spoke "But think about it though guys, a large nine-tailed fox can stick out like a sore paw in a place like this."

As luck would have it, Redux Danyelle had the Phoenix Gate in her hands since she managed to steal it from the Archmage.

But then Redux Danyelle was suddenly shocked by the Phoenix Gate, causing her to drop it as she became paralyzed before Noble inspected it.

Noble spoke "This is only a mere powerless replica enchanted with a paralysis spell. The Archmage knew you would try to take the Phoenix Gate and wore the counterfeit as you took this. I wouldn't suggest trying that again, since he'll be expecting that."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Uh, I had changed my ability to Lightning Rod so electric attacks have no effect on me."

Noble spoke "*As Redux Danyelle went back to normal* Consider yourself lucky he didn't expect that. Still, don't do that again as he'll be expecting anyone to suddenly appear."

Goliath spoke "Noble is right. This must be a surgical strike. Angela, Gabriel, you're with me. The rest of you must stay here and help protect the wounded. Sleuth, you'd better come up with a contingency plan in case this doesn't work."

I nodded as the three gargoyles left before I turned towards Noble. "Wait a minute. Tell me about the sleeping king."

Redux Danyelle and OC-verse Twilight go with the three gargoyles in case they needed firepower.

*Goliath's POV*

*Sigh* I can't believe two of the others came along.

Redux Danyelle spoke "Nobody can tell me to stay put though. Plus my ability can keep you guys safe if that guy decided to use lightning spells, I can't be hurt by electricity."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Same reason but only my universe's Danyelle can stop me."

But then Gabriel stopped, causing the rest of us to stop.

Gabriel asks "I heard something... over there. Did you hear it?"

The rest of us, excluding Redux Danyelle shook our heads and the nekomata nodded.

Angela spoke "The grotto is just ahead."

"I'll act as diversion. The rest of you retrieve the Eye of Odin and the Phoenix Gate, and get out." I said.

Redux Danyelle "You're not distracting alone, big guy."

OC-verse Twilight whispers "Now you see why Redux Danyelle came along, her hearing is better than mine is since I have a loud voice."

OC-verse Twilight moved ahead with Angela and Gabriel.

"And no heroics." I added to my last statement.

Redux Danyelle spoke "You can't stop a Twilight once she puts her mind to something."

The two of us then looked around before I spotted a shadowy figure moving.

"Jalapeña." I muttered before started following the figure in silence.

*Sleuth's POV*

Noble spoke "None of us know much about the sleeping king, only that he remains asleep until his country needs him."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "And what about the legendary sword, Excalibur?"

Noble spoke "Sorry, but there's no sign of the sacred sword in Avalon."

"How do I get there?" I asked.

Noble spoke "You want to wake him up? But we don't know what protective spells there could be around where he lies."

"We have no choice." I pointed out.

Noble spoke "Hmm... Fair enough, we do have to search every nook and cranny of Avalon. I'll go look for him."

"Not without me. My idea, remember?" I reminded.

A voice was heard from the sword strapped to OC-verse Danyelle's back.

The sword spoke "Thou would be foolish to go alone."

Both Noble and I got spooked by the sudden voice.

OC-Danyelle spoke "Oh, right."

A male voice spoke from OC-verse Danyelle's 2DS since she never went anywhere without it.

The male voice groans "Dany, you're a bigger idiot than Ein..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Megaman, shut up."

*Goliath's POV*

Angela, Gabriel and OC-Verse Twilight moved toward the grotto, seeing the Archmage meeting with the Weird Sisters before the something poked Angela's back.

Angela spoke "*Whispers while elbowing Gabriel* Stop it!"

A voice spoke "Hands up...

The three turned around, seeing Demona and a gray furred male Abyssinian with a beard and black cloak, known as Macbeth, aiming firearms at them with their eyes glowing blue.

Macbeth spoke "And don't move."

Redux Danyelle and I showed up and stopped the ambush.

"No! They are our clan's children. Demona, I know you still don't trust other creatures, but these are innocent gargoyles." I told Demona.

Demona asks "...No. *Eye glow fades as she sighed* Can it be?"

