• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,585 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Digital Exploration

It was another beautiful day in the Primary Village, just like every other day.

Due to how important this place was, the Primary Village was built to be the perfect place for young Digimon to live in. As such, the weather in the area was always perfect. It never rained, snowed, hailed or had any other terrible weather that would upset the newly born Digimon.

And despite the lack of rain, the plants and flowers there grew as if it did rain. It was truly a place that was brimming with life and when Flash arrived that that day, he couldn't help but be amazed by the place.

He, Micro, Veemon and Tentomon had just arrived, Micro suggesting their visit due to Flash not getting the chance to come given what had happened on his first day. Flash had been a little hesitant, given what happened the last time, but was talked into it and soon arrived at the village of beginnings.

"Here we are," Micro told him once they ported in. "What do you think?"

"Wow," Flash smirked, "this place is awesome."

"I know, right?" Flash was about to walk away, but Micro grabbed him by the hood. "Hold it." He turned to the bespectacled teen. "Before we do anything, we need to load a deck."


"Primary Village is only one of the many places I'm taking you today. And along the way, we might end up getting into trouble. Trust me, you'll want your deck already loaded so Veemon can Digivolve."

"How much trouble can we get into around here?" Veemon asked.

"And does it matter if we did get in trouble?" Flash asked, "it's not like the two of us are the real versions of us."

Micro frowned. "Flash, you have to be careful." Flash was surprised by how serious Micro was acting right now. "We might only be digital avatars, but we're still vulnerable. If we get destroyed, we don't just respawn or something. That's it. Game over." Flash's eyes went wide. "I've known players that got cocky and didn't take care of themselves, only to get crushed by a Mammothmon or something else. And I never saw them again."

Flash suddenly felt very unprotected at that moment, the teen quickly activating one of the decks as he did so. "Alright, so what would happen if I didn't load a deck?"

"Veemon could still Digivolve," Micro explained. "But the evolution would be Veemon's natural Champion, whatever that turns out to be. Every Digimon has a particular Champion they're meant to become, so that's the only one they can Digivolve into if they don't have us choosing the Evolution for them. It could become Veedramon, but he might become something else that we don't wanna have in a bad situation."

Flash nodded as they finally started looking around the village, amazed at all the cribs and eggs that were laying on the ground. "Awe," Flash smirked seeing a Digimon in a crib that looked like a metal computer mouse

"How cute," Veemon smiled before trying to scratch the baby's head. But as soon as he touched the metal, he got zapped. "Ahh!" The others laughed at this, as they heard movement and turned to see Elecmon walking towards them.

"Micro," he smiled, "is this that friend you were telling me about?"

"Yup," Micro nodded. "This is Flash Sentry." He turned to Flash, "and this is the protector of the Primary Village. Elecmon."

"Nice to meet you," Flash told him.

"Same here," Elecmon nodded. "Always fun to meet a new face. Just so long as you show this place the respect it deserves." He began to walk towards one of the eggs, taking out a cloth that he used to wipe the egg clean. "This place is where Digimon can remain safe whilst they wait to be reborn. What happens here has a great effect on the Digimon inside."

"Really?" Flash asked, as her took out his Digivice. "Do you mind?"

"Sure?" Elecmon smirked, "you ain't the first player that's come to scan me or the babies." Flash smiled and pointed the device at Elecmon, scanning him and acquiring his data.

Name: Elecmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Data
Attribute: Electric
Species: Mammal
Family: Nature Spirit, Deep Savers, Metal Empire

"Thanks," Flash put the device away and moved over to look at the egg. "So does your time here really affect the way the Digimon comes out?"

"I like to think so," Elecmon announced. "All Digimon have the potential for both good and evil. Even ones that start as Virus Digimon, have the power to grow into something good." He looked at the Digi-Egg he was rubbing. "The Digimon in this egg had a life before it was an egg. It might have been a great hero, who wanted to protect the weak. Or might have been an evil Digimon that the weak needed protecting from. But that doesn't matter anymore."

"It doesn't?" Flash asked, as Micro stepped over to him.

"When Digimon get destroyed and returned to Digi-Eggs, they lose all their memories of their previous lives. Sometimes they'll remember a few random flashes of their past lives, but it's very rare."

"I see," Flash frowned. "So everything they do. Everything they were...it just disappears?"

