• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,153 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Storm clouds gather

Dawn had broken, and Rainbow, not wanting to lose a moment, immediately awoke to begin her marehunt. She stood at the edge of town, wings prepped and ready for takeoff. For once in the entire winter, the blizzards had cleared, and the sky was visible, but Dash knew it wouldn't last. The storm could clearly be seen gathering again and would strike sometime later in the day. She wasn't worried, though; her new armor was thermal and the townsfolk had been kind enough to refill her supplies. She was seconds away from taking off when Dasher caught her.

“Wait, Commander,” Dasher shouted. Rainbow Dash paused and turned to see Dasher running towards her, carrying something in his mouth.

“I almost forgot,” he said around the hilt of the blade he carried. He laid it in the snow in front of the commander. “Twilight dropped this after the fight. She must have forgotten one. I've heard that unicorns can track magical signatures, so I thought it might help.”

Rainbow picked it up with her hoof and held it to her ear. It took many years to develop the skill, but she could tell when an item leaves a magic signature – the artifact literally hums. It’s extremely quiet and difficult to detect but always promising. Dash listened for a few moments before pulling it away and smiled at Dasher. “Good job. If I can get this to one of the trackers, this might be enough to put her on the radar. Thanks again for all of your help.”

She extended her hoof out to Dasher, who accepted it. “You’re welcome, but...”

Rainbow gave him a quizzical look. “What's wrong?”

Dasher sighed and looked at the ground. “She put her life on the line to save some pony she had known for 3 hours. She could have been injured or worse, but then I found out she’s a wanted murderer.”

He stared into Rainbow's eyes. “What kind of senseless murderer does that? I mean, she could have left and never given another thought to this damned place, but she didn't. She stayed.”

His voice trailed off, and Rainbow put a hoof on his shoulder. “First of all, we don't know if she is guilty or not. Second, I've seen a few ponies with their own sense of justice. While they may help other ponies, their way is not always right. I want to find out whether she is aggressive or not and hopefully convince her peacefully to come home. I don't want to hurt her or cause her any more pain. But...”

Rainbow's face steeled. “I will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent. I just hope she sees it my way.”

Dasher smiled brightly at her. “Well, I do too. Good luck on your mission, Commander.”

Rainbow flashed a wicked grin and saluted, “Commander Rainbow Dash is on the job!” She jumped and flew into the air, chasing the unknown predator.


Twilight jumped awake. Her hoof was at her side, cradling a knife strapped to her leg. She looked around her at the surroundings. She was sitting on some pillows, and a blanket lay at her feet. Her heart was pounding at her ribcage so strongly; she felt it would leave bruises.

She was in a large room. A few feet away from her were some bookshelves filled with magic texts and spell books. At the far end of the room sat a podium. Atop rested a crystal sphere, which shined brightly and gave off a warm glow.

She spent a few moments taking deep breaths before relaxing and sighing deeply, “Oh thank heavens.” She lay back down for a few moments, waiting for her panic to fade.

As she lay, she thought back to earlier. A scowl crossed her face. ‘The damned moon princess. Almost got me and those innocent ponies from the town killed. Why did she have to interfere right then?' Twilight growled and slammed her hoof into a pillow. 'I'll have to recast the mind wards to ensure she doesn't succeed again. But it technically wasn't her fault... I'll have to punish Dawn later.'

She slowly rose from her makeshift bed. A few feet away, her coat and black jumpsuit lay sprawled across a chair, along with her saddle bags. She walked over and slowly dressed herself. As she set her rows of sheaths she noticed that one of the knives was missing. Twilight's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. Panicking, she tore the pillows off the floor, trying to find the lost blade. “No, no no no no no... WHERE IS IT?”

Her entire body shook. She glared at the floor. 'I have to go back.' She quickly put the rest of her gear on.

Fuming, she walked over to the orb resting in the pedestal. The orb shone brightly and sparkled in its own light. Twilight touched her horn to the orb, which flashed brightly. A moment later, the room around her melted and was absorbed into the crystal.

Soon, she was standing in the clear tundra. Twilight scowled as she surveyed the area. 'One thing after another. Now, I have no protection from anypony flying over. Canterlot will have deployed pegasus guards, especially after the town incident.'

Twilight pulled a compass from her pack. A moment later, she slipped it into her bag again and began the long walk back to the town. As she walked, another thought crossed her mind. 'Can I ever get a bucking break?'


Ever since Celestia and Luna had come into the barracks, Shining Armor had been panicking. It's not every day you find out that your baby sister has been alive for almost sixteen years without your knowing.

His day had been extremely unproductive. How could he work when his mind was so distracted? After hours of paper work for the different soldiers, he could finally go home. He had spent the entire trip home thinking about Twily, little sweet Twily, who could never have been a murderer.

“I'm home,” he called out as he entered his home. He searched through his house, but he couldn't find his wife. “Hello? Honey? Where are you?”

