• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Defiant Sun

"Come and get me you big purple-bastard!" A pegasi screamed as his armored hoof clanged against his plating. Several others flew not far from him, similarly clattering weapons, shields, and anything they could find to draw the drake's attention. Some name-called and jeered at the beast while others resorted to whistling and whooping. Nearly a dozen of them flew through the air, circling the rising beast and creating a hefty racket, but to no avail. The dragon was finally picking itself up from where Celestia had knocked it down, seemingly oblivious to the noise around him as hungry eyes fell on the elusive treasure.

Celestia stood poised high in the air, watching down at the lumbering creature below. Despite two intensive blasts of magic at what are often considered weak points in their armor, the dragon was rising to it's feet for a third time. It was a wingless dragon, a rare breed but not scarce enough to be unheard of. The beasts odd narrow, pointed shoulders protected it's spinal column from Celestia's attacks, extreme defensive capabilities that were thankfully unmatched by combative ones thus far. They moved oddly though, flexing and tightening with the dragon in reactive fashion, rather than proactive. 'It seems to be relying upon connatural instinct rather than intellect.' A momentary blessing, but the longer the fight lasted the quicker and sharper it reflexes would become.

As if to prove her point, a thestral flew in close. Much too close for Celestia's comfort. When his short spear and shield wasn't garnering dragon's attention, he resorted to smacking the dragon's nose with the chevron instead. His attempts to draw it's attention succeeded, as massive jaws spun towards him, opening wide enough to swallow the pony whole. The stallion retreated in a flurry of movement. His well-groomed tail a few inches shorter as loose strands fell out of the dragon's jaws, just as unforgotten as the pony they came from. All the while, that slitted emerald gaze fixed on Celestia with hypnotic greed.

"I said cause a distraction, not give the bloody thing an appetizer, you ignorant git!" Another thestral called out, flying close enough to cuff the stallion on his helmet. "Tag out, and make sure the next one can exercise some sense, ya gobshite lemon!" Despite his own warning the stallion dove down, raking his daggers down the side of his plating, generating a skin-crawling screech and thumping the dragon's neck with his hind legs, all the while spilling forth a torrent of curses and profanity.

'Dire Wing's tongue is restless on good day. I suppose if he needs to get it out this is the time.' Celestia was well regarded for, and prided herself on, her calm and matronly demeanor, but her concern was quickly turning to ire. Perhaps the screaming and taunting was helping to foul her mood, but she was torn between roaring in frustration or loosing such a volume of magic, that stories would the told of the the city that used to cling to the side of a mountain.

The dragon's movement was sloppy and slow, but Celestia could tell that rapidly aged muscles were begin to tighten and spring innately. 'Still,' She gazed around the city below her. 'It's moving into the city and away from the edge. If we don't push it back soon, half the city will be torn apart.'

The dragon's neck coiled tight against it's shoulders like a serpent as a dreadful hiss spilled from it's opening jaws, pulling Celestia back to the present. She dove down, radiant blasts of magic peppering the beasts body as it's eyes tried to track her blistering movement. Flames licked up from the tips of her wings as she twisted through the air, weaving through it's front legs and striking it's soft belly with a bolt of lightning. The dragon's head followed, saliva dripping from it's lips as it snapped at her heels, only to be slowed by a torrent of attacks from the squad of fliers. Several converged on the beast, hammering down on tendons beneath exposed scales while a few others fired arrows and projectiles at it's eyes.

The dragon rose up on it's hind legs. Hungry lips parting in a wail rather than a meal, as it's pained tantrum rattled windows and eardrums alike. First from losing sight of it's shiny thing, then from the pain. Celestia flew out from under the beast, hovering over the broken courtyard while the beast lashed out at the fliers like they were wasps. She merely shook her head, it just wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry Princess, we're doing the best we can." Celestia cursed herself, realizing she had spoken aloud. She turned to see one of the Day Guard, Sergeant Aurora, hovering sheepishly beside her. "I know," Celestia said with a sigh. "You're all fighting admirably. You have no reason to apologize."