"Yes," Elecmon nodded. "But it's also a chance to start anew. To walk a different path from the one they once travelled. And how that path is shaped all starts from here." As he said that, the egg began to shake. "And it looks like this one's path is about to start right now." Flash and Veemon watched in amazement, excited to see a new Digimon be born into this world.

Micro and Tentomon stepped away, clearly knowing something Flash didn't.

And it became clear why when the egg cracked, then exploded in a giant burst of smoke. The force knocked Flash and Veemon back, the pair accidently breathing in the smoke and coughing as the Baby Digimon was born. And as it was, the destroyed pieces of the egg morphed into a crib that the baby laid in.

When the smoke finally faded, Flash was able to crawl over to see the Digimon in the crib was a slimy white Digimon with three bumps on its back.

"Awe," Flash smirked as he took out his Digivice. He scanned it, curious to see what info he would get.

Name: Pichimon
Level: Fresh
Type: Free
Attribute: Neutral
Species: Slime
Family: Deep Savers

Flash smirked as he asked Elecmon if he could pick the Digimon up, Elecmon happy to let him. Flash carefully did so before carefully holding him up. "I bet you're gonna Digivolve into something awesome."

"You can always find out," Micro told him. "It won't cost you much to Digivolve that scan you just got into its Rookie form. You can see what this little guy's gonna one day turn into."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Elecmon told him. "He might turn into what you Digivolve that scan into, but a strong desire can override what it's programmed to become. I knew a Gabumon who had a bunch of egg-mates that all turned into Garurumon, but he didn't want to be Garurumon. He wanted to be a warrior, which caused him to Digivolve into a humanoid wolf Digimon. Low...something-mon. But like I said, it's all about what you want."

Flash smirked, nodding. Elecmon was right. The Digimon might have been digital lifeforms, but that didn't mean their destinies were preprogrammed.

They continued to explore the Primary Village for a little while more once the baby Digimon went to sleep, Flash interested in seeing what happened when a Digimon grew up. Elecmon took him over to where a bunch of In-Training Digimon were playing.

As they did, Micro explained that Fresh Digimon Digivolved into In-Training after just a couple of days. Once in that state, they had the ability to care for their own needs. The only thing they couldn't do was fight, which was why they could remain in the village if they wanted to.

Every now and then, In-Trainings would leave the village to go out on their own. But most of the time, they remained. "There they are," Elecmon stated as they saw a bunch of In-Training Digimon bouncing around playing with a ball. One in particular, seemed to be a lot more skilled then the others. That Digimon looked like the disembodied head of a cat, with a W on its forehead and a tail on its back.

The little guy bounced the ball on his head as he hopped around, then reached the net where he bounced it into the air before jumping after it and slamming its tail into the net.

Everyone watched in amazement, as the ball flew through the air and hit the back of the net. "Goal!" The Digimon cheered as he landed on the ground. But as he did, his eyes went wide before his body exploded with a bright light and started changing. "Wanyamon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of him, revealing a four foot tall bear digimon wearing a hat and leather straps. "Bearmon!"

Bearmon looked over his new body, amazed by what he had become. He turned towards his In-Training friends and smiled, the In-Training Digimon all cheering for his evolution. They started playing again, Bearmon staggering around as he tried to get used to having arms and legs.

"Good for him," Elecmon chuckled. "He'll probably stick around for a few more days to get the hang of things. But then he'll have to go out and find a place for himself out in the Digital World." The others nodded as Micro turned to Flash.

"Well, we've got a long day of exploration ahead of us. We should get going." Flash nodded and they all said goodbye to Elecmon, who happily invited them to come back and visit any time. The two humans and their Digimon all made their way out of Primary Village, Micro smiling as he looked around. "Man, this place hasn't changed a bit."

"You've been here?"

"Duh. I came on my first day. I was so excited, I completely forgot to head back to Codex for my In-Training match. I spent all day just exploring this place. It was awesome." Flash smirked as he looked around, taking out his Digivice and scanning the area so he would have more options if he wanted to use this place in his next battle. But he knew, he was gonna need as many different environments as possible.

"So where we heading now?" Flash asked, as the four of them made their way through the forest.

