• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,643 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Cold Reliable

In a city a good distance from where Flash Sentry and his friends lived, we find a rather impressive looking house surrounded by more houses that looked fit for a king.

In a large bedroom of this house, a teenager was just waking up.

Said teenager was Thorax, the green skinned boy yawning as he got out of bed. He quickly moved over to his walk-in-closet and a minute or so later, he emerged wearing a fancy looking school uniform. He adjusted his tie, as he returned to his bed and grabbed his Digivice off of the side.

Putting it in his pocket, he headed downstairs. There, he found his mother, brother and their housekeeper in the kitchen.

Said mother was a black skinned woman, with bluish green hair. His brother had dark green skin and reddish pink hair, said brother also wearing a uniform whilst his mother wore a business suit.

As Thorax sat down, he spotted something on his plate. A report card.

His mother looked up from the files she was reading, an unhappy look on her face. "Thorax," she stated, "can you tell me what's wrong with your report card?" The boy picked it up and ready it over before sighing.

"I got a B for my math class."

"Exactly," she frowned. "Pharynx has all A's, but you've let your grades slip. Do you know what that means?"

"Not really?"

"It means you're not studying enough." The housekeeper walked over, carrying plates of breakfast. "How do you expect to take over the family business when you're older, if you don't work hard and study?"

"I am studying," Thorax told her. "It's just one B. It's hardly gonna ruin my entire future."

"This B could be what decides your entire life. Who do you think colleges will pick between? Someone with all A's, or someone with some A's and a B?" Thorax wasn't sure how to answer that. "You need to get serious with your school work. You stopped playing that silly Digimon game, but that's just a start. You need to spend every waking moment, preparing for your future."

"That's insane," Thorax cried. "I'll burn myself out."

"I studied that much when I was your age and look at me." She ate a little bit of her breakfast before getting up. "You want to have fun? Get good grades, get into a good college and get your career set. Then, you can have all the fun you want."

Thorax frowned as Chrysalis headed for the door. "That's what you did, but I never see you having any fun." Luckily, his mother didn't hear this.

He ate his breakfast, whilst his brother finished his and took out his phone to text one of his friends. As they both finished their breakfast, Thorax helped their housekeeper clean up before he and his brother headed out to school. "Why is she always getting on my case?"

"That's what you get for being the older brother," Pharynx laughed. "Should have let me get out first. Then I'd be the one Mom's always hounding."

"You could always tell her you want to take over the company."

"Yeah, right. Sorry bro, but this is your destiny. Not mine. Besides, we both know you'd do the job better. Face it, you're too reliable."

"Of course I am," Thorax sighed. As the pair headed towards their private school, Thorax took out his Digivice and started messing with it.

"What even is that thing?"

"The only way I'm able to have fun without mom blowing a gasket." With that, he uploaded his mind and the human world completely vanished around him. The next thing he knew, he and Grubmon were flying through the digital portal together.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared in Codex and were surrounded by the other players of the game. But despite being in the Digital World, Thorax's mind was too focused on what had happened in the real one.

"You okay?" Grubmon asked, looking at his partner with concern.

"I'm fine," Thorax assured him. "Just a little overwhelmed, that's all." They made their way through the floating island, towards the foyer and looked around for his friends. But he couldn't spot any at the moment.

As he found a place to sit, he spotted a screen showing a Dorulumon fighting a Musyamon. He wondered if that was Applejack, competing in another battle. But before he could figure it out, he heard a voice call out to him. "Thorax!"

He looked around and spotted Flash, Veemon, Twilight, Tawnimon, Trixie and Lunamon. "Hey guys," he nodded. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," Flash told him. "Micro's still trying to find Datamon, whilst we're looking for someplace WarGrowlmon might be hiding out."

"Right," Thorax nodded. He also wondered where Datamon and WarGrowlmon might be, especially after the near miss that the last battle against WarGrowlmon had been. "So you think you've found someplace he might be hiding?"

"Not really," Twilight frowned. "But, we've discovered an interesting location scan I recently got. You ever been to a snowy biome before?"

"No," Thorax shook his head. "You guys are going somewhere cold?"

"Why not?" Flash asked, "it sounds fun. Come on. I bet it'll be a great adventure." Thorax thought for a moment, then nodded his head.

"Sure," he got up, "why not. I might find an interesting Digimon to scan."

"That's the spirit," Trixie smiled. "Just watch. This'll be great." The others nodded, as they all headed towards the Digi-Port. But as they made their way over there, Thorax continued to think about what his mother had said.

He loved coming to Codex, hanging with his friends and going on adventures in the Digital World. But was it distracting him from his studies back home? He thought about his days in the real world, where he would spend his days studying. But all the while, he couldn't wait for his digital self to return and show him all the amazing things that had happened during his time there.

"Thorax," he turned to Flash, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine. We going?" They nodded, with Twilight sending them a transport link. Once they all locked on, they pointed their Digivices up before hitting the button.

In a flash of light, they were all flying through the tunnel together.

Once they reached the other side, they found themselves standing in a winter wonderland. Their feet suddenly sank several inches into the snow, whilst a biting wind suddenly started raging around them.

"Gyah!" Trixie cried, "why did I think this was a good idea?"

Twilight held up her Digivice. "Everyone has winter scans, right." They nodded and started typing away at their Digivices, finding the clothing they had all uploaded for just such an occasion. In a flash, they were all transformed into different clothes.

Flash's remained mostly the same, except with red gloves and a red hat on his head.

