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Dance Celebration Part 2

*Lan's POV*

Vince was itching at his neck since he had fleas.

Vince spoke "I hate having fleas!!!"

I bet others will understand that, including me. Anywho, we were at Kojiro's house, having a big meal that was enough for all of us.

Emerald spoke "Mmmmm! *Munch!* Munch!* *Gulp!* So gooooood!"

Kanji gasps "Emerald-senpai, that's your second one! We get one each, remember!?"

Goryuu chuckles "Hehe, calm down, Kanji."

Kojiro spoke "You kids sure eat a lot... I thought I might have ordered too much, but look at you, plowing through it already."

Kaze spoke "Sorry 'bout that. And thanks."

Midnight was chowing down on a large serving of food since he was bigger than the other alicorns.

Midnight spoke "*burp* Excuse me."

Opaline spoke "*Giggle* You silly stallion."

Kaze spoke "Isn't Tenshi-chan here? I'd hate to eat her share too..."

Kojiro spoke "She's at piano lessons. Don't worry, I set hers aside."

Seiko and Miran ask "Hmm?/Huh?"

Kojiro chuckles "Oh, didn't I tell you? Yeah, Tenshi started learning the piano. She should be back home any time now. I'm sure she'll be rushing home. *Smile* Ever since she found out you'd both be back, it's all she's talked about. *Joyous laughter*"

Twilight spoke "And with a huge group, I think the venues for the dance celebration are gonna be packed."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "I agree with you on that. But at least we have my kyubi form along with Midnight's size."

Seiko spoke "Well, I'm glad she's doing well."

Miran spoke "Same here."

Kojiro spoke "Yeah... me too. She's growing and learning every day. It's an amazing thing to see. Just watching her gives me strength. It's slow, but I'm moving on, bit by bit. Actually... I came across some information about an old hit-and-run incident. The victim was Sen Hana... my wife. I've been chasing dead ends and false leads for so long... but I think I'm finally getting close to the truth."

Wow, I can tell all of us are glad about that.

Kojiro spoke "*Shakes head* Just when I thought I'd keep my personal feelings separate from my job... Haha... It's strange. Though, it's thanks to you two that I was able to draw that line in the first place. Thank you."

Miran spoke "No problem."

Kojiro asks "What happened with the last case?

Korjiro spoke "Oh, that? Well... I don't know if you two or anyone from outside Neighpon heard already, but Shokubutsu got released on lack of evidence."

That surprised us, even though not by much.

Kojiro spoke "I can't tell you too much... but basically, no one could reproduce his supposed methods. Not even Shokubutsu himself. He was very insistent on the details of his crimes, but a diary isn't enough evidence to build a case on. He came to me to apologize, but I told him he should come up with his own way to make up for it. He said he was going to run for mayor... I don't know how serious he was about that."

Shima spoke "Oh... so that WAS Shokubutsu-san giving those speeches."

Kojiro spoke "Oh yeah... And I went to see Hidzume."

Again, surprised us.

Kaze asks "What happened to him...?"

Emerald asks "Were you the one to interrogate him...?"

Kojiro spoke "No, I wasn't part of that. I couldn't be. We were too close. But he was indicted. It was probably just circumstantial evidence, but he said a lot of things only the real killer would know. After they set a trial date for him, I was able to go see him."

Sunao spoke "I see..."

Kojiro spoke "They say he's a model prisoner. The bastard says he gets better treatment behind bars than he did when he was was working with me. Heh... Next time when I go see him, I'll bring him a cheap cabbage."

Well, Kojiro looked happy.

Redux Twilight spoke "I killed two people though but I was pardoned of my crimes because I was protecting my kids."

Kojiro spoke "Well, I guess it depends on perception."

But then a door was heard open.

Tenshi spoke "I’m home!"

Tenshi didn’t have pigtails and her mane was a bit longer as she had a maneclip.

Tenshi spoke "Dad, are big bros- *Notices Seiko and Miran* BIG BROS!"

Kojiro asks "*As Tenshi smiled* Hahaha, surprised, Tenshi?"

Teddie spoke "Welcome home, Teni-chan!"

Tenshi spoke "Teddie, too! And Karei-chan! Everyone’s here! *Smile* I’m learning piano now! And I’ve been a good filly!"

