• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,150 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Darkest Angel

As a fierce battle raged in the distance, Twilight stood silently in the midst of the garden. Her eyes were closed in concentration as the hum and chime of magic danced in the air around her. With each wave of her horn, runes glowed on their pages, pulling free and settling into the ground around her. The grass hissed and burned as the magical symbols arrayed themselves across the ground and the glowing marks impressed into the earth in a quickly expanding spellcraft. The pages they came from merely burned to ash and scattered in the building breeze.

The massive circle expanded around the mad-god's statue as minutes passed. The complex enchantment seemed to bleed magic as lines intersected, and enchantments conjoined. An occasional spark would drift into the air, and wisps of purple magic flowed in lazy tendrils as incomplete lines waited to be mended. Each one curled like magenta flame, stretching in the air as the color faded softer and lighter, flickering with white at the top like a candle flame.

Each one that formed earned Twilight's full attention, her eyes snapped open as she felt the disturbance in magical flow. Each time, more and more markings pulled free from their pages and settled into the gaps as Twilight guided the spells and tied off the loose flow. Magical bleeds in arcane patterns could create an number of effects, often referred to as "Arcane Chaos-Theory." The results were completely random; conjuration spells could malform into uncontrolled illusions, or protection spells may collapse into pockets of necromantic weaves. Discord said it was one of his "parting gifts" from being sealed away.

"Without me to keep the healthy flow of chaos in the world, SOMETHING had to keep life from being to boring. If I have to stay standing for over a thousand years, why shouldn't everypony else stay on their toes?" She could almost here him reciting the words in her head. Almost.

She'd opened her eyes for a moment to ensure a rune was properly settling into the tapestry. Her eyes flitted to her master's visage, almost causing her to flinch back in surprise. Odd shadows danced across his body, as the purple glow from beneath mingled with the warm golden light above. The rippling shadows made it appear like Discord was raising his eyebrows at her in a teasing manner. She turned away, rolling her eyes. 'He can be such an ass about timeliness, but it still won't stop him from making stupid jokes.'

All ten blades hovered in the air in groupings of five, waiting to be called upon. They rotated in slow circles, spinning as ambient magic in the air caused the rune-carved hilts to flicker with power. She waved her horn and five daggers descended, blades down as they carved a perfect circle around the base of the statue. Each blade carved out another circle just outside the ring, then a sixth, as the taxidermized components levitated to Twilight.

The dragon scale and the griffon beak were placed at the top of the hexagon, behind Discord, while the pegasi and thestral's wings flanked his side. Finally the lion's paw and the chicken foot were placed in their circles at the foot of the podium. Lastly was the serpents fang. Twilight considered it for a moment as it floated gentle in front of her, unsure exactly where to place it in the spell. Discord insisted the extra piece was necessary, despite the breaking spell requiring extremely precise actions.

"We're makin chaos, child. You're going to have to break the rules if you want it to work." He's said. Twilight sighed with exasperation, the fang floating away and landing on the pillar between the statues feet. "You better be right..." She grumbled as she turned to inspect the circles once more.

Despite the Elements of Harmony being six in total, magic was the central component which the others revolved around. The formation was a pentagon rather than hexagonal. Something that had taken almost a year to realize when she first began receiving glimpses of the spell. The geometric oddity would normally cause instability in spell like this, an arcane circle's foundation was built upon their geometric structure, but drawing the remarkably delicate formation was only the first step. Twilight had to not only match the existing spell, but combine them in such a way that the embedded weaknesses in her own spell would bind to the active circle as well. Working from the inside out as she created a mirror of the elaborate binding circle, placing instabilities within the sphere to aid the breaking process.

As the final pages began to burn away, she drew a deep breath before slowly beginning to chant under her breath. "Imperare et ferire, inter vernire res..." She stood rigidly as the words flowed from her lips. This was the deciding moment, after years of checking and re-checking, only now would she truly know if the spell would take. The set of daggers carved another circle to encompass the components and the statues base, before etching five pointed star, and embedding themselves blade-first into the dirt at each point. Twilight felt a roar within her as she opened the flow of magic beneath the city and channeled it's power through the blades. The hilts began to glow as she opened the flow of magic from below the city. Wisps of magic flowed off of them, intensifying into beams of light that radiated glowing energy much like a heat mirage on a hot summers day.

