• Published 2nd Jan 2013
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Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Eye for an eye

Catastrophe was the only word that came to mind. Pure, raw, unadulterated catastrophe, and it had only just begun. Luna stood stunned as medics swarmed the body of the young buttercup pegasus. Despite all of the ponies around her, including her sister, Luna hadn't felt so cold and alone like this since the last great war. Death was one thing, but this... this was an act of animality and monstrosity that was incomparable.

The blood was by far the worst. Poor Fluttershy's body was coated in it, spots of brown and maroon all over her body. Pools of it were scattered around the floor. There were spots on the wall, small splatters that laid there like crude paintings. Even the yellow feathers that danced and played across the floor in the gentle breeze were covered in the hideous substance. On a normal day it would have been strange to see the loose feathers of a pegasus, but today it was a horrifying reminder of what had taken place only hours ago.

How the poor mare was still alive was an all too simple answer; her life was most likely the greatest torture she had suffered. Luna was sure that the poor mare would gave given anything to have the pain taken away from her, and to have been conscious through most of what happened and still be alive...

They could say she was lucky or that it was a miracle, but to suffer so greatly is no miracle. She was purposely allowed to live. Survival wouldn't be the correct term. Fluttershy was strong, stronger than many ponies Luna had known before, but she was not that strong. Her strength came from her love and care for others. From her loyalty and kindness and selflessness. One look at her face told Luna that she had given up fighting.

She may have not been the best flier, some would call her a grounded pegasus, but for her wings to be damaged so was a fate worse than death. A pegasus's wings define who they are at the most basic level; as a result, every pegasus was highly sensitive about his or her wings, and oftentimes protective to a point. The doctors had told Luna that most of the damage had been done to her feathers, and not the wing appendage itself. While there was severe tearing and scarring to the muscle, with proper healing and care, she would one day be able to fly again.

It didn't matter. The damage had been done. The physical scars would heal, but the mental ones would not. At that very moment she was hanging in the balance between life and death, and should she survive this day, the memory of what happened would haunt her for the rest of her life. It was the cruelest of fates, and Luna cursed the unicorn who had caused it silently.

“Sister?” Celestia's voice snapped her younger sister out of her thoughts as she waited outside. With a glare not completely intended for the other alicorn, she turned her head. Celestia's sad gaze met Luna's as the elder motioned with her head behind them.

Luna turned to see a group of guards standing at attention. As soon as she locked eyes with the pony in front, her heart sank. Rainbow Dash was coming, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. Her lips trembled and her body shook with each step as she moved closer and closer to her home. At first, Luna thought her student was walking towards her, but then she recognized the look in her gaze.

The pegasus's eyes were glazed over, unfocused and still. It was like she was watching Rainbow walk in a dream. Her hooves glided across the stone road as they brought her closer to her home where her friend lay, half dead.

Finally, once she had moved past Luna, the night alicorn frozen in place, her glazed eyes found their target. In an instant she sprung to life, sprinting into the house to find her mutilated sister.

The sobs came only a moment later. Luna didn't dare turn around. She couldn’t bear to watch as her student broke down like a foal. Just the sound alone brought tears to Luna's eyes as she hung her head.

“Silver Star. What news do you bring?” She called to the leader of the small group of guards who still stood at attention in front of her. The pony in the lead straightened.

“We have heard no news from Angel or Trail Blazer, but Captain Shining Armor has been made aware of the situation. He is currently inside The Tomb, outside one of the interrogation rooms. As far as we know, he is still there.” The soldier reported. Luna raised one eyebrow. Angel and Blue Mane had been sent to escort Scootaloo home from school and had only left a few minutes ago, but what interested her was Shining Armor's work at The Tomb.

“What business does he have in the questioning rooms?” She called back to the group. Silver Star simply shrugged. “I'm afraid it was not my place to ask, but when we arrived, Commander Dash seemed very keen on us not knowing. She almost threw us out of there when we first arrived.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. 'Interesting', She thought to herself. “Send somepony to fetch Shining Armor. I want to know just where the hell he has been. Tell him to meet us here, and do it quickly.” She commanded the group before turning away.

She walked back inside the large house, standing next to her sister. The medic ponies were lifting Fluttershy's limp body onto a small gurney while Rainbow Dash stood off to the side with tears still in her eyes. For once, Luna's words failed her. There was nothing she could say in this situation. Nothing could comfort Rainbow. Nothing could lift the heavy hearts of the ponies still in the room.

As the pegasus's limp body was carried away, there was a flash of magic outside followed by the clopping of hooves against the cold ground. In a moment an exhausted-looking Shining Armor entered the house. Immediately, Luna fixed him with a glare. “So glad you could join us, Captain,” she called, sternly.

