• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,586 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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The Great Dragon War's Climax

The war between WarGrowlmon's Virus Army and the Great Dragon's Army continued on.

Currently, the newly Digivolved Imperialdramon was flying above the canyon as fast as he could. The giant dragon was loving his new power, having never felt so strong even inside of Codex. "This is awesome!" Flash cheered, Veemon laughing as well. "I still can't believe we managed to Digivolve to Mega."

"Tell me about it," Veemon nodded. "But...I don't think we're gonna be able to stay Mega much longer. I'm already starting to get tired."

"Yeah," Flash agreed, "we have to do what we can whilst we are Mega though." Veemon agreed, as a large group of Flymon flew in front of them. "Out of our way!" Imperialdramon swung his claws around and batted them back, not wanting to waste energy against Digimon they could so easily defeat without using their special moves.

They then heard a noise from up ahead and and accelerated, turning a corner and seeing a bunch of Digimon battling.

Megadramon swung his tail around to try and knock WarGrowlmon away. But WarGrowlmon ducked under it before dealing a powerful slash to the tail. "Augh!" Megadramon pulled the limb back, as MagnaAngemon thrust his sword towards the cyborg's side.

WarGrowlmon spun around and saw it coming, so easily sidestepped the income attack. "Pathetic!" He spun around and slammed his tail into MagnaAngemon, making the Digimon gasp as the wind was knocked out of him. He was thrown through the air and crashed into the side of the canyon, WarGrowlmon laughing at this. "Is that really the best you've got? What do I have to do to get a real challenge?"

"Just turn around!" WarGrowlmon spun on the spot and saw Imperialdramon heading toward him, the shock causing him to freeze for a moment before raising his arm to block an incoming slash. "Imperial Claw!" Imperialdramon flinched as the tips of his claws cut into his armor, the impact forcing him backwards.

As this was going on, Megadramon picked himself up and saw the new Digimon. The golden orbs with Magnadramon and Azulongmon within floated around him. "Who the heck is that?"

"We're not sure," Azulongmon replied. "We sensed an tremendous amount of energy before. It must have been this Digimon." As he said that, Imperialdramon pointed his back cannon at WarGrowlmon.

"Positron Laser!" The beam exploded out of it and WarGrowlmon gasped, as he leapt into the air and barely managed to avoid the attack.

"What are you?" WarGrowlmon asked, as Imperialdramon leapt into the air and flew towards him. WarGrowlmon barely managed to avoid another set of claws, his thrusters propelling him away in shock.

"Eternal Zeal!" He breathed out an extra powerful blast of fire, WarGrowlmon being struck by it and feeling himself being burned badly.

"AUGH!" He cried, getting pushed back until he crashed into the canyon wall.

He fell towards the ground, whilst Imperialdramon flew down and landed next to the other two Ultimates. "Who..." Was all MagnaAngemon could say, "who are you?" Imperialdramon turned to them, a smile appearing on his dragonic lips.

"It's me. Flash and Veemon!" Their eyes went wide, WarGrowlmon also hearing this and being shocked.

"What?" He pushed himself up. "Are you telling me, that fool Armormon let you all past?" Imperialdramon turning to smile at him. "After all that work we did to make him Digivolve. Did he even use that evolution?"

"Oh, he used it alright. Bombardramon was a serious pain in the behind. But he didn't stand a chance against me after I Digivolved." WarGrowlmon snarled at this. "Give it up. You're not getting that stone. Not whilst I'm here!" He leapt forward and flew towards WarGrowlmon, preparing to impale him. But WarGrowlmon leapt into the air and Imperialdramon ended up stabbing his claws into the side of the canyon. "Oops."

"Hahaa!" WarGrowlmon spun around and unleashed an Atomic Blaster, whilst Imperialdramon tried to pull his claws free.

The attack struck and caused the wall to explode, sending rocks crashing down onto WarGrowlmon. The Mega Level was soon buried alive, making him roar as he tried to escape with little success. WarGrowlmon landed down in front of the pile, chuckling before turning towards the pair.

Megadramon and MagnaAngemon glared at him, both preparing to attack.

Back with Twilight and the others, they were currently running through the canyon as fast as they could.

Leomon was leading the group, the Champion Level Digimon still badly banged up but still able to fight. And it was a good thing, since the others were all still badly injured and carrying the In-Training Digimon in their arms. "Seriously Flash!?" Twilight cried, as she clutched Tweetmon in her arms. "You couldn't have given us a ride on your huge dragon back?"

"He probably thought he was doing us a favour," Micro stated. "He's gone off to fight against WarGrowlmon. We're not gonna be much use against a Digimon like that. At least not in our current state."

"Maybe," Rainbow started as they turned around another corner. "But how are we supposed to fight against that!?" That, turned out to be a large group of Ogremon, Pachymon and Troopmon.

The Virus Digimon turned towards them and the Troopmon quickly raised their blasters, ready to shoot them all down.

"Take cover!" Leomon cried, as they all leapt behind some rocks to avoid the shooting. And as they did, the Ogremon and Pachymon rushed forward. "Fist of the Beast King!" Leomon leapt out from behind the rock and fired, alongside several other Digimon who had survived Bombardramon.

The Digimon began to clash and as they did, Leomon turned to the others. "When you see an opening, get going!" They frowned, not liking the idea of leaving him. "Do it!" He rushed forward and tackled an Ogremon, whilst the other Digimon also ran forward and started distracting the Virus Digimon.