Twilight could feel the shift beneath her hooves, as the flow of magic moved out of her control and into the conduits. Bursts of heat sputtered and sparks crackled as the magic began flowing through her daggers, expertly carved tools designed for this very purpose. She continued chanting as sweat beaded on her forehead, and the magic crashed in waves that only she could feel. The entire circle began to glow a shrill, dissonant hum began to erupt around her.

"eius manus lux perpetua,' Her voice raised more and more as the final page burned away, and arcane words flowed passed her lips in a stream. Her mane whipped back as the wind picked up, and her stomach churned like she was aboard a ship being tossed by a storm. She held her ground, opening her magic to the stream and guiding the power through each of her five embedded blades.

She stepped quickly out of the circle, as the finale marking found their place in the magical weave, and she called out in a spoken crescendo, "potere cors mea semper!"Finally, she felt the magic flows smooth out, as the dissonant tones around her raised and fell, like a choir coming into tune, before uniting in a powerful note.

Instantly, the purple glow surrounding the statue brightened in a surge as the final marking nestled into the weave. Twilight felt a massive weight fall on her as gravity intensified for a moment, and she grit her teeth as she fought the pressure surrounding her. Magical bands rose into the air, complex shapes and lines forming like a spiders web as the spell formation began to truly take hold. Twilight's vision fades as spots danced in her eyes, blinding her momentarily before the building pressure suddenly relinquished and burst around her.

She stumbled back, bringing one hoof up to shield her face as she braced for an impact, but none came. She opened her eyes slowly, jaw dropping in awe as she beheld two circles before her. One, her own still shining and twinkling with purple and magenta light, while another hung inverted in the air above Discord's statue. The other circle was magnificent, it's initial shape seeming to be woven of golden threads. Each line perfectly matched her own, as a brilliant magenta star pulsed at it's center, surrounded by five pure wells of magical light. Though her own work was incredible, she was filled with wonder as she saw the intense beauty of the original binding. Each line seemed carved into infinity itself, intangible and yet seemingly stung from the purest of gold. Her awe filled gaze quickly turned to a delighted grin, as she laughed for joy. "It worked. It really worked!" She cried, falling back onto her haunches.

The flux was maintaining itself. Her life's work in all it's shining perfection, second only to the designs of the elements of Harmony, had worked. Twilight cradled her head in her hooves as tears of joy began to leak from her eyes. She had always been sure, but in her moment of success she couldn't hold back the intense feeling of relief as she sobbed quietly.

"It really is magnificent, isn't it?" A sweet, gentle voice said beside her.

Twilight nodded gently, wiping away the liquid flowing down her cheeks as she steadied herself with a deep breath. "It really is. We're finally standing at the door, after all these years." She turned to look at the soft yellow mare with a shimmering golden mane who sat beside her.

Benevolentia didn't look at Twilight, only staring forward at the statue between the epic sigils. She had a soft smile on her lips, as if she were watching the clouds on a sunny day. Her gaze was level, and her shimmering body relaxed as she sat quietly next to Twilight. The unicorn turned quickly to her bags, reaching and pulling out a metal ring and another utensil similar in shape to a tuning fork. She undid the straps with one hoof, letting the bags fall to the ground as she fiddled with the two items. "She's being awfully quiet, but I haven't sensed her pushing against the barriers. Is that why you're here?"

Benevolentia shrugged, not taking her eyes of the statue. "I just wanted to have a turn outside, it's been too long since I got to see the outside. Dem-" A quick glare from Twilight stopped her. "She is staying quiet." The golden mare corrected herself. Twilight turned away and continued fitting the two components together as Dawn spoke. "I think she's just as curious to see what happens as we are."

"Well she'll be the last one out, you can count on that." Twilight grumbled. "She's the cornerstone to the breaking ritual, so I won't even think about her until the last possible moment. The last thing we need is her trying to disrupt the spell."

"Of course, but perhaps her curiosity will get the better of her." Dawn said as her eyes scanned the trees, the corners of her mouth quirking up just a bit more. "It's not like she's the only watching the show." Twilight cast an uneasy glance over shoulder, towards the castle. Things had become quieter than she would have liked and she could no longer see Celestia in the air.

"It doesn't matter who's watching, as long as no-pony is able to stop the procession." Twilight looped the ring through the forked rod, spinning the ring through elaborate grooves so it could move freely without coming loose. She gripped the device in one hoof, swinging it back and forth as the ring collided with the fork's side. A tiny ring emitted from the device, as well as an odd hum that was just barely audible. She raised it again, and again, each time the ringing grew louder as Benevolentia watched on. The ethereal magic within her formation began to pulse softly, like an orchestra responding to their conductor as she continued to wave her wand.

