• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,152 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

  • ...

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A midtown fight

Twilight felt her body roll back and forth slightly. Still half asleep, Twilight cracked an eye open
from under her hood and turned her head slightly to see a hoof on her shoulder.

The shop keeper was looking down at her, clearly nervous. He stared at her for a few moments
before drawing a ragged breath. “Render is here,” he breathed out.

Twilight looked at him for a moment. She could hear galloping from a few blocks away. The
ponies that had been walking through the streets were now running into the nearest buildings.
The homeless were quickly grabbing the food and bits they had. Windows slammed, and doors

Twilight surveyed the scene for a few moments before looking back to the colt. “I'll be up when
they get here,” she replied nonchalantly before closing her eye again.

The colt stared at her with an open mouth. “Uh... Didn't you... just hear me? He's here. Aren't
you going to-?”

The colt stopped as Twilight's hoof filled his mouth. “Shh. Just go to your stand and act natural.
Trust me.” Her tone grew serious. “I won’t let anypony get hurt.”

The colt looked uneasily at her as she removed her hoof from his mouth. She didn't look like,
much especially against soldiers, but she had to have a few tricks up her sleeve. She was far too

“Do you have a plan though? They aren't exactly unarmed,” he stated to her, panic filling his
voice. “The stallions are serious fighters, and they have the battle scars to prove it.”

She opened both of her eyes and gave him a look of annoyance, not unlike one a teen would
give to a nagging parent.

She looked him up and down for a moment before closing her eyes again. “I understand. You're
scared, and you have every right to be, but don't worry. I’m a lot more powerful than you think
I am. I want to watch their actions, moves, and reactions.” She smirked underneath her scarf at
the last part. “That reminds me. I never got your name.”

The colt stood there for a moment until her question finally registered. “Oh um... Dasher.
Thanks for asking.”

She was silent for a moment. “Looks like they're here,” she said, peeking out from under her

The colt turned to see 5 soldiers galloping towards him. Dasher took a deep breath and walked
out to meet the soldiers.

The group was made up of all three different types of ponies. Two of them were large earth
ponies, two more were pegasi, and the final pony standing in front was a unicorn. He wore
old and cracked golden armor with a sun and moon emblem on the front, marking him as a
commander for the royal guard. He had a light red coat and mane with black stripes down his
mane and tail. As he approached the store, Twilight could feel a commanding air from him. He
was somepony you didn't want to pick a fight with.

Dasher and Render locked eyes, and Render walked up to the balcony. “Hey
there, Dashie. Who's your girlfriend?” Render teased him.

Dasher sighed and glared at him. “First, I thought I told you to stop calling me Dashie. Second,
can we just get down to business?”

Instead of being angry, Render raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. “Well, well, well. You
seem to have grown a pair. Regardless, do you have our payment or not?”

Dasher took a deep breath and stared at the ground. “No. But maybe if you would give us more
time, we could pay you for once.”

Render took a deep breath and gave Dasher a skeptical frown. “Now, now, Dashie, you know I
hate liars. Are you going to pay up or not?”

Dasher slammed his hoof down onto the ground. “I'm not lying. We don't have any money. No
one comes into town, so we can't make money.”

Render and Dasher glared at each other for a few moments before Render broke the stare and
surveyed the town. He looked over the newly repaired buildings with scrutiny. “Really? You
have no money?” He asked Dasher, all sense of playfulness gone from his voice. “You seem to
have enough to hire a team of ponies to fix this pathetic mess of a town. Now then...”

His horn lit up, and, using his magic, he dragged Dasher towards him. “I'm tired of coming to
this damned town and leaving disappointed. Now pay what you owe before I stop being so

Dasher couldn't move away from Render and stared back at him. Staring at each other for what
seemed like hours, Dasher made an action. He spat directly in Renders face.

Pure rage filled Render’s mind. “WRONG ANSWER!” He threw Dasher onto the ground and
drew a knife, preparing to finish the pathetic earth pony, when something hit him squarely on
the forehead.

He stumbled back in confusion. He brought a hoof up to where he was struck and pulled back
to find some blood on his fur.

“Honestly. Can't you ponies play nice?” a voice called from the patio. Render looked up to see
the cloaked mare on the porch, three stones revolving around her head with magic.

Render’s brow furrowed in anger. “My quarrel is not with you. Mind your tongue, mare, or-”

Before he could finish what he was saying another stone struck him, causing him to fall.

Twilight yawned. “Or what? What were you going to say?” she called back nonchalantly.

Render quickly rose onto his hooves, a small river of blood leaking from his forehead. His vision
turned red as he sprinted towards the mare. He made it a few steps before he tripped.

