• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,140 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Twilight lay in the soft grass. It was cool and moist and seemed to put the life back into her body.


It was like being a filly, not wanting to get out of bed for school.

Twilight Sparkle.

School. She hadn't thought of her school life for years.

Wake up, Twilight!

She didn’t want to wake up. She needed to heal, anyways.


Twilight's eyes shot open, and she jumped to her feet. Breathing heavily, she surveyed her surroundings. There was a heavy fog surrounding her, but she could tell she was in a grassy surrounding.

She breathed a sigh of relief. “You know you could ask nicely and not give me a heart attack at 24.”

“Maybe if you would wake up the first time I tell you, I wouldn't yell.”

Twilight snorted defiantly. “I'm not in the mood to talk to you, especially after your ‘gift’ used up every drop of my magic. What do you want?”

“My, my, we are sour today.” The voice had no owner and came from all sides from the fog.

“You need to get moving. Canterlot is two and a half days away, and you are behind schedule.”

Twilight scoffed. “I wouldn't be behind if a certain piece of me would stop trying to use my magic. Your little ‘gift’ keeps trying to take over my magic every chance it gets. I was so close to sealing it away for good, when the damned moon princess decided to invade my mind as well.”

“It's not my fault you let your mind barriers slip.”

Twilight began shaking with rage. “I was busy fighting!”

“Ah, ah, ah. You were the one who said you could control it. Can you or can't you?”

“I can, but it always attacks when it's difficult. When I'm in battle. When I'm asleep. I will tell you again. TAKE. IT. BACK. It will not be missed,” she yelled to the voice.

Something shot out of the fog and came face-to-face with Twilight. It was a large snake, at least 20 feet long. Its skin was tight and scarred. Its black eyes were beady and hungry, and its tongue flickered. Twilight remained unflinching.

“Watch your tongue, mare. Show some respect to the one who kept you alive all the years.”

Twilight gritted her teeth. “The reason I'm alive is going to be the reason I die. And then, what happens to you? I'm out of magic because of your ‘gift,’ and it could take months before I'm back to full power. Unless I have a seed.”

Twilight got down on her front two legs and tipped her horn to the snake. “Would the master be so kind?”

The snakes tongue flickered for a few moments before it let a short hiss, almost like a snake groaning. It closed its eyes, and a moment later, a black beam shot from its mouth and struck Twilight's horn.

Dark tendrils of energy coursed through her horn and spread over her body. She shook, jolted, and fell over, curling into a ball.

Soon, the energy stopped, and Twilight shakily rose to her feet. Her legs shook, and she heaved a massive hacking cough. Gasping, she lowered her head and bowed again.

“Thank you for your kindness, master.”

The snake was gone and the voice came from the fog again. “Watch your tongue next time, mare, or I won’t be so kind. Now, tell me, how did a pathetic pegasus defeat you? You were trained for so many years, yet a little blue bird brings you to your knees? How pathetic.”

Twilight gritted her teeth as she composed herself. “I underestimated her. It will not happen again. I will not show mercy. Besides...”

She pulled her scrap of paper out of nowhere.

“I have my trump card.”

“You'd better. I am patient, and you are expendable. Finish your mission, however, and you shall be rewarded beyond measure. Now get out of my sight. Your caretakers are waiting for you.”

“Caretakers... What caretakers?”

The voice didn't respond, and the world began turning to black. Twilight sighed.

“Whoever it is, please just don't let it be the-”

Then the world collapsed into darkness.


“Is she awake yet?” a voice hissed.

“No. We applied the bandages and stopped the bleeding, but she is still asleep,” Another hissed back.

The first voice gave a deep throated growl. “It's been almost eighteen hours, and the queen grows impatient. Wake her now, Doppelganger.” The first threw a small metal bar towards Doppelganger before he turned away.

Doppelganger gave a nervous chitter before picking it up. He slowly moved next to the unconscious mare and gave her a light push on her flank.

The first spun as he heard the sound of metal meeting bone and the shriek of Doppelganger as he fell. He turned to see the lavender mare clutching the pipe between her hooves, looking down at the writhing changeling before her. She snarled at the other as he stared at her in horror.

“I hate changelings,” she stated, as her vision bore into the skull of the standing changeling.

He understood the message. He sprinted off to find medics for his fallen brother. Twilight watched as he did and dropped the changeling-blood-covered pipe. She looked down at the pathetic excuse shuddering at her feet. The poor thing would most likely live if attention was given, but Twilight wouldn't be the one to help.

“Must you always beat my children to unconsciousness every time you see them?” a two toned voice called from behind her. “Honestly I'm tired of you hurting every changeling you come across. It sends a bad message, especially when we all serve the same master.”