Just then, an intense shattering sound filled the air, causing Twilight to jump, as the massive golden dome around the city cracked and shattered in the sky. Instantly the wind kicked up once more as thunder rumbled in the sky and rain began to fall in slow drops. Twilight moved quickly to the edge of the massive circle while her other five knives floated across the circle's diameter. "Remember, she'll be last, but you're on double duty. I don't trust the others to reign her in when the time comes, her last little trick was too close for comfort. Yours is the first seal, so get ready."

The knives once again floated across the circle and buried themselves in similar fashion to the smaller circle near the statue. This time the shape was inverted, with Twilight standing at it's head-point. She gripped the ringed fork in one hoof, rattling it as the hum and ring grew louder again, before slamming it into the handle of the dagger. The Ringing was suddenly amplified a dozen times, a high-chime the hung in the air like a heavy fog. The colors of both sigils suddenly became dimmer, more muted, as ethereal lines connected the outer pentagram. Several other taxidermized items surrounded her, a hoof, antlers, a bears claw, a snakes tail, a vial with a glimmering bead of flame, and a jar filled with leaves and herbs.

She reached into the air, plucking out the vial of dragon's breath with one hoof. "I won't be able to move once I begin, so you have to do your part quickly and hope the others follow your lead as well-" She turned back towards Benevolentia, only to find herself alone once more in the grand gardens. She turned back towards the statue, a shudder of anger passing through as she gripped the crystal vial so hard she thought it might break. "Thanks. Very kind of you!" She spat. No sooner had the words left her mouth did something impacted the ground behind her with a heavy rumble.

"If kindness is what you think awaits you, then I invite you to reconsider your expectations." A hard voice replied, no warmness or sorrow left in her bitter tone. Twilight spun around, eyes wide at the alicorn behind her. Never in her life had Twilight Sparkle stood in such adulterated, terrified awe of another pony.

Celestia stood over four feet taller than Twilight, glaring down at the tiny mare. Her wings were spread wide, the easily twenty foot wing-span only adding to her imposing size and frightful demeanor. A withering scowl was fixed upon her features, a look that made Twilight feel as if Celestia disproved of her very existence. Her large horn somehow seemed even longer, with a pointed tip that sparked with blue and white sparks. The molten golden plating had spread entirely across Celestia, covering the alicorn's entire body. The large crown, ever fixed on her brow, seemed to melt with her every step. Gold dripped down to form a nasal piece, while the edges curled down her neck and the sides of her cheeks until the only remaining semblance of the once beautiful crown was amethyst gem nestled in the center of of her forehead. Her mane which normally obscured part of her face was parted, allowing Celestia to fix both eyes upon Twilight. The normal ethereal mane seemed to flicker and burst into flames around her, casting imposing light which served to further magnify her already frightening visage. Twilight stared with wide eyes at the massive Alicorn before her. She had faced Luna just over an hour ago, the Lunar Princess twisted and imposing with her shadow magic, but she paled in comparing to her sister. Even after seeing Luna in all her horrible glory, standing face to face with an enraged Celestia brought no small grip of fear to Twilight's mind.

"Twilight Sparkle." Celestia spoke the unicorns name as a judge who was waiting to pass a death sentence. She slowly stepped towards the smaller mare, her crown, armor, and shoes glowed red with heat. The very ground where she walked smoldered with each of her steps as black hoof prints scarred the ground where she tread. A massive sword descended out of the sky, as tall as she was, and buried itself three feet deep into the ground beside it's wielder. Celestia's eyes bored into Twilight's over the hilt of the heavy weapon. "Do you have any last words?"

Twilight Sparkle in her years had come face to face with murderous ponies, dragons, minotaur, wyrms, rampaging ursa's, blood-thirsty diamond dogs, windigos, and, worst of all, Dementis. She had seen her world twisted by magic, she had suffered pain and agony greater than most ponies would feel in ten lifetimes. But as she stood beneath the blazing figure of Celestia, she could not help but shrink back beneath the alicorn's terrifying countenance. It was as if the sun stood before Twilight in all her majesty and power, unyielding, uncaring, and without mercy. Twilight was silent, wracking her bran for anything she could do to prolong the inevitable conclusions Celestia would reach. Every spell, every trick, or combat maneuver, nothing came to mind under the intense gaze the white alicorn fixed her with.


