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X Marks the Spot!

Author's Note:

Crossover with Treasure X season 1

*Applejack’s POV*

Well, we’re searching for any alicorns in our zeppelin path.

Pebble spoke "I heard from Yellowfang that Princess Rarity found five more alicorns than we originally thought."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Pebble spoke "Yeah, four mares and a stallion. And I also heard that an alicorn ponykat was also found."

“That’s new.” I admitted.

Pebble spoke "Yeah plus two more had ascended. To be honest, Rarity hit it lucky."

“Anythin’ from Rainbow Dash an’ her group?” I asked.

Pebble spoke "Dash hasn't found any alicorns yet but Danyelle found four already. One mare and three stallions. Funny thing is, one of the three stallions has ghost powers. Twilight found one alicorn shortly after Sunset ascended. Nothing from Pinkie's group or Fluttershy's group yet."

“Oh.” I replied before I was suddenly dragged off the zeppelin by my own horn!

Pebble yowls at a random guard. "ALICORN OVERBOARD!!!"

Pebble jumps off after me, landing on my back before getting my wings open so the two of us could glide safely.

“Thanks.” I said in gratitude.

Pebble spoke "I may not have wings like Micah or the other SkyClan cats but I've seen enough birds in my past life to figure out how to get you gliding down safely."

“Ah just hope the others can follow me.” I responded as I followed to where my horn was leadin’ me to. And it was… Daring Do’s house?

Pebble chuckles "Rainbow will spit her bridle once she finds out about this!"

The two of us got to the door before Daring Do opened it. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting you two to be here. I was just about to head out.”

Then Applebloom and Heatwave showed up.

Pebble was wide eyed since there was a genuine horn on Daring's forehead.

Daring asks "Oh, I had that for a while now ever since my last adventure. In fact, why don’t I show you four something secret?"

Heatwave spoke "My nephew's a reverse gryphon though but that's just the way he was born."

Daring Do asks "Okay?"

Daring soon lead us to a secret room that had a lot of books and other artifacts.

Daring spoke "This is where I keep the most rarest finds, so they don’t fall into the wrong hands, and let’s say one of them took me on quite an adventure."

I spoke "Dash, Twi and Spots don't know yer an alicorn though."

Daring spoke "I know they’ll flip."

Heatwave found a red book with some golden features on it, with a gold skull.

Heatwave spoke "Guys, I found something."

Despite her shaky magic, Daring took the book from Heatwave.

Daring spoke "Don't ever open this book."

Daring put the book back where Heatwave found it.

Daring spoke "Anyway, I have things to do, which is why I was heading out when you four showed up. So I’ll see you later."

Daring Do left, as we were kinda confused.

Pebble asks "Should we follow her?"

Before I even realized what I was doin’, my magic grabbed the book Heatwave found before and put it on a table.

Pebble spoke "She told us not to open that!"

As if my body had a mind of its own, I opened the book anyway, with the four of us seeing some kind of…

“A treasure map?” The four of us asked, not sure what was going on before Heatwave grabbed the strange coin that was on it. Heatwave then hovered the coin across the map before he had it over the picture of a golden skull with golden headphones as the picture suddenly glowed green.

Pebble's fur had bristled up.

Green magic suddenly grabbed the four of us and dragged us into the book. Soon, we fell out of a green portal and landed on a mountain, finding Heatwave holding a map and that strange coin.

Applebloom wingslaps Heatwave on the back of the head.

A grey skeleton with purple irises jumped at us with a spear before it was slashed, it’s bones disconnecting as an earth pony stallion skeleton in a red samurai outfit with a golden crest on his helmet and a golden chain necklace while wielding a golden katana.

Skeleton samurai spoke "Go! Now!"

A voice spoke "The four of you! With us!"

We looked behind us, seeing a navy blue unicorn stallion skeleton in a medieval outfit, wearing a golden crown, a ocean green male hippogriff skeleton in a diving tank top, with golden goggles on his head, his hooves wearing golden flippers while the webbing was normal, and a Pegasus stallion skeleton in an Egyptian outfit, wearing a Pharaoh’s headdress, a ankh collar/necklace and wielding a golden crook-shaped sickle. We started running with them away from the grey skeletons.

Pebble threw blades made from shadows at the skeletons.

“What’s goin’ on here?! Where are we?! Who are you?!” I asked.

Applebloom asks "A-Are we dead?"

Hippogriff skeleton spoke "*Whacking grey skeletons away with a golden trident* Ugh… *Jumps over grey skeleton* You will be if you don’t clamp your traps."

Pegasus skeleton asks "*Beating some grey skeletons* Hey Goldcrown, why are we saving the squishy skinbags?"

Goldcrown spoke "*Knocking away grey skeletons with a sword which had a handle shaped like a goblet* They’re the chosen ones."

The Pegasus stallion and hippogriff skeletons rolled their eyes at that.

Heatwave spoke "Chosen one? I’m just a normal gryphon! I don’t even know how to do the Floss!"

Samurai skeleton spoke "*Facing off grey skeletons* It’s simple. You just… thread the needle."

We were confused at that.

Pebble spoke "I'm just a normal cat turned Abyssinian with a darkness affinity."

Goldcrown spoke "You four have the coin. You four have the map. You’re the chosen ones. Just go with me on this, legends are kind of my thing."

We jumped before shelter.

Pegasus skeleton asks "Well? What’re ya waiting for, chosen ones?"

Heatwave opened the map while still holding the coin. “Okay. *Hovering coin across map* If I’m reading it right, the treasure’s… right there!”

We looked ahead, seeing a black tornado with red eyes grow tornado arms and grabbing a large stone.

Goldcrown spoke "It’s Exis! He’s found the treasure! Charge!"

The four skeletons charged at the tornado, only to get knocked away before its left arm, falling to pieces as it extracted the golden skull we saw from the map from the stone.

A Pegasus groans "Bones… Exis has the Golden Skull. *As the tornado and grey skeletons vanished* Totally ripped."

We helped the skeletons put themselves back together as I asked, “Why? What does that golden skull do?”

Samurai skeleton spoke "*Reconnecting his head* It’s a candy dish."

That got Applebloom and Heatwave excited.

I spoke "Actually, it was a fellow alicorn of mine that found the book that had the map."

Pebble spoke "A candy dish doesn’t sound bad."

