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Ticket Master/ Return of a nightmare

*Twilight's POV*

Ah. Another great day in Ponyville.

Spottedleaf spoke "Hey Sparkles, I got a letter from Princess Celestia!"

“Really? What is it?” I asked.

Putting a sound proof bubble around herself and I so others didn't hear, Spottedleaf spoke "Three tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!

Spottedleaf spoke "But we should be careful though. If the others find out, they'd want to go as well."

Spottedleaf tucked her ticket into her tailfur.

"Good point." I agreed.

Cyber notices a strange unicorn stallion heading into the forest alone.

Cyber thinks "{I better warn Twilight.}"

Cyber took off.

All of a sudden, somepony knocks Spottedleaf out cold before throwing a bag over my head after I got knocked out.

*Middle of the Everfree forest*

I groan as I came to.

I groan "Wh-where am I?"

Glancing around, I noticed that I had an anti magic brace on my neck.

"Uh-oh." I dreaded.

The group of ponies were doing some sort of crazy ritual to bring back Nightmare Moon.

A loud roar was heard as a black panther leapt out of some nearby bushes, pinning the leader of the cult down.

The panther soon got a face full of magic, causing a rather nasty burn scar to the left eye.

The panther roared in pain.

Cyber shouts "BROTHER!!!"

Cyber showed up.

Thanks to Azure's speed, Celestia soon arrives with a squadron of guardsponies.

The group of cultist ponies were about to run before an anthro male bird in a red western outfit, black feathers on his body, light pale white beak, white hair-like feathers in a bit of a ponytail on his head while he had white tailfeathers, a scar across the bridge of his beak, holding a toothpick with his beak, and wielding two kinds of firearms strapped to his waist jumped in before standing up after a roll. "Phew! I was almost late, wasn't I? *Puts righthand on his hat* You ponies can draw your weapons first. Just so you guys know, you won't stand a chance if you don't."

Spottedleaf had led the rest of the Mane Six to where I was, forming a defensive barrier around me.

Spottedleaf asks "Who are you bird?"

the bird asks "The name's Corvo, and what makes you think I was after you?"

Spottedleaf spoke "The girls and I heard the roaring all the way in Ponyville though."

Corvo spoke "I was more after these pony cultists trying to bring back some mare called Nightmare Moon. 'Cause when you hear titles like that, you can tell they're bad news."

Celestia spoke "I should have gathered those scraps up and locked them away."

A brilliant amber unicorn mare with moderate cyan eyes and a two-tone mane in vivid crimson and brilliant yellow was among the group of guards.

The unicorn asks "What should we do with the Children of Nightmare cult?"

I was clenching my stomach in pain since that strange spell had affected my body.

Celestia spoke "We need to tell them the truth and that Luna’s home."

Cyber spoke "With all due respect Princess, they're too blinded by the fact that Nightmare Moon was meant to be the one true ruler."

The cultists soon got away.

Celestia spoke "I just hope Luna can talk some sense into them before it's too late."

Spottedleaf spoke "And what about those gala tickets Princess? There's 16 of us in one group but only three tickets."

Celestia giggles "You caught me Leaf, it was meant to be a test for Twilight."

That made me panic. “Test?! What test?!”

Flash spoke "Twilight, calm down."

I was still panicking.

Much to Celestia's amusement, Flash nuzzles me thus getting me to calm down.

Flash asks "Twilight, for the last ten years.. I've always had a crush on you but I just couldn't say it in front of Shining since he tended to scare me at times... Will you be my marefriend?"

Did… Did he just ask…? *Swoons!*

*Rainbow’s POV*

Wow! Twilight just fainted with a huge blush and a massive smile, speaking jibberish.

Azure spoke "You're one to talk Skittles."

Ooh! That Azure! I’m still waiting for the surprise plans he has for me, and I’m so close to just losing it. I really want him!

Azure chuckles "Let's go Dashie, I'll give you that surprise then."

I head off to my place with Azure, excited for what he has planned.

What I didn't know, someone new had recently moved to Ponyville.

The gryphon spoke "I hope she’s here."

I spot the newcomer.

I spoke "Wait a minute... I know you! You're that goofball gryphon, Gawain!"

Gawain chuckles "Hehe. Yeah, Dash. It’s been a while, huh?"

Azure chuckles "It's been ten years since Dash and I saw you last. How are things in Griffonstone?"

Twilight had to be rushed to the hospital since she was in pain.

I spoke "Aw nertz, it seems Twilight's having problems..."

Azure asks "Hey Gawain, do you know anything about the Children of Nightmare?"

Blizzardstar calls out "Oi Rainbow! The others are gathering at the hospital! Twilight's got a foal now!"

“Wait-what?! How?!” I asked in shock.

Blizzardstar spoke "I heard about it from Cross who heard it from Applejack."

The white chakat headed off to the hospital to see the new foal.

Twilight was resting in a hospital bed with a small black alicorn foal with a crop of a purple mane in her forelegs.

Twilight spoke "Hi everyone."

“How did this happen?” I asked in complete confusion.

Rarity spoke "We can blame those cultists for this mess. But regardless, we can't let them get their hooves on a newborn foal."

Celestia spoke "Agreed, I will have a word with my sister about this. Plus I'll be assigning some more guards to protect Twilight and the foal from harm."

The brilliant amber unicorn spoke "That sounds like a good idea Princess. Two Pegasi and a panther might not be enough to protect a defenseless foal."

Some time later*

Celestia had handed Twilight a group pass ticket for the Gala.

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

The spirit of a blind Pegasus was hanging around Luna but the alicorn was unaware.


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