"And you, Macbeth... Does your much vaunted sense of honor include the slaughter of innocents?" I said to Macbeth as the glow in his eyes faded as well. "The Archmage is using you!"

OC-verse Twilight growls at the two.

A torrent of water swirled up before crashing down thus revealing a pink alicorn mare with green eyes, dark pink mane and a dress identical to the Lady of the Lake's dress.


But then we heard a dark chuckle as a sphere of plasma appeared before it vanished, revealing the Archmage. "Oh, you're very good, Goliath, but appealing to their better natures won't help you. They're my creatures now. *Demona and Macbeth's eyes glowed blue again* I have great plans for you and your four friends, Goliath, but these young ones are expendable. *Turns towards Demona and Macbeth* Destroy them."

But then Boudicca tackled the three, knocking them down as Angela tried to take the Eye of Odin, only to get attacked and sent back by magical energy after she tried to take it, but failed.

Gabriel spoke "*Lifts Angela* Angela! Come on!"

Red Rose spoke "This is not over, Archmage.

The seven of us then retreated.

The Archmage spoke "I generously allowed them to live until dawn, but if they're so eager to die..."

*Sleuth's POV*

OC-verse Danyelle, Noble and I were moving forward, though I was falling behind a bit as I panted. "Come on, you guys, slow down. We're on the same side, you know."

Noble spoke "Sorry about that. Guess that lone wolf's still in me."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Great.... How can we stop that jerk?"

We moved forward as Noble explained what happened over the last before we found a cave entrance.

Noble spoke "Here we are."

“This? I was expecting something… grander.” I noted as we kept heading inside before we entered a room, seeing a giant square pillar with two suits of armor wielding swords in front of it. But when we were on the bridge, the suits of armor moved and charged at us as I brought out my crossbow. “Stay back!” I gasped as I fired, only to knock a helmet off.

Noble spoke "*Starts glowing* I got these ones. Armored warriors who would stay upon the winds of yesterday. *As the suits of armor glowed as well* You have discharged your promise bold, so sleep you now, grow still, grow cold."

The suits of armor then fell apart while dropping the weapons.

A glint of metal was seen as Azure Wind pops up while holding a sword with his mouth.

But he somehow seemed frozen as I moved forward before the front half of the bridge collapsed. “Noble! What do I do?”

Noble spoke "Believe in yourself and jump! It’s a leap of faith!"

I did what he said and jumped across the bridge, but when I got up and turned around, I was honestly confused as I saw that the bridge didn’t collapse in the first place. But then the pillar lowered as I approached King Arthur and the frozen Azure Wind. “Arthur Pendragon, King of all Bridle, you are needed.”

But then King Arthur glowed before turning into red streams of magic as he flowed right into Azure Wind, causing him to unfreeze.

Dropping the sword in shock, Azure Wind spoke "Whoa… head rush."

Rainbow asks "Azure, you okay?"

“What the?! Azure, when did you-?” I tried to ask.

Azure spoke "I’m fine, Dashie. But now we gotta head back to the castle."

*Goliath’s POV*

We were back at the castle as Angela petted Boudicca.

Angela spoke "It’s a good thing Boudicca decided to follow us."

But then we heard clanking as we saw a door open, revealing OC-Verse Danyelle, Noble, Rainbow Dash, Sleuth and for some reason, Azure Wind as the blue alicorn came in before we realized what happened.

Gabriel spoke "Noble, is that…"

“I take it, you had more success than we did.” I noticed.

Sleuth spoke "Thanks to Noble. Demona and Macbeth are two of the greatest warriors of all time. We’ve got to face it, Goliath. You’ve never actually beaten either of them."

“I only foiled their plans or fought them to a draw.” I admitted.

Sleuth spoke "We needed the best warrior who ever lived. We needed… King Arthur, Azure Wind’s previous incarnation."

Azure asks "Uh, thanks for the compliment, but can someone tell me what’s happening?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Blue Blur here is the reincarnation of King Arthur."

Azure spoke "I’d find that hard to believe, but with a second set of memories, can’t really argue with that."

We explained the situation to Azure.

Noble asks "Can you help us, Azure?"