His head struck the ground and left him dazed, but he recovered quickly. He tried to stand,
yet he found he couldn't. He looked back to see Dasher clinging to one of his rear legs. Render
picked up the knife with his teeth and kicked Dasher off of him. He whirled around and brought
the knife down on the defenseless pony.

Dasher squeezed his eyes shut, awaiting the inevitable. There was a flash of light, and he froze.
Was he in heaven? Yes, this must be death. He couldn't be alive, could he?

He slowly opened his eye. Standing with her back to him was Twilight. Her hood was thrown
off, and a curved blade was clenched between her teeth. Her blade locked with Render's. His
mind was still red with fury. As his eyes finally adjusted, he saw who stood before him.

Render went from furious to confused. He jumped back a few feet and sheathed his blade
before turning back to the mare. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He lifted one hoof
up to rub the injury from the rocks.

“I must have been hit too hard, because I’m seeing a ghost.”

Twilight threw her knife in the air and caught it with its sheath. Her lip stuck out in a mock pout.
“Aw, come on, Render. You really don't think it's me?” A smug grin replaced her pout. “Even
after what happened to Short Sight?”

Render snapped his head toward her again. His eyes were wide open and his teeth gritted in
barely controlled fury. “Don't. You. Ever. Speak. Her. Name. AGAIN.” His horn charged, and he
fired a beam of pure energy towards Twilight.

When the beam disappeared, Twilight was gone.

“Wow. That was close. You almost singed my tail,” a voice taunted him from right behind him.
Twilight was leaning against him, cleaning out a hoof with a knife. “Honestly. Can't you make it
just a little bit more exciting?” she asked, sounding bored.

Render jumped away again and fired multiple smaller energy blasts at her. She drew two
knives and used them to deflect the shots. As she did, Render got more desperate. Running
backwards, he fired more small shots before charging his magic to fire a giant ball of energy.
Twilight used her blades to deflect some shots while avoiding the others in what seemed to
be a dance. She dodged the all the smaller shots, then realized that a large ball of energy was
quickly approaching her. Instead of dispelling the ball, she sheathed her blades and faced the
energy ball. Just before it hit her, she raised a hoof and enclosed it in a magical shield, then
batted away the projectile.

Everypony watching was in awe. She had not just dispelled it, but used her hoof to do it. Her
eyes were closed in concentration as she knocked it to the side. There was a small explosion
as it connected with a building next to her. She looked at the destroyed house and cursed at
herself for being so careless.

As she recovered and turned to face her enemy, she almost burst out laughing at the
expressions of those watching. Render, his men, and Dasher had blank looks on their faces with
their jaws on the ground. She gave a smirk and started walking towards the soldiers.

Her approach snapped them out of their daze. Render looked back at his men, still staring at
the powerful unicorn. “Don't just stand there, get her!” he commanded the soldiers. The group
looked uneasy, but obeyed and circled Twilight. She looked at the soldiers around her. They all
looked unhappy to be in the fight, like they never intended for this to happen. She looked up to
Dasher who was still watching her in awe.

“Dasher,” she called to him, bringing him back to his senses.

“...Um. Yeah?” he finally replied.

She gave him a warm smile. “You should probably get inside. I'm done playing nice,” she stated,
her voice cold. She watched Dasher until he entered one of the houses.

She turned her attention back to her attackers. She cocked her head and gave a wide smile,
“This will be fun.” She threw off her cloak.

Underneath, she was wearing a solid black jump suit adorned with two rows of sheathed knives
along her sides. Each side had five knives. She levitated four knives out from their sheathes, two
from each side.

“So?” she asked to the group. “Who's first?”

They all stood in a fighting stance, though none of them wanting to engage the powerful

“ATTACK, DAMN YOU,” Render shouted. The other guards drew their weapons and charged.
Twilight’s knives shot out, met each of the guards, and began dueling them. Another knife
unsheathed and hovered over Twilight as she faced Render. “This is between you and me,” she
shouted. She gripped the knife in her mouth and charged at Render.

As she ran, Render grabbed two small swords with his magic and charged at Twilight.

As Twilight ran, Render brought the swords down on her. She slid past him and gouged one of
her knives into his side. Render’s armor saved him; if not for his armor, he would have been
split open, and the battle would have ended instantly.

He quickly spun and stabbed down at Twilight, but she caught his blade on the hilt of her knife.
He used his other weapon to stab her again, but there was a flash of light and she teleported
a few feet away. She immediately recovered and sprinted towards Render again. They dueled
for a moment until one of the pegasus guards defeated Twilight's knife and charged her from

Twilight fired a blast of magic at Render, knocking him back while she spun and engaged the
guard. The pegasus was quick on his hooves, and dodged many of Twilight's strikes and spells
quickly. Their blades clashed as they tried to overtake each other.