Seiko spoke "We’re proud of you."

Miran spoke "Definitely."

Tenshi spoke "Hehehe… I’ll play for you sometime!"

Kojiro spoke "I didn’t think she’d ask to start piano lessons. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. Sen was a piano teacher… but Tenshi’s pretty good herself. At first, I didn’t even want to hear the word “piano,” but now that she wants to learn, I’ve gotta get over it."

Tenshi spoke "I remember what my mom played! I’m gonna play it for you, dad!"


Tenshi spoke "Dad! The weather report’s on!"

A Newscaster spoke "And now, the weather. It was nice and sunny today, but what will it look like after that? Take it away, Mariko."

We then saw a familiar Pegasus mare. “Hello! Marino Kusumi here. We’ve been having a lot of rain recently, so starting today I’m gonna make it sunny. I mean, after all that rain, I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about any water shortages this summer. And besides, someone’s visiting! I can’t have it rain while he’s here! So, I’m gonna keep it sunny for a while.”

The Newscaster spoke "Mariko? Mariko!? Please calm down!"

A familiar Mare spoke "Oh, but if it gets too hot, then some rain should be fine. He should tell me whenever he wants it different and I’ll change it. Just like that!"

Whoa, that weather forecaster is that pony Marie, but at least we know a nickname now so we can avoid confusing her with Abyssinian Marie.

Emerald spoke "Oh… I forgot to mention…"

Kanji spoke "She’s been coming here a lot. She’s famous now…"

Redux Danyelle spoke "I smell a storm coming in a week's time, a right nasty one."

Karei spoke "How'd she get so popular so fast? What was the station thinking? Her stage name's so boring, too..."

Tenshi spoke "This mare will decide tomorrow's weather, right? Whenever she says it's gonna be sunny, the sun comes out!"

Kaze asks "Uh... in her case... maybe...?"

The newscaster spoke "Thanks, Mariko! Tell our viewers goodbye!"

Mariko spoke "Yeah, yeah. But before that... a personal message. I'm doing just fine! Love you, Miran!"

That shocked most of us as Tenshi gasped with a smile.

Karei asks "WH-WHAT!?"

Emerald asks "*Shocked blush* Um... Was that...?"

Kaze asks "*Shocked blush* D-Did she just confess her love... on a public news show!?"

Kojiro spoke "Haha, I can imagine the complaints flying in right now. Kids these days... Wait, that was your name, Miran. If only you were so lucky, huh? Hahahahaha!"

Miran blushed in embarrassment at that.

Mariko spoke "I hope you all have a gooooood day tomorrow! Remember, the more you put in, the more you get out!"

Tenshi spoke "*Smile* The more you get out!"

MegaMewverse Danyelle spoke "Holy Shinx..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I didn't see that coming!"

Kojiro spoke "I see that weather mare a lot. The younger ones at the station tell me they feel motivated whenever she does that."

Seiko spoke "*Smile* I'm not surprised."

Kojiro spoke "I feel it a little myself, to be honest. Well, I'm just glad the weird fog is gone. Now we don't have to obsess over the weather report."

Shima spoke "It is really great, though. Everyone in town is more motivated."

Emerald spoke "Yeah. Creatures have so much energy now!"

Kojiro spoke "You're right. It doesn't wear you down walking through town anymore, not like last time."

Sunao spoke "Everyone has a more positive outlook on life than when my brother and I first came."

Kojiro spoke "It shows creatures can change. For better or worse, I guess... it depends on your perspective. After the fog lifted, I'm sure creatures just realized that it's a lot brighter when your eyes are open. There's a lot we'd rather not see... A lot of grime in the heart. But if you close your eyes to everything, you can't even see the creatures close to you... How can you be happy like that? The only thing to do, really, is to keep marching on, straight ahead."

Kochuu spoke "Hehe, too true, boss."

The rest of us nodded in agreement as Kojiro blushed in embarrassment.

Kojiro asks "I'm rambling, aren't I...? Guess I had more to drink than I thought... Oh yeah, Tenshi, didn't you say there was something you wanted to tell Seiko and Miran when they came home?"

Kaze spoke "Your cooking is barely food, Emerald."

Teddie spoke "HAH! BEARLY!"