Azure spoke "Well, you did awaken one of my past lives early, right after I found this sword I have in Bridle. But you really need my help, huh? Then I’ll help ya fight the Archmage and his goons."

Gabriel came in from his patrol. “The warriors have been spotted in the orchard!”

Noble spoke "Had a feeling he’d attack before dawn."

“He might have waited for sunrise if not for me.” I said.

Azure asks "Hey, nighttime’s actually the best-case scenario here. I mean, there won’t be much of us during the day. I know some or half of us are good in a fight, and that Sleuth fought Demona and Macbeth before. I’ll lead the defence against those two. But what about the Archmage?"

“I’m the one he wants. I will face him.” I volunteered.

Angela spoke "Not without me."

Danyelle spoke "Plus we've got the Nine Tailed Terror with us too. Day or night, she's able to fight."

Azure spoke "Those who can’t or won’t fight will stay here to protect the injured Gargoyles.

Fluttershy spoke "*Nod* Right."

Azure spoke "But now there’s only the Weird Sisters."

Noble spoke "I’ll take care of them. I beat them before, I can do it again."

OC-verse Twilight growls "Not by yourself wolfboy."

*Sleuth's POV*

We were soon outside, hiding before we started fighting Demona and Macbeth as Azure Wind started fighting Macbeth.

Macbeth asks "Who are you?"

Azure spoke "Azure Wind, but in a past life, I was Arthur Pendragon."

Macbeth gasps "King Arthur?"

Azure spoke "You bet!"

Macbeth spoke "Well, I always wanted to see how I'd stand up against the best."

The rest of us fought Demona, with me landing a blow on her, somehow causing Macbeth to flinch in pain before Azure pinned him down while holding one of his arms behind his back, causing Demona to snarl in pain.

Azure spoke "Looks like we got a double-whammy. Whenever we attack one, we also attack the other."

Demona spoke "*Gets up* I must put some distance between us."

Azure spoke "Don't let her get to the palace!"

We tried to stop Demona, but she glided off to the castle.

*Noble's POV*

Any second now.

OC-Verse Twilight groans "Ugh..."

Then the Weird Sisters showed up.

Phoebe taunts "Taking a rest, lone wolf? Or have you chosen this place to be your grave?"

"Had a feeling you'd be here." I simply answered.

Selene laughs "You and your friend are no match for us."

Artemis spoke "There is no future for either of you."

OC-verse Twilight roars loud as flames engulf her as she transforms into Twirama.

Twirama growls "I'M NOT GOING TO DIE HERE!!!"

"Time for some extra juice. Mystical Avalon, hear my plea! Fill me with your energy!" I chanted as I tapped a stone with my horn before I felt magic flowing into me before I fired a powered-up beam which hit the Weird Sisters.

Twirama roars "EAT FIRE KYUUBI ROAR!!!!"

The attack hits the trio, hurting them as well.

Phoebe spoke "You hurt us, sorcerer!"

Artemis spoke "You steal power from the land of our birth."

Weird Sisters spoke "You both will suffer!"

The two of us were then attacked by the Weird Sisters.

Twirama rears up before slamming her forepaws on the ground, sending a fiery tornado towards the Weird Sisters thus hurting them greatly.

*Sleuth's POV*

Demona flew up and hit some area, knocking down a few gargoyles before she landed when she saw Boudicca heading for her as she flew down and walked into the building, running into Fluttershy and Rarity before the female gargoyle from before tried to strike her, but was thrown to a wall as she aimed her weapon and the gargoyle when Fluttershy and Rarity shielded her.

Rarity asks "Stop! Are you insane?!"

Fluttershy spoke "They're your family!"

Meanwhile, Azure struck Macbeth's firearm, knocking it out of his hand. "Time to finish this."

But then Macbeth kicked Azure down as he aimed his sword at the alicorn.

Macbeth spoke "Yes. One way or another."

*Goliath's POV*

I roared as I glided towards the grotto, seeing the Archmage.

The Archmage spoke "Goliath."

I tried to tackle him while airborne, but he dodged.

Archmage asks "Is that the best you can do?"