Some of them got shot down the second they tried to rush in, whilst others took some serious damage but continued to press on. Slowly, they managed to pushed the Virus Digimon away and managed to make an opening for them.

"Let's go!" Twilight cried, rushing through the gap and being careful not to get hit by a stray strike. The others followed after and once they were far enough away, Leomon and the others were able to let a bit of ground go. They continued to keep the Virus Digimon's attention, whilst they all ran further into the canyon.

Fluttershy looked ready to cry. "I hate this. Our friends fighting whilst we just run."

"I know," Gummymon nodded. "I hate it to. But we don't have a choice. We gotta get to Flash and the others and make sure WarGrowlmon doesn't get the Dragon Soul Stone." They all knew that was true. But in their current state, what could they possibly do against him?

Many of them hoped that Imperialdramon had dealt with WarGrowlmon. A Mega Level like him against an Ultimate should be an easy victory. Right?

Cyberdramon and Fumamon continued their duel against one another, refusing to give up until the other was destroyed.

Fumamon continued to fly around on his Battle Gear, firing his lasers at Cyberdramon as the Ultimate spun through the air. "Desolation Claw!" He fired the dark energy beam towards the bike, but Fumamon managed to pull up and the laser missile him. And as he did, the bottom of the bike opened up and fired a pair of energy missiles. "Wow!" He barely managed to pull to the side in time, the missiles flying past him but exploding behind the Ultimate.

Fumamon watched as the shockwave slammed into Cyberdramon and pushed him upwards, the ninja Digimon spinning his bike around and flooring it.

The Battle Gear raced towards Cyberdramon and slammed into him, Cyberdramon crying out as he was pushed towards the ground. And at the last moment, Fumamon pulled back and the Ultimate Vaccine was thrown off the bike's front until he smashed into the canyon's edge.

"Gaaaah!" He groaned, as he laid there feeling like hell.

"Shining!" Monodramon cried. "You gotta get up!" Shining forced his body to pick itself up and as he got back to his feet, Fumamon pushed his Battle Gear down towards him again. "Look out!"

Cyberdramon leapt into the air, as the hover bike rushed under him.

Fumamon flew over the edge of the canyon and shot over it, the ninja swinging his bike around to try and get back to attack. But before he could. "Desolation Claw!" Cyberdramon fired the beam, which struck the bike's rear as he was spinning around.

"Ahhh!" Fumamon suddenly found himself having very little control over the device, forcing him to leap off of it.

The bike flew down and smashed into the cliff, exploding as Fumamon landed. "Dang it!" He drew his swords, "I really liked that Battle Gear."

"Too bad!" Cyberdramon rushed forward. "Maybe Datamon can make you a new one." He laughed, "yeah right. If I know my friends, they've managed to free Datamon around the same time they beat Armormon."

"You really think that's true?" Fumamon laughed back at him. "Don't be a fool. I don't care what that light was, there's no way those pitiful fools managed to defeat Armormon's new form." However, as he slashed at Cyberdramon, the thought that they might have actually succeeded flew through his mind. If it was true, then they would now be heading towards the Dragon Soul Stone.

"Problem?" Cyberdramon slashed at his chest, Fumamon leaping back and throwing several shurikens in his direction. He deflected them, a smirk on his face. "Are you starting to realize that maybe my friends are stronger than you think?"

"Don't be foolish," Fumamon stated. "But...I guess a little reconnaissance couldn't hurt." He pulled out several scrolls and threw them towards Cyberdramon, then made several hand-signs. "Yomi-Modoshi!" The scrolls unfurled and from them, burst of smoke filled the air.

Cyberdramon leapt back and saw a bunch of Troopmon appear. "That move's getting old!" He rushed forwards and dodged their blasters, quickly leaping past them and clawing at the Digimon with his talons. Each Troopmon cried out as they fell to the ground, getting deleted.

Once Cyberdramon had dealt with all of them, he looked over at Fumamon and saw him running at an incredible speed along the canyon wall.

"HEY!" He leapt into the air and changed after him, but Fumamon was pretty fast. Fast enough to keep ahead of him despite Cyberdramon flying. Shining and Monodramon both looked worried. If Fumamon reached WarGrowlmon, the pair might escape and continue to cause problems. "I can't let that happen."

Back at the Dragon Soul Stone, MagnaAngemon slashed his sword through the air and unleashed several waves of light.

WarGrowlmon blocked them all with is arm blades before they started glowing. "Radiation Blade!" He slashed at MagnaAngemon, but Megadramon's tail coiled itself around his before he could strike. The Ultimate looked down, just in time to be swung around and thrown towards the ground.

He roared as he smashed into the ground, whilst Megadramon flew up. "Genocide Attack!" He launched his fish missiles at the cyborg and they exploded upon impact, making WarGrowlmon roar in pain. And as he did, MagnaAngemon flew down.

"Gate of Destiny!" He carved the circle into the air and from it, the golden disk form and opened.

WarGrowlmon was just recovering from the Genocide Attack, when he suddenly found himself being pulled towards the gate in question. "Stop it!"

"Not until you're gone forever," MagnaAngemon. "You and all the other vile Virus Digimon."

WarGrowlmon smirked, as he used his claws and tail blade to stab into the ground. "Does that include your new friend, Megadramon?" MagnaAngemon frowned. "He's a Virus. Why don't you delete him?"