Almost twenty fliers had answered Shining Armor's call, half of which danced through the sky in an attempt to distract the fixated creature. The rest remained within the entrance hall, ready at any moment to "tag-out" should one of their fellow's become exhausted or injured. Courage could not adequately describe what it took for these ponies to so readily take up this duty, but neither could the claim be made that the Royal Guard were anything but courageous. Several pegasi had come dangerously close to being knocked out of the air by the creature, then there was the thestral who'd nearly been swallowed whole. The Safeguard would still remove them from battle should the damage threshold be met, but it was no miracle spell. If the damage was too severe, not even magic could save them. 'More than a few medals will be given out once all this is said and done.' She thought, sparing a glance at her troops. 'Still, we are like birds fighting a snake in a cage.'

If she could lower the Safeguard barrier, then they could pull the dragon away from the city, but the intertwined magic made it difficult. She would need several moments to reduce the spell's effect, not an easy task with the ravenous creature chasing her. The others would need to hold the creature off.

The realization filled her that she may have to kill the drake. A hideous thought that sunk deep in her breast, but a necessary one regardless of her feelings. Even still, the magic required would put both her ponies and the city in as much danger as the dragon presented.


"Sergeant Aurora." The pegasus snapped to attention while Celestia fixed her narrowed eyes on the beast. It was shaking off the fliers mischief and searching the air in front of it like a dumb juvenile. "Gather in half of the assembled ponies, and send Sergeant-Major Wing out. I have to knock the beast over the cities edge, but I won't be able to do it if anypony is nearby. She and Dire Wing will know how to handle things. Once the twins strike, everypony needs to immediately take shelter inside the castle." She glanced passed the golden barrier. The night sky was mostly clear, but nearly three-hundred pegasi could gather a sizable tempest in no time. "Get a signal to the Regulars outside, have them begin gathering a storm. The strongest one they can make. Do you understand?"

The Pegasus nodded, dashing away without another word as Celestia close her eyes in concentration. Warmth flowed into her chest, growing hotter as she drew more and more magic from the Elements of Harmony. Her glowing armor grew heavier, spreading further across her body until nearly her entire back and chest were enclosed in flowing liquid steel. The pool of magic within her expanded, crashing and flowing like a stormy ocean. The heat was so intense, it was almost discomforting, but Celestia breathed deep and slow, opening herself to the abundant flow as the brilliant rainbow glow intensified around her.

The assembled pegasi and Thestrals couldn't help but turn towards the display, immediately shielding their eyes or glancing away from the searing light. The dragon snarled at the ponies as they began to pull back, momentarily confused why the insects surrounding it were retreating before it too felt the radiating warmth as it's rear. It turned quickly, barred teeth prepared to snap at the Shiny. It's conceited glare stiffened and wide eyes bulged at the light. It's mind consumed in awe-struck avarice. Purple scales glittered like the purest amethyst, casting reflections of violet, lavender, and magenta across the city and the mountain side. 'Shiny... and pretty.' Hungry, insatiable thoughts rushed through it's callow mind while it's long forked tongue sagged past it's lips. 'So pretty, and warm... I become pretty, become shiny... mine... Must. Be. Mine!'

So enraptured was the dragon, that even amidst the vibrant sheen which spread for miles and miles, it was oblivious to the shadow which pierced through the light. The form of a cloaked umbra and enveloped in wrought-iron armor which seemed to absorb the light around her. Wicked Wing rocketed through the air at blistering speeds, the air echoing with a gut-wrenching CRACK! as she drove her rear hooves into the side of it's jaw with brutal efficiency.

The thunderous blow whipped the serpents head down, nearly burying it through the roof of yet another building. The beast's entire body shuddered from the surprise blow. Just as quickly as the blow landed, did the creature's head rip through the air towards the luminous alicorn, the shadow forgotten as greedy thoughts turned to gluttonous rage and it's maw parted once more in an earth-shattering "SKREEEEEE!"

Celestia flared her wings, loosing white-hot bolts of magic as the beast charged towards her on all fours. She rushed forward, scattered bolts of magic striking up and down the beasts body, but the dragon pushed through the blows with renewed fury.

A massive claw rose high in the sky, talons like great swords cleaving through the air in a wide slash that could have gutted a mountain. Celestia dodged and weaved, spiraling around the long claws. She landed on the dragons wrist, touching her horn to it's surface and loosing a kinetic blast straight into the dragon's ligaments. The massive limb spasmed, and the dragon roared in pain as it flicked Celestia into the air. Massive jaws launched towards her, snapping at her to no avail.