Trixie was dressed in a long blue coat, white thermal leggings, a purple scarf, gloves and a green hat. Twilight was dressed in a similar way, except with pink ear warmers instead of a hat and purple pants. Thorax was dressed in a thick woolly jumper, black pants and an orange hat and gloves.

"Much better," Trixie sighed. But then she heard shivering and saw Veemon, Tawnimon and Grubmon looking just as cold.

The only one not appearing bothered by the cold was Lunamon, who happily walked along the top of the snow without any issue. "This is great. Why haven't we come here before?"

"Flash!" Veemon cried, "flame me up!" Flash nodded and loaded a deck.

"Digi-Armor...Energise!" The Digimental of Courage appeared before shooting towards Veemon, hitting him in the chest and causing him to burst into flames.

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." He quickly reshaped himself before the flames extinguished to reveal his first ever Digivolution. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!" His armor began to heat up and both Grubmon and Tawnimon got right up next to him, letting out a sigh. "So much better."

"Um...Flamedramon." Flash pointed at the ground. "You might wanna turn your feet off." Flamedramon raised an eyebrow, only to then realise Flash and the others were getting taller.

But then he looked down and saw his feet armor was melting through the snow, causing him to sink into it. "Wow!" He leapt out and stopped channelling heat to his feet, allowing him to stay on the snow but causing his toes to get rather cold. "Why couldn't I have a Digivolution that likes being in the snow?"

"Maybe there's an Armor form," Flash pointed out. "Just have to wait and see if one ever shows up."

Twilight hummed. "I'm pretty sure the Digimental of Friendship does that. Some of the armors I've seen it make have ice abilities. I think it's a two fold Digimental. And since Veemon uses the lightning half, he doesn't have an ice form." Flash frowned, as they finally took in their surroundings.

They found themselves surrounded by snowy hills and as they climbed up to the top of one, they found themselves looking down at a beautiful landscape.

A large forest, covered in snow, with a lake of some kind located in the middle of it. Mountains could be seen behind the forest, looking like the perfect area to ski or snowboard. "Amazing," Grubmon stated.

"Do you think any Digimon live down there?" Flash asked, as they slowly began to make their way down the forest.

As they did, their Digivices suddenly started beeping. "What's that?" Trixie asked, as they held the devices out. The next thing they knew, some kind of radar screen appeared on the device and had a red dot on the very edge of it.

"The Digivices must have picked up on something." Twilight tried to determine what it was.

"Since when have they been able to do that?" Thorax asked, with Twilight turning to him.

"Remember that last update? It was right after our little trip to the Dark Ocean." They all shuddered, as they remembered that horrible place. "The Codex Commanders developed a program to detect unusual energy signatures. Either from digital distortions or items of great power."

"So the Digivice is picking something up?" Flamedramon asked, looking over Flash's shoulder. "What is it?"

"I don't know," Flash frowned. "I just hope it's not anything dangerous. I really don't wanna find myself someplace like the Dark Ocean." The others had to agree, as they reached the bottom of the hill. As they did, the signal continued to remain on the edge of the screens.

Twilight hummed. "Wherever this signal's coming from, it must be pretty far away." She turned until the red dot was at the very centre of the screen's top. "That way." She pointed towards the forest, the others getting the same direction.

"Let's go." Flash led the way, as they entered the forest. They found the snow under the canopy wasn't as thick as it was outside the forest, which meant they didn't have to worry about trekking through the knee high white powder. But there were still plenty of other things they had to worry about, like tripping over roots hidden under the snow.

Flamedramon unleashed a flameless wave of heat, which quickly melted the snow in the direction they were heading.

Trixie then looked around. "So what kind of Digimon do you think we'll see here?" The others thought about it, trying to remember which Digimon they knew of that were known to use ice-type attacks.

"Frigimon are known for living in icy environments," Thorax pointed out. "There's also Icemon, IceDevimon, Hyogamon..."

"And those are just the champions," Twilight agreed. "We might find more powerful Digimon in this area. Like Frozomon."

"I've heard of that Digimon," Flash nodded. "Doesn't it focus all its attention, on rescuing those in danger? And if anyone gets in the way of its mission, it'll attack without mercy." Twilight nodded.

"Yup. So we best be careful if we run into one."

"Great," Trixie frowned. "Just what we need. Ice rescue that might mean we need rescuing." As she said that, they suddenly heard a sound and looked ahead.

The Digimon stepped forward, getting ready to attack if they needed to. And soon enough, a short figure appeared through the trees. If it was a Digimon, it seemed to be Rookie size. But appearances could be deceiving. "Who's there?" Flamedramon asked. "Show yourself."

"I will," the figure stepped forward. "But only because I want to know what you're doing here." The Digimon was a strange looking snow bear Digimon, wearing brownish green armor on his head, chest and feet. On his chest armor was the kanji for ice and the little Digimon was carrying a rocket launcher in his hands, which he was currently pointing at them.

"State your business here!" He cried, the rocket launcher looking set to blast them all.

"Aw," Trixie smiled, "he's so cute and fluffy."

"Cute?" The Digimon cried, "I'm the Legendary Warrior of Ice. I am not cute. I'm fierce and dangerous. Now I won't ask you again. State your business here!"

"Wow!" Thorax stepped forward, "our business is peaceful. Very peaceful. We came here out of curiosity. To look around and see what was here. Then we detected something."

"Detected what?"

"We don't know," Twilight stated. "That's why we're searching for it. We swear, we mean you no harm."