Samurai skeleton spoke "And it gives you telekinesis."

“Wait-what?!” Applebloom, Heatwave, Pebble and I gasped in shock at that.

Goldcrown asks "I know. Where would we store our candy? But the trove’s treasures all have powers, which is why we can’t let Exis get anymore of them. Join us. What do you all say?"

I spoke "Ah'm sorry but we have bigger matters to attend to."

Applebloom and Heatwave spoke "Are you kidding? Hay yeah!"

“What?!” Pebble gasped as I sighed at that.

Goldcrown asks "Are you sure?"

Heatwave spoke "No bones about it!"

Pegasus skeleton spoke "Take it easy, kid. It’s only the first part of the chapter."

“Well, if ya two are dead-set on helpin’ ‘em, Ah’m helpin’ out too.” I admitted.

Pebble pulls me by the ear.

Pebble spoke "But Applejack, our mission comes first."

“Even so, there may be other dangers we can’t ignore.” I pointed out Pebble sighed, reluctantly agreeing with that.

Pebble spoke "This isn't our problem though."

Goldcrown spoke "Look, I know you have a mission of your own, but if we don’t stop Exis, your world could be next."

“See what Ah mean?” I said.

Noticing a set of words on a nearby wall, Pebble asks "What are these?"

Goldcrown spoke "Must be some kind of prophecy from the looks of it. Oh, and these three are my friends, the samurai is Goldblade."

Blade spoke "Greetings."

Goldcrown spoke "The scuba diver is Gold-Fin."

Fin spoke "‘Sup."

Goldcrown spoke "And the one looking Egyptian is Pharaoh Loot Loot."

Loot Loot spoke "Yo."

Pebble was reading the words on the wall.

I spoke "Ah'm Princess Applejack."

Applebloom spoke "Ah'm Applebloom."

Heatwave spoke "I'm Heatwave."

I spoke "And the dark gray tabby with a white chest is Pebble Heart. Celestia assigned him as the healer fer mah group."

Pebble's left ear twitches in response.

Goldcrown spoke "I see."

Pebble spoke "I got it figured out! This was left here by someone and if I'm correct, this prophecy depicts three Abyssinians holding a sacred treasure... But we're two Abyssinians short. The words read "To whoever finds this prophecy shall be blessed with great knowledge of things yet to come". Wait, there's more! This part reads "Good luck to the Hikari Trio". Well, that was a bust..."

“Well Ah hope Lan, Vince and Dany do good.” Ah said before the eight of us started headin’ off. Later, we arrived at a medieval village, lookin’ for somethin’ called the Golden Goblet.

Goldcrown spoke "And if Exis acquires all the trove’s treasures, nothing will stop him from enslaving the entire universe!"

Loot Loot spoke "Ugh. You’re such a drama king."

I wingslap Goldcrown on the back of the head.

I spoke "That there was a headslap. Like Danyelle always says, "Slap in the face is humiliating, back o' the head's a wake-up call". Ah had to git him ta snap outta it."

Heatwave spoke "It should be over there!"

We looked ahead, seeing another huge block of stone, this time a gold sword was stuck in it.

Heatwave spoke "According to the map, the Golden Goblet should be under that block."

Goldcrown spoke "Not under it, Heatwave, inside it. *Moving towards the stone* Step aside, I’m an expert at pulling swords out of things."

Fin spoke "You mean you’re an expert at pulling out of our fantasy skullball league."

That made me, my sister, Heatwave and Pebble snicker at that.

Blade spoke "It is not about the sword, Goldcrown. To find the treasure, we must dig into the block."

Goldcrown spoke "Psh. If a sword’s stuck in something, you got to pull it out. Everybody knows that! *About to start pulling out the sword before stopping to adjust his crown* Oop! Whoops! Hehehe. Gotta make sure you look good first. *Tries to pull out the sword, but utterly failed* Come on, man. You’re embarrassing me. I haven’t felt like this since…"

Applebloom asks "Memory spell?"

The blank flank alicorn pulls out the sword with ease.

Applebloom spoke "Holy hay!"

A flash of light was seen on Applebloom's flanks before fading, revealing a shield in front of two crossed swords. On the shield itself was an apple and a rose. The left half of the rose was white and the right half was red.

Applebloom exclaims "Ah got a cutie mark! Ah can’t wait ta tell-Wait… Ah should tell Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle when they get their cutie marks too."

I spoke "About that... Somethin' tells me they got their marks at the same time."

Applebloom asks "Huh?"

Goldcrown scoffs "Show-offs."

Goldcrown pulled the sword out as the others dug through the stone, finding gold accessories and centaur bones before discovering a skeleton centaur head wearing a Romane helmet and sunglasses.

A voice asks "Oh, thank goodness. That’s the last time I let Brutus take me out for salad. A little help?"

Fin chuckles "*Putting the centaur’s head back on his reassembled skeleton body* Alright. Alright. Don’t lose your head, bro."

I facehoof.

Heatwave opened the chest before bringing the Golden Goblet out of it.

Heatwave spoke "Wow!"

Goldcrown spoke "Success! The Golden Goblet is ours! Nothing can ruin this day-Gah!"

Goldcrown was hit by an axe, falling apart from the hit as tornado Exis showed up with his goons.

Loot Loot spoke "Ah bones! Exis’ soldiers have found us! It’s all over! We’re-"

Goldcrown then fought and beaten all of Exis’ minions with every disembodied bone as of after the battle, he reassembled himself, but his front left hoof was goin’ towards him.

Goldcrown spoke "You’re welcome-*Front left hoof swipes hind left hoof, making Goldcrown fall apart again* Oof! Oh come on!"

Fin tried to take a sip from the Golden Goblet and-

*Time rewinding*

-dna telboG nedloG eht morf pis a ekat ot deirt niF

Goldcrown spoke "!no emoc hO !foO *Rewinds until Fin takes his mouth away from the Golden Goblet* -emoclew-welcome- *Happens again* Oof!"

…Wait. What?

*Time rewinds*

?tahW .tiaW…

Goldcrown spoke "!foO *Rewinds again until Fin took the Goblet away from his mouth again* -emoclew-welcome- *Happens again again* Oof!"

Is somethin’ messin’ with my head?

