• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,153 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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The sounds of explosions rocked the changeling hive. Changeling hisses and screams chorused through the rest of the hive like some sort of chaotic opera.

Chrysalis, her insect wings buzzing, flew through the hive. Ersatz had alerted her of the Lunar Princess, thanks to the hive mind. She quickly sent out a call for all changelings to find her and slow her down.

Only one task had been accomplished.

The other? Unlikely.

Luna attacked as she walked, not stopping for any changeling who got in her way. Seeing the army of changelings before her, Luna had previously dropped off Ersatz in the tunnels before attacking. Changelings surged forward, only to be knocked back injured or unconscious by the barrage of spells from the alicorn princess. Flames licked at the wings of those who attacked from above. Magic missiles and darts combined with rocks and even other changelings struck those who attacked from the ground.

Horns charged as the changelings prepared for a magical assault but failed as they were struck down by their own magic since it simply bounced off of Luna's shields.

Luna fought through the changeling wave and burst through one of the tunnels right into the center of the hive. She looked in mild wonder around at the tens of thousands of changeling that lined the ceilings walls and floor of the room.

Their horns charged. Wings buzzed, ready to dive. Some let loose fangs, ready to strike. Others, all three. Luna smirked at the sight before her. It was enough to make any sane pony run in fear and want to never leave their home.

But she wasn't anypony.

She took off from the stone floor, horn similarly at the ready, and her eyes daring any changeling to attack first. Despite their show of bravery to draw their weapons, the changelings now chittered nervously, not wanting to engage an impossible enemy.


A voice boomed throughout the hive. Luna gently landed. The grounded changelings parted way as their queen marched through, eyes locked with the lunar princess.

As she approached her, Luna finally spoke, “Ah, Chrysalis. Just the changeling I wanted to see. I have something I need to talk to you about.”

“Shut it,” The queen hissed. “We'll speak in private.” Her horn lit to its emerald color, and a moment later both she and the lunar princess disappeared in a flash.

A moment later they were in a large, empty room. At the far end sat a throne, carved from the green and black stone of the hive. The room was void of all life, save for the two rulers.

Luna was silent for a while as she looked over the changeling queen. “My, my,” she tutted softly. “I knew you were injured after your little invasion, but this is ridiculous.”

Chrysalis hissed. “Silence. If you have come simply to mock me for a loss, then I won’t be staying.” She turned to walk out when Luna's voice called from behind her.

“Alright, then, I'll cut to the chase. Where is Twilight Sparkle?”

“I don't know who you're talking about,” she said, without turning back to the night princess.

In a flash, Luna appeared in front of the queen. She locked eyes with her and walked towards the taller creature.

“I'm not in the mood to play games now, changeling,” she forced, making sure to emphasize on the word changeling, her teasing look fading into a glare. “I want to know where she is. You helped her, and you know where she is going. I want to know why.”

Chrysalis lowered her head, touching her horn to Luna's as she returned the glare. “First of all, even if I did know who you were talking about, why should I tell you? If I recall, you and your precious sister Celestia banished me from Equestria, which means that I'm not your subject and I don't have to tell you anything.”

“Well, that doesn't seem to matter to you, since you seem so keen on invading our cities every hundred years or so. Now if you don't tell me, I will get very unpleasant, Chrysalis. Do you want me to have to start really trying for answers?”

“What? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?” Chrysalis shouted. “I'm already injured. We're already starving. We have no supplies. All we have is this piece of dirt, shit, and stone which we call home. These injuries will take me hundreds of years to heal. What? Are you gonna make them worse? What could you do to harm us more? Banish us AGAIN?”

Chrysalis glared at Luna, who couldn’t help but feel slight pity for the queen. She continued, “Oh. And if you think that this is bad, you should have seen me after the little force field trick. Remember when I was more powerful than Celestia? When I woke up I was missing two legs, had no wings, and almost lost an eye. And let’s not even talk about internal damages. All of that power was devoted to fixing me up until I could function and then helping my children. No power. No food. No place in life. No kindness. I thought that’s what your ponies want? Harmony. Where is mine? Where is my happiness? Where are my children's?

“When we, the changelings, are finally accepted, I will help you. When you 'ponies' are ready to truly show kindness, I will consider helping you.”

Luna was silent as Chrysalis turned away once again and walked away. She took a few steps before stopping and sighing.

“I don't know,” Chrysalis mumbled.


Her head hanging low, Chrysalis sighed again. “I don't know why. Twilight always kept to herself. She has never told a secret, and if it's important, she wouldn't tell that either. She has her own agenda and doesn't let anyone stop her.”

She turned back to the Lunar Princess. “Something is going to happen, princess. And it is going to be big. I doubt it's an attack. Twilight hates to hurt the innocent, but whatever it is, it's best for you to stay out of the way. Make no mistake, though. If somepony tries to get in her way, she will not rest until they have paid dearly.”

“Do you have anything else that can help me, other than a vague warning?” Luna asked, her voice taking on a gentler tone.