Twilight sighed, dropping her head as she could feel a scratching at the door she kept locked, deep in the recesses of her mind. No voice came through the barrier, but if there was a candle in that room, she knew she would have seen the shadows of hooves at it's edge, and a single, dark eye peering through the key-hole. It's owner waiting, knowing that the only conclusion to be drawn had arrived. In a bitter voice, Twilight spoke a single name. A name she hadn't said aloud in nearly a decade.


The wind shifted suddenly, as if the swirling storm high in the air had reversed itself. Twilight felt her stomach turn, as magic from deep within the magic altered it's course and began to pour out of the five knives at the circles edge. A hideous scratching filled the air as Celestia drew the sword out of the ground with her magic and charged the unicorn. As she closed the distance the scratching turned to gasping, then a dry laugh that grew loud and louder as filthy black smoke poured from Twilight's horn. Celestia rushed forward, even as the cloud covered Twilight in a blanket of darkness, her sword bursting into flame as she cleaved down to where the unicorn had been.

Mid-swing, as the blazing sword passed through the dark fog, it suddenly stopped it's momentum. A sound like tearing steel met her, as Celestia drew a breath in surprise. Just above where Twilight's head should have been, the massive, unwieldy, instrument was stuck in the air. Celestia grunted, horn alighting as flames burst around her in a circle to banish the dark cloud. Before her was a shadow, her sword embedded several inches in it's head in what surely should have been a killing blow.

Until she heard that awful, dry laughing emit from it's mouth. Two eyes opened, black pits as dark as Tartarus that seemed to absorb the light around them. As the dark cloud cleared, Celestia saw that her blade had buried itself in the mare's head, slicing it's horn cleanly in half and embedding in the base of it's skull. And yet, it's twisted, horrid grin met Celestia as it drew a raspy, labored breath.

"She said it..." It whispered in disbelief. Twilight stood just behind the other mare, a simultaneous look of determination and horror on her face as she swallowed hard. The black-eyed monstrosity turned slowly, turning the sword despite Celestia's grip as she gazed back at Twilight. She giggled softly, a crude mockery of a laugh that wasn't as much heard as felt deep within Twilight and Celestia's skulls. "She finally did it...

"She said. My. Name!" Dementis cried as she threw her head back with a ghastly wail. A wall of force emitted from her, striking Celestia and forcing the alicorn to jump back.

Dementis floated to the ground, her front hooves grasping her split head and forcing the sides back together as she erratically moved, those horrible giggles bursting forth every few seconds. Her body was thinner than Twilight's. Sickly so, with bones visible beneath her coat. Every color across her body was similar to Twilight, but deeper, muddier, like the color was being drained out of her, and left only polluted residue behind. She spun her neck to look around the garden and up at the night sky, each movement accompanied by the sound of cracking bones. "I'm free, I'm finally free. And yet..."

She turned towards Twilight, neck crunching grotesquely and hanging at a ninety-degree angle as she gazed back at Twilight. "So hungry..." The apparition stared at Twilight silently, still as a scarecrow.

Twilight fought to keep terror off her face, swallowing hard as she stood up straighter. Determination was fixed in her gaze, unwilling t allow anypony to stop her procession. "Why settle on a snack, when you can have the entire banquet?" She said in a strained whisper, her jaw rigid as she forced the words out. Dementis cocked her head at Twilight, like a hungry wolf listening to a cornered rabbit. Twilight lifted one hoof, Dementis's eyes tracing the movement with a curious delight as Twilight motioned towards Celestia. "She has more then I could ever give in a hundred, no- a thousand years." Twilight turned her head towards Celestia, and Dementis followed with yet another slickening crack. The look Twilight gave Celestia seemed apologetic, but whether it was a façade or an attempt to be strong in the presence of her greatest fear, Celestia couldn't tell. Twilight's voice came clearly, in both a command and a plea.

"So feast."

Thunder rumbled and lightning cracked as Luna rose steadily through the air. Cold rain pelted her body, but Luna could feel the warmness of fire in the air. Blistering flame scorched the freezing rain behind her, as the dragon kicked off the city's edge and began to give chase. Rain began to fall faster and faster, stinging her brow as she and the twins rose up to meet the growing storm. She didn't turn back, keeping her eyes forward as she panted with exertion.

High above, Luna could see dozens of pegasi flying in formation. A large contingent were flying in a massive halo, spinning the cloud's center to form a typhoon. Many others were still pulling bits of cloud together, or nurturing pockets of yellow light that would soon form into bolts of lightning. Celestia had asked for the strongest storm they could make, and Cloudsdale was going to deliver. The massive cloud was stretched almost a mile across, growing darker and thicker by the second.