"I will," MagnaAngemon stated. "Once he's given into his true nature." Megadramon turned to him in shock. "Magnadramon and Azulongmon have convinced themselves that he's a good Virus. That he can help them protect the Digital World. As long as they hold that belief, he has their protection. But it won't last." WarGrowlmon was slowly being dragged towards the portal. "Eventually, his true nature will overpower him and they will see he is nothing but a destroyer. When that happens, I will be there to stop his evil."

WarGrowlmon turned to Megadramon. "See. You'll never be accepted. This world has no place for us. We must make a new one and hope that world is more forgiving."

"You're wrong," Megadramon told him. "I am accepted." WarGrowlmon got close to the gate. "And honestly, I am worried I'll give in to my Virus nature. So if that happens, I'm fine with MagnaAngemon destroying me. I'm just glad I was given the chance to prove I'm more than a virus."

WarGrowlmon snarled and suddenly thrust his Assault Balancer at the gate, hitting the ring and knocking it spinning. This caused sucking force of the attack to be sent all over the place, pulling several rocks from the pile currently burying Imperialdramon.

"Close it!" Megadramon cried, with MagnaAngemon doing just that. The gate slowly slid closed and faded away, whilst WarGrowlmon picked himself up. "ATOMIC BLASTER!" He launched the laser out of his chest and before either Digimon could react, the blast exploded and knocked them flying backwards.

They crashed into the ground and bounced along it several times before coming to a stop, the pair laying beside one another.

WarGrowlmon chuckled at this and turned towards the Dragon Soul Stone, moving towards it as if expecting it to activate right then. "Now, awaken and grant me the power I deserve." But the stone didn't react, causing the Ultimate to growl. "I said AWAKEN!" He pulled his fist back, looking ready to strike it. But he stopped and lowered his arm. "Why do you deny me?"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" WarGrowlmon spun towards the rock pile and saw it being ripped apart, Imperialdramon finally pulling himself free.

WarGrowlmon chuckled. "Took you long enough. I thought Megas were supposed to be powerful."

Imperialdramon growled as he took flight again. If he hadn't been worried about running out of energy, he would have simply blasted his way out of the rocks. But now that he was free, he didn't hold back and summoned the power into his back cannon.

"Positron Laser!" The beam exploded out the weapon and shot towards WarGrowlmon, who leapt into the air as the beam struck and exploded. Said explosion consumed the Dragon Soul Stone, making WarGrowlmon gasp.

But when the light faded, the stone was undamaged. "You idiot!" He roared, "do you know what you could have done if you had destroyed the Dragon Soul Stone?"

"Um...stopped you from becoming Megidramon."

"Possibly," WarGrowlmon stated. "But you could have also released the seal that was stopping me from awakening to Megidramon on my own." Imperialdramon went wide eyed, "too bad I'm not one hundred percent sure of that. If I was, I would have already destroyed this stone."

"Whatever," Imperialdramon rushed forward. "Imperial Claw!" He slashed at him, but WarGrowlmon blocked with his arm blades and quickly flew around him.

"Megalo Spark!" He fired several lightning bullets from his chest, hitting the dragon and making him flinch before the pair flew down. Imperialdramon spun around and tried to slam him with his tail, but WarGrowlmon managed to grab hold of him. "Strange. You claim to have defeated an evolved Armormon, yet you have trouble with me?"

Imperialdramon growled, only to then be thrown down towards the ground. He cried out, smashing into the canyon floor and sliding along it. "Flash!" Veemon cried, "you okay?"

"Yeah. But I'm still not used to fighting in this form. And at this power level. Bombardramon was newly evolved, so I didn't have any issue with him. But even though WarGrowlmon's weaker, he's used to his body and knows its limits." He picked himself up and unleashed his Eternal Zeal, but WarGrowlmon managed to dodge it. "I'm not gonna last much longer. We need to end this, quickly."

At the same time, MagnaAngemon began to pick himself up. As he did, he turned to Megadramon and saw he was still recovering. "MagnaAngemon!" He looked around, seeing the golden orbs floating around them. "You have to hurry. Imperialdramon won't last much longer."

"Right," he prepared to attack.

"You need to wake Megadramon," Azulongmon stated. "You'll need his strength if the three of you wish to win." This seemed to insult the angel.

"I don't need his evil power to destroy this monster. I'm a Virus Buster!" WarGrowlmon heard this and glanced around, seeing MagnaAngemon glaring at the orbs. "I might not be able to purge this filth from the world, but I refuse to sully myself by accepting its help."

"MagnaAngemon," Magnadramon sighed, "you need to let go of this hate you have. If you don't, it'll only blind you to the truth of the world."

"Let go of my hate!? My hate is the only thing that's kept me going! I never would have gotten where I am, if it wasn't for the hate I feel." Megadramon chose this moment to awaken, the dragon groaning as he opened his eyes. "Only when the Digital World is cleansed of this disease, will I ever stop. And with the Dragon Soul Stone's power. I will eradicate That filthy scum." He noticed Megadramon had awakened and glared at him. "You hear that, you monster? You will be destroyed by my hands. Once I'm Goldramon, I will rid the world of you infection. NOTHING WILL STOP ME!" Then it happened.

Suddenly, MagnaAngemon felt an intense pain going straight through his back and chest.

He gasped, then looked down and saw a blade sticking out of it. He slowly glanced around and saw the blade was connected to a metal chord, which turned out to be WarGrowlmon's Assault Balancer.