"We should go somewhere you can experience meeting many different Digimon," Tentomon suggested. "You met plenty of Dinosaur Digimon when you ran into Monochromon and those Tyrannomon. Sandalwood also gave you a pretty good experience with Plant Digimon."

Micro nodded, "what's the opposite of dinosaurs and plants?" An actual lightbulb appeared above his head, "I've got it." He turned to Flash as he took out his Digivice. "Alright, I'm gonna send you a transport request. This'll let you travel to an area that's in my location page instead of yours." Flash nodded and his Digivice beepered, the teen accepting the request before the location loaded onto his screen.

"Machine Town?" He read the location, as Micro held his Digivice up and pulled the trigger. The next thing Flash knew, he was being pulled into the sky along with Micro, Tentomon and Veemon. The four shot through the tunnel of light and came out the other side, materialising as the light around them vanished.

When it did, Flash looked around and saw they were in a giant city that looked like it was something out of a sci-fi movie. It was completely made out of metal, with a bunch of different gizmos and gadgets all over the place. Buildings of different shapes and sizes littered the street, whilst robotic Digimon walked around.

"Welcome to Machine Town," Micro stepped forward and spun around. "The perfect place to meet mechanical or cyborg Digimon. This is as different from the places you've been as it can get." Flash smirked and nodded, holding up his Digivice and scanned the place. It was certainly going to be fun battling here.

He then watched as Micro ran down the street, Tentomon following close behind as Flash and Veemon ran to catch up. As they made their way through the city, Flash couldn't help but notice Micro was barely paying attention to where they were going. "So, how many times have you been here?"

"Oh, I come at least once a week."

"Why?" Veemon asked as they arrived at an area of the city that had moving sidewalks.

"Why not?" They stepped onto it, "this place is nerd heaven. Devices and machines that would be impossible or too dangerous in the real world, all safe and sound right here." They made their way through the city on the moving street, Flash amazed at all the Digimon he was seeing. None of them seemed like the kind Flash would want to fight as, so he would hold off on scanning them. Besides, they might not have been so willing to let him scan them as Elecmon was.

Then, he noticed a purple penguin Digimon on the moving street opposite him.

"I thought you said this place was where Machine and Cyborg Digimon called home?"

"It is," Micro nodded. "But other Digimon can come here if they want. Mostly, it's to get a type of device or machine they need for something they have to do at their own home." He smirked, "which is the main reason I always come here." He stepped off the moving street with the others following, as they came to an between two tall buildings.

They headed down this alleyway, which was really dark due to the building blocking the sun from filling it.

Flash felt a little unnerved as he walked behind his friend, wondering what the heck he was doing here. "Micro, bud? Why are we here?" Micro just looked back at him, smiling before they came to a set of stairs in front of a wall. Flash looked down these stairs and saw they lead to a door that likely went into a part of the building next to them that you couldn't get to from within that building.

Micro walked down the steps and into the room, Flash and the Digimon following behind. The inside of this room was nothing like the city outside. It was dark and dirty, with a bunch of power tools and machinery scattered about on a bunch of different tables.

"Again," Flash asked Micro, "what the heck are we doing here?"

"To see an old friend of mine," Micro smirked. "A genius at creating Battle Gear and almost anything else you can think about. Trust me, knowing this guy will be rewarding." Flash still wasn't sure what he was talking about, but decided he would at least meet this guy.

"Augh!" The lot of them suddenly jumped, as a cry of pain and surprise caught their attention. It came from another room, the four of them stepping over to it only for a loud bang to make them leap back. Moments later, smoke flew through the door as someone staggered out and coughed. "Okay, not gonna do that again for a while." The figure appeared out of the smoke and revealed themselves to be a small machine Digimon, with cable arms and legs connected to mechanical hands and feet that had a glass dome for a head.

"You okay?" Micro asked, the Digimon looking up and smiling.

"Micro!" He cheered, "how's my favourite customer?" Micro smirked and knelt down, the pair shaking hands as Micro turned to Flash.

"This is the guy I was telling you about. Datamon." He turned to the Digimon, "this is my friend. His name's Flash and he's new to the Digital World."

"Ah," Datamon leapt up onto a tall stool that made him eye level with Flash. "Glad to meet you. Always happy to be introduced to a new customer."

"Hi," Flash shook his head, "what exactly do you make here?"