'But we have to get there first.' Luna's mind spun as she took in the sight. They had half a mile to go before they were clear, and the dragon seemed like he'd quickly learned how to fly in a straight line. In the absence of her moon's light, Luna's legs and wings burned from the strain. Sweat washed away as sleet struck her brow, but the heavy toll on her body wasn't doing her any favors. She was in no position for acrobatics, but leading the beast in a straight chase would only end in disaster. The twins kept a strong grip around her mid-section as they flew, and the constellation neatly arrayed across Luna's back lightened her load, but the dragon was swiftly gaining.

The furious pumping of the twins wing's were nothing in comparison to the massive beating pattern dragon. Luna didn't need to turn back to know that hungry jaws were widening as the dragon grew closer and closer. The fiery display from earlier marked a turning point for the creature. It's instincts to collect, guided by infantile greed, had been replaced by the yearning to hunt and feed. It was angry, it was hurt, and now it would turn that fury upon her and her ponies.

"Make a hole!" Dire Wing screamed out into the pitch, as if reading her mind. Instantly, dozens of pegasi moved out of their formation and sped towards the group. 'Making a hole' was a common term when storm fighting, often reserved for signaling an injured pegasus who was being moved, or needed an escort. Dozens of ponies hurtled down to meet them, some pulling clouds with them, while others just blindly sped towards the dragon in a spiral formation. Enough pegasi in a line could create jet-streams, and Luna was impressed at the gall of the unarmored ponies.

As the first sets of pegasi approached, an echoing cry struck the air behind Luna. It was so loud she thought dragon could only have been a few inches away, and some of the pegasi suddenly pulled out of formation with terror-filled expressions. Before she could turn her head, Dire Wing barked out, "Kick off!" Luna didn't even have time to brace herself as Wicked Wing wrapped both hooves around the alicorn's good shoulder. She and her brother twisted sideways, bucking against each others back hooves. The trio separated at a near forty-five degree angle, as the dragon's maw crashed down on the space they'd occupied only a half-second earlier.

Luna couldn't suppress a scream of pain from the sudden jolt, as the rapid movement nearly dislocated her good leg and sent a harsh rattle up the injured one. "I gotcha, M'Lady." The Thestra muttered apologetically as she hugged Luna close and splayed her wings out. She made a wide swoop, gently guiding their momentum up towards the clouds once more in a smooth arc. The dragon fanned it's wings out, slowing instantly and locking it's gaze on the fleeing pair. Emerald eyes blazed with fury as the dragon's gullet opened wide. A deep shuddering breath swept in, as it's chest expanded and an orange glow rose through it's long neck.

Luna stretched out a hoof, barely able to focus as she desperately cried out, "Sadr! Fawaris!" Two of the silver orbs pulled free from the pattern, spinning out as a silver strand bound the two together like a bolas. As the first flickering flames reached open air, the magical cord wrapped around it's jaw and pulled the beasts mouth shut. Immediately, the dragon flailed as fire surged out of it's nostrils and caught in his long throat. Pegasi scattered as loose streams of flame wildly shot into the air while the dragon choked and tried to shake his restraints free.

Luna caught a glimpse of Dire Wing rush in with drawn knives, attacking the membrane layer of one of the dragon's wings with wild abandon. The fire died down as the drake began to claw at the heavenly strings, swiping at the Thestral with another hand. The assembled Regulars used the distraction to reorganize themselves as pegasi kicked and stomped small bundles of storm clouds, and scattered lightning around the dragon.

In a matter of seconds, bursts of yellow and blue light filled the air. They were small, but effective to an already disoriented creature. Luna watched for a moment as Wicked Wing continued pushed against the rapidly growing winds. Just as suddenly as he'd disappeared, Dire Wing suddenly reappeared at Luna's side. The stallion gingerly took hold of her broken shoulder as he attempted a cheeky grin. "That was a mite bit close, but we I think gotcha!"

Luna silently nodded. She could tell the twins had been working overtime, and were quickly beginning to tire. Wicked Wing remained impassive, ever the stoic one, but Luna could see tiredness starting to show in the corners of her eyes. They still had a ways to go until the top, and some of Luna's weight had returned with part of the constellation missing.