Scattered magical bursts forced the creatures head back, as Celestia whipped through the air too fast for him to follow. The drake stepped back, drawing his long neck in tight between his shoulders as he'd done previously. 'Perfect.'

The jaw parted in a rattling hiss, eyes dilating in preparation to launch towards Celestia. The Alicorn feinted right, slowing her pace as the creatures neck muscles tightened like a spring and launched towards her at blinding speeds. With a burst of white light she vanished from it's view, leaving nothing but air for the massive jaws to close on. Teleporting just a few feet below where the creature bit down, Celestia screamed, "Now!" while firing a jet of burning magma from her horn. The molten rock coalesced into a thick pillar in the air, striking the beast in the chin and clamping it's jaw shut. Twin Thestrals converged as the creatures eyes widened in surprise, striking the creature in both eyes as a pegasi meteor-slammed it's nose with a round bracer.

Unprepared for the pain, the beast recoiled, blindly thrashing through the air and rising once again to it's hind legs. Celestia didn't waste a moment, diving down further as she yelled out in a booming command, "Get clear of him!" The three pegasi instantly corkscrewed through the air, flying back and retreating within the castle doors with the rest. The dragon lifted a large hand to it's wounded face, leaving it off balance as Celestia sent a bolt of lightning into the joint of a hind leg.

The air burst with a terrifying haze of white and blue bolts around Celestia as massive bolt struck the creature. Branches of electricity coursed across the beasts scales muscles spasmed under the intense charge. The limb stiffened as a horrid scream erupted from the air above Celestia. She didn't let up, maintaining the bolt and feeding more power into it. The column of electricity struck, carving black char marks across the creatures natural armor. Golden magics flowed through the pattern, surging through the branches and bursting at the tips with explosive kinetic energy.

Scales cracked and thick flesh tore as the energy burst from within the creature's leg with a sickening crack. The beast's leg completely gave out and it fell to one side, right on the edge of the courtyard. The momentum of the fall whipped it's head down like a flail, dragging the dense skull from the sky and burying it into the lower steps of the grand staircase once more.

Celestia cringed inwardly as she flew down, landing on the ground beside the creature. Even a hide that thick wouldn't be enough to keep it's nerves from setting ablaze with pain. That spell was devastating, capable of killing an entire company of ponies or similar creatures, but it would only give her a few moments to act.

Heavy hooves collided with stone as she impacted the ground, horn already blazing with her next spell. The air super heated around her, causing the stone to melt around her in a twenty foot circle. Super-conducted light and heat gathered at the tip of her horn for several seconds, before bursting out in a massive column of solar magic. The sound of a hundred rushing trains filled the air around Celestia as a beam of raw sunlight flowed through the air. Windows shattered for hundreds of feet, and guards in the castle clutched their ears to block out to horrible rumble. Celestia was unaffected, gritting her teeth instead from the strain as tried to force the dragon's body over the city's edge.

It's whole body shook and rippled as muscled screamed from the force. It's limbs flailed wildly, sending rocks flying across the city. Celestia held, even as the ground melted beneath her, widening further and further in an expanding dome of torridity. The beasts unnatural shoulder-stalk's shifted, trying to catch and absorb the blow, but Celestia opened herself further to the magic. She drew in as much power as she could, loosing it in the same moment as the massive dragon began sliding towards the edge.

The creature hind legs fell over the cities edge, but it's arms shot out in desperation, plunging into the ground past Celestia and clinging to the city. It's long neck pulled taught and it's head shot out of the rubble, whipping across the plaza and sinking it's teeth into a section of the courtyard wall. The pair battled each other, one pushing and the other holding it's ground. Celestia couldn't hold back a scream of desperation, boring into the drake with a massive column of flame. Magic poured through her in such magnitude that her ethereal mane shifted, changing into jets of brilliant colorful flames. The air roared louder and louder, as stone melted and glowed orange and rooftops began to burst into flame around her.