"What don't I make here," Datamon laughed. "Battle Gears, replacement parts for mechanical Digimon and anything else you might wanna have. I can make it all, for a price."

Micro stepped up to Flash. "You know your Dragon Booster Battle Gear?" Flash nodded, "well Datamon built it." This surprised Flash, as Datamon smirked.

"So, you're the one who got that extra scan. How's it working out for you?"

"Well I've only used it once," Flash explained. "But it really helped. Are all your creations as good as it?"

"Some are even better," Datamon laughed before jumping down onto the floor. He moved over to a large computer in the corner of the room. "So, what kind of Digimon do you use? My Battle Gear all work on a Digimon's family, so Digimon like Nightmare Soldiers, Machine Empire and what not."

"Well," Flash hugged, "most of my scans are in the Dragon's Roar family."

"I see," Datamon typed it into the computer and a bunch of different devices appeared. "What do you like the look of? You need something to increase your long range attacks? Or help with hand to hand fighting? Your dragon booster should allow you to fly, but almost all Dragon's Roar Digimon learn to fly by the time they reach Ultimate if not Champion."

Flash thought about it and remembered his battle against Sandalwood. "Do you have anything to help me fight against Water Digimon?" Datamon turned to him. "I fought someone before that had a water cannon Battle Gear, letting him use water attacks despite being of the Plant Attribute. Got anything that could do the same for my Fire Digimon?"

"Interesting," Datamon hummed. "I might have something that could help with that." He typed away at it until he came to an image of a weapon, which appeared to be a black armband with lightning bolt shaped blade sticking out of it. "This is the Volt-Edge. It works as a normal blade, but can also build up electrical energy and inject that energy into whoever touches it." The image then changed to show an Agumon, with the band of the weapon around its arm.

They watched as the Agumon swung it around, the blade sparking as it did so. It then changed to show the Agumon was now a Greymon, the weapon having grown in size to be proportional to it as it did the same.

"That looks great," Micro smirked before turning to Flash. "Veemon, Flamedramon and even Veedramon are all super tough brawlers. This might also help whenever you're low on SP and need to fight whilst you wait for it to charge up." Flash nodded, also liking the look of the device.

He turned to Veemon, who nodded in agreement. They wanted it.

"How much?" Flash asked, Datamon chuckling as he gave him the price. It was a lot, but Flash still had plenty of cash from selling the Digimantal. He happily paid it and the new Battle Gear was all his.

"Happy doing business with you," Datamon stated. "If you ever need anything or want it custom made, come by and I'll see what I can do."

Flash nodded as they saw some more smoke coming out of the laboratory. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you working on in there before we got here? Or is it something that's super top secret." Datamon simply smiled and gestured for him to follow, the machine Digimon walking through the door with the others heading in behind him.

When they arrived, they found a lab that looked almost exactly like the Digi-Lab back in Codex.

The place was made of pristine white metal, with the same kind of lights that illuminated the place. And in the middle of the room was a device that looked exactly like the Digivolution Chamber. "Wow."

Datamon chuckled, "impressed? It took me a long time to build this place. I'm quite proud of it, for now I can strive to complete my life's work."

"And what's that?" Veemon asked, wanting to touch something only to get his finger swatted away by Datamon's extendo arm.

"If you must know, I am working to create an entirely new type of Digimon."

"A new type of Digimon?" Flash asked, looking at Micro who didn't seem the least bit surprised by this. "But how? How do you make a new Digimon?"

"Oh, new Digimon appear all the time. The Digital World is directly connected to the internet of your universe. Since you humans are always creating something new and putting info about it online, that data bleeds into the Digital World and takes shape and form. Sometimes it creates Digimon that already exist, but it can also create entirely new Digimon."

"Cool," Flash had no idea that was the case. To be honest, he hadn't thought about where Digimon came from after learning they really existed. Before then, he figured someone had just created them the same way they created video game and trading card creatures. "So what kind of Digimon are you trying to create?"

Datamon simply pressed a button on the console and it brought up the image of a white and purple Digimon, covered in drills.

"Err...hate to break it to you, but that Digimon already exists."

"I know that," Datamon stated. "I've been taking it one step at a time, starting with working on improving existing Digimon. First I worked on giving them temporary boosts, which is where the Battle Gears came from. Now, I'm working on permanent Digimon augmentation. Just watch. This'll be the next MetalGreymon."