Shining dodged her gaze as best he could. “I...I apologize, Princess.” He mumbled quietly, his voice full of sadness and shame. Luna showed no sympathy to the ashamed stallion. Instead, she seemed ready to kill the stallion with her eyes.

“And pray tell, Captain,” Luna started once again, clearly not satisfied with his answer, “would you explain your absence to the rest of us? We have all been here for the better part of an hour, and yet you did not follow Rainbow when she had left. Just what were you two doing inside interrogation rooms, without notifying us?”

Shining Armor was silent, his words caught up in his throat. After a long moment, Rainbow shouted out. “Just spill it, Shining,” she spat, sounding on the verge of tears once again. “There's no point in hiding it anymore.” Luna kept her gaze focused on Shining, one eye cocked as she waited for an answer.

Seeing no way out of the situation, Shining explained everything that had happened in the past day. With each word, Princess Luna and Celestia grew angrier and angrier, their bodies practically glowing with fury.

“So you are saying,” Celestia began, her body shining with golden light as if she was about to explode, “that you decided it would be best to kidnap a pony who is possibly connected to Twilight Sparkle, and that you expected nothing to happen. What were you thinking? That she would just forget about this mare, and move one? Your love for your sister has left you blind, Shining Armor. You should consider yourself lucky, that I am not stripping you of your rank right here and now.”

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Luna asked, turning towards Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare hung her head in shame as she sulked in the corner. “What about you, hmm, faithful student? Has your lust for revenge blinded you so much that you committed to this foolish plan? Did I not teach you any better? Is this what you have learned from me? If so, then I have failed you greatly.”

There was silence from both the mare and stallion. “What were you two thinking?” Luna asked again. “Nothing, that's what. You weren't thinking. Plain and simple.” The room was silent for a few seconds. Luna didn't understand what had prompted such a foolish decision, but right now she wanted to blame somepony. She even blamed herself. She should have expected something like this. There should have been guards outside of Fluttershy's home.

A few minutes passed by, before a pair of guards finally entered. Luna recognized them once they entered. It was Angel and Trail Blazer. Luna was at first relieved to see them, but once she saw their faces, her heart dropped. “Please. Don't tell me.”

Wordlessly, Angel approached the Night Princess. Held in her magical grasp was a small stone, slightly larger than a coin. She placed it on the ground in front of Luna before backing away. “The caretaker at the school said a guard had already come to pick her up an hour ago.”

The other ponies looked to the two with shock and surprise. Rainbow brought one hoof to her mouth. “The mare at the school gave this to us, then once it left her hooves she forgot the entire thing. She must have been under a mind control spell; she had no memory of the guard, the stone, or why she was even talking to us. We tried searching for them, but there was absolutely no trace of her. We're sorry, Princess. We failed.”

The two guards hung their heads in shame, not wanting to look their Princess in the eye. Luna quietly mumbled. “No. It's not your fault. It would seem that Twilight Sparkle was faster than all of us. You are dismissed.” The guards turned and walked away, closing the door behind them.

A long silence fell on the room. In one hoof, Luna held up the rune so that the others could see. “Do we dare?” Luna mused, already knowing the answer.

“What other choice do we have?” Celestia rebuked. “I doubt it would be a bomb. It's not exactly her style.”

“I would rather it be a bomb than a body. Scootaloo's disappearance and the giving of this can't bode well.” Shining piped up.

Next Rainbow spoke, her voice full of fear and worry. “It couldn't, though, right? It took her a whole night before we got the changeling. It's only been an hour. Besides...” Rainbow trailed off. Her stomach began to cramp, and fresh tears filled her eyes. “It's... it's not like she would do that to a filly, right? She couldn't. Right?”

The heavy silence returned as the ponies glanced at each other. They wanted to agree with her and comfort her, but from what they had seen, nopony was sure what Twilight was above doing. Luna, the rune held in her magic, moved forward into the middle of the room. “There is only one way to find out.”

She placed the stone in the center of the floor, as everypony moved to the edges of the room. All of the blinds had been shut when the guards arrived, so there was no need to adjust their surroundings further. With a small spark of magic from Luna's horn, the stone sprang to life. It bounced an inch into the air, before coming down onto the floor once again. Then it bounced again, glowing with its creator's signature magic color. It kept bouncing, glowing brighter and brighter, throwing sparks and multicolored light across the room.

Rainbow Dash averted her eyes, not because of the brightness but for worry of what would appear. She had almost lost one family member tonight, and couldn't bear to lose another. Especially a filly like Scootaloo.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the light began to fade. Once it was gone, Rainbow's stomach dropped as she heard a gasp from the other three ponies. She turned one eye to Shining Armor. The stallion's entire body radiated fear as he stared at whatever had appeared. She couldn’t help herself. She just had to know. As if tearing off a bandage, she shuffled her hooves and forced herself to look.

