• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 23,152 Views, 2,189 Comments

Homecoming - seeker9709

Thought to have been killed as a filly, Twilight Sparkle is discovered to be returning to Canterlot. Instead of a joyous reunion awaiting her, a trail of destruction follows her as Celestia and Luna struggle to discover how, and why, she's returned.

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Si Vis Pacem

All at once the world changed around us. The bright light smothering the city in it’s glow, the pressure that surrounded us on every side, that ring that pierced our ears and brought us to our knees. Screams and shouts of fear and pain filled the air around me like a twisted orchestra. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t bring myself to move.

The tugging at my mind was strong, so strong. It hurt to fight, but it bid me to sleep. To close my eyes, and let the darkness wash over my mind, to take the pain away. The longer I fought, the harder it became, until I could feel the muscles in body in such distress I thought they may tear from my bones.

Then, in that instant, it seemed as if I was thrown into a pool of lava and ice simultaneously. Everything burned, my hooves, my mane, my eyes, my blood, my mind. And yet, something flowed through me. Just as suddenly as I felt submerged into the burning cold, I was dragged from it's depths and met the winter air. It felt strangely warm, as my senses returned to me, yet my whole soul ached. That's when I hear her.

I remember her voice calling out to me as her hooves grasped my shoulders. ‘Just hold on, it will be over soon!’ I couldn’t even find the strength to hold my head up, everything hurt so badly. I had never felt so afraid in my life, pain like hot screws jammed into my horn as I blinked through tears to see her face.

My head dropped to one side, as I nearly slipped into the realm of dreams before being shaken suddenly from the stupor. Large, warm hooves grasped my cheeks as pale magenta eyes looked into mine. The soft color gave me something to focus and helped rouse my mind, and suddenly I could hear her voice speaking to me.

I don’t have much time, I have to go. She will destroy everything if I don’t.’ She pulled me to my hooves quickly, and I found I could stand again somehow. ‘I managed to stop the worst of it, but I need you to protect the others until I return. Be strong Cadenza. Whatever happens tonight, know that I love you. I know you can do it!’ She cried, and I reached out to her as tears filled my eyes. ‘Please, don’t go’ I cried. My throat felt so dry and my vocal cords taut, I don’t know if the sound even escaped my lips.

Still, she saw the fear in my eyes and gave the one last hopeful smile before her body disappeared in a flash light. As she vanished, a sob escaped my throat, and for just a moment my entire world went dark.

"We need some help over here!"

"Don't make any sudden movements, just lay still for a moment."

Eyes up over the ridge, keep focused downtown!"

"Unicorns, we need more magelights!"

"Shining Armor, please wake up."

Pandemonium, barely contained like a dam threatening to burst, beset the courtyard of Canterlot Castle. As the city glowed with unnatural, ethereal light, and sparks danced through the air, the ponies of the Royal Guard raced across the small area and zipped through the air.

All throughout the courtyard, voices echoed in the night. Some ponies were huddled together, earth ponies with massive tower shields forming a defensive phalanx in front and on both sides of the company. Pegasi and Thestrals circled high in the air, clung onto buildings, or crouched from the castle's parapets as they scouted the large city with keen eyes. A small force of unicorns nervously glanced about, horns aglow in preparation to let loose a torrent of spells upon their enemy, while the remaining magic users aided their fallen brothers and sisters.

Dozens of ponies, mares and stallions of all types, lay prostrate upon the ground. Some wearily lay flat upon the ground, seemingly oblivious to the world. Other clutched at their heads, and moaned in pain. The hum of magic seemed deafening to some, though no attempt to cover their ears or block it out seemed sufficient. It felt, to these, to be an assault from the outside and within their own minds. Others twitched and mumbled, unconscious but trapped between the realms of sleep and the waking world.

It seemed that no-pony had been more adversely affected than Shining Armor. Princess Cadenza shook her husband in her hooves, desperately trying to rouse him from unconsciousness. Beside her knelt two other ponies, unicorn medical specialists, slowly waving their glowing horns across his body. "Come on Shining Armor, please wake up. We need you here." Cadence softly whispered, her glowing horn touched to his. Their love created powerful magic when combined, but in his feverish state it seemed to have no effect on Shining. The Royal Captain was murmuring softly in his unconsciousness. He drew short, sharp breaths, body twitching as his wife gently whispered in his ear, and the unicorns released magic into his system to speed up his awakening.