"MetalGreymon?" Veemon asked, as Datamon turned to him.

"Of course. It was a Datamon that created the first MetalGreymon. A Greymon wanted to become stronger, but couldn't seem to Digivolve into any of the other Digivolutions that existed for it at the time. So it went to a Datamon, asking for its help. It happily obliged and started experimenting on the creature. Eventually, it found a way to transform parts of Greymon's body into a machine. And thus, MetalGreymon was born. And when it was eventually deleted, the data that made up its enhanced body became one with the Digital Word and every Greymon gained the ability to Digivolve into one."

"So you want to do the same thing to this Drimogemon?" Flash asked.

"I'm trying. It's not exactly easy to create something entirely new. If the existing Digimon's data can't synch with the enhancements, the entire thing will simply break apart the minute I try to test if out. I'm just glad I was able to create this system based on what Codex players have told me about your Digi-Lab. If I hadn't built this, I never would have been able to even get this far."


Micro turned to Flash. "He's doing his experiments on mindless scans of Digimon, which is perfectly fine. But if he didn't have those scans, the only way he could possible create a new Digimon is by experimenting on ones that are alive. I bet you can guess how many Digimon are interested in volunteering for that."

"Exactly," Datamon nodded. "Which is why I love this lab so much. And I love all the scans you Codex players are willing to trade for my Battle Gears."

"Wait," Flash frowned, "you're saying I could have traded a scan for that Volt-Edge instead of buying it."

"I doubt it. I'm only interested in rare scans. Ones that will allow me to create complex data streams to use to create my Digimon. I doubt a new player like you could possibly have such a thing."

"You kidding. All of my scans are rare. Veemon's a one of a kind Digimon." This statement intrigued Datamon, who was always interested in one of a kind Digimon.

"Well, wish I'd known that sooner. Hey, if you ever need another Battle Gear, come and tell me and I'll happily take some of your scans off your hands for it." Flash smirked as they looked up at the mole Digimon.

"So, what exactly are you gonna try and do to this Drimogemon?"

"Honestly, I think I've hit a dead end with this particular Digimon. It's data's way too complicated to enhance with mechanisation. I need a simpler Digimon. A pure breed, if I can find one." They nodded and Micro decided he should let Datamon get back to work.

"Come on Flash. Let's head to another area to check out." Flash nodded and the four headed out the lab. But as they did, they didn't notice Datamon hold up a hand.

From his palm, a light flew out and hit Veemon's back. The Rookie had no idea the light was flying over him until it was over, Veemon looking around as Datamon stopped what he was doing and smiled with a wave. Veemon waved back before they left, whilst Datamon chuckled.

He turned to his computer and stuck his finger in a port, uploading the data. "Codex players might not be able to scan partner Digimon, but I have no such restriction." The image of Veemon appeared followed by a bunch of possible evolutions. He couldn't unlock any of the Armors, but the Champions were his for the taking. "Huh," he found one that looked interesting, "what's this? ExVeemon?"

As soon as they were out of the lab, Micro had suggested another area they could check out.

Accepting another friend transport, Flash and Veemon found themselves being pulled into another location. This time, they arrived in yet another forest. "I thought we were trying to show me different areas?"

"We are," Micro smirked. "This forest's different from the ones you've been to before." Flash did notice that the trees were different from before, with even an entirely different smell. "This area has a bunch of different Digimon here. I'm sure you'll find something interesting the check out."

Flash wasn't so sure, but he was looking forward to seeing what was waiting for him in this location. He scanned the area and smirked at it, adding the forest to his locations as a thought occurred to him. "Hey, Micro. How did you get this location? And all the other locations? Did a friend bring you along with them?"

"Nope. Hours upon hours of exploration. A few spots I bought at the Digi-Store, but most of them I found by exploring near places I already scanned." Flash nodded, understanding what he was getting at.

Suddenly, they heard a loud roar coming from a ways away. "What was that?" Veemon asked, Flash unsure but deciding to check it out.

"Hey!" Micro ran after him, "what are you doing? Usually, when you hear a loud roar, you run in the opposite direction." Flash knew he was probably right, but a part of him feared that maybe someone was in trouble.

"I just wanna see what's going on. If things get dangerous, we port back to Codex." Micro frowned, but knew he wasn't going to win this war. So they kept running and eventually, they came to the edge of a giant cliff.