Render recovered from the blast Twilight had sent his way, lifted one of his swords with magic,
and ran towards her. She sidestepped the guard’s knife strike and kicked him in the chest,
causing him to stumble back. She turned and blocked Render’s downward strike. She slashed
him across the chest, but was blocked by his armor again. As they fought, another one of
Twilight’s knives fell to the ground. A large earth pony barreled towards Twilight, his earlier
target now down.

Twilight, knowing that fighting too many targets at once would be suicide, blasted the earth
pony guard with a spell that knocked him down. Jumping on the opportunity, Twilight regained
control of one of her fallen knives, and the knife began battling the earth pony once again,
though she knew that it wouldn’t last long.

Twilight came back to her battle with the pegasus guard and Render. She blocked the guard’s
knife and stood on two legs to knock the pegasus to the ground, then spun to fight Render.
Render brought his sword down, and she teleported behind him, stabbing the knife into his
armor. The armor mostly stopped the blade, but it still gave him a cut. This only seemed to
anger him more. He ripped the knife out with his magic and threw it at her, nearly impaling her.

The pegasus guard recovered from the kick, and Twilight charged him again. She teleported
behind him and drove a hoof into his left rear leg, firing a blast from her horn that knocked him
twenty feet into the air.

He attempted to right himself in the air, but she teleported next to him and drove her hoof into
his chest, knocking him down. The guard fell and met the ground, disabled. If not for the softer,
lighter body of a pegasus, he would have died instantly.

She smirked and ran back towards the others, shouting, “One down, four to go.” As she ran,
she picked up one of her fallen knives. Render had recovered from the blows he suffered, and
the earth pony had just defeated her knife once again. The two stallions took a short breather,
then fought Twilight once again. They dueled for a few moments before she kicked out the leg
of the earth pony and stabbed her knife into a chink in his armored leg. She fired a magic blast,
sending him flying into a building.

“That's two.”

Another earth pony ran and tried to stab her from the side, but she flattened herself on the
ground and rolled to point her horn right at his chest. She flashed him a quick smile, before
charging her horn to fire another magical blast. The guard was tackled from the side just as
she released the blast, barely missing him. She quickly stood and drew her last two knives.
The other pegasus guard was standing next to the earth pony, and they charged her with their
weapons at the ready.

She met them and the blades clashed. She tried to kick the pegasus guard, but he evaded, and
the earth pony kicked her leg out from under her. Both guards brought their blades down, but
Twilight teleported behind them. She attempted to stab the earth pony in the flank, yet her
blade was stopped by Render's sword. He charged and attempted to stab her, but she grabbed
one of her knives off the ground with her teeth and stopped the blade with the knife hilt. The
other two guards attempted to stab her, but she used her other two knives to stop their blades.

They held their weapons locked for a few moments, before Twilight face broke out an insane
smile. “Game over,” she called. She spun and dropped the weapons before aiming her horn at
the ground and releasing a massive amount of energy.

All four ponies were blasted into the snow. Silence lingered in the air for a few moments, until
Twilight slowly stirred. She shakily got to her hooves and surveyed the damage. All five guards
were passed out in the snow. Twilight concentrated with the little magic she had remaining and
brought all ten knives back to their sheathes. She slowly stumbled over to Render. She slung
her pack off of her back and brought out a large piece of metal with backwards writing on it - a
branding iron.

“Captain Render,” she looked down at him with a disapproving gaze. Her horn lit up again and
the iron caught fire. “I name you a bully.” She pressed the iron into his side, and he let out a
howl of pain.

After a few seconds, she brought the iron away from his side, and he lost consciousness. She
repacked the iron and turned to see a crowd gathered behind her. Some of the faces shone
with gratitude, but some looked horrified from what she had done.

She regarded them each, before succumbing to exhaustion and losing consciousness herself.
Dasher quickly ran and caught her before she hit the ground. Dasher’s face was a mix of
confusion and gratitude.

One of the onlookers stepped out. “What do we do, Dasher? We have to tell some pony about

Dasher looked at the destruction and made his decision. “And we will. Nightshine!” he called,
turning to a young unicorn. “Send a letter to Canterlot. I don't care how; just do it. Tell them

That was as far as he got. Twilight's eyes snapped open, but they were pure black. She fired a
magical blast towards Nightshine, knocking him unconscious. Dasher spun to question her, but
what he saw terrified him. Twilight eyes were open, but they were empty. It was like looking at
a doll. No emotion, no sign of life was in her eyes. Her face twisted into an insane smile before
her horn glowed black, and she disappeared.

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