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Over A Barrel

*Twilight's POV*

Danyelle spoke "I just hope we don't run into trouble."

“Come on, Dany. We got this.” I assured my friend.

Danyelle asks "But how come the tree that Applejack-chan brought with us has a separate traincar?"

Crosswind asks "Didn’t we go over this?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Flowerstep had to stay behind since Twilight's daughters are still young."

I spoke "I'm just not used to being this far away from my daughters... And I know Rainbow feels the same about her two children."

Danyelle spoke "Relax Sparkles, Cadence-hime is looking after them."

“I know, Danyelle. I’m just worried.” I admitted.

Rarity spoke "At least Blizzard's looking after Zak while I'm out of town since chakats work together to raise children. It's a clan thing."

Spottedleaf spoke "And that’s a good thing."

Wendy groans "Can't a pair of young dragons get any sleep around here?"

Danyelle giggles "*Smirk* Especially a pair that’s dating each other?"

Wendy spoke "Watch it boltbrain, I could easily send you flying with an air blast."

Danyelle asks "Anytime, Wendy-chan. Although there’s one thing on my mind, why are you here with Gizem, Edge?"

Lightning Edge spoke "Oh, I’m meeting someone in Appleloosa, and I thought Gizem could use this time to open up to creatures."

A ghost spoke "Indeed. He would’ve become a puppet with no will of his own if he didn’t have any family or friends."

Gizem was silent.

Spottedleaf had opened a window before clicking her tongue in a certain pattern, calling in her pet phoenix.

Aster soon lands on Spottedleaf's shoulder after flying through the opened window.

Petting the phoenix on the head, Spottedleaf spoke "You such a good girl Aster."

Aster chirps happily.

Rainbow Dash asks "How did you get a pet phoenix?"

Spottedleaf spoke "I found her tangled in rope shortly after I got my wings. Remember, I'm a medic by nature so I helped her out of the rope. After that, she chose to stick with me. Plus Princess Celestia also has a pet phoenix."

"Philomena, right?" I remembered.

Spottedleaf spoke "Yeah, she's just as beautiful as Aster is."

Fluttershy spoke "She's beautiful."

Spottedleaf spoke "Thank you Fluttershy."

Crosswind spoke "Shouldn't be long before we reach Appleloosa now."

Danyelle's right ear twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Something isn't right!"

A herd of buffalo hijack the train, taking the car that had the tree in it!

Spottedleaf spoke "Oh no! Wendy! Spike!"

Gizem pushed his katana with his thumb, revealing the blade a bit.

Danyelle spoke "Put that away baka, we don't want to cause a war between ponies and buffalo."

Snowfall spoke "Exactly, sisi ni sawa."

Gizem said nothing as his katana slid back into its sheath.

Spottedleaf asks "Wait, where'd Rainbow go?"

Lightning Edge spoke "*Facehoof* Look outside."

Snowfall spoke "We should meet up with Applejack's cousin first."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed, plus I'm starting to think there's more to this than we think there is."

Spottedleaf spoke "Same here, Dany."

*After arriving in Appleloosa*

Crosswind spoke "Howdy Braeburn."

Braeburn spoke "Howdy, Crosswind."

Crosswind spoke "Ah heard that ya'll are havin' some issues wit the buffalo."

Braeburn spoke "We do have a few problems. Or rather, they have problems wit us."

Crosswind asks "Huh?"

Braeburn spoke "Long story short, we Appleloosians have planted trees on their sacred grounds without asking them first."

Crosswind face-palmed at that.

Applejack spoke "Not ta mention, Ah've got a baby brother now."

Braeburn spoke "Whoa! Really? Congrats!"

Applejack spoke "Eyup plus Cross and I are married now."

Braeburn definitely was surprised.

Rainbow soon arrives with the entire buffalo herd.

And a female kirin with umber fur, white-blonde mane/tail, silver eyes, a fire-red horn, white scales and hooves, wearing a red scarf and wielding two kunai was with her. But then the Kirin spotted Lightning Edge. “Onee-chan!”