*Time rewinds one more time*

?daeh ym with ‘nissem ‘nihtemos sI

Goldcrown spoke "!foO *Rewinds until Fin took the Goblet away from his mouth one last time* -emoclew-welcome-"

Centaur skeleton asks "Hi, uh… What the heck is happening?"

“That’s what Ah wanna know!” I pointed out!

Fin asks "What? Oh wait! This thing controls time, doesn’t it?"

Pebble spoke "*finding another part of the prophecy* look at this guys! It says here that an alicorn with the mark of two crossed swords behind a shield that has an apple and a rose that's half red and half white will appear and slay Exis! Applebloom! You're the alicorn that was foretold to stop the disaster!"

Applebloom asks "What?"

We looked, and the tornado was already gone.

Loot Loot spoke "Ooh! I wanna control time next! My tongue’s bone-dry."

Pebble spoke "For the love of StarClan, quit messing with time! Next thing you know, the world could explode!"

Goldcrown spoke "*Putting himself back together* And that is why we’re only going to be using it as a last resort. No other circumstances."

Pebble spoke "Judging by these two prophecies, they had to have been from long ago. Since there hasn't been a pony with that mark in a long time."

I couldn’t help but smile as I gave my little sis a noogie with the both of us laughin’.

A crackly voice was heard on my compact.

Rarity spoke "*Voice only* Is this... working? Applejack... I have... warn Celestia... Tirek is..."

The connection was suddenly cut.

“The sooner we find all the treasures and beat this Exis, the sooner we get home.” I said as everyone else agreed.

Applebloom spoke "Ah know ya'll wouldn't trust a 12 year old wit a sword but Ah feel like Ah was meant to wield it."

But then a golden tanto sword appeared, with the emblem on the hilt lookin’ like an apple and Applebloom’s cutie mark.

Pebble spoke "Well shave me bald and call me crazy, that was also part of the second prophecy."

Goldcrown spoke "The Mythical Golden Sword, and I’ve only heard of it in legends!"

I spoke "As was the Idol of Boreas but Gawain recovered it."

Applebloom spoke "Ah ain't letting that meanie take the golden sword. It's mine, only Ah can wield it."

Applebloom grabbed it with her left hoof as she felt stronger and tougher. “Where to next?”

Later, we arrived at a Neighponese town at night, which was Goldblade’s home.

Loot Loot asks "So, this is your neck of the woods, eh Blade?"

Blade spoke "What? No, the woods are back there."

Loot Loot spoke "No, I mean this is where you’re from."

Blade spoke "I’m not from the woods."

Loot Loot spoke "I know that! I-I meant this town! You’re from this town!"

Blade spoke "There are no woods in this town."

Loot Loot groans "Forget it! Ugh, where’s the Golden Dragon, Heatwave? I’m sick of this place already."

I spoke "What Loot was tryin ta say ta ya Blade was that this is yer hometown."

Blade spoke "Indeed it is."

Heatwave spoke "Right there in that, um…"

We looked ahead, seeing a huge dojo.

Blade spoke "Sacred dojo!"

Blade jumped ahead as we followed him.

Centaur Skeleton spoke "Oh my, I forgot! My name is Jewelius Caesar! Oh! I’m excited! Are you excited? Oh, this is exciting!"

We soon arrived and opened the dojo door, spotting a giant block of stone.

Fin spoke "Hey, there it is! Easy peasy!"

Goldcrown spoke "Stop! It’s too easy peasy. Could be a trap."

Pebble notices several arrow traps and pressure plate traps.

Pebble spoke "Crown's right guys, there's a bunch of traps."

Being the lightest of the group, Pebble uses the vines that were hanging above to get over the traps and not trigger them.

I spoke "Smart cat."

We then noticed a training dummy in front of the block.

Pebble asks "A training dummy?"

Loot Loot spoke That is a trap? Psh! Whoever the guys are that put it there are boneheads, okay? What are we afraid of? Ooh, this wooden dummy’s gonna get us. Haha."

Fin spoke "*Noticing the dummy’s eyes being red and the dummy behind right behind Pebble* Uh, Pebble? You might wanna…"

Loot Loot spoke "I mean, come on. Nothing to be afraid of- *The wooden dummy whacked Pebble, sending him flying at Loot Loot, crashing into him while making the skeleton fall apart* OOF!"

Heatwave gasps "*As Blade jumped towards the dummy* Pebble Heart! Loot Loot!"

Pebble gasps "What in the?!"

Loot Loot spoke "Gah! Bones! That dummy’s no dummy!"

Blade fought against the dummy, but it headbutted him, scattering him and his bones as they pushed the pressure plates down, only for nothing to happen and the arrows to not fly.

Goldcrown spoke "The pressure plates and arrows weren’t traps at all! *As he and Fin readied to attack from both sides* The dummy was the trap!"

Goldcrown and Fin leapt at the dummy, only for it to duck as the two crashed into each other, scattering their bones before Jewelius grabbed onto the dummy from behind.

Jewelius spoke "Aha! I call this the old Caesar Special!”

The dummy then spun, threw Jewelius off as he crashed into a wall, scattering before the dummy appeared behind the four of us and the reassembled Loot Loot.

Loot Loot spoke "I got a bone to pick with you!"

Blade, having one hind leg and one front leg, put his samurai helmet on the dummy’s head backwards, blindin’ as it hopped forward, then tripped over Jewelius’ head.

Jewelius spoke "Ooh! That was fun, and also terrifying."

We soon reassembled the skeletons as we went to the block, digging it as we dug up a male diamond dog skeleton and a treasure chest before putting the skeleton back together, seeing that he was wearin’ a blue sleeveless shirt and red cowboy boots with gold spurs, a black cowboy hat with a red band on his head, along with a red bandanna around his mouth, a gold band on his right hand, and wield in’ a golden axe with dollar sign emblems.

The D-dog skeleton spoke "Thanks for getting me outta there, y’all. Name’s Blingy the Kid."

I spoke "Ah'm Princess Applejack."

Applebloom spoke "Ah'm Applebloom, swordsmare."

Heatwave spoke "I'm Heatwave."

Pebble spoke "And I'm Pebble Heart, I normally go by Pebble."

After the skeletons introduced themselves, Blade opened the chest and brought out a golden dragon amulet.

Blade spoke "The Golden Dragon."

Loot Loot spoke "Finally, now let’s get outta here. *Brings out a green mummified left hand* I’ve got a mystical mummy hand that conjures awesome smoothies, but only in the moonlight."