Several other ponies circled Cadence, varying military leaders. Though the distance was respectful, Cadence felt claustrophobic in their presence.

"We are keeping our defenses as alert and able as possible." One spoke, a unicorn named Heavenly Shield. He was tall like Shining Armor, but leaner, with a coat like singed barely and a deep maroon mane. "We are still waiting to receive an estimate on how many ponies are down, but needless to say it is a large part of our available force." He grimly stated.

Cadence was silent for a moment she glanced across the horizon, eyes scanning for the unicorn that filled them all with dread. "Keep the Thestral's at the forefront of surveillance." She raised her voice above the chatter of guards and the hum and ring of magic. "Their strength comes from the night, and they seem to have been the least affected by... whatever is going on." She stared up at Luna's pale moon. With Princess Luna missing, it brought little comfort and more dread than she would appreciate. "Princess Celestia will return soon, we just need to hold our defenses until she does."

"Aye, once the safeguard is activated, we should be in a more defensible position." A golden-eyed Thestral remarked. First Sergeant Dire Wing, one of a set of twins who were Luna's chief leaders serving directly below Rainbow Dash. His admiral-blue coat meshed with an ash colored mane. He wore an dis-content expression, as he scanned the city beneath him. He was well known for his often nonchalant attitude no matter the circumstances. His mannerisms were atypical for Thestrals, he being far more relaxed and casual in his manners than the otherwise cold, imposing, and to-the-point members of his species. Despite his detached personality, it was never forgotten by those who learned the hard way, that Dire Wing's combat abilities were just as viscous as his tongue could be. "Until then, we're like shite n' a pan, an' the fire is closing in around us.

"Let's just be thankful that Princess Celestia saved us, for the meantime." A grey coated pegasus with a two-toned green mane, Sergeant Ivy Aurora of the Royal Guard, countered the abrasive stallion. "If it wasn't for her, our bodies would be the red carpet for Twilight Sparkle to make her way into the castle." She turned her gaze to the city below. Several Canterlot citizens had been outside when Twilight's curse struck. They managed to recover almost two dozen who were in sight, but every pony in the city was having their magic drained from them. "That blast of magic was the only thing that kept us from ending up like the rest of the city. She did that so we could hold the fort until she returns, and dwelling on negatives won't get us anywhere."

The Thestral bared his teeth in frustration, exposing pointed fangs. "In the bloody meantime, we have injured guards AND civilians in the middle of what could soon be a battlefield. We need to get the downed and injured clear, but we can't risk moving them lest an attack comes while our defenses are lowered. We're right bucked if Sparkle's mounts an assault while we are deploying half of our forces to moving the injured, but we can't just leave them be."

Cadence winced inwardly at the stallions course language, nevertheless she nodded in agreement. "In the meantime, pull all injured to the rear, and set apart 5 defenders to keep watch over them. Place only as many medics as is necessary to tend to them, we need as many ponies as we can muster in the event Twilight comes. And make sure we have blankets to keep them warm until we can get more help." She was by no means a military leader, but even she knew that injuring the enemy was more effective than killing them. If you kill a pony in battle, than the enemy force is reduced by one. But, if you injure or main, then you reduce the fighting force by two or three. One for the downed pony, and another few to remove them from battle.

They needed to create as defensible a position as they could in the already wide-open courtyard. It was hardly the prime conditions for a siege defense, with little protection save for the large fountain, small grassy, shrub patched areas, and large tower shields erected by the large Earth Pony Defenders. "Until Princess Celestia activates the safeguard, we will have to make do."

The Safeguard, a cryptically referred to fail-safe, not often mentioned by any, was a last resort enchantment the Alicorn-sisters devised long ago. It was a spell which could only be activated by them, and was protected by some of the most powerful defensive magic possible. In the case of emergency, where the entire destruction of the city was a threat, or dire circumstances surrounded the ponies of Canterlot, a spell-craft mechanism within the castle would trigger and unleash a tide of magic across the city.

No-pony had ever seen it in action, and only the Elder Princesses knew what it did. The power required to activate it was tremendous, Cadence knew that much. So much so, that only Princess Celestia or Luna could activate it. Cadence touched her horn to Shining's once again, allowing her magic to pass through to him.