The Archmage blasted me with magic, sending me down onto my hands and knees as he laughed.

*Sleuth's POV*

Gabriel asks "Demona! *Shows up from an open window* Are you afraid to face one of your own?"

Gabriel had a few small holes in his left wing as he grabbed onto the chandelier before swinging off it and kicked Demona as some of the others showed up.

Demona spoke "How cozy. Now you can all die together."

I fired a crossbow which narrowly missed Demona. "Wouldn't you rather have me?" I challenged before realizing I ran out of ammo.

Demona spoke "Always. *Throws weapon away*"

The two of us started tussling.

*Goliath's POV*

Archmage spoke "I have waited a millennium for this moment. *As he blasted me with more magic* And it was worth the wait. *Chuckles*"

*Sleuth's POV*

Demona had me pinned down before Rainbow Dash and Gabriel tackled her, pinning her arms down.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Keep her steady! Come on!"

But then Demona kicked, clawing a tear in Gabriel's left wing.

Demona spoke "*Attacking Rainbow Dash* Let go of me!"

But then I joined Rainbow Dash as we pinned her down.

Demona spoke "I will destroy you all!"

Demona tried to reach for her firearm before Boudicca and OC-verse Danyelle showed up with Gabriel helping us pin her down as the gargoyle beast kicked the firearm away.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Playtime's over. Move now!"

The three of us got off Demona.

"CHAOS BARRIER!!!" OC-verse Danyelle shouted as she fired a beam at Demona with Fluttershy and Rarity assisting her by firing supporting magic beams as well, trapping Demona in a reinforced barrier she couldn't get out of.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Heh, not bad, you three."

Redux Danyelle spoke "But it's NOT OVER YET!!!"

Noble's POV*

That attack sent the Weird Sisters into the water as they got up.

Artemis spoke "Avalon! Aid your children!

The Weird Sisters summoned up a wind and lightning storm as the winds were close to blowing Twirama and I away before I tapped my horn on the ground, causing a big and tall tree to emerge, making the wind go around us before lightning was about to strike the tree right down the middle, only to fly somewhere else and hit Redux Danyelle with her showing as Twirama went back to her pony form with her, Redux Danyelle and I running into the caves while the Weird Sisters followed up.

*Azure's POV*

I got up, my vision a bit blurry as it started clearing.

Macbeth spoke "Your past life has been sleeping too long, old man."

I then dodged his sword before kicking him away. "Too bad you won't beat me." I quipped before our swords clashed, with Excalibur slicing through Macbeth's sword as I then charged Macbeth to a tree and grabbed his broken sword before pinning his cloak to the tree, hanging him up as I punched Macbeth, knocking the Abyssinian out cold.

*Noble's POV*

We were now at where we found King Arthur's tomb.

Redux Danyelle spoke "That was freaking close! If I hadn't had Lightning Rod as my ability, you two would have been electrocuted."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Yeah."

"Don't worry, the tree would have taken the strike instead." I assured as the Weird Sisters arrived.

Selene spoke "You only delay the inevitable."

Phoebe asks "Where is the sleeping king?"

"Back where he belongs. Iron armor, swords, and riches. *As I glowed before firing a beam at the fallen heaps of armor* Form a chain to bind these witches!" I chanted as the suits of armor transformed into a long chain as it wrapped around the Weird Sisters, binding them as they fell to the floor.

Azure had golden armor on his body.

Azure spoke "Woah..."

*Goliath’s POV*

The Archmage spoke "Did you think I’d forgotten our last battle? *Blasts me with magic* Well, I’m no longer that weakling. I could destroy you with a word."

“Then why don’t you?” I pointed out.

The Archmage spoke "Because I’m having too much fun."

The Archmage blasted me with magic again before Angela flew in and tackled him.

The Archmage spoke "Fools!"

The Archmage grabbed Angela and started attacking her with magic as Spottedleaf appeared before the two of us tackled the Archmage down the hill. I attempted to take the Eye of Odin off before the Archmage threw me and Spottedleaf into the water:

The Archmage spoke "Ice!"