Megadramon and Imperialdramon was shocked, whilst WarGrowlmon laughed. "That's what you get for standing in my way." He pulled the weapon out of MagnaAngemon's chest and the Ultimate Digimon roared in pain, falling to the ground as he did.

Imperialdramon slashed at WarGrowlmon, who leapt back and fired his Atomic Blaster at him.

As this was happening, Megadramon knelt down beside MagnaAngemon. The Ultimate Digimon coughed as the hole in his chest grew larger. "The...Stone."

"Hold on," Megadramon told him. "The stone will activate. Flash will give us time. We'll get you to it and you can heal when you Digivolve."

"No," MagnaAngemon coughed, "it's...it's too late." The orbs flew around him, Azulongmon and Magnadramon staring at him in shock. "I guess you guys are all happy to see this."

"What?" Magnadramon asked, as MagnaAngemon smiled.

"You didn't exactly keep how you felt about me a secret. Seeing me like this must be like Christmas for the lot of you."

"Of course not," Azulongmon stated. "We might have had our differences, but we always respected you. You were the one who brought us together and came up with the plan to take the Dragon Soul Stones."

"Maybe," MagnaAngemon stated. "But you hated how I see Virus Digimon." The hole almost completely consumed his chest. "Ever since I was a Patamon, I hated Virus Digimon. They did nothing but destroy any time I saw them. I realised the only way to stop them was to eradicate them all. But nobody seemed to understand that. Virus Digimon shouldn't exist. And now, I'm about to be deleted in the arms of one. The shame."

Megadramon looked sad. "I'm sorry you had such a bad time in your past. All I can do is hope, in your next life, you won't be so angry with them."

"Maybe," MagnaAngemon coughed. "That depends on whether or not I'll have a next life." He looked over at WarGrowlmon, who slashed at Imperialdramon only to be blocked by the dragon's leg blade. "We can't let WarGrowlmon get to the stone. If he becomes Megidramon, it won't just be my life that ends."

"But what am I supposed to do?" Megadramon asked. But MagnaAngemon was unable to answer. As he could do was stare at him, as his body disappeared followed by the rest of him. The lights he became floated into the air, Megadramon watching them disappear as WarGrowlmon unleashed another shot from his Atomic Blaster.

Imperialdramon leapt into the air and the canyon shook as the blast exploded, the dragon Digimon flying around trying to figure out how to stop him.

It was then that everyone noticed a light and spun around to see the Dragon Soul Stone beginning to glow.

Their eyes all went wide, as they realised what this meant. MagnaAngemon was gone, which meant Goldramon couldn't be born. The only Digimon that could be born...was Megidramon.

WarGrowlmon laughed as he picked himself up. "YES!" He ignited his boosters and propelled himself towards the stone. "This time, nothing will stop me!" But as he said that, Imperialdramon flew down and got between him and the Dragon Soul Stone.

"I don't think so!" He unleashed a Positron Laser that shot towards WarGrowlmon, who was barely able to avoid it. "You're not getting to that rock!" Her flew forward and tackled WarGrowlmon, forcing him to the ground. He pinned the Digimon down and WarGrowlmon snarled.

"You think you can stop me?" Imperialdramon actually didn't think that. He had been Mega longer than the first time he had been Ultimate. He could feel his energy beginning to drain.

"I can...hold you back until..."

"Until what?" WarGrowlmon asked. "Don't you get it? You've lost. MagnaAngemon is gone and there's no other Digimon that can take his place. It doesn't matter what happens right now. You're going to lose. My destiny as Megidramon is set in stone."

Over with Megadramon, he was slowly picking himself up and looking over towards Imperialdramon. The quadrupedal dragon had a strained look on his face and Megadramon realised his friend was moments away from changing back to his human and Rookie state. When that happened, there would be nothing to stop WarGrowlmon from destroying the Digital World. Nothing...except.

An idea form in Megadramon's head. An idea that was absolutely terrible and stupid, but might be their only chance at saving the Digital World. It was a long shot, but Megadramon saw no other way.

He pushed himself up and spread his wings, catching Imperialdramon's attention. "Megadramon, we gotta take him down. Hurry." But instead of flying towards him, Megadramon leapt off towards the Dragon Soul Stone. "What are you doing?"

"The only thing we can do to ensure WarGrowlmon doesn't get what he wants." The two saw him approaching the Dragon Soul Stone, their eyes going wide as they realised what he was planning.


As he flew forward, the orbs with floated up beside him. "Megadramon," Azulongmon stated, "what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry" Megadramon replied. "I swore I would stop Megidramon from being revived and I'm breaking that oath." The Dragons looked worried. "I'm going to become Megidramon."

"You can't!" Magnadramon told him. "If you do, you'll destroy the Digital World."

"Maybe not," Megadramon reached the stone. "Maybe I can hold the evil back. At least long enough for the two of you to come in and destroy me."

"Destroy you?" Azulongmon asked.

"There's no other way. If I become Megidramon, I'll do everything I can to hold back the evil within me. You two can then delete me. That'll give you time to find another Digimon that can become Goldramon."

"That's insane," Azulongmon told him. "You have no idea if you can hold the evil you'll become back."

"I have to try," Megadramon stated. "It's better than WarGrowlmon getting the Stone."

"Megadramon," Magnadramon cried, "please don't do this. Even if you're able to hold the evil back, you can't expect us to just destroy you. There has to be another way."

