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Boast Busters

*Twilight’s POV*

It was a great day in Ponyville as I was testing some spells I was learning.

Even Spottedleaf was practicing her magic.

Spottedleaf spoke "The triple royal wedding was full of surprises though Twilight. I didn't expect Octavia to be a lycan of all things. Or the fact Chrysalis and her entire hive transformed that quickly."

“Don’t forget Mandible and his hive transformed too and that you got a crush.” I pointed out with a smirk.

Spottedleaf asks "Need I remind you that you kissed Flash?"

“Only because your new tomfriend froze my flanks, jolting me awake right in Flash’s face.” I retorted.

Spottedleaf threw a genie lamp at me.

Spottedleaf spoke "Not to mention, Cadence had to restrain Shining."

A voice was heard from inside the lamp. "Could you not throw my lamp around?"

Holding the lamp in my magic, I ask "Did you say that Leaf?"

Spottedleaf spoke "That wasn't me!"

The voice spoke "I said that! Jeeze! Don’t make me hit you!"

I peer into the lamp, seeing a rather grumpy mare in old fashioned Saddle Arabian clothing.

I spoke "Oh sorry, I'll scold the hairball later."

Spottedleaf notices a rather unusual unicorn mare that had a broken horn.

Spottedleaf spoke "Uh Twilight... We got another pony in town..."

“Huh?” I noticed.

Spottedleaf spoke "I think she's looking for something she lost when she was a filly."

“What though?” I asked.

Spottedleaf spoke "A way to fix what was broken..."

I spoke "Fix what was... Leaf! You're a genius!"

I tap a hoof on the lamp gently.

The genie asks "What is it?"

I spoke "I need your help, there is a unicorn with a broken horn. I wish that it was repaired."

A blue glow had surrounded the unicorn's broken horn, fully fixing it though the color was off.

The mare gasps "What the?!"

Spottedleaf holds up a mirror for the mare to look at her reflection.

The mare asks "H-How did…?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Genie magic can fix almost anything."

The mare spoke with tears in her eyes. "After all this time... I was looking for a way to fix my horn... I can't thank you two enough..."

Rainbow spoke "Twilight! Leaf! Come quickly! There's a new unicorn in town!"

“Who?” I asked in confusion.

Rainbow spoke "No idea but she's claiming to be the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria. She claims to have defeated an Ursa Major..."

The dark mulberry unicorn started to shake a bit.

Spottedleaf spoke "Rainbow Dash, you have five seconds to fly off before I ZAP YOU!"

Rainbow yelps "YIKES!!!"

Spottedleaf chases after Rainbow, throwing bolts of lightning at the Pegasus mare as the Benny Hill theme was heard.

“Hmm… I should check this out.” I noted as I went outside.

The dark mulberry mare spoke "I'll go with you. I wouldn't have gotten my horn fixed if you hadn't helped."

“Thanks.” I said in gratitude.

Fizzlepop spoke "Plus I have to overcome my PTSD."

“Oh.” I noted.

I left the lamp at home under Flash's protection in case somepony tried to take it.

A loud crash was heard since an alicorn mare with a carrot orange mane and green eyes had gotten stuck in a tree.

The mare spoke "That's tha last time Ah git pranked..."

I spoke "Freaked out Applejack in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Applejack gasps "M-M-M-MA?!?!"

The farm pony instantly fainted from that.

Another pony had also fainted when she had heard Applejack shout.

“Okay. Didn’t see that coming.” I said.

Fizzlepop spoke "Neither did I."

After Pear got her head out of the tree trunk, she went over to Applejack and hugged the farmer.

Gilda wipes a stray tear from her eyes.

Frostleaf spoke "Saw that tough girl."

Gilda spoke "Oh shut up."

“Big Mac sure is gonna flip.” I noted.

A bolt of weak magic hits me.

Trixie spoke "I hate being ignored!"

I spoke "Did you just zap me? Oh you are IN FOR IT NOW!!!"

I blast Trixie with an age spell, turning her into a foal.

A voice asks "Isn’t that going a bit far?"

I pick the now foalified Trixie up with magic.

I spoke "She struck first plus I could tell that she was about to hurt my daughter."

Then a stallion showed up. “*Ahem!*”

Pear asks "Who are you?"

The stallion spoke "The name’s Card Trick."

I spoke "I'm sorry Card but I can't reverse the spell I used on her, I don't know how to fix it."

Card sighs "Then why not ask Celestia?"

I spoke "That could work... Spike! I need a letter written to Celestia, I need her help."

Spike spoke "Already on it!"

I spoke "She's gonna get mad at me for what I did...."

A voice spoke "Calm down, it was only reactive instinct."

Fizzlepop asks "Who are you?"

I turned around to see a gryhpon hen with long brown feathers tied into a ponytail on her head, orange fur/wings and wielding red gloves on her claws.

Gertie spoke "The name’s Gertrude, but you can call me Gertie."

A loud bang was heard followed by a yelp from Rainbow was heard.

I spoke "I'm Twilight Sparkle, that yelp you heard was from Rainbow since she got zapped by my adopted sister. A dark tortoiseshell Abyssinian named Leaf."

Fizzlepop noticed what kind of bag Gertie was carrying. “Are you some kind of martial artist?”

Gertie spoke "Yeah, I’m a fighter."

Starry-eyed, Fizzlepop spoke "We can spar together!"

Gertie giggles "Heehee! Sure! I always welcome a challenge."

I shove Fizzlepop over to Gertie, causing the two to lock lips and beak.

The two disconnected immediately after that.

Fizzlepop gasps "Gah! What the heck was that?!"

Gertie growls "Are you asking for a fight, Twilight?"

