• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Heart to Heart

There was a long silence between the two unicorns. Their eyes locked, neither of them wanting to lose the other. On one side stood Twilight Sparkle, only her eyes visible through the thick, magical darkness filling the house. Across from her stood Shining Armor. His mouth hung open trying to find words to speak as his lost sister stared at him room across the room.

His first reaction should have been to run and protect Cadence, maybe even call for help. He knew what she was capable of doing, and if she came here in person, it couldn't have been good. He wanted to scream at her. He wanted to know just what the hay happened at the market and what the buck she was thinking. On the other hand, he wanted to run forward, embrace her, and never let go. He wanted to hold his baby sister again and feel her mane running over his hooves.

He wanted her to tell him what had happened to Cadence, or what she did to Rainbow Dash. Why she had come back now, and why she'd left a trail of bodies wherever she went.

She had murdered a bar full of stallions, criminal ones mind you, but she did it with absolutely no provocation. She had attacked Render and his men, which had admittedly brought the corrupt stallions to justice without any death. She then proceeded to attack Rainbow Dash, even after the pegasus stated her business with no malice.

Luna herself went after the rogue mare when Rainbow Dash returned half dead, beaten, burned, and sliced to pieces, and Twilight was found collaborating with changelings, who were at one time the biggest threat to Equestria there had been in thousands of years. After that she had broken into the palace, assaulted a guard and nearly caved in his skull, stolen his armor, and fled into the city where she had caused even more trouble and panic.

Her loyalty was to some unknown 'master' whom she cryptically referred to in her old journal. Some of her actions could be considered just, but barely. Her others, however, were bordering on pure evil. Not to mention she possibly suffered from multiple personality disorder, and one of those personalities happened to be blood thirsty, murderous, unbelievably powerful, and intent on causing as much trouble as possible.

So as the same pony stared back at Shining Armor, the stallion found himself torn between love for his sister, and his duty to protect his ponies.

“I must say I'm impressed, Captain.” Twilight finally spoke, her eyes drifting closer to Shining Armor. The stallion stood frozen as she approached him. “I always knew you were dutiful, but to think you would become Captain of the Royal Guard surprises me.” Her eyes scanned him up and down. “Especially as young as you are. Somepony of your power could live for three hundred years. Minimum.”

Slowly she came into view in front of Shining Armor. It was the same coat and mane he had seen when she was still a filly. The stars decorating her flank were the only thing which stood out on the smaller unicorn. She followed his gaze onto her flank and gave him a toothy smile. “You like it? So do I. Who would have though my cutie mark would have been in magic? Certainly not me.”

'Magic'. Shining though back to when she was a filly. The troubles she had. She had struggled to make the smallest of magical sparks appear, and it would leave her exhausted for hours sometimes. Then of course there were the times when she would lose all control. He remembered when it really took a turn for the worst, when she had blasted a small crater in her school room.

“But let's not focus on me.” Shining's attention was brought back by his sister's cryptic speech. “You've done much more than become Captain of the Guard. Perhaps the most surprising thing you've done. Something beyond even my comprehension.” She was only a few steps away now. Shining's breath caught in his throat as his sister grinned at him from the darkness. Though there was no dark magic like there had been with Rainbow, his sister's grin terrified him like nothing had before.

“How did you get a Princess to marry you?”

Suddenly, Shining Armor's fear turned to confusion. His mouth hung open for a moment, trying to find the words to respond. “What?” He finally spoke, utterly confused.

Twilight's smile grew larger. “Come come now, Shiny.” She teased. “I remember you as a young stallion. You couldn't even look mares in the eye when you spoke to them. Every time Cadence came to our house to watch me, your face lit up like a Hearth's Warming Eve candle. Besides,” she chuckled, “for all the times you oggled at the Royal Guards, I thought you were more of a colt-cuddler.”

Shining felt like he'd been kicked in the face. This couldn't be the same sister he had been hearing about for the past few weeks. He stared at her, his jaw on the floor. “WHAT?” He almost screamed.

The two stared at each other in silence for a few moments before Twilight broke down in laughter. A rich, hearty laughter which Shining would have found funny, was he not utterly floored at his sister and her demeanor.

After a few moments, Twilight's laughing ceased. She collected herself, looking to Shining Armor with a warm smile. The magical darkness around them slowly began melting away, bringing light back to the Great Room. “Honestly, big brother, you're much easier to fool than I remember.” She sighed softly. “Though I can understand your fear. I haven't exactly made the best name for myself. But regardless,” She stepped forward, wrapping her hooves around his neck before he could react.

“Hello Shining Armor.”

The tall stallion stood with his mouth hanging open as his sister's mane brushed against his face. He couldn't decide whether to return the loving embrace or push his sister away and tell her to leave.

Before he could make a decision or react, Twilight withdrew from the hug. She smiled at Shining Armor, not with a smirk or an insane grin, but with a warm smile which spoke volumes about what she felt right now. This wasn't a trap or some trick, meant to bring about even more mischief or pain.

In front of Shining Armor was a mare reunited with a family member after so many years.