Dire Wing sucked his teeth as he surveyed the area coolly. "I'll pass word on. Being totally honest, I never thought I would see the day we would need the Safeguard, but I'm certainly not complaining. Nevertheless, it's a shame it's come to this." The Thestral quickly made his way to relay his order. Cadence said nothing in response, gently stroking her husbands face, however Ivy scowled in his direction. "I swear, that tongue of his is going to cause more distress than anything."

Shining twitched in Cadence's lap, as if reacting to the negative energy. Cadence lifted her eyes to meet Ivy's. "I know things seem bad, but we will be ok. Don't let it get to you, we are all trying to hold together." Her horn glowed as she gently transmitted a feeling of calm and compassion to the smaller mare. The pegasus sighed softly. "Forgive me Princess. I shouldn't have been so harsh. Even still, as much as his sister puts me off, I do wish he would follow her example and keep quiet."

"Princess Cadenza!" A sharp voice cut above the noise, followed by sound of leathery wings flapping in the night.

'Speak of the Thestra and she shall appear.' Cadence raised her head to see a near pitch-black form land just beside her. Immediately the night-guard stood at sharp attention, still as a statue as she awaited her commands. With a deep sigh, Cadence gently lifted her husbands head out of her lap. Placing a small folded piece of cloth beneath him, she turned towards the two medics. "Please, alert me the moment his condition changes." Before moving to stand along-side the awaiting Thestra. "Command Sergeant-Major Wicked Wing, what is your report?" Cadence mutely asked as the pair walked towards the main body of ponies.

Wicked Wing stood in stark contrast to her twin brother Dire Wing. Her coat was darker than any other Thestral Cadence had ever seen, the color of deep obsidian, while her mane was close to navy, but it was hard to tell exactly. Her armor looked less like steel, and more like wrought-iron, which absorbed even the bright lights which enraptured Canterlot. Exact in her form, she stood upright, her stance firm. Looking at her, one might think she was a black-hole in the air. Darkness seemed to cling to her where she stood. Her golden eyes, as cold as they were unreadable, were the only feature that stood out in her shadowy form save for the glint of her sharp canines when she spoke.

She was well regarded for the exactness in which she carried out her orders, and her precision, speed, and lethality as the head of Princess Luna's stealth squad. Normally her authoritative and hard demeanor would have given Cadence chills. She never understand Thestral's overly rigid tendencies. That and their mostly lack of emotion, save for Dire Wing, always felt alien to her. Nevertheless, there was no time to get caught up in discomfort.

She gave a curt nod, and her surprisingly clear voice, a smoky contralto, came to life." Ma'am, we have taken full account of the company. Out of our current strength of 79 unicorns, 20 Pegasi, 29 Thestrals, and 70 Earth Ponies, we currently have 76 out of commission, ma'am! Of that number, 42 remain unconscious and attempts to revive them are proving insufficient. The remaining 34 shows signs of extreme exhaustion, and symptoms similar to heavy-concussions. The majority of both the unconscious and weary are unicorns, cutting our magical and medical forces in half. Some are recovering quicker than others, but their strength is negligible at best in their current standing.

Cadence grit her teeth, swallowing hard. 'What remains of our total forces at this time?" She asked, barely maintaining a level tone as her wings ruffled nervously. Almost 70 guards had been taken down inside of the Tombstone, and almost 80 were down in the middle of what could become a battlefield at any moment. The Captain of the Royal Guard was unconscious in her lap, the Commander of the Lunar Guard was detained on the other side of the city and most likely under the effect of the spell that they themselves had nearly succumbed to, Princess Luna was M.I.A., and, worst of all, Twilight could be coming at any moment.

Despite her stony expression and rigid posture, evident in the voice of Wicked Wing was her acknowledgment of the severe situation. "Currently, we have 41 unicorns, 35 pegasi and Thestrals, and 48 Earth Ponies making up our defenses. A total of 124, not including you and Princess Celestia, once she returns. There is something else you should see, my Lady."

She pointed high in the air, north to the mountain in the direction of Cloudsdale. Cadence had to squint against the bright lights surrounding the city to see into the dark sky high above the mountain. As she followed the mare's line of sight, she slowly began to make out inky dots zipping through the air. They flew back and forth, diving and rising. Cadence watched as a few approached closer to the city and the dome of magical sparks, only for tendrils of magic like vines to shoot out and attempt to ensnare them, forcing them to evade and fly a safe distance back. "Are those... Pegasi?" Cadence asked, seeing the inky blobs more clearly.