"There is no other way," Megadramon sighed. "It's okay. I'm okay with this. You guys gave me a home and accepted me, despite everything I did. Despite everything I was. You're my friends."

"Exactly," Azulongmon told him. "Do you really wish to force the task of destroying you to your friends?"

"No, but we don't have another choice." Sure enough, WarGrowlmon had had enough of being pinned down.

"ATOMIC BLASTER!" Before Imperialdramon could react, the lasers shot out of his chest and exploded into the dragon's. Imperialdramon roared as he was blown backwards, crashing into the wall of the canyon. As he did, he glowed and began to split apart.

Flash and DemiVeemon fell out of the light, hitting the ground and appearing unconscious. Megadramon gasped, but WarGrowlmon had his attention.

"GET AWAY FROM MY STONE!" Her charged, rockets at full blast. But Megadramon was quicker.

Before WarGrowlmon could stop him, the Cyborg Digimon placed his hands on the stone and the light exploded out of the rock. "Goodbye my friends," were his last words before he was engulfed by the light. Azulongmon and Magnadramon both cried out, the orbs blinded as well as the light filled the large canyon.

Megadramon opened his eyes and when he looked around, he was in a large white void.

"What?" He looked around, but saw nothing that could clue him in on his location. But then, the white void turned dark in an area and he spun around to see a blazing red fire column erupt from the ground. And inside the column, he saw a figure that he recognised from his visions. "Megidramon."

The evil Digimon snarled and roared within the fire pillar, clearly ready to escape and bring the world to ruin. But Megadramon wouldn't let that happen.

"I won't let you control me!" He cried, "don't expect to enjoy life for too long. My friends will destroy you the second you show up."

"No," the Digimon snarled darkly, "you will destroy everything around you." Megadramon was shocked to hear his next incarnation speak back to him. "You are the dragon of annihilation. You will become the destroyer that decimate all around you. That is your destiny."

"No," Megadramon shook his head, "you're wrong. My friends taught me there's more to a Digimon than what our attributes are. I might be a Virus Type, and I may become you. But you will not become me. I decided what my future holds and I decided to sacrifice my life to stop you from awakening."

"What makes you think you can overcome the evil that I embody?"

Megadramon smiled, "my friends believed I could become more than the type I became. I was their enemy, yet they allowed me to stand with them as an ally. I refuse to let their faith in my be seen as a mistake. Besides, I don't have to overcome the evil within you. I just have to hold it back long enough for the others to delete me."

"And you're okay with that? Why should you have to sacrifice yourself for them?"

"Because I care about them." Megadramon's statement was all he needed to say, with Megidramon growling before thrusting its fire covered claw towards him. Megadramon gasped as he was grabbed around the neck. "Augh!" He screamed, as the dark energy flowed into him.

Outside the canyon, the Royal Knights were watched and were suddenly contacted by an orb of light Omnimon held.

He held it up and Knightmon appeared within it. The knight Digimon looked terrified and in the background, they could heard an alarm going off. "Knightmon, what's happening?"

"My lords. The alarms are going off. It's the Digital Hazard." The knights shared a look, whilst a portal opened up above them. Magnadramon and Azulongmon flew out of them, shocking the knights even more.

"Hurry!" Magnadramon cried, "the barrier is down. The final Great Dragon is being born." She frowned, "and we fear it isn't the one we were hoping for." The knights gasped, realising what the Digital Hazard meant.

They all leapt into the air and flew towards the canyon, UlforceVeedramon frowning. "Flash, be careful."

Flash groaned as he picked himself up, as the light made him look up and see the Digimon currently being born.

He pushed himself to his feet and picked DemiVeemon up, as WarGrowlmon fired an Atomic Blaster at the light with a roar. "You fool! You think this changes anything? All you've done is make yourself responsible for the destruction of the Digital World."

"No!" Flash cried, WarGrowlmon turning to him. "Megadramon will hold that power back. He swore he would protect the Digital World and I believe him. He's stronger than you'll ever be. He won't give in to evil."

"Don't be ridiculous," WarGrowlmon snarled. "A weakling like him will never overcome the evil of Megidramon. He'll either accept it and become the destroyer willingly, or be overwhelmed and completely rewritten."

"You're wrong," DemiVeemon groaned out. "We believe in him." Flash nodded and turned towards the light. "Megadramon!" They both cried out. And they weren't the only ones yelling to him.

"Megadramon!" Magnadramon, Azulongmon and the Royal Knights cried, as they flew over the canyon whilst the others rushed towards the area. Twilight and the others stared over at the light, hearing the others crying out and realising what was going on.

"MEGADRAMON!" They all screamed, their voices being carried over the wind towards the sphere of light.

Megadramon felt his mental data slowly being rewritten, to be replaced by the evil data of Megidramon.

He felt his will breaking, his mind slowly going blank. But just as he was about to give in, he heard something. "Megadramon!" It was Flash and DemiVeemon, their voices making his eyes shot open. They kept calling out to him, soon joined by the voices of others. Magnadramon, Azulongmon, The Royal Knights and the rest of his friends.

"Don't give up!" Flash told him. "You're stronger than that Digimon. Remember. You decide who you are and nobody else."

"I...decide," Megadramon groaned as he began to fight against the evil once again. Megidramon felt this and clutched his neck tighter, but Megadramon kept fighting. "I decide...who I am." The he reached up and grabbed the claws around his neck, prying them off of him. "I decide...what I become." As he said that, he started glowing and the light coming off him began to burn away the darkness. surrounding him. "AND I WILL NOT BECOME YOU!"