Twilight snorted. “You are nothing but filthy insects who hide deep down in their holes, waiting to trick some poor pony into loving them before you completely devour them. At least, when I kill, I'm upfront about it. My enemies know what’s coming, and I give them a chance. Your kind chose the cowardly way.”

There was a moment of silence before the double voice began chuckling. Twilight turned to face the tall changeling behind her. “How have you been, Chrysalis?”

The chuckling turned to a wince. “I have seen better days,” she replied as she walked out from the shadow she hid in. She was badly scarred. Her hooves had gashes and more holes than there used to be. A section of her lower lip was torn away, revealing wet gums and sharply pointed teeth. Her crooked horn was cracked in some places, extremely dangerous to magical creatures.

She stood over her crippled child, looking down on him as he convulsed. She shot a beam of green magic at him, and his convulsing stopped. The green magic enveloped him, and a moment later, where he was lying, was a green pod. Inside, Doppelganger was floating in the green water.

Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief, knowing her child would be safe.

“Whoever did it sure did a number on you. What happened?” Twilight asked.

Chrysalis snarled. “An invasion in Canterlot went wrong, and that's all that will be said on the subject, child. Understand?”

Twilight nodded solemnly. “Well on the bright side, I'm heading to Canterlot and looking for a shortcut. Would you happen to know of one?”

Chrysalis harrumphed. “I don't think you should be going anywhere. Your injuries are still fresh, and you’re out of magic. Do you think you should put yourself back on the radar? According to what the master told me, they will be expecting you.”

“While that may be true, he lent me some magic, so that my reserves will begin filling again. Besides, it’s better to have less magic. The princesses will try to find me, so since I have less magic, it will be more difficult to track me down.” Twilight looked around uncertainly. “Hey. Shouldn't there be changelings swarming this place, since I injured their brother?”

“We're a hive, Twilight, in mind and body. They know when another is in trouble, and when they are same, because of me. I transmit messages through the entire hive. You've been here multiple times over the years. How do you not know that?”

Twilight gave Chrysalis a look. “I try not to focus on the livelihoods of the changelings. I thought YOU knew that I hate being in this damned hive just as much as I hate changelings. Other than you, of course.

“Oh. How wonderful that I escaped the hate list. Whatever will I do to thank you?” she replied sarcastically.

Twilight smiled cheerily. “Oh, nothing at all, dear. I only need my tools, weapons, clothing, and a guide to Canterlot via tunnel.”

The changeling queen only shook her head. “Your impatience will be the death of you yet. You of all people should know to be patient. I taught you to be just that.

“Times change, and speaking of which, I'm running out of time. I'll be fine, Chrysalis. I've had worse injuries.”

“It's not the severity of your injuries I'm worried about. It'd the weakness that comes with them. If you truly think you are ready, then come with me.”

Twilight followed Chrysalis out of the small cave and into a massive room. It was shaped like a bee hive from the inside. It was hundreds of feet tall and just as wide. At first glance, you would think that the walls were alive, but at a closer look, you would see that the walls were covered in changelings. They watched as the lavender mare followed their queen. Some prepped themselves to launch at the newcomer before Twilight's head turned to the side revealing a twisted grin on her face. Those who knew who she was cowered against the rock they sat upon, while the others watched in confusion as their brothers cowered in fear.

They walked on for a few minutes through multiple corridors, hallways, and rooms before arriving in a small tunnel. The walls were lined with honeycomb shaped holes. Chrysalis walked up and down the wall before stopping in front of one.

“The expansion spell on your pack made the storage that much easier,” Chrysalis stated as she pulled out Twilight's pack and coats. She laid everything out before meeting the unicorn’s eyes. “Everything is here. Are you sure you’re going to leave so soon?”

Twilight pulled her luggage out from the pack. “I'll be fine, Chrysalis. I'm not going to run straight to the palace and announce my arrival. I'll be careful.”

The pair sat in silence as Twilight unpacked. “You know,” Twilight called breaking the silence. “You don't even show this much favoritism to your children. Why do you treat me so well? I'm part of the species you hate the most.”

Twilight waited patiently for the answer. Minutes passed by before the response came in the form of a whisper.

“I don't know.”

Chrysalis stood staring at the ground. She stared off, trailing into her own thought. She was interrupted by a sharp intake of breath.

She turned to see Twilight staring into her pack. Her eyes were wide and her mouth agape.


Twilight practically dove into her bag, searching for something. She emerged, her breath shaky and ragged. Her eyes still focused on the bag, she called out.

“Chrysalis, nothing was taken from this bag, correct?”

The changeling queen cocked her head to the side. “I was present when we collected you. Nothing was missing.”

“I want those who were present. NOW.”

“You already met them. One is healing, and the other is hiding from you, in fear you’re going to murder him.”

Twilight shivered. She whispered something to herself.

“What is it?”

Twilight stared at Chrysalis with a look of horror.

“My journal. It's gone.

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