Where the small pebble had lain, there was now a large black mark in the shape of a six-pointed star, imprinted on the floor. On top of the crude black mark stood a pony. Rainbow immediately recognized the purple unicorn whose unfocused eyes stared forward, between Celestia and Shining Armor. The room was silent for a painful amount of time. Nopony spoke as the rogue unicorn in front of them stood silent and still.

Without thinking, Rainbow hurled herself forward. She no longer cared about her sadness. Now all she wanted was revenge. Before anypony could stop her, Rainbow tried to tackle Twilight. “SPARKLE!” She howled, ready to beat the pulp out of the evil mare.

Instead, she flew straight through Twilight's body, rolling across the floor. The unicorn was only an image. Instead of a pony, an illusion stood in front of them. Rainbow recovered from her fall, her eyes seeing red. Luna and Celestia, ignoring Rainbow's fall, moved in front of the mare. Twilight's cold, tired eyes stared blankly forward.

“Hello Princesses.” The illusion spoke, its voice low. Its stone-still face was like a mask, betraying no emotion and making almost no movement as it spoke. “I will skip the pleasantries. You know why I am here, and you know what I want.”

Luna nodded. “Ms. Octavia, I presume.” Twilight's copy carried on, giving no hint that it could hear them.

“Have I not made my position clear in the past?” The copy growled. “Have I not been generous enough in my warnings? Have I not already shown you what I am capable of?” Nopony spoke. Rainbow clenched her teeth, while Shining stared down at the ground. The copy nodded to itself. “I gave three warnings in the past few weeks. The first was Rainbow Dash. The second was the changeling you so rudely sent to follow me. The third, well... I'm sure you know which one I am referring too.”

A disturbing feeling went through the ponies still occupying the room. They did know. “It would seem that my mercy was overlooked.” Twilight continued. “But no longer. I am done with the warnings. I am done with the mercy. I am DONE with playing around. I never hit first, Princesses. But you had better be DAMN sure that I hit back a thousand times harder. Ms. Fluttershy is evidence of that.”

“So there. You have no options left. I have one demand, and I promise you that if it is not met, I will show you just how cruel I can be.” She was silent for a moment, letting her words sink in. Even the alicorn sisters drew shaky breaths.

“Now then. My orders are simple. Bring Octavia to the front steps of the Castle tomorrow at midnight. And don't bother trying to replace her. I will know if she is the real one or not. And I swear, if I see even a scratch on her, or if a single hair is out of place,” Twilight turned her head towards Shining Armor, her eyes full of fury. Shining was frozen as she stared him down. “If she is harmed even the slightest bit, then I will not hesitate to do the same to my own prisoners.”

The copy turned her head again, looking straight into Luna's eyes. This was no ordinary illusion. The body of the mare in the room may have been fake, but they weren't talking to an image. Somehow, through the mirror image, Twilight Sparkle was watching them.

“You can see us.” Luna whispered. Both she and Celestia could feel their souls dropping.

The mare nodded. “I can do much more than that, Princess. Have I now made myself clear, or would you like me to show you another example of my full power?”

“NO.” All four of the room's occupants cried. Each of them stood silently, waiting to see what the evil mare was going to say next. In so doing, they all came to a terrifying realization. Twilight had them all under her hoof.

“Twilight,” Shining Armor spoke, one hoof held out as if he was worried she would strike him. “How do we know? How do we know she is safe?” His eyes were full of fear, as Twilight turned to face him.

Without warning, Twilight's body faded and two other images took her place. Resting on the floor were two fillies. One, an orange pegasus with a purple mane and tail. The other, a white unicorn with a purple and pink curly mane and tail. The fillies rested with each other, nuzzled together as if keeping each other warm. They looked to be unharmed, and were sleeping peacefully.

Luna's and Celestia's jaws dropped. Both of them wore a look of horror. “Sweetie Belle!?” They cried, not believing what they saw. Shining Armor shared a similar reaction, while Rainbow found her gaze glued to Scootaloo. “Scoots...” She called out softly. She knew the poor filly couldn't hear her, but she didn't care.

In an instant, Twilight reappeared, her gaze unfocused one again, just as it had been when she first appeared. “I have shown you proof that they are safe and unharmed. For their sake, I would hope that Octavia is in the same condition. I will see you tomorrow, Princesses. Don't disappoint me.” And with that, her body disappeared, leaving behind the cryptic black star burned into the ground.

A sickly silence ran through the ponies. Despite the anger they had held before, they now looked to each other for guidance. Luna and Celestia looked each into the other's eyes. They knew what they had to do, lest they face the wrath of the unicorn.

Luna faced her student and Shining, anger and frustration in her gaze. “I want to speak with her. Now.”

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