The Kirin ran over to Edge as the two hugged each other.

Lightning Edge spoke "It’s good to see you too, Flaring Blade."

Spottedleaf spoke "Hey Dash."

But then Danyelle and I noticed Braeburn’s blush after catching a glance of a young female Buffalo as the two of us giggled.

Poking her head through a warp ring, OC-verse Danyelle giggles "The exact same thing happened to the Braeburn of my world!"

Spottedleaf asks "Huh?"

OC-Verse Danyelle just giggled before heading back through the warp ring as it closed.

Crosswind spoke "Crazy nekomata..."

But after Lightning Edge and her sister let each other go, Flaring Blade noticed Gizem and blushed as her big sister giggled.

Snowfall punts Gizem in the rear, sending him crashing into Flaring thus causing the two to kiss.

Ghost appeared and laughed at the situation. “Quick a sly move you pulled there.”

Snowfall giggles "Yeah."

Lightning Edge giggles "Heehee! That’s also why I brought Gizem along."

Snowfall giggles "True but that nekomata's right though, her world's Braeburn also fell in love with a buffalo."

Lightning Edge asks "And it’s that Buffalo our Braeburn’s kissing?"

Snowfall spoke "That’s what I can tell, yep."

Twilight teases "So Snowfall, when will you find your special someone?"

Snowfall blushed at that as Scorching laughed at her sister’s embarrassment.

Snowfall spoke "You're one to talk flamebrain! I saw you eying that wyvern!"

Scorching spoke "Oh, don’t you dare go there popsicle!"

The two sisters started squabbling and fighting each other.

Soon enough, the sisters were covered in dust and dirt.

Spottedleaf spoke "They really are like Celestia and Luna."

Danyelle spoke "Power wise, they're like Natsu and Ice Chill..."

Spottedleaf giggles "You do know fire’s like the sun and ice is like the moon, right?

Sunset pops up with her brother in tow.

Sunburst spoke "H-hello."

“Hmm? Who’s he?” I asked.

Sunset spoke "My younger brother, Sunburst."

Noticing me, Sunburst asks "Wait, don't you remind me of someone?"

I spoke "Uh, no."

Sunburst spoke "Oh... I hope she's doing okay."

Picturing the pony in question in her mind, Spottedleaf teleports for the first time before reappearing with a pale grayish pink unicorn mare in tow.

Spottedleaf spoke "*pant* I'm never teleporting again..."

"You'll get used to it." I assured my friend.

The mare spoke "Ugh... Wha? Where? Last thing I remember was spotting a town and-"

Sunburst asks "Starlight?"

The mare froze at that. "S-S-Sunburst?"

Snowfall had her sister in a headlock.

Scorching held her sister by pinning her down.

Danyelle spoke "Guess my counterpart owes me 30 bits."

A bag of 30 bits lands in Danyelle's hands via warp ring since the OC-verse Danyelle lost the bet.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, other me."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You can use that to get a birthday gift for Skittles..."

Danyelle spoke "Good tip."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "If you'll excuse me, I also have to plan a party for my world's Rainbow. Oh and remember, Sisi ni Sawa! It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, we all have the same emotions."

Rainbow spoke "You hear that Chief Thunderhooves? We all have the same emotions. It doesn't matter if we're pony, dragon, Diamond Dog, Abyssinian, vampire, lycan, gryphon, buffalo, batpony, kirin, kitsunepony or even chakat. We're the same."

Chief Thunderhooves was silent about that.

Danyelle asks "Might I make a suggestion?"

I spoke "Go ahead Dany."

Danyelle spoke "We could clear a path through the orchard so that the buffalo can have their route back in exchange for apple pie."

Pinkie spoke "That's exactly what I was thinking!"

Rainbow spoke "That just might work!"

Applejack spoke "Darn tootin'!

Spike spoke "Yeah!"

And so, the Appleloosian settlers clear a path through the orchard to let the buffalo have their stampeding route back.


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