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Strange Grand Prix Part 3

*Danyelle's POV*

I growl at the robot.

And soon, Labrys was incapacitated as we beat her in a battle.

The eerie voice spoke "My, she was quite easily defeated. Evidently I didn't push her far enough... Well... she is a test unit, so this is as far as my little game goes."

Seiko spoke "Who are you...? Why are you toying with creatures' emotions like this!? Labrys isn't a tool! If you want to fight, then come out and fight!"

The eerie voice laughs "Haha, you're quite passionate. Seiko Blade, was it?"

This revelation shocked all of us.

Kori spoke "Labrys' Shadow was only the mastermind of the tournament... I see now... you're the true culprit behind the whole thing!"

The eerie voice spoke "Indeed. It was I who stole Labrys away. Since I don't have a Persona and can't enter the TM, I needed a puppet that could run amok for me. Labrys' Persona was only partially awakened, so I had a feeling her Shadow would appear if she underwent a little suffering. You got the better of me this time; you deserve to know at least that much."

Seiko spoke "This time... So your scheme hasn't ended."

The eerie voice spoke "Well then, everyone. Until we meet again!"

Labrys slumped to her knees at that as her eyes turned back to red.

Leafstar spoke "*via compact* Everyone! Somehow, the warriors of the other five clans are freed, but we can't find who trapped us."

Kori spoke "...It seems whoever our adversary is, they're connected to us. I advise you not to get involved in this matter any further. From here on, you should leave this to us."

Emerald gasps "What...!? Wait a second! We went through this whole big thing, and that's it!?"

I spoke "Go cough up a hairball Kori, this mess concerns us too."

Kanji spoke "They're right! There's no way in hell we're backing outta this now!"

Kori spoke "I understand how you feel... but this is too dangerous for you. We will do our best to ensure that no harm comes to you. Trust in us and let us work."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "This is NOTHING compared to what I fought!"

Twilight spoke "Exactly!! We're stronger when we fight together!"

Seiko spoke "...Guys, I think we can trust Kori-san. We should let them handle this."

Applejack spoke "Honestly, Ah gotta agree with Seiko on this one."

Needless to say, their friends of the MCAP-Verse were shocked.

Redux-verse Danyelle and I both spoke "ARE YOU NUTS?!? That's suicide!"

Seiko stared directly into Kaze's eyes for a moment.

Kaze spoke "Uhh... yeah! We're all tired, so let's just get the heck outta here! Haha, hahaha...!"

Twilight spoke "Not a chance Kaze. A clan that fights together, stays together."

But shockingly, the rest of Seiko’s friends, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spottedleaf and Blizzardstar seemed to agree with Seiko and Applejack.

Redux-verse Midnight spoke "Good luck trying to change my mind, this demon isn't backing down from a fight."

Twilight spoke "Blizzardstar! You CAN'T be serious, you're the MeadowClan leader for StarClan's sake! If that thing attacks the rest of the Alliance AND MeadowClan, it'll be game over!"

Crosswind spoke "Come on Jay-Jay, we can't do this alone. Think about the children!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Listen, I trust them. And don’t worry, if they need any help, they can call us."

Kori spoke "*Smile* That much is certain."

Redux-verse Midnight spoke "Don't even bother trying to make me change my mind."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Or mine."

A warp ring appeared as Redux-Verse Opaline and Redux-Verse Ben came out, while the alicorn mare was licking a popsicle.

Redux-verse Opaline giggles "*Singsong* Oh Nighty!"

Redux-verse Ben spoke "Danyelle, please come back. Our kids are worried about you."

Looking at Redux-verse Opaline, Twilight spoke "You look like an adult version of my baby sister..."

Redux-verse Midnight was out cold with a huge blush on his face.

Redux-verse Opaline asks "Really, now?"

What Redux-verse Ben said got Redux-verse Danyelle hard.

Hitch had to restrain a mad Sunny with magic.

Sunny spoke "Let me at her Hitch!"

Hitch spoke "Cool it will you? That's not the Opaline you know!"

Sunny spoke "But-!"

Hitch spoke "Don't make me get Izzy."

Sunny froze at that, knowing how insane Izzy could be.

Twilight spoke "Good call Hitch."

Redux-Verse Opaline asks "Agreed. *Wakes up Redux-Verse Midnight* Well, ready to have fun tonight, Nighty-foxcat?"