“So what does this Golden Dragon do?” I asked.

Blade spoke "It is able to conjure and control fire, if the holder is worthy."

The dummy popped up behind Blade.

Applebloom spoke "Behind ya!"

Blade turned towards the dummy and used the Golden Dragon, attacking it with a whirlwind of fire. Later, we were outside, havin’ a bit o’ spot on us with the entire dojo on fire.

Loot Loot asks "*Drinking smoothie* Guh, sure you don’t want one?"

Blade spoke "*Applebloom’s right hoof patting on his left shoulder* The sacred dojo, burned to the ground… and it’s my fault."

Pebble spoke "It was for the best though, I don't think anycreature would've wanted that thing to attack again."

Loot Loot spoke "Yeah. You really need to knuckle down study fire-casting, buddy."

Loot Loot took another sip of his smoothie.

Pebble asks "Out of curiosity, would someone with fire affinity have that power boosted?"

Blade spoke "It would be possible, if they are worthy."

Heatwave spoke "Since I have fire affinity, maybe it could work for me."

Holding the golden dragon in his talons, Heatwave shot out a powerful flame into the sky.

Blade asks "Hmm, impressive. Now what is our next destination?"

Tomorrow afternoon, we were searching across the seas on a pirate ship and most of us… weren’t doin’ so well. “*Urp!* Alright, now Ah tasted mah lunch twice.”

Loot Loot spoke "We shoulda stayed on land with Jewelius. Whose idea was it to book passage on a pirate ship anyway?"

Blingy asks "Got a little seasick?"

“*Hurk* Yeah…” I groaned with my face a bit green.

Fin spoke "Suck it up, buttercups. This was the fastest way to get to the Golden Compass."

Pebble spoke "Urgh... I hate this... I'm not a RiverClan cat...."

Loot Loot spoke "I just have one thing to say about that."

Loot Loot retched as he fell apart, literally.

A voice spoke "Hey hey hey! Watch it! I just scrubbed this deck! Honestly, this is why we can’t have nice things."

The one near the steering wheel of the ship was an ocean-green male Ornithian skeleton pirate who was wearin’ a red bandanna on his head that slightly covers his right eye, with a black cavalier pirate hat that is pinned up on the right and lined with gold, along with a golden P with crossbones decorating the pinned side, a tattered black sleeveless shirt with a golden medallion that has a skull and crossbones on it, brown boots lined with gold with flower-shaped clasps, along with a brown backpack on his back, a gold bracelet and two gold rings on his right hand, and his beak was gold.

Goldcrown asks "How long until we reach our destination, Admiral Goldhook?"

Goldhook spoke "Well, according to this map of yours, uh… a thousand and one days."

Everyone else spoke "Aww…"

Are… you… kiddin’ me?!

Fin asks "Uh… *Flips map right side up* Dude?"

Goldhook spoke "Oh! We’re here!"

Goldhook stopped the ship, causing most of us to tumble, with most of the skeletons scattered.

Goldhook spoke "*Making static noise before speaking into a seashell like some kind of a mic* Thank you for riding Goldhook Cruise Lines, we have arrived at our destination. *Makes static noise* Please remember to collect any personal belongings and bones before you’re disembarking. *Static noise*"

Pebble groans "Too bad I don't know the cure for scurvy though... It's a foreign illness to me and the other medicine cats..."

Goldhook spoke "Oh, every pirate and sailor worth their salt knows the cure for something as simple as that. Scurvy Goldbag! Ready the limes!"

Goldbag spoke "Right."

We saw another ocean-green male Ornithian skeleton pirate wearin’ a red bandanna around his head like a headband, with a long trailing in flopping over his right shoulder, a single gold earring on the right side of his face, a gold medallion with a ship's helm on it around his neck, along with a gold bracelet on his right wrist, and brown sandals, and wielding a golden pirate sword. Goldbag went into the ship and came back out with some fresh limes.

Goldbag spoke "Anyone who has scurvy gets lime juice. Ya need vitamin C."

Pebble spoke "Any sort of citrus fruit huh? I'll be sure to share that knowledge with my fellow healers just in case."

Fin, who wasn’t scattered, and Applebloom were the only ones not seasick.

Fin spoke "Sweet! Golden Compass, here I come!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah’m comin’ along too!"

Applebloom took a deep breath before jumping into the ocean with Fin.

*one magic transformation later,*

Applebloom had taken on a seapony form for easier movement underwater.

Applebloom spoke "Good thing Ah picked up on transformation spells just in case."

Fin spoke "Not bad, but since I’m a skeleton, I’ll be okay."

*Back with us on the ship*

Goldhook spoke "So… *Brings out hand puppets* how about some entertainment? I just need a one-word suggestion."

All of us on the ship weren’t sure how to answer that.

Loot Loot spoke "Uh…"

*Back with Fin and Applebloom*

The two swam deeper until they spotted a big block of stone.

Fin gasps "There it is!"

Some skeleton fish swam by.

Applebloom asks "How should we move the rock?"

Fin chuckles "You really didn’t think I brought this and we could dig it down here?"

Fin brought out an x-shaped digging tool with four digging tools, one each on all four sides.

Applebloom spoke "Don't tell mah sis Ah said this but yer a smartass hippogriff."

Fin chuckles "That’s a bit of a salty mouth ya got."

Applebloom spoke "Rainbow's got pirates fer guards though so it's only a matter o' time before she picks up on their behavior."

Fin spoke "I’m surprised you, AJ, Pebble and Heatwave never noticed us using this tool before."

Applebloom spoke "Oh."

Fin spoke "But man, this is almost too easy."

But then the two sensed something behind them as they spun around, seeing two large arms and hands made of seaweed.

Fin spoke "That’s nothing a little poking won’t fix."

Applebloom spoke "*grabbing the sword* Yeah."

The arms lunged at the as they attacked it before the two hands grabbed their weapons and dropped it.

Fin spoke "My trident and AB’s sword! You guys are mean!"

The hands formed a head and blew a raspberry at Fin and Applebloom.

Out of nowhere, a skeletal siren shows up!

the skeletal siren rips the seaweed apart.

Fin gasps "What the?!"