The Digimon hummed for a moment, then chose to lower his blaster. "Alright. I'm going to give you the chance to prove this. But you haven't earned my trust yet. Take one step out of line and you'll be in trouble." They nodded, as the Digimon placed his blaster away. "My name is Kumamon. As I mentioned before. I'm the Legendary Warrior of ice."

"Like Flamemon and Strabimon?" Flash asked, but Twilight shook her head.

"No. I think his power level is closer to Agunimon and Lobomon."

Thorax stepped closer. "We're sorry for disturbing you. We really are just here to look around."

"You say you detected something," Kumamon stated. "Could this something be dangerous?"

"Honestly," Twilight shrugged, "no idea. We'd have to see it first to know what it is." Kumamon thought for a moment before turning away, gesturing for them to follow.

"Come with me." He made his way through the forest, the others following after. They were heading in the direction of the signal, making them wonder if Kumamon knew about whatever it was.

After a few minutes of travelling, they found themselves stepping out of the forest onto a larger snowy field. The lake was right next to this field and filling it, were a bunch of igloos the size of houses.

Digimon filled the village, being a collection of Penguinmon, Frigimon and two Digimon they had never seen before, though they looked similar to ones they did. One was a Gotsumon, made entirely of ice. Whilst the other was a snow white Agumon.

The Digimon noticed their arrival and a Frigimon stepped towards them. "Kumamon. Who are these individuals?"

"They are explorers, claiming to be here in order to learn. But they also say they've detected something. Something that could be dangerous." The Digimon all looked worried, as Twilight began scanning the area to try and get a lock on the item in question.

"What could be dangerous?" Frigimon asked, then turned towards the lake. "Could this have something to do with the legend?"

"What legend?" Flash asked, clearly curious about what they were talking about. "If it might help us find this thing, any info you have could help."

Frigimon nodded before turning towards the lake, the others following him. As they approached, they noticed something. The sides of the lake were quite high and based on how muddy they appeared, water used to be up against those sides. Had someone drained the lake?

"Every ten years, a Digimon appears from out of this lake. A Digimon of incredible power. Akhlumon."

"Akhlumon?" Twilight asked, having never heard of that Digimon before.

"It's a savage beast," Frigimon gulped. "The last time it appeared, it tore the village apart and deleted half the villagers living here. I barely survived its rampage."

"Sound dangerous," Trixie frowned. "So what? Is it gonna show up again?"

"It most certainly will," Frigimon nodded. "It's always the same. An aurora in the sky, right above the lake. Then, the ice covering the lake breaks apart and sinks to the bottom of it. The lake gets shallower and eventually, Akhlumon appears."

"I was wondering why a lake wasn't frozen," Thorax nodded. "But wait. If you know Akhlumon is coming, why are you still here? Leave!"

"That has already been done. But this Digimon is a tracker of the highest degree. If we run, all it would do is hunt us down. It is nothing but a giant killing machine." That didn't sound good to them, the humans and their Digimon looking worried at one another. "All we can do, is pray that we survive and it returns to its treasure."

"What treasure?" Flamedramon asked.

"We do not know. All we know is, there is something within that lake. Something that Akhlumon protects from anyone who tries to get close to it."

"I'm guessing that's what we're detecting." Twilight held her Digivice out to the lake, the signal actually being slightly closer. "So somewhere, down there, Akhlumon's treasure is waiting to be found."

"And you wanna go see what's down there?" Flash asked, Twilight giving him a smirk.

"Well have fun," Trixie told her. "I might like using ice Digimon, but there's no way I'm jumping in there and turning myself into an icicle."

"She's right," Thorax nodded. "There's no way we'll be able to swim down there without freezing." Flash and Twilight realised she was right, but Flash smirked before taking out his Digivice.

"Let's try this." A cube of light appeared, with Betamon inside. "Biomerge!" The cube flew over him and he transformed. "Betamon, Digivolve to..." The cube exploded, as a large serpentine Digimon suddenly grew out of it and slithered into the water. As he did, the light faded to reveal him. "Seadramon."

Everyone stared at the Digimon in shock, as Seadramon dived down into the water.

"Hey!" Twilight cried, "you could have taken me with you!" But Seadramon quickly swam down into the deepest areas of the water, the icy cold of it not even bothering him. And thanks to his brilliant eyesight, he could see everything in front of him no matter how dark it got.

As he reached the bottom of the lake, he started searching for any kind of treasure. But there was nothing there. Nothing worth calling a treasure, at the very least. The place was nothing but sand and a few weeds.

Then, as he reached what he assumed was the exact centre of the lake, he spotted something that made him raise an eyebrow. An opening, on the lake's floor. A large crack of some kind, big enough to fit a truck through.

As he swam up to the crack, he studied it and noticed the edge of each side perfectly aligned with the part at the exact opposite. Did this crack close to perfectly fit together?

He looked down the crack and found a long tunnel, leading deep into the earth.

He wanted to check it out, but realised the tunnel wouldn't quite fit him. It was large enough, but Seadramon would just barely fit. If there was a dead-end, there'd be no way for him to turn around and swim back up. He would be stuck.

Seadramon pulled away from the crack and began to head back towards the shore, surfacing and causing many of the Digimon to look startled until they realised who it was. "Found something," he spoke in his hissy voice.

"Really?" Twilight smiled. "What did you find?"

"A crack. An opening on the lake-bed. It looks like it can close and fit perfectly into place, making it look like the crack was never there. And it leads to some kind of tunnel. It's too narrow for me to go down, but I'm sure that something's down there."