Looking over the edge, they saw a large beach at the bottom of the cliff. And on that beach were a bunch of Digimon.

Four Digimon instantly came into view. One was a giant lobster-like Digimon with huge claws, another was a giant pink Digimon coming out of a spiral shell whilst the third was a large white squid Digimon with claws on its tentacles.

These three Digimon stood in a line, glaring at the fourth Digimon. A humanoid lion, wearing black leather pants and having a sword in his hands. He glared at the three, as he looked ready to fight.

"Leomon," Flash gasped as the others took stock of the situation.

"Fighting an Ebidramon, Shellmon and Gesomon," Micro realised. "But why? Leomon isn't a Digimon that picks a fight. So why would he be facing off against three Champion level Digimon on their own turf?" Before he could think of an answer, Ebidramon charged forward.

"Twin Scissor!" The lobster swung its claws towards Leomon, who leapt into the air and held up his sword. As he flew back down, he looked like he was going to stab the blade into the claw. But before he could...

"Aqua Blaster!" Shellmon fired a blast of water from the top of its seaweed covered head, the water flying towards Leomon and slamming into him.

"Augh!" He was knocked backwards and as he hit the sand, Tentomon noticed something behind him.

"Look!" He pointed at this and the others realised why Leomon was fighting against these three. He was protecting a trio of Rookie Digimon, who looked like they lived on the beach and had been attacked by the Champions.

"Leomon's trying to protect them," Veemon realised as Gesomon attacked.

"Coral Crusher!" He swung his giant claws legs around and tried to crush Leomon beneath them. Leomon managed to recover from the last attack and raised his arms, barely managing to blocked the arm as it came crashing down upon him.

He flinched in pain, but endured the attack. But it was clear, fighting these three wasn't going to end well for him. "We've gotta do something," Flash told Micro. The teen nodded, unable to just sit back and watch as the three Champions bullied the Rookies and Leomon.

"Let's do this!" Veemon cheered, as Tentomon hovered above him. The blue dragon grabbed the bug's legs and the pair flew down, as Flash and Micro took out their Digivices.

"You ready?" Micro asked, Flash unsure since he had never Digivolved a Digimon out in the Digital World. "You and Veemon need to focus on the same thing. Just think, help Leomon!" Flash and Veemon heard this, their eyes closing as they let this thought flow through their minds. And as they did, the Digivice began to glow.

"Right," Flash cried before opening his eyes, "DIGIVOLVE!" His Digivice exploded with light, which shot down and spiralled around the blue lizard.

"Veemon, Digivolve to...!" He let go of Tentomon, as the cocoon of light appeared and began to grow. The light caught the attention of those down on the beach, who all looked up as the cocoon grew large and finally exploded. When it did, the giant blue T-rex came crashing down on the beach. "VEEDRAMON!"

"My turn!" Tentomon cried, as Micro's Digivice unleashed the energy in the same way. "Tentomon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon appeared around him and enlarged before exploding, revealing the giant blue beetle who took to the air. "KABUTERIMON!"

Digivolutions complete, the pair charged forward. Shellmon and Ebidramon turned their attention to the pair, Shellmon dragging itself towards Veedramon whilst Ebidramon scuttled over to where Kabuterimon was flying. "Go Veedramon!" Flash cheered, catching Leomon's attention.

As Shellmon got close, Veedramon charged and clenched his fist. "Hammer Punch!" It glowed as he threw the punch forward, slamming right into Shellmon's face. This knocked the Digimon staggering back, making it cry out as Veedramon prepared to punch it again. But Shellmon quickly moved around and made its shell spin. Veedramon's fist slammed into the spinning shell, but the drill-like construct was moving too fast and did damage to his fist. "Augh!"

"Veedramon!" Flash cried, Micro watching as Kabuterimon flew above the water that Ebidramon had dove into.

The giant lobster then shot out of the water, its claws primed to grab his target around the neck. But the insect Digimon was able to avoid this and before Ebidramon could attack or fall into the water, he charged with his horn pointed forwards. "Big Horn!" He slammed it into Ebidramon and knocked the lobster backwards, where it came crashing down into the water. "That got him!"

Leomon, having been freed from having to fight three opponents at once, was able to pull itself out from under Gesomon's tentacle.