"AUGH!" Megidramon screamed, as the light pushed him away. And as it did, another light appeared behind Megadramon. This pillar shone brightly, as a figure appeared within the light. A figure Megidramon recognised. "You!"

Megadramon spun around and saw the figure, who stared down at him. And slowly, Megadramon realised what was happening. "I did have a choice." The figure nodded before merging with the light, which then shot towards Megadramon.

It slammed into his chest and he gasped, as the light consumed him and shined brighter. Doing so burned Megidramon, making him scream in agony he was disintegrated.

The light began to weaken, as Megadramon's Digivolution neared completion.

Fumamon and Cyberdramon had also arrived, Cyberdramon forgetting about Fumamon for a moment as he saw the light. Fumamon also saw WarGrowlmon, making him realize that he had failed again. But that meant...

"Megadramon, Mega Digivolve to..." The light began to merge with him and reshape his body, transforming him as he grew larger. Many prepared to instantly attack their fellow friend, though they hated themselves for it, but then noticed something. The form he was taking...wasn't what they expected.

The metal claws covering his hands transformed into a pair of bracers, whilst his wings disappeared and were replaced by three pairs of metal wings. This tail grew longer, but smoothed out so it didn't look so robotic anymore. And finally, his head changed whilst the metal helmet transformed into a horned mask. A golden arm band appeared between his elbow and shoulder, as the light faded to reveal his new form.

He now appeared to be a golden lamia, with six metal wings on his back. His upper body appeared humanoid, with yellow skin and white pecks on his chest, whilst his lower body was a long yellow and white tail that ended like a lion's with four golden feathers around it.

His head was covered by a white mask, with red patterns on it and a pair of white horns with red stripes. Those same red patterns were also on his chest and he wore a pair of metal bracers on his arms, a red one on his left wrist and a blue one on his right. Despite the mask covering his face, he had a short gray beard coming off his chin. The back of his head was covered by bushy mop of gray hair and sticking out the side of his head were a pair of long yellow ears.

The new Digimon swung his arms around and expelled the rest of the light, as his eyes opened and he bellowed to the sky. "GOLDRAMON!"

Everyone stared at the new Digimon in absolute amazement, with none being more amazed than Flash Sentry. "Megadramon?"

"I am Megadramon no more," the Digimon stated. "I am the Last Great Dragon. Goldramon!" He stared down at Flash and though he couldn't see the Digimon's face, he could tell he was smiling. "Thank you, my friends. Your faith in me allowed me to overcome the evil of Megidramon. When I refused to be overpowered by it, another Mega Level was made available to me."

Flash and DemiVeemon smiled. "We just showed you the path. You're the one who took the steps." He looked down at his footless body. "Theoretically speaking." Goldramon laughed before turning to Magnadramon and Azulongmon, both smiling at him.

"I'm sorry about MagnaAngemon. I know you weren't expecting me to become one of you, but-"

"You're a hundred times worthier of the power than he ever was," Azulongmon stated. "I'm glad it was you." Magnadramon nodded, making Goldramon sigh.

But then, he got serious and turned to WarGrowlmon. The cyborg T-rex looked a little worried. "This wasn't supposed to happen!" He cried, "you're supposed to be Megidramon."

"I'm not supposed to be anything," Goldramon stated. "I chose not to give in to the evil and this was my reward. I decide my destiny. And I've decided to protect this world, no matter who that puts me against."

WarGrowlmon looked around, trying to find any sign of Fumamon. And then he spotted him. "Open up the warp gate!" He cried, preparing to take off. "We're getting out of here!" Fumamon just stared at him, clearly not impressed. "Didn't you hear me?"

"Oh, I heard you." Fumamon took out the remote he had used to summon his Battle Gear. "But given you can no longer Digivolve into Megidramon, I see no point in our continued partnership." He pressed the button and a small portal opened up behind him. "If you manage to somehow survive this, then maybe we'll meet up and can work on another scheme. But I don't see that happening."

Cyberdramon rushed over to him, trying to stop him. But at the last moment, he leapt through the portal and it closed behind him. At the same time, Leomon and several other Digimon had arrived. They had all seen the light and knew their battle was now pointless. The Virus Digimon had rushed over to the area, hoping Megidramon was there to make things right. But instead, they heard their master scream.

"FUMAMON!" They couldn't believe he had failed. Not only that, he had also been betrayed.

WarGrowlmon then saw the others closing in on him. Quickly spreading his thrusters and igniting them, he tried rocketing into the air in an attempt to escape. But as he flew up, UlforceVeedramon and Kentaurosmon blocked his path.

"Where do you think you're going?" UlforceVeedramon asked, only for Goldramon to speak up.

"Leave him to us." They looked down to see him, Magnadramon and Azulongmon flying up towards them. "As the Great Dragons, it is our duty to make sure he doesn't get away." The three surrounded him, WarGrowlmon feeling trapped. "This is your only chance. Surrender and we won't be forced to destroy you."

"You think you can destroy me?" WarGrowlmon laughed, as he tried to stab Goldramon with his Assault Balancer. But Goldramon simply caught it in his hands without appearing to even look.

"So be it." He pulled on the chord and dragged WarGrowlmon towards him, then punched him in the chest so hard his armor exploded into a million metal pieces.