*Back with us on the ship*

Goldhook spoke "*Imitating Exis with Exis hand puppet* I am Exis, and I will enslave you all! Rahahahahaha! *Imitates pirate with pirate hand puppet* Was that meant to be a diss track? Dude, your bars need more fire."

Goldcrown asks "He got all that from “pineapple”?"

Loot Loot spoke "Oh, he definitely pre-planned that."

I was bored outta my mind!

Blade shouts "*Spots Exis ship with grey skeletons on it* Enemies! Starboard!"

Goldcrown spoke "*Secret hoofshake with Loot Loot* Oh thank Faust."

I couldn’t agree with Goldcrown more as we prepared for battle against Exis’ goons.

*Back with Fin and Applebloom*

Fin asks "Who are you?"

The siren spoke "Who I am is none of your concern but Exis is near."

Fin spoke "Whoa! Better hurry up with the compass then!"

Fin and Applebloom swam down and dug through the block, uncovering a treasure chest as Apple Bloom reassembled a male hippogriff skeleton wearin’ a sleeveless gold diving suit top with an old-fashioned gold diving helmet, a stylized skull on the front of his diving suit, along with a gold wrist band on his right arm and blue boots with gold details and grey bottoms on his hooves, while he was wielding a large golden anchor attached to a small length of chain.

Fin spoke "Been a while, Gold-Diver."

Diver spoke "Yeah, you too, Gold-Fin."

Fin opened the chest and grabbed the Golden Compass before he, Applebloom and Diver swam back up and got onto the ship before a grey skeleton was blasted off the the ship thanks to the Golden Dragon’s fire.

Fin asks "Who was that?!"

Heatwave spoke "Guys! Watch out!"

Fin used the Golden Compass, which released a small warm wind as the grey skeleton backed away before tripping backwards, falling off the ship.

Fin spoke "Uh, well it works, but it’s kinda lame."

Goldhook spoke "Nah, *grabs Golden Compass* you’re holding it wrong, bro."

Goldhook used the Compass, summoned up a twister that blew all the enemies off the ship as the ship was now flying through the air thanks to the whirlwind below it was riding on.

Goldhook spoke "*Static noise into a seashell again* Thank you for riding Goldhook Air, your bone away from home. *Static noise*"

“This’ll definitely get us to the next treasure more quick-like.” I smiled.

Applebloom spoke "For sure!"

Applebloom reverts back to alicorn form before getting back onto the boat.

Later, the ship was falling towards our next location as we held onto it for dear life before we crashed onto a pyramid, with neither the ship or pyramid bein’ damaged, and the ship was perfectly balanced before a skeleton bird tried to perch on the stern, causin’ the ship to fall and slide down the pyramid backwards with all of us still holding’ on.

Loot Loot spoke "Hey, at least we found the right place."

“Question is how’re we gonna get in?!” I asked.

Later, Loot Loot exited a slide chute booby trap and flipped forward before landin’ perfectly.

Loot Loot spoke "Whoo-hoo! Thank you, thank you. I call that “The Loot Loot Scoot an’ Boot”. Now why am I here again? *Spotting a giant block of stone* Oh yeah! Hey, guys! I found-"

The rest of us fell down the chute and crashed into Loot Loot, with the skeletons becoming a pile of bones we were on from the crash.

Loot Loot groans "…it."

Pebble had wrenched a claw since he had slid down backwards.

Pebble yelps "Son of a badger!"

Pebble chewed up a comfrey root before applying it to his injury.

Pebble spoke "Good thing I don't go anywhere without a pile of herbs in case I need them."

Loot Loot spoke "Sorry if it was rough of a ride."

Pebble spoke "Don't ask where I heard that phrase from."

Loot Loot spoke "I won’t."

Later, we were digging through the block as we found some bones of a male diamond dog skeleton and found a sleeping diamond dog skull that had gold teeth and a red knit cap. “*Cough! Cough! Cough!* Ugh, mom! Just five more minutes!” The skull sleeptalked before Blingy picked him up.

Blingy chuckles "*Putting head on reassembled body* Okay Rogue, time to wake up."

The diamond dog skeleton was wearing a blue jumpsuit that was tattered at the sleeves and legs, blue studded bands on his ankles, along with a golden medallion around his neck with a dollar sign on it, and he was wielding a golden bat with spikes on four sides on the top of it.

Blingy spoke "This is a friend of mine, Rogue Goldsnatcher."

Pebble asks "But the big question is, how do we get out of here?"

Loot Loot spoke "Don’t worry, I got that covered."

Loot Loot opened the chest and brought out a golden pyramid with half of a golden orb on one side.

Fin asks "Hello Golden Pyramid. So what do you do? Shoot lasers? Control the weather? Find the best deals on new kicks?"

Loot Loot spoke "Psh! What good would that do? As if I’m sort of materialistic sneaker collector that spends too much on shoes I keep in a climate-control closet I take out of the box."

Okay, that was a lie, and the treasure somehow knew too as it glowed red with a buzzer sound.

Fin spoke "Aha! So it’s a truth seeker."

The Golden Pyramid glowed green with a ding sound. I think I kinda like this treasure.

I spoke "Ya'll ferget, Ah'm the Alicorn of Honesty."

“So um, where can I find a deal on some new kicks?” Loot Loot asked the Golden Pyramid before mah eyes flashed as Ah saw Loot Loot as some kind of sneaker store that said “Sneaker Skulls”. “Whoa… My! Happy! PLACE!” Loot Loot screamed in excitement as he grabbed a box.

Later, we were exiting the pyramid through an open door.

Blade and Fin laugh "*Secret hoof/handshake* Boom, slap-slap. Call me maybe, shoot-shoot."

Goldcrown spoke "What a pleasant adventure. And not one Exis goon showed up."

The Golden Pyramid glowed red with the buzzer sound as the black tornado came back with grey skeletons.

Fin spoke "You just had to say it."

Pebble hisses "Of all the times to NOT have a cat with a wind affinity with us! BLADE OF SHADOWS!"

A sword made of darkness formed in Pebble's hands as the ancient ShadowClan medicine cat attacked the tornado.

But the attack phased through the tornado like it was nothing.

Goldcrown spoke "I take it back."

Rogue laughs "*Holding dodgeball* Yay! I love dodgeball! Wheeheeheehee!"

Goldcrown asks "What are you doing?!"

Rogue lunged at a grey skeleton and threw the dodgeball in its face, only to get bombarded with attacks from enemies around him. That had to hurt.