Heifa: *Sigh* Again with the bear puns, Ted?"

Emerald spoke "Hey! Shut up!"

Kiko spoke "Take it easy, Kaze."

Shima spoke "That's cold, Kaze; I could've made some too."

Kanji spoke "Er, please don't!"

Tenshi asks "Um, can we...? *Whispers into Kaze's ear*"

Kaze spoke "Gotcha!"

Kojiro, Tenshi and the Investigation Team turned towards Seiko and Miran.

Kaze spoke "Got it."

Tenshi spoke "*Ahem!* Well then! One and..."

Kojiro, Tenshi and the Investigation Team: Welcome back!!/*Kanji* It's good to see you senpais!"

Karei asks "Kanji! It was 'welcome back'! How could you mess that up!?"

Kanji spoke "Hey jus-Sh-Shut up, alright! I just got stage fright, that's all!"

Kaze spoke "Well, I figured someone would blow it."

Seiko and Miran couldn't help but smile.

But then a whisper was heard in the heads of me, Vince and Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "But I have this nagging feeling that one case has still not been solved."

Vince spoke "I can see where this is going..."

I ask "Nee-chan, nii-san? What do you mean?"

Danyelle asks "Hey Teddie, do you know anything about a missing Pegasus mare?"

Teddie asks "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Vince spoke "Actually, Lan, Danyelle and I have family stuff to take care of. See ya later."

Vince took me and Danyelle before bringing us outside.

Irene and Akoya were on Danyelle's back while Jazz and Volt were on Vince's back and I had Patch on my back.

Danyelle spoke "Guys, I don't think we can get our kids involved."

Vince spoke "I know that."

Then Roll, Maylu and Ben showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Ben, Maylu and Roll but my brothers and I are the only ones that can solve this."

Ben asks "What's going on?"

Danyelle spoke "Hikari family stuff. *noticing OC-verse Danyelle and Redux Danyelle's stares* Ah, Warrior-verse only that is."

Roll asks "Do you want us to look after them?"

Akoya hisses at her aunts.

Danyelle spoke "Oh geez..."

Vince spoke "Dany look, the kids have the Hikari blood so it doesn't seem fair to leave them out."

Danyelle spoke "But they’re kittens."

Vince spoke "You were like that when we were young though Danyelle."

Danyelle blushed in embarrassment at that.

Vince snickers "Remember the one time Lan got stuck in a vase?"

“Vince!” I pouted with an embarrassed blush.

Vince chuckles "Chill out bro, you were only 2 back then. And mom had a hard time getting you into the bathtub as well."

But then Danyelle’s eyes widened, realizing something.

I ask "Nee-chan?"

Danyelle spoke "I think I know what’s going on. We need to head to Junes, now."

Vince spoke "But sis, the rest of the Alliance might be there."

Danyelle spoke "This is a Hikari family matter, we’re the only ones who can do this."

Redux Danyelle spoke "You might as well count me and OC-verse Danyelle in as well, the two of us are quite strong. And we're not taking no for an answer."

"She's got a point there." I said.

A little piebald Mew was on Redux Danyelle's head.

Danyelle: What the...?

Redux Danyelle spoke "This little one is Aurora, she's a piebald dwarf Mew."

Danyelle asks "Dwarf?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Meaning, she won't get as big as an adult Mew. As for me, I'm bigger than a normal Mobian because of what I was before."

Danyelle spoke "That's ironic."

A swirl of magic engulfs OC-verse Danyelle, causing her to take human form.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "This is my original form though since the nekomata-gryphon form you see me as was the result of my universe's Lillian making a wish."

"...Anyone else glad Lyra isn't here?" I asked.

OC-verse Danyelle drops the illusion, reverting back to her Mobian form.

Danyelle and Vince spoke "I am."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Regardless, I should be careful with my real form."

Danyelle spoke "Come on! We need to go!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "You're as impatient as I am!"

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Seriously?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Oh bite me."

Us Hikari went into Junes’ TM section.

OC-verse Danyelle's ears were on full alert.

We looked around, and there was no one watching us as I whispered, “Alright, let’s head in.”

Redux Danyelle spoke "OC-verse Danyelle might take on Mobini form though..."

To be continued

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