He was now running around the squid, using his sword to slash at the monster. The squid roared as it swung its tentacle around, attempting to slash at Leomon with its claws. But Leomon's sword blocked the blade and Leomon leapt up into the air, clutching his fist as he did so.

"Fist of the Beast King!" He thrust the fist forward and from it, a blast of fired exploded out and transformed into the shape of a lion's head.

The fireball slammed into Gesomon and knocked it back, Leomon attempting to bring its sword down ready to stab the Digimon. But the squid's mouth shot open and unleashed a blast of black liquid. "Toxic Ink!" The liquid splashed into Leomon's face, making him roar as he felt himself be blinded with the burning ink.

This allowed Gesomon to swing its tentacle around and slam him flying into the side of the cliff. "AUGH!"

Flash and Micro gasped, whilst Shellmon unleashed his Aqua Blaster and knocked Veedramon staggering back. "This isn't good." Flash held up his Digivice, "time to go Ultimate."

"You can't!" Micro told him, "I'm honestly surprised you were able to go to Champion this fast. Getting your Digimon to Digivolve outside of Codex isn't easy." Ebidramon leapt out of the water and grabbed Kabuterimon, using its claws to squeeze the insect. "I haven't gotten Tentomon passed his Champion Level yet. Barely anyone has."

"Shining Armor was able to get to Ultimate." Veedramon charged at Shellmon and the pair struggled against one another.

"Shining Armor's been playing this game a lot longer then anyone else. And he's only been able to Digivolve to Ultimate for a few months. Digivolving your Digimon outside of Codex requires a lot of energy. That energy comes from how in synch you and your Digimon are." Leomon leapt out of the cliff and flew towards Gesomon, sword ready despite the ink still burning. "I'm sorry, but you're just not there yet!"

Flash growled as he watched Gesomon knock Leomon flying away. At the same time, Shellmon thrust its spinning shell towards Veedramon as Kabuterimon struggled to get out of the water.

"So what do we do?" Flash asked, Micro clearly not sure about the answer.

"I'm not sure. Kabuterimon should be able to blast those Digimon with his lightning attacks, if he can get a good shot." As Micro said this, Flash remembered what he had recently acquired.

"We can use Battle Gear, right?" Micro nodded as Flash started fiddling with his Digivice, bringing up the deck he had loaded. He quickly hit the Battle Gear window and brought up to the weapons he now had. "Veedramon, get ready!" He selected his new weapon and pointed it at Veedramon. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed a beam of light.

It shot down and struck Veedramon's arm, the Digimon seeing this and feeling the weapon appear. The light faded to show the Volt-Edge on his arm, the electrical blade pointing forward. "Oh yeah!" He cheered, turning to the Digimon he was facing. Sparks flew off his weapon as he charged forward, slashing at Shellmon as it tried to use its shell.

But the shell did no damage to the weapon, which unleashed a burst of lightning that caused Shellmon to flinch in pain.

Micro took out his own Digivice and points it at Kabuterimon, who had finally managed to escape the water. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" He fired as the beam hit the insect's lower right arm, then transformed into what appeared to be a water pistol connected to his arm. "Combee Cannon."

"What is that?" Flash asked, as Kabuterimon pointed the weapon at the water.

Micro then started speaking in technobabble. "Chemical Combination." He started lifting of different chemicals and each of them being some parts per million. Eventually, Ebidramon shot out of the water again. "FIRE!" Kabuterimon launched the attack from his weapon and that attack, turned out to be a kind of foam.

Said foam shot through the air and as Ebidramon tried to slash at it, it struck to its claw and completely covered it before hardening. Kabuterimon fired several more times, each one hitting the lobster somewhere. Eventually, everything except its head was covered in the strange white foam.

Ebidramon roared as it fell back into the water, only to float back up and be unable to sink. Flash quickly realised what Micro had been planning, as the Combee Cannon vanished. "Finish him off!" The teen cried out, as his insect's body sparked with lightning.

"Electro Shocker!" The lightning flew off and formed a sphere, which he fired at the Ebidramon.

The lobster saw the attack coming and tried to escape, but the foam it was trapped in kept him locked in place. As such, all it could do was brace itself before the lightning slammed into it. An explosion rocked it into the sky, where it flew far beyond the horizon.