Heatwave spoke "*As the enemies charged while Rogue was scattered and dizzy* Incoming enemies!"

Goldhook clashed with his hook weapon before using it to grab and throw a grey skeleton into another one, scattering them. Fin used the Golden Compass to blow away the enemies as Heatwave and Blade used the Golden Dragon to torch other enemies before two skeletons charged from both sides as Heatwave and Blade jumped, dodging it before they scorched the two enemies.

I reared up before slamming my front hooves down on the ground, sending out a shockwave through the ground and tripping up the aggressive skeletons as earth spikes pop up thus causing the aggressive skeletons to fall apart.

Loot Loot spoke "*As Rogue whacked a skeleton outta here* Okay, man. Do something cool! *As a grey skeleton charged at Loot Loot with him holding the Golden Pyramid at the enemy* Come on! Come on!"

The skeleton was about to attack with the Golden Pyramid and the enemy’s eyes glowed blue, same with mine before Ah saw that grey skeleton trotting around happily with a peace rally outfit before I saw the enemy looking happy, drop his weapon and walk away from Loot Loot.

Loot Loot asks "Wait, do you show skellies their true selves and help them change their ways?"

The treasure glowed green with a ding.

Loot Loot spoke "Well, alrighty then."

Two more skeletons tried to attack, but Loot Loot used the Golden Pyramid’s power to help the two change their ways and drop their weapons as the latter offered its hoof with Loot Loot about to shake it before it was blasted by the Golden Dragon’s fire.

Loot Loot spoke "Dude!"

Blade spoke "I saved you."

Loot Loot spoke "Well, at least I became a better skeleton today. *Golden Pyramid buzzes with red glow* Oh c-come on! Throw me a bone here!"

A grey bone was thrown at Loot Loot, making him fall apart as the Golden Pyramid dinged with a green glow at that.

Later, the tornado and Exis’ forces retreated with the changed ones walking off to do their own things.

Blingy spoke "Sorry about Rogue, he can be a bit of a pup at times."

Pebble groans "How come my attack didn't work?"

“No idea, but we gotta keep goin’.” I responded.

Pebble groans "I'm no good in battle though... I'd only get in the way..."

“Don’t say that, Pebble. You’re plenty o’ help, and yer a healer, and even healers are needed in battle to help their friends.” I pointed out.

Pebble spoke "Healers aren't supposed to be on the battlefield!"

“But friends are there for each other!” I responded.

Pebble spoke "I lost that dang compact you told me to hold onto so basically, we're cut off from the outside world until we get rid of Exis."

A male asks "You mean THIS compact?"

We turned around to see a navy blue pegasus skeleton wearin’ a teal set of armor with gold embellishments on the shoulders, a gold necklace with a castle spire-like medallion, teal gloves with gold rings on the wrists and teal boots, along with a grey cloth dropping down from his waist, a grey cape, a gold kettle helmet, wielding a golden mace and carryin’ a compact.

Goldcrown spoke "Ah, Lootem. Perfect timing. This is a friend of mine known as Lord Lootem."

Lootem spoke "Oh please, my liege. My kingdom is only a neighbor next to yours. Anyway, I heard you mention a magical compact, and this one was glowing before.

Applebloom spoke "Uh sis, that's not one of ours..."

Lootem spoke "Hmm… *Wipes compact, which was actually just a reflective stone* Oh! My apologies, my friends. It’s just a reflective stone."

Applebloom's compact was soon making a chiming noise.

Applebloom asks "*opening the compact* Hello?"

But then a click was heard.

Applebloom asks "Rude much?"

“Where to next?” I asked.

Later, we were trekkin’ through a jungle.

Heatwave spoke "There!"

But when we saw an opening, there wasn’t a giant block of stone.

Fin asks "Dude! Where’s the treasure?"

Heatwave spoke "I-I don’t get it! The map said the Golden Crest would be right here!"

Loot Loot looked at the map and saw something on it before getting it off with a hoof and tasting it. “Mmm! Barbecue sauce!”

Goldcrown spoke "I knew chicken wings for lunch were a bad idea!"

Heatwave asks "Okay, so where is the treasure?"

A voice asks "Psst! You folks looking for the Golden Crest, huh?"

We looked up and saw a male zebra skeleton wearin’ a red tattered loincloth, a gold medallion with a stylized skull with spikes on it, a tan wooden mask with a gold rectangle embedded in the forehead and gold shutter shades over that, red bands over his hind leg fetlocks, along with two gold bracelets on each of his front legs, one on the fetlocks and another on the knees. But he was caught in a trap, being hung by his hind left leg.

Goldcrown asks "Who’s asking?"

The zebra spoke "Doctor Goldspell, obviously. And you ain’t all wrong about the location of that crest, eh. I could help ya if you just uh… help me."

Goldcrown spoke "And why would we-"

Goldspell yelps "Whoa!"

Goldspell fell right into Goldcrown, scattering them both.

Loot Loot spoke "And down. *Us glaring at Loot Loot* What? I was getting bored."

Well, at least Loot Loot was honest that time.

Applebloom and I both had a look of disgust on our faces since we were plant eaters after hearing what Goldcrown said.

Soon, Goldspell lead us out of the jungle and to the town he lives at. “Welcome to my humble abode. I mix my potions over there, I do my calisthenics over there.”

Pebble asks "Um, and where’s the Golden Crest?"

Goldspell spoke "Oh! Right."

Goldspell pointed towards the temple.

Goldcrown and Heatwave spoke "*Secret hand/hoofshake* Boom, slap-slap. Call me maybe, shoot-shoot. Whip! Slide!"

Fin spoke "So doc, um, why were you hanging out in the jungle? Like, literally hanging."

Goldspell spoke "Good for the circulation."

Fin asks "Okay?"

Goldspell spoke "Plus a bunch of nasty fellows without jaws have been poking around here. So I’ve been setting traps."

From how I can imagine, Goldspell got caught in one of his own traps.

Loot Loot asks "Wait, what?"

Pebble spoke "We have to get that gold skull back. I bet Crosswind is worried sick about Applejack..."

Applebloom spoke "Ah've got an idea!!!"

But then Exis’ goons appeared.

Goldcrown spoke "Fin, Blade, Applejack, Heatwave, with me! Applebloom, Pebble, Loot Loot, take the doctor and get the crest!"