With a nod, Wicked Wing confirmed her answer. "The Cloudsdale Lunar Guard, they made contact with the dome just a few minutes ago. We have been unable to communicate through the barrier at this time. Any attempt to pass through, will result in the ponies life-force being drained by the magic in the air. We have tried physical letters fired from arrows but they were burned to ash by the sparks, and all communication spells have failed. Any attempts to weaken or destroy the barrier via magic has proved... inconsequential. Observe!"

She motioned high above, just shy of the barrier wall. A unicorn mage, held aloft by two pegasi, fired of several blasts of magic at the sea of sparks. However, the spell dissolved, breaking down into it's raw magical components, and feeding into the already immense plethora of magical energy. A fireball shot from the unicorn's horn, only to become a spiral of flame and feed directly into the wave of magic. "We can only assume, from what we have observed..." The Thestral continued. "that any magical force we attempt to use is converted into this spell-craft which has cut us off from the outside world. Nearly 300 regulars are waiting just outside the city, but will be unable to enter until this force-field is destroyed."

"In other words, we're completely cut off." Cadence surmised. Wicked Wing's said nothing, standing almost perfectly still as she awaited Cadence's orders. The young Alicorn swiveled to look on the remaining guards. It wasn't much, but they had enough to sustain a solid defense long enough for Princess Celestia to return.

"Sergeant-Major Wing" Instantly the Thestral appeared at her side, awaiting orders. Cadence closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, her eyes were filled with calm resolve. "Call back all Pegasi and Thestrals. We need them to focus fully on scouting around the castle. Until that barrier goes down, or something in it changes, we need all flyers working to defend inside."

Military strategy was by no means her strong suit, but she had learned enough to understand the basics of fortification. Looking below at the assembled guard, she tried to remember all the lessons Celestia and Shining Armor had taught her.

'It's like a game of Chess, Mi Amore.' Celestia's voice rang in her mind, some wisdom she had passed on to Cadence years ago. 'Protect your most important pieces, but always remember that the individual pawns can sway the tide of battle.'

Surveying the guard once more, she realized what she should do. Gesturing with one hoof to the parapets lining the walls to the castle. "We need our mages up above. When Twilight comes, they can stay a safe distance away and use their magic to slow her and assist our ground forces. The castle walls are magically reinforced and should provide them with enough cover. Meanwhile, air support can attack from all sides..." She paused, thinking on the Earth Ponies assembled together as well. Out of the forty-eight remaining, twenty of them were equipped with massive tower shields, but the others had only armor, basic weapons, and magic siphoning chains. With little cover to protect them, she couldn't just leave them in the open to absorb damage.

"If I may make a suggestion, Princess?" Wicked Wing spoke up, sensing the lapse in Cadence's thought process. The Alicorn nodding for her to continue. "Assemble our defenders in teams of 5, using formation C-6, and spread them out through the courtyard. If we keep 10 unicorns here on the ground, two mages per formation, they can help to support the ground forces and provide cover, should Ms. Sparkle turn her attention on the air forces or the unicorns on the wall. As well, we can stack our forces behind and work to cover the distance more safely.

Cadence thought for a moment, recalling the formation Wicked Wing spoke of. It was a series of small phalanxes, best used as a siege tactic or defensive rushing. Teams of 3 Earth Pony defenders would for a defensive blockade with tower shields, two in front, and one covering above. Their massive shields were easily 7 feet all and 3 feet wide, each made of reinforced iron, which could absorb almost any projectile and large amounts of magic without breaking. They weighed hundreds of pounds, but their wielders seemed to effortlessly use them. They could then rush the target, assisted with unicorns protected within the confines of the shield walls, or with spear wielding fighters.

Cadence nodded approvingly. "Please pass the word on to the other Commanders, and hurry. Time is of the essence." Before she could finish, Wicked Wing sprinted towards the main body of the company, her voice filling the night as she passed on their orders.

Instantly, the courtyard was filled with the clatter of armor as the orders were relayed. While she had been speaking with Wicked Wing, the downed had been moved into the entrance hall of the Castle. All at once, the ponies of the Royal Guard sprang into action and moved into position. In less than a minute, speed that astounded Cadence as she watched, the entire formation had moved almost perfectly into line.

Unicorn upon the castle walls lay crouched against the stone, prepared to protect their brothers and sisters from any incoming threat. Pegasi and Thestrals seemed to melt into the sparse few shadows and alcoves, as heir keen eyes scanned for their coming foe. Earth Ponies below, armed with massive shields, pikes, axes, and swords stood calm and patient in position.