"Great," Trixie frowned, "so how do we get down there?"

"We'll need a smaller Digimon," Twilight realised. "But do we have any that fit the bill? Most water Digimon are pretty big. Unless we go Rookie. But I wouldn't want to go down there without having some added power."

Thorax took out his Digivice and looked through it, stepping forward as he found what he was looking for. "I have one that might help." They turned to him, as he showed them an image of the Digimon Dolphmon.

"How long have you had that?" Seadramon asked.

"I've had it a while," Thorax explained. "I've just never had an actual reason to use it. But I kept it in case I ever needed a Digimon that could swim down somewhere. It's pretty fast, so I shouldn't have too much of an issue getting down that tunnel before I run out of air."

"Now we're talking," Flamedramon smirked. "Nice work, Thorax." The others nodded, as Thorax gave them a weak smile.

Down below, a creature was swimming through the water of the lake.

It moved with incredible speed, heading towards the surface. And when it got close, it noticed it wasn't the only Digimon in the water. There was another, living inside its lake. And it wouldn't let that happen.

"So Thorax will go down," Twilight nodded. "And the rest of us will-"

"WOW!" Seadramon suddenly found himself being dragged backwards into the lake, shocking everyone as he disappeared into the water. His friends called out to him, as he curled around and looked back at what was currently biting his tail.

That something was a dark figure, becoming camouflaged with the darkness of the lake. Even Seadramon's great eyes couldn't tell what it was. "Water Shock!" He fired a blast of water from his mouth, which created a pressure wave that slammed the water in front of it into the beast.

The impact forced it to release Seadramon, the Digimon quickly swimming up to the surface. But the Digimon attacking him was strong, as well as fast. Before Seadramon could reach the surface, it somehow got in front of him and unleashed a sonic blast of some kind.

That blast slammed into Seadramon and knocked him backwards, as the creature flew forward. "Ice Blast!" He unleashed a torrent of freezing cold water, which formed a large ice cube in the water.

The creature smashed into the ice and bounced off it, looking rather dazed. Seadramon then wrapped himself around the ice, as it began to float up towards the surface.

Everyone watched the water, worried that Flash was in danger.

But then, a large chunk of ice came out of the water and Seadramon was revealed. "FLASH!" They cheered, as Seadramon smiled. He then used his Ice Blast, to freeze the surface of the lake between him and the shore. This allowed him to slither along it, without needing to go into the water.

But as he slid along the ice, part of it exploded and something shot out of the hole. It landed in front of Seadramon and now that it was out of the water, he could take in what it looked like.

It was some kind of crossbreed Digimon, looking like a fusion of an orca whale and a wolf.

It was around the size of an elephant, its body being mostly wolf-shaped. It had a wolf's head and ears, along with a large body and strong front legs. But its body was hairless and had orca skin, being black at the top of its head, back of its body, legs and tail. Its lower jaw, neck and underbelly were with, with two white spots on the black parts just before the back legs.

It had three dorsal fins. One between its shoulder blades, one just before its tail and one directly between the other two. Its tail was that of an orca, being a long black limb with a whale fin on the end of it. Around its eyes were white marks and instead of dog paws, its feet had a pair of human-like hands with claws and webbing between them.

Everyone was shocked by this creature and realised it had to be Akhlumon, as the creature stepped across the ice.

"The beast appears," Frigimon gasped.

"We've gotta help Flash!" Flamedramon rushed forward, the others looking to do the same. But Twilight stopped Thorax. "Go dive into the water." He looked shocked, as Flamedramon unleashed a Fire Rocket onto Akhlumon. "This could be our only chance. Whilst it's distracted."

"Lunamon, Digivolve to...Lekismon!" The moon rabbit leapt forward and dealt a kick to its face, as Thorax nodded.

"Alright." He and Grubmon ran off, as Twilight and Tawnimon turned towards the battle.

Akhlumon staggered around, as Seadramon, Flamedramon and Lekismon surrounded it. And as Lekismon ran in for another attack, the Digimon leapt into the air. "Howling Sonic!" The beast unleashed a powerful sonic blast, which caused the three to flinch. The sound was so high pitched, it felt like nails on a chalk board.

The attack also caused the ice beneath them to crack and break apart, trapping them all on an island

Akhlumon then dived down into the water, whilst the others did their best to keep their balance so they were thrown in. "Ice Blast!" Seadramon tried to freeze the water again, but Akhlumon exploded out of the ice before it could settle.

It swam through the water, its three fins sticking out the surface as it shot towards Seadramon. "Look out!" Flamedramon cried, as the Digimon slammed into the ice berg and caused it to rock.

Seadramon struggled to keep his balance, as the creature turned its attention to Flamedramon. "Hold on!" Lekismon took out an ice arrow and fired it, but the ice simply shattered against Akhlumon's tough body.

"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon launched a fire blast, but nothing happened.

"Water Shock!" Seadramon also launched a stream of fire, but Akhlumon was just too strong. "What Level is this Digimon?" Akhlumon dived under the water and moments later, Flamedramon's ice float was capsized.

"WOW!" He cried, as he fell towards the water. No doubt once he fell in there, the cold of it would cause him to De-Digivolve.

But at the very last minute, something caught him by the arm and he quickly was lifted into the air. "I gotcha!" HooTawnimon announced, as he was lifted up above the lake.

Unimon and Sorcerimon were also there, as Akhlumon leapt out of the water and landed on another ice float. The beast roared, as the Digimon glared down at him.