A sudden burst of magic from Applebloom had knocked away several goons as well as made the golden skull appear as well.

Applebloom spoke "*gripping the skull in her forelegs* Ah've got the skull!"

Goldcrown asks "…What just happened?"

Pebble spoke "Untrained magic...."

Later, we went into the temple and found the giant block of stone before digging into it, finding bones of a male kelpie skeleton wearin’ a blue headdress with a golden stylized tiki-like skull on the top of it, gold decorations hanging down from the sides, a medallion with a stylized skull on it, four golden bangles wrapping around his front left leg fetlocks, starting from the wrist and ending above his knee and green grass wrappings around his hind leg fetlocks as well.

Goldspell spoke "Alright, Chief Goldo."

Goldo spoke "Alright, Doctor. Ah, your specs are looking lush."

Goldspell spoke "*His specs being gone* Well thanks, Goldo. *Realizes his specs being gone* Hang on a tick!"

Goldo asks "*Wearing Goldspell’s specs* What?"

Goldspell took his specs back as Heatwave opened the chest before he brought out the Golden Crest.

Pebble asks "So what’s our next stop?"

Heatwave spoke "*Looking at the map with the coin* Hmm… Next up is… *Stopping coin over a golden ingot* The Golden Ingot!"

Meanwhile in Neighpon, the unicorn known as Golden Ingot had sneezed thus causing a pink furred Abyssinian with black ears and tail to yowl since her tail got set on fire.

*Back with the group*

Pebble asks "*sweatdrop* Is it just me or did somepony sneeze thus causing an Abyssinian's tail to be set on fire?"

The rest of us shrugged.

Loot Loot asks "So what does the Golden Crest do?"

Goldo spoke "Don’t be a lazybones, grab on and find out."

All of us grabbed onto the Golden Crest and each other before we were suddenly at a different dark location and fell onto the ground, with the skeletons being scattered.

Fin spoke "Ugh… I got a splitting headache."

Loot Loot spoke "Teleportation look so easy in the spellbooks and movies."

Blade spoke "It is easy, *Grabs his front right leg* if you don’t teleport us, TEN FEET above the ground!

Fin spoke "Wait, *Having Blade’s left hind leg* why have I got two left back hooves? I can’t do orange juices like this!"

Goldspell asks "*His lower half missing* Has anyone seen a particularly rhythmic pelvis?"

Goldcrown asks "*Having Goldspell’s lower half* Wait a minute, where’s Heatwave?"

Heatwave spoke "Right here! It’s gotta be it! The Golden Ingot!"

We saw Heatwave behind a giant stone block as the skeletons were rightfully reassembled.

Blade spoke "*Bringing out a list* After this, we still need to find the Golden Idol, and keep an eye out for you-know-who."

I gasp "Where's Pebble Heart?!?"

Heatwave snaps "Goldo you IDIOT!!! How could you leave behind a medicine cat like that?!"

Goldcrown spoke "Wait a minute…"

Fin spoke "Nice inventory, Blade."

Blade spoke "Let me hit you with the knowledge."

Blade and Fin apoke "*Secret hand/hoofshake* Boom, slap-slap. Call me maybe, shoot-shoot. Whip! Slide! Pound-pound, dab!"

Loot Loot asks "Wait, what’s this Ingot do anyway?"

The block suddenly burst open, sending us flying, when something whooshed by us. In the block’s place was a male earth pony skeleton wrapped up in white bandages which expose bits of his bones, wearin’ a golden medallion with a stylized eagle on it around his neck and holdin’ the Golden Ingot.

Applebloom spoke "The Golden Skull! It’s gone!"

Somethin’ else appeared, revealed to be a male Pegasus skeleton wearin’ a navy tracksuit-like ninja outfit that covers his mouth, along with a gold medallion shaped like a shuriken, holdin’ Pebble and the Golden Skull.

Loot Loot spoke "Gold Curser!"

Blade spoke "Goldenstar!"

Fin asks "You know those bonebrains?"

Blade spoke "Goldenstar and I trained together, but chose different paths. He-"

Loot Loot roared as he charged at Gold Curser, who was holding the Golden Ingot as it glowed before he kicked Loot Loot away, scattering him.

Loot Loot asks "So… the Ingot gives you super strength?"

Goldcrown spoke "Well, at least they don’t have backup."

Exis’ goons appeared at that.

Goldcrown spoke "Huh. Well, at least they don’t all have super strength."

Gold Curser made the Ingot glow again as the enemies’ eyes glowed orange before one of them effortlessly lifted a large rock, another easily uprooting a dead tree, and a third one opening a sealed jar of pickles.

Goldcrown asks "Um, at least Exis isn’t here?"

We facehoofed/palmed at that before a dark energy pillar erupted from the ground as a male dark grey alicorn skeleton with red eye sockets, white eye-like irises, wearing black mask with sharp gold details, black armor, a black cape, and wielding a golden sword emerged from the ground. That was Exis.

Exis laughs "*As Goldenstar gave the Golden Skull to him* I’ve seen many things over the millennia, but not once have I met such foolhardy skeletons. Did you really think you could keep the golden treasures from my grasp!?"

Exis’ goons charged at us.

Loot Loot asks "So uh, anyone got a plan?"

Blade spoke "*Readying the Golden Dragon* Use the treasures."

We did that as we were ready.

Goldcrown spoke "CHARGE!!!"

We then charged at Exis’ goons, fighting them as we managed to free Pebble before Goldenstar started fighting Gold Blade when the ninja knocked the samurai down and was about to attack him again. Loot Loot then used the Golden Pyramid’s powers on Goldenstar, causing it and his eyes to glow blue as I suddenly saw Goldenstar and Blade in a dojo as lil’ young colt skeletons.

Young Goldenstar spoke "You’re my bestest bud, Blade."

The two young colts hugged before I was back in the present as Goldenstar shook his head, snapping himself out of it before he flew off.

Blade asks "What did you do?"

Loot Loot spoke "Uh, I have no idea."

The Golden Pyramid glowed green with a ding at that before I bucked Gold Curser, sending him flyin’ far.

Applebloom yells "EARTH WRECKER!!!"

A large earth spike was thrown at Exis, knocking the golden skull out of his hands and back into Applebloom's magic grip.