"AUGH!" He pulled back, Goldramon karate chopping his Assault Balancer and cutting right through it. "Damn you!" Magnadramon charged at him and he swung his arm blade towards her, but she easily avoided it.

"Fire Tornado!" She roared, as a blast of golden fire exploded out of her mouth and slams into WarGrowlmon. He screamed as he was blown backwards, Azulongmon waiting where he was thrown.

"Lightning Whip!" A thunderbolt exploded off of his horn and shot towards WarGrowlmon, electrifying him and causing a roar to escape his lips as he fell towards the ground.

The rest of the Digimon, at least those that could fly, carried those that couldn't out of the canyon as they watched WarGrowlmon crash into the earth with tremendous force. They had to admit, watching this was kind of fun.

WarGrowlmon pushed himself up, his metal armor completely destroyed. And as he stood, Goldramon flew down and crossed his arms. "Fatal Flame!" His arms burned and he swung them around, unleashing a wave of golden fire that shot down towards WarGrowlmon.

The Ultimate Digimon raised his claws and tried to stop the attack, but it collided with him and he was pushed backwards and burned alive until he reached the edge of the canyon. That was when the flames faded away, WarGrowlmon forced to simply stand there looking rather pathetic.

The three Great Dragons flew down and glared WarGrowlmon down. "This is it," Goldramon stated. "Your last chance. Surrender or pray you do better in your next life." WarGrowlmon panted as he stood there, clearly not willing to accept this.

"I would rather die than let myself become your prisoner." His arm blades, then cracked and warped, began to glow. "Radiation Blade!" He rushed forward, clearly planning to take one of them down with him.

"So be it." The golden ring around Goldramon's arm glowed, the power flowing out of it and into his fist. He then shot forward, as the other Great Dragons told everyone to get back. "GOLD FIST!" The Digimon all flew as fast as they could, as Goldramon shot forward.

WarGrowlmon slashed at the Mega Level, but Goldramon blocked with his red brace as he pulled his glowing fist back. He then let out a mighty roar, as he thrust his fist forward before WarGrowlmon could stop him. The fist impacted into his chest with enough force to shatter every window within a hundred miles.

The impact knocked many of them flying and they crashed into the ground, whilst the golden energy was sent straight into WarGrowlmon. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He screamed, the pain like nothing he had ever felt before. The force should have sent him fly, but for some reason he remained in place and absorbed all the power of the punch.

The shockwave finally died down and when it did, everyone turned back to Goldramon and WarGrowlmon.

The cyborg T-rex began to give off specks of light, whilst looking Goldramon in the eye. "I guess...you win." Goldramon sighed as he pulled his fist away.

"It didn't have to be this way," he stated. "I can only hope that in your next life, you'll find friends that can teach you the same lesson mine taught me." WarGrowlmon began to stagger back. "But if you should rise again, I will be there to stop you. You can count on that."

WarGrowlmon actually smiled, as he staggered to the very edge. "Until we meet again." With that, he fell over the edge and into the canyon. Goldramon flew over to the edge and watching him transform into a shining figure, which exploded as it struck the ground.

The lights flew into the air, Goldramon sighing. "Farewell. And good riddance."

The rest of the Digimon returned, many looking rather dizzy after the shockwave had knocked them down. "Goldramon!" Flash laughed, rushing over to him, "you did it! You beat WarGrowlmon."

"Yes," Goldramon nodded, "but I couldn't have done it without all your help. Thank you." He turned to the rest of them, "all of you." They all smiled at ths, glad they could help.

But before they could celebrate, Twilight noticed something and gasped. "Look!" They turned towards the canyon and saw a large group of WarGrowlmon's Virus type Digimon. They had obviously seen their master be destroyed and probably felt worried something bad was going to happen to them now.

"What do we do with them?" Rainbow asked. Nobody was really sure. They thought maybe they should just leave them to make their own way in the world, now that WarGrowlmon was gone. But that left the possibility of another Virus taking over.

Goldramon spread his wings and flew into the air, the Virus Digimon looking scared. They tried to run, but Goldramon flew past them and landed in the canyon to block off their exit. "Wait," he told them. "I just want to talk."

"Yeah right," A Troopmon replied. "You just want us not to run, you can blast us like you did WarGrowlmon."

"You just saw what I could do. You really think I'd need to trick you in order to delete you?" That didn't seem to make them feel any better. "I just want to tell you that you're all free to leave if you want." This caught them off guard. "I'm giving you a chance to start your lives anew. There's been enough deletion this day. I'd rather not continue if I don't have to."

"You're really going to let us go?" An Ogremon asked, Goldramon nodding.

"But only if you promise not to hurt anyone anymore. If I let you leave and discover you attacked a village or started causing trouble for other Digimon, then I will track you down."

"You're not leaving us with a lot of options," a Pachymon stated. "What do you expect us to do instead?"

"There's so much you can do," Goldramon told them. "I used to be just like you. WarGrowlmon made me think all I could be was a destroyer. But look at me now. I chose to be more than a mindless Virus Digimon. So can you be?"

"So what?" Troopmon asked. "You want us to all Digivolve into something other than a Virus Digimon?"

"Of course not. If you want to stay Virus Digimon, that's your right. All I'm asking is for you to try and find a place for yourselves in this world that doesn't involve destroying."

The Digimon all frowned. "But what if we can't?" Ogremon asked. "What if we try and find that destruction is all we can do."