As he walked into his bedroom, he was tackled to the floor by a bright pink alicorn. He received multiple pecks on the nose before his loved one responded, “Hello to you too, handsome. Rough day at work?”

Shining sighed deeply into the carpet. “You could say that,” he mumbled.

Giggling, the young alicorn let him up and nuzzled his cheek. “Aw come on. What's wrong? Soldiers giving you trouble?”

Shining took a moment to think. He didn't want to tell Cadence, as she knew Twilight when they were both young. He couldn't break her heart and tell her Twilight could be a... a... No. The idea was too horrible.

“Just some noise coming from the north; nothing we can't handle.”

Cadence narrowed her eyes playfully. “Really. I've seen that look on your face. You only get that look when something is seriously bothering you, like the time your mother got sick and was in the hospital.” She met his eyes. “Shining, please tell me. You know I hate seeing you unhappy.”

Shining stared into the eyes of his wife. He was ready to just tell her another white lie, but as he stared into her eyes, he didn't see a want for knowledge or just a simple desire to know. He saw a mare who would do anything to stop him from ailing. A mare who would always comfort him for as long as he lived. A mare he couldn't lie to. But could he tell her about Twilight? She had known and loved her for so long and still did. And still thought her to be dead.

Shining Armor swallowed a lump in his throat. “Cadence... You loved Twilight right?”

Cadence pulled her head back. “Of course. But what does this have to do with...”

Shining met her eye again, and he told Cadence about Twilight’s appearance.

Cadence pulled away from him and stared, dumbfounded. She covered her mouth with a hoof and her eyebrows knit in shock and disbelief. “Shining...” she whispered.

Shining nodded grimly. He tore his gaze away from his wife and stared at the floor. “Shining... This is WONDERFUL!”

Shining jerked his head towards her. Cadence beamed down at him, a huge smile covering her face. “Twilight is alive. You should have no reason to be sad.” She jumped into their bed. “Come on,” she called, patting the spot next to her with a hoof. “Come tell me how you found out.”

Shining climbed in and told her the story. As he spoke, she wrapped her hooves around his torso and nuzzled his neck.

“... And after Luna left with Commander Dash, Celestia personally briefed me on the situation. There was a disturbance in a northern hellhole of a town. This place was full of fugitives and mercenaries. A refuge for murderers and thieves. A lavender mare went into a tavern there and supposedly attacked those inside, but I don't buy that for a second.” Shining stared at the ceiling with a look of disgust. “A place like that... There is no way she struck first. The point is, multiple stallions were killed or seriously injured, and one stallion claimed the attacker was Twilight.”

He looked at the alicorn holding him tightly. She sadly stared at the covers she lay on.

He gave her a gentle and reassuring smile. “Hey, don't worry. Everything is being taken care off. Besides, this is great news. Twilight is coming home. We should be happy!” He tried to sound reassuring, but seemed to be question himself.

Cadence nuzzled him again. “No. You’re right. We should be happy. Are you going to tell your parents?”

“I don't know. I mean, how would I? 'Hey, Mom, Dad, remember the daughter you thought was dead? Well, it turns out she's been alive and possibly a murderer.' I won't tell them until we’ve confirmed her state of mind and reasoning for coming home. It may sound cold, but I want to ensure the safety of those I love. Mom, Dad, you, Twilight too. If something happens, I don't want anything bad to happen to Twilight.

Shining suddenly felt a warm sensation envelope his body. All sadness melted away and was replaced by happiness and hope. He looked over to see Cadence smiling warmly, her horn glowing softly.

“You know you won’t stay sad when I'm around,” she reassured him. “Now, you listen to me.” She moved in front of him, her eyes inches from his. “I know you're worried. I am, too. But you have stay brave. For her sake. For now, we can only hope for the best. Can you do that?”

Shining smiled at his wife. “You always know what to say, Cadence.” He kissed her on the nose. “I could never have hoped to meet a better mare than you.”

“Well,” she blushed. “I am pretty great,” she said as she returned the kiss. Their legs tangled together as they embraced each other.

Shining Armor chuckled to himself. Cadence smiled mischievously. “What's so funny, 'Captain'?”

With his eyes closed, he nuzzled his wife. “I'm just amazed a schmuck like me ended up with a love goddess as my wife.”

Cadences smile grew wider. “Yeah, well, I'll show you a love goddess. Come here Mister,” she whispered as she rolled on top of him.

Shining Armor chuckled. “Come on, Cadence. I have work tomorrow. I can't leave those knucklehead soldiers alone. The last time that happened, we had to rebuild one of the training rooms.”

“Too bad,” Cadence giggled. “Besides, you promised me we would go shopping last week, and we never did, and there are no dignitaries from the griffon kingdom visiting tomorrow, so your schedule is empty.” Shining heard something in his wife's voice that told him she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Shining sighed in defeat. Cadence smiled down at him. “Good. Now come on and kiss me, stupid.”

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