"Be careful," Unimon cried. "Only Seadramon and Lekismon can handle water that cold. Don't let yourself fall in." The others nodded. "We've gotta keep this thing distracted until Thorax gets back."

Thorax had run around the outer edges of the lake, the sounds of the battle filling the air.

"Thorax!" Grubmon cried, "I'll get in the Digivice. Just in case you need me." Thorax nodded and quickly sucked his partner into the device, as he reached an area where Akhlumon wouldn't see him.

"Alright," he activated the cube, "Biomerge!" Inside, an image of Penguinmon appeared within the cube. He leapt into it and transformed, Penguinmon flying out of the other side and into the water. "Penguinmon, Digivolve to..." He was soon surrounded by light, as his body reshaped itself until it became a dolphin-like Digimon. He was a mixture of blue and white, with light blue stripes on his back and a scar on his bottle nose. "Dolphmon!"

The icy water did nothing to him, as he swam down towards the bottom of the lake and spotted the crack Seadramon had told him about. And as he got closer, he saw how large and deep it was. "Oh man."

"You can do this," Grubmon told him from his Digivice. "The others are counting on you. For all we know, what's down there could be the only reason Akhlumon is here. If we get rid of it, that overgrown wolf whale might go away.

Thorax sighed, then dove down into the crack. He could only hope whatever was down there wasn't dangerous.

"Moon Night Bomb!" Lekismon unleashed the bubbles, which flew towards Akhlumon and attempted to put it to sleep.

But the orca wolf leapt into the air, the bubbles flying under it. "Howling Sonic!" He unleashed the sonic blast from his mouth, which slammed into Lekismon and caused her to be sent flying backwards. She barely managed to get her feet on the water, allowing her to skirt along it until she came to a stop.

Unimon and HooTawnimon flew down, Flamedramon and Sorcerimon being dropped onto ice floats as the pair attacked. "Aerial Shot/Sky Strike!" Unimon fired the light orb from her mouth, which Akhlumon dodged by leaping into the water. This caused HooTawnimon to have to stop and pull himself up, allowing Akhlumon to attack.

He shot out of the water, his claws becoming covered in ice. "Subzero Slash!" He struck HooTawnimon, the ice covered claws slashing against him and making the owl cry out.

"Ice Barrage!" Sorcerimon unleashed a blast of icicles, but they did nothing as they bounced off Akhlumon's body. The Digimon turned to her and Flamedramon before unleashing another Howling Sonic, which caused the ice they were on to shatter.

Both Digimon leapt into the air, as their ice broke apart. And before Sorcerimon could try and find another place to land, Akhlumon leapt out of the water.

"WOW!" She cried, as the hybrid spun around and smashed its orca tail into her. The force knocked her flying backwards, as he Digital form shattered to reveal her human self.

"Trixie!" Lekismon leapt up and caught her partner, but Akhlumon used this opening to unleash another Howling Sonic. The blast slammed into them both, with Lekismon shielding Trixie as they were both blasted across the lake until they crashed into the bank.

They both moaned, as Lekismon reverted back to Lunamon. "Are they okay?" Kumamon and the others rushed up to them, seeing both weren't in the best of conditions.

"I think so," Frigimon nodded. "But if Akhlumon attacks, we're gonna be in trouble."

Flamedramon leapt off his ice float and fired another fire blast towards Akhlumon, but the Digimon simply dove into the water. At the same time, Seadramon dove in as well. He chased after Akhlumon and tried to wrap his serpentine body around him, but the Digimon was having none of that.

Akhlumon swam back towards the surface and as it leapt out of the water, Unimon charged at him. "Aerial Gallop!" She tried to stab it with her horn, but Akhlumon counted with its Subzero Slash before swinging its tail around. "Gyah!" She cried, as she was thrown backwards and fell towards the water.

HooTawnimon flew up and caught her, as Seadramon surfaced and tried to blast it with a water blast.

Akhlumon dodged the attack and landed in the water, then quickly surfaced before Unimon could recover. "Howling Sonic!" The high pitched air blast slammed into the two and sent them flying backwards, eventually crashing them into the snow at the edge of the lake. The impact also caused snow to fall off a nearby try, right onto them.

Both were suddenly covered in snow and overwhelmed by the cold, causing them both to lose focus on their forms and reverted back to their normal states.

As they pushed themselves up, they shivered as they watched Seadramon and Flamedramon continue to fight against Akhlumon. She then looked down at the lake, hoping Thorax had found what they were looking for.

Dolphmon had been swimming for a good while and the tunnel seemed to go on forever.

Eventually, he found it curved and headed sideways for about half a mile before curving back up. "I hope this leads somewhere that has air." Being a Digimon, Dolphmon could hold his breath much longer than a real dolphin. But he didn't have limitless air. "Come on."

It was then that he saw a light at the end of the tunnel and swam faster, moving towards that light and eventually breaking through the surface of the water.

He took a breath and looked around, seeing he was in some kind of ice cavern. The walls and pillars holding it up were all covered by ice, but the pillars also had some kind of luminous rock that was glowing through the ice and filling the place with light. Thorax didn't know how much air was in there, but he didn't want to stick around to find out.

As he swam towards the shore, he leapt out of the water and reverted back to human. He landed and Grubmon came out of the Digivice, the pair looking around. "This must be Akhlumon's home."

"Yeah," Thorax nodded. "Don't know why it'd want to be stuck in here for ten years." Suddenly, his Digivice started beeping and he found the detection system was going nuts. Whatever they had picked up, it was coming from here.