Cadence could not suppress a small smile as she observed the ponies who would give their lives to protect one another and the people of Canterlot. A feeling of love swelled in her heart. 'We can do this. We can hold the line.'

As quickly as the thought occurred, the air shifted suddenly.

In an instant, the deep hum and crystalline ring of magic seemed to quiet, although not entirely disappearing. The millions of sparks which danced through the air slowed, pulsing in the winter sky. The already freezing temperature seemed to drop another 10 degrees, as the glowing light which rose from beneath the city all at once went dark. The city was plunged into near darkness, save for the glowing sparks which all but completely blocked out the moon.

"FORM UP!" Came a below from Dire Wing and Wicked Wing simultaneously. The sudden sound of rattling metal echoed through the courtyard as phalanxes tightened up, shields were raised, and weapons were drawn. The airborne Pegasi and Thestrals spread out and dropped their altitude, some covered by round bucklers, others ready to shield themselves with wing-blades.

Cadence quickly ran to her still incapacitated husband’s side, standing over him protectively. Her horn glowed brightly as she prepared for any threat to come her way. The two unicorn medics positioned themselves in front of the Princess.

For several seconds all was quiet, no sound but the shifting of armor and sharp breaths.

Without warning an electric feeling filled the air, and cadence felt her fur stand up on end as static swirled around her. Before anypony could react, from the center of Canterlot erupted a mighty pillar of light. Shooting hundreds of feet into the sky, the darkened city blazed with light once again, the tower of energy too bright to look at for any pony save for Cadence. Following the light was a wave of force which rippled across the face of the city. When the shockwave reached the courtyard, the force struck Cadence like a punch to the stomach. Her breath was nearly from her, though she remained on her hooves. The same could not be said for some of the guard, grunts of pain and surprise echoed hers as the standing guards were shaken from their formations, quickly rushing to their hooves and resuming their positions.

The noise from the magical blast had been nearly deafening, and still the roar of power filled the air as Cadence and many others looked on in awe and horror. Twilight was coming, and she was coming now.

So captivated was Cadence by the scene before her, she hadn’t noticed the stirring in the air around her until a hoof wrapped around one of her legs. With a shriek, she jumped back and loosed a bolt of magic at the ground where she had been grabbed. The two unicorns accompanying her likewise spun instantly, horn charged and ready to unleash tartarus upon anypony trying to harm their Lady. The grip was quickly relinquished as a large white unicorn barely rolled out of the way of the concussive blast. “Cadence, ‘s me!” Came the somewhat slurred response of her intended target.

“Shining Armor!” Cadence gasped, throwing herself on top of her husband. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! You nearly scared me half to death.” He gave no response at first, his chest rising and falling below his golden and magenta armor as he drew deep breaths. Cadence hugged him tightly only to pull away just as quickly, voice tight with urgency. “Shining Armor, I need you to stand up right now. Please you have to hurry, she’s coming.”

Shining gripped his head tightly, lines drawn on his face as he grimaced in pain. “What in the hay happened? What’s going on?” He opened his eyes, trying to make sense of the suddenly bright night. Cadence grabbed him by one hoof, reaching underneath his chest with another to pull him up. “Something happened, something started draining the magic out of everypony in the city. Princess Celestia cast some sort of counter, but it was only enough to protect the immediate guards in the area. She went to activate the safeguard, but we don’t have much time. We need to get you out of the courtyard with the others.”

Suddenly, she became acutely aware of the sound of gasps erupting from behind her. Several voices began to shout through the sudden darkness.

"What in Equestria? Just lie still!"

"Please... my head..."

"We need a medic over here! This one's awake!"

"Another over here... No, two more!"

Not even waiting for her eyes to adjusted to the sudden change in light, Cadence took flight and landed behind her forces. The few medics that were set to watch over the unconscious were suddenly milling about, surrounded by several new voices. Turning to the nearest unicorn, she placed one hoof on his shoulder. "What's going on?" She asked, hurriedly.

The unicorn gestured wildly with his hooves in an obviously confused and surprised manor. "Whatever just hit us woke up more than half of our downed." He quickly turned away and began to tend to the nearest pony. Cadence stepped back slowly, her breast suddenly feeling tight. ‘No no no, this can’t be happening.’

