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Dungeons and Discords

*Hitch's POV*

While the mares were out for a friendship mission, I met up with Azure and a few of the other stallions at Twilight's castle.

I spoke "Hey guys!"

Azure spoke "‘Sup."

I take notice of two new alicorn stallions that I haven't seen before.

I ask "Who are they?"

Azure spoke "A lot to explain."

A thump was heard outside before an earth mare groans in pain.

Noticing the mare outside, I spoke "Oh jeeze... Someone better warn Sunny before she finds out and starts screaming..."

Azure asks "Huh? You know her?"

“Yeah. She somehow went back in time and we didn’t even know it.” I guessed.

Justice spoke "But I thought you said Sunny lost her mom when she was little!"

“I did. That’s what we all thought, not knowing what actually happened.” I responded.

Azure snickers "Between you and me though Hitch, I heard a little rumor that Golden Justice has a little crush on Pipp."

“Really?” I asked, intrigued by the news.

Justice spoke "Sh-shut up Azure!"

Azure asks "Or what?"

Justice spoke "Stuff a chili carrot in it Slow-nic!"

Azure spoke "Ohoho! You did NOT just go there!"

Justice spoke "Well, I just did! And I can kick your speedy flank any time!"

Azure spoke "Now ya did it!"

The two stallions were now in a fight cloud.

Justice kicks Azure through a wall.

Azure knocked Justice literally into the ground.

But Justice counters at the last second and judo throws Azure at Discord, knocking both out cold.

Natsu spoke "And he's out cold!"

Then Ignis suddenly showed up. “What’d I miss?”

Natsu chuckles "Golden Justice and Azure Wind got into a fight but since the freshly ascended stallion was stronger, Azure got knocked out. Oh hey Loot Loot."

Loot Loot asks "Yo. What’s happening?"

Natsu explained what happened.

Loot Loot spoke "Dang."

Pebble spoke "You're telling me! I got a nasty vision a while ago from StarClan...."

Loot Loot spoke "*Deadpan* Dude, you’re really killin’ the vibe."

Pebble spoke "Shut up bonehead, Exis is planning to make a return soon..."

Loot Loot spoke "Psh! Dude, that’s impossible. He’s trapped in a time that has fire and ice."

Midnight spoke "You doubt the word of a medicine cat? Nothing is impossible if that jerkface had found the time stone that I hid away."

“…Where and when did you hide it?” I asked.

Midnight spoke "It's best you don't know since if that jerk got his bony hooves on it, he could use it to erase our ancestors thus killing us as well."

Ignis spoke "Midnight, don’t say that."

Discord and Azure soon regained consciousness.

Pebble spoke "StarClan's sake, you're being paranoid Midnight!"

Midnight growls "I'm NOT PARANOID!!"

Azure spoke "Maybe more than a friend of mine."

Quick spoke "If you're talking about Red Rose, I'll whack you Azure."

Azure spoke "That’s not who I’m talking about, little buddy."

Quick spoke "I heard from one of the gargoyles that you're the reincarnation of King Arthur."

Azure spoke "*Rubs the back of his head nervously* Come on, I can’t be THAT important."

Soarin chuckles "You're one to talk Sonic, you're the captain of the Wonderbolts alongside Rainbow Dash!"

Azure spoke "Better not let Spitfire hear you say that, or she’ll tell you to give her twenty."

Soarin chuckles "You're just as bad as Rainbow is when it comes to pranks, remember that prank you two pulled on Misty Fly and Thunderlane?"

Azure spoke "Heh, how could I forget? But come on, what’re we wastin’ time talking around for? It’s Guys Night!"

Crosswind spoke "*Ahem*!"

Azure spoke "Oops, my bad."

Crosswind spoke "Azure, yer an idiot."

Azure asks "Did you just call me slow in the head?"

Crosswind spoke "Ya shouldn't anger a chakat though."

Pebble asks "Ignoring the outburst from Azure, what game should we play?"

Azure spoke "Well-"

Spike spoke "I got the perfect one! It’s gonna be so awesome!"

Natsu spoke "Bro, I think you forgot that Pebble Heart doesn't know what a game is."

Spike spoke "Don’t worry, this one will be easy."

All of a sudden, the front doors to the castle were shoved open thus revealing a panicking Gorseclaw.

Gorseclaw spoke "I need to speak to Spottedleaf and Twilight! There's a problem in RiverClan!"

Ignis asks "Hmm? What’s the problem?"

Gorseclaw spoke "It's Splashtail! He's pissed that Icewing was chosen to be the new leader of RiverClan! He mentioned something about a meddling MeadowClan pony sticking her muzzle where it shouldn't be."

Azure asks "Who spilled his water?"

Soarin spoke "Think about it Azure, he said that it was a mare though. So it has to be one of the Alicorns of Harmony."

Spike had a pale look on his face.

Spike spoke "Oh StarClan no...."

Midnight spoke "Spike, calm down!"

Gorseclaw spoke "And to make matters worse, a MeadowClan kit was brutally attacked by Splashtail. One of the SkyClan cats saw what happened."

Midnight asks "Who?"

Gorseclaw spoke "Fortunately, I managed to bring the kit with me so he’ll be alright."

Spike spoke "That's Tidefur!"

Gorseclaw went off before returning with Tidefur, who was shivering nonstop as his breath was… visible?

Nyx and her sisters take Tidefur from Gorseclaw with their magic before setting the shivering kit on a blanket near the fireplace, curling up around him to warm him up.

The SkyClan cat that Gorseclaw had mentioned was fighting with Splashtail in a one on one battle.

Splashtail was wielding an odd pike.

The terra type cat had a blaze type weapon in her hands as she fought Splashtail.

But then Splashtail gained a dark grin before stabbing the pike into the ground, creating a shield of ice magic, pushing the cat away with some chills.

The terra type cat drove her weapon into the ground, creating a fiery twister around Splashtail thus trapping him.

Natsu asks "Whoa! How’d you do that?"

The terra type cat spoke "Dumb luck."

Natsu pouts "Aw..."

Justice snickers "Hey Flamebreath, you might want to look at Pebble."

Natsu asks "Huh?"

Pebble was a stammering mess.

Natsu asks "Uh... What's going on with Pebble?"

Crosswind snickers "Remember how it was fer Ozul?"

Natsu asks "Uh... Yeah?"

Crosswind snickers "Same reason, different male."

"What should we do about Splashtail though?" I asked.

Splashtail was soon tried up with vines.

The terra cat spoke "That oughta restrain him."

Ignis spoke "Hmm... I think I may have something in mind to help."

*Shortly after the girls had returned,*

Danyelle asks "Why not call in Cadence?"

Twilight spoke "A fair trial should happen as well."

Rarity spoke "I agree."

Ignis was resting on Splashtail's belly, who was filled with water like a waterbed with a hose that was plugged to his tail earlier.

Azure spoke "We're not sure if it was the best time."

Rainbow spoke "Anyway, we got a BIG request from Karei."

Azure asks "And what's that?"

Rainbow spoke "Well..."


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