He followed the device towards the back of the cavern, where a small opening was located.

It was just big enough for Thorax to squeeze through, Grubmon not having any issues. And when he got through, he found a small chamber behind the opening. And in that small opening was a stone table, which had something in the very centre of it.

"Is that..." Thorax stared at the object on the table, which was almost shaped like a bowling pin. One side of it was silver, with a red collection of triangles on it that made the shape of a fish, whilst the other side was purple and had a gray symbol on it that was a cross with triangles around it.

Thorax held his Digivice up and scanned it, getting a bio of it that Grubmon read. "Digimental of Reliability?"

"So this thing will let Digimon Armor Digivolve." Thorax stepped forward and grabbed the object, attempting to lift it up. But it was stuck to the table. "It won't budge!"

"Put your back into it," Grubmon cried. Thorax tried, but he couldn't lift the Digimental.

"It's no use. It won't move." Thorax stepped back and thought about it, a frown on his lips. "Flash was able to move the Digimentals of Courage and Friendship, because he's pretty much the embodiment of those attributes. And Fluttershy's the kindest person I know. Of course she could lift the Digimental of Kindness. I bet the other Digimentals only let themselves be lifted by people who represented those traits."

"So," Grubmon asked, "what does that matter?"

"I can't lift it. So it doesn't think I have what it takes to wield it."

"Thorax." Grubmon jumped down on the table, as Thorax staggered back and leaned against the table.

"My friends were counting on me to find this thing."

"And you did."

"But I can't take it back with me." He slid down the wall. "The Codex Commanders need this. To help Digimon Digivolve into the armored forms they could want. I've got the Digimental right here and I can't do anything with it."

"So what?" Grubmon asked.

"You heard what Frigimon said. This place doesn't stay open forever. If we can't find a way to move it before it closes, the Digimental will be lost for another ten years." Grubmon realised what he was getting at. "The others were counting on me and I failed...again."


"Ice Blast!" Seadramon roared, unleashing the super cold breath towards Akhlumon.

But the orca wolf dodged the attack and dived down into the water, Seadramon about to dive in after him. But before he could, he felt something grab his tail and pull him along. "Flash!" Flamedramon cried, as his partner was pulled backwards before being yanked under the water. "NO!"

Moments later, the water exploded and Akhlumon flew up into the air.

Seadramon's tail was still in its mouth and with a powerful swing, the sea serpent was completely pulled out of the water and thrown into the air. Seadramon tried to fight back, but Akhlumon was too strong. "Howling Sonic!" He unleashed his sound blast attack and it slammed into Seadramon, knocking him backwards as his digital form exploded.

Flamedramon gasped and rocketed into the air, grabbing Flash before he could hit the water. And as Akhlumon prepared another attack, his feet exploded and he was rocketed towards the shore.

Akhlumon dived down into the water and chased after them, as Flamedramon landed on the bank and put Flash down. The creature then swam forward, preparing to attack. But before it could get close, Kumamon ran up to it.

"Blizzard Blaster!" His weapon fired a bunch of snowballs, which slammed into Akhlumon but simply bounced off the creature. This thing was practically unstoppable.

Back below, Grubmon jumped down and moved over to Thorax. "You've been acting weird all day. Does this have something to do with what happened this morning?"

Thorax frowned. "All my life, my mom's wanted me to be the best I can be. She wants me to be nothing but a perfect little son, so she can mould me into someone just like her. My family's run our business for generations and it's always been expected of me to take over one day."

"But do you?" Grubmon asked.

"I...I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. I've never really thought about it. I just kind of assumed it would happen."

"Maybe you should think about it. You don't want to spend most of your life doing something you don't care about and one day realising, you've wasted your life just to make your family happy."

"But she's counting on me," Thorax told him.

"Maybe. But it's your life. Your mother doesn't have the right to make you decide how you'll spend it. You have to decide what kind of life you want. What you want to do with your life." As he said that, Thorax's Digivice beeped and he took it out. As he did, he found a message from Twilight.

"Thorax," it played, "please tell me you've found whatever's down that tunnel. Akhlumon's too strong. We can't keep it distracted much longer." The message ended abruptly and Thorax realised his friends were in danger.

He looked up at the Digimental of Reliability. He couldn't be sure, but something told him its power would allow the wielders to become aquatic Digimon. But he couldn't lift it.

"What do I want to do with my life?" Thorax asked. "I want to help my friends." He stood up. "If I can't lift this thing, so be it. I've got a bunch of strong Digimon I can use to fight against Akhlumon." He stepped out of the small gap and back towards the water. He had scanned the village, so he should be able to Digi-Port right there. "My friends need me. And I'll use what I have to help them."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Grubmon cheered, only to then notice a light coming from the gap. "Huh?"

Thorax turned to the crack and noticed the Digimental was glowing, the teen moving towards it and feeling the light was pulling him to it. He quickly placed his hand around the item and pulled, finding the Digimental was now as light as a feather. "What?"

Grubmon laughed. "Don't you see. Because you were willing to do whatever you could to help your friends, the Digimental saw you were reliable. That's why it let itself give you its power. Really reliable people are those that will do what they can, with what they have."

Thorax smiled. "Thanks, Grubmon." He looked at the egg and wondered, "can you Digivolve with this?"

"I have no idea," Grubmon told him. "Wanna give it a try?"

"Maybe later," Thorax took out his Digivice. "We need to figure out how everything's going with the others first." He quickly slotted the village and raised the Digivice upwards and fired, the pair teleporting.