She spared another glance back. The assembled Canterlot Guard were finally following, climbing as fast as they could while the dragon still fought his restraints. He finally hooked his claws around the magical silver thread, pulling hard and snapping the line as the two silver orbs began to dissipate as they fell. Luna's heart dropped as the star dissipated. She'd formed them almost eight hundred years ago, and watching them scatter felt as if she'd lost two friends. She pulled her eyes away. Time for mourning would come later, ponies lives were at stake right now.

"Princess!" A pegasus called out, rushing over to flank the group. He was a salt-and-pepper stallion with a wild sea-green mane that was soaked flat against his neck. His cutie mark was a lightning bolt splitting a wave. "Squall Strider, Your Majesty, lead Storm-Chaser for Cloudsdale." He was soaked head-to-hoof from organizing the storm. Luna was nearly drenched herself at this point, but the shiver that settling into her bones almost enough to make her teeth chatter.

"Don't worry about us!" She had to yell now, the buffeting winds growing more violent as they approached the top. "I want as much wind, rain, and lightning as you can muster. Just get us through to the top!" That stallion pulled ahead, just slightly. Despite their exhaustion, the Twins were still some of the finest fliers around and they weren't going to look weak in front of a weather team.

Another cry from below meant the dragon was back on her trail. Heavy wing beats rising like the rumbling thunder above. More bursts of lightning sent shadows splaying across the clouds above, but the dragon seemed to be ignoring them now. 'Please my friends, give me everything you can.' She thought, gripping tighter to the twins and drawing as much strength as she could from her stars.

The cloud above was swirling in a slow vortex as hundreds of pegasi flew in a steady circle. Some peeled off as Luna and the others approached, some working to open the eye early while others dashed towards large pockets of lightning. Every muscle strained in her body as Luna fought to reach the top. She could glimpses of silver and blue light peeking through the misty swirl above, but they had hundreds of feet to go and the dragon was gaining more and more.

"Flames incoming" A voice screamed out from below. Dozens of shadows were suddenly visible, even against the nearly black clouds, as a massive burst of orange light began to illuminate them from below. The twins pulled Luna to the right just as a burst of flame shot past them. Heat turned raindrops into steam around as pegasi scattered and shifted to avoid the blast. Several pegasi weren't quick enough, swallowed up by the edges of the fire, and falling from the sky. Others grabbed their comrades as they fall, pulling them into smaller clouds to douse the flames and cool the burns, before taking them to the ground and out of the fight.

Wicked Wing let out a yell of pain herself as they dodged the main blast. Luna saw steam burns breaking out across the leathery wing of the Thestra, but the mare didn't stop for a moment. Wicked Wing bit down hard on her lip so hard that blood streamed down her chin and neck, but she kept pushing through despite intense pain.

Massive lightning bolts filled the air. Branching columns of blue and white energy coursed through the air, surging down and erupting in blisteringly loud waves of sound and heat. The dragon howled in surprise and frustration, still remembering well the pain of Celestia's bolt, but still he pushed through, snapping at Luna's heels all the way.

'We're not going to make it.' Luna realized, still pushing through as hard as she could. She felt another pop in her broken shoulder, but felt no pain from the surge of adrenaline rushing through her system. Dire Wing was panting heavily, lips peeled back from strain as he tried to take on more of Luna's weight. His eyes were wild, and she could feel his muscles slowing with each flap of his wings. 'Please, there has to be a way.' She thought as she cast her gaze across the sky. Pegasi were pulling away large pockets of cloud, stomping down for good measure to scatter as much lightning as possible, while others tried to whip the windy into tornadoes, but nothing worked. The heavy wings of the dragon didn't allow for twisters to build up enough, and they couldn't risk hitting the dragon for fear of hitting Luna or the twins.

Just then, Luna saw something in the distance. A shape appeared in the murky dark, punching through the darkness of the stormy night. Despite the danger, Luna squinted her eyes to make it out clearer. They were moving fast, incredibly fast. The blue streak corkscrewed through the air at such blinding speeds that the alicorn could see a vaporwave forming across the ponies out stretched hooves.

'No, not just a pony.' She realized as she saw the pony angle straight up, careening straight towards Luna and dragon. The twins eyes went wide and the Princess broke out into a grin as the pony shot passed them, trailing a long vibrant rainbow behind her as she ascended towards the storm clouds. Luna cried out for joy, "Rainbow Dash!"

Her student had entered the fray.

Author's Note:

And now things get real spicy! Hello as well to all my readers who have finally caught up thanks to the recap, glad you can join us all for the main event! As usual, questions, comments, corrections are always appreciated.


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