Blackened streak spreads across the creatures body, it's odd shoulders flexing and stretching as it tried to hold off the burning assault. A wet tearing sound began to fill the air as it's scales glowed red, a horrid wail erupting passed locked jaws. Celestia watched in horror as one of the massive stumps pulled and tugged, tearing free from the Dragon's back with a stomach churning rend. Thick black blood poured down the beasts scales and showered the plaza with gore as it thrashed in pain and confusion. The massive chunk of flesh and bone began to slam the ground around Celestia, still partially attached to the creature back. The exposed bone of the shoulder curved in a grotesque talon, stabbing at and raking across the ground around her.

Celestia grit her teeth. She was so close, but one wrong blow and she could be eviscerated by the dragon's blind attacks. She held for a moment, before dropping her head with a heavy groan. The magical assault ended, cold winter air sweeping in as the raging inferno died down. She kicked off the ground again, rising high into the air as the dragon desperately scrambled to find purchase.

Even as she flew towards the ceiling of the magic dome, the air was thick with the damp smell of charred flesh. Higher and higher she flew, trying not to gag at the gruesome smell. From several hundred feet up, she watched the beast's thick fingers grasp at the courtyard's golden gate. It's hind legs and tail kicked into the open air as it slowly dragged it's long torso further and further into the city.

Flickers of movement caught her attention and she turned to see dozens and dozens of pegasi flying through the sky opposite the barrier to her. Many kicked and pushed clouds, organizing them into a large stratocumulus formation, while others watched her in deep contemplation. Her orders had been received, but more time would still be needed; to assemble a large enough storm and to break the barrier. Celestia hung her head in misery, tearing her gaze away from the dozen or so that focused on her. 'I'm so sorry my little ponies, but I fear your work will be in vain.'

The dragon was nearly atop the courtyard again, this time pulling himself deeper into the city and down the central avenue. It's long neck was still anchored to the wall, unwilling to let go in a primal fear it probably didn't fully understand. She could see the sinew of tendons and muscle beneath stretched scaled, weak points exposed. Her heart sank again, as she realized the only option she had left.

She reached out with her magic, reaching across the broken courtyard and her shattered tower. Broken weapons, discarded and lost armor, steel reinforcements from the castle, dozens of pieces of metal were grasped in a massive telekinesis spell. The collection of pieces floated up towards her in a large ball of iron and steel. "I'm so sorry..." She said to no-pony in particular, as her horn burst into golden flame and the collection of metal began to superheat. With a groan the pieces of metal collapsed into each other, bursting with flame as black embers and sparks fell to the ground below her. Celestia watched the dragon mournfully as the ball of molten ore stretched and extended under intense pressure. It twisted and lengthened as a shaft formed, then a cross-guard and pommel. Impurities in the steel flaked and dripped off, hissing in the cold air as an immense great-sword took form within Celestia’s grasp.

It was not an ornate weapon, or even pretty one. The cross guards were lumpy and malformed, and the handle twisted down so far that three ponies could have held it in their grasps. The blade rippled and shimmered in waves as it was heated and compressed in Celestia’s magic. The silver metal reflecting the city almost as clearly as a mirror, so thoroughly was the metal folded under intense magic. Flames danced along the entirety of the monstrous weapon, unwieldable with bare hooves alone but held aloft in the air beside Celestia. A multicolored glow emanated from her horn, as she prepared herself to deliver a final blow. "I couldn't save you, but I can make this quick." She remarked in a rueful tone. It would be a clean strike that would no doubt sever the drake's neck instantly. She breathed deeply, weapon held aloft as she prepared to dive down for the killing blow.

"Celestia!" A familiar voice cried, jarring the white alicorn as she turned towards the source. There, coming from the shopping district in a full sprint, was Princess Luna.

"Lulu?" Celestia muttered in shock, before diving down towards the her younger sister. She tucked her wings against her side, plummeting towards her sister in relief. As she flew within a hundred feet, she could see Luna furiously shaking her head. The blue alicorn motioned high above Celestia with a pointed wing, not breaking from her sprint as she yelled, "Sister, behind you!"