Chrysalis began walking away once again.

“Find your loved ones. Hide them. Protect them. And stay the hell out of her way.”

“But why would you help her? You hate ponies.”

She cast a pitying glance at the blue alicorn. “She's not evil, Princess. Troubled. Hurt. Scared, sometimes. But not evil. Don't expect her to go to you for help. She will never admit when she can't help herself. When she does, it's the day she lies down, ready to die.”


“Anther dead end,” Twilight muttered as she stared at the map in her hooves. She had just woken up after almost nine hours and was making her way along the path with the map Ersatz had sent her. He was correct in saying maps weren't as reliable as a scout. Twilight had made many a wrong turn into dead ends and empty corridors. Since the green, wet walls had changed into the amethyst caverns of under-Canterlot, Twilight had found herself traveling through dead end after dead end.

She had arrived previously at a crossroad. Each exit extended about four miles long, and now it was clear she had chosen the wrong one.

She shook her head, casting one more glance around the large tunnel before turning back. As she turned, something caught her eye. She turned back quickly, but it was gone. She squinted her eyes and looked once more.

There. A crack in the ceiling. Some light shone through. Maybe her luck wasn't so bad after all.

Taking a deep breath and preparing for the headache, Twilight's horn glowed softly and created a small platform. She stepped on, and slowly it rose towards the ceiling.

Soon, she was standing below the crack. Standing on her hind legs, she put her eye to the small circle hoping to have a small view, but could only see the ceiling of the building she was underneath. She pulled away and, using one hoof, began tapping at the hole, trying to increase her view. Suddenly a hoof stepped over the hole.

Twilight flattened herself against the platform she stood on.

“-Doesn't she know I busy?” A familiar voice called. The hoof moved away as the colt above continued walking. As he did, Twilight pressed her ear to the hole. “I've got enough to worry about now. It doesn't help that Luna is constantly calling me.”

Twilight recognized that voice. Shining Armor.

She listened intently as another voice spoke back, but they had moved too far away for her to hear. She waited a few moments to ensure they were gone before resuming work on the hole. She experimentally pushed on it, and much to her surprise, the whole section of the floor/ceiling came free. She quickly placed the piece next to the hole and pulled herself out. Hastily replacing the piece of tile, she finally got a look at her surroundings.

Her jaw dropped as she took in the marble walls, the long hallways adorned with beautiful paintings and windows, the long fancy rugs that ran down the lengths of the halls, and the beautiful painted ceiling that stretched the entire length of the massive building.

She was in the palace.

Twilight could only hear her breathing as she stared in horror at her surroundings. This was bad. Very bad.

Her head snapped side to side, searching for somewhere to hide. She sprinted through the hall and into a door. She slammed it closed, falling onto her haunches.

She needed a way out, and fast. If any guards or even the princesses found her, she was doomed.

She quickly rifled through her bag, searching for anything to get out of this horror story of a situation. She perked up her head, an idea appearing in her mind.

'It will have to be fast and maybe a little lucky for this to work…’

She searched through her bag once more, before pulling out hexagonal clay. Another amulet.

The door slowly opened, her head peering around the corner.

'Now we just need to find the right one.'

She slowly crept from the doorway, the rune in her teeth. She walked carefully along the walls checking every corner. Every-

“Excuse me? What are you doing?” a gruff voice called behind her. She turned slowly to see a tall, unicorn guard eying her.

She stared wide eyed at the tall stallion, hoping he didn't know who she was.

“Oh...Um… I was... I was here for an audience. An audience with the princess. I, uh, kinda got lost,” Twilight stumbled, a sheepish smile creeping on her face.

“We made an announcement hours ago. The audiences are canceled for this morning and most likely will be the rest of the day. You need to vacate the premises immediately.

Twilight began walking to the guard, chuckling softly. “I'm sorry. Do you know who I am?” she asked in a demanding voice.

The guard looked down at her, unimpressed. “I can say for certain I do not, and I don't think I care.”

Twilight heaved a sigh of relief. “Okay, good. I was just making sure.”

The guard raised his eyebrow. “What do you me-?”

He didn't get the chance to finish as Twilight's hoof struck him in the temple so hard it caved in the metal helmet, knocking out the guard in one blow.

Twilight quickly grabbed him by the straps of his armor and dragged him down the hall and into the closet.

Inside, she slowly removed his armor, putting it on her instead. After a few minutes she was clad in the gold armor. Next, she took the rune and placed it against the guard’s forehead. The rune glowed softly with a soft purple light. After a few moments, she pressed it to her horn, giving it a spark of magic.

A moment later the closet door swung open as the tall white guard strode out, leaving behind 'his' unconscious take-down.

Twilight spent the next few minutes wandering the halls of the palace, searching for the exit. As she walked, she longingly gazed at her surroundings. On any other day, she would have loved to stay, but she hadn't the time.

She eventually found the exit which led into the open air of Canterlot. As she stood there, clad in stolen armor and skin, she smiled a large smile which shone with joy and victory.

She was finally home.

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