But something was off about Redux-verse Midnight.

Danyelle spoke "*pulling Redux-verse Opaline back with magic* Watch it! He's acting weird!"

Redux-verse Opaline asks "Nighty?"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "His demon blood's causing him to go savage!"

Redux-verse Opaline asks "*Whispers to Redux-verse Danyelle* Okay, is it weird that it's making me a little hot?"

Redux-verse Midnight had lost full control of himself before attacking the Investigation Team.

Fortunately, they managed to protect themselves from that attack, not taking much damage.

But Redux-verse Midnight had bitten Kiko.

Kaze spoke "Get away from her! Garudyne!"

Kaze summoned Jiraiya as he spun in a Garudyne tornado, hitting Redux-Verse Midnight enough to let Kiko go as Shima healed the female hippogriff completely with Diarahan.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Oh hairballs! He has tarkat!! AND QUIT PISSING HIM OFF MORE!!"

Large saber teeth had grown from Redux-verse Midnight's mouth, digging into Kiko's body.

Indigo spoke "Dany! The spell!"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball Indigo, I CAN'T use Sacred Penance!"

But then Redux-verse Rani came through the Warp Ring.

Redux-verse Akoya was with her older sister.

Redux-verse Akoya spoke "We got this mama!"

Redux-verse Danyelle gasps "What're you two doin' here?!"

Redux-verse Akoya and Redux-verse Rani spoke "We stop mad foxcat!"

The two Mews clasp hands before using Teleport to get Kiko out of Redux-verse Midnight's mouth as Flintfur and Bone use Blood Chains to restrain the foxcat.

Shima used Diarahan again, fully healing Kiko.

Redux-verse Akoya and Redux-verse Rani spoke "DIVINE JUDGEMENT FOR A TROUBLED SOUL!!! SACRED PENANCE!!!"

A burst of pink magic and a burst of blue magic hits Redux-verse Midnight, purging the virus from his body.

Redux-verse Midnight groans "Ugh... what happened?"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Long story short, you went nuts because of tarkat."

Redux-verse Midnight yells "…SAY WHAT?!"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Don’t worry though, Rani and Akoya treated your symptoms."

Akane runs a scan on Redux-verse Midnight.

Akane spoke "Uh Danyelle, I'm not sensing any traces left of the tarkat virus on the eleven tailed fuzzball."

Redux-verse Danyelle asks "How'd that happen?"

Akane spoke "My guess would be that a double dose of Sacred Penance fully purged it from his body."

Redux-verse Midnight spoke "Doesn't mean I can't get it again, and that might only work on those from Equis or Mobius."

Those from the Redux-verse winced at that, knowing he had a point.

Twilight spoke "Last thing we need is it infecting someone in the OC-verse."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Well, let's head home."

Redux-verse Midnight noticed Redux-verse Opaline's outfit again and became a blushing, babbling mess.

I spoke "See you guys on the 25th."

Those from the Redux-Verse returned home as the rest of us went home too, more exhausted than any of us expected. At least everyone is safe, even Labrys.

I spoke "We should pick up the rest of MeadowClan though."

Rainbow yawns "Right…"

Bold pops up with Mint suddenly.

Bold and Mint spoke "Momma!"

Rainbow giggles "Hehe, hey kids."

Bold asks "Play?"

Mint had a rubber chicken in her mouth.

Rainbow giggles "Heh, how can I say no to that?"

I giggle "Seems like we've got a future Firebolt in the making."

Rainbow spoke "My kids already made me a proud mom, and that only makes me more proud."

I sigh a bit, noticing that my breath was colder than normal.

I ask "Is it just me or has it gotten colder?"

Rainbow asks "It’s winter. Whaddya expect?"

Celestia soon appears.

Celestia spoke "But not like this! It's the worst one yet!"

Sunny asks "How can we stop it?"

Various ponies and chakats were thinking the same thing.

Seiko asks "What’s going on?"

Twilight had wrapped Opaline up in thick blankets since foals couldn't keep heat in their bodies as good as adult ponies could.

Twilight spoke "The Windigos are back and there's far too many of them!"

Santa suddenly appeared. “Krampus. He’s back to finish what he started.”

Shadowfang and the other adult chakats were huddled around the young children to keep them warm.


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