Celestia spun with wide eyes in preparation for a blow to land on her. Instead, ten brilliant lights descended from the midnight sky. Harmlessly, somehow, they floated through the golden barrier and gently drifted towards Luna. Passing through the barrier, the ten motes of white light shone even brighter while two took on even greater majesty. The first shone pure white at it's core with ghostly blue radiating from it's edge, while the other bloomed orange like a hearth, while a second, smaller, cooler star floating. As she ran, the stars surrounded her. Deneb, the first-magnitude star, sank into her breastplate while the twin-star Albireo floated over her head. The other eight stars hung over Luna, shining down in silvery cosmic radiance as she ran.

Celestia was stunned as she realized that Luna had pulled the entire Cygnus constellation out of the sky. The brilliant lights did not blaze with power as the magic Celestia channeled did, but instead were softer, ethereal in nature. Cosmic wonders that, despite the brilliance of the celestial bodies, were gentle and sublime to behold.

"Don't just wait for me to do all the work, come on sister!" The Lunar Princess yelled, bolting towards the dragon. Celestia let out an exasperated breath, unsure whether she wanted to weep in relief or to laugh in joy. She allowed herself a small, warm smile as she darted through the air above her sister, the pair charging together towards the great dragon.

The dragon had just finished pulling it's hind legs over the edge, one heavy claw rooted deep inside a once lavish floral shop. It's thick jaw's had released the wall it gripped onto, heavy skull sagging from exhaustion as it's weary eyes locked onto the charging pair. It's head cocked to one side as the two sisters rushed to meet it. Each surrounded in primordial glory that left confusion in it's gaze. Both eyes flitting from one to the other, unsure which to focus on. It's disorientation left them the perfect opening, as Celestia summoned a wall of light behind her to blind the creature.

The dragon roared meekly, blinking rapidly at yet another assault on it's still sensitive vison and lashing out blindly with a heavy claw. Luna ducked beneath the blow, leaping into the air as both wings shot forward. The stars flowed across her wingspan and extended outwards, silver strands binding them together like notched whips. Two stars struck the creature on it's soft belly and arm with heavy . The impacts withdrew glowing marks remained that flared and exploded in silvery light.

Celestia followed up, striking the ground with thunderous hooves and sending great spikes of stone surging up to pummel the dragon's soft belly. The creatures head launched towards her once again, reaffixing himself on it's previous 'shiny' only to have it's toothy maw batted away with the flat of Celestia's massive sword.

The beast recoiled, stumbling back to the very edge of the plaza. It's hind legs skittered at the edge of the city, wild eyes becoming desperate as it realized the pair were forcing him back. Claws tore at the air and ground before him, spitting and hissing at the encroaching pair. The spines across it's back rippled and flared in anger as it swiped and lashed at the pair. Luna whipped her stars back and forth, striking and weaving the around the beast in a flurry as Celestia launched stones and lightning at it's legs.

The dragon crouched, back legs tensing as it prepared to leap over the sisters in desperation. "Luna, stop him!" Celestia yelled as she brandished her flaming sword. Luna splayed her wings, rattling the creatures body with blow-after-blow from her stars. With each blow that landed a magical burst erupted for the argent spheres. Silvery light doubling the power of each blow as concussive forces pummeled the beasts hide. The dragon shifted that strange exposed shoulder forward once more, trying desperately to absorb the heavy blows with it's hardier back scales.

'No you don't!' Luna followed the motion, sprinting to the side as she sent a whipping blow directly into the exposed bone. The dragon reared back with a rattling shriek. The tender flesh and bone split from the direct blow, retracting muscles only succeeding in tearing even more flesh from the creatures back.

Luna bolted forward, ducking low as she sprinted towards the dragon's side, glancing at the dragon's wounded shoulder for her next blow. Her eyes went wide with surprise, unintentionally slowing her canter as she traced the wound with her gaze. A light amount of blood coated it's side, and the bony protrusion hung in a strange way. It looked far too thin to be a shoulder blade, only three or so feet long and the sharp curvature appeared natural, if underdeveloped. Several feet down the bone another layer of skin wrapped around the base of the appendage with joints visible just below the surface.

She was so caught up in the sight, she was narrowly able to conjure a shield just as a rocketing blow struck her side. The teal dome took the brunt of a brutal swipe, but with little magic to draw on, the shield quickly fell as quickly as it appeared. A spike of pain rocked through her body, intensifying as the force knocked her back several yards. Loose stones and malformed-edges pummeled her body as she rolled across the ground.