Hold fast, don’t you dare drop your weapons!” Wicked Wing’s voice could be heard echoing through the courtyard. “Medics, get them to quiet down. Flyers, what do you see?”

“Nothing yet ma’am!” One shouted. Others quickly echoed her call.

Cadence turned and ran quickly to Shining Armor, the unicorn now standing. His stance was shaky, but he seemed able to remain upright on his own. He clutched his head with one hoof, holding his helmet in the other. One of the unicorn healers was speaking to him, telling him to stay still and allow his senses to come back. The healer looked to Cadence and gave her a quick nod, before he and his companion ran off to assist with the others.

Cadence looked to her husband uneasily, watching him sway slightly as he stood. Uneasy turned into fright as he placed his helmet over his sweating brow, and a short-sword drew from scabbard at his side. She rushed to his side, placing a gentle hoof on his shoulder. “Shining, what are you doing? You need to rest, you can’t fight in this condition. Your hurt, you can barely stand, what if something happens to-”

“Cadence.” His soft voice penetrated the night, and her tumbling words abruptly ended. He could see the terror in her eyes, the agitation she felt. He knew it well, he could feel it inside himself. “I know you’re scared, but Twilight is coming, isn’t she?” Cadence said nothing, only stifling a small sob in her throat.

“Please Cadence, I have to. She is my sister, and I have to stop her. I have to protect you. If it wasn’t for me, we wouldn’t be in this mess. This,” He gestured to the pillar of energy still burning bright, “happened because of me. I have to do my duty until Celestia arrives.”

Gently, he took her hoof in his and gently kissed her. “Please Cadence, help my right this wrong.”

Before she could respond, a Thestral high in the air shouted, “ENEMY SPOTTED!”

Shining and Cadence turned to see that magical spire suddenly reversed it-self as the magic surged towards the ground, twisting into an unnatural black just before reaching the ground. The air picked up once again, slow at first, but rapidly gaining in speed.

Another voice cried out, “Shopping district! I see something.”

“I do as well, incoming target!” Another replied, both ponies unseen to either Cadence or Shining. Cadence hugged her body to Shining’s as she narrowed her eyes and searched for what the other had seen. There, nearly at the center of the city, a lone figure seemed to slowly walk. Their form was shadowy, barely able to be seen through the darkness, but the magic filling the air brought some illumination.

The shadow walked slowly at first, but soon began moving at a trot. A moment later, the trot turned into a swift jog, and with every step the pony seemed to gather shadow behind them, thick and unnatural darkness following behind it. The air rent like a maelstrom now, gathering the millions of sparks surrounding the city in it's pull. Shadows were flung across the city-scape as they tried to keep vision of their target.

Soon the pony was sprinting, and in an instant magenta and cerulean magic surged from the pony’s body. Bathing the night in shades of red, blue and shadowy black, the pony ran far faster than any mortal pony should have, covering blocks of the city in seconds.

Shining Armor shouted, “Shields brace for impact.” Instantly, he summoned a dome of magic around the courtyard just as the figure struck the tall golden gate. Glowing red magic collided with pink, as inky blackness began to surround the
courtyard. Shining grit his teeth as he concentrated, pouring more magic into withstanding the collision. For several, seconds no-pony was sure which would be victorious. Several unicorn mages lent their magic to strengthening their captain’s wall, as the frequencies of magic rang in counter to one another.

Then just as suddenly as the clash began, did Shining’s barrier shatter against the superior magic of Twilight Sparkle.

The shield dispelled as the cloaked mare penetrated the defensive walls, and struck the stone ground with enough power to sending cracks winding across the stone. For a brief moment, all was silent as the cloaked figure crouched low over the ground. Something seemed unnatural about their body. She seemed taller than they had remembered Twilight appearing. Her form seemed to shimmer as they looked down, like a mirage in the desert. It was as if she was just a pace to one side from where she appeared to be. Her body still glowed with unnatural light, as tendrils of shadows creeped across the stone behind her, as if she beckoned the twisted darkness onward.

Shining fell to one knew for a moment, breathing heavily from the strain of his shield being broken, before standing tall again and shouting, “Fire!” Instantly, the courtyard came to life as spell after spell was flung at the crouching pony. Fire and lighting surged from the parapets of the castle, while magical missiles, concussive blasts, beams of energy, arrows, and stones rained down on the figure.