"I wondered the same thing. I was scared I was just fooling myself. But even if I did fail, I would have been glad I at least tried. Because just trying to be more the destruction proves you have the ability to do it within you." He thought for a moment, then looked around. "As far as we know, this canyon is home to nobody. It had plenty of space to keep you safe along with water and other resources. And the land around it seems pretty healthy. The perfect place to build a new home for yourselves."

The Virus Digimon looked around as well, seeing he had a point. "You'd let us have this place?" A Pachymon asked, with Goldramon nodding.

"And if anyone tries to give you any trouble, I promise I'll help you. So long as you promise to behave." They looked at one another, clearly still unsure. "What would you rather do? Go on being feared and despised, or try and build something new here?"

Finally, an Ogremon stepped forward. "I...I think I wanna try and build something."

"Me too," A Troopmon nodded. The other Virus Digimon all started to agree, Goldramon nodding as everyone else cheered. Goldramon flew up and the two other Great Dragons nodded.

"Well done," Magnadramon told him. "You really are the perfect Digimon for this role."

"Thank you," Goldramon nodded. "I just want these Digimon to have the same chance you all gave me." He then turned to Flash, curling his tail up to land on and lean down. "Well my friends, this is where we likely part for now. I still have much to learn about my new role and you all likely have things you need to work on."

"You're right," Flash nodded. "Now that WarGrowlmon's gone, we can get back to enjoying Codex in the knowledge that the Digital World is safe." The others nodded in agreement, as Goldramon agreed.

"Well, you already scanned my Champion and Ultimate Form. Might as well complete the set." Flash smiled and took out his Digivice, holding it up to scan the Mega Level. A beep filled the air as his scan was complete. Flash couldn't wait to try this Mega out in the Beta-Stadium. Goldramon then stood back up and turned to the Royal Knights, giving them a bow.

"Thank you, for coming."

"We didn't really do anything," Omnimon stated. "But your thanks in appreciated. And if you ever require our help again, we will be ready to lend you our aid." The other Knights nodded and the Three Great Dragons all took to the air. Portals opened up and the Digimon in their army began to step through it, all happy they no longer had to worry about WarGrowlmon.

Leomon smiled at the humans. "Farewell, my friends. Until we all meet again."

"Yup," Micro nodded, "hopefully next time it won't be when the Digital World is about to be destroyed." Leomon laughed at this before heading through the portal, the Great Dragons flying into it as well before it disappeared.

"Well," Dynasmon stated, "I guess we should be off as well."

"Wait!" Flash rushed over to them, "I have something I need to show you." The knights looked quizzical, as Flash used his Digivice to summon a scan cube and enlarged it so the knights could get a good look at it.

They all stared at the armored dragon, able to tell just from looking that it was a Mega Level. "I don't recognise this Digimon," Omnimon stated.

"It's a Mega Level Veemon and I were able to Digivolve into." Flash was still in shock over being able to do that. "When we did...we called ourselves Imperialdramon." Their eyes went wide hearing this. "Isn't that the Digimon you said founded the Royal Knights?"

"It was," Duftmon stated. "But that's impossible. Imperialdramon was meant to be a humanoid Digimon."

"That's what we were wondering as well," Twilight nodded. "Is there anything from your history that might explain this?" The Royal Knights shook their heads.

"No," Omnimon told them. "Imperialdramon has not been seen since the original was deleted. Little to nothing is known outside of the story we told you before." He stared at the scan and was still very confused. "It seems there's more to the legend they were thought we knew." He turned to Flash. "If anything new is discovered about this scan, please let us know."

"I will," Flash promised as he dispelled the image. The Knights all stood up and soon took to the air, giving their goodbyes before flying off back to their castle.

Once they left, Flash sighed. The excitement of the day had taken a lot out of him. He fell to the ground, with DemiVeemon on his chest. The pair laid out, wanting nothing more than to sleep. The others laughed at this, knowing he was probably wiped after Digivolving to Mega.

Shining stepped over to him, Monodramon by his side, the squatted down. "You look like you just ran a thousand miles in ten minutes."

"I feel it," Flash groaned.

"Well, you'd better rest up." He stood up, "you're gonna need it for next week." Flash looked over at him in confusion.

"Why...what's happening next week?" Shining turned back to him, a smile on his lips. He then held up a finger and pointed at Flash, giving him a serious look.

"Seven days. In seven day, we will battle." That statement shocked everyone. The best player in Codex had just challenged a Champion Ranked player. "You've become the first person to ever Digivolve to the Mega Level. I don't know what that means, but I do know you couldn't have done that unless you've gained considerable strength. So I want to put that strength to the test." He gave Flash a smirk, "you think you're up for this?"

Flash let the challenge sink in, then slowly smiled before turning to DemiVeemon. The tiny dragon smiled up at him, nodding as Flash began to stand up. The pair turned to Shining and held out a hand. "You're on." Shining smirked and took his hand, the pair shaking as everyone else looked excited.

A battle between Flash and Shining was going to be epic, no matter who turned out to be the winner. The next seven days were gonna be hell, since everyone would be too excited to wait.

The Digital World was safe and its protectors were stronger than ever. Now, it was time to enjoy this world for all it was worth.

Author's Note:

With that, the war has come to an end. I think the right Digimon got the stone in the end, wouldn't you agree? So now Flash and Shining are going to do battle. How will that turn out? Only time will tell.

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