I spoke "Ya'll thought ya could mes wit' a couple o' alicorns like that? Ya thought wrong! AND GIVE US BACK THAT SKULL!"

Exis suddenly threw his sword like a boomerang, knocking his troops away and the Golden Skull out of Apple Bloom’s grasp as he caught both the Skull and his sword. “If you want a job done well, do it yourself. *Facing Goldcrown* Give, me, the treasures.”

Goldcrown spoke "Never!"

Exis used the Golden Skull’s power to telekinetically lift his castle before he dropped it on Goldcrown.

“Goldcrown!” My sister and I screamed!

Loot Loot spoke "No!"

Blade spoke "You villain!"

Fin gasps "What did you do?!"

Exis spoke "What can I say? I’m bad to the bone. *Evil laughter*"

More enemies showed up as we fought them.

Loot Loot stammers "He-He just dropped a castle on Goldcrown! This pony is dropping castles on creatures! We’re out of our league!"

A voice calls out "Did someone say backup?"

Jewelius, Blingy and the other skeleton friends we met showed up with a male Minotaur skeleton wearin’ a silver gladiator helmet with gold details, a red toga with silver armor over it, a gold medallion with a stylized eagle on it, gold gauntlets that reveal his inner fingers, black sandals with brown straps, and wielding a golden spear. Jewelius told us back when we were with him that his name was Brutus Blingus.

Blade spoke "*Confused* No. No one said that."

Fin spoke "You have to help us! We can’t take Exis down alone!"

Exis spoke "And you can’t take him down together either!"

We tried to attack him, but he used to Golden Skull to make a forcefield, knocking us back.

Applebloom spoke "There’s gotta be somethin’ we can do!"

Blade asks "To create the ultimate treasure, one must collect all eight. We only have five. Remember from the last part?"

Applebloom spoke "Then we gotta use what we have, now!"

Fin, Heatwave and Blade surrounded Exis in a ring of fire as Goldhook used a sacred giant pearl on Exis, giving him a puppy mouth, tongue and ears.

Goldhook asks "*Nervous chuckle* I mean it’s not helping, but he looks silly, eh?"

Goldo, Loot Loot and Applebloom teleported with the Golden Crest as Loot Loot and Apple Bloom used the Golden Pyramids power, making it glow blue with Exis gaining blue cracks all over his body before he and the ring of fire exploded, knocking us back as the Golden Skull fell back to Apple Bloom, who caught it. We beat Exis!

Loot Loot spoke "Wow. Was not expecting that to work."

I spoke "Like Danyelle would say, ya just have ta expect the unexpected."

Pebble asks "Now what?"

Jewelius asks "Who wants celebration waffles?"

Brutus spoke "I’ll take a piece of that action!"

Goldcrown laughs "This king does!"

We turned around to see Goldcrown, who was alright.

“You’re alive!” We said in relief.

Applebloom passes the sword back to Goldcrown.

Applebloom spoke "Hey sis, let's never mention this to the other alicorns though."

“Right.” I agreed.

The fake Goldcrown spoke "Well done on defeating Exis. Uh, those gold treasures must be heavy. Let me hold them for you while you make those weffles."

The others gave Goldcrown the rest of the treasures.

Fin asks "Hang on, what’s a weffle?"

A voice spoke "Ugh!

We looked at the voice, which was… another Goldcrown, having dirt and scratches on him?!

Goldcrown? asks "It took me an hour to climb out from under that thing. Who knew castles were so heavy?

We looked at the Goldcrown with all eight Golden Treasures and the Golden Tanto Sword, only his white eyes were red. Wait, eight? Red eyes?

Goldcrown? asks "What’d I miss?"

…We’ve been duped!

Loot Loot spoke "Uh-oh…"

Fin gasps "*As all eight treasures and the legendary sword floated in front of the red-eyed Goldcrown, who turned into Exis* He has the Golden Idol! It lets you shapeshift! I knew weffles was a weird thing to say!"

Exis spoke "Finally! I have troves treasure, the first of the mystical tools, the legendary Tanto Blade, and the first step on my journey to complete power!"

The skeletons and real Goldcrown readied to fight Exis when Applebloom suddenly took the coin from Heatwave before Exis used the sword and treasures to fire a beam at us.

“No!” Applebloom yelled as she blocked us when the laser hit the coin she held, splitting the beam into multiple ones, creating portals, with one of them was to Daring Do’s secret room. The portal to an arctic mountain was starting to suck Exis, the treasures and the sword in as the portal back home sucked Heatwave and Pebble in before starting to suck me and my sister in.

Heatwave spoke "No! Not yet! No!"

Pebble hisses "You won’t get away with this, Exis!"

Exis laughs "Peace out, fools!"

Goldcrown leapt and grabbed the Golden Goblet while me and my lil’ sister used our lassos to grab the Golden Tanto Blade and Golden Pyramid before pulling them towards us.

“Yoink!” Applebloom, Goldcrown and I quipped before my sister an’ I were sucked into the portal back to Daring Do’s room before it closed.

Exis spoke "Oh bones!"

Exis and the remaining six treasures were sucked into the Arctic mountain portal as it closed too.

Goldcrown spoke "Yep. Still got it."

Fin asks "So what happens now?"

Blade spoke "We must keep the Goblet safe, along with Applejack, Apple Bloom, Heatwave, Pebble and their friends keeping the Pyramid and the Tanto Blade protected as well. As long as we have those, Exis will not be able to have complete power."

Goldcrown spoke "And it’s all thanks to them."

Fin spoke "I never even got a chance to say goodbye to AJ, AB, Heatwave or Pebble."

Blade spoke "For our friends."

Skeletons spoke "*Secret hand/hoofshake* Boom, slap-slap. Call me maybe, shoot-shoot. Whip! Slide! Pound-pound, dab! Hit them folks!"

*Back with me, Apple Bloom, Heatwave and Pebble*

We fell on the ground before getting back up.

A familiar voice spoke "Welcome home, you four."

We turned around to see Daring Do, holding drinks with a smile as we accepted them since we were thirsty.

Daring Do asks "How’d it go keeping Exis away from the treasures?"

I spoke "He's got six of them though... But Applebloom got her cutie mark when she pulled out the golden sword. And ta make matters worse, Exis is out there somewhere! Ah have ta patch through ta Chief Zelestia and warn 'er of the threat that was just released."


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