She squeezed her eyes shut, grunting loudly as she dug in with one shoulder, tucking into the roll and springing back to her hooves with a kick. She caught her weight with her right shoulder as she came up skidding on all fours. She drifted several feet before her hoof slid into a deep divot and audible cracks erupted her ankle and shoulder. Hot pain flowed throughout the limb and every muscle in her throat clenched as she grit her teeth to muffle a scream of agony.

Furious eyes gazed down on her, the dragon's entire body pivoting towards her despite the narrow edge it stood upon. Intense pain shone in it's eyes as the beast's heavy jaws widened to display it's massive teeth. It loosed a frenzied roar at her, it's dark throat lighting with orange sparks that began to sail past it's lips.

"Luna!" Celestia screamed, watching as the dragon readied itself for another attack. The alicorn saw red as she hefted the massive sword with her magic, launched it through the air as the nearly eight foot blade sank halfway into the dragon's wrist. The dragon's head whipped to the side in pain just burst of fire erupted from it's jaws. The magma stream ending as a strangled whine took it's place. It clamped down on the hilt, snarling at her as it yanked the blade free in a spray of black blood, it's attention now squarely on Celestia again.

Heavy black spots danced in Luna's vision, but she maintained her balance despite the pain. With a labored breath she managed to groan out, "go... Vega!" One silvery orb shot straight towards the dragon, crackling with silver sparks as it exploded in the air between the serpent and the alicorns. It burst in a magnificent display, expanding a hundred times in size in gaseous ice-blue flare. Instantly the dragons eyes widened at the massive display, the enormous flash capturing the attention of it's still primitive mind.

"Take me into the air." Luna gasped out, her stars quickly shifting across her wings. Her body instantly lightened as gravity lost it's hold on her, and kicked off the ground with her other legs. She spun in the air, soaring over the dragons shoulder and lashing out with both wings as the silver strands reconnected and her magical whips launched towards the dragon. Her insides turned as she became weightless, nausea hitting hard along with the pain and over-exertion, but she fought past the feeling with a desperate battle cry. "Now Celestia!"

The white alicorn leapt high into the air before striking the ground. The ground beneath her twisted as a massive column of stone surged out and struck the dragon in it's exposed chest, just as Luna magical whips seized around it's throat. The dragon could only give a strangled "RAWK!" as it was yanked back in surprise. Celestia dug deep within herself, allowing that great pool of magic to flow through her once more, and poured another torrent of blazing energy into the creatures core.

Caught unaware, pushed and pulled by two foes, the dragon's claws were ripped froe from the city's edge and it plummeted towards the forest below. Once in free fall, Luna's star's pulled free of the dragon, the silver strands that tied them together fading as Luna began to fall with the drake. She flared her wings, slowing her descent as the constellation rushed to meet her, gently landing on the tips of her feathers. She slowed quickly, held in place by magic, but not taking her eyes of the plummeting dragon.

As she gently levitated in place, her eyes followed the descending Dragon. The creature flailed and spun, mewling and crying as it sought for any hold it could find as it plummeted thousands of feet down to the forest floor. The exposed shoulder bone flapped in the wind, rotating and spasming with an odd mobility. 'Surely not...' Luna wondered, squinting her eyes as the dragon fell.

On instinct alone, the dragon splayed out the odd bone as scales tore further away from the skin. The curved bone pulled more and more away, an enormous section of flesh and scales tearing free. She could see a wrist, then a forearm. An ooze-coated membrane caught the moonlight as it separated from a subdermal layer of skin. Talon-edged fingers wrapped in heavy mesh splayed out under silver moonlight, and the dragon's descent slowed as a single massive wing caught the air like a sheet.

"Damn it..." She muttered, turning away as the dragon struck the treetops, scattering branches and wood as it landed. It was by no means smooth, but not nearly hard enough to do any lasting damage it the creature. Instead, it was thrashing in confusion as it sank beneath the tree tops. Luna thought she saw an impressively ambulatory look of confusion as it tried investigate the new limb it discovered, before it finally disappeared below the trees.

"Damn it, damn, Damn it!" She yelled, nothing left she could do. Throbbing pain echoed through her right leg as she hung in there. A shadow fell over her as she looked up to see Celestia leap over the edge and descend towards her. "Take me back up." She grunted, trying to keep a pained whine from her voice.