As the spells approached the figure, she stood suddenly. Horn aglow as she countered, an opaque screen of magic in front of her. Upon contact, some spells winked out of existence, others moved out of the way like magnet rejecting the polarity of another. The remaining struck a small barrier surrounding her, seeming as effective as the falling leaves trying to break apart a mountain.

For nearly a minute the magical barrage continued, shredding the stone of the courtyard but having little effect against the cloaked unicorn in their presence. Without warning, Twilight stood on her hind legs, throwing her legs out in a wild gesture and cried in a booming voice, “STOP!

Everypony came to stand still as the remaining spells and flying objects were rejected from their target, flying upwards in every direction into the night sky. The courtyard when eerily silent, as everypony held their breath and watched the shrouded mare. The shadowy tendrils curled around her hooves and coalesced beneath her body, as she returned to standing on all four hooves.

Her head was held down, still shrouded by her hood, leaving only the tip of her snout exposed. “Ponies of Canterlot.” Her voice echoed in the ears of everypony. It was not loud, nor a shout, but a frighteningly calm voice. She had magically amplified herself, so that everypony no matter how far from her, heard her speak as if she were immediately before them. “I have come to this city with one task in mind, to revive the Lord of Chaos, Discord.”

A chill ran through all who were gathered together at the name of the Draconequus of legend. Cadence and Shining Armored watched Twilight from a distance, waiting to see what she would do next.

“Dear ponies, I do not want to fight you. I have spent much of my time avoiding a conflict such as this, but the actions of some,” Her hooded head tilted ever so slightly in the direction of Shining Armor, only he and his wife noticing the movement. “have led us to this moment.”

“Mares and Gentlecolts, this does not need to go on.” She slowly strode foreword, creeping closer to the gathered ponies. “Tonight I have surrounded Canterlot in my spell, I have closed you off from the outside world, and I have stolen the magic of the Alicorn of the night.” At this, a murmur spread among the guards.

“You’re lying!” one of them shouted. “That can’t be true, its a trick.” And, the guards unconsciously edged away from the approaching unicorn. She stopped, remaining still for a moment.

“Hmm, you don’t believe me. I understand, I wouldn’t either. However, I will show you.” She went still for a moment, the wind flowed around her and magical sparks began to circle her body, when all at once she threw her head back as twin-colored magic flowed in great waves from her horn, and hundreds of magical sparks shot high in the air along it. Higher and higher into the sky it went, vanishing into the night towards Luna’s moon.

The wind picked up once again, whipping mightily in the night. As they watched, the sparks surrounding the city parted for a brief and allowed for an un-adulterated view of the nigh. Darkness link ink flowed across the sky and began to blot out the very moon. In only a few moments, all that was left was a shining crescent in the sky, like the grin of a mad mare smiling down at them. Shouts of fear came from the collected guard, and a sense of dread filled each of them as they looked down at the pony before them.

Her hood had fallen from her head and revealed a terrifying sight. Dark shadows ran across her face, circling her eyes, and falling down her neck and shoulders, as she herself was the source of the shadows trailing her. Her mane whisped and floated chillingly through the air like she was under water. Last of all, her eyes had changed. Her scelera’s were solid black, but this time highlighted by bone-white glowing iris’s. Her gaze pierced the ponies who met her gaze.

“Do you believe me now?” She said simply. No voice spoke in opposition to her, even Shining Armor’s throat closed in fear.

“I promise you, here and now, that if you stand down and allow to do what I was called to do, what I was born to do, that no harm shall come to any of you this night. Throw down your weapons, and you will wake up tomorrow as if this was all a nightmare, and would soon be lost in time. I will depart from you in peace, and bloodshed will be avoided.”

She stepped foreword, standing as tall as she could. “I beg of you, don’t throw away your lives for nothing. I will succeed tonight, whether you allow me to or not. What is your choice?”

The night went silent once more. Guards looked to one another, doubt filling their mind. Mutterings and whispers filled the area. "That’s not a pony, that’s a demon." One muttered, others around her shrinking back as if in agreement.

Cadence felt and unnatural fear strike her heart. Never had she felt despair and terror like this, but she had seen it too. Twilight blocked out the very moon, and Princess Luna still hadn’t returned. Could she have really stolen her magic?

She looked to her husband, only to find him staring wide-eyed at his sister. “We can’t win.” He whispered. “We couldn’t possibly stop her.” Cadence wanted to shush him, to silence his fears, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

There was a clang of metal below, and Cadence looked down to see a pegasus had dropped her sword. The sharp “clang” of metal against stone rang through courtyard. The mare dove to pick up her fallen weapon, but the noise seemed to demoralize the others even more.