"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon shot towards Akhlumon, who leapt out of the water to meet him.

They both slammed into each other, with Flamedramon's propulsion pushing Akhlumon back slightly. But before it could be overwhelmed, Akhlumon suddenly spun around and slammed its tail into him.

"Gyah!" Flamedramon cried, as he fell into the water. His flames were quickly put out and the cold of it was like a million tiny needles, stabbing into him. He cried out, as he shrank down and his armor disappeared.

Veemon did his best to swim back to the surface and as he got closer, Akhlumon dived down into the water and created a wave. This wave pushed Veemon through the water until he crashed into the bank, crying out as he did so.

"Veemon!" Flash rushed over to him and grabbed the freezing Digimon, as Akhlumon surfaced again. It spotted them and roared, as it began to swim towards them.

"Blizzard Blaster!" Kumamon cried, firing more snowballs. But they didn't even phase the Digimon. "What's it gonna take to beat this thing?" It was then that a light appeared on the bank of the lake, catching everyone's attention.

When the light faded, Thorax was standing there with Grubmon and something in his hands. "Thorax!" Twilight cheered, only to see what he was holding. "Is that..."

Thorax looked around and spotted Flash and Veemon were in trouble, as Akhlumon looked ready to finish them off. "FLASH!" He held the Digimental up before throwing it with all his might.

The Digimental flew through the air, Flash turning to see it and going wide-eyed when he saw it. And before Akhlumon could do anything, he caught it and spun towards Veemon. "Digi-Armor...ENERGISE!" The Digimental transformed into a bright light, which flew towards Veemon and hit him in the chest.

As soon as he did, his body was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of bubbles. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." His form began to change and transform, his legs disappearing whilst his tail appeared to grow and consume his entire lower half.

The bubbles then began to pop, revealing his new form. He was now some kind of mermaid-like Digimon, with a long fish tail covering his lower half. From head to tail, he was around the same height as Flamedramon. He was wearing blue and white armor on his chest, shoulders, waist and upper arms. His lower arms were in silver armor, with metal claws on his hands that had webbing between them.

His exposed stomach was a lighter blue than Veemon, almost white in colour, with the front of his tail also being that colour. The back of said tail and the shark fin on the end were made of the same metal as his claws, whilst his head was covered in a blue and white helmet. Said helmet had a scuba diver's mask, covering his eyes, whilst a bush of orange hair was sticking out the back.

The Digimon used his tail to spring into the air, spinning around as the transformation was complete. "Depthmon, the Reliable Deep Sea Scout!"

Depthmon began to fall towards the water and dived into it, the cold no longer affecting him thanks to his resistant armor. And as he swam, Akhlumon dived down after him. It swam as fast as it could, but Depthmon wasn't scared.

The tips of his armor's spikes all had a bunch of holes on them, which began to suck water in from the whole at the base and blasted it out of the tips. This allowed Depthmon to move through the water, swimming around at an incredible speed. He was so fast, Akhlumon didn't stand a chance of catching him.

He swam around the beast, who slashed and howled at him with no shot at hitting him.

"Nice try!" He cheered as he dived down towards the lake-bed. Akhlumon swam after him, picking up more and more speed as they drew closer to the floor. Then, at the last moment, Depthmon suddenly pulled up and Akhlumon found itself crashing into the ground.

Depthmon laughed as he swam back up, as Akhlumon pushed itself back to its feet.

He then started spinning, moving faster and faster with the water swirling around him. This formed a whirlpool in the water, which the others on the surface quickly noticed. And as the maelstrom grew larger, Akhlumon suddenly found itself being pulled inside.

It roared, as it was dragged around by the powerful current.

At the same time, Depthmon let himself be taken by his own current and used it to pick up speed. He then used his jets to propel him upwards until he shot out of the water. His friends all saw this and gasped, as Depthmon swung his clawed hands around and started pulling water out of the air.

Akhlumon finally escaped the whirlpool and its head surfaced, only to then see Depthmon above it with a large water sphere between his hands. "Bubble Bomb!" The sphere shot towards the Digimon and slammed into it, exploding with a blast of water slamming into its face.

Akhlumon sank back into the water, as Depthmon dived down under the water as well. And as they both fell deeper, Akhlumon recovered and unleashed another Howling Sonic. But Depthmon managed to dodge the attack without issue thanks to his jets, then shot forward.

"Marine Knives!" His claws and the fins on his arm glowed as he shot past, slashing at Akhlumon and cutting right into the beast's body.

Akhlumon roared in pain, as Depthmon prepared to attack again. But before he could, something happened that caught his attention. The entire lake started to vibrate.

Everyone on the surface also felt it. The ground was beginning to shake, whilst the surface of the water rocked and splashed around.

"An earthquake?" Twilight asked, as Frigimon looked surprised.

"This is what happens after Akhlumon disappears. When it's finished attacking our village, it dives back into the water. After that, the ground begins to shake and the water gets violent." The others realised what this meant and turned towards the lake, hoping the fight going on down there was drawing to a close.

Akhlumon used Depthmon's surprise to attack, swimming forward and slashing at him.

Depthmon barely managed to block with his armored arms, the slash knocking him backwards and causing him to crash into the bottom of the lake. As he did, he could feel the ground starting to shift beneath him. The crack was beginning to close, pushing water out from between it as it did.

Akhlumon dived down, attempting to slash at Depthmon. But the Armor Digimon managed to jump to the side, avoiding the attack as he brought his hands together. "Bubble Bomb!" He launched the attack and it struck Akhlumon before it could try to avoid it, the oncoming explosion disrupting the water around it and making it dizzy.