Celestia rushed down to meet her, wrapping a long leg around her sisters back and helping to pull her back up to the castle entrance. The Dragon's languishing came from behind them, roar echoing within the golden barrier. Celestia barely registered the noise. Instead, as the pair landed, she drew her sister into a tight embrace as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Thank goodness you're safe, Luna." She muttered while stroking her sister's ethereal mane. Luna returned the embrace, albeit far weaker. "I'm fine, sister, I promise." The younger sister pulled away, falling on her haunches while clutching the wounded hoof to her chest. The stars caressing her wings lifted from the feathers, floating above the pair in a wide hallow. Deneb pulsed softly like a heartbeat in her breastplate, and Albireo hung still just off the point of her horn. The stars slowly fed magic into her weakened body, but Celestia could see the signs of intense physical and magical fatigue in Luna's eyes. Before she could speak the blue alicorn waved waved her off with a hoof. "Where is she? Did you stop her?" Luna's eyes immediately began scanning the wreckage around them.

Celestia shook her head grimly. "She disappeared right after summoning the dragon."

"From where, her saddlebags? What kind of adult dragon doesn't realize it has full grown wings!?" She demanded. The heavy beats of flapping wings filled the air behind them as the contingent of pegasi and thestrals rushed to meet the Princesses. Luna wordlessly motioned over the cities edge with her good hoof, the majority of the group peeling off to keep watch for the dragon below. "We haven't seen one that big outside of Obsidian Valley in centuries, by all means every pony from Ponyville to Appaloosa should have seen it coming!"

"I wish we had, Luna, but this one came from Canterlot." Celestia inclined her head across the city, towards the School for Gifted Unicorns. "She hatched it herself." Luna only groaned, hanging her head as several sets of hooves landed all around the pair. The Wing twins appeared suddenly, flanking Luna like dual shadows as others arrived. They silently watched with shimmering golden eyes as two pegasus stallions crouched next to Princess Luna, the pair tending to her wounded leg as Celestia continued. "I couldn't chase her with the dragon following. I have no idea where she's gone, but with the barrier still up she'll have hidden somewhere in the city."

Celestia turned towards the green-manes pegasus, "Sergeant Aurora, gather everypony you can. With the citizens gone, we can search every single house until we-"


Celestia turned towards her sister with concern. Luna held out her limp hoof for the medics to remedy. Already yellow bruises were showing through her fur and the skin was swollen at the base of her hoof. She couldn't hold back a grunt of pain as one stallion felt along her shin for additional breaks, earning him an piercing glare from Wicked Wing.

"You have to stop her, Celestia." The Lunar princess stared down, not meeting anypony's eye. She swallowed hard. "She's doing it now. She's going to free Discord."

The assembled ponies shrunk back, save for Celestia and the twins, though their gazes turned sharply away from the medics and instead towards their princess. A stunned silence fell over the group for a moment as Luna panted and winced while the that pegasi began wrapping the limb. Luna continued speaking bitterly, obviously struggling to keep from erupting in a shout. "That imbecile thinks she can play as a god, but she'll only to get herself and everypony killed. The dragon was a distraction while she snuck away. I have no doubt she's there now."

Luna finally looked back at her sister, almost causing Celestia to flinch. She hadn't seen so much hurt and anger in Luna's eyes for years, not even when Twilight had been declared dead all those years ago. It had been a horrible day, a horrible time, but Celestia could see Luna was holding something back.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, it's starting to get up! Oh pony feathers, that things got one wing!?" One voice called to the side, another picking up after him. "It's only one, but he's looking real pissed off. Looks like he's trying to climb the side of the mountain!" Everypony but the sisters turning to look at the guards. A few fliers jumped off the edge to get better visualization as chatter arose, but Luna held her gaze. Celestia knew Luna was in no position to hold off a dragon, regardless of how many ponies were with her, but the Night Princess's stare spoke volumes to Celestia. After a long pause she only nodded.

One pony flew over the ridge, calling over a maroon stallion in a higher ranking armor. The pegasi muttered something to him before he turned towards Luna. "Um, Princess, I don't want to alarm you but he just started chewing on his other shoulder."