"Alright!" Flash cheered, "one down!" He heard Shellmon's roar, making him look down and see Veedramon slash it again with his Battle Gear. However, that last slash depleted the last of the electrical energy and Veedramon knew it would take a while to recharge.

As such, he charged forward and just as the static ended on Shellmon, he grabbed the beast by the arms and started spinning it around. Shellmon roared and was likely about to fire its Aqua Blaster, but Veedramon let go and threw it into the air.

"V-Nova Blast!" Blue energy exploded out of Veedramon's mouth, flying like an arrow towards Shellmon. It struck the underside of the Digimon and exploded, knocking Shellmon flying in the same direction Ebidramon had flown off to.

Leomon was having issues. The ink that had hit him was still burning his body, but he fought through it in order to protect the other Digimon.

Gesomon threw a slash at him, but Leomon avoid it and threw its sword at the beast. Gesomon blocked it with his tentacles, but the distraction was all Leomon needed. He took a stance and clenched both his fists by his side, as energy flowed into them.

"Your attack on the weak ends now. Hyakujuken!" With that, he started rapidly punching the air. With every bunch, his fist launched a lion shaped blast of fire. The multiple fireballs slammed into Gesomon, making it roar as it staggered back towards the water. Eventually, it was in said water as Leomon stopped his multiple attacks.

Gesomon saw him panting and knew it still had the upper hand. But at that moment, both Veedramon and Kabuterimon appeared next to Leomon ready for a fight.

Seeing it was now in the same situation Leomon had been in earilar, the squid turned and ran off into the water. It disappeared beneath the waves and vanished, making everyone sigh in relief. "We did it!" Flash then cheered, as their Digimon glowed before reverting back to Rookie form.

Leomon moved over to where his sword had fallen and picked it up, sheaving it as Flash and Micro made their way down a path leading down to the beach. He then moved over to check on the cowering Digimon, who seemed much more relaxed now that the danger had passed.

"You guys okay?" Micro asked Tentomon, the bug nodding with Veemon doing the same.

Leomon finally turned to address them, "I thank you for your assistance. That fight would have been difficult, had you not arrived when you did."

"No problem," Flash nodded. "We couldn't just sit back and let you take on those three alone. That alone is hard enough, but protecting those other Digimon would make winning impossible."

"I wasn't really aiming to win," Leomon replied. "I hoped the young ones would use the fight as cover to escape. Alas, their fear got the better of them."

"Not you though," Veemon smirked. "Despite being so small, you were awesome."

Leomon nodded as he turned to walk away. "You are Codex Players, are you not?" The pair nodded. "I've met some of you before. You tend to differ from player to player personality wise. Some of the other humans I met, would have simply used the fight to get scans of me and the others before running off."

"Well," Flash smirked, "that's not me."

"Or me," Micro nodded. "The Codex Commanders invited us here. They're in charge of keeping the Digital World in balance, so it's only right we should help them keep the peace whenever we can." Tentomon nodded, as Leomon decided he rather liked these humans.

"Very well. If you wish it, I will allow you to scan me." Flash and Micro's eyes went wide, the pair happily doing so and scanning Leomon with their Digivices. As soon as they did, Leomon's data appeared on the screen.

Name: Leomon
Level: Champion
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Earth
Species: Beastkin
Family: Nature Spirit, Virus Busters

Flash smirked as he thought about how cool it would be to one day become Leomon. He was definitely gonna work on making a deck to incorporate him.

They put their Digivices away and Leomon asked what they would do next, Flash unsure but had a feeling he had explored enough that day. "I think I might log out and let the real me know what's going on. Then we can decide what to do next." Micro nodded in agreement, Leomon nodding and turning to leave.

Flash and Micro activated their Digivices and pointed them towards the sky, transporting themselves back to Codex. He couldn't wait to learn what his human form had been doing that day. His day of exploration was a fun one and he had learned a lot. Now it was just a matter of figuring out how to use what he had experienced today in order to improve his battle skills in the arena.

He knew this was only the beginning. He still had so much to learn and he couldn't wait to see it all.

Author's Note:

Getting to see more of the Digital World, gaining another cool Battle Gear and scan, and helping Leomon protect the weak. Flash sure is a busy player. Hope you enjoyed this and look forward to the next chapter. Until then.

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