Gilda snaps "Gertrude, STAND DOWN!"

Gertrude sighs "Sorry about that. Besides, I’m already looking for someone. He’s a griffon martial artist."

Fizzlepop stammers "Th-that w-was m-my f-first k-kiss..."

But then an injured gryphon showed up. “H-He’s coming! The Black Pearl Ring! He calls himself Therron! He’s on his way to Ponyville!”

Gertrude gasps "That’s him!"

Various ponies had locked themselves inside their houses.

The still foalified Trixie was on my back since she was terrified.

Gertrude spoke "I’ll take care of him. This is my fight."

I spoke "Are you NUTS?! He'll snap your wings in more ways than one!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey chicken face! Fight me if you dare!"

Gertrude spoke "Don’t worry. I’ve trained myself for this."

We then saw a male gryphon with black feathers, white fur and yellow gauntlets on his claws.

Therron spoke "This was worth the wait."

Gertrude asks "It’s you! Why…? Why are you destroying dojos that have nothing to do with you?"

Therron scoffs "Oh, were you an apprentice at a dojo I crushed? Now that you mention it, you do seem familiar."

Gertrude spoke "My master and companions… all in the hospital because of you."

Therron spoke "Huh? I must have been training. Hmm… as I can’t remember, it must have been some backwater dojo. The only thing a Fighter should pursue is ultimate martial will… If you can’t prove your own strength, none of that matters."

Gertrude spoke "That’s not…"

Therron spoke "Defeating stronger foes and pure strength is what decides a battle. You, too, have defeated countless foes on your way here. I feel like you should understand what I’m saying."

Gertrude spoke "*Readying herself* No, I don’t think so. True ultimate will in martial arts is not proven by simply overpowering others."

Therron spoke "*Readying himself* A pity, I thought I had met one of my kind. I digress. Say what you will after defeating me."

Gertrude spoke "Guys, please don’t interfere."

Danyelle growls "I killed a black dragon that had burned down my village."

Gilda spoke "No. I think this is a matter of pride."

Gertrude nodded at that.

Azure spoke "Some males are stubborn fools."

Soon, Gertrude and Therron battled, and it lasted for quite a while. Soon, after about an hour, the two were on their last legs. Therron charged at Gertrude before I felt something surge from her as Gertrude suddenly grabbed Therron as her back right leg started building up visible energy.

Gertrude spoke "Kihop… Low… *As she launched her attack, kicking Therron at the breadbasket* KICK!!!"

That final blow sent Therron rolling across the ground, before we knew that she defeated him.

Therron asks "I… lost… The essence of being a Fighter is to train oneself and to defeat foes in pursuit of true strength. I thought that was all I needed… But how…?"

Gertrude spoke "Like you, I’ve met a fair share of opponents up till now and came to realize… That faith in oneself is more important than overpowering others. If you do not believe in yourself, you can’t stand on your own no matter how strong an opponent you defeat."

Therron spoke "Perhaps… what you have found is the ultimate martial will. I don’t understand, but I have to admit it."

Spottedleaf darted over to patch Therron's injuries up.

Danyelle spoke "As the elder of my village once said... A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others."

Therron spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "If you use that strength to protect others that can't protect themselves, you'll make a great guard too."

Therron spoke "Hmm… Very well."

From Therron's perspective, it was clear that the hybrid was as tough as a minotaur.

I soon notice that Celestia had arrived.

I took a nervous gulp.

Celestia spoke "Twilight Sparkle, I'm not mad at you. You only reacted out of fear for your daughter's safety since Trixie is one of the Children of Nightmare. And since Card Trick is also a member... I fear that he might lash out as well."

Card Trick spoke "Whoa! Calm down, your highness. Please, let’s be reasonable here. When I looked up at the moon one night, I didn’t see the Mare in the Moon, so I thought Nightmare Moon was already back, but it wasn’t eternal night, so I realized that she was restored to being Princess Luna. I told Trixie about it and she believed me, but given how the rest of the Children are, we would’ve been too stubborn, so the two of us just ran."

Flash was carrying Nyx with a foreleg as he trotted over to me.

Celestia spoke "Nightmare Moon did gain a separate body of Luna but she's no bigger than a foal right now and with one of my two students raising her right, she won't be causing eternal night."

Celestia reverses the age spell I had put on Trixie.

Trixie spoke "Trixie hated being that small..."

Card Trick spoke "Sorry about that. Trixie likes talking in the third-person."

Danyelle spoke "My sensei's the same way..."

I giggled as I shoved Gertrude into Therron, causing the two griffins to lock beaks. The two griffins were surprised at first before embracing it.

Fizzlepop smiled as she was happy that her new friend found her significant other before she zapped me in the flank. “That was for pulling that stunt on me and Gertrude.”

I spoke "Not in front of my daughter!"

Nyx coos a bit, causing the others nearby to smile at the foal.

Azure chuckles "Hehehe. I just hope Egghead doesn’t ruin this."

Danyelle spoke "If you're talking about Scrambled Egg, he won't dare come near me since I'm quite savage when I need to be."

I spoke "Plus we have two Changeling hives protecting Ponyville as well."

Azure spoke "Still, he has tricks up his sleeves when it counts."

I spoke "We got the Elements of Harmony, two Abyssinians with affinities for lightning and ice, two Changeling hives, a few lycans, a vampire, a hybrid that's as fierce as a full grown dragon, two ex-Children of Nightmare, the royal guards and five adult alicorns too."

Azure chuckles "Hehe. Yeah. But it’s safe to say we can never underestimate that egghead."

Octavia spoke "Exactly."

I clonk Azure upside the head.


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