"Go Celestia." Luna panted. "We can keep watch here, but you have to stop her. Bring down the barrier, we'll pull it away from the city in the meantime."

Celestia turned away with a heavy breath. "Be careful, sister." She muttered, before closing her eyes deep in concentration. Once more, warmth flowed through her chest as she tapped into the Elements deep within the mountain. Her wing's wrapped around her body like a great cocoon as a shimmer rainbow of light, tinged in gold, poured out from her horn.

Luna eye's lingered for a moment before thick clouds rolled across the sky and blocked out the moonlight. Instantly her knees became weak, nearly giving out as her honor guard leaned in to keep her from collapsing. Her breath grew heavy and wave of nausea rolled over her. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping the feeling would pass quickly as another voice called out from below. The maroon stallion turned back, "Looks like we got a fire breather on our hooves! He's doing a number on the forest, and I think he just dug out his other wing."

A thick splint was secured around her ankle, and the medics began pulling a large mesh sock around her leg. A moment later a heavy bandage suspended the offending leg in the air, but there was little they could do for her fractured shoulder without bed-rest, except to apply a salve. The sounds of thunder and rain slowly grew louder, as the Cloudsdale Regulars worked to organize the storm Celestia requested. Luna nodded to the twins as the medics completed their work, grunting as the thestrals pulled her to her hooves and began walking towards the broken courtyard edge.

Luna cast one more glance towards her sister. Pulsing rings of light surrounded Celestia, the alicorn buried in her own feathers as she worked to undo part of the safeguard. The golden dome around the city began to shimmer and ripple, gently fading as the magic was altered.

Cygnus rested on her wings again, the stars gently hovering on the tips of her wings as she began to lighten. She cast a narrowed gaze on the storm high above. Thick clouds were brewing, rolling thunder growing louder and louder. Luna nodded in approval, "Get me above the clouds, as quick as you can. If I'm to be useful I'll need to stay under the moonlight."

The Twin's nodded as she spoke. A second later a sound like shattering ten thousand windows echoed through the air as the golden barrier began to break apart and dissipate. Luna heard the heavy wing beats of her sister pick up and recede in the distance. Immediately raindrops landed on the pavement and a cold wind whipped through the air around the trio.

"It looks like the paarty's just gettin' started." Dire Wing chimed, dragging the words in his heavy accent while throwing a wink to his sister. The Thestra ignored him, but Luna allowed herself a small smile. The three took off, the twin's wings carrying their nearly weightless princess over the edge and into the blackened skies. Several more fliers who'd waited behind stepped up to the edge, wings splayed in preparation for flight as the maroon pegasus bolted past the edge. Large singe marks across the front of his breastplate and carrying the scent of burned hair.

"Get back!" He screamed, eyes wild. "Stay clear of the edge, stay clea-!" His words were cut off as a deafening roar came from below. The stallion vaulted over the edge and the assembled ponies scattered, flying straight east across the city while the twins launched propelled Luna forward without so much as looking back. Luna spared a single glance back as the twins brought her closer to the storm, hundreds of ponies looking down at the approaching trio.

Heavy flames licked the top of the Everfree forest for hundreds of years, spreading through the thicket. A massive shadow, contrasted by the inferno below, was ascending towards them and the cities edge at a frightening pace. It only took a moment for it too catch up, but the dragon's massive wings beat upon the wind as it's lean frame tore through the air.

It passed the city's edge, lingering for a moment in confusion and wondering where it's prey went. It slowly turned it's head, keen eyes catching the escaping alicorn as she neared the roof of the storm. Instantly it's eyes narrowed in an intense glare, mouth opening wide to let out a hunting screech. It held the roar, wings beating a powerful rhythm as sparks danced past it lips, and the winter night was filled with flame.

Author's Note:

So I wanted to post this about 7 hours ago, but 5.5 hours of editing later it's finally done. This was gonna be a short chapter, but I wasn't happy until now, so I hope you all enjoyed it. Due to this taking so long, I will be waiting until tomorrow afternoon/evening to post the story recap, for my faithful readers who don't have time to reread a 200k story in only 2-3 weeks.

Good night, good reading, I bid you all adieu. :scootangel:

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