Depthmon then swam forward and grabbed the Digimon by the tail, using his jets to propel himself as he pulled Akhlumon behind him.

The Digimon roared as it was dragged around, unable to escape the pull of Depthmon's propulsion. And as they got closer to the crack, Depthmon spun around and swung the hybrid Digimon around. It roared as he swung it around and around and around. And eventually, Depthmon let him go and he was thrown downwards.

Akhlumon roared as he sank downwards, into the crack that was still big enough to fit him in.

But at the last moment, the crack shrunk again and caused a blast of water to be pushed upwards. It slammed into Akhlumon's back and pushed it back up, as it began to recover and was about to swim back up. If it wasn't in the crack when it finally closed, it might never leave and the village would be in serious danger.

"Here goes!" Depthmon started swinging his claws through the water, creating a bunch of air bubbles that it started forming into a sphere in front of him. And as Akhlumon got close to the top of the crack, he thrust it forward. "Sargasso Drag!" The water exploded into a powerful stream, which shot down towards Akhlumon and slammed it in the chest.

The beast roared, as it tried to fight against the current this was forming. But the push was too strong.

Depthmon watched, as Akhlumon was pushed down into the crack. It went down deeper and deeper, as another shake caused the crack to close again. More water was pushed upwards, slamming into Depthmon and pushing him back. And as he was, the crack grew smaller and smaller. Eventually, it got too small from Akhlumon to swim through.

The Digimon was either crushed between the rock, or swam back down to its den. And who knows what would happen when it discovered its treasure was gone.

Finally, the crack slammed shut and was sealed. Hopefully, the Digimental being gone would mean that crack would never open again. And if it did, Depthmon hoped it wouldn't be for a very long time.

Back on the shore, everyone watched and waited to see what happened.

Thorax also explained what he found inside the tunnel and when he was finished with his story, the water splashed and something flew out of it. "Depthmon!" Flash cheered, as his partner flew down and landed on the shore. As he did, they noticed he was somehow floating in the air. "Did you do it?"

"You bet!" Depthmon cheered before he started glowing, the light flying off of him and flying towards Thorax.

It formed the Digimental, Thorax catching it as Veemon returned to his Rookie stage. As the dragon got used to having legs again, everyone looked out at the lake. The water had risen and now, the lake looked completely normal.

"Akhlumon is gone?" Frigimon asked.

"Yes," Thorax told him. "I don't know if it'll be back, but hopefully it won't be." He looked down at the Digimental. "It was protecting this. I don't know if that's why it was there to begin with, but now it's gone. Hopefully, Akhlumon will choose to leave the lake for good the next time it opens up."

"I hope so too," Frigimon nodded.

"Thank you," Kumamon told them. "You've really helped us. Thanks to you, our village was untouched and nobody was hurt." The others nodded, glad they were able to fix things. And they had gotten something great out of it, as the players quickly scanned the Digimental. They were all excited to see what kind of Digimon this Digimental would give them.

As soon as they returned to Codex, Thorax was greeted with Gennai.

The Codex Commanders had discovered the Digimental's existence, as soon as Thorax had scanned it in the cavern. "So you're sure you want to sell the Digimental to us?" Gennai asked, with Thorax nodding. "You're doing a great service to the Digital World, my boy. With this, Digimon everywhere will be able to access this armor form should they want it." He finished the transaction and Thorax found himself many Digi-Dollars richer. "Thank you."

"No problem," Thorax smiled as Gennai disappeared.

He headed over to the Digi-Lab, where Flash and the others were checking out the scan they had gotten. Flash had already created a deck for Depthmon, but was now trying to figure out what Depthmon could become.

Twilight and Trixie were doing the same, though Tawnimon and Lunamon couldn't Armor Digivolve with this new Digimental. Thorax placed his Digivice into the slot and as he did, he found Grubmon could Armor Digivolve. Into a Digimon called Tylomon.

"All the Digimon that use this seemed to be aquatic in nature," Twilight smiled. "I bet we'll be seeing a bunch more water battles from now on."

"That's fine by me," Flash smiled. "Gives me more of an excuse to use Depthmon. Right bud?" Veemon nodded, as Flash turned to Thorax. "And we have you to thank for it. Great work out there."

"Yeah," Trixie smiled. "Guess it makes sense that you'd get the Digimental of Reliability. You always were a pretty reliable person."

"Thanks," Thorax smiled. "I've always wanted to be the kind of person that can help anyone, no matter what they need help with." He thought about what his mother wanted him to do. He still didn't know whether or not he wanted to take over the family business, but he knew he wasn't going to stress out about being the absolute perfect.

He would do his best and accept the grades he earned, using them to carry on with his life. And in that life, he would work to be the most reliable person he could be. Help as many people as he could, with whatever he had available to him. That was the kind of person he was. That was the kind of person that others could rely on.

Author's Note:

Thorax develops some more and thanks to him, Flash and everyone got a brand new armor evolution. I know it's a little cheap, Flash and Veemon getting to win when Thorax was the one who got the Digimental. But come on, Depthmon is just too cool not to have show up. I really wish it had shown up in 02 at least once.

Will Flash and the others find something about Datamon next time, or will something else happen to catch their focus? Find out next time.

Also, I don't know if some of you have seen it yet. But there's a side-story to this story. It's written by the author Ajustice90. It might not look like much right now, but I'm sure it'll pick up with time. So check out Dahlia's Codex Tales

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