The Archmage froze the surface of the water as Spottedleaf and I found ourselves swimming under a sheet of ice as the Archmage chuckled. Spottedleaf and I sank down before we charged upward, breaking through the ice as we grabbed the Eye of Odin. The Archmage tried teleporting from place to place, but we teleported with him before Spottedleaf and I threw him onto the hill as I had the Eye of Odin in my hands.

“You lose again, Archmage.” I said as Spottedleaf and I went into land before the Archmage got up, revealing himself to be the frail, old and long bearded unicorn stallion I knew in the past.

The Archmage spoke "You fool! I still have the Phoenix Gate, and the Grimorum Arcanirum is part of me forever!"

But then magic started surging through the Archmage, much to his realized horror.

The Archmage spoke "No! The Grimorum! Without the Eye I cannot control its power! *Screams as he was incinerated to the point where not even ashes remained, only leaving behind the Phoenix Gate* Oh, my lovely magic!"

“It is over.” I said as Spottedleaf nodded in agreement.

Redux Danyelle spoke "It would be wise to hide those items someplace where they can't be used for evil ever again."

Spottedleaf shook the water off her body, causing her fur to go poofy.

*Spottedleaf’s POV*

We soon returned to the shore with the Eye of Odin and the Phoenix Gate.

Goliath spoke "I owe you a great debt, Noble."

Noble asks "Hmm? What for?"

Goliath spoke "You saved the gargoyles. *Turns towards Gabriel, who has a healed wing* I will miss you all."

Gabriel spoke "*Shakes hands with Goliath* Our place.. my place is here. The others are already rebuilding the palace. Your clan could join us."

Goliath spoke "No. Gargoyles and other creatures must learn to live together again, or it will never be safe for us in the outside world."

Angela spoke "Goliath, I want to go with you."

Goliath spoke "It’s a dangerous path, Angela, but… *Places hand on Angela’s right shoulder* you’d be welcome company."

I spoke "Oh for the love of StarClan! Goliath, Angela is your daughter!"

Next thing I knew, the other alicorns tackled me, covering my mouth.

Twilight spoke "You idiot!"

I teleported before I was tackled.

I growl "He deserves to know the truth though, even Applejack would agree with me on that. Right Applejack?"

Applejack seemed nervous to answer as a silence rang through the air.

Pinkie spoke "Awkward.

Goliath spoke "*To the Weird Sisters as Demona and Macbeth were on a boat* ...Now, free them from your spell.

Phoebe spoke "*Eyes glowing* We free you from our dreadful gaze."

Selene spoke "*Eyes glowing as well* Do as thou will..."

The Weird Sisters spoke "*All eyes glowing* And as thou please."

Demona and Macbeth glowed before that glow faded with them falling unconscious as Goliath pushed the boat they were on out to sea.

Noble spoke "Don't worry, they'll find themselves back home."

Selene spoke "They will have no memory of anything that happened since the spell was cast weeks ago."

Phoebe spoke "Now, keep your part of the bargain.

Goliath snapped the chains, freeing the Weird Sisters as the trio vanished in a pillar of fire.

I spoke "Applejack!"

Applejack spoke "*Wince* Sorry, Spottedleaf, but ya picked a bad time ta say it."

I spoke "Don't make me sic Crosswind on your sorry tail."

Applejack spoke "*Blushing* Just givin' ya mah honest opinion there, Spots."

All three Danyelles giggle.

Angela spoke "Gabriel, I have to go... See the world... Find my place in it."

Gabriel spoke "And so you will, *As he and Angela hugged each other* but I will miss you, my rookery sister."

We said our goodbyes as Gabriel wished us good luck as we started heading back before Sleuth and I noticed Goliath carrying a sack.

Sleuth asks "Souvenirs?"

Goliath spoke "I'm personally going to ensure that the Phoenix Gate and the Eye of Odin are never used again."

Sleuth spoke "If you say so. My personal goal is to get back to Ponyville. As soon as possible."

Noble spoke "*Facehoof!* Didn't you hear what I said, Sleuth? Avalon doesn't send us where we want to go. Avalon sends us where we need to be."

All three Danyelles spoke "It's the same as the Cutie Map, we can't force a friendship mission to appear. They have to appear on their own."


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