Twilight sat down on one of the recliners. “Twilight.” Shining Armor breathed, his voice nervous. The purple mare beckoned with one hoof to the couch adjacent to the chair, inviting him to sit next to her.

Shining shook his head silently. Twilight raised an eyebrow before shrugging to herself. “I can't blame you. I certainly haven't earned your trust, and you have no reason to even be standing in front of me. I'm actually surprised you haven't attacked me or run for help. Although, technically you would be defending Cadence and yourself, since I did break into your home. I'm still s-”

“Why are you here?” Shining Armor interrupted. Twilight stared at him open-mouthed. There was tension between the two as the silence went on.

After a few seconds, Twilight sighed. “I suppose that's the obvious question. I was hoping to wait, but...” She sat up in the large chair. “I suppose there is no point in putting it off, hmm? Straight to business.”

Though she was sure of herself, Shining couldn't help but notice sadness in her tone. As if she truly wanted to have an honest chat. “After all,” Twilight spoke again, “it's like I said. You have NO reason to trust me. And why should you? Let me guess. The first you had heard of me was after the bar incident, wasn't it?” Shining's silence answered her question.

Twilight leaned back. “I'm sorry it had to be that way.” She frowned towards the ground. “But if it-”

“Why are you here Twilight?” Shining interrupted again. “No more wandering, rambling answers. Why? Are? You? Here? You've been gone for almost 16 years. The last time I saw you, you were eight years old. What happened to you? Where did you go? What the hay happened that day? Why did you even come back?” Shining Armor's voice cracked as he snapped at his sister. A small tear gathered in the corner of his eye where the mare could not see.

Shining Armor rubbed his eye with one leg. “Why are you doing all of this, Twilight? Since you entered my home, however you did THAT, you've spoken cryptically, reminiscing about the past. You've been dodging questions the entire time you've been here, so either you answer this question or I begin defending myself.” Shining moved towards his sister, standing over her, anger and hurt in his eyes.

“Why are you here?”

Twilight took a deep breath after he spoke. “Back 16 years ago, on that day, someone saved me. My powers went out of control, and I almost put a crater into Canterlot so big that the entire city could have fallen off the mountain. They helped me get my power under control. Once I could see clearly again, I saw what I had done. All those fillies and colts who had chased me. Dead, broken, unconscious, and injured.” Twilight stared forward, her expression grim.

“I didn't even think about it. I just ran. I ran until my little legs couldn't carry me any farther. The one who saved me guided me towards shelter. He sent me towards somepony who could take care of me, make me strong and teach me how to use my magic.” Shining Armor's legs felt weak. Shakily, he sat down on the floor as his sister continued.

“Since then I've been training, learning, and growing stronger. He guided me the entire way. And now he needs me. Once I'm finished in Canterlot, I can put everything behind me.” Twilight looked up, her tone hopeful. “Once I'm finished, I can finally rest. I can finally be at peace.” Shining Armor felt like a weight had been placed on his shoulders.

“But,” Twilight slowly rose from her seat. “right now, I can't do that. I still have to work, but I need your help, Shining Armor.”

The stallion perked up. “What? My help? Twilight, I CAN'T help you. Didn't you hear me? Right now, one of us should be either dead, or in chains. I can't help you.”

“Shining Armor, listen to me.” She ordered, silencing her brother. “You can help. Shining Armor, I don't want ponies to get hurt. I've hurt far too many already. If you and the princesses keep searching for me, more ponies are going to get hurt. I can do this without anypony dying, but if you keep coming after me, I can't promise anypony will be safe. Yourself included.”

Shining was frozen yet again. Was she really saying this? It was as if she had completely flipped. She was practically threatening him in his own home. Shining Armor turned towards his closed bedroom door, where his wife still slept peacefully. No pony could be injured, that was what she had said.

“If I do this, Shining Armor, you won't have to worry about me. I will be gone before the sun even rises. It will be done, my mission will be accomplished, and peace will be restored. No injuries. No casualties. But if I go it alone, I can't promise the same results.” Twilight shook her head, staring Shining Armor in the eyes. The stallion drew shaky breaths, still meeting his sister's gaze.

“I... Twilight I... I don't...” He trailed off. Twilight approached him. As her horn glowed, a satchel Shining hadn't even seen levitated from one corner of the room. She looked inside, rifling through the contents for a moment before drawing out a small stone. On it was a hexagon with a rune carved into it.

“Take this. Once you've decided, let me know.” Shining stared at the stone. “Brother,” Twilight called, bringing his attention back to her. Her expression was serious. “I will not hold anything over you if you say no, but I am begging you to help me. We can keep so many safe if you help me.” She leaned forwards, giving him a quick peck on the forehead. “I will speak to you again. I love you. Also, tell mom congratulations for me.”

Shining Armor felt magic in the air again as the room went dark, Twilight's shape barely visible. The mare turned and ran into the eternally stretching darkness. Once the magic lifted she was gone, leaving Shining Armor holding the small stone, a lone tear rolling down his cheek.

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