“No, no, no.” Cadence pleaded. “Don’t listen to her!” She shouted before going still. She hadn’t seen, but sensed Twilight’s eyes glaring at her with ire. Saying nothing, she stared up at the alicorn as if imposing her will on her. Suddenly, Cadence felt doubt filling her mind, forcing her to look away. A cold filling entered her body, chilling her down to her bones. ‘Those eyes, what’s wrong with her eyes?’ Falling to her knees, she stared down at her long shadow in the night.


Cadence looked down again at her shadow, it stretched long into the night, to the very edge of the upper courtyard, growing darker and thicker as it stretched farther into the darkness. As she followed it with her eyes, she couldn’t help but feel an unnatural pull at the edge of her vision. ‘This isn’t right. This isn’t natural.’ She around her, and surrounding the entire castle was a wall of flowing shadow. The shadows had blended into her own, infecting her mind with doubts.

‘I love you. I know you can do it. Keep them safe.’ Celestia’s words echoed in her mind again. Cadence’s horn glowed gently, magic filling her mind, and felt a weight that she hadn’t realized was present lift from her mind. Her eyes became clearer, and she saw the shadow’s retreat from her, like tentacles that were severed in an instant. She looked round about and saw the blackness bleeding into the guards’ shadows. Even Shining Armor was being tainted by whatever magic was surrounding them.

Cadence looked down at Twilight once more, the unicorn didn’t seem nearly as imposing. Her eyes, while still frightening, didn’t seem to radiate cold hardness, but instead Cadance saw surprise and… nervousness? The two locked eyes for a moment, Cadence’s horn glowing brighter as she was filled more and more with courage. Twilight stepped forward, as if trying once more to send her shadow’s into Cadence’s mind. But the Alicorn stood strong, her mental barriers had slipped and allowed Twilight to place doubt there, but no more.

‘Keep them safe’

Light exploded from Cadence’s horn in a blinding flash. The eyes of every-pony were drawn to her, Twilight included, as she began to rise slowly in the air. Mental magic poured from Cadence, casting out the dark magic from the minds of her ponies, warmth and courage taking root in the guards of Canterlot.

Floating in pink and purple wings, high in the air, Cadence called out, “Guards, don’t listen to her. It was a trick to make you afraid. Look!” She pointed with on hoof, high above towards the moon. The light had returned. Though the swirling sparks seemed to try and shield their view, the full moon could be seen in it's place once again.

The guards were still for a moment, trying to make sense of what had just happened, but the answer was clearly before them. It had only been a trick. They lifted their shields and weapons once again, a greater determination filling their eyes. True, Twilight Sparkle was powerful, but they were protected by one of the Alicorns. They would endure the night, and defend their homes and lives.

While the guards stood taller than before, the mental fog clearing, Twilight shrouded her eyes with one hoof from the light. The shadows running across her face and from her body vanished in an instant, although her striking eyes remained.

“Twilight, your tricks will not work here.” Cadence called, her gaze hard as she looked down on the now defensive unicorn. As she spoke, Shining Armor’s immense shield came to life again, this time surrounding all of them within it’s hold. In a flash of light, he appeared at the front lines of the gathered soldiers. Blade held in his magic and adorned in the armor of his office, he silently stared down at his sister while Cadence spoke. “We won’t allow you to summon Discord, we cannot let you go one step further. Surrender before we are forced to hurt you!” Cadence pleaded.

Blinking spots out of her vision, Twilight righted herself. Surveying her foes with a frown, she sighed and muttered under her breath. “Damn you Cadence.” She clenched one hoof tightly, visibly pained in anger. "I didn't want it to come to this, this was the last thing that I wanted tonight."

Standing straight, she threw her cloak off of her shoulders and exposed her array of blades and saddlebags lining her body. In a flash of light and ring of steel on leather, all ten of her blades withdrew from their sheaths. Her horn blazed with defiant power, two-tone flame shooting into the air.

“I will warn you one final time!” Twilight yelled, blades spinning around her smaller form. “If you fall to the ground, stay there.” Her hooves shifted in place, prepared to charge. “I can’t afford to waste any more time.” And with those words, Twilight charged foreword and the sounds of battle rang through the night.

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